Hello beloved readers and friends.
First of all, I'd like to thank all of you who took the time to read and comment the new One-Shot. Surprisingly, it my first "finished" work.

A few replies:
@AFLynx: Yo. Thanks for everything and I guess you beta'd it for me. You'll be doing more of that in the future for sure.

You're treating me to all the coffee the Philippines has to offer if/when I come back to visit (tbd).
@immortal_K: I picture us with laptops/notebooks sitting around conversing about AKB, fics, and such and sipping coffee like a bunch of hipsters, lol. We should do so someday. Lynx's treat. ;P Thanks for the love and sorry for all the delays; don't mind this lazy bum too much, lolol.
@Megumi: Haha, yeah. Coffee shops do radiate that kind of aura at times. You're a barista? I guess we know where me and the two above me will go to for our coffee date.

Thank YOU, for reading. <3
All other comments that were made on my blog; replies were made over there.
Thanks always to everyone else reading and giving "thanks" and the like. You rock and are the life essence of my fics. ;3;/
Now, for a notice.
As you all know, it's been a veeerrryyy long time since I've had my blog open. I promise not to have such a torturous unannounced hiatus again.
I apologize to those of you who sent in emails like crazy for blog access throughout the entire time it was down.
I will leave my blog open as is, but DO know that I am currently "revising" (more so touching up) certain (if not, maybe, all) stories posted thus far.
For "Let's Danso!" readers, CURRENTLY, CHAPTERS 1-5.4 have been "revised" and I am working on Chapter 6 onward.
The main reason for all this is:
"Let's Danso!" was my first akb-fic. I came into writing it with a rough plot/mindset of letting pieces fall together as the story went on, knowing all I wanted was it to be a well thought, LONG, story. But rereading a lot of things now, I'm probably more confused than you readers are at certain events. Thus, revision. Hopefully, you will get more visualization, insight, understanding, and enjoyment of things than last time.
At this point, as the author, I need to round all the things I want happening and start working towards an ending.
I'm not forcing you to reread it all (as it's not the first time I've done this and I can imagine some of you finding it a nuisance)-- but maybe I'm not the only one who forgot what the story was about. lol; I do recommend skimming as always. Dialogue/thoughts have been upgraded and such, etc. A few minor things even deleted. But personally, I think it's better this way.
Again, sorry for all this. Rest assured the main plot will not be changed overall.
Hopefully after all these revisions are done, I'll finally bring out Chapter 7.
Till then, happy reading and writing~