Flean, Sok, Haruko, Megumi, kahem *:.。☆(´∀`人)
I want to post image for Kuu's airplane but I don't know how ( ̄□ ̄;)!!
For your information, Kuu's airplane is like Highwind (in FF7 / Advent children) (*´v`*)
Chapter 7
I give you five seconds… kiss me or not… forgive or not… depend on you”
“5… 4… 3… 2… 1…”
BOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMA loud explosion can be heard from afar. Trees around the camp area were burn out… they are now trapped inside the fire ring. Many figures out there fire the canon toward them. Yuko guide the villagers to hide under the shelter which Haruna build with his Nen power. Haruna’s Nen prevent those fireball strike directly to them.
“Damn! They’re Matsui armies” Atsuko have incredible eyesight which allows him to see in the dark. He can clearly see the outfit and recognize them as Matsui armies. Minami cast her power to fight against them but Atsuko stop her.
“Minami, you’re element is fire. Fire against fire is useless. Mine is water… water always win against fire, let me handle this. You take them to out of here.” Atsuko commands.
“Please be careful” Minami followed Atsuko’s order and went to where Yuko and Haruna were.
Atsuko hurry went the centre of the area and call out some water to dim the fire. “God of water… grant me strength… grant me your power… SHIVA!” A huge rain pour down and extinguishes the fire.
A figure from afar laugh, “Hahaha… I think I underestimate you. But your rain has no effect on my canon. They have water resistance. The engine still works even you pour a ton of water into it… Hahaha… KEEP FIRE”
“Nee-chan! Take them away from this place. I’ll buy you some time” Atsuko charged into the armies and attack them one by one. His sword is gleaming in light blue under the moonlight. He stabs, thrusts and slays continuously at the enemy. No one can stop him coming closer to the commander who stands behind inside the shadow. Suddenly some tiny glowing things flying toward Atsuko and aim his left arm.
“Minami-chan, you take them to Kuu’s plane. I’m going to help that brat.” Said Haruna.
Minami did what Haruna told, she commands the villagers to follow her. Haruna take back his Nen power and was about to go help Atsuko but Yuko pulled his arm and kiss him on the cheek. “Come back soon, I’ll be waiting at the plane” she gave a wink to Haruna then go to where Minami was.
Haruna blush and slightly touch his cheek where Yuko kiss him.
“Agghhh!” Atsuko left arm feels weak after being shot by those tiny things. He is hard to hold up his sword now, his left hand is trembling, he can only dodge the attacks from armies. Ten armies surround him in a circle and about to thrust those sharp spear toward him.
SLASHHHHAn attack comes from Haruna make the armies stand back, he help Atsuko to stand up, “Don’t die here. I still have a fight with you.. over Minami”
“Don’t worry, I won’t die here” Atsuko stand up again and cast his power.
“FIRE” a canon fire to Haruna from his back. Atsuko saw it and went to shield him.
“Don’t!” Haruna push Atsuko away and casting his Nen to blow it, but it’s too late. The fire ball aimed directly to Haruna’s chest. They are being thrown away a few metres. Smokes everywhere cover that place like fogs.
A light shining through the fogs. Haruna figures slowly walks out from it, lightning lines glinting all over his body and his sword. With just one slay, the canon broke in two. “HYAAA” Haruna run in lightning speed and take down forty eight soldiers in one shot.
“Damn!” the commander secretly disappear from the scene.
In Persona (Kuu’s airplane)
=====================“Sorry to trouble you.” Minami apologize to Kuu.
“Nah... don’t say that. You are the princess. I’ll do whatever you told me to.” Kuu bowed with a gentleman gesture.
“I have settled them into the gathering chamber” Yuko report to Kuu.
“Osu! Now, let’s go snatch Haruna and that prince” Kuu throw his fist up ( just like how he does in mendol)
Kuu go to the pilot chamber followed by Minami and Yuko. The pilot chamber is broadly enough for ten people. Two seats at the very front for the pilot, sofa and table are in the middle. The glass are wide so that they can see their surrounding clearly.
Just a few minutes, they’ve reach where Haruna and Atsuko fighting place. Kuu communicate with Haruna through the headphone he told Haruna to wear. He told Haruna that he’s gonna drop down a ladder and they must hurry grab it and get inside.
Kuu launch the gun machine each side at its wings attacks the armies. Haruna and Atsuko takes this chance to flee and grab the ladder. Kuu drive the plane high up to the sky and flee away.
Back into the plane“Acchan! You’re hurt!” Minami told Atsuko to sit down and take care of his wounds.
Yuko want to take care of Haruna too... She grab Haruna arms but ended up getting shock of the lightning power that still left around Haruna. “Ouchh.. Haruna. Are you okay? Your body is full of electrics….”
“Wow! Since when you can control lightning. You never show me before” Kuu leave his plane in auto pilot mode and come join the others.
Atsuko gesture Minami to follow him. He took out his necklace and went closer to Haruna. When Atsuko get closer, Haruna’s necklace also shinning along with Atsuko’s.
“Inside my necklace is the magic crystal – crilyst. Your mother’s necklace response to mine, it means inside it has a crilyst too” Atsuko explained.
“Crilyst… I though there’s only three crilyst in the world” Haruna was surprised.
“Yes, it should be only three left in this world. Each of them was hold by Maeda, Takahashi, and Matsui. But those are common sense. My father told me that actually there are five or more crilyst in this world. It’s just sealed in somewhere and waiting for its holder.” Yuko explained.
“The five elements I know are water, fire, earth, wind, lightning. But there was to be said that there is a dark crilyst which grant great power of darkness and an unknown elements was sealed deep in forbidden city.” Added Atsuko.
“Minami-chan has fire, prince Atsuko has water, and now Haru has lightning… somehow it seems like it’s destiny who bring us here and we are fated to beat down that Jerk Matsui! Yay!” Kuu jump and dance happily about his own calculation.
“Yeah… you make sense… and that’s why they keep pursuing us” Yuko agreed.
“Kuu, didn’t you said that you can control wind and air? You have a crilyst too?” asked Minami.
“Eh?!” Kuu slipped down and his face hit the floor. He sat up and rub his nose, “sorry.. I don’t have any. As you know, I can control wind since I was kid. Still remember how I fly you up into your chamber?”
“Yeah… it seems so. You are a natural user of wind.” Minami put his finger under her chin and deeply in thought.
“Let’s make a team then!” Yuko said in loud voice stunt everyone there. “We have three crilyst here… we just need to gathered the others or finding another crilyst, we’ll definitely surpass that Matsui’s power.”
“You’re right. But nee-chan, besides power we need forces too. We can’t depend only at our power, we need armies too” Atsuko add in.
“About army forces, I can help you. My mother was a great general in Takahashi Kingdom before and I can help you to create new forces with my mother’s relationships and fame” said Haruna.
“For the next, you will need a place to gathering and live! I have traveling for years and if you need a castle, I know there’s a dull old castle northwest from here near Akihabara Sea” said Kuu.
“Let’s talk about it tomorrow, I believe they need rest after the fights” Minami suggested.
“Now you mention it. I’m sleepy… hoooaaaammmm” Kuu walk in to the pilot room.
Since the plane is full for the villagers, five of them decide to sleep inside the pilot room. One by one get in to the pilot room. First is Kuu, followed by Yuko clinging at Haruna, next is Minami, and the last is Atsuko. Before Minami step into the room, Atsuko pulled her and give her a quick kiss on lips.
“I forgive you now. Sleep tight and please dream about me” Atsuko smiled proudly and went in while Minami stare down at floor to hide her blush and went beside Yuko.
As the sun rise up next morning… a new journey will begin…
*********************************************Dou ? ♪( ´▽`)
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