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Author Topic: From Girls to Boys - chap 13 (MaYuki & WMatsui) 4/08/2012  (Read 58639 times)

Offline Sydney W

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.6 Dec. 3
« Reply #40 on: December 04, 2011, 09:41:12 AM »
Omg Mayu is kissing Tomo instead of Yun.. Wonder how the pairing between Kai and Acchan going to be ?! Please update the next..

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.6 Dec. 3
« Reply #41 on: December 04, 2011, 09:24:41 PM »
Lol mayu is so daring  :cathappy:

I wonder whats gonna happen to the other couples :P
Update soon ! :roll:

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.6 Dec. 3
« Reply #42 on: December 04, 2011, 11:27:54 PM »
ROLF! The "girlfriends" are so scary.... especially Acchan well except for Chiyuu* maybe.

Looking forward to next drama scene!

Arigatou!  :bow:

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.6 Dec. 3
« Reply #43 on: December 05, 2011, 07:02:57 PM »
Oh oh I thought Tomochin wouldn't survive after that lol
They are all machiavelouis hehehe

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From Girls to Boys ch.7 Dec. 11
« Reply #44 on: December 11, 2011, 07:55:58 AM »
There still 10 mins left. “Hey Yuu! What’s wrong?” “It’s Harunyan. Mario.” “What do you mean?” “She isn’t here.” “Where did she go?” “She went with the girls.” “Ohh, wait! Here she comes. Why not talk to her.” Mario calls Haruna and pushes Yuu towards her and leaves to where the guys are. “Yuu? Is there something you wanna talk about?” “Um..ano.. Ha-Haruna?” “Yes?” Haruna’s thoughts: Awww! He’s so cute when he stutters. And that shy smile. Aww. I just wanna eat him up. But it’ll be more fun while we’re filming. “Ano…R u in a relationship right now?” Yuu asked timidly. “No. Why?” “I-it’s just…” Before he could finish. “PLACES PEOPLE! WE DON’T GOT ALL DAY!” Ann yells. “We’ll talk later Yuu.” With that Haruna left to sit in her chair. Yuu’s thoughts: WTH?! What’s wrong with me? I just wanted some skinship yet I couldn’t even move or talk to her correctly. She must think I’m an idiot now. “Okay! People! This scene is Tomomi and Yunho telling their parents their dating each other. 5….4….3….2….1….And Action!” Meetan yelled.

Shooting drama
The setting is a really nice Hotel for rich people. “Hey Yunho?” “Hm?” “Do you really think they’ll believe it?” “Oh course. We’ve know each other since childhood. They’ll definitely believe us.” “But don’t you think we’re just pretending?” “No, I think they’ll be happy. So they won’t question it.” “Okay I trust you.” They enter the hotel’s restaurant and meet up with their parents. “Hey Dad, Mom.” “Yunho.”  “Hello mother and father.” “Hello, Tomomi.” They ordered their food and started eating. “So what’s this important announcement you wanted to tell us?” Tomomi’s dad asked. “Well sir, the thing is that I’m dating your daughter.” Both fathers choked on their food. “Really?” The mothers asked excitedly. “Yes.” Both Tomomi and Yunho said. “That’s great!” Both their moms excitedly shout. “When’s the wedding?” Both their dads asked after recovering from their choking. “Whoaa! That’s moving too fast.” Yunho said. “Well you’ve know each other for years.” “That’s true dad but that was as friends not lovers. So we’ll be taking it slow by dating first.” Tomomi said. “Okay.” They finish eating and bid their parents goodbyes. “Yes! It worked.” “Of course it did. But I was kinda scared when our dads asked about a wedding. I was about to ask who’s.” They started laughing. “Yeah. Well at least we no longer have to worry about those marriage meetings set up by our parents.” Tomomi said. “Yeah. haha” “Hey Yunho is it me or are we be following us?” “What?” Yunho turns and sees thugs following them. “Seems that those thugs have been following us since we left the hotel.”

“Cuuuttt!” Meetan yells. “Yun and Tomomi can’t you two do something interesting like Mayu did to Tomo. Other than just follow the script? I WANT U to fight them off then KISS Tomomi! And make it HOT!” Meetan yelled. Meetan’s thoughts: Are these two slow in the romance department? Can’t they feel the sexual tension around them?  “But I have a boyfriend!” Tomomi argued back. “Who cares! He isn’t here, now KISS!” Tomo’s thoughts: Aww. Tomomi doesn’t want to cheat on me. Damn Meetan! Why make her kiss someone she doesn’t want to. “Ano.. Meetan?” “Yes? Tomo?” “Why not add me into the mix to make it more interesting.” “Add you? Like have your character meet Tomomi’s earlier than scheduled?” “Yes?” Tomo answered concerned if he made the right move. “That’s a great idea! Now That’s interesting!” Meetan shouted excited at the idea. “Thank you.” “Ok. Yun and Tomomi, your characters will run away from the thugs and get separated from each other. Tomomi will meet Tai. Ok! Places people! 5….4….3….2….1….Now Action!”

Yunho and Tomomi leave the hotel and notice they’re being followed by the thugs, they run as fast as they can but get separated. Tomomi is surrounded by the group of thugs in an alley. She screams for help but no one seems to notice. “Help! Heeeeeeelp!!!” Tomomi screams with all her strength, hoping someone might hear her. “What the..” Tai says stopping in the middle of the busy sidewalk, he then begins to follow the voice calling for help. He then spots a female begin surround, he hurries and runs toward the group jumping and beating them up. “Miss? R u okay?” “Y-yes. Thank you.” “Here let me help you up.” “thank you, btw what’s your name?” “Oh, I’m Tai. And yours?” “Tomomi.” They begin to walk towards the streets but suddenly Tai slipped on a banana bring Tomomi down with him. They are now on the ground Tomomi is on top of Tai. “R u okay? Tomomi?” “Yes. Thank you.” For some odd reason their faces kept getting closer and closer until their lips locked. At first it was soft and gentle then it become rough, passionate and deep. Driving his tongue into Tomomi's waiting mouth, Tai explore every part of her mouth. It was becoming hotter by the second. “Tomomi! R u okay?!” Yunho said interpreting them. “Yunho!” Tomomi said frowning.

The crew & cast and Meetan. “NOOOOOOO!!!! You ruined the moment!” “But made it more interesting. I think this drama will have to be modify.” Ann said. “Hey! I didn’t say cut so why did you all stop filming?” Meetan yelled upset that they had stopped filming. “5...4...3...2...1... ACTION!”

They were still in that position (Tomomi on top of Tai). “I’m okay Yunho nothing bad happened see?” “Yeah I can see nothing bad happened but it seems something good occurred.” Realizing what their position was, Tomomi quickly got off Tai and left with Yunho after saying good bye to Tai.
End of shooting 

“Okay that’s it for today. We’ll continue tomorrow.” Ann yelled. “Everyone get a good rest. You’ll need it for tomorrow.” Meetan yelled leaving the set with Ann. Everyone else left after cleaning up.

At Mask Entertainment Agency Dorm
“Wth?! Was up with the banana?” Yuu asked laughing with everyone. “I don’t know.hhahaha” Kai said. “Tomo? haha” Mario started but ended up laughing. “Before I knew it I had slipped.” Tomo says also laughing at what happened to him. “Who leaves a fresh and eatable banana in an alley?” Yun asked. “Yeah, but still I can’t believe how lucky you are Tomo to have a full blown make session with both Mayu and your Chiyuu on the same day.” Yuu said giving Tomo a pat on the back. “Hey! What’s up with all the laughing boys?” Saeko said entering the boys dorm. “Nothing.” Yuu and Kai said. “We’re just talking about the drama shooting.” Yun an Tomo said. “Hey, Saeko I thought you said that we got the parts we audition for.” Mario asked. “Yeah, but when we got there the only one that got his girlfriend was Kai.” Yun says. “Really that’s strange?” Marilyn said tilting her head. “Wasn’t Haruna Mario’s girlfriend?” Saeko asked. “No! Auntie she’s mine.” Yuu yelled wanting to strangle Saeko. “She was? Then that means Mayu is Mario girlfriend.” Saeko said with a smile. “No She’s my girlfriend.” Yun says. “Then..” Saeko was cut off by Tomo. “Tomomi is my girlfriend.” “Miichan is my girlfriend. How could you only get Kai’s girlfriend right?” Mario asked curious to know why Kai’s the only one with the right girlfriend. “Wow so you like them young, huh?” Saeko said smirling st Mario. “Answer the question.” Yun, Yuu, Tomo, and Mario shouted seriously. “Acchan resembles a younger me. And Kai looks like to type you can torture. And would like S & M.” Saeko said proudly. Tomo, Yuu, Yun, Mario, and Marilyn turned to Kai. “GOOD LUCK! You’ll need it.” “EHH???!” Kai *fail face*   

Offline Haruko

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.7 Dec. 11
« Reply #45 on: December 11, 2011, 09:12:43 AM »
jajaj atsumina 4eva :D

Offline Sydney W

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.7 Dec. 11
« Reply #46 on: December 11, 2011, 12:50:29 PM »
Waiting for Kai + Acchan moment......... please update next...... thanks

Offline RenaChii

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.7 Dec. 11
« Reply #47 on: December 11, 2011, 10:35:27 PM »
Tomochin got the kiss scene~

When Yuki will get to kiss Mayu~? I will wait~

Please update soon~

Offline Popsicle

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.7 Dec. 11
« Reply #48 on: December 12, 2011, 07:18:28 PM »
Omg the Tomo scene ! LOOOL :k-thrilled:
This is so gddd  :w00t:

If only it was longer  :tntrm:
Update soon i'll be waiting ! :roll:

Offline haruhi16

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.7 Dec. 11
« Reply #49 on: December 13, 2011, 07:12:43 AM »
can't wait for the other pairings!! <33

Offline kahem

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.7 Dec. 11
« Reply #50 on: December 13, 2011, 08:20:37 AM »
Tomotomo kiss FTW!!!!
And lol Acchan would become like Saeko later, poor Takamina hahaha

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.7 Dec. 11
« Reply #51 on: December 13, 2011, 01:39:10 PM »
LOL :lol: I was laughing so hard at the part when Saeko explained why she only got Kai's girlfriend right XD
Cute~ Seeing Yuu stuttering in front of Haruna :wub:

It's so interesting :) Please Update Soon :mon cute: Hopefully Atsumina moments too :thumbup :thumbup
Thanks for the Update :thumbup

Offline skytsuna

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.7 Dec. 11
« Reply #52 on: December 13, 2011, 01:41:08 PM »
Tomotomo kissed!! LOL the banana peel :lol:
Yuu stuttering :wub: :inlove: so cute~~~
LOL Acchan resembles Saeko when she is young :shocked
Can't wait to see what happen later at the drama XD Esp. Atsumina!!!

Thank you for the update :thumbsup
Please update soon :bow:

Offline Megumi

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.7 Dec. 11
« Reply #53 on: December 13, 2011, 08:08:32 PM »
Banana LoL!  XD
TomoTomo  :twothumbs

This scene was epic too! Meetan ROFL!

Thank you for your update!  :kneelbow:
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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.7 Dec. 11
« Reply #54 on: December 15, 2011, 07:50:42 AM »

the banana skin sure come in great position.  :twothumbs :twothumbs

Saeko sure is epic the way her explanation.

Meetan forever ROFL

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From Girls to Boys ch.8 Dec. 16
« Reply #55 on: December 17, 2011, 05:14:50 AM »
 :mon hi: Everyone thank you for reading, commenting and leaving thank yous. I tried really hard on this one.  :mon ehh: cuz many of you have wanted this moment. And Finally Atsumina moment has come.  :mon beam: Hope I didn't fail.  :mon POd: :mon cry:

Chapter 8

The following day was Kai’s and Acchan’s shooting followed by Mario’s and Haruna’s. “You two. Your characters are going on a date. Kai you’re taking Acchan on a romantic date. Okay is everyone ready?” Meetan says sitting in her Director’s chair watching the monitors, seeing if everything looked good. “Yes! Already!” “Good. In 5….4….3….2….1….ACTION!” Meetan yelled to begin the shoot.

Shooting drama
Kai holds Acchan’s hand while walking to a nearby park. “Acchan, where would you like to go?” “Anywhere as long as I’m with you.” Acchan gives Kai a sweet smile. “Great, cuz I got a boat ride here in the park. Shall we go?” “Yes, but can we take the path on the hill that leads to the dock?” “Yes, anything for you.”

Meetan’s thoughts: This is going similar to the script so it’s good. Well it’d be better if they did something interesting or dumb.
Staff’s thoughts: They are going off script now. Please don’t get police or Paramedics involved.

While Kai and Acchan were walking up the hill towards the docks, Kai spotted an attractive woman. Who happened to be jogging towards them. Kai couldn’t help but stare at the woman’s assets while she jogged. To him everything the woman did was in slow motion. Kai bite his lower lip watching the attractive woman jogging away. “Take a picture it’ll last longer.” Acchan said in a cold voice. “Nah, a video’s better cuz it last longer and you can watch it over and over again in slow mo.” Kai said still looking the direction the woman went with a big grin on his face. “Perv!” Acchan shouts as she pushes Kai who accidently tripped over a rock and ended up going over the rail and rolling down the hill towards the docks and lake. “OMG! Kai!” “Ugh! Ow! Itai! Mommy!” Kai cries as his body hits trees, small rocks, twigs, and other stuff on the ground. “Kai! Hold on! I’ll be right there!” Acchan yelled worried. “Hurry Acchan!” Kai yelled back as he still rolled down. “Man how big is this hill anyways? Itaiiii!!!! My hacky sack!!!” Kai cried in pain, now protecting his hacky sack.

The boys thoughts:Itai! That must hurt. Good luck Kai. Seems you’ll need it.

“Acchan!” Kai cried trying to grad anything that could help him stop rolling. “Why is this Hill so smooth?!” “Kai! I’m down here!” Acchan called already on the dock, suddenly Kai came to a stop right before rolling into the lake. “phew. That was close.” Acchan said pulling Kai. “Itai! Acchan! U’r pulling my hair!” Kai cried in pain. “Huh? Oh sorry. It was the only thing I could grad.” “Yeah, whatever let’s go on the damn ride.” Kai said getting up. “Btw how did you get down here so fast?” Kai asked walking towards the boat  ride. “Easy I took the lift, so I would be able to see you rolling down.” Acchan said smiling innocently to Kai. “What are you? A M?” Kai asked getting into the couple boat. “If I’m an M. That makes you an S. Doesn’t it?” Acchan retorted settling down in the boat. “Yeah whatever. So, Acchan you wanna row the bost?” Kai asked hoping she would do it. “No! U’r the man in the relationship, now do it! Besides I hurt my wrists when I stopped you from rolling into the lake.” Acchan pouted messaging her wrists. “okay, I’ll do it.” Kai said grading the poles and began to row. After 10 minutes of rowing, he stopped. “Man rowing is too much excising. OH? What’s that?” “What’s what?” Acchan asked as she sees Kai taking out a set of binoculars. “What are those for?” Acchan asked confused to why Kai would bring those when there were no birds in sight. “There’re for chick watching.” Kai said standing up in the boat, which was a bad move on his part. “Oh? So I’m not enough for you?” “Yes, now leave me alone. There’s this hot chick running. Oh ho!” Kai said smiling. Acchan got up. “Kai?” Acchan called him in a sweet voice. He turned to face Acchan. (He still had the binoculars on his eyes.) “Yes, A…” He couldn’t finish due to Acchan punching the binoculars into Kai’s face causing him to step back as pain spread through his face. Acchan stepped closer to Kai and punched him in the stomach making him fall backwards into the lake. “Now think about what you just did and we’ll talk later. Bye” Acchan said in a sweet yet cold voice and began to row toward the docks. “Hey! U can’t leave me here! The water’s freezing! Hey! Heeey! Acchan weren’t your wrist injured? AHHHHH!” Kai yelled as Acchan drew far and far away from him.

end of shooting

“And cut! That was great!” Meetan exclaimed hugging Acchan. “Hey! Someone fish out pichu!” Haruna yells as she spots Kai swimming towards them. “Pichu? Who’s that?” Everyone asks. “It’s Kai! Now go fish him out! He looks like a wet dog.” Meetan yells.
“Kai are you okay?” Yuu asked as he sees Kai with two black circles around his eyes. “No, I’m freezing cold!” “Here.” Yun wrap a blanket around Kai while Mario brings him some dry clothes. “Man those are going to be some naughty bruises on your eyes.” Yuu said poking Kai’s left eye’s bruise. Mario handed him the dry clothes. “Dude, now you look exactly like pichu from Pokémon.” Tomo joked. “Hey! It’s Pikachu cuz that one’s taller.” Kai retorted. “Btw. Kai you’re becoming more prevented than Yuu and Saeko.” Tomo and Mario stated. “No, I’m not!” “Yes, you are. At least I stick to one attractive woman which is my Nyan-Nyan. While you’re all over the place.” Yuu retorted. “Okay, but it’s cuz Acchan doesn’t seem to interest me anymore.” “What?!” Yuu, Yun, Tomo and Mario shouted shocked by Kai’s statement. “Okay. You need to think on what it is you want. I’m going to my shoot.” Mario said leaving, Yuu and Yun just nodded and left. “Yeah, Mario’s right.” With that the boys left Pikachu alone.
Kai’s conscious: What exactly is going on with me? I’ve never acted like this. Is it possible that I no longer love Acchan? No, that can’t be. I’ve done all this for her, right? *Sigh* What exactly do I want? Do I just want Acchan cuz of her body? Or do I love her and want to be with her? Man, I’m so confused. Being a man is hard! You can’t think straight! My mind is saying something, my heart’s saying something else, and my other part is saying her body. Argh!
“Kai! Kai!” *SLAP* “Ah! Itai! A-Atsuko? Why you hit me?” “I was calling you but you seemed to be deep in thought.” Acchan said while rubbing the cheek she just slapped. “Ah, sorry. I just have a lot on my mind right now.” Kai said looking at the ground. “It’s okay. And I’m sorry.” “For what?” “Well, the whole pushing you and etc. Now because of me you have bruises and cuts.” Acchan said in a sad voice. “It’s okay Acchan. No matter what you did, it was my entire fault. I was paying attention to someone else when you were right in front of me. I’m sorry.” Kai said looking lovely into Atsuko’s eyes. “You know, Kai. You remind me of someone important to me. Whenever we fight, she would always take the blame, even though most of the time it’s my fault. She’s always been there for me and accepting my punishments, but when she needs me, I’m never there. I feel like she’s always the one keeping this relationship together. I should learn to trust her and believe in her like everyone else.” Acchan said lovely thinking about her Minami. “Acchan, it’s not your fault. You’re always busy with your schedule whenever I need you. And I do all that cuz I love you.” Kai said forgetting something very important. “Yes, wait! HUH? What did you just say Kai?” Acchan asked confused. “OH S***! What I mean was…” Kai was cut off by Acchan who pressed her lips against his. They kissed for a good minute before Acchan broke it. “Minami! WTH! Jerk! Why didn’t you tell me it was you?” Acchan asked pissed. “What? I don’t know who you’re talking about. I’m Kai not Minami!” Kai said panicking. “Minami, you think just cuz you’re a man now that I wouldn’t recognize you.” Acchan said in a seductive voice running her hands up and down Kai’s torso. “I-I don’t know wh..” “Minami, I know it’s you. So stop trying to hide it.” “How did you find out?” “Your kiss! I never feel the feeling I get with you when I kiss others. It’s like electricity goes through my whole body when I kiss you.” Kai’s thoughts: Wow! Thanks Acchan. That kiss reminded me that I love you. I was confused cuz I haven’t talked and hanged out with you, like when I was a woman.
“Kai?” Acchan smiled seductively. “Yes Atsuko?” “Let’s go somewhere! We’re no longer needed for shooting so we’re free!” Acchan said excitedly. “Okay, how about we go on our first date as Boyfriend and Girlfriend.” Kai said smiling. “I feel weird calling you my boyfriend instead of girlfriend.” Acchan cutely whined. “Well, since I’m a man now, we can go anywhere you wanna go without worrying about rumors.” “Yeah, but I wanna go home and for once take care of you. Is that fine?” “Yes.” “Btw Kai are the others Tomochin, Marichan, Yuko, and Yuki?” “Yes, how u know?” “Will their girlfriends are in the drama. And most likely this was all Yuko’s idea, right?” “Kinda. Anyways u can’t tell the others you know or else I’ll get punished.” “Don’t worry I won’t tell. BTW who dares punish u without my permission? I’ll teach them not to mess with my man.” Kai’s thoughts: I’m afraid you might get some pointers from her instead.

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.8 Dec. 16
« Reply #56 on: December 17, 2011, 05:55:33 AM »
OMG Thanks for the update :w00t:
The drama scene was :shocked
LOL :lol: Kai so perverted hahaha..
Acchan finding out that Kai was Takamina by kissing him :wub:
Only Takamina's kiss send electricity to Acchan's body :inlove:

Thanks so much for the update :thumbup :thumbup
It was so good :twothumbs :twothumbs
Please update soon :thumbsup :mon cute:

Offline Haruko

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.8 Dec. 16
« Reply #57 on: December 17, 2011, 06:43:52 AM »
jajaj great fanfic!!... we know that atsuko can recognize her wifey so well.. but the kiss thing aww.. so lovely

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.8 Dec. 16
« Reply #58 on: December 17, 2011, 09:05:34 AM »
Awww the kiss :3

Thank you for the update!! Update soon please!!

Offline Sydney W

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Re: From Girls to Boys ch.8 Dec. 16
« Reply #59 on: December 17, 2011, 10:03:27 AM »
“Minami, I know it’s you. So stop trying to hide it.” “How did you find out?” “Your kiss! I never feel the feeling I get with you when I kiss others. It’s like electricity goes through my whole body when I kiss you.”

By kissing Kai, Acchan knew it's her Minami.. I like the chemistry flowing between them..

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