A/N: This is Sieka, your lazy procrastinating slow poke author reporting for duty! Today, I'm so happy because finally, yes finally, I finished an update! At last, I've been really bothered by how I couldn't come up with an update, especially since Yuki and Rena's birthdays went by, ugh, so this update is a belated one for Yuki and Rena. I actually decided to split Chinmoku's Part X, since I know that if I didn't split it, it would be more than just 24 pages long and past 8000+ words, so its better this way.
Also, I just would like to say thank you to everyone for making this thread reach up to 10K! I'm so happy that it went up to this much views, its really awe-inspiring whenever I see this, and I can't but say thanks. I hope that this thread would reach up to 15K and more, so I'll also do my very best to make my thread alive and kicking!
Now, before that, gonna reply to sakura-san and Megumi-san before we go ahead to Chinmoku Part X-I!
Replies:@sakura_drop_ - No problem.
@Megumi - Hahaha, don't worry, I'm still breathing and living, just a bit...well...forced and I guess, trying? Hahahaha, college life, art plates and shit is on me, finals is almost nearing for me so I'm sorry if I don't update that much now.

Thank you for the comments everyone, also the thank yous, it was really nice of you guys. I hope that this update would be well received, I placed effort and time on this, so hope that it suits your taste...anyhow, I better start planning for Part X-II. Enjoy reading! Here is Chinmoku Part X-I!

Shrouded in darkness; the whirlwind tempest of conflicting emotions and thoughts concurred; heavy and delirious, it wrapped her mind, yet with her eyes opened, she stared at the knife, looking at the sharp edge, waiting, yet dreading.
This was it…arrival of everything, the arrival of her departure; just the very realization of that bought tears streaming down her cheeks. Her fists were clenched, still and tight, lips pressed together into a tight line, she chocked down a sob, breathing with extreme difficulty for air.
She heard a small giggle escape from her captor and soon to be killer, a jolly tone mixed in with excitement and amusement made her shudder as she continued to laugh. Her captor’s eyes glistened in happiness, yet clouded and dazed that of unlike the eyes that she had been grown accustomed to see; the sight of that ever bright sparkling hue of brown that looked quite so innocent and tamed, so child-like and pure was now nothing but a simple memory that she could only trace inside her head.
Was this her punishment? A punishment that God had chosen for her to take in order to atone for all the things she had done? Or was this the consequence of her own actions towards the younger girl?
The answer… just what exactly was the answer to that?
Maybe at this moment, the person who weaved her fate was laughing at her from behind, happy to witness her end by the hands of whom she loved.
It was so ironic.
Oh so painfully ironic.
She wanted to laugh bitterly, but she couldn’t, not with
this, not when she could not even find herself to breathe without having a hard time, not when she couldn’t even move an each as her movements were limited by the weight pressed on her body. It was no use to struggle even because her body was already weak and tired, useless and battered from running around and fighting back the younger queen.
She stared to wonder, pondering bitterly, had there ever been a time where she had experienced the luxury of a better life, of a beautiful day and a peaceful time?
If so, when?
Maybe, maybe there was a time like that.
There might really have been, just in the distant past, a small recollection of that time when everything was still fine, when their former president was still alive and when love was still hidden away beneath gestures and glances.
Suddenly, memories flashed quickly into her mind by a fraction of a millisecond, painful and sickening; she remembered everything up to the worst times in her life. She even ended up reliving the pain as the memories passed through her in the fastest pace possible, only to throw her back into a whirlwind of chaotic emotions; it left her to see one sole memory that left her wreathing in silent pain and anguish.
The memory of her and Gekikara flashed in her mind, both of them in a still quiet room, serene and comforting, yet content and happy, sitting together on one couch, silence in between both of them, but a certain sense of mutual understanding was there even amidst the lack of communication between them.
Black missed it…she missed that day, that small scene, and she wanted it back again.
It was a beautiful image; a memory that would just remain as what it is. A memory that Black wished for, yet a wish she can’t have.
Numerous tears slowly slid off from the corner of her eyes and onto the side of her cheeks, leaving fresh wet trails on her flushed skin. The tormenting feeling of having a glimpse of that past scene was enough to make her wretch agonizingly knowing that there might never be a chance for that to happen again.
She wants to believe in wishes and hopes; she wants to cling that somehow, that something would change, that something would turn over this event.
She wanted to believe because she needed it more than anything. She still has so many things to make up for and so many things to explain to the younger girl, but that however, seemed likely impossible.
The older raven continued to stare up, eyes never leaving the knife; watching with bleary eyes, her vision fogged and blurred by tears brimming and clouding over her sense of sight as the knife was raised up higher, everything seemingly happening in a slow pace.
‘I’m sorry.’She thought silently in her mind, finding herself unable to open her mouth and speak of those words, knowing that just a simple apology was not enough for her to atone all the misdeeds she had done and wronged against Gekikara.
She closed her eyes slowly in order to obscure the image of the dread that was to come soon down upon her.
A shaky breath escape from her lips, she willed herself, mustering every energy she had left and all the strength she had in order to speak even though heaven’s forbid her to speak, even if her body was far too exhausted, she tried, just for this one final moment.
She wanted this last chance to say those words she had hopefully wanted to say at the right time, but needless to say, she never had the right chance to do so, so this time, she would confess, even if she dies…afterwards.
The former queen opened her mouth as much as she can, whispering between panting sweet words that only meant of love, a longing confession that the younger girl had always wanted to hear from her.
Though late, it was nevertheless a confession of love, reciprocated by the one she had held most dearest and important to her heart…
“I…love you…Rena…”
Part X - I
Everything stood still just as if time had stopped. No one moved; no one made any noise; it was as if no one was there at all in the very beginning, as if no one existed in that very place. It was also pitched dark, and the stench of copper mixed in with dust and the horrible smell of rotting flesh filled the air, making the atmosphere cold and dense. The alley was dark and silent, only the droplets of water echoing from a distance resonated from inside the darkened route.
It was already night, nearing midnight even. The time ticked continuously, not waiting for anyone; impatient to move forward to another set of numbers, just as how life runs pass by minutes too soon when having fun, or a few hours late when bored, yet time never stops, no matter how some wished it would.
Time, does not waits for anyone, just as with fate, which weaves destinies; nothing is constant in this world; the only thing that remains is
change, an Black knew of that thought, because she had always been the one to have been urged to change:
‘A change for the worst or for the better.’Changing was not bad, yet many feared for it as they feared the uncertainty of what lies after it.
Black had been one of those few people who feared it. She did not like the thought of changing, of reverting back to her old self. It was unbearable to revert back, knowing that there would be many other things that she could not change back.
She hated people telling her to change, she hated them for trying to change her back; but sometimes, she appreciated the little sentiment it held as she knew deep inside her heart that what those people longed for was what was best for her, yet she ignored their pleas countless times.
She regretted ignoring them because she knew somewhere deep inside her heart, she also wanted to change, she wanted to be someone else, the old her, the Yuki who would once raise her head up and smile; the girl who believed that everything would be fine, that something nice was bound to happen in the future.
That was the kind of person she once was, an optimistic fool, a princess that her parents dotted, the parents that was never there when she needed them the most, they were never mostly around at home, they almost always at work, leaving her only within the care of her grandmother and aunty. They were the ones who supported her when her parents abandoned her with distaste and anger in their faces as they left her to carry the burden of her misfortune.
Black chocked down a sob when she remembered the rejection she had faced from her parents; mingled with hurtful words that told her of their sorrow and regrets of ever dotting her, of ever loving her, a scar was formed over the first one from the harassment that she had received.
It hurted so much that she couldn’t look back up anymore just like her optimistic old self had done before.
She wanted to change that, she wanted to be free from all the pain of her past, and she was going to let it go, one by one, though the process might be slow, she would try to let the scar fully heal, and then, she would change, but she did not just want to change just by herself.
She wanted to change along with someone else.
‘…I want to change…along with you…Rena.’ Black thought to herself as a small bitter smile formed on her lips at the thought of that small scene replaying shortly in her mind, it was that one particular scene of the Gekikara telling her to change back to her old self; it was a scene that had partaken a few hours ago.
‘I want to…’Black took in a deep breath as she felt her heart tightened and the pain starting to course throughout her body; she tried to relax, ignoring the pain that she felt as she clung on desperately in her attempt to keep herself from yielding to the agonizing feeling of something reaping through her skin and flesh.
Fresh blood splattered and painted the ground, the knife dug deep into the raven’s shoulder, cutting skin and flesh. The blood sullied the body of the knife with thick crimson liquid, the horrid and strong smell of copper floated heavily in the air, wafting into the raven’s nostrils as she breath in a painful gasp, feeling the sharp cold steel digging deeper down into her flesh.
Black hissed, her hand swiftly reaching up to grasp the hand holding her neck, her nails digging onto Gekikara’s soft pale skin; the raven desperately tried to keep her body calm, trying to ride through the wave of pain as sweat dripping down from her face. She wreathed, silently wanting to overcome the pain that ran from her injured shoulder and through her body.
But the pain was overpowering, it was too much to bear.
More droplets of tears fell from Black’s eyes as she shut them tightly, as she ended up gritting her teeth, stifling a whimper from escaping her lips, only to let out a pained cry when the knife was suddenly pulled out of her flesh.
“Kuh…” Black panted, her hand slowly loosening its grip on Gekikara’s hand. The raven exhaustedly turned her head to the side, staring at the wound on her shoulders with half-lidded pain-stricken eyes, Black’s mouth formed into a twisted grimace when she stared at the blood oozing from the wound.
The thought of lying there, about to be killed in the hands of the insane queen was enough for her to feel hopeless and crushed; she almost wanted to laugh at her own miserable state, not being able to fix up and patch things, or even stop Gekikara of what she was doing.
It was just unnerving, just how much weak and vulnerable she’s being in front of Gekikara. She did not found any resentment in it though even if the younger girl had striped her off her defenses, there was no way she could ever hate her, knowing that her love for Gekikara would overcome all the resentment and anger she had in her heart. There was never even a reason for her to bear any ill-will against her, instead, she felt the need to prove her and give her more of the needed attention, care and love the younger queen truly needed, yet was there even a chance to prove that, knowing that her time was limited only up to this point?
Of course she wouldn’t be able to do that…
She was not a fool, nor was she a hopeful dreamer, a believer of happily ever-after that would just end for not, crushed, without even a single trace; but still, she wanted to hope that there was still a chance to redeem herself and correct all the wrong that she had done.
Black desperately had wanted to resist her own fate, countless times even just as it is right now.
She did not wanted everything to end here, at this place and at this time; she still wanted to do so much more, she still wanted to express her love more, not just through from a simple confession, but something much greater than that.
She wanted to have the chance, a chance to be more open and affectionate, just like how she had once been before for the other raven before everything changed, before that ever happened.
“R…R-Rena…” Black called out between pants as she tried to resist the pain she felt, not wanting it to overthrow her into a state of unconsciousness.
She opened her eyes slowly; her shining obsidian orbs gazed upward, bleary and fogged from tears. The older teen stared at the figure straddling her, and she held her hand, trying to reach up. She raised her hands, wanting to touch the younger girl’s face, only for her hand to jerk back. She winced, wreathing at the pain that struck throughout her body when she moved.
“Ugh…” Black groaned, drawing in quick shallow breathes as she wreathed more at the burning and prickling sensation of her wounds, which caused more tears to stream down from the corner of her eyes, sliding down her cheeks.
The pain was burning and agonizing, it was just like a lit up fire crawling all over her body with exhaustion fueling the pain further as her resistance began breaking down slowly.
Her body wanted to rest, it wanted to make her close her eyes and let everything fall into oblivion, yet Black fought against it, she willed herself and kept her eyes open, staring straight up to Gekikara; her bleary eyes tracing the young queen’s figure up to the item she held in her hand, noticing the knife hanging still in mid-air.
Black stared at the weapon, waiting for it to surge down and pierce her again; yet, the longer she stared at it, the more she noticed just how stiff and still the knife was all of a sudden, she might have not noticed it earlier, but now she did. She saw how it slightly trembled now, along with the hand that held it in place; it seemed as if there was some sort of a sudden hesitation.
Black’s eyes went away from the knife and towards the young queen, noticing that the younger queen sat still, jaws clenched tight with Gekikiara trying to urge her body to move, but she couldn’t, instead, she trembled; her muscles seemingly stiff and tense. Her body did not move, rejecting even her mind’s command, it was as if her body automatically shut down on her, leaving her immobile.
Gekikara knitted her brows together in confusion and frustration. She stared at the figure lying there on the floor, bleeding; she wondered why her body did not want to move or why she could not place herself to kill this person.
Was it because of what this unknown person had said? Was it because this person told her that it loved her? Or was it because it called her by her name again?
The insane queen frowned, her lips formed into a tight line, the feeling of uneasiness and worry forming in her chest, she did not know why, but there was a terrible nagging feeling that kept disturbing her at that moment, telling her to stop and drop the knife.
And that very feeling itself was something that she couldn’t just shrug off.
[What are you doing…?]
[Why did you stop?]
[…Why aren’t you killing that person before you?] The voice in her head hissed angrily in impatience.
[Why are you hesitating right now?]
[Don’t tell me you’re just going to stop here? Now out of all the times, when you’re finally near to reaching your freedom?] The voice questioned in irritation and dismay, its words sharp and monotonous. The young queen winced internally as the voice spoke angrily at her.
She wanted to question herself why exactly had she stopped, she wanted to know, but something was pushing her off not to know, as if it was denying her that privilege of discovering what exactly the answer was. It was like a resistance barrier that kept her off from unveiling that one very information that she wanted.
Just what exactly was stopping her from knowing was something that she did not know…rather, she never noticed it.
[Stop trying to find an answer.]
[What’s the point when you’ll have to kill them off afterwards?] The voice asked, making a clicking sound in irritation. Gekikara ignored the words that came from the voice as her consciousness slowly comes back to her, making the young queen groan as she felt her head throb.
‘My head…it feels weird…’The young queen placed one trembling hand on her head, clutching it desperately as she felt a wave of discomfort through her head, she squint her eyes and tried to keep the feelings at bay while unconsciously glancing up towards the knife she held in the hand that she used to clutch her head.
Gekikara stared at the knife with a large frown marring her face, her displeasure evident in her brown hazy eyes.
‘Why…can’t I kill you?’ Gekikara asked herself while she gritted her teeth, wincing a bit at the uncomfortable feeling that suddenly rose up to her head.
She bit her bottom lip as a bead of sweat drip down her forehead. She scrunched her brows together in focus; she stared at the figure’s face, desperately trying to find a clue, an answer or any of a sort whilst ignoring the unpleasant feeling quaking in her head, which persistently kept forcing itself on her.
‘…No…’Gekikara shook her head and furrowed her brows, gritting her teeth together as she persisted to keep away the dark desires to kill someone. Her conscience telling her that it was wrong, that everyone would be disappointed if she did because it was wrong. That thought kept nagging her, triggering something inside her head that caused the insane queen to act differently all of a sudden.
‘I won’t…’ She thought while she kept her eyes closed in full concentration as she felt discomfort in that little something that was trying to push back into her mind, wanting to throw her back into oblivion, into a state of sub-consciousness.
‘I shouldn’t kill anyone…’
‘Yuki…Yuko-san…and everyone…They’ll all be disappointed in me…’ Gekikara bit her bottom lip, knowing full well of what would happen if she were to proceed with the unlawful actions that other side of her mind was nagging her to do.
‘They’ll hate me…if they knew…’
[Stop being stubborn…!] The voice growled in frustration, latching angrily at the insane queen, only to be ignored as Gekikara kept up with her train of thoughts, drawn in by the thought of Yuko, Sado and the other queens looking at her disappointedly, but what Gekikara feared out of all that was with Black staring at her in disgust and revolt.
‘And Yuki…she’ll hate me…’
‘She’ll hate…me.’Just imagining Black glaring at her with disgust and hate in her eyes made Gekikara felt weak and small, seeing the older raven despising her, cursing her for being was something that she never wanted because it to come to the point where Black would start wishing that she never met the young queen because that was the most painful feeling she could ever experience.
‘I don’t want that…’ Gekikara shook her head; she took her hand off from holding onto Black’s neck, easing the former queen’s pain and letting her take short fast intakes of air while Gekikara now placed her free hand on the side of her head, trying to cover her ear in a futile attempt to block out the voice as her mind kept running around frantically with her thoughts circling around her fear.
‘Not Yuki…I don’t want her to…
‘Please…not her.’
‘Anyone…anyone but her and the other queens.’ Gekikara thought as she averted her eyes, looking frantically around with fear clouding her brown orbs.
Black glanced at Gekikara in confusion, wanting to help the younger queen, yet she could not do so as she was still recovering from the pain that had once encircled her neck and she still could not help but remember the feel of Gekikara’s hands around her neck as she placed slight pressure, obstructing her breathing path. And even if it that was not the case, Black felt a small pang of hesitance, yet she wanted to reach up, but the memories of Gekikara’s vicious and dangerous smiling face made her stop.
She hesitated, not because of the fear of being killed, but because of the uncertainty of how Gekikara might respond back to her.
If she were to reach up, would Gekikara take her hand or would she…push her away, just like she had done a few hours ago.
Black gritted her teeth at the thought as she lied on the ground. She winced in pain, grasping her wounded shoulder as she stared at Gekikara when the younger queen suddenly grasped her arm tightly, her sharp nails digging into Black’s sleeved arm.
A pained expression appeared on the younger raven’s face as she held Black’s arm like it was the only thing that would keep her anchored when Gekikara’s head throbbed, causing so much discomfort to the young queen.
Black stifled out a cry at the prickling feeling of Gekikara’s nails digging through her clothes and skin; she closed her eyes, inhaling a shaky breath in as she tried to overcome the doubling feeling of pain that wracked throughout her body.
The older raven tried to struggle when the pain was too much to bear; wanting to be free from the painful torture, yet the more she struggled under Gekikara, the tighter the younger girl held her, unconscious of how much pain she was causing to the person below her as she was lost in the process of keeping control of her mind.
Gekikara kept battling with the voice inside her mind, while her thoughts also continued to torment her, and it was becoming unbearable as Gekikara fought desperately not to kneel down and succumb to depression and hopelessness.
Seeing Gekikara weakened and in a fragile state, irritated the inner her, the inner demon within Gekikara, and what made her angry was that even though in the young raven’s state, she was able to keep on fighting back, steeling her resolves to keep the voice from controlling over her poor mind.
It was becoming tiring, and the voice no longer had any patience left to spare for this…it wanted results, and it needed it now.
[Stop it already!]
[Don’t think about her now!] The voice growled in agitation as Gekikara still kept on resisting, making it hiss in anger as the next words become venomous and harsh.
[Just kill this person and end this!]
[End this and you’ll get the freedom you want!] The voice yelled in frustration, growling angrily while Gekikara continued to try to resist the urge to give in to the voice that told her to submit to a sinful deed.
Gekikara felt fear and confusion rush through her with anxiety mixing up as the words ‘kill’ and ‘freedom’ came in the sentence.
She wanted freedom, she has always longed for it, she wanted to experience what it feels like to be free, free from all the chains that were binding her down, but to kill…to kill in order to become free was wrong.
It was all wrong.
There was a horrible sense in everything that the voice urged her to do and she wanted everything to stop. She did not want to hear the voice from speaking any further, she did not want to listen to the malicious words that rang inside her head as it tried to take over her mind again and throw her off from her conscious mind.
“I won’t kill anyone…”
“I can’t kill anyone…everyone…they’ll be disappointed…”
“Especially Yuki…” The young queen said in response to the voice while she took short puffs of air, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart while she clutched her throbbing head with her eyes tightly closed as she willed herself to keep herself in place, not wanting to be overthrown in her state of consciousness.
“I promised them…”
“I just can’t break that promise…” Gekikara weakly mumbled while she closed her eyes tightly, she kept her head bowed down as if in shame.
She knew full well that she can’t kill and that she shouldn’t even attempt to kill anyone, not now when she still has a promise to fulfill.
Not now.
[Then when?] The voice whispered silently in disappointment.
[You’re already close to being free…and yet, you’re letting that freedom of yours to slip from your grasp.]
[Why are you doing this anyways?]
[All along, you’ve always strived to be free, that’s what you’ve always wanted the most…] The voice asked sadly.
Gekikara wanted to deny all the words the voice said, but it was true; she had always longed to be free even from the beginning of her time as an abused child; she was always set on being free for once and to experience that freedom that was taken away from her when she was young.
It was the one most important thing to her in past:
Freedom.Yet, here she was…
Letting it go.
She was taking away her opportunity to be free, for the past few years of her taking all the pain and hardships, for the years of torment and loneliness and for that whole time she had been caged up in a small empty space, unloved and unwanted, all that hard work that she had been doing was all to come to this.
[Is your reason that heavy enough for you not to choose your freedom?] The voice mumbled, frowning at Gekikara for choosing such a choice out of the option that she has.
What was hard about choosing between getting freedom or being chained down?
What was so hard…with just choosing to be free when that was the first thing Gekikara had yearned for?
It was just hard to believe; it was something her inner demon could not comprehend, and it did not want Gekikara to give up, not now, not when they were too close…too close to finally being released from their prison.
It just couldn’t accept Gekikara’s choice.
[Is it really that important to you?]
[Is keeping your promises really that important?] The voice questioned, sighing in exasperation; the hint of disappointment and anger evident in its cold monotonous voice as it continued on to question the young queen, not wanting to waste all the efforts that had been done.
[Was it really that important to you when you’ve already broken one?]
Gekikara raised her head when she heard the voice’s sadistic cackling, her eyes wide at what the voice told her. She suddenly felt colder than before and her heart beat kept beating faster and harder while she broke in cold sweat.
“W…What do you…mean?” The young raven said, trying hard not to shiver at the implications that the voice was starting to show to her. The voice however, seemed pleased with all of this, but only reacted to the question by giggling abruptly like a cynical person; its tone that was once disappointed and filled with hatred was now replaced with joy.
[You made a promise to someone in the past; it was a promise that was much stronger than the one you gave to your beloved deceased president!]“What…Promise is that…?” The young raven asked, struggling to voice out the question that was inside her head; due to that, her voice came out as barely a whisper that Black could not even hear, yet it caught the tired former queen’s attention when she saw Gekikara’s lips move, but since the former queen of darkness did not had any ability to read lips, she was unable to grasp what Gekikara had said.
It was becoming unnerving and unpleasant.
The voice snickered, trying to stifle its laughter; only to fail miserably as it let out a loud mad cackle, making Gekikara bite her bottom lip in irritation, but kept silent as she let the voice’s laughter fade down before it continued to talk again.
[Have you already forgotten the promise you had once given to that very special someone of yours?] The voice cooed; its tone brimming with enthusiasm as it spoke gently to Gekikara; yet, it was simply mocking the short queen, like a backstabbing wretched entity it had been in the insane queen’s head.
[Well then, let me remind your idiotic worthless mind of what you forgot.] The voice giggled in a malicious way; if smirking was even possible, that would be the default expression of the unknown dark entity that cooed inside Gekikara’s head.
Gekikara’s brows knitted together into a tight frown, she took in a shaky breath, swallowing a visible large lump inside her throat before her lips formed a scowl as she closed her eyes tight, listening to the words that the voice told her; telling her of the past, of the scene where she had promised Black.
The promise that she could not keep; and it was what she broke a few hours ago. Being reminded of it left a bitter and copper after taste inside her mouth; the taste of her own blood and her anger.
[On that tragic day, when she was cruelly harassed, you had promised to always be beside her, to stay by her side.]
[You told her that you’ll always be there to protect her, that no matter how bad everything would be, no matter how painful the situation is; you’d still stay to hold her.]
[And yet,] The voice paused dramatically, smiling devilishly at Gekikara when she saw the young queen shrink; shivering slightly while she kept silent. The voice knew exactly what the younger raven was feeling, it knew the large turmoil that Gekikara was carrying and it pleased the voice to know just how much suffering the insane queen was carrying.
[You broke your promise, you tainted rubbish liar, you good for nothing garbage…]
[You told me you can’t break your promise even though you’ve already broken one.] The voice spat the words out, snickering afterwards; not caring whether she had opened up a large wound inside Gekikara’s heart, or that she was torturing her ‘other self’. What mattered the most was to make her remember; to make her know and feel in order for the insane queen to understand just what exactly did the voice wanted.
[So stop it already…]
[Promises are always meant to be broken.] The voice sighed, mumbling sadly as it spoke, the sudden change startling, yet did not faze Gekikara as she was also in her own train of thoughts.
It was true, what the voice told her was true.
She did broke her promise with Black, and it made Gekikara feel bad because she could not keep it in the end even when she vowed to the older girl that she would stay, that she won’t leave just like what her parents had done to her. She never wanted to abandon her promise; she never wanted to abandon Black because that would make her a foul creature just like the former queen’s parents who had deserted on her when she needed them the most.
She never meant to break the promise, because she wanted to prove the older raven that promises were meant to be kept in the end.
But she couldn’t.“I know that!” Gekikara hissed angrily; she let go of Black’s arm, and instead, punched the bricked wall as hard as she could in her frustration.
Black held her breath and flinched when she heard Gekikara punch the wall; feeling the younger girl’s anger without needing to even look up. She knew that Gekikara was about to act on her temper again, but for a reason she did not know of. Just what exactly was Gekikara talking about? Why was she speaking? And who was she talking to?
“I know…but still…” The young queen trembled, wanting to reason out something, but finding it hard for her to get the words across.
The voice sighed again in displeasure, commenting back with a hint of disappointment due to the stubbornness of the insane queen;
[This is just absurd, so stop this foolishness already.]“Still…”
“I shouldn’t break another promise.” Gekikara mumbled while she kept her gaze down, staring at her free hands. Just the thought of killing someone sent a chill to her spine; it felt wrong and inhuman, it was disgusting and remorseful, yet she knew that deep behind her mind, she craved for it, she craved for that blood thirst and she wanted it out of her head because it was wrong.
“I can’t…”
“I shouldn’t kill anyone.” Gekikara spoke to herself while her hand closed into a tight fist, her eyes hardening as she kept her head bowed, her expression hidden from Black’s eyes. The older queen looked worriedly at the young queen as she kept still, hoping not to aggravate her wounds, while steeling her resolves to keep herself awake.
[Ahahahaha!! Don’t make me laugh!] The voice cackled loudly before it sneered at Gekikara, spatting out the next words with obvious malice in its tone,
[You shouldn’t kill? You’ve already killed someone!]
[Wait…no…][You’ve already killed quite a lot of people!] The voice pointed out angrily, shouting the next words in anger, irritation and hatred as it tried to convey its displeasure;
[Why shouldn’t you kill, when you already have your hands tainted in blood?]
[Just look…look closely to what blunder you’ve done.] The voice barked out a command, making Gekikara flinch at the intensity of the voice’s words; finding it hard to resist the urge to comply, the shorter girl just went along with the command and brought her hands to her vision of sight.
Gekikara’s eyes went as wide as plates at the sight of her hands fully covered in blood and bruises, but what scared her was when she noticed the person below her. Her eyes slowly traced upward as she stared at the black wardrobe of her victim, her eyes almost popping out its sockets when she saw the familiar silver rosary.
She felt frightened; everything was familiar, the apparel and that rosary, they were all familiar, and she knew one person who would always sport that kind of attire, and it made her feel terrified.
She stopped looking upward, afraid to face the fear that was now embedding in her heart, the fear of knowing that she might have hurted the person most important to her, but Gekikara knew that she could never escape the consequences of her actions because one way or another, it would keep on haunting her.
Still, she wanted to deny it, but it was all impossible to deny, not when…not when she heard her name being called out by a weak hoarse voice, coming from below her:
“…Re…na?”Like a metal attracted to a magnet, Gekikara looked down to stare at the person who called her name, not bothering to think about the protest of her mind and the feeling of her own heart slowly breaking when she saw the state of the older girl, lying on a small puddle of blood that leaked out of the small open wound on her shoulders.
Unable to hold herself, Gekikara called the former queen’s name, a tear fell down her cheeks as she said the former queen’s name as grief and remorse flooded her heart at the sight of Black battered and tired on the ground, her chest heaving up and down in a fast rhythm, staring at her with weak obsidian eyes told Gekikara so much, and it made her stutter and weakly call the former queen of darkness’s real name in anguish.
The voice merely snickered when it heard Gekikara, mumbling haughtily to itself while it watched from the backstage, enjoying Gekikara’s expression that was torn between, disbelief, sadness, remorse and bewilderment.
[Don’t act so innocently now, because you’ll never be one…]
[…Matsui Rena.]----
End of Part X-I
A/N: What do you think? Actually, what are you thinking? I wanna know, I do hope I did well, its been long long long since I updated so I'm rather nervous about this....erm, anyways, see you next update! Hopefully I can update soon.

Thanks for reading, see you guys around!

