A/N: Sieka here! I'm back again to post another one, this time it isn't an OS...I thought it would be, but then again...I somehow got the feeling that it might be a few parts long as Chinmoku, so I'll place it as a story! Been having some spare time to write a few of the OS and stories in my folder and I hope I get to clear a few of them because certainly, there is a lot of them.

Anyways, before we go to Part I of this new story, gonna reply to some comments.
Replies:@stv_wong - True, its rare to have TomoTomo here. There isn't that much fic with them as just the pair in the fic too. Kinda sad, its a good pair too.
@sakura_drop_ - "-sama" again? *sigh* Can't you just use -san instead sakura-san? And I like tension, its my signature for my fics and of course, tension is my specialty as well as favorite.
@Haruko - Well, sorry if Tomo~mi was a bit rude? At least she got her point across to Tomochin.
@blackstar - True true, its never a lot of them in the fanfic section, so I'm glad to add at least one more to the few stories here, and thank you for the comment.
@bunny_rabbit - I agree, they really do need more fics here. Those two are good characters and them as a pairing is something nice to explore.

Ahahaha, bed scene? Wahaha, I was intending for that at the start, but I still can't handle making those kind of scenes yet.
@kahem -

Thanks for the comments and thank yous! Now lets move on to this new story! I hope it won't be my mistake to write and post this one because this was just a random thought that was born through a few inspiration from watching some PVs from SKE48 and AKB48.

Anyways, hope you enjoy. (I am very aware that I have yet again added a story that I need to update...so hopefully...I can update it along with WMtMiY. It's kinda bad when my OS turns into full blown stories...uwah, why does this always happen to me?)
Part I
Rushed footsteps, heavy sounds of breathing and worried glances, the raven ran away from her pursuers, desperately trying to get a larger distance away from the three men that kept snickering and cackling madly as they ran after her.
It had been several minutes since she had initiated the run, having been approached and talked inappropriately by the said men that were chasing her while she was on her way home was enough of a reason for that to happen. Although frankly, even with a few meters distance away from them, it still proved to be a challenge for her to escape from them as they have just as much stamina and determination as she had to run and catch up with her.
Rena frowned, gritting her teeth while she continued running in frustration. Aimlessly taking all the available paths in the way, she quickly turned around a corner, running straight into the alley while taking quick cautious steps, Rena evaded the strewn off items and garbage bags filling the space of the alley. Letting out a sigh of relief as she safely passed through them, pausing for a moment to catch up her breath, only to cringe and tremble in fear as she heard her pursuers nearing her as they stepped on anything and everything, creating sounds of cracking or smashing of bottles and styrofoam under their weights, not caring whether their clothes were to get splattered by garbage and dirty water.
Not taking up any chances anymore, the raven instantly made a run for it, ignoring the painful jolt that she received from her swift yet heavy steps as she ran for her life, dreading the thought of being caught by her pursuers.
Today was definitely not her day and Rena regretted the fact that she had not left school early and had instead extended her stay there, just working on some files and class president tasks that had piled up through the days even with her extended efforts to keep them from piling up. Though she already had been warned by her friend, Churi, to come home early due to the dread of the forces at night, Rena had not pay any close attention to her heed, and shrugged it off, convinced and confident that nothing bad would happen to her while traveling back to the comforts of her house. But contrary to that, here she was, running away from three men, travelling in this dark and wet alley.
Today was a bad day, the worst and most horrifying day she ever had experienced in her life. It was bad enough that no one was in plain sight while Rena was walking through the streets; it was as if the people had chosen to take up a different route or hide just to avoid her, which bought her misfortune.
The raven muttered an incoherent word under her breath while her eyes scanned her whole surrounding as swiftly as possible, before running back again, not noticing the pile of items strewn near her feet, a likely bad mistake which caused her to stumble and fall to the ground, groaning in pain. Rena tried to move back up, only to feel her ankle jolt in pain.
The raven growled in frustration and pain, not wanting to give up because she did not want to be caught by those men, but all hopes of escaping soon diminished when she heard their footsteps close behind her. Her shoulders instantly stiffened as a heavy weight was pressed on them. The feeling of darkness looming over her started to feel heavy and certain, she felt like the door to her closest exit was closed down and locked off, leaving her with an empty feeling that was only filled in by despair and fright.
Rena shakily turned her head to her side, trembling as she slowly took a peek over her shoulders, her eyes wide with fear and horror when she stared at who had just tapped her shoulder. The three men were all smirking, panting a bit yet they held satisfied smug expressions on their faces while they casted a look at her body, scanning her from top to bottom, adorned with lustful and savage looks in their eyes.
The young teen trembled under their hungry gazes, taking a small step back, only to trip on her feet, landing on the ground painfully, but due to the fear running high in her blood, the raven did not feel the aftereffect of that painful fall.
Rena tried to scoot away from them, however, since she had already met a dead end, her back only pressed on the cold hard brick wall that made up the others walls in the alley.
The raven grit her teeth painfully hard, heaving quick shallow breathes, Rena felt herself shrink as the men slowly made their way towards her, surrounding her trembling body with greasy smiles on their lips, one man reached a hand towards her, roughly grabbing her cheeks, cupping it with calloused hands.
Suddenly, without warning, her position was shifted and she was pushed down the ground, the raven teen let out a startled pained gasp, feeling the cold hard floor on her back; the intense sensation of pain crept into her body only to disappear immensely when she watched in pure horror as the men gathered around her body, with one straddling her.
Rena wanted to scream, yet a hand was pressed on her mouth, tightly muffling her voice. She tried to struggle, twisting and turning her body as she kept trying to pry off the weight on her, but to no avail, the man’s weight on her body was far heavy, that and the other two men held her in place, roughly and tightly grabbing both of her wrists which made her struggles in vein.
“Don’t worry miss; it’ll only hurt just for a little while…” The man grinned viciously, hissing the words, his voice caressing, yet menacing and dangerous.
The young teen’s eyes immediately stared up to look at the man’s face, eyes wide with fear and horror, unable to look away as her body froze on the spot due to feeling the dreadfulness of reality crash down on her.
“…You’ll feel good sooner afterwards.” The man snickered, his hands slowly trailed down from Rena’s mouth to her neck, caressing slow light traces before it aimed forward to the poor raven’s school uniform. His other companions cackled evilly when the man reaped off her blouse open, the buttons flying off, revealing her chest to them. With that in the open, it only served to fuel the hunger of the beastly men, the pure hungry looks of lust and desires clouding their eyes; they drooled like savage beasts, as they kept their greedy eyes on the slim raven’s body, staring at the raven’s exposed upper body with prying eyes.
The raven let out a muffled cry at the stares she was receiving, feeling embarrassed and sullied at being exposed. Tears were slowly brimming in her eyes before they soon fell down her cheeks. She felt hopeless and lost, unable to do anything but to lie on her back and watch what will unfold, she felt everything dreadful; sadness and misery weighing in more in her heart.
Why did this have to happen to her?
‘…What did I deserve…to have this happen to me…?’Rena closed her eyes together, letting darkness quickly invade her vision as more fresh tears cascade down her cheeks, the men’s laughter turning into howling and cackling as their hands roughly caressed her exposed flesh.
She choked down a sob, letting out a muffled cry once more at the uncomfortable feeling of rough calloused hands stroking her, yet Rena could not struggle, her body already feeling tired and limp from all the running she had done. The young teen no longer could stand struggling, knowing that it was futile, she just let everything happen, knowing that any means of struggling was useless.
It was too soon to give up, but Rena could not help it, there was no hope for her after all.
However, nothing was certain after Rena had stumbled down onto the ground, from the very beginning itself, she knew that she had a low chance of getting away from those men, yet she gambled on that chance, only to be caught, to be disappointed, and left lost and hopeless in the end.
This had to be the most terrible and darkest moment in her life, this moment where she was soon to be violated by people whom she does not know, and losing her virginity to these men that she does not love.
Fate must be laughing at her for making something as horrible as this to happen to her.
Just when she was about to revert further into more self-pitying thoughts an unexpected occurrence happened, something that she thought would not come, yet it felt like a God’s send to her, having someone finally come to her rescue.
Rena heard a voice of a female, a voice that suddenly called from out of nowhere, its tone deep, raspy, and cold, just as sharp as a well-furnished knife, yet there was no hint of malice, it was just simply demanding, oh so demandingly dangerous.
“Stop; let her go.”
The men halted their actions, looking up, even the raven.
Hearing the voice, Rena opened her eyes and stared from where the direction of the voice came from, her eyes sparkling due to the tears that she had shed. She tried to look past through the dark, trying to look at the figure of the person that held that voice, yet she failed to see as it too dark and far for her to be able to get a glimpse of. Instead, Rena prayed, hoping silently that that person would save her.
“Let her go? As if we’d do that!” The man laughed haughtily along with the two others, not wanting to listen to the voice.
“I warn you…”
“Don’t blame me later for what’s going to happen next.” The voice coldly uttered, brimming with confidence.
The men merely snickered at the words that they heard, finding no threat in the unknown person’s words.
A small clicking sound resounded in the alley, causing the men to suddenly shifted from their positions, staring at the shadows, alert and cautious of what was to come, yet a sneering expression on their faces. Suddenly, a small metal ball rolled from out of the darkness, catching raven’s and the men’s attention.
The small metal ball slowly rolled down to their location, only to stop a few meters away from them, everyone’s attention still grasped by the ball, and without warning, something leapt from out of the shadows, everything coming too swiftly as a quick black and red blur came into plain sight. The mysterious interrupter pounced on one of the men, attacking from point blank from the depths of the darkness like it was a part of the shadows. It used its fingers, gouging the man’s eyes that sent the man to let out a stomach lurching scream before it died down abruptly as the man’s head was detached from his body with a quick swift slash from the shadow-like figure’s hands.
The black figure stood in front of the corpse, hands grasping the dead man’s head, using its fingers and palm to make ear piercing crunching sounds of bone being destroyed as blood continued to spray and splatter on the floor, painting it with deep crimson liquid.
The suddenness of everything took both the other two men and the young teen shocked and horrified at what had occurred just over a few seconds, the events happening extremely fast.
Recovering sooner than his comrade, the man pushed himself off of the girl he was pinning, he stood up and took a step forward to the figure before him, glaring menacingly while baring his teeth at the this mystery intruder.
“You’ll pay for that you scum!” He barked angrily, charging forward, he threw a strong jab, aiming directly for the shady figure’s face. The unknown person dodged its head before sending a counter attack, landing a jaw-breaking uppercut while another fist landed straight through the man’s chest. The impact itself was so strong that it caused the man to stagger back, coughing out blood.
“Urk!” The man gasped, wheezing in pain at the deadly blow. He stared down at the ground with downcast eyes, watching as blood dripped down and soiled the ground. The man furrowed his brows together as he looked up and glared at his seemingly nonchalant opponent.
Blood slowly wet the man’s clothes, coloring it with deep crimson as the man’s top got soaked, yet he still stood, legs trembling, arms slumped, a pained expression etched on his face as he tried to catch his breath, coughing blood whilst grasping his chest as he cupped it, his hands painted with the exact same color as the one soaking his clothes as he touched the hole on his chest, while staring at the figure with pure hatred in his eyes.
The man stared at the beating muscle in the shady figure’s hands, watching as the hand grasping it tightened its hold around the muscle, causing the beating to lessened and slow down until it died down with a final struggling beat.
“Damn…you scum…” He said weakly mustered, coughing out more blood before he slowly collapsed and fell on the floor, blood slowly pooling below the corpse.
The figure merely clicked its tongue in response, dropping down the corpse’s heart, crushing it under its feet, sending its pieces flying and splattering on the floor, blood mixed in with the minced pieces of flesh that dirtied the ground. The overall sight was gruesome and menacing, the atmosphere turned even more dangerous and dark, it was hard to breathe as the smell of the blood penetrated and filled their lungs.
The young raven choked down on her saliva as she tried to breath, grasping her neck as she coughed at the foul smell that entered her nostrils. She sat up quickly and took a deep breath, closing her eyes tightly while she had her head turned to the other direction, wanting to scream, yet unable to do so with her voice caught up in her throat.
The scene that she had watched before her very eyes left her traumatized and frightened, it was as if she had had a glimpse of death, the atmosphere itself wasn’t helping either.
The last man out of the group has his eyes already too wide due to the horror of witnessing his comrade’s deaths; he choked down a gasp in surprise as he felt himself suddenly jerked forward with hands grasping his neck painfully tight, lifting him up from the ground which caused him to panic.
He growled and trashed, grasping the hand that held him up, trying to pry it off his neck, yet the grip only tightened, worsening his condition.
“I warned you already…”
“Now you’ll pay for your insolence…” The figure whispered darkly, gripping the man’s neck tightly with immense inhuman strength, emitting a pained scream from its victim before the sound was cut off when it crushed the man’s throat and windpipe, the sounds of bones cracking coming along.
Soon, the man’s body limped, lifeless and unmoving in the figure’s hands like a puppet disconnected from its strings. Unconcerned, it threw the corpse off, letting it drop onto the ground with a heavy thud, splattering more blood on the floor as the corpse landed on a big pool of blood, effectively splattering a single droplet of blood on the young raven’s face, startling her.
Dark obsidians orbs slowly came into view once the raven opened her eyes again and she stared with eyes wide in fear at the mysterious person in front of her. She shivered, trembling immensely while she huddled herself, pressing her body firmly to the wall as she tried to keep her eyes away from the bloody pile of mess, located just a few meters away from her.
The raven tried to distract herself, mumbling incoherent words under her breath, not wanting to see the images of the dead men that were once trying to violate her long ago, knowing that she would just double over to the ground and empty her stomach.
She felt dizzy.
Her head was pounding madly that it caused a painful quaking feeling that sent her head aching badly. She clutched her head, coughing a bit when she inhaled. Her nostrils and lungs not used to the horrid stench of blood and flesh, making her tear-up a bit as her lungs were refusing the air she breathed due to the unpleasant smell clinging in the air.
She tried to calm her nerves, finding her chest slowly tightening and constricting her, making even breathing harder to do.
Rena felt scared, having to see something horrifying as a scene with someone killing of people was far more traumatic that she could ever imagine it would be. Now she was half-wishing that she could turn time back, wanting to change everything, wishing that she was not stuck in this position, wishing that nothing bad ever happened, but that wish was impossible.
The unknown figure turned its head towards Rena, staring cautiously at her with dilated crimson red orbs; a dangerous glint was shone brilliantly and it left her feeling more terrified when it slowly walked towards her.
Step by step, the figure was now crossing the distance between her, and every time she heard each step the figure took, it left her feeling dreadful and hopeless until it was in front of her, staring at her intently. The frightened raven stared back, panting and gasping for breath, only to choke down a sob when she saw the figure kneel in front of her, a hand reaching towards her.
Scared; Rena closed her eyes; squinting them shut as tightly as possible while she waited for blow, only to be startled at the sudden texture of something soft yet cold touching her cheek.
She hesitantly opened her eyes, taking a quick peek and was surprised at the hand that gently cradled her face. Rena momentarily stared at the hand that touched her cheek before her eyes trailed up the arm to the person’s face, but needless to say, it was too dark for her to see what her savior looked like. What she did know was she was starting to relax in this unknown person’s presence, but before she could even lean into her savior’s hand, immediately, the young raven shifted a bit in her position, pushing herself away from the figure’s hand, finding the wrong to find comfort in a murderer’s presence.
Noticing the discomfort of the young student, it merely let out a sigh as it retracted its hand back, letting it fall to its side before it stood up, looking towards the exit of the alley with cold hard eyes, an unpleased expression casted on its face as it kept it’s gaze at the alley exit where the light brightly sparkled, the noises of sirens slowly echoing from a distance.
The police were coming soon, and there was no way that it’d stay to be arrested. Alarmed as the sirens blared louder and louder, the mystery person turned its head to look over its shoulder, staring at the bloody massacre it had done while taking note of the trembling young raven that sat still on the ground.
‘I can’t just leave her alone here…’It clicked its tongue in irritation while maintaining an emotionless expression that masked the mysterious person’s thoughts and without a second thought; it crouched down again and wrapped its arms around the raven, surprising her.
“W-What are you doing…?!” Rena yelped in fear and anxiety as soon as she was lifted up with ease. She sharply looked into her the person’s face, only to get a blank emotionless gaze back as the mysterious figure only ignored her question and walked slowly, taking small footsteps with its heels making small clicking sounds that echoed throughout the dark alley. No sooner, Rena felt the pace increase until her mysterious savior was no longer walking, but striding.
Alarmed at the its sudden actions, the raven panicked, struggling to free herself from her captor’s grasp, only to let out a small squeak when she felt the arms that supported her legs and shoulders tightened in response to her actions and without warning, she felt warm puffs of breath on her ears, along with a silent whisper.
“If I were you…I wouldn’t struggle, or else you’d fall to the ground. It won’t be a pretty sight.”
“What do you…mean?” The raven asked breathlessly with cheeks flushed red at the tickling sensation of someone’s warm breath on her ear. She tried to ignore the pleasantry that it gave to her, seeing a fault in enjoying this sudden occurrence.
“It’s just that, it’s dangerous.” Came a short reply that confused Rena.
“D-Dangerous? Wha—Ah!” The raven screamed when she turned to look forward, unintentionally looking down, only to see that they were standing near the railing of the rooftop of a tall skyscraper. Rena turned her head back to look at her captor, only to be captivated when she met face to face with a beautiful black beauty gazing at her with the very same obsidian orbs in that dark alley.
A large lump formed in the young teen’s throat, Rena stared in wide amazement at how beautiful the other raven was, even amidst the droplets of blood that smeared and painted her skin, just from the lighting alone enhanced what beauty the girl possessed: from the contour of her face, her pale white skin and the wonderful features of her face, they were all well enhanced by the light that gave her a sparkling effect. The light itself also aided and enabled Rena to see what exactly her savior look like. It somehow struck her hard that her savior was a female, and somehow, she possessed immense strength, but other than that, Rena felt self-conscious in the other girl’s presence due to the stares she was garnering from the other girl.
“I told you. I meant exactly what I just said.” Her captor hummed before she jolted forward, taking a large leap as the she ran towards into the darkness. Surprised at the sudden action, a small squeak immediately escaped the young student’s mouth as Rena felt the wind gust towards them, mindlessly blowing her hair back as she felt the black beauty ran forward at a fast speed. What scared the raven the most was when she re-opened her eyes, she saw that her captor was preparing to jump off the very top of the skyscraper; and that brought Rena immense terror.
“D-Don’t, don’t jump!” She screamed; begging for the other person to stop, only to see a small smile form on her lips as her captor leapt off, confirming her fears immediately.
Frightened, the raven closed her eyes tightly and wrapped her arms around her captor’s neck, pulling herself close to the black beauty’s chest as Rena clung tightly for dear life, finding her heartbeat rising at an impossible and inhumane rate from fear as she felt herself being blown backward with the wind rushing past them.
Rena gritted her teeth together, resisting the urge to scream out loud in fear as she felt them falling rapidly, but that fear immediately disappeared when she felt the other girl tighten her grasp around Rena while the wind continue to strongly blow past them as they fell. But before she knew it, Rena felt her senses darkened with the only sound of her own heart beating echoing in her head as it pulled all of her senses into oblivion.
The black beauty glanced at the young girl in her arms, and merely tightened her grasp around her, encasing Rena in a warm embrace, securing her as the two of them continue to fall down rapidly before both of them vanished from plain view after passing through the shadows under the starry night sky.
End of Part I
A/N: Hnn...I wonder where this is going...lol, actually I know where it's gonna go, but its a bit vague in a way. This would probably be not on my top priority to write because I have Chinmoku as my top most priority to do while some stories are on hiatus for now due to lack of inspiration to write them. Anyways, see you guys around for the forums and for when I'm gonna post something again.
Again, page topper...what luck. Lol. XDD