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Author Topic: Sieka's Collections [01/20/13 - ON HIATUS]  (Read 118245 times)

Offline korisunyan

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: BlackGeki) [11/01/12]
« Reply #220 on: November 02, 2012, 12:00:50 AM »
Hiiii i'm new readeer \o
your fanfics are so perfeeect *----*

Offline White Hawk

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: BlackGeki) [11/01/12]
« Reply #221 on: November 02, 2012, 03:37:43 PM »
Hello! New reader here!
I've already read all of your YukiRena's collections.. And I really love it! Especially Chinmoku  XD

This chapter was so sad.. :cry:
I hope they'll be okay..

“I’ll let you go…”
Black.. Don't let her go! :cry:

I really can't wait for your next update  XD

Offline korisunyan

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Unspoken - One-shot: AnniNaga) [10/22/12]
« Reply #222 on: November 03, 2012, 05:22:29 AM »
“After this…”

She fully closed her tired eyes, letting darkness take her vision. She stayed still, in Gekikara’s embrace and let out a broken chuckle, and before she totally surrendered herself to oblivion, she gave Gekikara the consent she wanted, not wholeheartedly but out of respect for her wishes.

“I’ll let you go…”

Black took a deep shaky breath, readying herself as she spoke the next words, the sad smile on her face never faltering as she spoke weakly that only Gekikara could hear.

And almost too soon as the words came out, Gekikara let herself sob in Black’s embrace.

“…I’m sorry for everything…”

“And…I love you.”
:ptam-hbk: :ptam-cry: my heart is broken, omg, nooooo
please Geki, don't goooooooo  :ptam-hbk:

Offline anonymousdowner

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: BlackGeki) [11/01/12]
« Reply #223 on: November 03, 2012, 09:47:47 AM »
This chapter was so heartbreaking, but I guess that was to be expected after all the angst that had built up. These two seriously needs to clear up their misunderstanding, because both know that they can not possibly live happily without each other. It also did not help at all that I was listening to a really sappy song in the background too while taking in every heart wrenching detail you had to offer us through the characters lol. I don't know, but their emotions were so beautifully written and detailed that I literally felt miserable along with the pain that was being described. To be able to convey such deep feelings of love and anguish...I just... :cry: :bow: :bow: :bow: Awwman, what will happen now? I just want them to be happy T^T, but how can they??!!! Black seems to have given up and Gekikara is now a murderer and and---Arrghhh!! I don't know....They need to elope now (with her boy too though) & finally she confesses...Gekikara needs to also keep holding on!

Gawd...Lots of feels~~


This was a great update Sieka! I'm very thankful for all the hard work you have put into this chapter. Please take your time and don't ever abandon this fic, I will continue to support you^^ I hope you feel better really. Waiting patiently okay?  :peace:

Offline Megumi

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: BlackGeki) [11/01/12]
« Reply #224 on: November 03, 2012, 07:48:27 PM »
 :shocked Sieka-san your update is splendid as always  :cow:

Shall I use many emoticon? ufufufu~
*bow I'm gonna have respect for the great author here   :bow:

But all I can say that: It felt like you literary ripped my heart with your bare hand and then threw it in a mixer.
Reading this fic seeing Rena and hurts  :cry:
“For now…just let me.”

Black smiled weakly, not out of joy, but of sadness, because she knew without doubt, she been too late, but she didn’t want to force Gekikara to falter, knowing she had already made her decision and she’ll respect it, no matter how much she didn’t like it and no matter how much it would kill her, no matter how much she wanted Gekikara back with her again.

“After this…”

She fully closed her tired eyes, letting darkness take her vision. She stayed still, in Gekikara’s embrace and let out a broken chuckle, and before she totally surrendered herself to oblivion, she gave Gekikara the consent she wanted, not wholeheartedly but out of respect for her wishes.

“I’ll let you go…”

Black took a deep shaky breath, readying herself as she spoke the next words, the sad smile on her face never faltering as she spoke weakly that only Gekikara could hear.

And almost too soon as the words came out, Gekikara let herself sob in Black’s embrace.

“…I’m sorry for everything…”

“And…I love you.”
This is heartbreaking

*going to cry in the corner until Sieka-san update....

ArígatoU! :kneelbow:

Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline Pandah

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: BlackGeki) [11/01/12]
« Reply #225 on: December 04, 2012, 08:33:20 AM »
i agree.....theres so much feels in this chapter D:
my heart was just clenching so much! za pain!!
but black will never hate gekikara no matter how much she wants her to hate her

Offline Sieka

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: BlackGeki) [11/01/12]
« Reply #226 on: January 03, 2013, 05:09:59 PM »
Hello everyone! How have you all been?

Hope your Christmas and New Year was happy irl! ^ ^

For a starter, I am always thankful to those who keep on supporting my fanfics and continue on reading them, thank you very much for all the comments and the likes, your support was too much and I know I can never reciprocate them with just thank you’s. Even bothering your time to read my fanfics, I am truly happy and thankful; I can’t probably express my feelings of gratitude from you guys because I know it won’t be enough.

I’ve started being a fanfic writer for almost year here already and the experience was fun, kind of also like a rollercoaster, but it was all fun even with a few problems that rises on with my hectic schedule and studies in my university.

This might sound sudden though now, what with due to the heat in the discussion and rules thread, I’m actually using the hate I’d probably receive as a power to be able to do this, it’s actually a good drive when people start hating you, it’s like a fuel drive. But anyhow I’ve already thought of this for two times last year and also just yesterday with someone. I’ve already talked to it already with two people for many times and I thank them for their patience in always listening to me. Thank you for sticking to me up until these times.

Anyhow, to cut the chase short, I will now discontinue all of my fics here, from Chinmoku up to the new fanfics I have and just updated a few days ago. And, I’ll leave the fanfic thread, I won’t be a writer anymore; I’ll still be around jphip though, but only to keep in track of some few things.

There is one fic that will continue on being updated, the collab fiction between me and LeNosferatu, but I will entrust Eru to post the updates for the thread and I will only be contributing on the actual writing and the indexing of the updates.

Again, I am not quitting just because of the flames that started in the discussion and rules thread, I’m leaving because of an old issue from a year ago and I’ve already consulted Eru for help, and the first that I thought about is quitting as a writer in JPHiP.

I am really sad that I’ll have to leave all my fanfics unfinished, especially Chinmoku as I really love this fic a lot but I cannot take this along with me to the new place where I will place all my new fanfics now as I want to start anew, I won’t say where I’ll be though, but I’ll be around posting new fanfics. Haha… ^ ^

Anyhow again, thank you to those who have followed me from start up until now, thank you for all the nice times here and I hope everyone will take care!

Sometime maybe in the future when all my worries from a year before have faded, I might come back…we’ll see…

Anyways, thanks for reading…thank you. Really, thank you very much. Everyone has been really good, keep on being kind and also keep on striving for improvement and what you deem is best in your interests, also, listen to each other’s opinions and suggestion to make a better thread. Keep on supporting the other writers!

Also, to my skype and twitter friends, let’s all keep in touch?

I’ll still keep my fanfics here open for people to be able to read them, but I am not going to update them anymore…

Thank you anyways for the good memories. Thank you so much to LeNosferatu, anzai48, karomuwi, Divine Vengeance, bochang48, altoids, Megumi, Pandah, anonymousdowner, ohayou and the others!

Thank you for the great fanfics and thank you for the wonderful comments.

I made this decision based from yesterday's final discussion with Eru and today's events did not made me move to this point, I've already came to points of giving up a year ago, so I will now formally state my leave. I don't really care otherwise if people bash me or say mean words behind my back because it wouldn't really change my decision anymore.

This is final and there won't be anymore revisions.

Thank you for reading.

I'll miss all of those readers who really supported me up to the end. ^ ^

- Sieka
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline caghaunt

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Important Announcement: PERMANENT HIATUS)[01/04/13]
« Reply #227 on: January 03, 2013, 05:24:02 PM »
I might not show it to everyone, but I respect you.
No, I won't protest to your decision to hiatus, as it's not my place to do so.
But I do hope, when you feel like coming back here, please do.
May The Force be with you.
One-shots: SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]
Twitter: SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]
SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]

Offline stv_wong

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Important Announcement: PERMANENT HIATUS)[01/04/13]
« Reply #228 on: January 04, 2013, 03:26:12 AM »
I don't know the reasons that made you decided to go to hiatus, but I can understand it (since I was on the 'no writing mode' for years before I tried to write here again). I'll be waiting patiently for your comeback here, and I hope I can find your fics in the other place. May the force be with you, Sieka-san.

Offline hara

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Important Announcement: PERMANENT HIATUS)[01/04/13]
« Reply #229 on: January 04, 2013, 03:36:39 AM »
i think we lost one of great author in here...
but, if u want to do it.. i cant say anything...

always hope u will be back one day... Ganbarimasu Sieka-san !  :)

Offline bochang

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Important Announcement: PERMANENT HIATUS)[01/04/13]
« Reply #230 on: January 04, 2013, 05:09:41 AM »
yah! so this is your present for me? -.-!

please finish chinmoku for me. :p
you just give us a cliffhanger.. only one chapter more to see it's end.. XD

owh.. okay..
just seeing you chatting with eru in twitter is quite good..
reading all of that interesting plot.
it's enough for me. XD
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

please drop by :D

Offline anonymousdowner

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Important Announcement: PERMANENT HIATUS)[01/04/13]
« Reply #231 on: January 04, 2013, 05:20:20 AM »
I really loved all your work, respected all your insight, and admired you as a writer...So with your notice, I really took it straight to the heart. I'm sad that you have decided to go on permanent haitus like this, but I understand that you have your worries. I'm sure many of us are truly hoping you do come back though. For now just go ahead and do what makes you feel better--do your own thing, what you have to do, what you want to do. Ahah, that's what I did. I will be searching for your future fanfics^^ & I was really looking forward to your chinmoku update...It's okay though, I get it.

Anyways, thanks for reading…thank you. Really, thank you very much. Everyone has been really good, keep on being kind and also keep on striving for improvement and what you deem is best in your interests, also, listen to each other’s opinions and suggestion to make a better thread. Keep on supporting the other writers!


Offline Sieka

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Important Announcement: PERMANENT HIATUS)[01/04/13]
« Reply #232 on: January 04, 2013, 07:41:26 AM »
Hi again, I'm actually surprised that I've garnered this much attention. :sweatdrop:

Thank you to everyone who commented, thank you...really, thank you, the support you still give even though I've already announced this has been a help to get a bit through the loss of losing everything here, and even though I purposely took it into decision to not continue on with the fics, there was a reason why, not because I want to sound dramatic or for people to pity me, nope, I'm not doing that, I don't like being pitied anyhow because I made this decision on my own without Eru or anyone interfering with it.

Everyone's comment is really kind, I'm really happy. :)

But the reason I am here is not just to comment about the comments or the support, I'm here to again make a notice, but now concerning on the messages I get. Please, if you guys only want to bother me to explain about my feelings or my reasons why I left, or practically whatever it is, I will not reply to your personal messages. I will even consider on blocking anyone who tries to make an argument with me or bash me through the pm system. I will even delete those messages and ignore them.

I am not joking, I am serious. I would rather to stay silent on what I feel and what is the real reason of why I left rather than for other people to consider my words as complains when I talk about them. It rather hurts when people see it actually as a complain when you are being honest about what you just typed concerning about your feelings and I would rather like to avoid that. I prefer to keep quiet, to stay silent and to just keep the feelings and reasons to myself and talk about them to people when I really need to talk about it than to enter an argument or a discussion that would just rise in flames.

It isn't actions that always hurts you, it is always the words being said to you because words speaks louder than actions. Anything you say will always be imprinted in the mind while physical wounds can always heal in time, it may vanish or become scars, but it heals. Wounds imprinted in the heart and mind takes a long time to heal, maybe never even because you'll always remember them.

It also though depends on the words aimed to you of course, but if anyone tries to personally talk bad things about me, I'll let fate decide things upon you. :)

I still don't care if I get any hate or bash even after the topic in the discussion and rule thread because getting the hate isn't something that would hurt me, I don't really care if anyone hates me. I openly stated my leave, and I will leave with the hates directed at me. It actually helps that someone hates me that I am able to let go of all of my fanfics because then it would hurt less, I wouldn't cry anymore about losing all the fics I love. I've already cried a lot about it just last few days ago when I talked with Eru, I'm also saddened too to leave everything in a cliffhanger with no such proper ending, I wouldn't cry so hard if I didn't feel bad about it and I don't feel dismayed at the lost time and effort, I am just clearly hurt about not being able to continue on because if I did take them with me...they would just be a reminder of my worries and that would suck because I am trying to as get over the issues from a year ago.

Anyhow, thank you for the kind words of respect and support.
Thank you for taking your time again to read my useless notice even if it takes your time. I appreciated it a lot.

I am still open though for discussions through the pm system, just don't bother me about talking about my side anymore, I've said as much already in the discussion thread, I will leave it to you now to understand and to try to decipher it. It's alright though if no one tries to understand, I've already given up in being understood long long ago already and its no use to cry over spilled milk anyways.

Just please, don't bother me with pms like that, okay? I'll discuss it when I find it comfortable to say.

Thank you again.

Have a nice day to everyone. And I too respect each and everyone of you, your efforts will never go in vain. Don't worry. Even if sometimes you feel like giving up because no one wants to listen to you or notice you, it's alright. There's always someone out there that understands you, agrees with you and supports you throughout the way.

PS. Maybe someday...but not anytime soon. ^ ^

Happy birthday to you, Oppa. Sorry about this being a bad present for you...I was surprised to find out that today is your birthday...ah, sorry, but I can't continue Chinmoku. You are welcome to always read about the plot discussions me and Eru have on twitter though. :)

And, I am not arguing or complaining, I just want to explain myself, if you see this as an irritation like an eyesore then please, step out of my thread, close the tab and don't read because I will not enter an argument with anyone and I would just ignore you completely.

You always have the power to ignore everything, after all, we discussed it in the thread; "If you don't like to read it, then don't. Leave and don't click it."

- Sieka
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline Sieka

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Important Announcement: PERMANENT HIATUS)[01/04/13]
« Reply #233 on: January 20, 2013, 05:42:10 AM »
Basically, I'm just here to inform people that I've made a new place for my fanfics, I've already placed it on my tumblr and such, but for the sake of informing my other reader's here, I'd just like to say you can find me here:

Visit my fanfic blog anytime you want and drop by, I'll be posting and updating more there for my new fanfics.
Also, I've made another new decision to continue Memories of the Heart, that's the only thing I'll be picking up apart from Let Love Bleed Red. ^ ^

Anyhow, see you guys around the thread! Gonna go and read and write some fanfics. ^ ^
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline theblueknight

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part X-II: BlackGeki) [11/01/12]
« Reply #234 on: February 15, 2013, 04:26:21 AM »
Hello everyone! How have you all been?

Hope your Christmas and New Year was happy irl! ^ ^

For a starter, I am always thankful to those who keep on supporting my fanfics and continue on reading them, thank you very much for all the comments and the likes, your support was too much and I know I can never reciprocate them with just thank you’s. Even bothering your time to read my fanfics, I am truly happy and thankful; I can’t probably express my feelings of gratitude from you guys because I know it won’t be enough.

I’ve started being a fanfic writer for almost year here already and the experience was fun, kind of also like a rollercoaster, but it was all fun even with a few problems that rises on with my hectic schedule and studies in my university.

This might sound sudden though now, what with due to the heat in the discussion and rules thread, I’m actually using the hate I’d probably receive as a power to be able to do this, it’s actually a good drive when people start hating you, it’s like a fuel drive. But anyhow I’ve already thought of this for two times last year and also just yesterday with someone. I’ve already talked to it already with two people for many times and I thank them for their patience in always listening to me. Thank you for sticking to me up until these times.

Anyhow, to cut the chase short, I will now discontinue all of my fics here, from Chinmoku up to the new fanfics I have and just updated a few days ago. And, I’ll leave the fanfic thread, I won’t be a writer anymore; I’ll still be around jphip though, but only to keep in track of some few things.

There is one fic that will continue on being updated, the collab fiction between me and LeNosferatu, but I will entrust Eru to post the updates for the thread and I will only be contributing on the actual writing and the indexing of the updates.

Again, I am not quitting just because of the flames that started in the discussion and rules thread, I’m leaving because of an old issue from a year ago and I’ve already consulted Eru for help, and the first that I thought about is quitting as a writer in JPHiP.

I am really sad that I’ll have to leave all my fanfics unfinished, especially Chinmoku as I really love this fic a lot but I cannot take this along with me to the new place where I will place all my new fanfics now as I want to start anew, I won’t say where I’ll be though, but I’ll be around posting new fanfics. Haha… ^ ^

Anyhow again, thank you to those who have followed me from start up until now, thank you for all the nice times here and I hope everyone will take care!

Sometime maybe in the future when all my worries from a year before have faded, I might come back…we’ll see…

Anyways, thanks for reading…thank you. Really, thank you very much. Everyone has been really good, keep on being kind and also keep on striving for improvement and what you deem is best in your interests, also, listen to each other’s opinions and suggestion to make a better thread. Keep on supporting the other writers!

Also, to my skype and twitter friends, let’s all keep in touch?

I’ll still keep my fanfics here open for people to be able to read them, but I am not going to update them anymore…

Thank you anyways for the good memories. Thank you so much to LeNosferatu, anzai48, karomuwi, Divine Vengeance, bochang48, altoids, Megumi, Pandah, anonymousdowner, ohayou and the others!

Thank you for the great fanfics and thank you for the wonderful comments.

I made this decision based from yesterday's final discussion with Eru and today's events did not made me move to this point, I've already came to points of giving up a year ago, so I will now formally state my leave. I don't really care otherwise if people bash me or say mean words behind my back because it wouldn't really change my decision anymore.

This is final and there won't be anymore revisions.

Thank you for reading.

I'll miss all of those readers who really supported me up to the end. ^ ^

- Sieka

hi there I just wanted to say you are an amazing writer your way of making the characters interact is superb I just draws me in each and everytime I read your stories  :roll: ...I feel ya I understand how you feel and why you decided to stop writing yes im sad that you wont be updating I loved your stories ... I went through the same thing on deviantart im an artist and I was treated the same way that it got so bad that at the moment its been 3 years since I last draw something I let them put me down  :cry: :cry: :cry: so I understand how you feel anyways just wanna say I wish you the best and will be here if you ever decide to update  :twothumbs
Spanish original name es mary es mi amor por leo dan:
Mari(mariko)es mi amor, solo con ella
vivo la felicidad yo se que nunca a nadie
mas podria amar, por que la quiero de
verdad por eso mary por favor dame tu
mano continuemos siempre asi
despues de todo que mas te puedo
pedir si soy feliz...muy feliz.
Si un dia me faltas tu que
Dios me ayude a morir ya que
no volvera a hacer en esta vida feliz
sin ti mari...sin ti estoy
viviendo por ti... 
English ver dow originally name mary is my love by leo dan :
My love is Mari, just with her
I live in happiness
I know I will never again
fall in love with nobody, because I
feel a true love Because of that,
Mari, give me your hand we'll
forever continue this way After all,
what can I ask you more if I am happy...
very happy If one day I will miss you,
God help me to die ,
without you Mari...
If i live my life for you...  -----------<@

Offline Megumi

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=_= I haven't been on Jph!p for a while and skipped this forum to read on your own fanfic blog directly after your announcement on twitter.
I'm commenting because you mentioned my name. Ah, seriously I didn't do anything at all. Just a short comment here and there, showing respect for the author that had made me craving for more and more of RenaYuki pairing.

Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

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