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Author Topic: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 16 - 19/9/2012, HIATUS]  (Read 69776 times)

Offline bochang

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hello everyone. i'm new here, and i also a newbie in AKB48, so i hope i can learn something from this. :D
usually i didn't write and i only read, but i think i'll give a shot for this. :D

Heyya, i'm very sorry for the readers, but right now i've been so busy, so i don't think i can update any of my fics. :3
I will be in hiatus mode. :3 thank you for your support, and once again, i'm so sorry. :)

eventhough the title is Infinity but it's not Infinity pairing and it's not about vampire. :D
here you go..

So this is the index~ :D
Prologue: this post
Chapter 1: The Fated Day
Chapter 2: Playboy from the Void
Chapter 3: Dead by Omelette
Chapter 4: Love Sick?
Chapter 5: Goodbye, isn't it?
Chapter 6: New Game? Interesting..
Chapter 7: L-U-C-K-Y SEVEN
Chapter 8: Settings.. Start!
Chapter 9: Handsome Manager? No!!
Chapter 10: This Hardware is Corrupted, Format?
Chapter 11: Reminiscing (Part One)
Chapter 12: Reminiscing (Part Two)
Chapter 13: Double Kill*
Chapter 14: The Two Endings
Chapter 15: Prelude..
Chapter 16: Heavy Rotation

Forever and a Day
I Need You

Will you marry me?*

Worn Love pt.One
Worn Love pt.Two

I don't know how to make the index yet.. TT.TT help me~ Done! LOL

btw, this is the prologue. :D


[Someone's POV]

where am i? why it's so dark in here

soon, the darkness turns into light..

and i saw a man.. i think..
i can't focus my eyes.. the images is so blur..

"Human tends to live with some fear.. and their greatest fear in their life is DEATH.
yeah.. and because of DEATH, human become a greedy creature..", he said with a playful tone
"They want to have anything that can makes them happy or to pleasing them, before they DIED.. just like you."

eh? what is he talking about?

"I'm also a human.." looking at my own two feet because i don't dare to look at him..

yeah, i've been like that before..
or maybe i'm still like that.
fear of the DEATH.. the one who will close the curtains of my showcase..
yes, that thing.. DEATH..

"why can't i live forever? why time won't stop at the present? why humans needs to DIE?", he said
"i bet you are thinking about it right now? right?", he smirked as he looks to me

"yes..", i tried to look at him now

how did he know that?

well yeah.. at some points, i think living forever would be a boredom..
at some reasons, i think living forever would be sucks..
but i still have many things to do.. with her actually..

i need to tell her..
i need to tell her that i love her..

"Bull's eye." he smirked again.
"I think we'll get along together from now on, you can call me Tod, Shiin, Death, or Hae Jin Oppa", he extending his hand for a handshake

" Death? Shiin? who're you actually? is this a dokkiri? tell...  ", before i can finish my sentence, i saw him give me the warmest smile that i ever saw and said

"Yes, in the west, they call me Death, or Tod. In the east, you can call me Shiin..  and maybe you know.. a grim reaper? or a shinigami?"

"S-shinigami?", i froze in the spot

"Yes. and actually.. you're already dead." he said with a smile.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 01:12:00 PM by sophcaro »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

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Offline karomuwi

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Re: Infinity
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2012, 10:07:07 AM »
Very intersting prologue!

I don't even have a clue about who the main character will be!
Bochang-ssi! Congratulations on making an interesting prologue!

Will follow this and continue to read it! ^^

Thanks for the prologue!
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: Infinity
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2012, 10:43:37 AM »
ahh a death god awsome ahhh

i wanna know who the person is and who they wanna tell they love ahhh lol

continue this defo thanks for the prolouge it was kwl lol

this is really intresting i hav wanted something new to read for a while things that i do read havnt been updated in a while and i was proper like argh today about having nothing to read then i seen this lol

once again thanks

Offline bochang

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Re: Infinity
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2012, 11:49:52 AM »
I hope this chapter will be interesting for you guys. :D
A/N at the bottom of this post. :D

-Chapter One-

The Fated Day

Date: Friday 11 October 2013


In the year of 2013, AKB48 become one of the well-known idol-groups in the world. They're fighting with SNSD from South Korea for the number one girls group in the world. AKB48 also already debuted in South Korea and is wildly popular in that country. Because of that Aki-P make a theater in Seoul and once every week, senbatsu members will be performing at Seoul. The theater also become a dorm for the members who will perform.

[Haruna's POV]

"Yes. and actually.. you're already dead." he said with a smile.

"NO! you must be kidding!!" I screamed

"Haruna? Wake up."

I heard familiar voice as i try open my eyes

"Haruna, are you okay?", Acchan asked me with a worried looks in her face

is that a dream? why it feels so real..

"Haruna? Haruna!", Acchan called me as she waving her hand in front of my face

"I'm okay Acchan." I said with a reasurring smile as i trying to sit on my bed

"Thank God", she said as she plop down in my bed, "You look so pale Haruna, are you sick?"

"No, it just a nightmare.. i think..", trying to take a glass of water on the desk beside my bed

worst nigtmare.. yeah.. totally the worst

"Here.", she take my glass and give it to me

"Thanks, chibi", i said jokingly

"Yah! You ungrateful fatty!", she frowned, "by the way, you don't forget about 'that' are you?"

"that? our show? or training?", i responded

"what an air-head..", she faceplamed her face, "Yesterday, you told me that you want me to accompany you shopping at 11 o'clock."

"and here you're still sleeping right now. Get prepared then! Move your lazy ass! I'll wait at the lobby.", She said as she drift away from my room


"Ah! Yes! i remember now.", i smiled as i recall last night event

what a nice omelette rice


"Midget!!", I shouted as i entered her room

"Yah! Get out!!!!", she screamed as she frantically trying to wore her undergarment

"What's the problem actually? We're both girls. Not that i'd lust over you midget.", i said

"It's just! Ah! Forget it! So, what do you want NyanNyan?", she frowned as she trying to wore her clothes

Is she blushing? i swear that she's blushing!

"Acchan, are you blushing?", i teased her

"I'M NOT!!!!!", She screamed and blushing furiously

She's so cute, i love to tease her

A pervert smile forming in my face as i extending my arm to her asset

"Why did you grin like that? I bet Yuko's pervertness has been infected you!", she said as she slap my hands that trying to grope her.

"She's not a pervert!", i said

"Oh yeah?", a sly grin formed in her face, "Why you defending her, NyanNyan?"

"Do you like Yuko?"

I froze when i heard Acchan said that.

why i defending Yuko? That pervert squirrel? what happened to me?

"Ohohoho, bull's eye", she said with a big grin

"N-no! That's not it! I.. I-it just..", I stuttered as the door opened and showed Yuko with a big smile on her face

"NyanNyan!!", said her

"Do you want omelette rice that i made?", as she entered the room with a plate on her right hand.

I saw Acchan with a big grin in her face and give me i-see-what-you-did-there look.

ARRRGHH!!! What a timing..

"No, i don't want it, it looks strange!", i said as i looked at the plate

Well, actually it sure does looks strange.. I mean how on earth the omelette's color is bluish?

but.. it smells good..

"NyanNyan.. did you hate me that much?", giving me a puppy dog eyes

Must resist.. too adorable.. how can i say no to her..

"Okay.." I sighed," I'll give it a try.."

I saw Acchan tried to hold her laughter as i opened my mouth and shove a spoonful of that omelette rice to my mouth

Please.. i don't wanna die yet, i prayed silently as i start to chew the food(?) in my mouth

"How is it, NyanNyan?", asked Yuko with a hopeful eyes

hmm.. it's quite good.. i thought it'll be like Sae and Yukirin's omelette rice..

"Oishi", i said as i take another spoonful

"Yey!", Yuko jump in excitement leaving Acchan with a confused look on her face

"is that really good, Haruna?", asked Acchan worriedly, "do you want any stomach ache medicine?"

I nodded to her,"Yes, i never thought it'll be this good.", i said to her as i give her a try

at first she chew it normally but after 5 seconds

"Yuck!", She spit it out. "Is this really good for you Haruna? I thought i eat a lotion.", She said with a not-so-idol-like expression on her face

"Yah! It's good! NyanNyan said that is good!", exclaimed Yuko, "Your taste-bud must be dead like Tomochin!" as she left the room with so much win.

"Seriously? do you really like her that much Ha-ru-na?", said Acchan before he took a glass of water to rinse her mouth

"What? I mean that's quite good", i defended myself

"Yeah, loves sure make everything sweet.", teased Acchan as i blushing from her statement

what am i thinking.. why i'm blushing? why it feels hot? I'm gonna crazy!!

"Blushing eh?", she said, "Haruna do you loves Yuko that much?"

"NO!!!!", blushing madly at her question

Acchan! I'll give you your worst nightmare later!

"Ah! Tomorrow! Please accompany me to go to the mall", trying to change the subject

"Dept. Store? Sure, i'm free tomorrow. What are you going to buy Haruna?", asked her

"It's a s-e-c-r-e-t.", i said playfully

"Ahhhh!! Tell me!!", she whined

"No! I won't tell you until tomorrow."

"Alright alright!," she frowned, "But, you must treat me tomorrow okay! as a fee for me accompanying you!"

what a choding* hahaha

"Okay, but no more than 20.000 won okay!", i accepted her request

"Okay! Now get out from my room! I need my beauty sleep!", Acchan said as she pushed me to the door

"11 o'clock okay, tomorrow morning!", i said as she locks her room

"Yeah, yeah", replied her inside the room

"Tomorrow..", i grinned like an idiot as i enter my room to have some sleep

-Flashback End-

-Chapter One- End

*Choding: a phrase for someone who act like an elementary kid
idols that called choding for example are Im Choding (Im YoonA - SNSD) and Yong Choding (Jung Yong Hwa - CN.Blue)

A/N: So what do you think? LOL i hope this chapter answered all your question..
Well actually not all of your question. The next question is what pairing that i'll make? :D
also why i add the date for the fic? and a bad day too. Friday the 13th in the 4th month in the year of 20(13) :D
and where's the shinigami? :D

#Trolling Mode On
and please don't kill me for killing haruna in her dreams(?). (really?) :p

please comment and give me some critics. :D i need your critics~

@Karomuwi: OMG! i'm so happy! Gya~ You give a comment for this premature fanfic Neomu neomu Gamsahamnida!  XD because of you comment, i become motivated to write the first chapter. kekekeke :cathappy: I'm waiting for your updates Rin-ssi or i should say, Rin-sunbae. :D Enjoy this chapter then, i hope it'll be interesting enough for you :D

@XxRoByNxX78: Neomu neomu gomawoyo robyn-ssi :D i already give some hints in this chapter, i hope you'll satisfied with this first chapter :D
i know how you felt robyn-ssi. i've been waiting for an update in a fanfic for almost two years, but the writer haven't updated it till now.  :smhid
« Last Edit: April 24, 2012, 03:00:10 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

please drop by :D

Offline karomuwi

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter One Updated]
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2012, 01:02:18 PM »
Ommo! A SNSD?! YATTA~! They're battling with each other about the greatest idol group! coughsomecoughsnsdcoughscenescoughpleasecough  XD

And it's Haruna! Wow...So is Haruna really dead? Because she dreamnt about it. And will it be Kojiyuu? AtsuYuu? AtsuKoji? (I don't know the pairing name for Haruna and Acchan. lol) If it's not KojiYuu, I'm hoping for AtsuYuu.

BUT then... Acchan keep on hinting about Haruna loving Yuko! So....Which one? Hmm?

Oh yeah! Bochang-ssi! Did you know that I dreamnt of SNSD and 4 minute last night?! I was so giddy!!! And I really want the next update!  :twothumbs
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline bochang

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter One Updated]
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2012, 01:20:14 PM »
Ommo! A SNSD?! YATTA~! They're battling with each other about the greatest idol group! coughsomecoughsnsdcoughscenescoughpleasecough  XD

And it's Haruna! Wow...So is Haruna really dead? Because she dreamnt about it. And will it be Kojiyuu? AtsuYuu? AtsuKoji? (I don't know the pairing name for Haruna and Acchan. lol) If it's not KojiYuu, I'm hoping for AtsuYuu.

BUT then... Acchan keep on hinting about Haruna loving Yuko! So....Which one? Hmm?

Oh yeah! Bochang-ssi! Did you know that I dreamnt of SNSD and 4 minute last night?! I was so giddy!!! And I really want the next update!  :twothumbs

Yeah! it's always nice to recieve comment from you Muwi-sunbae~ :D
maybe i'll add someone from the SNSD to this fic as a cameo.. coughsomeonecoughwhosecoughbirthdaycoughacoughdaycoughbeforecoughsomeonecoughinakbcough :p

Yes! it's haruna.. idk.. should i kill her?  :twisted:
"AtsuYuu or AtsuNyan would be interesting, but it's a s-e-c-r-e-t." he said jokingly

really? LOL it's nice to dreamed about them.. i also want it.. hyuna and sunny in my room..  :bleed eyes:
next update? hmmm.. i'll try my best sunbaenim.

if i read your T.A.F. and comparing it with my fic.. i'm  :bow:

and for the silent reader, please do comment. :D i'll not bite you guys. :p
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 01:28:17 PM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

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Offline Sieka

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter One Updated]
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2012, 02:00:26 PM »
SNSD? Ohh...Do you like em'? And are you by any chance a member in soshified as well?
I'm a member there under the same account name, Sieka, writing fics there as well, but...that was a year ago though... :lol:

Anyways, KojiYuu and AtsuMina(<---can't be without it since I'm used to seeing this pair) :lol: please? Joke...I'm fine with the pairing as of the moment. :lol:

Oh oh oh oh, oppa saranghae~ Sorry, ahahahaha... Hmm...AKB48 is competing with SNSD? A group of 48 girls VS. a group of 9 girls, who will win? 48 girls seems to be too much of an overkill though against 9 girls only....but those 9 girls are pretty good in their own way, Fany, Sica, Sooyoungie, Sunny, Seohyunnie, YoonA, Yuri and Taeng are pretty good and talented, AKB48 would have a hard time if they go against them, but I think they'd give an equal fight too since AKB48 is just awesome. :cathappy: I hope to see a scene with those two girl groups clashing, it would certainly be fun. :)

Also, I won't kill you for killing Haruna in her dreams, I'll let it slide even though I like Kojipa but I'll kill you if you kill my oshimens (Yuki and Rena) though, don't try even it though... :lol:
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline bochang

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter One Updated]
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2012, 02:25:26 PM »
SNSD? Ohh...Do you like em'? And are you by any chance a member in soshified as well?
I'm a member there under the same account name, Sieka, writing fics there as well, but...that was a year ago though... :lol:

Anyways, KojiYuu and AtsuMina(<---can't be without it since I'm used to seeing this pair) :lol: please? Joke...I'm fine with the pairing as of the moment. :lol:

Oh oh oh oh, oppa saranghae~ Sorry, ahahahaha... Hmm...AKB48 is competing with SNSD? A group of 48 girls VS. a group of 9 girls, who will win? 48 girls seems to be too much of an overkill though against 9 girls only....but those 9 girls are pretty good in their own way, Fany, Sica, Sooyoungie, Sunny, Seohyunnie, YoonA, Yuri and Taeng are pretty good and talented, AKB48 would have a hard time if they go against them, but I think they'd give an equal fight too since AKB48 is just awesome. :cathappy: I hope to see a scene with those two girl groups clashing, it would certainly be fun. :)

Also, I won't kill you for killing Haruna in her dreams, I'll let it slide even though I like Kojipa but I'll kill you if you kill my oshimens (Yuki and Rena) though, don't try even it though... :lol:

안녕하세요 세이카-씨~
네, 너무 저하해~

Yes, I also have an accout @ssf, it's hein156.
I've not been lurking around in ssf for almost 2 years I think. LOL I'll try to look up to your fics seika-ssi. :D
Yuki n Rena? I'll try my best not to kill them. LOL
Let's see later who'll be ended up with Kojiharu. :p
It's not decided and yet, I'm so excited to write the story.. Omg.. I shouldn't update everyday. LOL I want to troll the readers more~

I think I'll give something between them in friendly way. :D
But I'll not give the readers a spoiler for now. :D
It's spoiling the fun.  ㅋㅋㅋ

Yes, they're high quality girls that have been through the same hardship as AKB's. I really hope the best for both groups. :D eventhough I'm a bit biased to akb right now. :p

Anyway, thx for drop by seika-ssi. :D
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

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Offline yukofan

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter One Updated]
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2012, 02:29:30 PM »
interesting story..
about the pairing,will it be kojiyuu?

i want to know what will happen next..please continue..

lanjutkan :p

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Offline XxRoByNxX78

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter One Updated]
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2012, 02:40:34 PM »
omg this is awsome aahhhhh


sorry for my fangirling then lol

anyway so Koji likes either Acchan or Yuko and Acchan likes Koji ???

and to your reply to me im glad im not the only one who knows the pain of someone who dont update lol

and if you do put Snsd in are you going to make them couples like taeny soosun and tht ahhh

thanks for update keep up the gd work

Offline Sieka

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter One Updated]
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2012, 02:55:30 PM »
hein156? I think I don't know you...
Well, I'm mostly a lurker around the fanfic section and YulSic and YoonHyun thread. :sweatdrop:
I'll just give you a link to my profile, the links are there, but I'd rather say, you shouldn't bother reading them, their already old and they won't get any updates because I forgot the plots on them... :lol: I miss SSF though since I love my readers there, but mah, I love AKB more right now. :sweatdrop:


E...Eh...why do I feel like you're planning to kill my oshis? :sweatdrop:
I think.....I want KojiAcchan more than KojiYuu or any AtsuMina. :lol: Especially since the time I saw them perform OshiMeshibe. :lol:

Friendship only huh? So tragic, but I love it~ :sweatdrop: Not that I'm very picky with pairings anyways. :)
No spoilers? Tsk~ And I thought I'd get some...what a tease you are, joke. :lol:

Hahaha, I know, SNSD did went through a lot of hardship, from Taeyeon's hurricane diarrhea, to the Ice Princess dolphin pitch screams due to cucumbers, Yuri and YoonA's pranks and Fany's bug rap. :lol: Just kidding there, but yeah, they are a high rate girl group just as AKB. :)

And...just a correction my username is Sieka, S-i-e-k-a. :sweatdrop:
It's pronounced as 'Sica', just like Jessica's nickname.

[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline bochang

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter One Updated]
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2012, 03:41:19 PM »
I feel so much win when i saw many replies.. :')
So many thanks for you guys. :D i can't help but to write some reply for you guys. hehe

@YukoFan: are you indonesian? LOL the pairing will be.... announced later. :p Sip gan, ane lanjutin.  :lol:

@XxRoByNxX78: seriously? :D Thank you so much for the praise! I hope it will be more interesting for you next chapter. :D
if you read my reply for karomuwi-ssi, i already give some hints. :p hmmm about the pairing.. just wait and see. :D #trollingissomuchfun!
yes.. until now.. TT.TT i want to know the ending.. TT.TT it's already in the last stage of the story..
TaeNy and SooSun? hmm.. i ship JeTi and TaeSun! :p so i don't think i will write about TaeNy and SooSun. :p

@Sieka: Jwesonghamnida! Sieka-ssi. but if you write Sieka in korean it'll be like this >> 시에카 (Si-e-kha) so i think you should stick to SiKha :3
another rival for JeTi! :p
i'll consider that Sieka-ssi. :3 i mean about your oshis. :p not about the koji pairing. :D
eh? You want a cross over SNSDxAKB? it'll be interesting, but i think i won't write that in this fic. :3

LOL yeah, but i mean like the Black Ocean that occured in 2008. TT.TT they're too cruel!

and for the spoiler:

I will update this fic on WednesdayNOW! :D so please wait for it!
because i'll have to self-analyze myself with horney's theory for personality assignment.  :cry:

Thx you for all your support guys. :D Your reply really made my day! :D

Annyeong! Byeong!*

« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 05:02:25 PM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

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Offline yukofan

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter One Updated]
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2012, 04:10:47 PM »
yup. i'm an indonesian,gan..OMG LOL,i never thought that there will be someone who call me "gan" on this this kaskus?? LOL

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter One Updated]
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2012, 05:21:02 PM »
I can't stopped myself to write!! OMG!! eventhough i've many assignment for next week TT.TT
I also failed to trolled you guys because of two updates in a day.. TT.TT
Well, actually, this chapter still an introduction chapter. So it's okay. There's still so many ways to troll you guys. LOL
but, here you go~ i hope it'll satisfied enough for you guys~ :D

oh and author's note at the bottom of the post! :D
i'm also very sorry for not make an index for this fic. i'll try to make it later. Hope you guys can bear it for now. :D

Here ya go~

-Chapter Two-

Playboy from the Void

Date: I don't know if there's a time-zone in the Void

Void.. The world between the life and death..

World of nothingness..

and I'm stuck at this place..

"Ah.. I wonder if there're anyhing that can ease my boredom..", I sighed as i browsing on the net with my custom made Galaxy Tab 10.1 with a second generation of i-5 Intel processor, 4GB RAM, and a custom made ATI RADEON 2GB dedicated VGA. Yet, it's still as thin as a normal Galaxy Tab.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"is that you Rena? Jurina?"

The knock stopped.

"May we come in, master?" said Rena

"We're so bored, master~ Play with us." whined Jurina

"Yes, just come in." I said as my eyes still focused on the Tab's screen. Until i heard the sound of the door faintly opened by my two maids. Matsui Sisters. Ah! How adorable they're. Rena, the older one and Jurina the younger one. Both of them in their maid outfit that looks so cute.

I should stop drooling over my maids. I told myself. Well, they're looks way too adorable. I can't help but smile to them as they sit at the sofa across my work table.

"Are there any 'guest', Rena?"

"Well, actually we..", before she finished her sentence, "We're BORED MASTER! PLEASE PLAY WITH US!", said Jurina giving me the cutest puppy dog eyes. Damn! She's just too cute! But she's still minor!

"Itai!!! Itai! Itai!!!!!", shrieked Jurina.

"Quiet down Jurina.", said Rena as she pinched her sister with her sharp nails. "No shouting at Master's workplace." she said with a sigh, "But i also feel the same way master. There aren't any interesting 'guest' since master Nex transfered. Yet, we've to deal with Japan and Korea Sector."

"Ah.. yes..", i said, "but we've to. Since there're short of staff in the Western Sector, Nex sunbae have to move there. I miss Nex sunbae and his games."

"MOMOE AND TOMOE TOO!  ITAI!!!", said Jurina which gave her another pinch from her sister Rena., "Onee-chan is so scary", whined Jurina as she run to my lap.

"Master, can i borrow your tab? I want to play Angry Birds if you don't mind.", asked her

"Sure, you can Jurina.", i said as i gave her my tablet

"Master, what's this?", she pointed at the email notification. "I have a new e-mail, Jurina.", i said as i took back my tablet and opened it.

"Oh my God!", i exclaimed as i open the new email. "It's from Jessica!"

"Jessica-ssi?", asked Rena who also run to my side to peek my tablet. "Isn't she the one who beat the 'Room of Dreams' and now still in the world as an angel-in-disguise?"

"Yes! The one who beat the game and earn her prize!", i exclaimed.

"Read it for us master, i can't read it since it's too small", said Jurina

"Okay",i said, "To HaeJin oppa!"

"Annyeong! It's been a while oppa. I'm sorry to hear that Nex-oppa have been transferred from the Korea Sector. You and Nex-oppa were a fair 'Judge' over here in Korea"

Oh, stop it Sica! You make me blushing!

"By the way, I've been kinda curious. Does the 'Void' look any different in Japan? or is it the same?"

It's the same Sica. Still boring for me, Rena and Jurina.

"Anyway, about your e-mail, we've been debuting in Japan for two years and about the popular culture there in Japan. I'll gladly help you and the girls get familiarized with it!"

Oh yeah! That's what I asked!

"There are quite a bit of celebrities there as well as popular songs. and one of them is our rival :D"

SNSD rivals? I don't think that there'd be any idol that can match them..

"Anyway, I was glad to hear from you again. Don't hesitate to drop a line!"

I will Sica. I will!


"PS: You've to see the first link that i attached to the e-mail, oppa! It's a PV from the group called AKB48"

"Also, hello Rena and Jurina! I miss you guys!"

"HELLO SICA-ssi!! ITAI!!!!!", shouted Jurina before she earned another deathly pinch from Rena

"She can't hear you, this is not a Skpe", she said,"Master, should we check the link that Sica-ssi give us?"

"Hm.. Let's see...."

*ten minutes later*

"He~biii~ii Ro~o~te~shon~" we all sang together!

"Hehe..." giggled Rena. "I must admit, this is addicting."

"YAY!" shouted Rena as she followed along with the dance on the video. "And the dance is so cute!"

"The dance?" I said. "What about the girls! 21 beautiful and cute girls with such lovely lingeries voices! I think I'm in love with Miichan! Oh, and Shinoda! For once in my entire existence, I'm stunned by the very thought of these girls!"

Rena giggled loudly behind me. Ah! Such a cute laugh!

"What"s so funny, Rena?"

"Think about it," she said with a smile on her face. "'Death is, as they call it, at first he is a 'Fan Boy' of SNSD and now he is a 'Fan Boy' of AKB48!"

She and Jurina started laughing at the idea.

"HAHA!" I laughed with enjoyment. "That's it! I've decided! I am official obsessed with the girls of AKB48!"

The girls and I started learning the movements of the dance, totally absorbed in the moment.

-Chapter Two- End


For those who will confused about this chapter:

  • Void: The world that exist between life and death, the place where the souls from death people came to be judged. whether they will be go to heaven or hell.
  • Nex: Another God of Death beside Hae Jin. The job for God of Death is to judge the souls. whether they will go to heaven or hell
  • Room of Dreams: It'll show up later so keep wondering about this one guys. LOL

There are some answer about earlier question~ but..
There are many new question that will occupied your mind :p
I hope this chapter will be interesting. :D
My bad if it's sucks.. TT.TT

@yukofan: agan ato sista nih? ahahaha Maybe? LOL do you active in AKB's thread in kaskus or idws? i've been lurking around at those website for download link and subs. LOL
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 03:12:19 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter One Updated]
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2012, 05:36:07 PM »
when i commented before lol i said taney when honestly i ship yoonhyun soosica and taesun lol they hav to be my fav pairings in snsd

this chapter hmmm intersting lol

your updating alot tday huh lol and here i thought you where going to tease us more hahaha

i wanna know who will end up with Koji tho ahhhh i really need to know hehehe

for someone who says there new to Akb your doing a great job on writing about them and getting there personalties right

i getting really intrested in this ehehe lol

nice update

Offline karomuwi

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter TWO Updated!!]
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2012, 04:17:12 PM »
OMG!!!  :panic: :panic: :panic:

Sica!!! My oshimen in SNSD made an appearance through the phone!!! :kneelbow: THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! AH~ MERCI! ARIGATOU! KAMSAHAMNIDA! *speks thank you in several more languages*

I was so happy that you updated earlier than expected! And I was really depressed when I couldn't comment because of my stupid internet (which was fortunately not derping and trolling me  :lol:)


YOU MADE MY OSHIMEN AND JURINA YOUR SERVANTS!!!!!  :mon wtf: :mon wtfmm: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: I wanted to make them my servants. T^T But I couldn't make Rena-sama serve me, because she's so godly~ Aaah~  :mon angel: Rena-sama~ I would gladly serve if I could. but i'm really bad at household chores  :lol: XD

Really. Seeing how Rena-sama said master. Made me cry because I planned on making her my servant in one of my fics....but I still haven't finished six of them  :mon study:yep. there are six. and I've only been updating four. LOL So...P-please  :pleeease: Take care of Rena-sama for me. Don't be too hard on her.  :gyaaah: Or else.  :shifty:

Anyway....I liked how you wrote yourself as death fangirling over AKB48! It was so hilarious that it made me laugh out loud at my father's office. *sigh* now his secretary thinks I'm crazy.  :sweat: Oh well!  :nya: I don't care!

And really, Bochang-ssi? Lingerie?  :hiakhiakhiak: I searched the PV of Heavy Rotation once again, unaware about my father's secretary watching from behind me. It was really...awkward. She started dancing to it after a while, and told me that she was a fan! So unexpected LOL! AKB48 banzai!!! SNSD jjang!

Waiting for your next update! ^^

It made me laugh when I saw
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline bochang

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter TWO Updated!!]
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2012, 03:09:47 AM »
@robyn-ssi : thx for the comment robyn-ssi~ :D
Really? Wow, those are some under exposed pairing, except the twin trooper~ ㅋㅋㅋ

Yeah, I can't stop the urge to write. LOL so I ended up post the chapter. TT.TT eventhough I'm trying to trolled the readers, I can't just bring myself to do that. LOL

Be patience my young padawan, learn to control the force #what am I talking

Seriously? Thank you soo much~ :D
I hope the next chapter will be good enough for you. :D

yes! It's sica!! Her birthday is one day before kojipa!! LOL

I don't think you should thanks me.. I bet you wanna kill me right now, if you noticed what happened to sica

Mianhae!! LOL I don't know which one should I chose as my maids. So, I pick Wmatsui, since they're from SKE.
Don't worry, I won't bring any harm to them. They're MY cute maids. LOL

And FYI: Shiin, or Hae Jin actually is me~ but well I think you already know it. LOL Hae Jin is my korean name (I think) and I use Shiin because it means death and quite cool for God's name. ㅋㅋㅋ

Well yeah, I think even I the God of Death can't kill (really) those beautiful girls. LOL

Aaaa.. So.. You watched Heavy Rotation PV with your father's secretary? LOL
That's EPIC! Well I hope she won't tell your father about you watched some sexy girls in lingerie (I can't forget about that! LOL) playing together. LOL

I made a little adjustment in the first chapter. Tell me if you noticed the difference. kekeke

So, here's the third chapter.
i wonder if it's not interesting enough.. I FAILED.. TT.TT

It's still an introduction i think. :)

Enjoy the treat~

Chapter 3
Died by Omelette

Date: Friday, 11 October 2013

What a nice omelette..

I keep day dreaming about last night event, when Yuko barge into my room and gave me a try for her bluish omelette.

“Haruna!! Don’t sleep again!!”, shouted Acchan from the outside

“Ah! Yes!”, i replied as i walked into my bathroom.

Everyone have a private bathroom in their own room. I bet Akimoto-sensei really getting rich after our korean debut. He become more generous to us. It’s quite fun though. At least i don’t have to wait to have a shower. I said to myself as i having a shower.

“Hmm.. i wonder what should i give to her..”

“Haruna!!! Don’t keep me waiting for you!!”, the familiar voice shouting at the door

“Yes! I already finished”, i replied as i rushed to dry my self and wearing the clothes that i’ve prepared before i enter the bathroom. It’s a white baggy shirt with a short blue jeans.

After 5 minutes, i already finished wearing all the clothes and my make up.

Well, i have to take care about my image right? You’re cute Haruna!

The moment i walked to the living room, it’s so noisy lively!

“Good morning everyone!”, i said to them

Mayuyu and Yukirin are watching anime on the TV, i think they didn’t hear me because their eyes is already fixed to the screen. Sae and Sayaka are sit down on the couch as they’re eating their cereal, and Acchan greet me with a frown on her face.

Maybe i have to apologize because i kept her waiting for me.

“It’s already past 12 am Haruna.”, said Sae before she giggled with Sayaka

“I’m sorry Acchan!” as i run and hugged her hoping that she won’t be mad

“Y-yes.. I mean! No!”, she said as she trying to hide her blushing face

It’s so cute

“What? Cute?”, asked the confused Acchan

“Eh? Ah, it’s nothing.” Nice one haruna. You just talk it out loud. “I mean that Anime is CUTE”

“Oh.”, Acchan nodded, “Yeah, it’s quite cute. So, when will we go Haruna?”

“Wait a minute, i’ll grab something before we go!”, i replied as i enter the dining area looking for food

When i entered the room, Miichan greet me with a strange smile. “Ohayou Miichan!”, i said with a smile. She just nodded and then run to the living room.


I keep looking for cereal box or anything that i can eat to ease the hunger, but i didn’t find anything.

It must be miichan!!! That little!!

I run to the living room and find Miichan behind Takamina trying to hide from my glare.

“I’m sorry Haruna!!”, she said before she running, leaving the room

“Aish.. What should i eat now..”, i whined and now i just realized. “Btw, where’s Yuko?”

“Puffft!”, Acchan trying to hold her laughter

“and Tomochin?” I looked to Acchan as she giving me the i-know-what-you-did-there-look.

“She’s resting in her room. I think she get food poisoning”, said Takamina, “and Tomochin is having a photoshoot now. She’ll be back later in the evening.”

“It must be the omelette that she made yesterday!”, said Acchan before she’s laughing without saw my expression

“WHAT?! Is she okay?”, I asked Takamina worriedly.

“Yes, don’t worry NyanNyan. I already give my wife some porridge. I hope it’ll help her.”, said Takamina

Your wife? Since when Yuko become your wife?!

“Yuko must be crazy to eat that bluish omelette”, said Acchan, “or maybe there’s someone who’s crazy in l- MMM!”
I put my hand to shut Acchan’s mouth so she won’t finish her sentence and shot a deadly glare to her.

I know what are you trying to do Acchan, don’t make me err... kill you

Acchan just nod quietly with so much fear in her face.

“Anyway, Acchan, you said that you want to go to the Dept. Store today. Could you pick up some stomach ache medicine for wifey?”, asked Takamina


“Yes! I’ll buy some medicine for her!”, i quickly answered

“Puhahahaha!”, Acchan laughed so hard after she heard my answer

I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks right now.

“Ermmm.. Okay.. Just do your business and buy some medicine for Yuko okay, NyanNyan”, said Takamina with a confused look., “Maybe you need some too, your face looked so red NyanNyan, are you having a cold?”

“N-No. I’m okay it’s just.. it just to Hot! Yes! It’s Hot!”, i stuttered

“Ehem”, teased Acchan, “Well, let’s go NyanNyan, we’ll be back as soon as possible fo YUKO.”

Acchan.. if only you’re not my best friend..

“OH! I forgot something!”, exclaimed Takamina. “Just a while ago, Tomochin called me. She said that we’re having a new manager for our theater in here, in Korea!”

So what? It’s not something new..

“And she told me that the new manager is very young and handsome!”, she said excitedly, “He’ll come later with Tomochin after Tomochin finished her photoshoot!”

“Really?”, said Shinoda that just come out from her room after heard the word Handsome.

“I wonder how he looked like, since Tomochin said he’s handsome”, said Yukirin

“Well, i don’t know too. I think we have to wait for him.” said Takamina, “But Tomochin said that he’s a Korean, but his japanese is great and he’s quite tall maybe 180 or more.”

Acchan just stood there and had her mouth opened in a big O.

You must be craving for boys, aren’t you Acchan? I giggled

I saw mayuyu just nodded with her eyes still focused to the screen, also Sae and Sayaka that jump excitedly when they heard the news. I think he’s a gay if he like Sae or Sayaka. Well yeah, i kinda curious too. I think it’ll be nice to have a manager around our age. He’ll become our friend i think.

Ah! I almost forgot about Yuko!

“Umm, Acchan.. Just join the girls for a minute, i need to go to toilet.”, i told Acchan quietly.

Acchan nodded and join the girls gossiping about the new manager while i walk quietly and entered the room at the corner. Her room.

-Chapter 3- End
« Last Edit: April 24, 2012, 03:54:28 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Offline bochang

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Chapter Four
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2012, 03:28:58 AM »
Here's a double update!!!! LOL
Yeah, i'm generous right?
but chapter 5 will be the most "something" that i'll give to my readers.
I'll keep you wondering for now. ehehehehe

So here you go~

This chapter will be an answer for your pairing question. :D

And if you don't mind. :D Please give this fanfic a comment. I'd love to hear your opinions about this fanfic, since i'm still a newbie writer. :D
i need some critics for my work. so i can improve the way i write or the plot to become more interesting. :D

-Chapter 4-
Love Sick?

Date: Friday, 11 October 2013

Acchan still excited about the new manager eventhough we’re almost arrived at the mall.

"I’m so excited!!!” Acchan said as she squealed. "A young and handsome manager! And he's a korean! I hope he’s looked like Kim Bum!! GAH!!! I can't wait till tonight. OW~!"

"Aish! YA!" I said as I slapped her on the arm. "Yuko is sick and all you can think about is some pretty boy?"

All I could concentrate was on was Yuko.

Acchan looked at me with a pout.

"Ah~ of course! I see you are love sick and the only treatment is Yuko!" she started laughing. "You were very sneaky going off on your own while everyone was else excited about our handsome manager!"

I started to randomly look at nearby stores because,  trying to distract myself from Acchan

"Oh, come on!" Acchan urged as she wrapped her arm around mine. "I know that you’re blushing!" she giggled

"Oh!" I said, trying to change the topic and pointed to one of the stores on the side of the road with my free arm. "Look, a pharmacy! Let's go."

"YA!" she shouted. “Why are you ignoring me, your best friend? GASP! Oh~!"

"Huh?" I turned to face her.

Acchan had this pervy smirk on her face.

"ehehehe" Acchan's laugh sounded like Yuko's cute and perverted old man ”hehe" she used to do all the time.

"Oh~!" started Acchan as her mind started to imagine many things BAD THINGS! "My, my~! You're so BAD Haruna~! Taking advantage of our poor Yuko like that while she's sleeping!"

"W - W - WHAT!?" I was speechless.

Her smirk didn't erase from her face as she turned her hands into something like claws and pretended to squeeze something.. Round objects.. Side by side..

What was that?
What is she- EH!

"YA! I did nothing like that!" pushing away her arm intertwined with mine.

"Hahaha!" giggled Acchan. "I was kidding, Haruna."

She stopped her pervy actions and retook her place around my arm as we walked into the pharmacy together.


The door let out a small thud as I closed the door behind me. Quietly, I made my way to Yuko's bed and kneeled on the floor, facing my sleeping squirrel that sleep soundly.


"Yuko?" I whispered.

All I got was a cute little snore in response.

"Hehe~" I giggled. "Ah, Yuko, it looks like you are drooling again?"

I take my time as I observe the sleeping squirrel in front of me. Even in her sick state, even when she's sleeping, she can still smile.

Wait.. isn’t it a pervy smile? Sesh! Yuko.. What are you dreaming about?

"You know..." I whispered to the sleeping Yuko. "You're birthday is coming up... 7 days including today!"

I smiled.

What am I doing? Talking alone?

"...Can you believe it?" I continued. "You're 25 now, right? You've gotten so pretty..."

Wet drops started to well up in my eyes.

Why am I crying?

I rubbed my eyes to wipe away the tears.

"You know...I had a dream about you last night..." I whispered. "It was so much fun... It was... just the two of us... I don't know where... But i know that i’m with you.."

I looked at her perverted beautiful sleeping face. I couldn't hold back my smile... my feelings...

"Hehe~," I giggled, tears slowly running down my cheek. "Just the two us... Eating your special bluish omelette... they were so delicious, Yuko..."

My eyes closed on their own as small drops of water began to collect.

"I was so happy.... And you! I've never seen you smile so beautifully before... so brightly before... I know... you smiled like that... because of me... I felt it... I wished my dreams would never end..."

“Nyan~”, said Yuko in her sleep starled me, thinking that she already wake up.
Hueh.. I thought you already wake up Yuko.. Don’t scare me like that.

“Yah!, don’t scare me like that”, i giggled

Do I... love you now? Huh, Yuko?

"I want to feel that way... In my dreams... in my reality... everywhere... I want to see that smile of yours... only for me... for all eternity..."

"Ya~! Yuko~! Don't take these tears as tears of sadness... but as tears of joy!"

I got up and started to walk to the door... and yet... I couldn't find myself being able to reach for the doorknob...

I... I can't seem to leave you...

"Yuko... please get better soon... for your birthday... for me..."

I... I...

I couldn't say it. Those three simple words.

"Wait for me, okay?" I said, finally being able to reach the doorknob. I wiped away the remaining tears on my face. "Because... I have something to tell you in 7 days..."



I held onto Yuko's medicine with my free arm as Acchan and I walked across the cross walk right in front of the mall. It was always busy around here. So many cars moving around... so many people shopping.

At least I have Yuko's medicine... My Yuko's medic-


Acchan was pulling me, around my arm, refusing me to go any further.

"YA! Haruna!" yelled Acchan. "You almost tripped on that hole!"


I looked down and a couple of inches in front of me was a shallow hole in the cement.

Wow... she's right... I would have fallen. Haha.

"T-Thank you, Acchan", I said sullenly.

"It's okay, just pay attention!" she said as she guided me to the entrance of the mall. "Don’t go day dreaming about your 'precious person'.", she said with some anger that i felt from her tone

"Are you angry Acchan?” I tried to asked

"Ah~!" she said looking around at some of the stores in the mall. "Nothing, nothing! I just didn't want you to get hurt.."

"Oh, okay...", I said

I smiled a little, though.

Thank you for taking care of me Acchan...

-Chapter 4 End-
« Last Edit: April 24, 2012, 07:30:00 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter 3 and 4 Updated!!]
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2012, 07:17:47 PM »
Koji loves Yuko yayayayayayayayayay

and i know right i do love the under exsopsed couples for snsd lol

keep up the good work

Offline karomuwi

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter 3 and 4 Updated!!]
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2012, 08:58:15 AM »
YES! Haruna loves Yuko!

But... I have a bad feeling. With how the fic started. I don't know. I just have a bad feeling that Death -you- will get her soul and before the day Haruna confesses. Just some vibe I'm getting from it.

Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

JPHiP Radio (13/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Super Egg Machine - Brandnew Way