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Author Topic: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 16 - 19/9/2012, HIATUS]  (Read 69777 times)

Offline bochang

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity [Chapter 3 and 4 Updated!!]
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2012, 11:34:41 AM »
@robyn-ssi: thank you. :D I hope so. I hope koji will love yuko. *sly grin

@karomuwi: I want to cry when I get you comment... *tears of joy

Hmmmm.. Let's see.. It'll be interesting..
Should I kill her? Or kill yuko? Or Acchan? Or kill myself.. :p

I think the next chapter will be the answer. :)
I'll update tomorrow I think. I'm still edit some parts of it, I think it's kinda too long... But...
I hope it'll be a blast! I'll drop the bomb tomorrow. *smirk

I'll edit this post. :) for the update. :D

Please, do comment. If you don't comment, I'll kill every member of akb, ske, anything ended by 48. Muahahaha #gonecrazy
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Offline yukofan

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kojiyuu <3

well,because you're the writer,you can kill anyone you want..EXCEPT YUKO..she's my fav..LOL..

i'm sista,gan..i'm IDWS mania (surganya donlot :D )..but i'm a lurker in akb thread..

visit my tumblr :

Offline Prataz

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Woah... didn't know there's SSF fanfic writers here too.

Makes me miss my time in SSF too =/

Offline bochang

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@yukofan: hmmmm should I or shouldn't I? :p
It'll be revealed tomorrow. :) at chapter 5. I think I'll end my fanfic tomorrow JK.
Uwoh!! IDWS! You don't have sufficient post to see this link. Damn.. LOL

@prataz: annyeonghaseyo~ welcome. :D well, actually I'm not a writer in SSF. Just downloader. LOL Sieka-ssi is the one who write in ssf. :) maybe you should read her fic. :D
And thank you for dropped by. :) hope you'll find this fanfic interesting. :)

Uwah!! I can't wait to update the chapter 5!!
TT.TT since I don't have any internet connection except from this phone, I can't post the chapter 5.. Hhuhuhu
Please bear with me for another 12 hours I think. :D
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

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I just finally caught up from reading Ch. 3 and 4. You update quite fast. :lol:

A new manager huh?
A guy, lol, also Rena and Jurina....what the heck, are they minions now?
I smell the love in the atmosphere, Haruna, just confess already, your feelings for Yuko is pretty obvious.
Acchan however, I dunno what's with her, is she jealous or what? I think she might love Kojipa, not that I don't like it. I quite want it you know...let the fire begin, lol.

Ahh, no no username isn't supposed to be spelled in korean dude, its a western name, a rare surname to be honest, which I just found out a few days ago. I just said that it's pronounced like Jessica's nickname, it isn't supposed to be spelled in hangul dude. :sweatdrop:

I 'used' to write in SSF, just lost the will, confidence and my plots to continue, it would be a waste to read my fics, since they'll never gonna be updated anyways.... I don't have the face to come back in SSF after going on hiatus for so long without even telling yeah, I sometimes lurk there, but I never mostly post in SSF. I also saw that you went and checked on my profile. Lol. :lol:
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~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

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Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline kahem

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Ohohoh really interesting all of this. I can smell triangle and even polygone.
I have friends who are kpop fans and it's the war between us lol

Offline yukofan

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remember..don't kill yuko,kay?
i have more than 1000 post in idws so i don't have to worry..hohoho..maybe i can help you to get the link if u don't have sufficient post..

visit my tumblr :

Offline bochang

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First, just read this chapter :D i won't tell you about what will happen in this chapter.
and it'll be like a chocolate.. Very sweet and yet have a bitter taste in it. :D

Oh, and also, the point of view is Kojipa POV. It’ll be like that for every chapter, except maybe some chapters that i’ll give some notes.

For my loyal readers, silent or talkative, enjoy~
and for new readers, welcome to the story~ :D

Comment at the bottom. :D

-Chapter 5-
Goodbye isn’t it?

Date: Friday, 11 October 2013

“Huah.. i’m tired..”

“Let’s look to that store~”, said Acchan as she is pulled me all the way from the first time we entered the mall

“Acchan, i’m so tired.. let me rest for a while..”, i whined

“After that store!”, she said and dragged me to the front of jewelry store, “it will be perfect for her!”

Jewelry? I don’t think Yuko use any jewelry.. I think it’s better to buy her a lingerie

“Let’s go in!”, she dragged me in

The place is so full many beautiful things. I can see many bracelets, earings, necklaces, rings, even mobile phone that covered with diamonds. We try to find the perfect present for Yuko, but still, we didn’t find it. Then the shopkeeper walk towards us.

“Hello there ladies, anything i can help?”, asked the shopkeeper

“Ah, yes. We’re looking for her friend’s birthday present actually. Do you have anything special?”, Acchan answered as she pointing at me

“Really?" said the saleswoman as she turned to me with a smile. "My, girls are so forward these days."

She walks to the one of the display and take a leather-strap watch with diamonds over it.

“How about this? Men usually loves wa..”

“Um, sorry miss, but my friend is a girl.” I said

Acchan giggled next to me

I can feel the rush of the blood gathering in my cheeks as they heats up. I tried to cover my faces, but Acchan pulled my hands.

“Ya! Haruna, you’re being too obvious”, she said

“Ah”, exclaimed the shopkeeper as she carefully put the watch back to the display. “Time has changed, hasn’t it? Tell me about your friend, miss.”

“Ahh.. Umm..”, I can’t look to her eyes. I felt so embaressed “mmm.. She has a nice smile.”

Acchan nodded and giving me a cheer to support me

“She’s also very energetic.. Funny.. Sweet and gentle.. Loving..”, i don’t know what’ve gotten into me when i said those things about Yuko’s. “She’s also have a beautiful voice and a bright smile!”

Eh, i already said that..

The shopkeeper politely laughed, “You seems to like your friend very much, right?”, she continued, “I think i have the best things that suited for her. Please wait a moment”, she said as she turned and walked in to the back of the store.

“I see.. So there’s something happened between you and Yuko in her bedroom.”, teased Acchan

Maybe i should tell her? She’s my best friend afterall

“Sorry it took so long miss.”, said the shopkeeper as she came back. “How about this?”

She lifted up her hand and presented me we with a necklace box.

"Go ahead, Miss," she urged. "Open it."

I could feel a light pull at my arm. Acchan was telling me to open it, too. I think she’s curious too.

The saleswoman placed the box in my out reached hand and opened it for me.

"I think you will agree that something like this is perfect for someone who smiles so brightly."

I only needed to look at it for a second to find myself falling in love with it.

"I'll take it!"


“Haruna, i think i have another idea for Yuko’s Gift.”, she said as she whispered to my ear

“Eh? What’s that?”

“Why don’t you buy a lingerie and wear them when you give the necklaces to Yuko? She must be cried in joy.”, teased Acchan as she pointing to a lingerie shop

“WHA-“, i said before Acchan place her hands on my mouth

“Shesh! Quiet down will ya!”, said Acchan

“But!”, i said, “Wait! No!!”, Acchan drag me in to the lingerie shop

“Welcome ladies, anyhing i could help?” said a saleswoman in the shop.

“Yes”, said Acchan happily, “We want to buy a sexy lingerie for.. ehehehe.. you know.”, she let out a perverted laugh while i’m blushing madly

“Ohohoho.. Sure, i’ll show you our collection. Follow me”, said her. “Oh, my name is Megumi by the way, or you could call me Mee-tan if you need anything.”, she winked at Acchan before keep walking to the display. There are so many lingeries..

LINGERIES EVERYWHERE!! Yuko must be so happy if she come to this place.

“How about this?”, said Mee-tan with a set of lingerie in her hand. “This will keep your partner eyes fixed at you.”

The lingerie colors is blood red. And it’s so thin. It’s almost transparent. On the top, there’s some plume and a thin layer of fabric that cover the stomach, waiting
to be uncovered. And the bottom part.. it’s almost nothing.. it looks like a g-string. It’s barely covered that area. And there’s a garter belt with a fish net stocking. I blush madly as i imagine myself wearing that thing.

NO!! i won’t wear that thing!!! It’s ....

“Haruna, isn’t it perfect? She loves red you know.”, teased Acchan. ”and if you wear it in front of her. I’m pretty sure, she’ll died in a blood lost.” She giggled

NO!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!

“why don’t you tried it?”, said Mee-tan,”and for you miss, i recommend this.”, she gave another set to Acchan. It’s a cute pure white lingerie. It’s fluffy and innocent yet sexy at the same time. There’s some plume in the top and bottom area.

“Thanks”, said Acchan “Let’s try this thing Haruna”, she dragged me to the fitting room

Acchan!!! NO!!!!!!

“I don’t want to wear this!!”, i said to Acchan, “It’s to revealing!”

“But you have a nice body Haruna, i bet it’ll looks good on you”, she said as she trying to stripped me

“NO! Acchan!!!”, i tried to resisting, yet it’s a futile resistance. After a while Acchan managed to stripped me and forced me to wear that lingerie. She also changed into the white lingerie.

“Wow, it’s surely looks good on you Haruna!”, exclaimed Acchan as she clapped her hands looking at me in awe.

“Iya! No, this is to revealing”, i tried to covered my body with my hands, but it’s futile. I can feel my cheeks in heat. I bet my face is red right now.

“Aren’t we fit each other?” she said with a shy smile, “You’re the devil and i’m the angel!”

“Why you must be the angel?”, i said angryly, “You must be the evil! You force me to use this revealing clothes!!”

“but don’t you think Yuko will be happy?”, teased Acchan

I wonder..

“....”, i don’t know what i have to said. “O.. Okay.. I’ll...  buy it.. for Yuko..”, i lost..

“Yey!”, exclaimed Acchan with joy. “Let’s change and pay this lingeries.”

Little that we know, Mee-tan is watching us from the start with her security camera. “Oh my.. Those ladies.. I want to devour them.”, she said while she licks her lips before she came out from the security room and wait at the counter.

“Mee-tan, we’re going to buy them”, said Acchan happily as she walked to the counter

“I’ll give you a 50% discount for both of them”, Mee-tan said with a smile

“Yey! Thank you mee-tan!”, said Acchan happily as she forced me to paid the lingeries

Why i have to buy this..


I placed Yuko's gift, the bag from Mee-tan store, and the stomach medicine on the table as Acchan and I sat down in a cafe after ordering our food. While eating, I couldn't help but glance at the bags.

Sigh... I wonder how Yuko is feeling?

"Hello~?" Acchan said in a playful tone. "Earth to Haruna~? Are you gonna eat your pancake? If you aren’t going to eat that, i’ll eat it."

"Huh?" I said as I regained consciousness of what's going around me. "Oh, yeah... sorry."

I started to slice my pancake and pour down the sweet maple syrup on the top of it.

"Was it true, Haruna?" Acchan started, smiling a little bit. "Everything you said about Yuko?"

I started to eat my pancake. But without realizing it, my head started to nod.

"Err... Acchan... about earlier..." I started.

I should tell her...

"When I went -"

"Why..." Acchan continued, ignoring my explanation. "Why do you like her?"


Acchan's eyes were concentrated on her empty plate on the table.

Acchan what are y-?

"Why do you like her?" Acchan repeated. "Why does it have to be Yuko? Aren’t you tired with her groped you, teased you, and...", as she looked down at the table
Her face... why do you look so sad...

"Acchan... What's wrong?"

"Why... can't it be me? Why.. can’t it be me.. the one you.. cared for..", Acchan looked up straight into my eyes as she said that.

You...? What?

"What are you talking about? What do you mean?"

"You see, I - OH!?" Acchan said as she focused her vision behind me.


I turned trying to figure out what she was looking at. But there was no one behind me

"Acchan," confused, I turned back around. "What are y-?!"

I never got a chance to finish that sentence.

I never got a chance to fully turn around.

I never got a chance to catch my breath.

I never got a chance to rest my lips from speaking... as Acchan pressed her soft lips on mine...

She didn't have to tell me. I could feel everything from her kiss. The force from it was strong. The passion controlling it was burning. The heart behind it was breaking.

At that moment, I knew what she meant and how much I was hurting her, what I've been doing to her all this time... just by calling her my best friend...

I didn't know what to say when her expression of love finally ceased. But I knew what I didn't want to do...

Acchan... I-I'm sorry...

I grabbed everything I had bought... and I ran.

I ran away not wanting to cause her pain anymore. Not wanting to feel her emotions anymore.

Since when...?


"What is she doing?"

"Watch your step!"

People all around yelled at me as I pushed my way through the crowd.

Why Acchan...?

Our whole past replayed itself in my head. All this time, her being so kind, and so nice. Always supporting me through whatever I did.

This whole time...?

I eventually pushed my way through the same entrance I walked into only a few moments ago and got to the cross street.


The light just turned green as I got to the cross walk. Cars started to roll forward and move again after waiting. My mind raced with the traffic as her voice repeated in my head, repeating over and over again?

"Why do you like her?" echoed Acchan's voice in my head. "Why does it have to be Yuko?"


I turned around, feeling a sudden sadness fall over me as I saw that Acchan had followed me out of the mall. Her strong, yet hurt voice called for me from the mall entrance.

"Why... can't it be me?" echoed Acchan's voice again.

The effects of just seeing her had on me... it shook me... scared me... I wanted to get away.

And at that moment... at that very second... at that very instant of time... was the beginning of my end...

It happened so fast and yet, it felt like it took forever to happen...

I felt a shock as weightlessness took over me the moment it stepped back out of fear. It was like I was floating on air. Like I was leaning back as if I wanted someone to catch me... I felt like I was flying... But I wasn't... I was falling...

That hole... That stupid hole...

All that caught me was pavement. That's when I heard it. The large thud mixed with the cracking of bone as the back of my head slammed into the ground. Then the pain came... Horrible, unimaginable pain.... I wanted to endure it... I wanted to stay alive... But I also didn't...

I opened my mouth to cry out in pain, but no sound came.

Kill me!! KILL ME NOW!!!

It hurt... everything hurt.

"HARUNA!!!" screamed Acchan in panic.

Even though I don't remember much, there were certain things around me that seemed to be so detailed as my lifeless body just laid there on the floor.

The last thing I saw was Acchan, tears in her eyes and yelling on the top of her lungs as she ran towards my still body. She seemed so far away.

Acchan... save me...

The last thing I felt was a thick liquid leaking out from the back of my head and spreading across the pavement.


The last thing I remember... was Her... Yuko... Everything I had ever dreamt, ever remembered, and ever wanted... everything in my life... that had to do with Yuko... flashed in my head all in an instant.

I love you... Yuko... I'm sorry... but... I think I'll be leaving first...

The last thing I heard... besides the sound of Acchan's screaming... was the honk of a horn from the car that was about to run over me...

Goodbye Yuko.. I love you..

-Chapter End-

So, how is it?
how do you feel after read this chapter?
Happy? Sad? Frightened? Confused because to many emotions mixed together? Wonderful! Great! Splendid!
Sorry for the Bomb that i've dropped and the cliffhanger at the end of the chapter. LOL
I love this #excited

I feel bad too you know.. i feel so sad.. TT.TT NyanNyan! why did you have to die? TT.TT
Why did i have to killed you in the 5th chapter? TT.TT


@ sieka-ssi:  yes! because i'm so excited about this story. LOL and the comments give me so much energy, so i have to spent some energy in order to relieve myself from the stress #Don'tmindwhati'vesaidbefore

Yes! a new manager~ since togasaki-san is in akibahara, so i think i should add someone as AKB manager in korea. :D
Yeah. :D since i don't know who the one should i choose as the maids, so i pick Wmatsui. :D but don't worry, they're sisters, not lovers. I think i'll give them pairing in this fic. :p #spoiler

Mianhae~ Sieka-ssi. sorry about my rudeness. i think i've lost my manner. ;D so Sieka is your real name? it's quite unique.
LOL yes, i've checked your profile. but i didn't post anything. LOL just dropped by. i hope that you love this chapter. khukhukhu

@Kahem-san: Yes, it'll be polygone.. maybe? LOL war? LOL
i'm also k-pop fan. :D i love k.will and Kim Jong Kook (Sparta!!), their voices are good.. no, excellent!! :D FYI: i'm a guy, so i only admired them. and i love to sing their songs. khukhukhu

@yukofan: yes, i've obeyed your order. LOL no, actually, i've planned this from the start. khukhukhu

Really?? i want them!! the links for AKBingo in IDWS from chapter 119 till current episode. LOL
if i download them in my campus, the speed can reach 1mbps. hohoho
« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 08:10:28 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Offline Prataz

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Chapter 5 Updated!!]
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2012, 03:34:26 PM »
LIKE! Lets see how Death plays a game with Haruna now.

@Sieka-san I used to write there too! Until I got too busy with work. Right now I'm trapped by work with sales targets and stress... I wonder if I will ever find time to complete all my stories =/

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Chapter 5 Updated!!]
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2012, 03:40:40 PM »
So, You make it AtsuKoji and TakaYuu, huh? Even thought, Kojiyuu was there though...
This is something new for me... If it's AtsuYuu and TakaHaru, I would be fine with it... I have read some Fanfics 'Bout them... Or AtsuMina and Kojiyuu would be Even Better! Always Happy and Smexy Fanfics... :drool: But, This.. I can't even Explain it... Never mind anyway.. Just ignore my Words just now.. Don't take it Seriously, okay? :nervous I don't want to starts a Word-War just because of this Comment, LOL!... :grin: Besides, I'm just suggesting... not Complaining. So, You won't be mad, right? Guess so.. [or My Words Doesn't count as Suggestion for You?]. Well, I'm sorry about that. I don't mean anything Bad... :bow:

They Brought a Gift for Yuko! And, NyanNyan Praise Yuko! How sweet~ Btw, WTH with the Ending... What happen to NyanNyan?! Don't Kill Her or Any Bad... << or I'll Hate you Forever! LOL, Kidding. Just don't Kill NyanNyan... I don't want to see Any Sappy Stories/Scenes.. :bleed eyes: Seriously, I don't want to See Any Funeral Thingy, Right now... I want a Happy Ending. Hope you change your Mind... And, Acchan Kisses NyanNyan.. Does Atsuko Love NyanNyan that much? So that, She really want NyanNyan to be Hers... But, NyanNyan loves Yuko... :smhid Love Polygons? Triange Love? :P Nevermind... But, NyanNyan sure is Lucky! [Alongside The-Perverted-Squirrel, Yuko] Being Loved by Acchan... [And, Yuko being Loved by NyanNyan]. But, It looks like She Doesn't really Care 'bout it..<< Talkin' About AtsuKoji not TakaYuu... Hm, Does Haruna just have A Feeling even A Bit to Acchan? If She Doesn't, Then Poor Acchan... :O Her love is just a One-side Love... And, Maybe will never Replied by Haruna... Maybe, After that Acchan will Gave Up on Haruna and Start to Love Takamina... AtsuMina would Happen! And KojiYuu live How it Destined to be... Happy Ending~ Yay! :thumbsup Me and My Imaginations... But, It's up to the Author, You~ I won't force you to Make your Fanfics Based on my Wild-Imaginations though... LOL. :P Sorry for Overreact... I just having a Goosebumps while reading your Fanfic...

You know what? I'm not a New Readers of Yours... I'm just A Royal-Silent Readers, Man. :peace: Since, I'm a bit Busy with Exams now... That I Can't Even Checked The Forum once a while... But Once the Sem-break came, I'll surely be a Royal-Talkative Readers of Yours! XD I'm kinda.. hmm.. How should I say it... Ah! A Yammer-Kid! Yea, I'm kinda be A Yammer-Kiddo, Nowadays! <<Who cares, anyway.. So, Don't worry! I'll be a Fan of your Fanfic! :fap Sorry My Silly side just Escaped...LOL! I'm just a Kiddo, okay... If you Annoyed with my Comment, It should be Obvious though... Most of People thinks Kiddo is such a Waste, Isn't it? So, I wouldn't suprise if you Annoyed... and, Sorry for my Worst English... :P2
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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Chapter 5 Updated!!]
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2012, 04:25:43 PM »
omg i love this, i need an update!

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Chapter 5 Updated!!]
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2012, 04:40:23 PM »
wtf Koji u best not die dont u dare leave yuko

poor Acchan not loved by the person she loves nooooooo

Mabye Takamina can help cheer her up even if she loves Yuko

i wanna know wht the couples are actually gonna turn out like because Koji even tho she loves Yuko she might fall inlove with Acchan same for Yuko except Takamina

oooo so interseting update soon !!

Offline kahem

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Chapter 5 Updated!!]
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2012, 01:07:36 PM »
Kojiharu!!!! Nooooo!!! T_T But I like the lingerie scene hehe
My friends are also guys. They like guys and girls band. And they are always blabling on Nicole or tae yon as I am on Takamina lol

Offline bochang

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Chapter 5 Updated!!]
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2012, 02:13:14 PM »
OMG. :D I love you guys. :p
Thank you for the comment, i appreciated them from the bottom of my heart. :)

chapter 6 is on the way. i'm still editing some parts, so brace yourself. :p

and here's the replies. (it's always been a pleasure to communicate with the readers. :D)

@Prataz: Hmmmm.. yeah.. you can say that.. you almost seen throught my way of thinking. hoho i will let you find out the answer in the next chapter. :D
You're a writer at SSF too? LOL SNSD's glory days is over.. I still love them though. :D

@Nakamii: :D hmmm it's not decided yet. it's already though :p i won't answer the question in your mind now aout the pairing. :p
it'll be revealed later, so please read the update. :p
Of course i won't be mad. i love any opinions or critics. :D i also ship KojiYuu. well, actually i ship Yuko with anybody. LOL
Will NyanNyan died? well cat has 13 lives you know. :p it'll be a happy, sad, fluffy, cute, bitter, suprising story in my point of view.
AtsuMina? hmmm can't promise about it.. maybe if there's some enlightment from God of writer to me about how to make them together. :p
I'll wait for another comment then :D and thank you for reading this crappy story.

@haruhi16: i'll give it to yoou! but not now. :p be patience haruhi-san. i only want to tease you more :D

@robyn-san: I hope NyanNyan didn't die too!! TT.TT i hope she's okay.. #delete the car from the chapter. :p
ohohoho i won't answer it now. not until i finished trolled you guys. :p

@kahem: yeah! i want more lingerie scene. :p i'd love to write them.. later.. #nosebleed
really? hoho hmmm2.. the same for me.. except i love a solo ballad, more than group songs.
so i love K.will, tae woo, jong kook, seung gi, everyman with a good love/sad ballad songs. :D

and for the next chapter.. hmmm i'll give you a little teaser about it. hohoho

"1 room. 2 doors. A way in and a way out. It was so simple. Yet, the magic in that room... So complex. It was amazing. It's hard to imagine all the things that appeared in that room. Your thoughts, your memories, your deepest desires, your unconscious feelings. Everything and anyone you ever wanted displayed in front of you."

The girls sat next to me, listening to my ramble of our past as "Heavy Rotation" repeated itself in the background.

"Essentially, your dream. Given to you by that room. Infinite amounts of money, some sort of goods, or a lost love one, perhaps. Everything, of course, felt real to the person in that room. I'm sure any of them would want to stay in there forever. But they can't."

Happy enough? LOL

thx for someone whom i can't contact for years.. the room of dreams actually his idea. :D
i hope he's still live and alright.. miss you bro! TT.TT
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Chapter 6 teaser!]
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2012, 07:00:00 PM »

Awsome teaser update soon


Offline bochang

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Chapter Six
« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2012, 05:42:21 AM »
Hey hey hey~
so what do you think after you read that NyanNyan is almost die?
will she died? will she live?

@ robyn-ssi: here you go! :D i won't trolled you any longer.. am i?
and for all the readers, check this out! LOL

sorry for the short and crappy chapter

Chapter 6

New Game? Interesting..

Date: I don’t know.. the Void didn’t have any time zone

I was sitting on my couch in my living room. Rena was occupying herself with Angry Birds while Jurina rehearsed the dance moves to "Heavy Rotation." I was too focused in watching Jurina before i realized that the Howl’s Moving Castle OST’s “Merry-go-round” ringtone have been played over and over.

My phone!

“Annyeonghaseyo”, i said after i pressed the answer icon in my iPhone

A deep, yet kind voice replied through the ear piece.

"Yes, yes. Jwesonghamnida, God. I was too focused in something. Anything i could help?”

The voice continued to talk and explain.

"Really!? So you'll let me do it?"

The voice merely replied with a confirmation.

"Roger that! I’ll change ‘it’ as soon as possible! Thank you. I'm sure you won't be disappointed! Well, I'll talk to you later then. Oh- Wait! That reminds me! Have you heard of AKB48?" I continued to explain my sudden interest of the beautiful girl group in question to the person on the other end.

Surprisingly, the voice laughed and confirmed with joy! How splendid!

"Really, now!? Tell me, which is your favorite?"

The voice answered without hesitation.

"My, my. So predictable of you, God," I couldn't help but laugh. “I see. Anyway, I must take leave. Much preparation to be done! If there’s anything i could help, just call me, God!"

The voice agreed and hung up the phone.

I put the iPhone on the table and smiled to myself. With a snap of my fingers, the living room was filled with the sounds of my new favorite group.

"What did God want, Master?" said Rena. She was still on the floor in front of the couch, her eyes not wavering from the Tab screen.

"Yeah!" yelled Jurina. "You're happy <3! is it a good news?"

"God has accepted my request for a new Game."

"Game...?" Rena wasn't even concentrating on her game anymore. "Master... you mean?"

"That's right, Rena. We are allowed to change the Room of Dreams! How exciting, right!? Just Imagine! A whole new game! More entertaining than the previous one!"

"WOW<3!" yelled Jurina.

"Shall I begin preparations?" said Rena as she got up from the floor and walked over to where I was sitting.

"No, no," I said as I lightly pet her head. "That won’t be necessary. The preparations have already been completed."

"I see," Rena said with a light bow.

"It's kinda sad though," Jurina pouted. "The Room of Dreams was so good."

I laughed to myself. It was good. Amazing even. A true work of art.

"It was so simple, yet at the same time, complex."

My mind wondered back to the times of Korea and the game all the visitors had to play.

"1 room. 2 doors. A way in and a way out. It was so simple. Yet, the magic in that room... So complex. It was amazing. It's hard to imagine all the things that appeared in that room. Your thoughts, your memories, your deepest desires, your unconscious feelings. Everything and anyone you ever wanted displayed in front of you."

The girls sat next to me, listening to my ramble of our past as "Heavy Rotation" repeated itself in the background.

"Essentially, your dream. Given to you by that room. Infinite amounts of money, some sort of goods, or a lost love one, perhaps. Everything, of course, felt real to the person in that room. I'm sure any of them would want to stay in there forever. But they can't."

Both of my maids nodded in unison. Only our cute Jurina did it more happily.

"10 minutes... Just 10 minutes. Everything you have ever lived for, everything you had died for, hung in the balance of 10 simple minutes. Leaving that Room meant that every bit of that Dream, every little hint of those Memories... are erased. Nothing left of the joy of your experience in the Room. Of course you can stay in there all you want. But that meant that Hell awaited you later on...

To those lucky few, with all their Memories erased of the events of their Dream, Heaven was on the other side of the door. Truly... that Room was a work of genius. Of course... Jessica-ssi was the exception to this rule."

We sat there, listening to the song play, remembering the joy we had watching all the humans going into the Room and being tortured and teased with their own Dreams. I'm so good! Kekeke?

"How are you going to change it, Master?" asked Rena breaking our silence. "What will the new Room of Dreams be like?"

"If I may, I shall answer your questions with another question. Have you ever wondered, let alone comprehended, what would happen if I, Hae Jin the God of Death, entered the Room of Dreams?"

"I..." Rena stopped to wonder. Jurina just stood next to her, scrathing her head like a child deep in thought.

"Unlike the other God in the Void... the other Gods of Death, I dream. I've only had one dream. Of course, I wouldn't technically call it a 'Dream'  since I don't sleep!"

"Master... I don't understand," said Rena politely.

"Humans are fascinating creatures. They live, they love, they desire, they dream... And, as Death itself, I can’t do such things. And why should I? I have no need for it! Imagine how distracted I would be from my games! However, above all else, there is one fact that has help me link to Humans, I want something..."

"What is it that you want?" asked Jurina with a curious look on her cute face.

"To Live, Jurina, Rena... to live among those who fascinate me the most, Humans."

As if by cue... As if everything was planned and staged like a play... As if this were a movie... a soft knocking on the front door started at the end of my sentence. A high pitched and beautiful voice said from behind the door.

"Hello? Anyone home? Where is this place? Is someone in there? Hello?"

I smiled as I heard the knocking. The knocking on my chamber door.

"It seems we have a ‘visitor’", I said with a big smile plestered on my face.

"Rena, Jurina. Please ready your things. I shall explain to you the new Game with our new Visitor."

"HUH?" said the confused Jurina.

"Master...?" question Rena.

I turned away from them and walked to the front door, only stopping once I met my destination...

I felt being a little dramatic... Kekeke...

"Did you ladies honestly think..." I said loudly, still facing the door. "That I, your Master, was going to go to the Human World all by myself and leave you two lovely ladies all by yourself?"

~Chapter End~

so how's that? wondering why Jessica being mentioned again in this chapter? LOL and the voice behind the door? LOL
i still didn't give the answer about nyannyan condition in this chapter though. well maybe if you notice something. :p

i'll gladly accept you comments, critics, opinions, anything~ LOL
for me reader is the king. LOL
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Offline Prataz

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Chapter 6 updated~]
« Reply #36 on: April 28, 2012, 09:48:00 AM »
Hight Pitched... Don't tell me it's the infamous dolphin calls of Sica? or it's Nyan-Nyan.

Why limit yourself to 48 and you can add 9 more? Gotta Catch'em all right?

Looking forward to more insanity and chaos and games!

Offline Haruko

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Chapter 6 updated~]
« Reply #37 on: April 28, 2012, 03:55:23 PM »
Aww haruna... Yuko is wating for you

I feel sad for acchan but my kojiyuu is first...

I hope that acchan find love in another place cofcof takamina maybe?

And of course i wanna see the gift scene...

Offline yukofan

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Chapter 5 Updated!!]
« Reply #38 on: April 29, 2012, 12:37:11 AM »
hey!..haruna can't die yet..she hasn't confessed her love for yuko..bring back haruna live!

stop being a JUST need 50 posts to be able to see the akbingo link download..

ep 138-159

thas's all the link for now LOL..respect the uploader.

visit my tumblr :

Offline bochang

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chapter 7 teaser
« Reply #39 on: April 29, 2012, 01:56:40 AM »
@prataz: i won't answer now. kekekeke
just wait for it. :D i think i'll post the update tomorrow. yesterday i've a head-splitting headache.. i can't write or edit anything. LOL
Nah, in this fic, it'll be AKB. well, yeah. :snsdsica: will become cameo in this fic. hohoho

@haruko: yeah.. yuko is waiting for nyannyan.. is she? AtsuMina? i don't know if i can make them together.. hohoho
yeah! and the gift scene! so you must wait 7 days from now. since NyanNyan will give Yuko's present at Yuko's birthday. if she still alive..

@yukofan: OMG OMG OMG~!  :farofflook: :on GJ: :on slopkiss:  :bow: thank you for the link!!!! TT.TT i can't express my gratitude with words..
yeah, i'll start posting in the akb thread @idws. but i don't know what to say.. they're suhu and i'm newbie.. TT.TT
i promise! i'll bring back nyannyan alive!! (feels like being bribed. :p)

for chapter 7 teaser:

"Just regained your thoughts? Well, well... I see the Game has started as soon as you died. Tell me, are you sure you are not forgetting anything? Anything at all?"

My mind raced over my various memories of me and other girls singing and dancing together in perfect unison.

"Hmm... I don't think...?" I said deep in thought. "WAIT! WHAT! I'M - I'M - !"

I couldn't even say it.

"Dead," he said with that same smile.

"...D-Dead?" I shivered as the words left my lips.

"YUP~<3! Onee-chan is dead~ Onee-chan is dead~" sang the childish maid as she came back with a bag.

"It's also known as being 'passed away'," said the other maid following behind.

I could barely stand as the words finally hit me. My body shivered on the spot.

I'm... I'm... dead...

i hope this is enough for now. :p
the question is.. who is she? LOL it could be haruna.. it could be jessica. since they're in idol group. the same high pitched voice.. hohoho
i love to troll. :p
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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