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Author Topic: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 16 - 19/9/2012, HIATUS]  (Read 69780 times)

Offline yukofan

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Chapter 7 Teaser~ :p]
« Reply #40 on: April 29, 2012, 03:19:01 AM »
the teaser is too short (but that's why it is called 'teaser' LOL)

well,if u want to see the DL link but u don't have confident,you can post on any other general thread..u can just post something like "nice info,gan" or "makasih infonya,gan" LOL..after u reach the limit amount posts to see the DL link,u can still be lurker..

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Offline bochang

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One Shot "Forever and a Day"
« Reply #41 on: April 29, 2012, 09:02:24 AM »
since i become so bored..
i think i will write a one shot, also for celebrate the 1000 views!  :onioncheer:

here ya go~

@yukofan: yes! LOL so wait for it. for the time being.. please entertain yourself with this one-shot. :D Yeah, i'll start posting in IDWS then. :D

Forever and a Day

I stood there.. Watching you as you sleep in that couch..
I started to walk towards you and sit beside you..
You're seems to be at peace in your sleeps..

I'm sure you won't noticed me..

My mind started to wander.. Reminiscing our time together..

After all this time..
You're still so beautiful since the last time we met..

It's still fresh in my memory when i met you for the first time.. When you introduced yourself to me..
That awkward moments when i stood in awe with my jaw dropped when i saw your face..
That beautiful.. no.. scratch that, i mean your perfect face.. The pale skin of yours..
That pair of eyes that attracted me.. A small yet cute nose.. Those tempting red lips..
and beyond all of them is.. your bright smile..
The smile that have captivated me..

I can't remember when you weren't there.. Anytime.. Anywhere.. I could always find you beside me..
We're supporting each other.. I've never been afraid.. because i know that you're always beside me..
Through the days that we've been together.. I can't help.. but to falling in love with you..

I can remember.. The day i confessed to you.. I still remember your face at that moment..
I felt like there's only us in that noisy room.. My eyes was fixed at yours..
We're standing there without any words.. I know you're trying to convey a message with your eyes..
I can't help but giggle and asked you the same question..
"I love you from the bottom of my heart!, would you be mine?"
I can felt the tears start to drop from my eyes..
When you answered me with a kiss..
It's the best moment in my life.. My heart is full of joy..
I've found my soulmate..

The joy.. the sorrow.. Anything.. We faced it together..
You gave me the strength to live.. You gave me comfort when i need it..
and it's all because of your love.. it's all because of you..
My heart is full of gratitude..

I don't know why.. but, i think God seems to be jealous with me..
That day.. Our 2nd Anniversary date..
That day.. when i've to leave this world..
That day.. when a car run over me in front of your beautiful eyes..

I remember when you screamed your lungs out..
Don't know what to do when you saw my lifeless body on the road..
I hate myself.. because i'm causing pain to you..
I hate myself.. for leaving you..

I'm sad.. because i can't be with you..
I can't growing old with you..
Sitting next to you.. telling stories about old days and smiled..
Staying by your side..
Cries for you, laughs for you, and lives for you..

I carressed you face.. Tears start to well up in my eyes..
I hope you'll always remember me..
I hope you kept a small portion in your heart for me..
So that i can be by your side.. Forever..

We're different now.. but one thing that will never changed..
My love for you.. I will stay by your side.. forever..
I give you a peck in your lips.. filled with all of my feelings..
Hope that i can conveyed this feeling from that kiss..

Yuki.. I love you.. Forever and a day..


for those who don't know.. it's Rena POV. :p of course you won't know this since i don't give any hints. LOL
I tried to write a YukiRena.. but i think i failed..
So, how's it? i don't know.. i felt like a crap..
TT.TT it's failed..

oh, try to read this with a BGM. It's K.will-I'll be with you
this song is JJANG! OMG I love K.Will so much!! TT.TT

here's the video.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2012, 12:24:38 PM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Offline karomuwi

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Chapter 7 Teaser~ :p]
« Reply #42 on: April 29, 2012, 09:22:59 AM »
YES! Finally able to comment after such a long time! Sorry for the late comment, Bochang-ssi! :kneelbow:

Anyway~ Onto the comments!

Chapter Five: WHAT?! AtsuKoji! and what about my Atsumina? And Harunyan!!! NOOOO~!  :pleeease: but....  :glasses: I can't help but say how much I felt that there was something wrong going to happen because bochang-ssi was hinting at it. LOL.

Chapter Six: And yay~! Death-san is going to change the room of dreams! HOORAY~! And Rena-chan, along with Jurina-chan, will be joining him! HOORAY~!

And I think that Haruna was the one who realized that she died! Lol! Can't wait to read more, Bochang-ssi!

#Just had to re-edit the comment because I noticed that I posted this at the same moment you updated a one-shot.

Anways...WHAT?!?!?!?!!  :OMG: R-Rena...sama  :dizzy: DIED?!  :angry1: Bochang-ssi, want to go out on a walk with me?  :shifty: I want to 'talk' about the one shot.

Ahahaha! Just kidding a bit about the talking! I can't believe Rena-sama died! WHY?!  :pleeease: :gyaaah: :temper: Bochang-ssi! Is this revenge at me for not commenting for so long?! IS IT?!  :scolding: I don't want to believe that you kill my oshi! I-YA-DA!  :tantrum: Death-san! Let Rena-chan be alive again!  :prayers:

*sigh* anyway, forget about my Rinage. I liked that you made it as YukiRena, because W Matsui is getting a bit too mainstream. And...YUKIRENA is totally hot right now! Aah~  :nya: YukiRena~

Anyway! Thanks for the one-shot and updates! I'll TRY to comment so that you don't kill my oshi. ^^ :monbye: :byebye:
« Last Edit: April 29, 2012, 09:41:05 AM by karomuwi »
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Updated a one-shot]
« Reply #43 on: April 29, 2012, 09:27:37 AM »
Hum I'm curious about that room of dream ^^
Poor Rena T_T

Offline bochang

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Chapter 7
« Reply #44 on: April 30, 2012, 09:43:37 AM »
Hello there! :D
As i promised yesterday, i update this fic today! :D
I don’t know.. i feel plain.. i hope this chapter will be interesting enough. :D
Here ya go~

Chapter 7


Date: Unknown

The first thing I heard was the sound of a clock. It was peaceful, calming sound... and yet... it annoyed me. The clock  just seemed to tick whenever it wanted to... No rhythm at all...

What is that?

The first thing I felt and saw was the green grass under my body. It was beautiful and perfect.  but something wasn't right. The grass was kinda hard... so delicate...

A prairie...?

The first thing I remember was nothing..I couldn't remember a thing. As if nothing was inside my head..I tried to recall something but nothing. But I didn't care. I felt no stress, no worries. it was peaceful.

It's nice...

I just laid there on the hard grass, observing my surrounding. It was so strange. Everything seemed so beautiful, amazing, perfect. And yet dirty, broken, and haunting. all at the same time.

As I rotated onto my back, above me, the blue sky looked wonderful. All the clouds above me moved in an orderly fashion. Behind it was the stars.. but it was day time? I could see the stars... and it was day time! The last thing I saw was the Sun. It was massive and bright, slowly moving along a predetermined path. It’s was moving so oddly. It was like a long hand of a giant grandfather clock with the stars as it’s numbers. Also, I could look straight at the sun! It didn't hurt or strain my eyes to look at it!

What... is this place?

I pushed myself off the ground and stood up, even more curious about where I was. My head followed the sounds of clock and found myself at a prairie in the middle of nowhere. And, as far as I could see, there was nothing. All empty. Just a horizon and then the sky again.

Hehehe... I like the prairie...

" Prairie...?" I said. I surprised myself when I spoke. It felt like my first word.

Prairie... Why do I remember prairie...? And...

"Om...ome... om...omelette?"

B-blue.. bl-bluish.. omel-!!!


I screamed like I've never screamed before. Pain. All I could feel was the stinging sensation that was rippling through my body. I could no longer determine what was up or down. All I knew was pain. A very familiar pain, like the back of my head was being cracked open. My body jerked left and right on its own. I couldn't control myself. I didn't want to. What was worse was my heart. It was like it was being ripped to shreds with a knife. Like it was empty. like it was missing.

And just like that. I was fine. I was perfectly fine. It's was as if nothing happened to me at all.

I found myself hunched over on my hands and knees, breathing deeply as my dry throat needed oxygen.


I was cried because i’m so scared and frightened out of my mind.

An exit! I need to get out of here.

It was then that I noticed an odd structure in the middle of the prairie

A castle...?

My mind raced as various images of castles I've seen in my past, both real and fantasy. It was definitely a castle. But... just like everything else in this place... it was odd. It looked like a giant gothic castle or mansion except that it was made of completely modern looking materials. The whole building was lined with complex glass shapes and metallic beams. Where there wasn't glass was a white and black granite, perfectly accenting the building.

But that's not what drew my attention to the building. It was the sound coming from it...

"He~biii~iiii Roooo~teee~shoon!"

That familiar tune... That's when it started coming back to me. I could see it in my head. Me and many girls, all dancing in unison, and singing that song. I knew it was something to do with my past.

Maybe they can help me!

I ran to the giant door, only stopping when I heard a deep voice on the other side.

"'To live among those who fascinate me the most, Humans," said a deep male voice in perfect Korean. Since i don’t really learned korean seriously, i can’t understand all what he said

To... live? What the...? Who is this guy? Korean?

A loud thud answered my hand as it hit the door.

"Hello? Anyone home? Where is this place? Is someone in there? Hello?" I shouted.

I could barely hear what the voice that was being said, but
I definitely heard two girl voices in there as well.

I start to knocked the door furiously and trying to pushed the door, but nothing happened. I don’t realized that the knob turned and it start to opened

"My apologies, Madam, I was just- OWW?"

I feel like falling again. But this time i don’t feel hurt anywhere.

Ouch?! Eh.. I don’t feel any pain.. why it’s kinda soft?
I slowly opened my eyes, taking a peek. In front of me, there’s a man that knocked down as he became cushion for my fall.


"I'm sorry!" I said for the billionth time as I bowed repeatedly.

"Do not worry, Miss," said the short, long haired maid tending the tall man lying on a beautiful couch. Right next to her, another maid who was acting like a child as she tried to make the man comfortable.

"The Master will be fine," continued the first maid, but her voice had a worry tone to it. As soon as i entered the castle, it looks like the outside the walls, the living room walls were full of glass and silvery metal. However, what really drew me in were the maids. Their personalities remind me of something... I didn't know why, but I couldn't help it think about it.
The serious one with a long hair. She seems to be serious and gentle at the same time.

Sayaka?  I thought to myself. Where did I hear that name before?

The other one seemed so matured, yet she acted like a child.


I shook my head.

My concentration shifted as the long haired maid let out a big sigh, revealing how worried she was.

I was worried too. I just knocked down a complete stranger. I mean.. a.. be-beautiful stranger..

His face... is... perfect... face...

I hadn't realized how amazingly beautiful his face was. Although, even if I wasn't, it would be pretty hard to see his face behind his medium length blue hair... no wait brown... wait... black? now... white???


My mind seemed to ache with pain as memories slowly came to me as observed the man...

Haruna look! Lee Min Ho cut his hair! Said a pretty girl voice in my head.

Tomochin has probably showed me millions of images of Lee Min Ho from the drama "City Hunter" She wished she has a boy friend that looked like him. Well. his hair  looked similar to Min Ho’s anyway


From what I could see, his pale face was long and "v-shaped." There was no evidence of aging, stress, lack of cleanliness on his face at all. It was like looking at a statue.

His nose was perfect, his lips were well shaped, and his ears were...

Ah~! Like an elf! Echoed a familiar young voice in my head.

I didn't know why but looking at his elf-like ears reminded me of an otaku girl.


I followed his pointed chin to his neck and wide shoulders. The rest of his body was covered up in this odd attire. He dressed like he was ready for the cat walk. Even as he sit there, he looked like he was posing for a magazine. His white long coat, which was made of some weird material, was unbuttoned which exposed the black vest and grey shirt he was wearing. That too was slightly unbuttoned near his upper chest, showing lines of muscles under his skin. His pale hands were barely visible at the sleeves of his coat. Which, of course, was perfectly smooth. His long thin legs were wrapped around a pair of black skinny jeans and leather boots.

Everything about him was just tall and perfect. Like a character in a game or something.

"If I may interrupt your observations, Madam, do you mind if I move from this position? I'd prefer if I talked to you face to face."

"Huh? W-What?" I said, surprised.

The man lying on the couch had not moved an inch as his kind voice repeated his question.

"Miss Kojima Haruna, I'm well aware that you don’t understand Korean? Do you wish me to speak in Japanese?"

He spoke the last sentence in perfect Japanese and grinned.

Kojima.. Haruna.. That's my name...

"Oh, yes of course, you can move." I replied in Japanese.

"Er... how do you know my name?"

Completely ignoring my question, he turned his back and faced the two maids, showing me his wide back.

"Rena, Jurina. Could you make something for us?" he said,

"Oh, don’t forget to pack your things! We are about to have a vacation!"

"YAY! Vacation! <3" said the childish one

"Yes, Master," said the other as they both walked away.

The man simply laughed innocently to himself.

"Ah, how adorable those two are," he said. "Anyway, miss Kojima."

He turned to face me, finally showing me his smiling angelic face.

And now, I was scared...

Each of his eyes as an individual were soft... inviting... welcoming as they peer through his bangs. But together, they were imperfect. The very sight of them shook me.

One is... blue? But... why is the other one green?

And his teeth! His canine teeth were a pair of sharp fangs!

Wah!!! Vampire!!!

"W-WHAT ARE YOU!?! AND WHY AM I HERE!?!" I yelled at him. I suddenly remembered the pain I felt before. "AND HOW DO I GET OUT OF HERE!?!"

All I got in responded was that same innocent laugh.

"I'm sorry to have frightened you, Miss Kojima."

"The name is Haruna", I said

The man’s eyes brightened up with joy.

"Oh! My..." he said with an odd look on his face. "I'm so happy that you get to let me call you Haruna!"


My expression gave away my thoughts.

"Hahaha~! Please, allow me to explain as well answer your most primary question," he simply stated, never once stopped smiling. "I am embarrassed to say it but I'm a huge fan of AKB48... so of course, I would know your name."

Once he said that name, everything made sense in my head. I could remember my life clearly now. My team mates in team A, my life as a singer, actress and idol, and my connection to the song I heard before. Everything.

"AH! I remember now!"

The man let his smile continue as he raised one of his eyebrows, obviously curious about my statement.

"Just regained your thoughts? Well, well... I see the Game has started as soon as you died. Tell me, are you sure you are not forgetting anything? Anything at all?"

My mind raced over my various memories of me and other girls singing and dancing together in perfect unison.

"Hmm... I don't think...?" I said deep in thought. "WAIT!
WHAT! I'M - I'M - !"

I couldn't even say it.

"Dead," he said with that same smile.

"...D-Dead?" I shivered as the words left my lips.

"YUP~<3! Onee-chan is dead~ Onee-chan is dead~" sang the childish maid as she came back with a bag.

"It's also known as being 'passed away'," said the other maid following behind.

I could barely stand as the words finally hit me. My body shivered on the spot.

I'm... I'm... dead...


"HARUNA!!!" screamed Acchan in panic.

The last thing I heard... besides the sound of Acchan's screaming... was the honk of a horn from the car that was about to run over me...


Acchan... My best friend... I remember now... I'm - I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

"How are you feeling? In pain, are you? Confused, maybe? Terrified, even?"

I looked at him... feeling scared... and nodded.

"Good! Splendid! Wonderful, I think!" he said, showing his fangs as he smiled and raising his hands in celebration.

The tears started to fall from my eyes..

His lips didn't stop moving.

"I was rather curious as to why you lost your memories? that's never happened before... But I see the Game has started! How grand! Truly, this game will be difficult! Now then, it's time I explain how to play. Games are fun, mind you! There is no ice breaker like a good game, I think? A great way for me to get to know the Air-Head idol Kojima Haruna of AKB48! And there is no better game than a puzzle! Yes, a puzzle! A true test of wit!"

"..." I don’t know what to say. I can’t process all the information that coming. "Stop talking about games! I don't even know you!"

"Huh? Oh, my! Where are my manners? hmm... seems like I've lost them? Anyway, sorry about that, my mind started wander as I got excited! Ahem..."

The living room suddenly got darker. A single spotlight from out of nowhere concentrated its beam on the odd man.

...Is he gonna sing or something...?

"I have many names, for many cultures address me as such..."

His voice was different now... more serious... yet it held his usual eloquence. It was confident. It was perfect.

"I am neither the Light nor the Shadow. I am sometimes called a God, or maybe a messenger of the Devil.."

He started to move his arms in graceful movements as he spoke.

"The scared and weak fear me, while the brave and strong welcome me. I am the Chooser, the Decider, the Judge.  To some, I am a cloaked figure with a large scythe to help me with my work. Welcome to the Void!"

He ended his dance by throwing his long white coat in the air and letting it float to the ground as he bowed in front of me.

"I hope your stay here is most enjoyable for I am your most gracious host, Death! Ah, but you, Miss Haruna"
I felt his soft hand gently hold mine as he pressed his lips on my hand. And then he smiled that same gentle smile he always has.

"...You may call me, Hae Jin!"

As he said that, large fireworks exploded in the air in various rainbows of color. I was at awe as my eyes moved from the bright lights to the man standing in front of me. I couldn’t help but be impressed. The two maids started to clap their hands in applause as they were enjoying themselves. I joined with them. Forgetting about the fact that made me cried before.

~Chapter Ends~

So how are you feeling? :p
Is it good? Is it bad? Is it scary? Wonderful! Splendid! Great!
There’re some question that won’t be answered in this chapter. :p
but one thing for sure, it’ll be revealed in the chapter 8. :D

Yeah sure, it’ll be AtsuKoji and TakaYuu, no more AtsuMina and KojiYuu. *evil laugh*
Yes, i changed the room of dreams into something that will make NyanNyan suffer more than before~ *evil laugh* *preparing whip and other things*
Nice deduction! You’re right! Ippon! :D
I’m sorry muwi!! For killing rena~ :p
I have apologized twice now. I hope you forgive me~
It’s not because you haven’t give me cookies for ages. It is, and i will make rena suffer more :p
Sorry for being bipolar. :p

@kahem-san: the room of dream will be revealed later.. i think..
I hope this chapter will answer your curiousity. :D
Yeah.. i feel bad for Rena.. TT.TT
But i think Rena is so sweet to Yuki :D Forever and a day. *squealing*

FYI: I post this using my phone! LOL
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 05:43:36 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (KojiYuu? AtsuKoji? TakaYuu?) [Chapter 7 updated 30/4]
« Reply #45 on: April 30, 2012, 02:56:46 PM »
Uwah I haven't commented, so busy here. DX

Eh....looks like Kojipa is dead, Acchan confessed her love through kissing Kojipa, Haruna likes Yuko but things are messed up because she's dead and she isn't living anymore, that unless she gets resurrected, and she also gets to meet WMatsui maids along with Hae Jin......what will happen next? Who knows... :lol: Not that I'm not used to Haruna getting killed because I totally saw it coming since you did made us see it, even if it was only in a dream.

But say dude....didn't I tell you before not to try killing off my oshimen before? =u =
Do you have a death wish, my dear author? Or do you want to get a true glimpse of angst from me? (=A =
I swear dude, I'll show you how tragedy and angst should be done next time.... (ノ °益°)ノ 彡 ┻━┻
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~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline bochang

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[AtsuMina One-Shot] Will you marry me?*
« Reply #46 on: April 30, 2012, 04:26:48 PM »
You saw it coming!!
I failed.. I failed.. I'm a failed writer..
Ahhh.. Yeah.. I realize that I should not write about kojipa's dream.. (ㅠ.ㅠ)
Yeah~ what will happen to kojipa? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

*bow down
I'm sorry!!! Uwaah!! Don't kill me!!!
I'm sorry for killing Rena!!
I'll make a fluffy one later!!
Don't kill me *scared beyond imagination

And muwi like your comments..
It must be about the one shot..
I'm apologize to both of you

Nah, it's my purpose.. (^ㅍ^)
*evil laugh*
It's because your chinmoku inspired me to write about this, sieka-san!!
*evil laugh*

But yeah, I promised to write a fluffy one for both of you.

and actually i write another one-shot yesterday. I skipped two classes yesterday and doing nothing in my place. LOL
don't worry, it's fluffy. :D

and it's atsumina :D
here ya go~

*the title is Lee Seung Gi's song with the same title. Try to play this song as you read this one-shot. :D
The bold one is actually the english translation from it's lyrics with some change so it can fit in this fic. :D

Will you marry me?*

“Sheesh! Where is she? I won’t forgive her for being late!”, i grumbled

It all started when i recieved a message from her. ‘Please come to the old church at I have something to tell you. :D’. And now.. I’m waiting for her.. alone.. inside the old church. It’s already It’s kinda creepy in here. I can’t find anybody inside the room. I want to waiting for her at the outside, but it’s been raining heavily. I have no other option but sitting inside the old church.

“Where are you!!!!”, i whined because she made me waiting for so long..

I won’t let you go easily.. Suffer my wrath..

“W-who’s there?!”, i yelled when i saw the door start to opened.

OMG! I don’t want to die yet! I’m too young to leave this world!!

I started to panic and trying to hide under the long chair..

Please don’t let he/she found me.. God! I prayed will all my heart..

I can feel someone walking towards me..

God!!! Help me!!

“Hello miss. Don’t be afraid.”, i heard someone giggled

I start to mustered all my courage and get out from under the chair with my eyes still closed.

“IYA!! Eh?!”, I kinda shocked when i saw a young priest in front of me. I almost punched his face.

“Hueh... Father, don’t go around and scare me like that. I thought you're a ghost or something”, i whined

“I’m sorry miss.” He said with a warm smile, “What brings a cute girl like you to this place?”

“Ahh.. I-i’m waiting for my friend.”, i said “She said that we’ll meet here.”

“Ah.. I see.”, he said, “She must be important to you, since you’ve been waiting for her for about one hour.”

“Eh?! How do you know it, Father?”, i confused

“Well, i’ve been watching you since you came inside to this church”, he said with another smile, “And please.. don’t call me father, i’m not that old you know.”

“I’m sorry. Ah.. My name is Maeda Atsuko, you can call me Acchan.”, i said with a smile and extending my hand for a handshake

“I’m Heo Hae Jin.”, he said as he shake my hand

“Oh! Are you korean?”, i exclaimed

“Yes, i’m came from South Korea. I’m single, 25 years old, from Busan. Nice to meet you Princess Acchan~.”, he said with a playful tone and ended it with a peace sign.

“N-nice to meet you too. Hae Jin Oppa.”, i can’t help but blushed when i heard she called me princess.

Kya~ It feels so good~

After that we started to chatted about anything. He’s a nice guy with vast knowledge and He’s very handsome! He looks like Lee Min Ho maybe if i met him first, i won’t be with her. He’s also quite tall. His suit giving a charismatic aura and i felt comfortable with him.

“Tell me about your friend Acchan.”, he asked me

“Ah.. Her.. hmmm..”, i started, “She’s a shy person.. Chibi.. Funny.. Sweet.. Cute.. Reliable.. Sweet.. Funny.. Cute.. Beautiful..” I lost in my deep thought.

He laughed at me and pet my head. “She must be a special person for you, right?”

“Y-yeah..”, i look down hidding my blushed cheeks from him.

“Do you love her?”, he boldly asked me

“Eh?”, i shocked to hear his question. I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. I bet i’m red as a tomato right now.

“I’m.. I.. I...”, i can’t answered this question. He giggled.

“Is she looks like her?”, he said as he pointed to the altar

“Eh?”, I turned my head to the direction he pointed.

I saw her.. She sat in front of the grand piano.. Wearing a white tuxedo.. She looks so handsome. Even with her trademark ribbon on her hair.. It just added cuteness into her..


“Ta-...”, I want to call her, but then she started to play the piano and sing..

Will you marry me?

Her voice is so sweet..

Will you live forever with me? While loving each other.

I just realized the lyrics and I can’t process all the information that given to me at that moment..

I want to have a child that looks like me, and another one that looks like you..

I can’t helped but giggled when hear that..

and live without sick for 1000 or 10000 years..

Baka.. I can feel tears started to well up in my eyes..

To be honest with you.. I like you more than you like me..

That’s impossible! I like you more! Tears started to run down my cheeks and fall to the ground

And people say that’s better between us..

I feel like i’m crazy.. I cry and yet i’m smilling like and idiot.

I’ll love you more, I’ll take care of you..

You have to, chibi!

If you cry, if you’re having a hard time.. If you hurt, I’ll be with you


I’ll love you forever, i’ll protect you forever..

I ..

I’m thankful that i’ve met someone like you..

I.. d-...

I only want to love you everday!

I... do..

Will you marry me?

“I DO!”, I shouted to her, “I DO! I want to marry you!” I smile as big as i can and then I heard another voice.

Marry me, there’s a feeling of happiness everyday

And I look foward to tomorrow with you

Why i’m nervous?

You’re the best, no matter how much i stare at you!

Until our black hair becomes white..

Until our lives end

Even if I put water to your hands, I won’t put tears in your eyes.

I shocked then I laughed as I turned around and found Hae Jin Oppa is rapping.

He’s good. He started to walk to the altar as he rapped.

My eyes followed him again and found him beside you, and then he give a code for you to start to sing again. I’m amazed. I’m felt so happy. I can feel the love in the air tonight. My hearts starts to beat faster, I’m excited, thrilled, full of happiness. I watch you again, having a duet with Hae Jin Oppa. and i hearn your sweet voice again.

You as my half, I’m as your half

I’ll love you as long as I breathe

You turned your head and looked at me with a smile.

"I'll love you too Takamina!", i shouted to her

When time goes by and we get wrinkles..

You and I will be together like now..

"Yes! I promise I’ll never ever leave your side!", i continued

You continue to sing the bridge and the chorus and I saw Hae Jin Oppa sit next to you and started to play the piano as you stand up.

You’re like the light which lightened up my dark life!

He started to rapped again! I giggled

The sound of the soup boiling greeting me!

The rain that falls on my thirsty heart!

The poem that contains the meaning of love!

I saw you started to step down from the altar and walking towards me with a shy smile

The string of destiny that the heavens have allowed

I can see you blushing as you grab my hands and lead me to the altar

The meeting between you and I was meant to be

You’ll be irreplaceable even if I was given the whole world

Hae Jin Oppa’s rap became a background music for us when we walked to the altar. As we arrived in front of the altar. I can hear that the wedding songs being played when Hae Jin Oppa stands up and walked into in front of us. It must be have recorded before.. I giggled.

“Takahashi Minami.”, Hae Jin Oppa said. “Will you take Maeda Atsuko as your wife?”, he continued, “Be true to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. Love and honor her as long as you live? ”

It's the sweetest proposal ever!!

“I, Takahashi Minami, take you, Maeda Atsuko, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you, in good time and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you as long as i live.”, you gave me the sweetest smile as you said those sweet vows while looking into my eyes.

“and you, Maeda Atsuko.”, He said, “Will you take Takahashi Minami as your.. Em.. Wife?”, he continued as i giggled when he confused. “Be true to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. Love and honor her as long as you live?”

I hold your hands and looked into your eyes as i answered Hae Jin Oppa

“I, Maeda Atsuko, take you, Takahashi Minami, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you, in good time and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you as long as i live.” I smiled shyly with tears running from my eyes.

“What God has joined, men must not divide.”, He said as he opened a jewelry box and gave you a beautiful white gold ring. You hold my hand and...

“Maeda Atsuko”, you started,”take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity.” You place the ring on my finger.

Hae Jin Oppa also give me a ring to me..

“Takahashi Minami, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity.”, I place the ring on your finger.

“and now, I annonced both of you as an official H-... Wife and Wife?”, We laughed at his confused face.

“You may kiss the bride!”, He said with a wink.

“Acchan..”, You look at my eyes. “I love you”, you said as you close the gap between our lips. I found that your lips are so sweet, it’s very soft and addicting. The kissing starts to become more intense as I trying to insert my tounge in to your mouth. I can feel you're gasping for air.

It’s the best day in my life..

“Ehem..", Hae Jin Oppa trying to get our attention. "don’t forget, don’t have your first night in this Church okay? It’s still a God’s sanctuary.”, Hae Jin Oppa said as he stuck his tounge out.

“We will.”, i said with a smirk. “Let’s go Minami! You said that you want to have a child that looks like you and another one that looks like me.. Why don't we made them now..”, i dragged Takamina from the altar and walked towards the door.

“Eh?! It's just a lyrics! H-Hae Jin Oppa h-help! Help ME!”, you said as you trying to free yourself

“Have a ‘good’ night, ladies.” Hae Jin Oppa said with a wink as i turned my head and opened the door.

“Thank you Oppa!”, I wave my hand and close the door

“NO!!! Acchan!! Oppa! He-..mmmmffmm”


Here you go, a fluffy one! :D
I hope you enjoy reading this and chapter 7.
I'll update chapter 8 tomorrow. :D
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 07:29:43 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

please drop by :D

Offline bochang

  • Psychology Student with a Psychological Problem
  • ecchi
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  • Posts: 256
  • You can't love another if you don't love yourself.
Chapter 8
« Reply #47 on: May 01, 2012, 05:38:39 AM »
Here i am.. doing editing in my cognitive class. LOL
yeah, since i become so bored, i edit chapter 8, and when the class finished. I finished editing too! LOL
so i think i will post it today.. I mean right now.

This chapter will answer almost everything. also this is the last chapter in the first part of the story. :D

Chapter 8

Settings.. Start!

(Date: Unknown)

"Or... if you prefer.... you may call me Shin oppa..." he simply stated. "Oh, I'm sorry, and these two are Matsui Rena and Matsui Jurina." He pointed to the two maids as he said each of their respected names.

"Master," said who I believe was Rena. "That was well done. It shows that you practiced a lot."

"Yeah, yeah!" said Jurina, grinning. "Good work!"

He's... practiced?

I was so lost yet I start to let out a giggle. The maids go into one of the room. I think they’re going to make some drinks for us. I wonder why i felt so hungry and thirsty

"So, you're like shinigami in Death Note or Bleach?" I asked.

Without realizing it, I've come to terms with the thought of being dead. Shin oppa has helped me do that.

"Yes, that would be accurate." He nodded and just smiled.

Smiling... he's always smiling... a bright smile...

I ignored my thoughts and concentrated on his voice. Letting out a deep breath, I continued to ask him questions. He raised his hand in protest.

"A moment, Miss Kojima," he said as he pointed to one of the seats in the living room. "Let's have a seat! We have much, much to talk about and I wish not your legs to be tired."

"Oh? thank you."

I took the seat he indicated while he gracefully took the seat opposite of me. Between us, there’s a tea table. To my right was a large love seat that Shin oppa was laying on before. My left was completely void of furniture. Nothing but a scary looking white door on the wall about 20 meters away. I couldn't help but stare at it.

"Curious looking isn't it?" said Shin oppa with an expectant smile on his face.

"Yeah?" I nodded still looking at the door. "What's in there?"

The maids just come into the room and  put a cup of tea in front of me and some cookies in a beautiful plate.

“Please have some”, Rena said.

“Thank you, Rena-chan.”, i said as i took one of the cookie

"Anyway, Master," interrupted Rena. "Jurina and I have been curious too. You haven't explained how to play the new game to us."
He responded with a triumphant laugh. It was like he wanted us to ask that question.

So that's why he wanted to me to sit down here...

"Do you play games, Haruna?" Shin oppa inquired.

"Yes. I usually play my NDS. Not all the game though."

"Hahaha~! Yes I am aware that you does!" Shin started to talk a lot again. “It’s reminds me about My sunbae. Yeah, he is the greatest gamer i’ve ever seen. He played Starcraft againts Lee Yun Yeol and win.”

He started to sway left and right in his seat as he seemed content with himself as his mind wandered.

"Oppa!" I said coldly.

"Oh... right!" Shin started to get himself in order. "Now what were we talking about? Starcraft? No wait... that's not right?" He then glanced at me. "AH! I got it!"

He got up and started to do a familiar dance.

"I want you! I need you! - wait, wait, wait... that's not it? Games! Ah there you go! Right! Now, as I was trying to explain to you earlier, you must play a game with me."

"Why should I? I know i love games so much, but i think this is not the right time to play. ”I said, confused.

"Because you are dead, Miss Kojima." The tone of his voice took a more serious, darker tone with it. "I'm sure you've noticed but there are no singing angels as well as evil looking demons here in the Void. In fact, this whole World reflects that fact. Everything is perfect, beautiful, but at the same time broken and scary. In between, Miss Kojima. Everything is in between. That is what the Void is. The world in between Heaven or Hell."

His explanation made sense to me. “Ah...”, I exclaimed as I lost in thought

"Life is not determined, the afterlife is not predetermined. People have a choice whether to be good or bad in life, whether they are conscious of it or not. It is here, in the Void that people must gamble for their consequences of their choices."

Shin pointed to the odd door from before.

"Now then, beyond the White Door is my new game, 'The World of Dreams’. Once you go through there, you’ll be in the Human World, the World of the Living. You shall revert back the very moment you died. The very last seconds of your life. Think of it as... a restart, an Afterlife! Hahaha!"

Shin laughed to himself at his lame joke.

"So, wait..." I interrupted. "Does that mean that I'll be...?"

"Alive?" He completed my question. "In a way, yes... and at the same time, no. You will be able to feel, see, hear, smell, and sing all the same. Live a life of a normal human. However, you'll find that as time goes on, your physical body will start to reject your Soul since you are already dead. Your body will continue to weaken, the pain you feel, mentally, emotionally, and physically, will be multiplied the more day's you stay there. In a way... you'd be dying again. In the end you will die after a while, no matter what happens once you enter into the Human world."

“YE-ah....”, i frowned.

No matter how I looked at it, I couldn't find a reason in my head to want to go back to the Human World if all I'm gonna do is die again.

He seemed to have caught wind of my thoughts and continued his explanation.

"I'm sure you've noticed... or maybe not... that your memory has been very broken since the very moment you got here. You're missing something very important. Not only in your mind but in your heart as well."

The memory of the chest pain I felt before replayed in my head.

"Whether Humans are aware of it or not, there is always something they want, something to make them happy, something they dream about, their Heaven... I can confidently say that you are no different."



I fell backwards, tripping over the hole from before.

"Haruna!!!" screamed Acchan.

I was leaning backwards, as if I was being caught by someone. Instead, the pavement caught the back of my head. A familiar stinging agony rushed through my skull as I heard the bone crack.


I rubbed the back of my head, attempting to find a scar, but there was nothing.

What did I forget...?

"Before, I believed that Humans should be rid of their deepest desire, those hungry memories, quite possibly dreams. This would make them less stressed out, worried, and greedy. I thought that they would be happy without that. More peaceful, I think. It wasn’t until I befriended a young woman I met not too long ago that made me realize that those memories are what made him happy, it was her Heaven. Now, look at you, you haven't smiled one bit since you've gotten here."

Looking back since the very moment I got here, oppa was right! I haven't smiled at all.

A smile...?

"That is what this game is about, your Dreams. While you are in the Human World you must relearn that Dream, to relearn that Memory, to relearn that Desire... And from this, you must find your happiness, your joy, your Heaven... Once you've learned this, the true meaning of a smile will become clear and you win the game."

The maids, silent until now, started to talk amongst themselves, absorbed in the idea of the game.

"That's simple?" I said happily

"Really?" Shin oppa said with a more serious tone. "Can you really say it is 'simple’?"

I stared back at him, deep in his eyes, wishing I took back what I said.

"How would you feel if you knew how long you had to live? Exactly knowing how finite your life is? that's a scary thought isn't it?"

I'll... I'll know when I'll die...?
The tears started to wells up again on my eyes.

"How would you spend that time left? Just imagine all the sugary sweets yet tasted, all the delicious aromas yet smelt, or all the beautiful sounds yet heard. How can you experience all of that when time is so short? And when your time is up, how about all those left behind? All the happy memories you had with them? gone in a blink of an eye. What?s worst, think about the one you love... The pain... the sorrow... the guilt... pushed upon that which you hold most dear... Would you do that to Her...?"

Her....? Oppa... what do you mean?

"What choices do you want to make?"

Maybe he means my best friend...?

"What decisions will you have to break...?"

Acchan maybe...?

"But tell me something, in your final moments, Kojima Haruna... or may I call you Haruna now since we've become such good friends...? Anyway, tell me....”
"Could you find a way to smile knowing that this is your last seconds on Earth?"

I... get to see Acchan?


Here I was, at the mall with Acchan, right before I died. Her soft, beautiful lips pressing on mine.

But it wasn't a kiss of love... She wanted me... She longed for me... She didn't have to tell me, but I could feel everything from her kiss. The force from it was strong. The passion controlling it was burning. The heart behind it was breaking.

At that moment, I knew what she meant and how much I was hurting her, what I've been doing to her all this time... just by calling her my best friend...

I didn't know what to say when I lost her from my lips. But I knew what I didn't want to do... I was sorry...

I grabbed everything I had bought with her... and I ran.

I ran away not wanting to cause her pain anymore. Not wanting to feel her emotions anymore.


I hated myself as the memory replayed in my head. My lips seemed to have not forgotten either.

If I never ran away, if I wasn't scared of tearing your heart into two, I would still be alive, and falling in love with you. I'm coming Acchan... I promise...

"This is quite a game, Master," responded Rena.

"YAY!!! You've done it again!" shouted Jurina with joy.

"How long?" I said

"I'm sorry?" Shin responded. He was busy enjoying his maid's praises.

"How long do I have to play?" I said finally realizing his words. "How long the time I have with Acchan?"

I said those last words confidently. It felt right saying those words. This was how I was gonna beat this Game.

This is my Dream? Right oppa? That kiss... it makes sense!!!

"Acchan?" Shin questioned, raising a single eyebrow. He smiled his usual smile.

See oppa! My memory isn't broken!

"Including today, 7 days," oppa confirmed. "All you have is 7 days."

The words hit my like a ton of bricks.

7... days... Why... do I feel strange...? Am I forgetting...?

I shook my head, trying to get my head in the game.

I want my Heaven... I want to see Acchan...

"Tic - toc - tic - toc," sang Shin with perfect rhythm as he got up and walked over to where I was sittting. "'The World of Dreams' has already begun and all you have is 7 days until you die!"

Like a gentlemen, he helped me up and walked me to the White Door.

"Haruna, as much as it hurts me to say this, you must take leave. The sad part is that we shall part ways... for now anyways. The good news is that it's time we started playing this Game!"

With a loud creaking sound, Shin oppa opened the door in front of me. Just like the vast prairie outside, everything that was within the door was an eternity of darkness. A vast emptiness.

"Well, good-bye," I waved my good-byes to my new oppa and the maids. "Nice to meet you."

"Bye, Onee-chan! <3" yelled Jurina from the couch.

"It was a pleasure," said her sister sitting next to her.

"Have a good time! - AH WAIT!" he said as he pulled my arm to stop me from continuing. "Haruna, may you humor me one final time with an answer to a question before you go?"

"Huh? Uh... sure.?"

"I'm curious... how many senbatsu members are there in Heavy Rotation PV?"

I didn't have to think very hard about the question. I remembered that particular fact even before I set foot into this place.

Still doubt my memory, Shin oppa?

"Including me," I said answered confidently. "There are 20 of us."

"Hahaha~! I see..." he laughed. "Well, off you go then."

And with a light push from Shin oppa on my back, I fell into the darkness.

-Chapter 8 End-

So? what do you think?
Some of the questions are already answered right? I won't troll you guys so much. :D

Have fun reading this, and don't forget to read my one-shot. :D
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 05:45:11 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

please drop by :D

Offline bochang

  • Psychology Student with a Psychological Problem
  • ecchi
  • Member+
  • Posts: 256
  • You can't love another if you don't love yourself.
it's been three day~
so i'll update this fanfic..

the second part of the story.. what's Haruna's fate? will KojiYuu be together?

Chapter 9

Handsome Manager? No!!

(Date: Friday, 11 October 2013)

Darkness... All I could see was darkness...


A complete emptiness...

Until I saw the light...

I opened my eyes finding myself lying on a bed in a completely white room. Everything was silent except for a couple of voices outside the door, one of which seemed familiar. Images of my little encounter in the Void suddenly replayed in my head.

I'm alive...? The Game... was it all just a dream???

I moved my left hand to the back of my head, where I remember hearing the sound of bone cracking.

Nothing? Hmmm... I feel... perfect...

And I had I feeling I knew why.

I tried to lift up my right hand to further examine myself, but couldn't find myself able to let go of the soft grasp of another hand. It was then that I noticed a light weight across my legs.

"Acchan...", I whispered.

Acchan seemed to have fallen asleep watching over me, her head resting on my thigh. Her eyes showed the remains of tear drops.

Are you worried about me? Hehehe~

I tried to smile to myself... but instead I ended up with a frown...

What the...? Why..

"Haruna?", murmured Acchan, who was slowly waking up. "Haruna!"

She threw her arms around me hugging me like she'll never let me go. I wanted to try and smile again, but I was too afraid of the result.

"I'm sorry!", she cried, tears welling up. "Please, Haruna! Forgive me... I- I- I didn't know why... I just so- so- jeal-"

She couldn't continue as her tears continued to fall.

"Its okay, Acchan,", I said trying to comfort her. "I'm not mad. I’m okay! Better than normal really."

I hugged her back. This warmth, this embrace, I wanted to comfort her.

I'm back, Acchan.

She finally let go of me and tried to wipe away her tears as she gave me a beautiful, perfect smile.


Embarrassed, I looked away and tried to change the subject.

"What happened?", I questioned. "I remember falling... And that car! I thought I was gonna die and how did I get here?"

She tried to straighten herself out as she tried to explain what happened.

"The car... it stopped right next to your body,", she smiled to herself. "It’s a miracle... it was Tomochin’s car! She had the handsome oppa he carry you into the car. Then, he drove all of us to this hospital. They looked over you and said you were completely fine! Like it you had healing powers or something. I was... happy."

Acchan started to tear up again, but this time tears of joy.

"You've been unconscious... for maybe an hour. Oh! And don't worry,", she continued after calming down again. "The girls know... even... even Yu-"?

"Handsome oppa?", I questioned, interrupting her mid sentence.

She looked away from me and started to blush.

"It's... a very appropriate nickname... you'll see once you meet him!", Acchan said with a smile. "Um... listen... About what I did at the mall... I-"

"Haruna?", interrupted a girl voice.

The door opened and a small head of our Tomochin popped in. She ran in and hugged me, tears running down her cheeks.

"Hahah....", I laughed. "I'm fine Tomomi."

She nodded and turned to Acchan.

"Manage- I mean Handsome oppa said we need to fill out some papers,", said Tomochin after calming down a bit. "He doesn't know Haruna's information so we should do it. She can go home after we fill them out."

Tomomi gave me a happy grin.

"I'm glad you're okay!", she said as Tomochin grabbed Acchan's arm, lifted her off her chair, and dragged her out of the room. "No worries! Handsome oppa will watch over Haruna."

With a cute pout, Acchan dragged out by Tomochin.

"Handsome oppa...", Acchan's voice said from the other side. "Please... watch over Haruna for me... and Tomomi."

"Of course, Atsuko-san! You have nothing to fear,", said a kind and deep voice... A very familiar kind and deep voice...

Oh God... please don't tell me...

"Haruna-san?", called the voice.

The door slowly opened and a handsome man walked into the room.

YOU! Gah! It wasn't a was a nightmare!!!

He looked almost the same except for a few differences.

He was wearing a black body-fit blazer with a grey vest and a white dress shirt underneath it. His hair almost the same as except the color.. it didn’t change in many colors. His face was completely the same light pale color. What was more odd was his eyes. Instead of the blue and green combination, both were a soft brown. But one thing was for sure, he looked as handsome as ever...

"Shin oppa?", I said. I could barely understand his presence here. "How...? What!? WHY?"

He gave me a smile. That same familiar smile.

"Konichiwa ~!", he greeted with a bow. "I am the AKB’s Korean Theather General Manager.. Handsome oppa. Of course, you, Haruna, are allowed to call me Shin oppa. Please, let's all get along."

He walked over to my side and sit at the bed

"I'm sure... you are feeling fine, no?", he said in perfect Japanese.

The way he talked, his dramatic style, still hasn't left him.

"You had something to do with it didn't you?", I looked at him, suspiciously as I pointed to the back of my head.

"Of course!", he confirmed. He lifted up his pale hands to show them glowing with a white light for a short second. "Healing magic... I can make people see their dreams. Really, a small cut is an easy fix and imagine how quickly I'd blow my cover if I lost my job. Besides, we are friends now! Surely I wouldn't just leave you there to die!"

I raise a single eyebrow and crossed my arms. Giving him a glare.

"Okay, okay... I might have let you die,",said Shin oppa giving up. "But, honestly, what kind of Game would that be if you just died in the very beginning? No, no, we can't have the main character of this story die like that."

"You didn't answer my first question...", I said. "Cover?"

"Ah~!", he said clapping his hands. "A perfect cover! What’s the better way to know my favorite girl group AKB48 than to be a manager as well as keep my eye on you throughout this Game! Remember you're playing a game here and I need to see if you really do know the true meaning of a smile."

A smile... I still can't smile...

"Is that all you ever think about... games?"

He let out a big sigh before continuing.

"Besides Rena and Jurina,", said Shin oppa. "I have very little to occupy myself in the Void. Also, you must remember, I'm a Judge. Games are all we think about. It's how we live, how we judge, how we decide who goes to Heaven and Hell."

His last sentence struck me hard.

No matter what... I'm still dead...


I didn't have much energy left in my body as Shin oppa... or Handsome oppa, as the other girls call him... drove us all home. In the front, Tomochin and he chatted about fashion, while Acchan and I sat in silence behind them. For some reason, I couldn't help myself be drawn to Acchan's body. Her beautiful slim figure. I wrapped my arms around one of hers as my head found a natural resting spot on her shoulder. Closing my eyes, I breathed in the sweet smell of her shampoo that was coming from her long hair. I loved it...

I tried to smile again... but I only pouted.

"Hmm~,", smiled Tomochin as she spotted us from the front seat. "When did you two get so close? AtsuKoji couple is official!"

I looked up as Acchan's face turned red. To hide her embarrassment, she pressed her soft cheek on to my head.

Then I thought about it for a moment and I decided I like the current situation better.

"Did you know, Tomomi-chan,", commented Shiin oppa out of nowhere. "That through Death... one finds love..."

"Huh?", responded Tomochin, with a confused look on her face.

Shin oppa gave his usual smile as he glanced at his review mirror and made eye contact with me. I gave him a cold stare back.

Wh-what? You talking about me?

"It's true,", he continued. "However... it is through Life... that one can experience that love..."

"Ah~!", said Tomochin. "So romantic, oppa!"

"Yeah!", agreed Acchan. "But... what does it mean?"

He let out a big sigh, hesitating to answer. His face became more serious and troubled. Acchan and Tomomi both waited to hear his grand explanation.

Seriously.. why do you always act like this? I bet you can win the grammy with your acting skills

"Astuko-san...", he paused. The two girls were both hanging on the edge of their seat, anticipating the answer to Acchan’s question. "...I have no idea!"

Both Acchan and Tomochin laughed at Shin oppa’s abruptness. But, without realizing it, I laughed the hardest.

Hey... I laughed...

"To be honest,", Shin oppa continued with a smile. "I just wanted to be part of the conversation. I just made that all up right now."
All three of us continued to laugh.

"Wah~!", smiled Tomochin. "Still though... it's kinda romantic!" I swear i can see Tomochin blushing.

"Hehe~!", giggled Acchan with her usual mischievous smile. "It is!"

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Kekeke~!", Shin quietly laughed. "I try."

And after a while, the car came to a slow halt in front of our teather.

"Well, here we are!", he said as he turned to face me. "Now, Haruna, are you gonna be okay? You can walk, right?"

I nodded my head as Acchan lead the way. Even so, I didn't let go of one of Acchan's arm. It was then that I noticed that Acchan was carrying familiar shopping bags in her other arm.

"Oh!", I exclaimed. "We went shopping! I was wondering where the bags went. Good thing I have my Accha."

"Ya~!", joked Acchan. "It's your fault you almost got hit by a car. You'd be dead without me!"

Acchan laughed and smiled as we made our way to our dorm. She found her familiar tone and pace of conversation with me, like it was back to normal. Tomochin and Shin Oppa were behind us, discussing something with laughter.

"Okay~!", exclaimed Tomomi."You wait right here oppa!"

Shin oppa nodded with a thumbs up. "Yes. I love grand entrances!"

I found myself being able to laugh again. The memory of Shin oppa introducing himself back in the Void replayed in my head.

Too bad... no fireworks...

~Chapter End~

Hope you enjoy this chapter. and i hope you read my other fanfic too! :p
have a great weekend!
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (Complicated KojiYuu) [Chapter 9 May, 4, 2012]
« Reply #49 on: May 04, 2012, 02:56:43 PM »
OMG Kojiharu forgot Yuko!
The Atsumina chapter confused me lol

Offline bochang

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Re: [AKB48] Infinity (Complicated KojiYuu) [Chapter 9 May, 4, 2012]
« Reply #50 on: May 04, 2012, 03:00:04 PM »
NyanNyan forgot Yuko?
Really? :p

ah! that's a one shot. it's not related to infinity. LOL
sorry for the inconvenience. :D
i hope you enjoyed this chapter kahem-san :D
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
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Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
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I Need You (YukiRena OS)
« Reply #51 on: May 04, 2012, 05:38:03 PM »
i don't know what happened to myself..
but i found that ideas keep trying to force themselves into my mind and made me writing another one-shot..
It'll be a YukiRena.
So for YukiRena Shipper, i hope you enjoyed this. :D

"That through Death... one finds love..."
"However... it is through Life... that one can experience that love..."
-Hae Jin, Infinity- (I quoted my self. LOL)

don't worry, i won't kill anyone in this OS. :D
maybe the term dead and life can be changed.. into something that softer. :p but i don't know, so i keep it like that. LOL

here ya go~

I Need You

What have i done?

I’m crying in my room.. Knowing that the love of my life is gone..

It’s my fault.. It’s my own damn fault..

We love each other.. We trust each other..

Jealousy took control of me..

I slapped your face.. After saw you with Jurina..

I’m such a fool..

I don’t want to know the reason, and never gave you any chance to prove your innocence..

I was so cold..

I ignored you for a week..

Until you decided to break up with me..

With this stupid woman..

Never know that actually you’re searching for my birthday’s gift..

I tried to apologized..

But i think.. I’ve hurt you so much..

You won’t forgave me..

Yuki.. I’m sorry.. I want you back..


It’s been a month..Where are you?

I’m waiting for you.. in our special place.. hoping that there’s still a ray of hope for me..

For us.. together again..

Everyday, I came to the restaurant that we used to come together. Hoping that someday, you’ll come to this place. But.. You never came..

So here i am today.. Still waiting for you.. Alone.. Accompanied with thousands memories of you.

Remembering the day when we used to spent together..

Hearing your sweet voice..

Looking at your eyes..

Holding your hands as we walk..

Smilling like a fool when i’m waiting for you..

I can’t forget those memories.. They’re so precious for me..

I need you.. I can’t go on without you..


I believe that God is trying to joking around..

At the first week on May.. Finally, you came..


With another girl..


I can feel that my eyes is full of tears..


You looks so happy with her.. Laughing.. Smiling..

I never seen you smiling like that before..

Are you happy without me Yuki?

If that so..

I prayed for your happiness..

I get up from my sit and leave..

The pain is too much for me to bear..

I running.. running away from you.. from everyone..

Even from myself..

I’m running out of breath..

I stopped on my track..

My legs can’t support me anymore..

I don’t even have any energy to stand..

I lost it all..

I cried.. My heart is crying..

My heart is aching because of you..

It’s like i don’t have anything anymore..

My hope was crushed.. My will to live was died..


“RENA!” I heard someone shouted..

It won’t be you..

I won’t hope anymore..

“RENA!”, i tried to look away..

Shook my head.. Trying to remove my hallucination..

But.. I’m not hallucinating..

It’s you..

I must be crazy..

God must be crazy..

or this love for you that made me crazy?

But it’s you..

I can see you running towards me..

Shouting my name like crazy..

You didn’t care about what the passerby thinks..

And i found myself smiling..

Here you are..

Panting because of a long run..

Standing in front of me..

“Rena”, you said my name.


“I-I’m..”, i can’t finished my words..

I can feel it.. The taste i longing for..

Your sweet lips on mine..

Every memories of you start to rushing at my mind..

You broke off the kiss..

You staring at the pavement because of shyness..

You came back Yuki..

“Yuki.. I’m sorry for what i’ve done.”

“.... A-actually.. it’s my fault too..”

“No.. It’s all my fault.. I knew that i’m don’t deserve your love.. I’m being a bitch..”

“I don’t care.. I still love you, Rena...”

I can see tears starts to drops from your beautiful eyes..

Did you hurt as much as i did too?

With that statement.. With that question.. I knew that the heaven haven’t forsaken me..

“I-I.. I need you Yuki.. I need you.. because I love you..”

I need you everday in my life.. I won’t let you go again.. I won’t leave you, because you’re my  I won’t hurt you again.. It has to be you..I will promise you that I will love you forever till I die..


A/N: The inspiration comes from K.Will-I Need You so, try to listen it while reading this. :D

Muwi, if you read this, i hope you like it! LOL
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
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It's like basically you're baiting me to comment using YukiRena, and I'm pretty much a shipper of this pairing, basically, it's my OTP, if it isn't that obvious from my sig and avy...... XD But anyways, I was rather busy this week because I had university paperworks to do while I'm writing Chinmoku too, sorry if I did not comment on the update, so I'm using this time to comment now.


Haruna gets a chance at life, but only for a week at maximum, with her remaining to be dead. She wakes up seeing Acchan, and she thinks she loves her? Psshh...I dunno what to believe because there's a chance that you'd make this into KojiYuu, so I'm placing all my doors open for the pairings. Tomochin needs to be careful with driving though, but magic~ And the new manager appears...and Tomochin likes him, hey, that character Hae Jin is you right? :3

Anyways, their gonna go back home, I wonder how Kojipa will react to seeing Yuko? Does she really feel for Acchan? Or was that just a momentary span of liking, or like what we call, a crush? I mean, sure a kiss can inflict lots of emotions like make your heart race and make you think that you love that person or something.......I need more information to get some clarification for this.

On the oneshot......

Well, the drama is light? Didn't last quite long, it didn't end in a sad tone either and I don't see any angst in it...
I really love my princess pairing you know, and I'm totally fine with any author writing about them because basically, its rare to have someone write them as YukiRena and not as BlackGeki. So I have to say I'm thankful for the shot, its good and of satisfactory.

Though you could have expanded a bit on relationship, like describing or letting as see more of how it started, how the relationship continued to how the conflict came until the break up, that is if you're trying to try aiming for building up angst here, but what you did here is fine since it covered up most of what idea you want to convey.

I don't think though that Rena would use the word or ever say bitch though.....

Hmm and your's good. It has a point, my say is...

Love isn't something that you should search, love is something that you should wait to arrive and come to you. Searching for love is just like searching through a needle in a haystack, so instead of searching, wait for love to knock into the doors of your heart and decide whether to answer it and let it in, or leave it unattended. ;3

Though your quote isn't all too romantic, its quite.....eerie to say the least of the implications in the quote because from what I can deduce, its saying that you need to lose something in order to gain another thing (1st line), just like an equivalent exchange of a sort.

And ignore my rambles there because I doubt you'd understand what I typed XPP
Sorry, its just my stressed mind spewing out words and letters.....

Anyways, thanks for the OS and the update.
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~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
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Offline kahem

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Ah Atsumina was not in infinity lol
I'm glad that Yuki came back to Rena ^^

Offline bochang

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@ Sieka-san:

Thank you for your comment Sieka-san!! :D

Ahahahah! Yes, i planned this for you and muwi. :p

Yes~ NyanNyan is alive.. or maybe i should say half alive.. since she'll be dead again in 7 days.. 7 DAYS! I want to make it like the korean drama 49days..
but it'll be toooo long! LOL if it's 49days, i don't think i still have any idea to write until it finished. LOL

ah, it's me that drove them to the theater not Tomochin. :D YES~ #idon'tknowbuti'mhappy :D It's me, the new AKB manager~ #hopeso..
I don't know if my character will ruin this story or not.. hmmmm... but in this fic, maybe i'll help haruna a little in her game. :D so wait for it~

yeah.. it's in the chapter 10.. i'm still trying to find the best way to crush the readers' hope. plot. :p

Maybe i'm not good at writing angst.. LOL
really different than yours, sieka-san. When reading your fic.. there's so many angsts. LOL
hmmm you've a good point there~ Thank you Sieka-sensei!
now i feels like, i want to revised the OS. LOL
maybe i'll revised it later. :D

I'll keep it in my mind when i'm writing another OS or maybe in Infinity. :D

actually yes, because i use this quote to talk about NyanNyan condition right now. :)
when she died, she found her love (Acchan?) and through her second life, she can experienced it.
but whether it's Acchan or Yuko.. I won't tell it~ :p

NyanNyan have to stop being an air-head to know her true love.
another hint: Smile

Thank You for your comment Sieka-san! and i know that feel..
Actually i'm also in the final two weeks of this semester, i still have to do an experimental study about human behavior, also some cross-cultural pyschology study..
after that it's hell's week, the final exam.. so i think i can't update this story or the akibahara syndrome. LOL
exams are killing me. LOL
have to maintain my GPA. or the hell will break loose (i mean my mom LOL).
Hwaiting! and i want to read your fic so bad! :D

@kahem-san: Ahahaha yes, it's not in infinity. I'm sorry kahem-san. Maybe i should write it in another thread.. but i kinda lazy to make another thread. LOL
Yes~ but i don't know since i get another plot after reading sieka-san's comment. hohoho maybe i'll revised it. :D
and thank you for your comment kahem-san. :D
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
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finally found the time to comment, oppa!  :mon beam:

and I have to agree with Sieka-san. after reading the one shot of YukiRena, I immediately wanted to comment!

anyway, let's see... :glasses: the new chapter.. I was like... :pleeease: no!! my KojiYuu!!! why did haruna forget about her Yuko?!?!?!?  :frustrated: :temper: well, it's alright with me if she ends up with Takamina.

and I really really really love the oneshot! you're using my oshimen to make me comment. :glasses: how very sneaky of you..
« Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 08:44:18 AM by karomuwi »
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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hmm i think psychology is quite useful.. makes me can predict your behaviour. LOL

Did i said about NyanNyan forgetting Yuko?  :dunno:
maybe i should really delete Yuko from her memory.. EHEHEHEHE

am I? Thank you hime-sama.
it's a pleasure for me. *smirked*
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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hmm i think psychology is quite useful.. makes me can predict your behaviour. LOL

Yep, psychology is useful, especially in predicting your author's behavior and way of thinking. *smirks* You are quite predictable yourself, Oppa. :lol: I hope you don't mind me calling you oppa though, since you are 3 years older than me after all. :3

Anyways, don't you think a week to live is harsh? Ahahaha, I mean, even a day ends fast when your having fun. ;p But I guess you can utilize the time to your liking because its much more dramatic and the angst factor is at maximum at that kind of plots. :3

The hint, smile, seems like a hint for a person who usually does it. Hmm......Could that be it : o
I mean, when you said smile, I immediately thought of Yuko, because of her large happy smile, although Acchan's smile is also really beautiful and all. XP

I literally don't have university projects or homeworks, I'm just doing my papers basically because I'm an incoming freshman this May. >w<llll Got caught up with filing and finishing all the papers I need to submit. =w=lll

Good luck with your finals Oppa. d (ow o
You don't need to revise the OS though, its already good as it is, but if you feel like it, then go ahead. Lol, but I think if you follow my advise, you might get a headache and internal bleeding over doing something as tedious and complicated as descriptive writing of overall explaining the situation and emotions...its messed up to write especially if you don't do it right and you end up screwing one part over another. :lol:

But yeah, such a sneaky and sly oppa.....don't just use a bait like that to make us come out! XPPP
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

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I love atsumina fics.. the last sentence about make their babues make me laugh so hard.. that my mom thinks that Im crazy...

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kojiharu forgot yuko :shocked:
i wonder what will happen when haruna meet yuko..

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