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Author Topic: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 16 - 19/9/2012, HIATUS]  (Read 69777 times)

Offline karomuwi

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  • I LOVE Mayuki, WMatsui, GekiBlack and Kojiyuu~!

hmm i think psychology is quite useful.. makes me can predict your behaviour. LOL

Did i said about NyanNyan forgetting Yuko?  :dunno:
maybe i should really delete Yuko from her memory.. EHEHEHEHE

am I? Thank you hime-sama.
it's a pleasure for me. *smirked*

Hmm~ Hearing that makes me want to think of becoming a psychologist.  :hehehe:

Well~ :bigdeal: It's fine with me if KojiYuu doesn't work out here in your fic, Oppa. I mean, if Yuko-san can be happy with Takamidget...  :glasses: I'll support them. It would be fine and awesome to see those two pair up and end up together. I'm always seeing Yuko-san with Haruna. Ah! I have an idea for SoUL! Nee, Oppa~ :hee: Do you know the couple name of Yuko-san and Takamina? I just MIGHT do something. Oops!  :shock: Did I perhaps left a hint there? :hiakhiakhiak:

And yay~ Oppa's calling me hime-sama~  :shy2:
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline bochang

  • Psychology Student with a Psychological Problem
  • ecchi
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  • You can't love another if you don't love yourself.
hmm i think psychology is quite useful.. makes me can predict your behaviour. LOL

Yep, psychology is useful, especially in predicting your author's behavior and way of thinking. *smirks* You are quite predictable yourself, Oppa. :lol: I hope you don't mind me calling you oppa though, since you are 3 years older than me after all. :3

Anyways, don't you think a week to live is harsh? Ahahaha, I mean, even a day ends fast when your having fun. ;p But I guess you can utilize the time to your liking because its much more dramatic and the angst factor is at maximum at that kind of plots. :3

The hint, smile, seems like a hint for a person who usually does it. Hmm......Could that be it : o
I mean, when you said smile, I immediately thought of Yuko, because of her large happy smile, although Acchan's smile is also really beautiful and all. XP

I literally don't have university projects or homeworks, I'm just doing my papers basically because I'm an incoming freshman this May. >w<llll Got caught up with filing and finishing all the papers I need to submit. =w=lll

Good luck with your finals Oppa. d (ow o
You don't need to revise the OS though, its already good as it is, but if you feel like it, then go ahead. Lol, but I think if you follow my advise, you might get a headache and internal bleeding over doing something as tedious and complicated as descriptive writing of overall explaining the situation and emotions...its messed up to write especially if you don't do it right and you end up screwing one part over another. :lol:

But yeah, such a sneaky and sly oppa.....don't just use a bait like that to make us come out! XPPP

LOL yeah, i'm quite predictable.. TT.TT Yep, i don't mind~ :D at least you didn't call me ajeossi. LOL
Yes, and if you realize something.. you'll know what will happened.

Ah, almost right.. but it's still a false. :p try again sieka-san. :p

ohohoho congrats then! you'll become a freshman this year!
say good bye to your happiness~ Kya Kya~ LOL

hmmm i think.. i won't then.. angst is not my speciality i think..
but if you're the one who write it.. don't mind.. don't mind.. forget what i said.. LOL

ohohoho, thank you for your praise. i'm flattered. :D

I love atsumina fics.. the last sentence about make their babues make me laugh so hard.. that my mom thinks that Im crazy...

ahahaha yes, i love that part too. Acchan is so aggresive.. LOL glad that you loved it Haruko-san. :D

kojiharu forgot yuko :shocked:
i wonder what will happen when haruna meet yuko..
Hmmm.. almost everybody predicted that Haruna will forget Yuko? hmmm
let's see.. :D


hmm i think psychology is quite useful.. makes me can predict your behaviour. LOL

Did i said about NyanNyan forgetting Yuko?  :dunno:
maybe i should really delete Yuko from her memory.. EHEHEHEHE

am I? Thank you hime-sama.
it's a pleasure for me. *smirked*

Hmm~ Hearing that makes me want to think of becoming a psychologist.  :hehehe:

Well~ :bigdeal: It's fine with me if KojiYuu doesn't work out here in your fic, Oppa. I mean, if Yuko-san can be happy with Takamidget...  :glasses: I'll support them. It would be fine and awesome to see those two pair up and end up together. I'm always seeing Yuko-san with Haruna. Ah! I have an idea for SoUL! Nee, Oppa~ :hee: Do you know the couple name of Yuko-san and Takamina? I just MIGHT do something. Oops!  :shock: Did I perhaps left a hint there? :hiakhiakhiak:

And yay~ Oppa's calling me hime-sama~  :shy2:

Trust me, you won't. LOL
no!! i want a KojiYuu! LOL but let's see what will happened.. hohoho

don't tell me Yuko's fiance is TAKAMINA!!!
what will happened to NyanNyan!! Please insert haejin into SoUL as NyanNyan's savior. :p

and thank you all for all your comments :D i really appreciated it from the bottom of my heart.. :D
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

please drop by :D

Offline karomuwi

  • Rena-sama~ I adore thee!!!
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  • I LOVE Mayuki, WMatsui, GekiBlack and Kojiyuu~!
Trust me, you won't. LOL
no!! i want a KojiYuu! LOL but let's see what will happened.. hohoho

don't tell me Yuko's fiance is TAKAMINA!!!
what will happened to NyanNyan!! Please insert haejin into SoUL as NyanNyan's savior. :p

Well, it all depends on who oppa wants Haruna to end up with.

And what are you talking about~?  :bigdeal: Takamina can't be Yuko-san's fiance. She's already married to Acchan, remember?  :bingo: :hiakhiakhiak:

Bye the way, oppa. I might/might not add you there. Maybe or maybe not? Who knows~  :bigdeal:
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline bochang

  • Psychology Student with a Psychological Problem
  • ecchi
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  • You can't love another if you don't love yourself.
Trust me, you won't. LOL
no!! i want a KojiYuu! LOL but let's see what will happened.. hohoho

don't tell me Yuko's fiance is TAKAMINA!!!
what will happened to NyanNyan!! Please insert haejin into SoUL as NyanNyan's savior. :p

Well, it all depends on who oppa wants Haruna to end up with.

And what are you talking about~?  :bigdeal: Takamina can't be Yuko-san's fiance. She's already married to Acchan, remember?  :bingo: :hiakhiakhiak:

Bye the way, oppa. I might/might not add you there. Maybe or maybe not? Who knows~  :bigdeal:

AH! LOL i forgot about AtsuMina getting married.. well, since i read too much fanfic.. i can't remember all of them..
It's like the stories blended into one in my mind. LOL

have you read akibahara syndrome chapter one? :3
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

please drop by :D

Offline bochang

  • Psychology Student with a Psychological Problem
  • ecchi
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  • You can't love another if you don't love yourself.
Worn Love pt.1
« Reply #64 on: May 05, 2012, 10:32:07 AM »

I dedicated this fic to my GF.. I hope she'll read it someday..

For readers: It'll be a TomoxHaeJin pairing. If you read Infinity and Akibahara Syndrome, you'll know who is Hae Jin.
Sorry if i brought up a personal matter into this forum. but all in my head right now is writing this story. I made this chapter into two parts.

First part: The Meeting. "You'll never had your love until you found it."
Second part: The Parting. "You'll never knew your love until you lost it."

and if you feel you won't like this, it's okay not to read it readers-san. :D Just skip it. :D
Sorry for this inconvenience. :)

Worn Love
The Meeting

I remember the first day i met you.. We’re a childhood friend. Hmm.. Maybe not a childhood friends, but at least we’re go to the same school.

I used to be a chubby and shy boy, and you’re one of the most popular girl in our school. I actually has a crush on you, but I didn’t have any courage to say a simple ‘hi’ or trying to get close to you.. I’m living my ordinary childhood looking you from a far..

I remember the day of our graduation.. I still don’t have any courage to talk to you.. I’m just standing.. Watching you smiling with your friends..
In contrast.. I’m alone.. leaving the school.. with much regrets.. after i know that we’re not going to go to the same school anymore..

-Flashback start-

“Yey!! We’re going into high school!”, you said with a big smile on your face.

“Where will you go Tomochin?”, said your friend

“I will try my best to get into ***** All girls school”, you said happily

I was sitting at the corner of the class. Looking you from a far.. Don’t have any courage to tell you.

“an all girls school?! Guess it’s a goodbye..”, i sighed as i leaving the scene.

-Flashback end-

As the time passed by.. We’re met again.. I’ve became a fine man and you became a lady.. I’m not the same boy.. I grew up with confidence.. I’m not that chubby again, maybe i could said that i’m quite athletic and handsome(?).

I feel bad for praising myself. Kekeke. What was i talked about earlier? Ah yes! Our first meeting.

It’s so memorable. It’s heaven’s most complicated one (exaggeratting). Who can predicted that you become one of my client? But.. Yet.. You don’t even remember me..

How could you? *sigh*

-Flashback Start-

“Hello Tomomi-san”, i said with a smile, “Do you remember me?”

“Ah Hello,” you said as you bow, “I don’t think we ever met before, Hae Jin-san.”

“Ah.. I see, maybe i mistake you with someone else.”, i said, kinda dissapointed. “Ah, please lie down on the couch if you don’t mind, it’ll help you relaxing”

“Yes, Hae Jin-san.”, you said as you lied down on the couch. I walked and sat at the sofa behind the couch.

“So, tell me about your problem about.. Well, i don’t know, since you don’t give me any information in your form.”, i said giggled.

“Yes. Actually.. I don’t really have any big problem, Hae Jin-san.”

“So? How are you feeling lately? Do you feel alone? Need someone to talked to? Or someone who can be a good listener?”, i said trying to predict what’s your real problem

“H-how do you know it, Hae Jin-san?”, you kinda shocked after heard my question

“Well, just say it’s Psychologist’s instinct.”, i smiled

“Yes, actually. I felt so lonely Hae Jin-san.”, you answered, “I have many friends actually, but i don’t know why i feeling empty.. Like i don’t have any friends at all.”

After that you started to opened up your heart. You tell me all of your  problems, your loneliness, everything that disturbing your mind. The interview session last longer than i expected.

I should charged you extra. kekeke.

But no, I’m quite happy because you believe in me. Believe that i can be your perfect place to sharing.
Well yeah, i kinda disappointed that you forgot about me, but it’s okay.

“Thank you for everything, Hae Jin-san”, you said with your same cheerful smile, just like the one i remembered when we’re still young..
I mean when we’re still in the middle school. We’re also young at the moment. We’re only 23.

“You’re welcome, Tomomi-san”, i said with a smile

“Emmm.. H-Hae Jin-san.”, you trying to say something while you’re debating whether you should say it or not.

“Yes?”, i replied with a smile

“C-can i have your number?”, You said with a shy smile.
You’re still as cute as i remember, Tomomi.

“Sure. My number is.... S-E-C-R-E-T.”, I stuck out my tounge teasing her.

“Mou! Forget it! Goodbye!”, you frown as you turned away. “I’m leaving!”

Before you can leave.. My body reacts on itself. I hold you back..

Of course i'm not hugging her, i only holding her hands. not letting her go.

“No, i’m sorry about my joke earlier.”, i still holding her hand, “Please don’t leave...”

What am i saying?

“I mean please don’t leave before i give you my number, Tomomi-san”, i smiled awkwardly


“Can i borrow your mobile phone?”, i said

“Here!”, you’re still frowning. It’s cute. What a tsundere.. I giggled. “What?”, you said it coldly after saw me giggled.

“No, nothing.”, i smiled. I add my contacts in your mobile phone. The title is... Hae Jin <3.

I hope you won’t mad. I giggled.

“Where is my my phone?”, you said with a angry tone.

“Here’s your phone, hime-sama.”, i gave her phone by presenting it with my hands and kneeling.

I can saw you giggled after seeing my antics. I love your smile Tomomi.

“Thank you, Hae Jin-san.”, you said. I can see a little bit pink shade on your cheeks.

“You’re welcome Tomomi-san...  But, please don’t call me..”

I saw you frown again and turned away from me

“...At midnight, because i’ll already sleep.”, I said

“MOU!”, this time you’re really angry i think and leaving my office.

I’ll wait for your call or message Tomomi-san.

I smiled as i turn off all the light in my office and preparing to go home.

Thank you God, for this meeting.. I smiled happily as i entered my car and drove home.

-Flashback End-


« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 07:02:30 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

please drop by :D

Offline karomuwi

  • Rena-sama~ I adore thee!!!
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  • Posts: 283
  • I LOVE Mayuki, WMatsui, GekiBlack and Kojiyuu~!
Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [My Life OS, pt.1 ; May, 5, 2012]
« Reply #65 on: May 05, 2012, 12:12:54 PM »
Oppa...  :ptam-cry: Stay strong! You can do it!

By the way, I finally managed to stop my internet's trolling. YAY~  :onioncheer:
So about the fic...Hmm~ Tomochin's a tsundere as always. haha
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline bochang

  • Psychology Student with a Psychological Problem
  • ecchi
  • Member+
  • Posts: 256
  • You can't love another if you don't love yourself.
Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 10 ; May, 6, 2012]
« Reply #66 on: May 06, 2012, 09:03:46 AM »
I'm so happy!!!
It's already reached 2000 views!!! YEAH~ *teary eyed*
Thank you, papa, mama, my friends.. *hiks*, Your support for me.. *sniff* is.. *sniff* the one.. *sniff* who can.. *sniff* made.. *sniff* this.. *sniff* happened..
#forget it

So, i decided to post the chapter 10. :D
i think this will be the last chpater i will update for this month. why?
because i have so many task to do.. and not to mention that i've my final exam in 2 weeks from now on.
it'll caused Infinity and Akibahara Syndrome to be delayed.
Sorry for this inconvenience, i hope this cahpter will answer your curiousity. :D

@muwi: Of course! I won't kill my self.. #whatamitalking and yes! I love tsundere Tomochin. *kya~

Chapter 10

This Hardware is Corrupted, Format?

(Date: Friday, 11 October 2013)

Tomochin lead the way as she  walk to in front of the door to the living room and opened the door for Acchan and me. The 17 girls in the dorm greeted me with teary smiles.

"NyanNyan!!!”, they all yelled

The girls came at me, crushing my body with all their hugs and words of comfort.

"NyanNyan!!”, cried the tall Shinoda as she shook my body back and forth. "I thought you died!"

"Yeah,", said Mayuyu. "I was going to be lonely."

Both Yukirin and Sayaka nodded their head vigorously.

"Yeah...", sniffed Miichan. "And who's food am I gonna eat?!"

"Also...", thought Sae out loud. "Who are we gonna make fun of, eh ?"

They started to hug me harder.

"YAH!", I yelled. "Let go! I can't breathe!"

Acchan helped pulling them off of me. Only Miichan protested.

"Mou!", said Micchan as she stretched out her arms towards me. "I want to hug Haruna more~!"

"Yah~!", argued Acchan, crossing her arms. "No one can touch my NyanNyan."

I tried to laugh at the AtsuKoji joke, but...

Nothing... But I just laughed before...

"Hehehe~" giggled Takamina. "I'm glad you are okay though, NyanNyan."

She reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"Aaah!" I whispered quietly, moving away from Takamina. Out of nowhere, her touch... her simply having contact with my body... created a huge stinging sensation throughout my body. Various emotions ran through my heart... all caused by the chibi leader... Quickly trying to cover my pain, I gave a simple nod and a fake smile.

What... what just happened?

Takamina didn't seem to notice and seemed to continue to smile.

"Anyway!"yelled Tomomi. Everyone turned around to find their fashion leader standing at the door.

She then turned to face the rest of us. "I'm glad that Haruna is all alive and well. But, I think there is someone we should be thanking!"

The remaining girls all gathered in the living room, shaking with excitement as they remembered Tomochin was bringing home a new oppa. I leaned against the wall, "patiently" waiting Shin Oppa's grand entrance. Acchan stood behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and placed her head on my shoulder.

"Let me introduce...", Tomomi paused. "...Drum roll please!"

I nearly fell when I heard that.

Is Shin oppa contagious?

"Badadadadada~!" went the girls in unison.

"Here he is!"yelled Tomochin as she opened the door. "Our NyanNyan's savior, Handsome oppa!"

With a giant grin on her face, she turned to face the open door... only to find it empty.

I swore I heard a cricket chirp at that moment.

"H-H-Handsome oppa?"stuttered the shocked Tomomi. "Where are you?"

Everyone had a worried look on their face, even Acchan. I, alone, knew what was coming.

Aish... again?

I shook my head in disappointment with my new oppa.


"KYA!"everyone yelled in surprise.

I small firework exploded right in front of us, creating a large cold smoke cloud to fill up the room.

"Yah!" I yelled.

Amazingly... the cloud disappeared after I yelled...

"Konichiwa~!" greeted his voice behind us.

We all turned around to see Shin oppa standing there, or maybe posing is a more appropriate description, with his usual smile.

All the girls were speechless as they stared at the handsome man in front of us. Even Tomochin and Acchan, who have already met him, made giant "O's" with their mouths still amazed by both his presence and entrance.

"I am the AKB’s Korean General Manager, Handsome oppa!", he said, mimicking his introduction in the hospital. "I'm really happy to meet you!"

He gave a 90 degree bow. As he got up, he flicked his hair to the right... it all happened in slow motion!

What the -? Can he control time too? Aish... What can't he do?

"Please, let's all get along!", he said as he flashed a smile.

The girls just stared at him in awe, not knowing what to say.

"Er~" started oppa. He started to wave his hand. "Hello~!"

I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I saw all the members dumbstruck in front of Shin Oppa.

"*Sigh*... Hey, oppa," I said waving back for a quick. No one else said anything.

Shin oppa put one of his right hands in his pocket, leaned forward a little bit towards me, and posed with a "victory" sign.

"Hehe~" giggled Shin while flashing his smile. "Hey, Haruna~! Like my - WAH!"?

"AHHHHH~!", screamed the girls in together in applause. They were really in awe. Even Acchan clapped her hands while she hugged me from behind.
A couple things surprised me at that moment.

The first thing that surprised me was seeing Shin oppa face turn into a state of shock as all the girls, Acchan and Tomochin included, started screaming with joy and dancing together in celebration. From where I stood by the wall, he seemed pretty happy though. The rest of the girls in the dorm introduced themselves multiple times, forgetting themselves in front of him. Everyone had a smile on their face.

"Oppa~", greet Shinoda. "Call me Mariko~ and can we hang out together?", she said shyly

"Hehe~", Shin smiled, "Of course, Mariko. As long as you free."

Mariko-sama fainted as Shin oppa finished his sentence off with a perfect smile. Of course, he was able to catch her before she ever touched the floor.

...Really oppa?

The girls screamed with a mix of joy and jealousy as Shin Oppa helped Mariko regain her balance like a gentlemen.

“Mou! Mari-chan! You can’t.”, said Tomochin pulled Mariko from her Shin Oppa

“Why!?”, Mariko protested

“A! A-ano! N-No.. A..”, Tomochin blushed as she can’t find the right reason to tell Mariko.

It’s become so noisy, until another thing that surprised me, was when I heard the yell of a weak, yet beautiful voice that came from  a room in the corner. It wasn't because it happened so suddenly or that i didn't know anyone else was here... Which I didn't know, by the way... It was just... the feeling I had when I heard that voice... it wasn't jealousy... it wasn't sadness... it wasn't anger.... It wasn't any of the other feelings that I've felt all day... it was... something different...

"YAH~! Be Quiet~!" yelled the cute girl as she got out of the room, scratching her eyes. "Man~ My stomach... Where's my medi - OH~!?!"

As her eyes focused, the first thing she saw was me. Initially, she had this cute little confused look on her face. And then, just like the Sun, she shined as she gave a bright smile.

And just like when Shin oppa flicked back his hair, everything seemed to slow down for me as I got a chance to look at the girl.

This girl, she had brown straight hair tied into a cute ponytail... and she is shorter than me.. her shorts and tank top revealed her soft, white skin that shined on her arms and legs...She was obviously sick... But... even so... and still being able to smile like that...

A smile... only that face could make...

I... want that...

"NyanNyan!" she cried running to me, tears running down her cheeks. Without warning, without a second thought, she lunged at me, knocking me to the floor.

"Ah~ Wait..." I tried to protest.

She didn't let go. Instead... she hugged harder, tighter... and she was on top of me... But...I didn't want her to let go...

It was different... her hug... it wasn't just warm and comforting... it was... something more... I felt like... I could do something...

I... want to do something...

Following that instinct, I started to hug her back... Soft at first... But tighter as time went on.

I wanted to comfort her... to protect her...I even unconsciously giggled a little bit in an attempt to reassure the girl.

Everyone in the room looked at us, smiling at the scene in front of them. Everyone... except Acchan...

Ah~... Acchan...? Wait...

"NyanNyan..." she said quietly, her head buried in my chest. I couldn't concentrate on anything but her. "I'm so glad... You're okay..."

Her tears continued to fall, soaking my shirt and then my bare skin under it.

You were... crying for me... But...

"You don't know....", she continued. "...Don't know... how worried I was..."

She couldn't speak anymore after that confession... But I wanted to hear her voice again.

Takamina walked over to my side, smiling.

"It's true," Takamina confirmed. "Even though Yuko is sick... wife's been worried about you... She even started to say you name as she slept."
I ignored the sudden emotions that ran over me from Takamina’s comment and concentrated on the girl hugging me.


Out of nowhere, Acchan got a bad cough. She lifted up a small white paper bag with one arm while she hid the other bag behind her.

Oh! The stuff we bought... wait... what's that Acchan...?

"Yuko,", said Acchan. "Your medicine... and you should rest. We can't have you sick."

Clearing her tears with her sleeve, she gave me another smile that show her dimples

That smile... that beautiful smile...

"Thanks, Acchan" she said as she got off of me and helped me off the ground. "Sorry about that NyanNyan... Hehehe~ I miss NyanNyan so mucccchhh."

The last surprise was the look on everyone's face and the silence I created when I asked my next question.

"Um..." I said, not letting go of her hand for some reason.

I paused for a second... unsure how to ask my question to her.

Hmm... I guess Shin oppa is contagious...

"I'm sorry - er Yuko-san,"I continued.

I wasn't cold... I wasn't mean... I wasn't my usual Air Head self... I was just genuinely curious...

"But... Um... Who are you?"

~Chapter End~

and congrats to readers that can predict it will coming.. ah! you guys are no fun. kekeke
i should try to write another bom that make you shock! wait for it readers-san! :p
and please support my other fic too! :D
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

please drop by :D

Offline kahem

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 10 ; May, 6, 2012]
« Reply #67 on: May 06, 2012, 02:20:18 PM »
Nyannyan you have to remember your squirrel!!!

Offline bochang

  • Psychology Student with a Psychological Problem
  • ecchi
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  • You can't love another if you don't love yourself.
[Chapter 11 ; May, 12, 2012]
« Reply #68 on: May 12, 2012, 07:50:26 AM »
A/N: you maybe a little bit confused why i wrote Yuko or Oshima-san. I use Yuko when it's on 3rd person POV and Oshima-san on Haruna POV.
sorry for this inconvenience. :D

to all reader: I hope you enjoy reading this chapter~ :D
feel free to send me some critics, opinions, money, akbgoods, anything. LOL
i'll gladly accept them all~

@Kahem: I'll give another hint in this chapter, kahem-san. :D

Chapter 11

Reminiscing (Part 1)

Date: Friday, 11 October 2013

Oshima-san just stared at me with her eyes, her dimple smile weakening every second passed. No one spoke as everyone glances from me to Oshima-san and back to me again.

"Haruna?" she said, trying to regain her smile. "What? are you talking about?"

I looked at the girl in front of me.

Who are you?

"Well..." I said, trying to make myself look innocent with a smile. "Do I know you?"

The words seem to have stabbed her right in her chest. It felt like it stabbed me too.

Why do I feel like this...?

"Haruna?" she called out my name. Suddenly, she giggled. "You're playing a joke right? Don’t tease me like that. It’s not funny." As she pulled me for a hug. I tried to broke the hug, but she hugged me so tight.

"I'm sorry? Oshima-san?", I finally escaped her ‘death-hug’ after sturggling with all my power. "I... have no idea who you are."

Looking for help, I turned to Acchan who was standing near us.

"Acchan... When did we get a new member?" I asked curiously.

"Haruna~" Acchan said with a worried smile. "Stop... playing jokes..."

“I’m not jo-AH!?” Oshima-san pushed me hard against the wall, her hand shaking as she held on my shoulder.

"You're... lying..." she said. She didn't look at my face, but I could see the tears dropping to the floor. "NyanNyan... you're... lying... right? How can you... forget... me...?"

"Oshima-san?" I whispered.

I... I can't remember...

"YOU'RE LYING!!!" Oshima-san yelled, finally showing her face.

She no longer had that bright smile... that smile that was as bright as the Sun... Instead... it was eclipsed... by her tears and sadness.

No... wait... Oshima-san... please smile again...

"YA!!! KOJIMA HARUNA!!!" her voice cracked as she yelled out my name. "TELL ME!"

Her voice started to weaken... but she still held onto my shoulders.

"TELL ME YOU'RE LYING!!!" she cried, her voice going hoarse. "TELL ME YOU REMEMBER ME!!!"

She couldn't resist her tears anymore. Letting go of my shoulders, she fell back into the group of girls, finding Takamina for comfort.

"Tell... me..." repeated Oshima-san quietly to herself.

No one dared to speak... afraid to cause any more trouble.

Mayuyu was hiding behind Yukirin, both looking scared. Tomochin is crying, she staring down to the floor. Miichan was on the verge of tears as Shinoda tried to comfort her. Sae and Sayaka tried to keep a calm front while Takamina had no idea what to do but try and help the crying girl in her arms. Acchan had an odd look on her face, continuing to hold on to the other bag behind her back.

"Is it true, Haruna?" said Shin oppa in a serious tone. "Can you really not remember her?"

He motioned to the girl hiding her face on Takamina's shoulder. As much as it pained me, I nodded my head.

"I see," he said. "I had a feeling this would happen."

The girl's all turned to Shin oppa, bewildered by his words.

You knew?

"What do you mean?" asked Takamina. "You knew, oppa?"

"Why didn't you tell us..." asked Acchan, her voice slightly angry. She walked over to my side, trying to comfort me. "Even when Tomochin and I were in the hospital, you didn't say anything!"

"That's because," continued oppa, "she showed no symptoms of having Partial Retrograde Amnesia at the time."

"Wh-what?" we all said in unison. We all tried to pay attention, even Oshima-san with tears still tried to listen.

I'm confused...

"Hehehe~" he laughed. "An amnesia cause by head injury to the back of the head. Up until now, Haruna has been able to remember everything, as well as retain new information after her injury."

I started to remember the blow to the back of the head that I got when I landed on the cement.

That made sense...

Yuko was trying to find some good news from his words.

"How long..." Yuko whispered. "How long... does it last?"

"That?" Shin paused. "That can't be determined... Partial Amnesia can range from a day... to forever."

From the look of her face, Oshima-san seemed to have lost all hope.

And I caused this...

"So... Why..." started Yuko.

No one wanted to ask this question... No one wanted to hear the answer... But Yuko... She had to know... She wanted to know why... She wanted the truth...

"Why... forget..." whispered Oshima-san, her attention all on me. "Why forget... about... me...? Only... me..."

Everyone looked at me for an answer, but Shin oppa responded her question.

"She maybe," started Shin, facing Yuko, " unconsciously, she is blocking out painful, depressing, or stressful memories so that, consciously, she doesn't remember it. It seems that, to Haruna, you cause either one or all of those problems to her."

Oppa... that's not true... right?

"That..." I said as I shook my head. "That can't be right! How?can I??"

Oshima-san mumbled something, too low for me to hear.

"Huh?" I responded.

"I SAID I HATE YOU!!!" yelled Oshima-san as she ran towards me.

I knew what was coming. I knew Oshima-san wanted to slap me. I knew how much it was hurting her.

What I didn't know... was why I wanted her to hurt me. Why I wanted her to be okay... Why I wanted to say sorry so much... I just stood there; closing my eyes, letting her hit me.

I'm sorry... Oshima-san...


She never made contact with face.

"Yuko..." whispered Acchan, tearing up.

Acchan stood in front of me, a red mark on her face where she took the hit... for me.

"Yuko..." Acchan repeated. "It's... not... her fault..."

"A-Acchan!" cried Yuko. "I'm sorry! I-I-"

Acchan just stood there, repeating her words.

"It's okay... Yuko... It's... not... her fault..."

"Acchan..." I whispered, putting my hand on her shoulder.

All we could do was stay silent and watch Acchan repeat her sentence over and over again, afraid on what might happen next.

Only Shin oppa could break this silence.

"Takamina-san," said Shin oppa flashing his usual smile. "You seem close to Yuko-san. Please take her to her room and stay with her for the night. She must be feeling awful at the moment with her stomachache."

Takamina nodded and followed Shin's request, taking the medicine with her. She and Yuko disappeared into Yuko’s room.

"And.. all of you.." he continued with a smile. "It’s almost midnight. I think it’s time for you guys have some sleep. Today maybe stressful, but i hope that all of you can have a good rest. Let’s see what will happen tomorrow, okay? I will contact Akimoto-sama and Togasaki-san about what happened today. I will try to asked them to cancel all of your schedule for a week."

"Yes, oppa~" All of them answered in unison. Sae and Sayaka just went to their rooms after saying good night to the members as Mayu and Yukirin joined them.

"Handsome oppa~" said Mariko-san. She's the only one that had a calm look about her. "Thank you for today. And thank you to break off this awkward atmosphere", she smiled

Shin smiled at the girl talking to him.

"Hehe~" Shin laughed politely. "No problem, Mariko-san." Before the tall girl made her way to her chamber.

He then turned to Tomochin.

"Tomochin, are you alright?," he said with a smile. "Please don’t cry. Eventhough you’re so pretty when you cry, but i prefer a smile on your face.."

"Oh~!" said Tomochin with a flushed cheeks. "I.. I will Oppa.", she trying to smile for her beloved oppa.

"Hehe~" giggled Shin. "I'm glad. Go to sleep now.", He pinched Tomochin cheeks softly

It's too obvious oppa..

"OKAY~!" said Tomochin happily as she turned around and left the room.

"Hehe~ You're going to be a good manager oppa. Anyway night~!" laughed Miichan before she drifts away to her room following Tomochin.

Shin oppa smiled to himself as Acchan and I took a seat on that couch in the living room. She didn't say a word as I tried, unsuccessfully, to treat the mark left on her face.

"If I may," said Shin as he knelt in front of Acchan, motioning my hand away. "Haruna would kill me later if I didn't do something about that bruise. Let me check your cheek."

"Okay?" Acchan said quietly.

Shin oppa carefully turned Acchan's head with his left hand by holding onto her chin. Acchan started to blush as the handsome man in front of her made skin contact with her.

EH~! Oppa! What are you doing!?!

"Hmm, it seems that your face is getting red," he joked. He stopped checking the mark and looked right into her eyes. "Are you getting a fever?"

"YAH~!" I yelled. "Oppa~! Stop kidding around with my Acchan! Or else!"

"Or else?" he said, turning to face me.

"Or else..." I paused, letting him get a taste of his own dramatic medicine. "Or else, I'll tell Tomochin!"

He looked at me with a blank look on his face, trying to think up his next move.

"Hmm," he said as he turned to Acchan. "Acchan, do you know what a really good cure is for this?"

Acchan shook her head, still blushing.

"A kiss on the cheek~!" said Shin simply with a smile.

My heart skipped a beat when he said that.

"EH~!?!" Acchan and I said in unison.

"Hehehe~" giggled Shin. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Anyway, Acchan, does this hurt?"

He carefully poked her left cheek with his right index finger.

"Aish~!" winced Acchan.

"Hehe~" said Shin. "Don't worry your pretty face, Acchan. Just a little scratch. Here, close your eyes and let me cure that."

"Wh-what!?!" Acchan said with a worried look on her face and blushing. "Oppa~"

"No worries, Acchan," he responded to Acchan's discomfort. "I'm not gonna make Haruna kiss you or anything. I'm just gon - OW~!"

"YAH~!" I yelled at Shin as I kicked him in the butt, literally. I looked away, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"I'm just being honest," he said as he rubbed where I hit him with his left hand. "Now, Acchan, if you would please close your eyes."

"O- okay," Acchan said as she closed her eyes.

Shin started to draw small circles on her check with his index finger. As he did this, his finger started to glow white.

Healing Magic???

He gave me wink, confirming my thoughts.

"How do you feel, Acchan?" I asked without thinking.

Acchan started to smile as she massaged her cheek.

"Handsome oppa~! It's completely healed!" she said with a shock.

"Hehehe~ Well, I am known to have magical fingers."

"Hmm... yeah..." she said her voice suddenly quieter. She still had the bag from a jewelery store in her hand.

"Haruna is very lucky to have a friend like you," comforted Shin.

"Huh~?" Acchan said with a confused look on her face.

"You're like a Playful Prince protecting the Air Head Princess," he continued. "To have someone to help her fight her battles, Haruna is lucky."

Acchan started to blush. I started to blush too.

"Hehehe~ Well, we've all had a long day," said Shin. "Acchan, you should rest. I'll send Haruna to her room after I have a little talk with her."

"But-" protested Acchan, but Shin oppa stopped her with a hand.

"Please, Acchan," he said with a smile. "Amnesia is a serious condition and I need to help Haruna adjust."

Her eyes lit up when she heard my reason. And with a nod she left the room.

Acchan... Wait up for me...

"Haruna, I want to make something very clear," started Shin. "Please don't worry. You don't have Partial Retrograde Amnesia."

"Huh~?" I said confused. "Wait - what- HUH~!?!"

"Yep," Shin continued talking very fast, "Actually, Partial Retrograde Amnesia is a real term of an Amnesia, but actually, you didn’t have it.. nor the repressed memory.."

"Wait?" I said, still confused. "I'm... wait... YOU LIED!?!"

"Oh, no," he corrected me with a smile. "I never lie. I just cleverly change people perception."

"Isn't that... the same...?"

He thought about it for a second.


"But... WAIT!" I yelled. "Then who was that!?! Who was that girl? How come I don't know who she is? How come I can't remember her? And why..." I started to tear up. "Shin oppa... Why... do I feel like this?"

Shin sat next to me on the couch.

"There was something I didn't tell you about the Game."

Game...? The World of Dreams...?

"If you remember correctly, I said that your memory is broken," he continued. "To be more precise, I told you that you are missing something... something very important."

My head replayed his explanation of the game.

"But... I thought that Acchan?-"

"Obviously," he interrupted, "if you remember her, she isn't the most important thing to you."

But... wait.... all this time??? But I thought...

"Hehehe~" he giggled. "Did you really think that a Game with Death itself will be so simple?"

As he said that, the clock struck 12.

"Tic-toc-tic-toc, Haruna" he sang. "Time's ticking. Welcome to Day 2."

-Chapter End-
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Offline khryz0421

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 11 ; May, 12, 2012]
« Reply #69 on: May 12, 2012, 08:23:51 AM »
Damn Haruna you have to remember Yuko!

Pls remember yuko...

Offline yukofan

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 11 ; May, 12, 2012]
« Reply #70 on: May 12, 2012, 08:36:01 AM »
so haruna forget yuko because yuko is the most important person..that's so sad..i want haruna's memory to comebacK..NOOWW!!

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Offline gekirena

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 11 ; May, 12, 2012]
« Reply #71 on: May 12, 2012, 11:18:23 AM »
i love your YukiRena oneshots ^_^

i hope you can write an even longer fic about them!

thanks a lot!

Offline kahem

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 11 ; May, 12, 2012]
« Reply #72 on: May 12, 2012, 11:49:08 AM »
Poor Yuko T_T
This game is machiavelous!

Offline haruhi16

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 11 ; May, 12, 2012]
« Reply #73 on: May 12, 2012, 03:00:29 PM »
Haruna forgot Yuko?! WTH. KILL ME NOW.

Offline bochang

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Worn Love pt.2
« Reply #74 on: May 16, 2012, 10:20:27 AM »

@khryz-san: Will she remember Yuko? or will she ended up with Acchan? :p

@yukofan-san: yes! It's kinda ironic.. but it won't be a interesting game if it's to easy right? :p

@gekirena-san: Really? Glad to hear that. :D I will write a longer fic for them.. actually, i'm writing about it right now #hint

@kahem-san: Yeah.. i feel sad for yuko.. TT.TT but still she needs to suffer more that this.. #hint(?)

@haruhi-san: No! don't kill yourself haruhi-san! or you won't know the ending of this story. :p

ALL: Thank you for commenting! :D I really happy to read your comments! :D
Yes, it's sad for Yuko and Haruna too.. But, an easy game is not interesting as a hard game (Am i right? :p)
and i will update the second part of Worn Love.. I hope you enjoy this last part.. :D

Worn Love

Pt. two

The Parting

I remember many things.. like our first kiss.. and our first date.. It feels like it's happened yesterday.. the memory is still fresh in my minds.. eventhough it's been forever since we're together..

-flashback start-

[Hae Jin’s POV]

“Moshi-moshi.”, i said as i answered a call

“Where are you, butler?!”, said the voice with annoyed tone


“I’m on the way to your castle, hime-sama.”, i said giggled. Right now, i’m on the way to your ‘caste’, to pick you up for our first date.

I’m so excited!!!!

It’s has been two weeks since we start exchanging messages and have another consultation session, I can feel that she’s intereseted in me. Eventhough she keep being a tsundere all over the time.

-Flashback start-

“Tomomi-san..”, i said  after she end her consultation session. “Do you have any schedule next Saturday?”

“Yes?”, she replied coldly, “No. What do you want?”

“No, nothing.”, i smirked at her.

“What?! Just say what you want to say!”, she annoyed

“Well, since you said it coldly.. I think you have a schedule or something.”, i replied with a smile

“No!! Tell me! What do you want?!”, she whined

I laughed watching her being so bipolar.

“I just want to asked you whether do you want to go to Tokyo Disneyland with me. I got two free tickets and i don’t know what should i do to them. Since you have a schedule, i think i will sell those tickets.”, i smirked

“No!! I want to go with you!”, she exclaimed

I giggled looking at her. “So you want to go out with me.. Eh?”, i smirked at her

“MOU! NO! I don’t want to go out with you!”, she whined. I bet that i saw her blushing.

“So you don’t want to go out with me?”, i said with a bitter smile.

“No! I want to go out with you!”, she blushing madly

HAHAHAHA what an interesting tsundere

“Okay then.”, i said before i let out a laugh

“MOU! Don’t tease me like that!”, she lightly hit me.

“I will..”, i said as i kneel, hold her hand, and kiss it. I saw her blushing furiously. I can’t read her expression. She looks like happy, excited, shocked, everything at the same time. “Tease you more, hime-sama.”

Her happy expression turned into frown as she hit me continuously. I laughed at her as she keep hitting me with more power after each hit.

“I’m sorry!”, i said as i running away from her. “It’s hurt, hime-sama. I’m not a masochist.”

“You’re dead meat HAE JIN!!”, she yelled with a her fist on the air, “Yes! I’m a sadist! Do you have any problem with that!”

I stopped on my track after heard that statement. She didn’t notice that i’ve stopped as she charged unto me.

”You’re a-AH!”


We’re falling together as I close my eyes expecting the pain that my body will recieve as it made an impact with the cold floor. It’s end with nothing but a loud thud.

Ouch. Hmmm.. It’s not that bad than what i expected...

I feel something soft in my hand and i start to grope that 'thing'..

Hmmm.. what’s is this.. It’s soft? Soft? And Squishy?

I open my eyes and found her lying on top of me... and my hands.. holding her..

“KYA!!!!”, she yelled, “You!! What’re you doing, PERV!”

“I’m sorry!!”, I quickly stand up still with her on top of me and that’s actually made things more complicated. Because the panic that i felt, i don’t realize that her face is so close to mine. When i’m trying to get up, It can’t be helped that the gap between our face closed and.. accidentally.. my lips... met hers.. Both of us froze at the spot, trying to process all the information about the kiss..

“I’m sorry”, i break the silence in the room

“...”, she’s still froze with flush on her face

“Tomomi-san?”, i said. “Can you move? This position is so awkward.”

“...”, she’ still froze and her face became redder every second

“YOU!”, she said with a fist on her hand.

I’m a dead meat..

I close my eyes, expecting that she’d hit me or slapped me, but i feel nothing. I open my eyes and saw her blushing. The atmosphere is kinda wierd for us. She tried to stand up and there’s a silence between us.

“... F-forget it.”, she said breaking the silence

“Um??”, i replied as i trying to stand up

“..F-forget about what happened today okay.”, she said staring at the floor, doesn’t have any courage to see my eyes.

“I will.. don’t worry about it..”, i said with a smile.

“It’s our little secret”, i continued before i stuck out my tounge

“MOU!”, she yelled, “YOU!!! YOU’RE DEAD!”

“It’s worthed”, i said with a teasing smile

“ARGHH!”, she yelled as she stormed out of my office room

“Don’t forget our date, hime-sama!”, i shouted to her

-Flashback End-

Ah those lips..I feel like a pervert.. hahaha

After that incident, i can’t forget about her. She’s been haunting my mind everyday, every minute, every second.

 I stepped on my pedal as my car speed up to her house.


*Ding* *Dong* *Ding* *Dong* the bell rings as i pressed a little red button beside the door. Glancing at the window to see my silhouette, trying to tidy up myself.

I have to be perfect!

Satisfied with myself, i waiting for the door to be opened for a long time. It's like forever, but nothings happened. I sighed at my self and turn around until i heard someone giggled behind me.

“I got you this time!”, she said happily as i found her standing behind me with a cute one-piece dress.

“You!”, i said as i happily pinch her cheeks. “You made me waiting for almost 20 minutes.”

“But, i forgive you this time, since you’re so cute.”

Her cheeks turns to red as the time passes. “What? I mean that your dress is cute.”

“MOU!!! Hae Jin! Why are you teasing me like that!”, she annoyed at my statement.

“I want to be praised by you..”, she whispered but i didn’t notice it.

“Hmm? What did you say?”, i stare at her waiting for my answer

“No, i don’t say anything.” She shook her head as she pulled me towards my car

“Let’s go! Don’t waste our time any longer in this place. I want to go to Disneyland!”

“Okay little princess”, I said happily as she dragged me to my car.

-flashback end-


Actually, there’s so much things that i want to reminisced.. But it hurts my heart even more.. Those sweet yet bitter memories that i felt with her.. The day when i confessed to her.. Our trip to Bali together.. Many things happened and we’re still together.. until that day..

-Flashback start-

“Oppa..”, she started. “Is there anything wrong?”, she looked at me with a worried face

“No.”, i coldly reply her

“No! There must be something happened to you.”

“Why did you acting like this?”, she said

“D-do you..”, she started with tears welled up in her beautiful eyes..

“n-not love me a-anymore?

I staring at the window when i heard her question. Contemplating answer that i should gave to her.


“JUST TELL ME!!”, she cried

“I.. don’t love you.. like i did before..”, I gave up. I don’t have any courage to look her in the eyes. I felt like a bastard that playing with a maiden’s heart.

“Why...”, she shocked as she heard my answer

“Why... Do you know.. how much i loved you..”

“I give you all my heart, oppa..”


“Am i not pretty enough?”

“Am i not worthy to you?”

I can’t bear to watched her crying in front of me.

“I-i’m sorry..”, I said, still staring at the floor

“I know this is all my fault..”

“I’m a jerk..”


I can feel a pain stung my cheeks as her hand made contact with my face.


“I h-hate you..”


She said as she stromed out from my office and banged the door.

I’m sorry.. I know i’m a jerk..

I know should not.. but i did that..

I already tried to ignore you.. pretend to be cold..

So you hate me. But.. you still hope that i will love you back..

You still giving me all your loves..

I felt guilty.. I felt like i want to kill myself..

I don’t want to hurt you anymore..

So i said it..

If you know.. I prefered to be heart-broken and forgotten that broke your heart and saw your tears..

If you can ease your pain with hating me.. forgetting me.. anything you want to do with me..

I’m ready to accept it..

Because i know i deserved it..

-Flashback end-

Now.. my existence in your life is vanished.. Now, you already have a partner.. I’m glad that you can moved on.. I truly happy for you.. You already found your true love.. not the one like me..

I don’t know if you still hate me.. or maybe you already forgot about me.

I will watching you from up here.. I don’t know why God sent me to this place.. even if i do so many bad things to you.. At least.. now..

I will redeemed my sin by watching you and look over you..

I hope that i realized it sooner.. that i’m truly in love with you..

Maybe we weren’t ended up like this..


As long as you found your happiness..

I’m happy for you..

Please live your life to the fullest..

My only love..

[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

please drop by :D

Offline ivan.yuu93

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Worn Love pt.Two ; May, 16, 2012]
« Reply #75 on: May 16, 2012, 02:42:27 PM »
I really love your fic about kojiyuu . Thanks a lot for writing this fic  :twothumbs

 Poor my yuko . Nyan doesn't remember yuko  :cry: . Please bring Nyan's memory back  :bow: :bow:
« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 02:55:05 PM by ivan.yuu93 »

Offline bochang

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Chapter Twelve
« Reply #76 on: May 19, 2012, 05:13:16 AM »
UWAHHH The final exams starts on monday!! and i still writing this chapter. LOL

I don't know if this chapter is interesting or not. It's up to you guys~ :D

OH! and at last!! I can watch majisuka gakuen!!! UWAH!! eventhough i only have downloaded the first ep, but it's GOOD! Badass Acchan is.. KYA~
and Tomochin is so cute!!! UGYAAA!! #trivia

ivan.yuu93: Really? Thank you ivan-ssi. :D
Yep, she doesn't remember korisu. Another hint in this chapter~ :D

"I'll decide when you win." Shin said calmly.

and thank you for the comment! :D

so without further adieu..

Chapter 12

Reminiscing (Part Two)

Date: Saturday,  12 October 2013

I could barely walk properly or concentrate as I opened the door to my room.

5 days left?

"Haruna~" said a beautiful voice.

Acchan was sitting on top of my bed, waiting for me to finish my talk with Shin oppa. She gave me a beautiful smile.


“Yah?!”, i exclaimed, “What are you doing in my room!”

“Sheesh!! I just worried about you.. and I think you will need someone to accompany you..”, she said with a worried look

I felt thankful to her as i nodded my head.

Acchan.. you’re truly my best friend..

“Okay, then. Just sleep with me tonight.”, I said with a smile

"So? How are you feeling?" she asked. "Did Handsome oppa help?"

I smiled... now knowing what I must do to win the game...

I'm gonna smile oppa... and I'm gonna learn what a smile means... from both of them...

"I'm fine," I replied. "He helped out a lot. Oppa is kind of weird sometimes, but he's a good manager."

"Yeah, he is," she said as she rubbed her cheek that healed by Shin.

I said as I sat down next to her. "Do you know Handsome Oppa’s Oshi?"

Acchan shook her head.

"Is it Tomochin?" she questioned.

"Uh-huh," I said smiling a little bit. "Tomochin is his favorite. He doesn't shut up about it either."

Acchan started to laugh at the thought. I joined her, enjoying our time together.

"By the way, where's that bag?" I asked as I rested my head on that familiar spot on her shoulder.

She rested her head on mine.

"Don't worry," she responded. "I put it in your drawer for you."

"Oh, okay," I nodded.

What did I buy again...?

We sat in silence, just enjoying each other's company. Both of us wanted to forget everything that has happened today. But I could tell that Acchan couldn't.

"About..." Acchan started, her head still resting on mine. "The mall... I... didn't mean to... I... don't know how... I could live with myself... if- if... you didn't..."

I shook my head and tried to comfort her with a smile as the words from Shin's talk echoed in my head. For some reason, it felt right to hold her hand. The feeling of our fingers intertwined... it was nice...

Never... blame Acchan for what happened to you... said Shin’s voice in my head

"I know what you're gonna say," I said. "It's not your fault... I never thought once, not once, of blaming you..."

"But what about Yu -," she hesitated to continue. "She's... important... to you..."

"Even so..." I replied. "I can't remember..."

Acchan stayed silent, not knowing what to say next.

"I can't remember anything about her," I said as I turned to face her. "It's as if she never existed. But... one thing is for sure. I have you to help me..."

She gave me a beautiful smile.

"Yah~" she started to joke. "Stop falling for me~!"

We laughed together at the joke.

"Anyway, come on!" I commanded. I went under the covers and lend out a hand to her. "I'm tired!"

With a grin, she took my hand and joined me under the blanket.

"Night Acchan," I said as hugged her.

"Hehe~" she giggled. "Night Haruna."

Under the covers, I continued to hug her as I buried my head in her soft chest. I found myself unable to let her go... It was then that the sudden weight of the game finally took hold of me.

I'm going to die...

Acchan wrapped her arms around me, pulling my whole body closer to her. Holding me together. Protecting me.

Without warning... tears started to run from my eyes...

I don't know what I'm gonna choose, oppa... but I'll learn...

That night... I wanted to dream a happy dream... A dream that will help my find my answer...

It wasn't until later... that I found out that I'll never have a happy dream ever again...

-Flashback start-

(30 Minutes Earlier)

Shin‘s words etched themselves into my brain, leaving a permanent mark in my mind. Every feeling I've felt today, just seemed to turn into mush as I realize that this game? this World of Dreams? is impossible to win.

5 days left...

"Have you notice something odd about your attitude lately?" Shin questioned. "Tell me... Have you been able to laugh, smile, and be happy?"

"Well... yeah... of course"

"All the time?" he said with a questioning look on his face. "Every time you wanted to?"

That shut me up.

"Hahaha~" Shin laughed. "If I may be so bold, you have only laughed and smiled for two different occasions. For the most part, you've been laughing and smiling in reaction to me. The other... is because of Yuko-san."

He was right... He was completely right... Up until now... Acchan... hasn't made me smile or laugh... Only him... and Oshima-san...

With Acchan... I couldn't even feel it.. I just wanted it to happen.

"Then... then..." I stuttered.

"Yuko is your important Memory..." Shin said simply. "Your Dream."

This cute... bright girl... she is my important Memory... my Dream...? my Heaven...? and I forgot about her...

"So WAIT! I smiled!" I said. "So that's it! I WIN!"

"Sure, you smiled," he said. "But, what's it mean?"

"I..." I became silent.

I... don't know...

"Nope, you don't win... You still don't understand," he corrected. "You can smile all you want... but the most important thing is the meaning behind the smile."

I sat there, dumbstruck, unable to think of anything else to say.

"When you died," Shin started. "I took that Memory away from you... That very important Dream."

"You - WHAT!?!" I said, shocked.

Shin rummaged through his pocket, taking out a thin, gold metal card. The card was about 5 cm tall by 3 cm wide. It had strange translucent markings on it and it had a white glow to it.

"Everything I took from you," he said as he showed me the card. "All your Dreams... all your memories... everything that was linked to Yuko... is in this... Memory Card."

"MOU~!" I shouted. "GIVE IT BACK THEN!!!"

I reached out for the Card, attempting to capture it, attempting to get my memories back... get everything I had of Yuko back.

But... It was like grabbing air. My hand passed through the Card like it didn't even exist...

"I'll decide when you win." Shin said calmly. "You win the Game... You win the Memory."

He put the Card back into his pocket.

"This Card," he continued, "is the reason why you laugh and smile near me. Because in actuality, you are reacting with the Card. From now on, you must learn to laugh, to smile, on your own. I'm sure Acchan can help you with that."

"Acchan...?" I said, confused.

"Fate," he started to go off on his long explanations again, "has a funny way of joining people together. I've been around long enough to find out that there is no such thing as a coincidence in this World. It is Fate, Haruna, that has brought you and I together. It is Fate that made you die the other day. It is Fate that let you have two choices to win this game. Never... blame Acchan for what happened to you..."

Don't... blame Acchan?...

"Shin oppa," I asked. "What do you mean...? Two...?"

"Everybody has a choice, Haruna," he responded. "I'm sure you noticed, even felt, the love that Acchan has for you. A love of a best friend that can is willing to protect you, to take a hit for you. I'm curious... Has Fate let us meet in order to correct your mistake? To guide you to the right path? Or, does Fate wish to test you? Wish you to relearn the love you once had for Yuko? The girl that meant everything to you before you ended your life. Maybe she is meant to be yours and Fate just has a way of being jealous. Either way... you can win. And either way... you will get your memory back."

I saw a problem with this.

"But... Acchan... What would happen if..." I couldn't bear to ask the question.

"Hehehe~" he laughed. "You see why this is not a simple Game. You are stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one side, you have Acchan, your loving best friend, who cares deeply about you. Going to her would be an easier way to win the game. Of course, when you win, you regain all your memories of Yuko. Imagine how hurt Acchan-shi would be once your feelings come back. Could you live with that guilt while you're in Heaven?"

There was no way to answer that question.

I didn't like the thought of that... I felt like... I was using her...

"On the other side, you have a girl whose heart you've broken with the loss of your memory. Going that way would be more difficult and I believe Fate has much more obstacles in store for you. But one does not understand what they have got, until they lose it. If you were to win the game, the memories you've created with her during your final moments will be your Heaven and you will be at peace knowing that there are no more regrets."

I could barely listen to him anymore... I didn't want to make this choice... But I had to...

"For now..." Shin continued with a smile. "Smile... Smile as much as you can... Laugh as much as you can. For both Acchan and Yuko. Even if you have 5 days left... Lots can still happen. If you do that and spend time with them, they will teach you the meaning of a smile. I'm sure you will then find the right answer. An answer that you can live with... and answer you can die with... An answer that will make everyone around you happy."

I nodded in agreement and gave him a big smile.

Thank you Shin oppa... Thank you for showing me the way...

"Ah~" he said with a happy look on his face. "How pretty. Wear a smile more often, Haruna, it suites you. Anyway, I have a lot to prepare for tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, oppa~?" I asked. "Do we have a busy schedule tomorrow?"

"Oh, no! We aren't busy. I hope so.. It's just that..." his voice turned to a serious tone. " I need to call Aki-P-sama and Togasaki-san.. and If we they agree to cancel all of your schedule for this week, we need something to do right? You don’t want to ended up living in this boring dorm do you? So i need to prepare something that all of you can enjoy, and specially for Tomochin because she’s my fa-"

"Favorite member," I said, finishing his sentence. "I know."

"HAHA~!" he laughed. "Right!"

He offered me a hand, helping me get up.

"OH~!" he said not telling go of my hand. "Can I ask you something?"

"Oppa~ Even if I said no, would that really stop you from asking?"

"Hey, hey. I'm just trying to be polite."

I gave him a weird look. But not caring, I just nodded my head.

"For some reason, you're body has been having a peculiar resistance against Takamina. Can you tell me why?"

The question caught me off guard.

He's... right...

Every touch... every word... anything I heard from Takamina... Hurts me...

"I don't know..." I responded. "You've looked into my memories right... You tell me."

"That's just it..." he said, looking worried. "I have looked into your memories but I have found nothing to suggest that you had a negative history with Takamina. Maybe..."

He took a moment to think to himself.

"Aish~!" I said as I hit him on the arm. "Forget it! My head hurts! I need sleep!"

"Ah, yes, of course," said Shin, dropping the question. "I'll figure it out later. Anyway, night Haruna."

"Night, Shin oppa," I answered.

I gave him a smile and a slight nod, and then walked through the bed room door.

-Flashback End-

-Chapter End-
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 03:44:36 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 12 ; May, 19, 2012]
« Reply #77 on: May 19, 2012, 04:05:19 PM »
mmmm...such a hard game for haruna..i feel sorry for acchan but i hope the is on kojiyuu's side..i hope haruna can have her memory back..5 days isn't a long time..

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Offline kahem

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 12 ; May, 19, 2012]
« Reply #78 on: May 22, 2012, 07:03:24 PM »
I wonder why Takamina is involved here lol
Kojiharu!!!! Don't give up on your squirrel!!!!

Offline khryz0421

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 12 ; May, 19, 2012]
« Reply #79 on: May 22, 2012, 08:51:16 PM »

@khryz-san: Will she remember Yuko? or will she ended up with Acchan? :p

She will remember Yuko!  She will definitely!  :onioncheer:  :onioncheer:
If she'll ended up with acchan, i'll DEFINITELY  :mon wtfmm: kill  :on voodoo: the author. (joke   :wahaha:)

BTW nice chapter :))  :on GJ:  :on GJ:

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