A/N: you maybe a little bit confused why i wrote Yuko or Oshima-san. I use Yuko when it's on 3rd person POV and Oshima-san on Haruna POV.
sorry for this inconvenience.
to all reader: I hope you enjoy reading this chapter~

feel free to send me some critics, opinions, money, akbgoods, anything. LOL
i'll gladly accept them all~
@Kahem: I'll give another hint in this chapter, kahem-san.

Chapter 11
Reminiscing (Part 1)
Date: Friday, 11 October 2013
Oshima-san just stared at me with her eyes, her dimple smile weakening every second passed. No one spoke as everyone glances from me to Oshima-san and back to me again.
"Haruna?" she said, trying to regain her smile. "What? are you talking about?"
I looked at the girl in front of me.
Who are you?"Well..." I said, trying to make myself look innocent with a smile. "Do I know you?"
The words seem to have stabbed her right in her chest. It felt like it stabbed me too.
Why do I feel like this...?"Haruna?" she called out my name. Suddenly, she giggled. "You're playing a joke right? Don’t tease me like that. It’s not funny." As she pulled me for a hug. I tried to broke the hug, but she hugged me so tight.
"I'm sorry? Oshima-san?", I finally escaped her ‘death-hug’ after sturggling with all my power. "I... have no idea who you are."
Looking for help, I turned to Acchan who was standing near us.
"Acchan... When did we get a new member?" I asked curiously.
"Haruna~" Acchan said with a worried smile. "Stop... playing jokes..."
“I’m not jo-AH!?” Oshima-san pushed me hard against the wall, her hand shaking as she held on my shoulder.
"You're... lying..." she said. She didn't look at my face, but I could see the tears dropping to the floor. "NyanNyan... you're... lying... right? How can you... forget... me...?"
"Oshima-san?" I whispered.
I... I can't remember..."YOU'RE LYING!!!" Oshima-san yelled, finally showing her face.
She no longer had that bright smile... that smile that was as bright as the Sun... Instead... it was eclipsed... by her tears and sadness.
No... wait... Oshima-san... please smile again..."YA!!! KOJIMA HARUNA!!!" her voice cracked as she yelled out my name. "TELL ME!"
Her voice started to weaken... but she still held onto my shoulders.
"TELL ME YOU'RE LYING!!!" she cried, her voice going hoarse. "TELL ME YOU REMEMBER ME!!!"
She couldn't resist her tears anymore. Letting go of my shoulders, she fell back into the group of girls, finding Takamina for comfort.
"Tell... me..." repeated Oshima-san quietly to herself.
No one dared to speak... afraid to cause any more trouble.
Mayuyu was hiding behind Yukirin, both looking scared. Tomochin is crying, she staring down to the floor. Miichan was on the verge of tears as Shinoda tried to comfort her. Sae and Sayaka tried to keep a calm front while Takamina had no idea what to do but try and help the crying girl in her arms. Acchan had an odd look on her face, continuing to hold on to the other bag behind her back.
"Is it true, Haruna?" said Shin oppa in a serious tone. "Can you really not remember her?"
He motioned to the girl hiding her face on Takamina's shoulder. As much as it pained me, I nodded my head.
"I see," he said. "I had a feeling this would happen."
The girl's all turned to Shin oppa, bewildered by his words.
You knew?"What do you mean?" asked Takamina. "You knew, oppa?"
"Why didn't you tell us..." asked Acchan, her voice slightly angry. She walked over to my side, trying to comfort me. "Even when Tomochin and I were in the hospital, you didn't say anything!"
"That's because," continued oppa, "she showed no symptoms of having Partial Retrograde Amnesia at the time."
"Wh-what?" we all said in unison. We all tried to pay attention, even Oshima-san with tears still tried to listen.
I'm confused..."Hehehe~" he laughed. "An amnesia cause by head injury to the back of the head. Up until now, Haruna has been able to remember everything, as well as retain new information after her injury."
I started to remember the blow to the back of the head that I got when I landed on the cement.
That made sense...Yuko was trying to find some good news from his words.
"How long..." Yuko whispered. "How long... does it last?"
"That?" Shin paused. "That can't be determined... Partial Amnesia can range from a day... to forever."
From the look of her face, Oshima-san seemed to have lost all hope.
And I caused this..."So... Why..." started Yuko.
No one wanted to ask this question... No one wanted to hear the answer... But Yuko... She had to know... She wanted to know why... She wanted the truth...
"Why... forget..." whispered Oshima-san, her attention all on me. "Why forget... about... me...? Only... me..."
Everyone looked at me for an answer, but Shin oppa responded her question.
"She maybe," started Shin, facing Yuko, " unconsciously, she is blocking out painful, depressing, or stressful memories so that, consciously, she doesn't remember it. It seems that, to Haruna, you cause either one or all of those problems to her."
Oppa... that's not true... right?"That..." I said as I shook my head. "That can't be right! How?can I??"
Oshima-san mumbled something, too low for me to hear.
"Huh?" I responded.
"I SAID I HATE YOU!!!" yelled Oshima-san as she ran towards me.
I knew what was coming. I knew Oshima-san wanted to slap me. I knew how much it was hurting her.
What I didn't know... was why I wanted her to hurt me. Why I wanted her to be okay... Why I wanted to say sorry so much... I just stood there; closing my eyes, letting her hit me.
I'm sorry... Oshima-san...*SLAP*
She never made contact with face.
"Yuko..." whispered Acchan, tearing up.
Acchan stood in front of me, a red mark on her face where she took the hit... for me.
"Yuko..." Acchan repeated. "It's... not... her fault..."
"A-Acchan!" cried Yuko. "I'm sorry! I-I-"
Acchan just stood there, repeating her words.
"It's okay... Yuko... It's... not... her fault..."
"Acchan..." I whispered, putting my hand on her shoulder.
All we could do was stay silent and watch Acchan repeat her sentence over and over again, afraid on what might happen next.
Only Shin oppa could break this silence.
"Takamina-san," said Shin oppa flashing his usual smile. "You seem close to Yuko-san. Please take her to her room and stay with her for the night. She must be feeling awful at the moment with her stomachache."
Takamina nodded and followed Shin's request, taking the medicine with her. She and Yuko disappeared into Yuko’s room.
"And.. all of you.." he continued with a smile. "It’s almost midnight. I think it’s time for you guys have some sleep. Today maybe stressful, but i hope that all of you can have a good rest. Let’s see what will happen tomorrow, okay? I will contact Akimoto-sama and Togasaki-san about what happened today. I will try to asked them to cancel all of your schedule for a week."
"Yes, oppa~" All of them answered in unison. Sae and Sayaka just went to their rooms after saying good night to the members as Mayu and Yukirin joined them.
"Handsome oppa~" said Mariko-san. She's the only one that had a calm look about her. "Thank you for today. And thank you to break off this awkward atmosphere", she smiled
Shin smiled at the girl talking to him.
"Hehe~" Shin laughed politely. "No problem, Mariko-san." Before the tall girl made her way to her chamber.
He then turned to Tomochin.
"Tomochin, are you alright?," he said with a smile. "Please don’t cry. Eventhough you’re so pretty when you cry, but i prefer a smile on your face.."
"Oh~!" said Tomochin with a flushed cheeks. "I.. I will Oppa.", she trying to smile for her beloved oppa.
"Hehe~" giggled Shin. "I'm glad. Go to sleep now.", He pinched Tomochin cheeks softly
It's too obvious oppa.."OKAY~!" said Tomochin happily as she turned around and left the room.
"Hehe~ You're going to be a good manager oppa. Anyway night~!" laughed Miichan before she drifts away to her room following Tomochin.
Shin oppa smiled to himself as Acchan and I took a seat on that couch in the living room. She didn't say a word as I tried, unsuccessfully, to treat the mark left on her face.
"If I may," said Shin as he knelt in front of Acchan, motioning my hand away. "Haruna would kill me later if I didn't do something about that bruise. Let me check your cheek."
"Okay?" Acchan said quietly.
Shin oppa carefully turned Acchan's head with his left hand by holding onto her chin. Acchan started to blush as the handsome man in front of her made skin contact with her.
EH~! Oppa! What are you doing!?!"Hmm, it seems that your face is getting red," he joked. He stopped checking the mark and looked right into her eyes. "Are you getting a fever?"
"YAH~!" I yelled. "Oppa~! Stop kidding around with my Acchan! Or else!"
"Or else?" he said, turning to face me.
"Or else..." I paused, letting him get a taste of his own dramatic medicine. "Or else, I'll tell Tomochin!"
He looked at me with a blank look on his face, trying to think up his next move.
"Hmm," he said as he turned to Acchan. "Acchan, do you know what a really good cure is for this?"
Acchan shook her head, still blushing.
"A kiss on the cheek~!" said Shin simply with a smile.
My heart skipped a beat when he said that.
"EH~!?!" Acchan and I said in unison.
"Hehehe~" giggled Shin. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Anyway, Acchan, does this hurt?"
He carefully poked her left cheek with his right index finger.
"Aish~!" winced Acchan.
"Hehe~" said Shin. "Don't worry your pretty face, Acchan. Just a little scratch. Here, close your eyes and let me cure that."
"Wh-what!?!" Acchan said with a worried look on her face and blushing. "Oppa~"
"No worries, Acchan," he responded to Acchan's discomfort. "I'm not gonna make Haruna kiss you or anything. I'm just gon - OW~!"
"YAH~!" I yelled at Shin as I kicked him in the butt, literally. I looked away, trying to hide my embarrassment.
"I'm just being honest," he said as he rubbed where I hit him with his left hand. "Now, Acchan, if you would please close your eyes."
"O- okay," Acchan said as she closed her eyes.
Shin started to draw small circles on her check with his index finger. As he did this, his finger started to glow white.
Healing Magic???He gave me wink, confirming my thoughts.
"How do you feel, Acchan?" I asked without thinking.
Acchan started to smile as she massaged her cheek.
"Handsome oppa~! It's completely healed!" she said with a shock.
"Hehehe~ Well, I am known to have magical fingers."
"Hmm... yeah..." she said her voice suddenly quieter. She still had the bag from a jewelery store in her hand.
"Haruna is very lucky to have a friend like you," comforted Shin.
"Huh~?" Acchan said with a confused look on her face.
"You're like a Playful Prince protecting the Air Head Princess," he continued. "To have someone to help her fight her battles, Haruna is lucky."
Acchan started to blush. I started to blush too.
"Hehehe~ Well, we've all had a long day," said Shin. "Acchan, you should rest. I'll send Haruna to her room after I have a little talk with her."
"But-" protested Acchan, but Shin oppa stopped her with a hand.
"Please, Acchan," he said with a smile. "Amnesia is a serious condition and I need to help Haruna adjust."
Her eyes lit up when she heard my reason. And with a nod she left the room.
Acchan... Wait up for me...
"Haruna, I want to make something very clear," started Shin. "Please don't worry. You don't have Partial Retrograde Amnesia."
"Huh~?" I said confused. "Wait - what- HUH~!?!"
"Yep," Shin continued talking very fast, "Actually, Partial Retrograde Amnesia is a real term of an Amnesia, but actually, you didn’t have it.. nor the repressed memory.."
"Wait?" I said, still confused. "I'm... wait... YOU LIED!?!"
"Oh, no," he corrected me with a smile. "I never lie. I just cleverly change people perception."
"Isn't that... the same...?"
He thought about it for a second.
"But... WAIT!" I yelled. "Then who was that!?! Who was that girl? How come I don't know who she is? How come I can't remember her? And why..." I started to tear up. "Shin oppa... Why... do I feel like this?"
Shin sat next to me on the couch.
"There was something I didn't tell you about the Game."
Game...? The World of Dreams...?"If you remember correctly, I said that your memory is broken," he continued. "To be more precise, I told you that you are missing something... something very important."
My head replayed his explanation of the game.
"But... I thought that Acchan?-"
"Obviously," he interrupted, "if you remember her, she isn't the most important thing to you."
But... wait.... all this time??? But I thought..."Hehehe~" he giggled. "Did you really think that a Game with Death itself will be so simple?"
As he said that, the clock struck 12.
"Tic-toc-tic-toc, Haruna" he sang. "Time's ticking. Welcome to Day 2."
-Chapter End-