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Author Topic: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 16 - 19/9/2012, HIATUS]  (Read 69777 times)

Offline haruhi16

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 12 ; May, 19, 2012]
« Reply #80 on: May 25, 2012, 05:17:50 AM »
Yuko is for Nyan Nyan
Acchan is for Takamina~ :(

Offline bochang

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Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 13 ; May, 29, 2012]
« Reply #81 on: May 29, 2012, 02:26:52 AM »
Yosha!! At last i can update this fic~
Still have another 3 exams waiting to be finished. Kekeke
After that it’s HOLIDAY and i can write as much as i want~ :3
So please enjoy this crappy chapter that i update in my mean time between the exams that haunting me. Kekeke
Oh, replies at the bottom.


Chapter 13

Double Kill*

Date: Satuday, 12 October, 2013


I wanted to dream a happy dream that night. But as I woke up, I found myself unable to remember anything. Everything about it was a blank.

Aish... Really oppa? Does this Game have to mess with my dreams too?

At least I woke up to something nice. My eyes found the soft figure of Acchan still next to me in bed. Her arms were still around me, like another blanket of protection. I could feel her shirt and the place she laid was still wet from my tears.

Ah... Sorry... I guess I cried a lot...

"" Acchan said slowly, smiling.

"Oh, Acchan, you're up!" I said, noticing that her eyes were wide open. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"" she slowly repeated.

"Hmm? Yes?" I asked.

"You're... me..." she said.

"Wh-what?" I said, confused.

Something was wrong. Acchan's eyes weren't blinking and she continued that same grin. Everything about her was still.

"" she continued. "You... broke... my... heart..."

"YAH!!! Acchan!" I yelled as I pushed her with my hands. "What's... wrong..."

I rubbed my hands together.

Wet... My hands were wet... And not just me, everything about her was still and wet... Her stomach, her chest, her neck, it was all wet with a thick red liquid.

"You... did... this... to... me..."

Scared... I slowly looked at my hand.

"Its... all... your... fault..."

Blood was all over me! My hands, arms, body, even my face. All of it was her blood.

"Your... fault..."

"ACCHAN!!!" I yelled as I pulled the blanket off of her. "WHAT HAPPENED!?!"

Blood was seeping down her body and onto the bed.

"Oh... my... God..." I stuttered

Right through her left breast was a small hole, right through her body. A hole a size of a fist... my fist...

"I'm... emp...ty... now..." She continued. "All... be...cause... of... you..."

Her heart was beating and I could feel it... in my hand... Slowly beating... Slowly fading... Slowly stopping...

I've never screamed louder than that before.



"YAH! Haruna! You're hurting me!" yelled a voice.

I felt a small shove under me as I opened my eyes to find myself lying on top of Acchan.


I quickly got up, expecting the worse.

A Dream?

"Haruna?"Acchan said with a confused look on her face.


I poked her with my finger. The Acchan in front of me was intact. Her chest was missing the hole to her heart.

A... nightmare...

"YAH!" Acchan yelled as she backed away from me, covering herself. "Wh-wh-what are you thinking? PERV!!"

Without realizing it, I've been repeatedly poking her soft chest and groping it.

"I... uh..." I had no idea what to say. "I forgot."

“You forgot?”, she sighed at my replied. “But that doesn’t mean you can molested me! It’s pay back time!”

“N- NO! Kyyaa”, Acchan pushed me down on the bed, helplessly and she start molesting me.

“A-acc.. Hyaann.. Ac-aahh..”, She start to tease my ears as i can felt soft warm breath near my left ear, almost turning me crazy.

“N-no!! stop.. Ahhh...” She didn’t care about my remarks and continue her assult on my body as i feel her hands on my assets.

“You have a nice body Ha~ru~na~”, She groped my assets with her hands and then trying to strip me from my PJs.

“Nyahh!!”, as i felt her hands playing with my assets.

“No!”, I jolted up and release myself from her grasp.

“YOU PERV!!!”, I yelled at her

“Yah! You’re the one who tried to molested me first!”


"Bad dream?" Acchan said "Don’t you mean a wet dream?", snickering

“Yah!”, I hit slap her hands lightly, “I’m serious!”

“Tell me then.”, she said with a warm smile as she motioned me to sit beside her.

I stared back at her, unsure what to say.

"You..." I hesitated.

It's... your... fault... echoed Acchan's voice in my head.

I rubbed my forehead, trying to ease the migraine I was getting.

Aish... stupid Game...

It's only been one day I could already feel the effect of the Game on my body.

"Oh... Do you have a headache?" asked Acchan, looking worried. "Hmm... maybe you should eat. You haven't eaten since the cafe yesterday, right? You can tell me about your dream later, okay?"

She gave me a confident smile.

I agreed with a nod as she pulled me off the bed and held my hand as she led me through the door.

"HIYAH~!" yelled Tomochin as she expertly swung her arm. "HAHA~!"

"Ah~!" responded Shin oppa who was also swinging his arm. "You finally won a game! Good job~!"

Shin gave her a thumbs up in congratulations. Tomochin just tilted her head and acted shy as she blushed.

Hey, hey, Shin oppa? You're flirting too much!

"Whoa~!" said Acchan amazed as she pointed at the large TV. "Where did that come from?"

"Oh~ You guys are up~!" exclaimed Tomochin looking surprised. "Although, it's kinda early for Haruna, isn't it, Acchan?"

"Aish~ Not now Tomochin" I said, continuing to rub my head with my free hand. "It's too early."

"I thought so," Tomochin said with a giant smile before facing Acchan. "Anyway, Handsome oppa brought me - I mean... brought us a Wii and a new TV~!"

You? Tomochin?

Shin oppa looked my way and gave me a wink.

So this is what you meant?

"Yeah, since you guys don’t have any schedule from now till next weekend" he started, "I think i’d be more fun if we can play together. Just think about a quality time between manager and artist."

"Hehehe~" Tomochin smiled. "Let's play some more, Handsome oppa! There is still food on the table, guys! Oppa's cooking is amazing!"

He cooks too???

"When you two finish eating, why not join us?" asked Shin oppa, grinning. "We have enough controllers."

"No," I declined coldly. "Honestly, I don't want to play anymore games."

"Ahhh.. " said Shin with a thoughtful face. "I see."

"Besides," he said, smirking at me. "It's not like its life or death or anything, it's only just a game."

"Game?" said pretty voice. "Ah! WOW! Minami! look at the TV- OH!"

Even though my brain no longer has any remnants of her face, no memories of her voice, no recollection of her presence... my heart ached knowing that this person in front of me was the most important thing to me... and I forgot about her...

What hurt more... was seeing Yuko and Minami walking together... their arms intertwined.

Why? To Minami?

"Ah, Acchan..." started Yuko as she bowed. "About yesterday..."

"It's okay..." Acchan interrupted. "Besides? it's not Haruna's fault for her amnesia."

"Yeah..." nodded Yuko. "And NyanNyan?"

"Yes?" I answered.

"I didn't mean to yell at you the other day," she apologized. "Handsome oppa... he explained everything to me this morning and... Oh, NyanNyan, I'm sorry!"

The cute girl in front of me jumped on me, giving me the same unique hug like before.

I didn't know why... but a huge grin appeared on my face when she did that.

"Hehe~" I laughed as she let go. "I'm sorry... I don't remember... But with everyone's help... Maybe I can get my memories back."

"*sniff*" pouted Minami and Tomochin in the background. "So... beautiful!"

"Hmm~" nodded Shin. "I agree."

The four of us sat at the table, eating the mass amount of food still left from Shin oppa's cooking. I must admit, the drama king fan boy can cook!

Shin oppa and Tomochin continued their odd arm swinging as they loudly played their game. Their various cute little mannerisms with each other were getting annoying. Tomochin kept poking Shin in the side, trying to distract him, while talking in a cute manner. To make matters worse, Shin just encouraged his favorite members actions with his little gentlemen comments and praise.

Aish... so annoying... They are like a newlywed couple...

Unfortunately, for me... I'd rather look at them than the other two love birds that were sitting at the dinner table besides the supporting characters that eating furiously*

"Say 'AHHHHHH' wife," said Minami as she held up a piece of a pancake to Yuko’s mouth. "Hehehe~ Please?"

"AHHHH!" followed Yuko.

Minami continued to put the piece of pancake into Yuko’s mouth... before using the fork for herself.

In-in-inderect kiss?

"Geez," joked Acchan after being silent since we sat down. "Look at the TakaYuu couple."

"Oh?" said Minami. "How did you know we became a couple?"

"YAH~!" yelled Yuko, blushing. "Minami, I didn't want to tell anyone yet!"

"Wh-what?" I stuttered, shocked. "What are you two talking about?"

Yuko stayed silent as she smiled to herself.

In the background, Shin stopped playing his game and looked my way, worried. Tomochin was even paying attention now.

I don't know if this was the last thing I wanted to hear in my entire life, but it felt like it.

"Um... well," answered Minami with an innocent smile. "We've decided... Yuko and I, to be together."

Chapter End

This chapter... i dropped a bomb.. That gonna kill all AtsuMina and KojiYuu shipper’s hope (and kill me in the process.)
Please don’t kill me all AtsuMina and KojiYuu shippers!
#Running away from a mass of people who holding torches and pitch forks.

*The title means that someone who killed another hero at the same time or there's only a little time between the first kill and the second kill in DotA. Sorry if it's confusing. LOL

*The supporting character: Sasshi, Sae, Miichan, Mariko, Sayaka, and the others. LOL I confused how to add them in my story. So i won’t be too focused on them. :3 The main focus in this story is TomoShin and TakaYuuAtsuNyan (LOL). well i will tried to add them in my story (a little bit). Please wait for it. Kekeke

*TakaYuu.. I think the proper name for this pairing is TakaYuu.. right?

@Yukofan: Yes, it’s a hard game, but I think haruna will win, since she playing ds all the time. LOL and please don’t kill me after reading this chappie,yukofan-san.. #scared
@kahem: Why? This chapter will answer your question kahem-san. :3 and please don’t kill me (again)
@khryz0421: I think i will be really dead right now... #reminiscing my happy and bad memories before i get killed.
@haruhi16: Just finished me off.. #helpless
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

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Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 13 ; May, 29, 2012]
« Reply #82 on: May 29, 2012, 02:54:55 AM »
Wah~ The Midget Couple! If it's like this, Then Haruna doesn't have to join that game [to remember Yuko]. Because, she will hurt herself, anyway. :smhid and, I wonder if Haruna's Nightmare is a sign of something bad [will happen] in the next chapter...
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Offline haruhi16

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 13 ; May, 29, 2012]
« Reply #83 on: May 29, 2012, 05:13:18 AM »


Offline Haruko

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 13 ; May, 29, 2012]
« Reply #84 on: May 29, 2012, 06:23:31 AM »
yeah its like a crazy world.. wmidget.. a couple :O.. i cant imagine... so weird..


good chapter but.. something sounds weird for me... imgona wait for the next chapter.. for know if i can send you GEKIKARA to make you a visit.. friendly visit..

Offline yukofan

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 13 ; May, 29, 2012]
« Reply #85 on: May 29, 2012, 11:43:01 AM »
i won't kill you..maybe..

i thought yuko love nyannyan..but- but- the takayuu couple..does yuko planning something or she truly like minami..
update please~

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Offline YuuMitsuaki

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 13 ; May, 29, 2012]
« Reply #86 on: May 29, 2012, 01:50:42 PM »
WOW WOW WOW!!!! :shocked :shocked
what is happening???? TakaYuu????? :shocked
it's cute, though! :heart: and i really wanna see the reaction of Haruna and Acchan!! :love:

so please write the next chapter fast :bow: :bow: :bow:
I love it!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
Yuko_Kawaii<3 :luvluv2:


Offline C@@3!

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 13 ; May, 29, 2012]
« Reply #87 on: June 13, 2012, 08:57:30 PM »
Lord I'm curious .. what's this takayuu and atsukoji .. Please update TT Haruna need to remember the yuko and say that he loves her and they should bejiar .. I think what they need most is a privacy kojiyuu know you go to a park or do things that only the two like to do together but please they need to get together and atsumina too .. :cry: :cry: :cry: "It's too many fics"

Offline bochang

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Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 14 ; June, 14, 2012]
« Reply #88 on: June 14, 2012, 05:10:25 AM »
Sorry for being a lazy bum.. i haven't update or check this thread. LOL :3

I'm already in my holiday that makes me lazier than before.. and i working in my mom's bakery at the dawn(?) yeah.. i start from 5AM. TT.TT and finished at 10AM/11AM. depends. and it's killing me.. I'm so tired.. so that after working.. i take a bath and sleep. LOL

and after i wake up.. i.... play... ==" LOL

i forgot about the fic. hahaha not totally forgot about this fic, but i'm so lazy to think.. LOL

Sorry :3

oh! and today!! I'm gonna watch JKT48 Theater!!! UWAH! SO HAPPY! I'm so excited to see the first non-japan 48 group! :3
Me and my friend will watch them.. at 6PM today! :3 So excited!! hahahaha

and because of the euphoria that i felt.. as a gratitude to God that gave a chance to watch them

I will update now!! :3

but at first, here's the replies:

@Nakamii: Really? interesting.. i wonder what will she do to Acchan when her memories about the only girl that she loved.. :3 leave her? or trying to lie to herself and try to love acchan? hmmmm.. and the dream.. i wonder if this is a good news or bad news.. LOL

@Haruhi16: Wmidget? hmmm it sounds better than takayuu.. (much more funnier) LOL here's the update!! :3

@Haruko: wierd? Hmmm it sounds interesting to me. :3 The midget couple will rule the world! They won't forgive girls that taller than 155cm! LOL and gekikara's visit? :3 I would love too.. :3 A date with gekikara.. kya~ #wrongperception

@yukofan: Hmmm? a scheme behind the wmidget? I wonder.. I haven't thought about it yet. LOL

@YuuMitsuaki: Yeah, a midget couple.. :3 ahhh.. the reaction.. heartbreak.. i guess? (for haruna)

@C@@3!: Yeah, haruna needs to remember yuko.. and she will. in the end of the story. :3 a KojiYuu moments? an activity that involving Yuko and NyanNyan? It'll be perverted i guess.. since Yuko is the biggest perv out there.. LOL Atsumina? i wonder if there will be an atsumina in this fic. :3

so here, enjoy my treat. :3


Chapter 14

The Two Endings

Date: Satuday, 12 October, 2013



I'm curious about how your face looked like when you read this.. LOL



Sorry for the jokes. :3

actually i've finished written the draft of chapter 14, but i haven't have time to do some editing. :3
so please be patient. :3 maybe i will released it at this saturday :3

oh, for the title.. i decide to write it like that..
Inspired by RPG games that have more than one ending.. ex: a true ending, happy ending, sad ending, etc. every choice that the main char pick will determine the ending. :3 so, i want to said that every choice that haruna choose.. will determine her fate.. and her ending.. will it be a regretful ending.. or a meaningful ending..

so that's all for the hints, see you again.. saturday.. if i decide to update this chapter. :3

Annyeonghigaseyo. *byeong #SFX

[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 14 ; June, 14, 2012]
« Reply #89 on: June 14, 2012, 05:23:02 AM »
hahahahaha trollar understand you also love people. kkkk 'is really yuko is very perverted and love that about her, but there are moments that it is serious if it might be exploited as a fics I read that she gave a stuffed bear m Haruna and she said I never feel alone. . type moments like that was special for two .. hahaha 'but quiet wait till Saturday to see the next chapter :)

Offline Haruko

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 14 ; June, 14, 2012]
« Reply #90 on: June 14, 2012, 07:03:26 AM »
waaaaaaaaaa troll!!!!

Maybe a Smexy ending? could be..

Offline bochang

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 14 ; June, 14, 2012]
« Reply #91 on: June 15, 2012, 07:27:45 AM »
The real updates here~ :3 I don't know if this is good enough..

and yet.. ah, just read it.. LOL

@C@@3!: a fluffy one eh? I hope i can make it.. I hope.. LOL

@Haruko: hahaha It's the same trap like sieka's :3 Smexy ending? LOL


Chapter 14

The Two Endings

Date: Satuday, 12 October, 2013


I really didn't like this... I didn't want this. Even if i didn’t remember Yuko.. I could feel my heart inside me ache with pain... like... My heart pierced with thousands of needles.

"R-really?!" Acchan questioned. "You two? But since when?"

What confused me was the look on Acchan’s face. She had a mixture of happy, worried, and angry all over her.

I tried to look at Yuko for an answer, but she was too embarrassed to look at any of us.

So... It's true?

"Yeah," answered Takamina. "Just recently. Look, I know it's kind of sudden. But sometimes... if you given the chance... You should take it without regret. Those kinds of actions make life worthwhile. Remember Mayuyu confessing to Yuki a month ago? Same thing."

The midget captain’s words went through one ear and out the other.

I felt so strange. It wasn't anger, it wasn't pain, and it wasn't suffering. I just felt like... like I was too late. And for some reason...

I regret.

Fortunately for me... I couldn't feel the stabbing in my heart... because hidden under the table... I had Acchan’s supporting hand on top of mine. Like a flower to a sun, I opened up my fist, letting her fingers intertwined with my right hand. My heart found her warmth welcoming.

"Ah~" said Tomochin suddenly from the living room. "What a cute couple~ Don't you think so too, Handsome oppa?"

Oh God... not you too, Tomochin?

Trying to hide my frustration, I poured a tall glass of cold water and attempted to drink it all in one go.

Shin wasn't paying attention, still concentrating on me with a worried look on his face.

"Handsome oppa~ Are you listening?" said Tomochin, poking him in the arm.

Still drinking...

"Huh?" said Shin, snapping out of his gaze. "Uh? where was I? AH! Oh yes! I agree. A very cute couple, I think."

Still drinking...

"Hehehe~" giggled Minami. "Thanks, you two."

Still... drinking...

"Yeah," responded Yuko. "Now here hubby, have an - OH! You have some syrup on your cheek."


"Huh?" said Minami. "Where?"


"Here, let me get it" Yuko said as she leaned over to the girl sitting in front of me and kissed Minami where she had syrup on her face. "Ah~ Tastes sweet... like Minami’s~!"

Finished drinking...

"Yah~" smiled Minami, blushing. "Yuko!! That kind of stuff is embarrassing!"

Without thinking... my hand squeezed the glass.

"AISH~" I winced in pain.

The empty glass in my hand shattered into a hundred pieces under my grip. Blood started to run down my arm from the cut in my left palm as the pain started to numb up my forearm.


"NyanNyan?!" yelled Yuko first, which both made me surprised and happy.

"Here, let me look at that," Acchan said calmly as she let go of my right hand and examined the scar on my other. "Ah~ How lucky... It's shallow."

"Acchan," said Shin from the living room. "You want me to treat the wound... Er... Sorry, Tomomi, I'll be right-"

"NO!" yelled back Acchan. "There's a First Aid kit in the restroom. I'll take care of it."

"Ah.." said Shin politely. "As you wish, Acchan.”

Well, that surprised me, but I was glad. I wanted to get away from this scene anyway.

"Hey, Acchan, let me help," said Yuko as she started to get up from her chair.

In response, Acchan turned her head to Yuko and gave her a glaring stare. Without another word, Yuko retook her seat.

"Now, come on, Haruna" Acchan continued. "Let's get that wound of yours healed."

Thanks... Acchan...

Acchan helped me out of my seat and led me to the restroom, retaking my good hand into hers. As we walked out, I couldn't help but feel the eyes of the others starring, watching us.

After closing... and for some reason... locking... the door to the restroom, Acchan turned on the faucet, expertly turning the handles until the water ran warm. I sat on the toilet lid as she instructed me to. After dipping a cloth into the pool of warm water, she washed away the excess blood that had run down my left hand and arm. She then started to dig through the First Aid kit, eventually taking out a bottle of a semi-clear liquid.

"NyanNyan..." Acchan said as she wet another cloth with the rubbing alcohol. "This might sting a little bit."

"ITAI!!" I winced. "That hurt!"

"Ah~" Acchan responded with a smile. "Quit being such a baby."

"Hmmp..." I pouted. "I'm not a baby..."

Acchan just laughed as she continued to clean the cut. The minutes seem to slowly pass by.

"Thanks..." I said after a while. "For getting me out of there, I mean..."

"No problem, NyanNyan," she answered. "Besides, I could tell that you didn't want to see any more of that either."

"You too, Acchan?" I asked,

"Yeah..." she said with a nod.

Making a cute face, Acchan blew her cool breath onto the wound. She then wrapped my hand with a thin bandage.

"There!" said Acchan with a triumphant smile on her face. "All done!"

"Hehehe," I laughed. "Good job, Nurse Acchan."

Acchan gave me a smile as she cleaned up and I tried to reach for the door.

An attempt that seemed to last forever...

"Do you..." Acchan said, "really want to go out there? Do you really want to see them... together?"

My hand stopped moving.

"You're... right... I... don't want to... I don't want... to see them..."

Without thinking, without reason, tears started to collect in my eyes.

And without any warning, without any hesitation, Acchan hugged me from behind.

"Before..." Acchan slowly started. "As your best friend... I hid myself from you... because I knew how much Yuko meant to you. I sacrificed my feelings for you, so you could only think of her. And before we went to the mall, I only joked about you two being together... because I thought it would help me forget.. But I didn't.."

"You... joked about it? But... I don't remember..."

"At the cafe... I only realized then... how much I couldn't handle being your best friend anymore... and how much I couldn't stand seeing you with her... I wanted to tell you... but I couldn't find the right words to say... so I kissed you..."

Unconsciously, my fingers traced over my lips, remembering her kiss from before.

"And then you ran..."

Those words hit me hard... It was the first memory I recovered of Acchan while being in the Void... Before my talk with Shin oppa the other day, it was that moment I thought Acchan was my important memory...

"I thought you hated me... hated me so much... you cracked your head open just to get away from me... That was my entire fault, Haruna! All my fault... that you forgot about Yuko. Your amnesia is my fault! I'm the guilty one! Just because I couldn't control my feelings and acted like an idiot! Luckily, even though you don't remember her... Even though you have no recollection of her... You still have the same feelings for her... I know that deep down, somewhere inside of you, you know you still love Yuko.. I was relieved that didn't change. So as repentance for my mistake... I would hide my feelings again... And continue to be your best friend..."

"Acchan..." I cried softly.

"But now, Haruna, I can't sit still and watch as you cry yourself over her. This girl... who has hurt you just beyond imagine. Look how awful you are feeling right now because of her. Look how much your chest hurts just by looking at her. Being with Takamina! I hate the idea! I don't want this to be true! And the only reason I hate it is because I know how you feel. Because I know how much you will hurt because of it and I... I can't stand it anymore!"

Acchan’s tears ran down the side of my head and neck as she buried her head in my long hair.

"So listen carefully, Haruna, cause I'm only gonna say this once."

Acchan lifted up one of her hands...

"Because of me... You have forgotten her here...”

...and gently placed a finger on my forehead.

"But I wish that I... can help you forget her here...”

She then carefully pressed her finger on my chest, right over my heart.

"Please Haruna... let me love you. Let me the one who protects you... who holds you. I will never hurt you... like she just did. I'd rather die than to do that to you... Please Haruna... Let me take her place in your heart."

Shin’s words echoed in my head.

On one side, you have Acchan, your loving best friend, who cares deeply about you. Going to her would be an easier way to win the game. Of course, when you win, you regain all your memories of Yuko. Imagine how hurt Acchan would be once your feelings come back. Could you live with that guilt while you're in Heaven?

"But Acchan..." I said softly. "I... don't want to hurt you-"

"I DON'T CARE!!!" Acchan said strongly. "I don't care... how much I will get hurt... All I care about... is you... And as long... as long as I get to stay as your best friend... I'll do anything... anything for you... Just as long as I get to see you smile again... That alone will make me happy...

I didn't know why, but her words started to affect me then.

"S-smile?" I said slowly. "My... smile?"

"Yeah..." she cried. "I love your smile... You’re dozed off smile, that i found so cute from times to times, the smile that you would made even after a punishment in AKBingo.. I love it..”

Acchan couldn't continue as she half smiled, half cried.

"Acchan..." I said softly.

"I can't help..." she continued, "...but be in love you."

Shin’s voice started to echo in my head again.

Everybody has a choice, Haruna. I'm sure you noticed, even felt, the love that Acchan has for you. A love of a best friend that is willing to protect you, to take a hit for you. I'm curious.. Has Fate let us meet in order to correct your mistake? To guide you to the right path?

"In... love..." I smiled. "...with me...?"

Her embrace became stronger, tighter, but it didn't hurt...

"You see, Haruna," she confidently. "I don't do all these kinds of things... because I love you, Haruna..."

I listened intently to her words.

"It's because..." she said slowly, "...I am IN love with you... Haruna... that I act this way."

The words swam in my mind... and eventually my heart...

It was then... at that moment... that my heart skipped a beat...

Maybe... This is the right time...

"You know," I started, "when I heard Minami say that she and Yuko were together, there was one thing that helped me get through it."

Time to forget...

"What?" Acchan asked, still crying a bit.

Time to let go...

"This..." I said. "This right here..."

Maybe... time to decide...

I grabbed her hand with my good hand, the same hand she held under the table.

Time to decide a path...

"This is what got me through that moment..." I finished. "One touch of Acchan’s hand... and I knew I was going to be okay..."

Acchan’s eyes started to tear up again, but I knew she was happy because of the smile she was giving me.

"Ah~" said Acchan. "Those type of romantic lines... they don't suit the air head princess."

"YAH~!" I yelled back playfully. "I have my moments you know."

Together, we laughed. A laugh that helped me forget my troubles... A laugh that made me realize what I was missing... A laugh... that made me happy...

I hugged Acchan then, my arms wrapping around her neck as hers went around my waist and lower back. My head buried into her chest, finding the same spot again from when we slept together. And just like last night... I began to cry in her arms...

"Please?" I cried slowly. "Help me forget, Acchan.. I know I'm being selfish... And greedy... But I don't want to hurt anymore... I want the pain to stop..."

"Hehe~" giggled Acchan. "Of course. You know I'm here..."

We stayed in the restroom for a bit, just hugging. After a while, Acchan unlocked the door and left the restroom. My good hand found a natural place in hers as we walked out into the room.

Chapter End


So, how's it? LOL

I can feel the threat that comes from AtsuMina and KojiYuu Shipper.. LOL

after make Wmidget official, this time.. an AtsuKoji. LOL

Don't kill me for write this. :3

NyanNyan has decided her path in this game. :3

I wonder what ending that she would get? Is it a regretful? or a meaningful? :3

and now, i'm gonna write a JKT48 OS! UAHAHAHAHA

J! J! J! Wasshoi!!
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 05:16:28 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Offline Haruko

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OMG!! you kill me again.. I thought that acchan get hurts because minami is in love with Yuko.. but not.. just for haruna`s sake.. aww -___-

Offline haruhi16

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First WMIDGET, now HARUATSU?!?!?!?!?!? Now i felt more confused! I'm losing my hope for these couples to make up!  :(
What's with these mess you're causing, author!!!  :angry:
Are you really that sadist just like Karo~chan to add all these mess in your story?! When are you going to make these couples to make up and get back to their real pairing?!?!  :angry:

SADIST *Shooks head*  :smhid

LMAO, please continue.  :twothumbs

Offline yukofan

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I’m a kojiyuu shippers so I want them to be together..But reading how acchan really love haruna and the takayuu couple is official, I can’t help to start to love atsukoji couple (oh no..i betray my OTP. I should blame you for this..LOL)..I’m touched with Acchan’s words to haruna..

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Offline bunny_rabbit

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you...why you put those psychological terms in :err:

that just reminds me of the old days stuck with DSM and all those thick text book right before every exams and papers i got :depressed:

but i missed those days though :on lol:

and what with double kill...why not triple kill,ultra kill,or rampage so it will totally owning :kekeke:

anyway,nice chapters you got here :on GJ:

Offline kojima Naomi

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Offline C@@3!

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well as you leave this controversy of takayuu not match and then not put the next chapter?? = (To wait almost two months please Haruna need to run after the yuko and minami Acchan ..  :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(  :bow: :bow: :panic: :panic:

Offline bochang

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Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 15 Update ; August, 12, 2012]
« Reply #98 on: August 12, 2012, 05:19:13 AM »
hontou ni.. gomenasai..

jeongmal mianhamida..

sorry for not updating all my fics for a month.. or maybe 2 month..

TT.TT forgive this stupid writer..

a lot happened.. and at last, i can update now. :3

I'm sorry for making all of you wait for 2 months or more.. for this failing chapter.. TT.TT i'm sorry.. :'(

here's the 15th chapter.

Chapter 15


[Haruna POV]

Acchan and I found the table cleaned of my mess. Without wanting to meet the TakaYuu couple again, we decided to skip the kitchen and just hang out in the living room to watch Shin oppa and Tomochin play their game together... only to find Takamina and Yuko sitting on the couch together.

From Acchan's sigh, I could tell how disappointed she was.

Even so... I felt more comfortable having Acchan there with me...

"Haruna~" said Tomochin. "Are you okay~? How's your hand?"

"Its fine, Tomochin," I answered. "Acchan did a good job of cleaning it up."

"I'm glad to hear it," said Shin Oppa. "I'm glad you have Acchan around, Miss Air-Head. But tell me, how do you survive?"

"What do you mean?" I said confused.

"First, you trip over a hole and crack your head open. Next, a glass breaks while you hold it, cutting your hand. Who knows what will happen tomorrow. Maybe you'll choke on a hot dog or something."

"Yah!" exclaimed Acchan. "Don't joke about stuff like that."

"Hehe~" he laughed. "It's because you are here to take care of her, that I can joke about such things. I have complete faith in you."

He flashed a smile at her which set off a number of reactions.

Most noticeable was Tomochin, who had a jealous pout on her face that said "HEY! OPPA~! Only look at me..." Acchan sat silently, letting the words sink in, and eventually smiling. Takamina, who has been interested in the conversation up until now, suddenly pretended not to pay attention and decided to concentrate on something else. Yuko's reaction however, confused me. She was looking at me, with a worried look on her face.

"Anyway, it's almost 12 now," announced Shin oppa. "I'll whip us up a snack. You girls can play."

"Hey, Handsome oppa," said Takamina. "Let me help you. I want to learn some more recipes for the girls."

"Thank you that would be great," he said. "Oh! And before I forget... Tomochin?"

"Eh~?" Tomochin responded, both shocked and blushing. "I mean... Yes?"

Way to be not obvious, Tomochin...

"I'll have to leave for a bit. Let's restart when I get back, okay?"

He flashed his usual smile which, judging by Tomochin's reaction, just melted her.

"O-okay~" she stuttered. "I'll be... waiting.."

Just how far the tsundere has fallen..

Takamina got up from the couch, taking a moment to hug Yuko before she left.

"You know what I just realized, Haruna," said Acchan after making sure only the four of us would hear her.

"What?" I responded.

"What's Handsome oppa's real name?" she asked. "As soon as he got here, he just ran with the nickname I made for him. We never learned his name."

That question surprised me. Tomochin, who thought she was really close with the new manager, now had a sullen face as she realized that that bit of information escaped her.

Of course... I knew his name...

But... should I tell them...?

"Why does it matter?" asked Yuko.

"Because," Acchan started with a mischievous look on her face. "If Tomochin and Handsome oppa became a couple, I want to make a nickname for them!"

Huh? Shin? Tomo? TomoShin? Not to bad.. Remind me of Tomochin..

"EH~!" exclaimed Tomochin blushing. "Wha- wha- what are you guys talking about!?! Psh... couple? It's not like we are in love or whatever~"

The 3 of us sat in silent and starred at Tomochin.

"Love?" said Yuko. "Who said anything about love?"

"HUH!?!" said Tomochin, shocked. "I mean uh- Well..."

"Jun Pyo," interrupted Shin's voice.

We all turned to the sound to find Shin oppa popped his head into the living room.

"Huh?" we all said in unison.

"Jun Pyo is my name," he politely responded. "I couldn't help but over hear you guys talking. Are you girls aware that you are not very quiet?"

Jun Pyo...?

"Eh~?" Tomochin whispered to herself, worried, "He heard us!?! Haiyahh..."

That's not his name?

"Jun Pyo?" repeated Acchan, trying to articulate the vowels.

Why didn't he use Shin?

"Yeah, it's only like that. Jun Pyo," he continued, smiling. "Just continue with the nickname, if you wish. I kind of like the nickname anyway."

And his head disappeared back into the kitchen.

"Jun~ Pyo~” sang Tomochin, playing around with the name with a smile. "Hey, isn't that Korean?"

"That reminds me," I said... honestly just remembering at the moment. "When I first met him in the Vo - Hospital, he told me he had just move here from Korea."

He must have a reason to hide his identity...

"Oh, I see," nodded Yuko. “He’s look like some Korean Idol at the first glance..”

"Hmm?" I hummed. "I guess."

"TomoJun? JunTomo?," Acchan said suddenly. "Hehe~ I like it! Couple nickname made!!!"

"Yah!" shouted Tomochin, who has continued to blush this entire time. "Forget about that! Come on! Let's play~"

"Hehe, alright, alright," Acchan said before turning to wink at me. "Cheer me on, okay NyanNyan?"

"Okay," I nodded. "Acchan, Fighting!"

The two girls went ahead to create a character that roughly looked like Acchan and then played tennis. Surprisingly, Acchan was very good.

Hehehe... Go Acchan!

"So, Haruna, how's your hand?" Yuko asked quietly.

Without realizing it, only Yuko and I were left on the couch.

Hold it together, Haruna, you can do it...

"Oh it's fine..." I responded. "How about your... stomachache... I think was the problem..."

"I'm feeling better," she said, her smile wavering a bit when I asked the question. "Thanks to that medicine you bought."

"Oh, no problem," I nodded. "How did you get a stomachache anyway?"

She looked at me with a disappointed look.

Oh... was I supposed to remember...

"Ah~ of course you don't remember?" Yuko said, trying to smile. "I ate a bad food... that I happened to make. It was my special omurice.. the omellete was kinda bluish"

Bluish? Hmmm... that must have looked pretty...

"I see," I said while nodding. "But, I thought I was the person in this group that can't cook."

"Hahaha~! You can't," Yuko laughed. "But you try."

"Ah~ I see..."


WOW... Awkward...

I tried to find something else to talk about but nothing came to me. Since I've been here, this is the longest we've had a conversation together. Well, at least a conversation that didn't involve crying or hitting.

But... because of this silence... I finally realized how... drawn... I was to Yuko...

She was wearing a pair of pink pajamas.

Pink... I wonder if she likes pink...

The next thing I noticed was her long messy brown hair... a style that was both cute... and sexy, maybe... at the same time. Her hair barely covered her face and that... bright... smile she had as she watched Tomochin and Acchan play tennis.

Hmm... I like that smile...

Deep down... echoed Acchan's voice in my head. You still love her...

I winced at the thought.

I've... decided already...

"So..." I started. "You and Takamina are together, huh... That... must be nice."

"Hehe~" she laughed. "Yeah, it is. And it's all thanks to Mayuyu... She once told me that if I really wanted to... any wish I make will come true. And since the MaYuki couple became official about a month ago... her words seemed to have more meaning to me now. Ever since she told me... I've had this wish... And it came true... Though a little differently than I thought it would..."

My mind replayed the events that occurred during our Heavy Rotation relesed. I remembered that, around that time Yukirin really liked Mayuyu a lot, but she didn't know how to confess. Embarrassed with her feelings, she ended up acting all weird in front of the cyborg, making her seem so obvious. Poor Mayuyu was completely oblivious to the whole thing. It wasn't until Yukirin trying to always get close to Mayuyu. And she decided to confessed at the celebration after the PV shoot.

Unfortunately, the confession was almost a failure. Yukirin left the shoot early to get herself ready at the celebration. When we all got there, Yukirin started to sing Heavy Rotation to Mayuyu. Everything was perfect. She even took the time to pretty herself up. However, unknown to poor Yukirin, the girls... and I guess Yuko, too... thought we looked "hot" in our PV shoot makeup. So "hot" in fact, that we decided to wear all our makeup on to the celebration. When Yukirin saw Mayuyu still wearing her makeup, she started to forget her lines and got all nervous, eventually driven to tears. Apparently, Yukirin really liked the cyborg in that makeup.

After about a couple of minutes of crying, teasing, laughing, and hugging, Mayuyu finally realized Yukirin's feelings and accepted her with much enthusiasm. Ironically, Mayuyu was ALSO going to confess to Mayuyu that night! She was going to give her, if I remember the cyborg's words correctly, a "handmade black weather doll " and "when you press it in the stomach it plays Mayuyu voice, saying “I love you, Black Yukirin”." We had no idea the cyborg was planning that!

So... that night, we celebrated both our Heavy Rotation Single... and the MaYuki couple being official.

"Ah... Yeah I remember that?" I said, careful not to hurt Yuko feelings again. But something didn't sit right with her words. "Wait... What do you mean different?"

"Oh, it's nothing!" Yuko said smiling. "Don't worry about it. You have enough to worry about anyway, right? Besides, I'm happy right now. So... in a sense... my wish came true"

She flashed her bright smile at me.

"Ah... That's good," I responded.

Hmm... this is easier than I thought! I'm actually having a normal conversation with her.

Silence hovered over us again as we looked at Tomochin and Acchan plays their game. If I read the score correctly, it seemed Acchan was winning.

"Ah~" I said, clapping when Acchan made another point.

In the background, I could hear that women and Shin oppa... or I guess Joon oppa now... chatting about our schedule tomorrow. The sounds of food cooking also joined in on their conversation.

This peace... I can get used to this...

There is very little right now that could make me happier. I was talking to Yuko, Shin oppa is being nice to Tomochin like I had hoped, and above all... The girl who lost her place as what I thought of being my most important memory... gave me my most treasured memory since I started the Game?

Nothing can ruin this...

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Yuko said suddenly, her eyes concentrating on the two girls still playing.

I had been talking to Yuko so much that I hadn't realized that Acchan was winning the game.

"Go, Acchan!" I cheered before turning to Yuko. "Yeah, Yuko, go ahead."

"You really don't remember who I am?" she started. "Right?"

Okay... that might ruin things...

"Yeah... I'm sorry," I said, trying to explain. "I really don't know why-"

"Its fine, I told you Handsome oppa already explained it," she said smiling. "But... I was wondering.."

I looked at her intensely and I found myself having my attention hanging on her every word.

"Do you... remember...," Yuko said slowly. "Do you remember... what you said to me... right before you went to go shopping with Acchan the other day?"

~Chapter End~

[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Re: Infinity (KojiYuu) and Other OSs [Chapter 15 Update ; August, 12, 2012]
« Reply #99 on: August 12, 2012, 07:15:59 AM »
You know, I didn't even notice that you made a troll post two months ago...hahaha, why did you exactly do that anyways? And I am in no way the master of trolls, you somehow make my already tainted and black image even more darker, not that I'm against it, I've been being called Meanie, Black and Sadist at my uni, but lol, you give me too much of a higher status. I'm no master of trolls oppa. :lol:

Anyways, I never noticed you updated Infinity, uwah, I was busy in my own little world I forgot to check this. Good thing my eyes caught it right now, fairly lucky of me. I tend to be forgetful sometimes.

Hrm...I'm really confused, just what exactly are you planning? Who will it really be for Haruna? Acchan or Yuko? You're twisting it quite well that I can't find a fault or a flaw to get a good deduction, I don't have a clue who will be the one that Haruna will be paired up until the very end of the fic, you're giving out so little clues and its vague because while we all know Haruna doesn't remember Yuko, her heart longs for her, but Acchan is there and loves her and offers a hand to help Haruna to forget, which she took of really its a 50-50 for both Acchan and Yuko. I don't really like the news of the TakaYuu pairing being together, but I'll just shrug it off and laugh at the plain adorableness of MaYuki. Hahaha. :rofl: ...For now I'll just sit this off and wait for more development, if ever, but hmm...Yuko still trying for Haruna even though she has Takamina, that's really bad and asking Haruna about that question might trigger something...and I really don't....well want anything to be triggered, mainly because I don't like the thought of seeing Acchan break down after getting her hopes up. Yuko is kind of selfish in a bad way here....she has Takamina, but still...she's trying for Haruna.

And if its not obvious, I'm cheering for AtsuKoji here. Hahaha...because Acchan is quite a big help to Haruna, no offense to the KojiYuu shippers of course, but Acchan just wins this for me. Now if only Yuko tries to help Haruna a bit in this situation instead of making things complicated before that 7 days is over then I'll also give her a thumbs up. :lol:
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~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

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Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

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