The real updates here~ :3 I don't know if this is good enough..
and yet.. ah, just read it.. LOL
@C@@3!: a fluffy one eh? I hope i can make it.. I hope.. LOL
@Haruko: hahaha It's the same trap like sieka's :3 Smexy ending? LOL
Chapter 14
The Two Endings
Date: Satuday, 12 October, 2013
EH?! Ta-TA-TAKAYUU?!I really didn't like this... I didn't want this. Even if i didn’t remember Yuko.. I could feel my heart inside me ache with pain... like... My heart pierced with thousands of needles.
"R-really?!" Acchan questioned. "You two? But since when?"
What confused me was the look on Acchan’s face. She had a mixture of happy, worried, and angry all over her.
I tried to look at Yuko for an answer, but she was too embarrassed to look at any of us.
So... It's true?"Yeah," answered Takamina. "Just recently. Look, I know it's kind of sudden. But sometimes... if you given the chance... You should take it without regret. Those kinds of actions make life worthwhile. Remember Mayuyu confessing to Yuki a month ago? Same thing."
The midget captain’s words went through one ear and out the other.
I felt so strange. It wasn't anger, it wasn't pain, and it wasn't suffering. I just felt like... like I was too late. And for some reason...
I regret. Fortunately for me... I couldn't feel the stabbing in my heart... because hidden under the table... I had Acchan’s supporting hand on top of mine. Like a flower to a sun, I opened up my fist, letting her fingers intertwined with my right hand. My heart found her warmth welcoming.
"Ah~" said Tomochin suddenly from the living room. "What a cute couple~ Don't you think so too, Handsome oppa?"
Oh God... not you too, Tomochin?Trying to hide my frustration, I poured a tall glass of cold water and attempted to drink it all in one go.
Shin wasn't paying attention, still concentrating on me with a worried look on his face.
"Handsome oppa~ Are you listening?" said Tomochin, poking him in the arm.
Still drinking...
"Huh?" said Shin, snapping out of his gaze. "Uh? where was I? AH! Oh yes! I agree. A very cute couple, I think."
Still drinking...
"Hehehe~" giggled Minami. "Thanks, you two."
Still... drinking...
"Yeah," responded Yuko. "Now here hubby, have an - OH! You have some syrup on your cheek."
"Huh?" said Minami. "Where?"
"Here, let me get it" Yuko said as she leaned over to the girl sitting in front of me and kissed Minami where she had syrup on her face. "Ah~ Tastes sweet... like Minami’s~!"
Finished drinking...
"Yah~" smiled Minami, blushing. "Yuko!! That kind of stuff is embarrassing!"
Without thinking... my hand squeezed the glass.
*CLANG*"AISH~" I winced in pain.
The empty glass in my hand shattered into a hundred pieces under my grip. Blood started to run down my arm from the cut in my left palm as the pain started to numb up my forearm.
DAMN IT!!! STUPID GAME!!!"NyanNyan?!" yelled Yuko first, which both made me surprised and happy.
"Here, let me look at that," Acchan said calmly as she let go of my right hand and examined the scar on my other. "Ah~ How lucky... It's shallow."
"Acchan," said Shin from the living room. "You want me to treat the wound... Er... Sorry, Tomomi, I'll be right-"
"NO!" yelled back Acchan. "There's a First Aid kit in the restroom. I'll take care of it."
"Ah.." said Shin politely. "As you wish, Acchan.”
Well, that surprised me, but I was glad. I wanted to get away from this scene anyway.
"Hey, Acchan, let me help," said Yuko as she started to get up from her chair.
In response, Acchan turned her head to Yuko and gave her a glaring stare. Without another word, Yuko retook her seat.
"Now, come on, Haruna" Acchan continued. "Let's get that wound of yours healed."
Thanks... Acchan...Acchan helped me out of my seat and led me to the restroom, retaking my good hand into hers. As we walked out, I couldn't help but feel the eyes of the others starring, watching us.
After closing... and for some reason... locking... the door to the restroom, Acchan turned on the faucet, expertly turning the handles until the water ran warm. I sat on the toilet lid as she instructed me to. After dipping a cloth into the pool of warm water, she washed away the excess blood that had run down my left hand and arm. She then started to dig through the First Aid kit, eventually taking out a bottle of a semi-clear liquid.
"NyanNyan..." Acchan said as she wet another cloth with the rubbing alcohol. "This might sting a little bit."
"ITAI!!" I winced. "That hurt!"
"Ah~" Acchan responded with a smile. "Quit being such a baby."
"Hmmp..." I pouted. "I'm not a baby..."
Acchan just laughed as she continued to clean the cut. The minutes seem to slowly pass by.
"Thanks..." I said after a while. "For getting me out of there, I mean..."
"No problem, NyanNyan," she answered. "Besides, I could tell that you didn't want to see any more of that either."
"You too, Acchan?" I asked,
"Yeah..." she said with a nod.
Making a cute face, Acchan blew her cool breath onto the wound. She then wrapped my hand with a thin bandage.
"There!" said Acchan with a triumphant smile on her face. "All done!"
"Hehehe," I laughed. "Good job, Nurse Acchan."
Acchan gave me a smile as she cleaned up and I tried to reach for the door.
An attempt that seemed to last forever...
"Do you..." Acchan said, "really want to go out there? Do you really want to see them... together?"
My hand stopped moving.
"You're... right... I... don't want to... I don't want... to see them..."
Without thinking, without reason, tears started to collect in my eyes.
And without any warning, without any hesitation, Acchan hugged me from behind.
"Before..." Acchan slowly started. "As your best friend... I hid myself from you... because I knew how much Yuko meant to you. I sacrificed my feelings for you, so you could only think of her. And before we went to the mall, I only joked about you two being together... because I thought it would help me forget.. But I didn't.."
"You... joked about it? But... I don't remember..."
"At the cafe... I only realized then... how much I couldn't handle being your best friend anymore... and how much I couldn't stand seeing you with her... I wanted to tell you... but I couldn't find the right words to say... so I kissed you..."
Unconsciously, my fingers traced over my lips, remembering her kiss from before.
"And then you ran..."
Those words hit me hard... It was the first memory I recovered of Acchan while being in the Void... Before my talk with Shin oppa the other day, it was that moment I thought Acchan was my important memory...
"I thought you hated me... hated me so much... you cracked your head open just to get away from me... That was my entire fault, Haruna! All my fault... that you forgot about Yuko. Your amnesia is my fault! I'm the guilty one! Just because I couldn't control my feelings and acted like an idiot! Luckily, even though you don't remember her... Even though you have no recollection of her... You still have the same feelings for her... I know that deep down, somewhere inside of you, you know you still love Yuko.. I was relieved that didn't change. So as repentance for my mistake... I would hide my feelings again... And continue to be your best friend..."
"Acchan..." I cried softly.
"But now, Haruna, I can't sit still and watch as you cry yourself over her. This girl... who has hurt you just beyond imagine. Look how awful you are feeling right now because of her. Look how much your chest hurts just by looking at her. Being with Takamina! I hate the idea! I don't want this to be true! And the only reason I hate it is because I know how you feel. Because I know how much you will hurt because of it and I... I can't stand it anymore!"
Acchan’s tears ran down the side of my head and neck as she buried her head in my long hair.
"So listen carefully, Haruna, cause I'm only gonna say this once."
Acchan lifted up one of her hands...
"Because of me... You have forgotten her here...”
...and gently placed a finger on my forehead.
"But I wish that I... can help you forget her here...”
She then carefully pressed her finger on my chest, right over my heart.
"Please Haruna... let me love you. Let me the one who protects you... who holds you. I will never hurt you... like she just did. I'd rather die than to do that to you... Please Haruna... Let me take her place in your heart."
Shin’s words echoed in my head.
On one side, you have Acchan, your loving best friend, who cares deeply about you. Going to her would be an easier way to win the game. Of course, when you win, you regain all your memories of Yuko. Imagine how hurt Acchan would be once your feelings come back. Could you live with that guilt while you're in Heaven?"But Acchan..." I said softly. "I... don't want to hurt you-"
"I DON'T CARE!!!" Acchan said strongly. "I don't care... how much I will get hurt... All I care about... is you... And as long... as long as I get to stay as your best friend... I'll do anything... anything for you... Just as long as I get to see you smile again... That alone will make me happy...
I didn't know why, but her words started to affect me then.
"S-smile?" I said slowly. "My... smile?"
"Yeah..." she cried. "I love your smile... You’re dozed off smile, that i found so cute from times to times, the smile that you would made even after a punishment in AKBingo.. I love it..”
Acchan couldn't continue as she half smiled, half cried.
"Acchan..." I said softly.
"I can't help..." she continued, "...but be in love you."
Shin’s voice started to echo in my head again.
Everybody has a choice, Haruna. I'm sure you noticed, even felt, the love that Acchan has for you. A love of a best friend that is willing to protect you, to take a hit for you. I'm curious.. Has Fate let us meet in order to correct your mistake? To guide you to the right path?"In... love..." I smiled. "...with me...?"
Her embrace became stronger, tighter, but it didn't hurt...
"You see, Haruna," she confidently. "I don't do all these kinds of things... because I love you, Haruna..."
I listened intently to her words.
"It's because..." she said slowly, "...I am IN love with you... Haruna... that I act this way."
The words swam in my mind... and eventually my heart...
It was then... at that moment... that my heart skipped a beat...
Maybe... This is the right time..."You know," I started, "when I heard Minami say that she and Yuko were together, there was one thing that helped me get through it."
Time to forget..."What?" Acchan asked, still crying a bit.
Time to let go..."This..." I said. "This right here..."
Maybe... time to decide...I grabbed her hand with my good hand, the same hand she held under the table.
Time to decide a path..."This is what got me through that moment..." I finished. "One touch of Acchan’s hand... and I knew I was going to be okay..."
Acchan’s eyes started to tear up again, but I knew she was happy because of the smile she was giving me.
"Ah~" said Acchan. "Those type of romantic lines... they don't suit the air head princess."
"YAH~!" I yelled back playfully. "I have my moments you know."
Together, we laughed. A laugh that helped me forget my troubles... A laugh that made me realize what I was missing... A laugh... that made me happy...
I hugged Acchan then, my arms wrapping around her neck as hers went around my waist and lower back. My head buried into her chest, finding the same spot again from when we slept together. And just like last night... I began to cry in her arms...
"Please?" I cried slowly. "Help me forget, Acchan.. I know I'm being selfish... And greedy... But I don't want to hurt anymore... I want the pain to stop..."
"Hehe~" giggled Acchan. "Of course. You know I'm here..."
We stayed in the restroom for a bit, just hugging. After a while, Acchan unlocked the door and left the restroom. My good hand found a natural place in hers as we walked out into the room.
Chapter End
So, how's it? LOL
I can feel the threat that comes from AtsuMina and KojiYuu Shipper.. LOL
after make Wmidget official, this time.. an AtsuKoji. LOL
Don't kill me for write this. :3
NyanNyan has decided her path in this game. :3
I wonder what ending that she would get? Is it a regretful? or a meaningful? :3
and now, i'm gonna write a JKT48 OS! UAHAHAHAHA
J! J! J! Wasshoi!!