Sorry for not being update all of my fics.

It's just that.. I'm on my holiday.. so i'm became lazier than ever. LOL :p
and at last, i can bring myself to write this last chapter of one.

and i haven't finished the chapter 14 of infinty, chapter 3 of akihabara syndrome, and the first chapter of 10 wishes.

idk if this ending is good enough. :3 i hope you enjoy this story. :3
The updates will be delayed again i think. :p I will update after i watch the JKT48 Theater perf!!!

at last.. yesterday i got the tickets to watch them on stage!!! YEAH!! I'm so happy that my college and dept start the holiday earlier than other college and dept.

btw i want to know if the readers who also an indonesian will watch the theater on 14 june. :3 maybe we can meet up!! :3

the more is merrier~ :3

can't wait to see sanju, ghaida, kinal, and ve singing and dancing on the stage!!

@sakura_drop: i will wait you to come back sakura-san...
@RJay: Ohohoho, it will be revealed.. later.. if i feel like i want to write..
@yukofan: Why? Idk.. I will ask her if i met her.

I will revealed it later. :3
@kahem: Ohohoho.. everybody seems like wondering why yuki using jurina's name.. :3
All: Thank you commenting and reading my stories. :3 I hope i can update faster! :3
without further babbling from this crappy author...
[Rena POV]Waves... That's what I heard first. The rhythmic sound of the water crashing into some unseen shoreline. It’s so relaxing... so calming... I think my heart beat was in sync with the waves’ beat.
Next thing that i noticed was the sand and the breeze... The soft, cool sand I could feel under my body while the wind cooled every inch of the curves of my exposed stomach and legs. So comfortable... So refreshing... It feels like I could sleep here forever under the shade.
And when I opened my eyes..
I could see it, I saw everything. The crystal clear water... The beautiful white sand... The tall palm trees I was laying under... The Sun was even out... Greeting me up there in the cloudless blue sky...
It was so perfect... It looks like a perfectly painted picture..
But all of that... everything... couldn't compare... to the girl I was laying on...
"You awake Rena?" she said, almost singing it. "Have a nice dream?"
I looked up to her pretty face from where I rested my head on her warm soft thigh.
Her voice... That's the rhythmic sound my heart beats to...
Her body... That’s the comfortable bed I could sleep in forever...
And... the sight of her... That's the picture that's perfectly painted...
"Yeah~" I happily nodded. "The best dream ever..."
Yuki smiled at me... I could feel it... she was feeling happy too...
Silently, we watched the waves... Letting time fly on by... Like we had an eternity to spend together...
The both of us just stayed there, her body resting against the trunk of the tall palm tree while I laid there on her thigh. I felt her fingers trace my shoulder, down my arm, and eventually finding its way to my right hand. Our hands fit perfectly as she laid her hand on top of mine. Her fingers fills the gap between my fingers perfectly. Her other hand carefully ran through my hair as she started to play with the individual strands.
This was nice... But I didn't feel like staying like that all day...
That would be boring! I wanted to have some fun!"You want to take a dip?" Yuki asked, smiling like an Angel from up above.
"Hehehehe~" I giggled. "Am I that easy to read?"
"Let's just say... I had a feeling..."
I got up first, though I never let go of her hand in the process. It's kind of childish of me... but once she held my hand, I didn't feel like letting go... I didn't want to let go... I was scared to let go... Because I felt like she was going to leave me once I let go...
But I had to...
"Let go for a second," she said as she unbuttoned her white sundress. "I don't want to get this wet."
I had to let go in order to help her change.
Once I did, her arm fell to her side. As she did that, I couldn't help but watch as her dress fell, revealing her fit body under it. Underneath, she wore a stylish bikini that was red with a black cross pattern across it.
"H – Hey!" she exclaimed, feeling embarrassed. "Stop staring..."
"Hehehe~" I giggled as I followed her actions. "I've been caught~"
I took of my shorts, to reveal my sporty, pink bikini bottoms. It was all I needed to take off since I wasn't wearing a shirt and instead just wore the matching pink bikini top to cover my torso.
"LET'S GO~" I shouted as I retook her right hand with my left, leading her to ocean water.
In this bright Sun, nice breeze, we both didn’t expect the water to be so cold.
"AH~" we screamed in harmony, then laughing as we found the experience fun and exciting.
We just continued laughing as we walked deeper and deep. The water felt like a soft silk to the skin as we let it pass our legs, then our waists, eventually letting the sea level pass our navels and then our entire bodies.
It was amazing how clearly we could see through the water as we swam through. Actually... calling it "swimming..." it didn't do really describe the experience...
We feel like we were flying, flying through the water like it was the sky. The current became the wind beneath our wings. The beautifully colored fish became the people far below us. The rainbow tinted coral reefs became the land we flew over.
Too bad we weren't mermaids... We could have stayed there as long as we wanted to. Unfortunately, our lungs couldn't support our needs.
"WAH!" we shouted at the same time as we surfaced.
"That was so pretty!" I shouted, happily. "And the cute little fish~"
"Hmm... yeah~" she nodded, before turning to the beach. "Hey, let's go back; I got a surprise for you."
"S- Surprised?" I blushed. "What kind of surprise?"
"Come on, follow me!"
"Not if I reach the beach first~"
I raced her, letting the water flow past my body. Unlucky for me, Yuki's body was more fit for this sort of thing!
"I win!" Yuki exclaimed as we reached the beach.
"Aww!" I pouted. "No fair... you're so skinny!"
As I said that, I went ahead and let my fingers tickle her sides. But that just made me laugh too!
"Hahaha! Not very - Hahaha! Smart..." she laughed, trying to calm down.
"Yeah~ Hehehe! Forgot!"
"Anyway, it's over here, come on!"
With her right hand cupping my left, she led the way this time, leading me to my surprise.
Her glistening body looked so nice as the Sun started to fall to the horizon. I liked how her long, black hair stuck the small of her wet back.
"Here we are!" she announced.
I had spent the walk staring at her that I failed to notice surprise.
For the first time since I've been with her... I was speechless...
In front of me was a small low table, set with some lit candles in the middle. There was a set of plates on one side with a tempting melon-pan on top! And to top it all off... In the sand... carefully shaped in her handwriting... was a perfect heart... Inside was 4 letters...
"YukiRena?" I read before turning to her, teary eyed.
I hugged her... hugged her so tightly... That just made me happier... So happy... I cried...
"How - How did you do this?" I asked, not letting her go.
"Simple?" she started, whispering into my ear as she held me. "I made a wish on a Genie~"
"A Genie?" I asked, confused. "And you wished for a melon-pan?"
She let go of me with a smile on her face and a small tear falling from her left eye and led me to the table.
"Nope?" she started slowly, blushing. "I wished for your Dream to come true~!"
"My Dream...?"
"Yeah... This is your Dream was to be with me right? Because just having you lie in my arms... doesn't it feel like you're in Heaven?"
"Awww! Yuki~!", i hugged her tightly, blushed from her cheesy romantic line.
The whole thing... the whole set up... It was so corny... so cute... so romantic...
We ate happily by candle light, watching the sky turn all shades of red, orange, and yellow as the Sun set in front of us.
As I lay in her arms... lovingly hugging my body... I didn't let go of her the whole time... I always held her hand... Because as this day slowly started to end... I felt like this happiness will end with it... I didn't want it to end...
"I got one more surprise for you..." Yuki started slowly.
I felt sadness come over me...
I looked up to her still wet face, confused.
"Another... surprise...?" I asked slowly, slightly scared.
"Yeah..." Yuki nodded, smiling prettily.
"What... is it...?"
"Close your eyes!"
"Come on... Just close your eyes... and count to three~!"
"You... you aren't going to leave me right...? You aren't going away...?"
"Nope~" she said as she pulled me towards her. "I'll always be here."
One kiss... One small kiss... One loving kiss...
Just enough to calm me down... To comfort me... To promise me...
"Okay..." I nodded. "One... Two... Three..."
And I opened my eyes... expecting her to be sitting there right in front of me... But she wasn't...
Alone... That's how I woke up from that
Yuki wasn't lying next to me on the bed anymore...
Using a thin bed sheet to cover my body, I rose from the bed and looked out the window.
"It's still night time..." I said to myself before calling out her name. "Yuki?"
Don't tell me... Don't tell me she left me!I turned my head to the table where Yuki usually was... and of course... Yuki was still there, hunched over a pile of papers as she slept sitting up.
"Mou~! You dummy..." I said relieved to see her as I got up from the bed. "You're going to hurt your back if you sleep like that..."
As I got up, I took that thin bed sheet with me and wrapped it around Yuki's half naked body. Sure... it left me without anything to cover myself.. but I didn't care... It was only Yuki...
And... why is Yuki wearing MY shirt? Oh well... it looks cute on her~!I lifted her up onto her bed, being careful not to wake her up.
I just watched her... watched her sleep so deeply... so peacefully... Probably Dreaming about me...
I get it... why Yuki loved to look at me when she writes... when we walk around holding hands... I inspired her... Like she was inspiring me right now...
Hehehehe~ I feel... like writing! Hahahaha! Wow, Yuki... You really rub off on me..."Oh?" I said as I sat down on the spot I found her in. "Hehehehe~ You finished..."
I looked over the cover page... On top, the title "One" was neatly written...
I get it~ ........ We're one...I didn't have time to put my clothes back on... I wanted to read. I flipped open the book and read everything... Every single thought... every single detail... Starting from the time we first met at the intersection... to the amazing time we had last night...
She wrote it so beautifully... So honestly... So intelligently...
I loved every bit of it... I loved it so much... that I cried... So many tears fell from my eyes...
I've never been so moved by someone's writing... She made me feel so happy... so loved...
It was perfect... So perfect...
This... this will win you the contest... Yuki... Except... the ending, Yuki... its wrong...So... I grabbed another piece of paper... and I wrote... and I wrote...
Line after line...
Paragraph after paragraph...
Eventually... changing the ending... changing the outcome... changing her destiny...
As I finished... I noticed her laptop was still on. I don't know why I never noticed it before... but it had a built in web-cam inside.
I should tell her.. She should know the truth..I turned on the program and started recording. It took a while... but I eventually let it out...
As I finished recording the video, I walked over to Yuki's side.
"Make sure... that your Dream comes true..." I said, tears running down my face. "Well... our Dream I guess..."
But I smiled... Yuki would want me to smile... Even if I was crying... she would want me to smile...
One kiss... One last kiss... One long and loving kiss...
"I love you... Yuki... I always will..."
And I was gone...
[Yuki POV]"RENA!" I suddenly shouted as I woke up.
Only silence... only silence and the morning Sun greeted me...
"R-Rena!" I called out, getting worried. "RENA?"
"H - HEY~!" I called out again. "You - you better not be teasing me... You can't go too far away from me or you'll - you'll!!!"
No one... was home....
R –Rena.....It was then that I noticed that I was on my bed...
No sign of Rena... besides her clothes on the floor, her shirt I'm wearing...
NO! NO SHE DIDN'T! Rena... But I was supposed to die! I was the one at the end of the story... She doesn't deserve to die! I wanted her... to keep singing... I got up and slowly walked to my table. My laptop had a little piece of paper on it with Rena’s handwriting.
"Press play?" I read and followed the instruction.
"Hey, Yuki~" rang Yuki's voice from my laptop.
There she was, smiling back at me...
"RENA!" I shouted into the screen. "WHERE ARE YOU? RENA, I - !"
"If you're watching this..." Rena interrupted. "That means I gave up my Soul for you~"
I sat there, struck dumb by her words... Of course she couldn't hear me...
It... really happened..."I'm sorry... sorry I didn't tell you..."
Rena tried to smile... her beautiful eyes holding back her tears...
"There's something that I haven't told you... Something I've been hiding from you..."
"Remember... the first time we went to Times... The first time I watched you write... You asked me about my Dream and why i decided to graduate?"
The events of that time replayed in my head.
"The reason is...”
“Sooner or later..”
“I’m going to die..”
WHAT?!I hung on her words... but she sudden stopped talking. She looked so hurt... So much in pain as she tried to find the courage to continue... She didn't even look into the camera anymore...
"WHY?" I talking to the screen without thinking.
"You see..." she continued. "I’m battling with a cancer that corrupting my brains right now. I should have done many therapies, but i didn’t want it.. I want to enjoy my.. this short life of mine.."
Rena took a moment then to wipe her tears and went on to smile weakly.
"I know that i didn’t have a long life.."
Rena paused again... taking her time...
"So i’m going to enjoy this finite life of mine..”
With her face full of tears... She tried to speak another words..
"At first..." started Rena. "I hated it... Being connected with you... Always sharing... I didn't have time to deal with you... I wanted to kill you! I already had a short life time, and it became shorter because of you!”, her finger pointed at me.
It’s my fault... My eyes became wet and small droplet of tears start to trickled down from my eyes.
“Just Kidding!”, she stuck out her tounge playfully, but her eyes was wet. She’s forcing herself to smile.. to withold the pain. The sadness that she felt.
Suddenly... she became so quiet as she thought to herself.
"Eventhough i thought like that... But... I didn’t noticed that.. How quickly... How easily... I felt so connected with you... How quickly... I fell in love with you... Your pretty face... Your shyness... Your warmth..."
The more she talked about me... the more she cried...
"And when I heard you sing... our very first time together on stage... I never heard anything so beautiful..."
The more she cried... the more I cried...
"I knew then... Right then and there... I knew that this short life of mine became a beautiful memories.. It’s all because of you.. Because i met you.."
And... the more I cried...
"I wanted to be with you... stay with you! Be by your side! To be loved by you!”
The more... she seemed to smile at me through the recording...
"These 7 days... Through these 7 days... I felt so alive! Sitting at Times just to watch you write... Singing with you at the club... Feeding you your 'Special Dish'... Sleeping in the same bed with you... Always... feeling your warmth..."
Rena unconsciously started to rub one of her hands... I... too... started doing the same thing...
"And when I held you... Held your hand... How comforting it was... How it fit so perfectly into mine... I think I'm going to miss that the most..."
Her tears started to fall onto her hands...
"Don't get me wrong Yuki... I don't regret leaving you... Dying for you... Yeah, if i keep living.. i think i only have another six months.. And... in the end... I think It was worthed.. to sacrifice my life.. to help you realize your Dream~"
"My... Dream...?"
Rena started smiling happily to herself...
"I loved it by the way~ You wrote it so well... So full of love...”
She wiped away all the remaining tears she had on her face... and smiled brightly...
"I'm not leaving you really... I mean... In your writing... In your thoughts... In your Dream... I'll live on...”
"And... As long as you live, I won't leave your side! I'll always be up here in Heaven, to watch over you while you write, to sing with you whenever you hear our song, to hold your hand as you walk... It's like... I never left you right...”
"So don't cry you dummy! I want you to smile! Smile and make your Dream - No wait... Our Dream of publishing our own book comes true! It's our Dream now! Just like your book said... we're one!”
“Right now... As you watch this... I'm by your side... I never left you... I'll never leave you... As long as you feel the same thing I am... I'll always be with you...”
"And right now... I love you... I love you so much, Yuki...”
"Forever... and ever..."
She didn't say good-bye... Instead... the last thing she did... The very last thing she did for me... Before the recording stopped... Was smile... That bright smile... That beautiful bright smile that she always wore in front of me...
And I tried it on...
"You - You dummy!" I smiled with a weak voice... as tears still falling from my eyes. "Who's crying? I'm not! See, Rena? I'm smiling!"
I probably hit the replay button a hundred times... Each time... I couldn't hold it back... But I still smiled...
Days... Weeks roll by... Eventually it was a month later...
As I sit here at Times, writing like this, I can feel Rena sometimes.
Always... together... Never leaving one another... It really felt like that now...
We both aim for the same Dream now, trying to publish a book.
After that contest, however, I think I'll be pretty close to realizing that Dream.
"In the end I wanna be standing~ " I sang quietly to myself. " At the beginning with you!"
A tap to my shoulder suddenly caught my attention.
I quickly turned off my iPod and turned to face a girl with a black hair. By the looks of her clothing, I could see she was a Times’ cafe employee.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
Usually... people would just go silent as I said that... Not anymore I guess..."Hey, aren't you the writer? Kashiwagi Yuki?" asked the Times’ employee. "The writer of this story?"
The cute girl held up a copy of the Times’ published book that was filled with all the contest winners inside. She opened up the book to the grand prize winning story.
There... starring back at me... was a small picture of Rena and me next to a short story called 'ONE'.
Well... okay... Other people couldn't see Rena in the picture like I could... It was only a picture of me after all...
"Yes." I smiled. "Did you like it?"
"Oh my god! I knew it was you! Yes, I loved it!" she squealed. "It was genius! I was so moved... I swear, I used up a whole box of tissues when I read that story. Um... Anyway... I was wondering..."
"Well you don't have to... but... Will you sign it... for me?"
Hahaha! An autograph? Hehehe... This is embarrassing...It was then that I noticed that other people at the cafe had overheard our conversation. Of course... each one of them had a copy of the book of short stories. Like mad paparazzi, the flooded over to my table and asked for an autograph too!
"Well okay!" I smiled. "But you all have to get in line."
I signed each book that was handed to me. They started talking to me, the people, telling me how they loved my story and wished to tell people back home of my work. I asked and a lot of people here seemed to be visiting from out of town for a vacation and some were ever from out of the country, like England, France, Spain, Korea, and USA!
I'm become a popular writer now, Rena. Did you see that? I even have many fans."Sorry, I didn't catch your name and you don't have a name tag," I asked the Times’ employee girl with the black hair. "Who do I make this autograph to?"
Unfortunately, in the mad rush of other people wanting an autograph, the poor girl got pushed to the back of the line.
"Oh!" she blushed and smiling. "I'm a new worker here. The name's Watanabe Mayu!"
"Okay, Watanabe Mayu~" I smiled as I signed her book. "Sorry about that!"
"It's fine! Thank you so much! Anyway... I'll see you around," Mayu nodded before hugging her copy of the book and walking away.
From that day on, whenever someone asked me to sign one of my books, I autographed each book with my new Pen Name:
Yeah! at last i finished!! :3 I felt so happy to finished one of my fanfic.. the burden is gone.. LOL
hope you enjoy this last ACT of ONE. :3
see you again at other update. :3