[? POV]
"Uwah!! So this is Jakarta.." My mind wandering as i arrived at the most... polluted city, full of trafic jam, but, it's the biggest city in the world maybe. From this building, i can see Jakarta as a metropolitan city, but it still has many slum areas behind those buildings, typical of a developing country. Oh yeah, currently, i'm standing near the fire sclupture that made from bronze and gold. Yeah, i'm at the top of National Monument in the center of Jakarta. I can see many peoples down there looking at me with scaried looks.
Hmm? is there something wrong with me? I think this outfit is quite good.. I wonder why they are all looking at me..Well, the sight-seeing is over, now, I'm gonna found you. *evil laugh*Within a seconds, i jump down from the top of the monument, and on my way down(?) i heard many people screaming.
Seriously, what are they screaming for?It only takes 10 seconds since i jumped from the top to arrived at the land. I landed gracefully, like floating slowly to the ground that made these people in front of me screaming harder and running all over the place.
These people must be crazy.. Indonesian people are crazy..Without any time to waste, i open my backpack and took out my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2. I input all the information that my Boss gave me to the "Shinigami's Tools for Dummies Free" App, and press enter. Almost instantly, all the information, about the location, name, age, etc showed up on the screen.
Hmmm Stella Cornelia.. 18 years old.. She's quite young.. the location is.. Jl. Raya Pejuangan Kav.8, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta.."Aish! That's kinda far.. Oh, whatever, no time to waste."
I input the address to my GPS app and start walking to my destination.
"AT LAST!!! I'M ARRIVED!!!", I screamed in joy when i arrived at the destination.. I knew that people looking at me with a confused expression, but i don't care. It's a hell to walk from the National Monument to this place..
It's too tiring!! even for a death God! I wonder why we can't fly in this place.. It's easier..Now, I'm standing in front of a big building, with a sign " Siloam Hospital" at the top of the building.
Hospital? She must be lying on her deathbed..I walks towards the hospital and ask the nurse in the reception desk.
"Good Evening, Mam.", i said
"Eh iya? Oh.. Eh, Hello mister.", she said, stuttered
"Do you know where's Stella Cornelia's room?", i asked her
"ehh.. ahhh.. eh.. can.. you.. speak slowly?", she replied
"Do. you. know. where. is. stella. cornelia's. room?", I repeat my question again, this time, slowly.
"Stella Cornelia? Wait a minute sir."
She's wierd.. She looks so nervous when she's talking to me.. Don't tell me.. she is not fluent in english..I was dozed off, wandering in my mind, until i felt a light tap on my shoulder.
"Emmm.. Mister.. Room.. Stella.. J48.", the nurse said.
bingo.. she's not fluent.."ah.. Terima Kasih.", i bowed to her, and starts walking until i felt someone's hand hold me.
"emm.. the time.. for visiting is over.. today.. come again. tomorrow.", the same nurse, who giving me the information held me.
"Ah.. is that so? Okay then. Terima kasih lagi." I bowed to her again before i left the hospital. Smirked.
Sorry, but i don't have any time to waste..=======================================================================================================
[Stella POV]
What’s that? Disturbing my beauty sleep..
I opened my eyes and trying to get up, but i kept hearing something.
“Oh, it’s just the window..”, i saw the window opened..
“Hold on..”, i tried to recall, whether i close the window or not before i sleep.
“I remember that i already closed that window..”, suddenly i felt a chilling aura inside this room that giving me a gossebumps.
“Hello.. Nurse? Is that you?”, i gather all my courage to find the source of the noise.
“Hel....”, I saw a big shadow at the opposite of me. Standing at the end of the bed that i slept.
“GYAA-mmmmppphhh!!!”, my mouth was shut with his hands, and i can saw his eyes. It’s different. His left eye’s color is shiny red-blood and his right eye’s color is shiny sky blue. I’m so scared. I can’t move even a single inch. It’s like fear already conquered all my senses. I just sat at my bed and froze like that. I only closed my eyes and accepting my fate.
Is this my end?
I’m sorry..
I gonna leave faster than the prediction..“Ehem.”, the figure
Eh?“If i release you, will you not screaming.”, asked the figure with a polite tone.
EH?!I just bobbing my head up and down eagerly so he will release me. After saw my respond, he released me.
“...”“NU-mmmmpppfhhh”, I tried to call for help, but that’s futile. With a swift motion, he already shut my mouth again, and now, i can’t do anything.
No!! Why!! “You. Already. Promised. But. You. Broke. It.”, the figure said that with a chilling tone. I can feel my tears already swelled up in my eyes.
“You. Will. Pay. For. It.”
“Hmmmpphh!! MHPPHH!!! “, I tried to scream, but it’s futile.
No.. Please.. God..“HMMMMPPPHH!!”, The dark figure suddenly pinched my ear so hard.
“There.”, He continued, “Now, will you promise not to scream?”
Eh? Just that?I just nodding eagerly, this time, i won’t do anything.
“Okay”, he said as he move his hand from my mouth.
“mm.. who are you?”, i tried to asked him
“Me? I’m.. Shinigami.”
I just frozed at the spot when i heard the answer..
S-sh-shinigami..is... that.. so..“So, is my time already up now?”, i asked him, the dark figure.
“Oh? How Interesting..”, he said. I can’t saw his face, because i haven’t turn on the lights yet.
“Never thought that i would met someone who accepting me like you do.”, he said with a cheerful tone.
“Mind if i turned on the lights?”, i said, “I can’t see you.”
“Are you seriously want to see a Shinigami’s figure?”
Never thought about that.
Heck, why should i scared.. It’s not that i’m gonna live longer..“Y-yes. I want to see the one who will take my soul.”, i replied.
“How brave.. Well, i want to see my victim too.”, he said before he clapped his hands and the lights turned on.
Woooow.. Is that magic?Now the lights already on, and i can see a.. handsome.. tall.. shinigami.. Seriously, he looks so handsome. I never thought that a Shinigami will be looks like this. He just look like F4, Goo Jun Pyo!! Even more handsome than him. If a Shinigami looks like this, i won’t mind if he gonna take my soul. It’s worthed.
“Hello? That’s kinda awkward when you staring at me with that kind of face.”, He said.
“Oh! I’m sorry. I’m St-“
“Stella Cornelia, 18 years old, graduated from Notre Dame Catholic High School, and etc.”
“...Ummm.. Yes.. and who are you?”
“Me? I’m just a lowly Shinigami that ordered to take your soul.”, he said that so easily, as if there’s no burden about taking someone’s life.
“I don’t have a name. You can call me Shinigami #1.”
“Pfft”, i lauged a bit. “Seriously you didn’t have any name?”
“Yes, just the same as all other Shinigami. #1, #2, #3, etc.”, he said cheerfully. “We’re only a supporting charachter in this world . So we didn’t have any name.”
“Okay, I will call you Jun Pyo then.”
“Jun Pyo? Well, as you wish miss.”
[Jun Pyo POV]This girl is so wierd, she’s so interesting, not to forget that she’s cute. But is she really 18 years old girl?“Ano.. Are you really already 18 years old?” I asked with a doubtful looks. Well, i mean she’s so SHORT. A CHIBI.
“Yes, i’m 18 years old. Why?”, she asked me with a shy smile.
“Well, you looks like a junior high student. Pfft.”, I hold my laugh.
“Yah! That’s rude! Eventhough i’m short, but i have a great figure.”
After she said that, my eyes starts to observing her figure.
Damn. She’s a hottie..
WAIT! I FORGET MY MISSION!!I slap my cheeks many times that makes her bewildered with my action. Her confused stare is really cute.
STOP THINKING THAT SHE’S CUTE!“Ah, Stella, you already know right, what is my purpose to came here?”
She just nodded weakly.
“I know..”, she weakly replied
“with one condition.”
“say it.”, I said.
“Be my friend.”
At last i have the motivation to write something~ LOL
being so lazy in this holiday~ and for Infinity and 10Wishes, please be patient. fufu I already writed about 15-20%. you can expect me to update one of them at the weekend. :3
so please enjoy this story. :3
hope you will support JKT48 too. :3