Lightning's FanFics Collection------
Hi everyone ^^
I'm new and this is the first time that I write something.
I know is not very well but is my first job, so please, don't be cruel
Anyway this is a short fanfiction about wMatsui. Maybe one day I'll revise it and I'll write a long fic..
So, now, enjoy it ^^
For The First Time
"J-Jurina... w-wait..." and after that, she kissed me.
I did not know what I could do.
I was in panic, but... but when our bodies were so close, my mind became free.
Yes, we were there, in that hotel room, and we were kissing: a long, beautiful and sweet kiss, not like the last time, when she was kidding; this time it was all so real.
When our lips were distant she looked me into my eyes and she smiled.
An innocent smile. Jurina’s smile.
She was so beautiful. She is so beautiful.
In that moment I smiled too, because there weren’t words in my throat.
I thought ‘Is this the right thing to do?’ I didn’t know it, but it was OK.
After that episode, without say anything, we went to sleep.
Verily, I couldn't sleep. I thought only about Jurina, only to her.
The next day, when I woke up, it was about 5:30, she wasn’t in her bed.
‘Where is Jurina?’ I thought. Maybe I knew it.
I dressed fast. I didn’t have breakfast.
I went out and I ran fast. So fast. Ran, ran, ran.
I ran like she were in danger.
My legs became so heavy, but I didn’t stop. I had to reach her.
I ran until the pier. She was there, as always.
When she need to think, she goes there.
There was anyone; we were alone.
I caught my breath and I walked towards her.
She turned and saw me. She smiled. Maybe a forced smile
‘Not again, please…’ I thought ‘…When you smile I can’t think and I feel strange.’
I stayed next to her, without say anything.
“I’m sorry…” she broke that silent with those words.
I said nothing.
“I’m so sorry, really… what has happened… well, I… I…” she become sad and the tears got down to her eyes.
Again, I said nothing.
“That kiss… R-Rena, forgive me. Forgive me for all. For the kiss. For making you worry. And well… forgive me if… if I…”
She couldn’t finish her phrase because I kissed her.
Yes, I kissed her. Still now I can’t believe it.
She blushed.
Her face become so red.
I think she can’t believe it too.
“If you?” finally I said.
She was embarrassed and with a breath she continued what he started.
“Well, sorry me, Rena, if… I love you. If I have loved you so much since the first time I saw you”
“Why are you apologizing for things like this?” I smiled.
“Eh?... W-What, R-Rena… ” She widened her eyes.
“You know, Jurina, there are many things that I want to say to you since I have known you.
When I see you I become happy, I don’t know why, but it is so.
When you smile everything is better.
I wanted stay with you every time, but I know, it was a strange thing.
I was scared. Scared about people, about the judgments.
Scared of you.”
“Of me?”
“Yes, of you. I didn’t know what you thought of me.
I was afraid of your rejection. I couldn't bear your separation from me.
Because, for me, you… you are everything.
‘Cause I love you. And if you love me, everything will be good… So, please, don’t cry a-and stay with me, J-Jurina” I remember that I blushed so hard.
She looked at me and, well, she hugged me. With teary eyes and happy smile she kissed me and I kissed her, together. I can remember the beautiful sensation.
Finally, I’m happy with my only love.
A/N: 21/03/13 I've corrected grammar errors, just it.