Yo! Finally I'm here

With a SECOND chapter

Has been the wait, too long?

Anyway, I'm here
@masokun: Thank you
@gekirena: I know that KumiNon is rare

and it's not simple for me to write

but Thanks!
Now, about the fic... I don't know if you'll like it...

and sorry if it will be bad

By the way Enjoy the second chapter of "You Are A Stupid."
You Are A Stupid.
Second Chapter.
After the discussion, Kumi went again to Kanon’s house for go to school together.
Out the door.
“What should I do? What can I say?” she thought.
After she knocked.
Kanon’s mother opened and, seeing Kumi, said “Oh, Kuumin, Why are you here? Kanon is already went to school. She said that you know it.”
Kumi surprised didn't know but she answered “Oh yes, it’s true, I forgot.” With a false laugh.
Then she said goodbye to Kanon’s mother and went to school.
There, what could she expect?Out the school, Yuria was waiting for her.
Right, Yuria.“Kumi! You’ re here… I’ll wait for you.”
“Oh really? Thanks, Yuria… How are you?”
“Now, fine.” She said with a big smile.
“Oh. You are so adorable.”
And so Kumi forget about Kanon. She grabbed Yuria's hand and, arrived to Yuria’s class, Kumi looked around to see if there was anyone: nope.
So they kissed; a little kiss.
And then she left there her and she went to class.
Now she would have met Kanon.
Out the class.
Opened the door.
“Kanon!” Kumi yelled, attracting attention to herself.
But Kanon wasn’t there.
“Churi where’s Kanon?”
“Oh, Kanon? Isn’t she with you?
Well I don’t know where she is.”
“What? She isn’t at school?” Kumi thought
“I must find her” She was about to go when the teacher interrupted her.
The lessons were started. Now she had to wait.
“Well, guys, today, would be due arrive a new classmate, b-but for different reasons today will be absent. “ Explained the teacher.
“I heard that she ran away!” A voice into class yelled.
“Wow… She must be a cool girl.”
In the class was rumored.
Cornered, the teacher cried “Please be quiet. The lesson is already started!”
“Kumi what do you think about the new classmate?” said softly Churi
But Kumi’s mind was occupied by another thoughts.
“Kumi, Kumi… Hei Kumi”
“Oh… Emh, Yes, mh, no…
Sorry Churi, I wasn’t hearing”
“Are you okay?
Is something happened?”
“Don’t worry Churi, I’m okay…”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes” She smiled, and so Churi smiled back.
In another place, at the little park near the school, there was someone else.
A cute girl was sitting on a bench.
She was Kanon.
She didn’t go to school.
She was there, alone, and she was thinking about Kumi , about her, about them.
“Oh, what does such a nice girl alone here?” An unfamiliar voice broke the silence.
"Yeah, you should come with us” The voice of another guy added.
Kanon understood that she was in dangerous.
One of those guys grabbed strong, Kanon’s hand.
“No! I don’t want! Let me go!” Kanon yelled but there wasn't anyone.
“Baby,you don’t yell like this… No one can hear you!” He laught, without leave the outlet.
Shortly after another figure grabbed Kanon from behind and held her to herself.
Kanon was scared.
“Hei! You were here. These guys are annoying you?”
It was a girl unfamiliar voice, but it didn't seem threatening.
“Who are you?” The boy said, leaving the outlet.
“Yeah, what do you want?!”
“Me? Who know… Now, let her alone. She don’t want to come with you.”
But is not convenient make me angry.” She changed her glance.
The two boys saw that things could get complicated, they decided to leave.
“Tsk! Come on! Not worth it.”
“Let’s go”
Now Kanon and the mysterious girl were alone.
“Are you ok… Eh!”
Kanon, trembling, she fainted.
She was with her head on a shoulder.
She widened her eyes and she blushed.
Immediately, she sat in a composed way.
“Oh, you are awake
How are you?”
“Mh, f-fine… Thanks…” She shyly said. “W-Why did you help me?”
“Because you needed..." She smiled at Kanon. "And we go to the same school; look at my uniform."
“Mh, it’s true…
Thanks again.”
“Don’t worry…
It’s okay.”
She smiled again and patted Kanon’s head.
She had a really beautiful smile.
That did blush Kanon one more time.
“By The way, Why were you here alone?
And what’s your name?” She said curiously.
“My name is Kanon, and I was here alone, ‘cause… I-I didn’t want to go to school…” she said trying to laugh, but the other girl understood that she was lying.
“Are you sure? I don’t think. One like me can escape by the school, you don’t seem like someone that does this kind of things”
“Mh… Maybe you're right” she seemed sad.
The girl understood that was happened something.
She decided then to make a proposal to the little Kanon.
“Would you like to go with me round here?
The lessons will end soon and this place will be full of people…
If you are here and not there, there is a reason, right?
So why do not you come with me?...”
Kanon, thought about it, for a while '. She did not know the girl but she did not want to meet again Kumi, then accepted ... "O-Okay ..."
“Great! Come on! Go around and then I'll take you at home." She said happily.
Kanon just blushed.
They started walked, and seeing Kanon distant, she gave her his hand.
“By the way, Kanon, I’m Jurina.
Matsui Jurina.”
“Well, Jurina.” Finally Kanon smiled too, to her new friend.
To be continued...
How was it?