
I'm here! With my
FOURTH Chapter of "You Are A Stupid." !!!
So enjoy it!
and sorry if it will be boring or something else

You Are A Stupid.
Chapter IV
When she entered, Kanon smiled happily and Kumi widened her eyes... They couldn't believe it.
"Please Matsui Jurina, introduce yourself.
"Yes; hi everyone, I'm Matsui Jurina. I'll stay with you for a long time, so, take care of me. And nice to meet you"
"Well, now, go to sit behind Kanon... There..."
"I know where..." She smiled at Kanon who smiled back.
That made Kumi angry and sad.
"I'm happy that you are here"
"I'm happy, too, Non..." Jurina said with a smile.
"Hei, Kumi, hei..." Said softly Churi as usual.
"Have you seen her? She is so cool."
"I don't mind."
Churi just stared.
"Hei Kanon, that girl..." She pointed Kumi. "Is she, right?"
Kanon nobbed "Yes... Kumi."
"Well she seems angry."
"Do you think?"
After some hours, lunch time rang.
"Yay! Finally!" Said Jurina.
"The other are already gone to eat. Let's go too."
Jurina nobbed happly and began to run fast.
"Hei Jurina slows!"
"Oh, come on Kanon! I'm hungry."
The race was interrupted when Jurina collided against someone.
"Ouch...! Oh, emh, I'm sorry!"
"That hurts!" A girl said.
When Jurina saw the face of the girl near to her, she widened her eyes.
"But next time, be more careful..." She said.
"Jurina!... Oh, Rena. Are you two okay?" Said Kanon worriedly.
They nobbed.
Jurina stood up and gave an hand to Rena.
"Please let me help you." She smiled.
But Rena stood up by herself.
"Don't worry. I can do it."
"O-Okay" Said Jurina a bit sad.
"Well, Jurina she is Rena, she is in the our class and, Rena, she is Jurina, she is our new classmate."
Explained Kanon.
"Really?! She is in our class? I haven't seen you before..." Said Jurina.
"Of course, I was in the infirmary for some reasons."
"Oh, in the infirmary... Emh, how are you?"
"Fine...Anyway..." Jurina felt ignored. "Kanon, I'm going to eat with Kumi, Churi and maybe Yuria, do you want to join us?"
Kanon bit her lips.
"Emh, I'm sorry. I'm with Jurina. I want to show the school."
"Oh, okay... See ya."
"See ya, Rena"
"S-See ya!" Said Jurina nervously.
"Tell me Kanon"
While the two were eating.
"Rena, well Rena have any b-boy or girlfriend?"
"Why?" She smirked.
Jurina blushed "Well, only curiosity"
"Sure?" She laughed.
"Well, I don't know... You should ask her... If you believe in love at first sight."
She continued to laugh.
"Eh? What are you implying?" She laughed, too.
In another place of the school there were Kumi, Rena and Churi.
"You know Kumi, before, I saw Kanon and I asked her if she would like to join us."
"And so?!"
"Nothing, she stayed with the new comer."
"Oh her!" Said Churi that seemed in the clouds.
"Hei Churi, do you like her?" Rena smirked.
"Well, she looks cool..."
"Mh, do you think?
For me she is just a kid."
"Eh, why?"
"Who know." She laughed.
Kumi was silent until arrived Yuria.
"Y-Yuria." She looked like shocked.
"Hi! Kumi, you seem stunned.
Are you fine?"
"Y-Yes, you?"
Yuria just nobbed.
"Kumi we must talk, can we?"
"Mh, okay, come on then..."
When they were alone.
"What's going on, Kumi? What's going on with Kanon? What's going between us."
Kumi bit her lips.
"Can you answer me?!"
"I-I'm sorry Yuria" She started to cry.
"K-Kumi..." Yuria widened her eyes.
"I'm so sorry...
Yuria, I like you, I like you so much...
You are a sweet and a nice girl..."
"But I don't love you..."
"And who do you love?..."
"Another girl..."
"Yes, her.
I'm sorry Yuria. I don't know what can I say.
I can't tell you to remain friends, It will be stupid...
But please, please Yuria, don't leave me... I need you too…
Sorry, I'm so egoist..."
"Don't worry.
I'll stay with you."
With the tears on her eyes, Kumi look up.
"I'll stay with you... 'Cause, 'Cause, I still love you..."
She started to cry too.
"And, I want stay by your side."
Then, Kumi hugged the girl strong.
In that moment Jurina and Kanon saw the scene.
Come on Jurina, leave this place, the lessons will start soon and then, I don't want disturb these two."
Jurina nobbed and took Kanon hand.
xxx xxx xxx
In the class no one of them spoke or something.
When the class was over Kanon said "Jurina, I'll wait for you to the gate."
"Okay Non." So, Kanon walked away.
"E-Ehm, Rena..."
"S-Sorry for before. I hope you aren't mad with me."
"It was an accident.
I've already said that it is fine."
"W-Well... Mh, I hope we can be friends." She smiled shyly.
"Why not." Rena's warm smile made Jurina blushed a bit.
That moment was interrupted by Akane.
"Hey Rena, you are not going to introduce me to the new comer?"
"Well, Jurina, she is Akane, but we call her Churi..."
"Yes, but you can call me how you want."
"Wow, she is a bit creepy." Thought Jurina.
"Girls, I'll leave you alone. I'm going. Bye!" Said Rena.
"Okay, bye Rena! See ya!"
"Eh? R-Rena... Mh, Bye" Jurina seemed, somehow, sad.
"Akane, sorry, but I must go too, mh, Kanon is waiting for me."
"Oh, really? Okay bye! See you!" She said happly with a big smile.
Jurina just smiled back.
To the gate.
"K-Kumi." Kanon widened her eyes.
"Kanon, can we talk?"
"No! I don't want!" She said in angry way.
"Oh, please!"
"I said no! Go to Yuria!"
"Kanon! I'm here! Can we go?"
Jurina interrupted Kumi and smiled at Kanon that smiled back.
And, together, they left Kumi alone.
"You saved me. Kumi wanted to talk with me."
"Well... I think you should listen what she want to say."
"I don't understand why are you angry with her..."
"B-Because she..."
Now that she thought about it, why she was angry with her?
"So, Kanon?"
"Because... I don't know...
Maybe because she chose Yuria instead of me..."
"But, only because she declared to her."
Kanon stopped for a moment.
"Hei Kanon, don't think about it. Just go home now, okay?"
Jurina didn't want to see Kanon sad, so she thought that it was better if they went at home.
So they resumed their journey.
"Anyway, Jurina, how did it go with Rena?" Kanon smirked.
"Eh!" Jurina widened her eyes.
"I saw that you were waiting that everyone was went away."
"Mh, you are perceptive." Jurina giggled.
"Well, I think that, I am indifferent to her." She said sadly.
Ah! And then, when we were talking, another gilr interrupted us.
If I'm right her name is Akane."
"Oh, Churi, well, she is nice girl. She is friend to everyone.
You could try with her..." She started to laugh.
"Eh! I don't like her in this way! Yes, maybe she is nice, but I don't know her.
And, mh, I think she is bit creepy."
By the way, you don't know even Rena."
"I know! But, but she is so... so beautiful, and kind, and sweet" Jurina's mind had gone.
"Oh God, idiot." Kanon sighed.
Arrived to Kanon's house the two greeted each other.
Jurina go to her house, but someone was following her.
In the corner between her house and the street, an hand covered her mouth and, a figure, pushed her against the wall.
Finally, the hand moved gently.
"What the he... You?!" Jurina was shocked.
She didn't aspect that.
"Are you crazy? Did you want to scare me? Well, you did it.
What do you want?!"
"If Kanon doesn’t want to listen me, well, you’ll do it!”
It was Kumi.
To be continued!
Thanks for read!