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Author Topic: Drabble & OS | Still. | KumiYuri [08 Sept.]  (Read 69735 times)

Offline Kuro--Black

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yayyy!! Kuminon Fic !!!! :wigglypanda: actually i just found this  :D but NOOOOO!!!!!!  :on blackhole: Kanonnnnnn!!!!!!  :ptam-cry: This fic is brilliant !!  :farofflook: Please update soon  :onioncheer:  :wriggly: oh !!! and i'm still new here so yoroshiku !! :kneelbow:

Offline Lightning

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@ohayou and @mo-chan: I know it's short  XD It's a drabble after all  :P But I'm glad that you like it  :shy1:

@Kuro--Black: :welcome :welcome :welcome Thanks for read my fic  :hee: and I'm glad that you like my kuminon fic  :farofflook:
I know, I know.. poor Kanon BUT in the next chapter something will change!  :bingo: Please continue to read it!!  :byebye:

Offline Lightning

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Re: Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [OneShot] Can I... (wMatsui) [17/08]
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2012, 08:11:47 PM »
Hiii! :wave:
How are you all?

Today I post my new OneShot about wMastui. :bingo:
I wrote it 'cause a tumblr user's request it and I posted it already there (on tumblr).  :)

Enjoy! ~ヾ(^∇^)


Can I...

“Airin here, Airin there.
What does she have that I haven’t?”

Often, I stopped to think about it.

“Maybe because she is cute and shy with her, but ‘strong’ with other.
Maybe because she is an otaku like her and they have the same passion.

And me? Who am I for you?

Only a girl with the same surname of your?”

I needed to know it.
All of this it was killing me.

When I saw her, I couldn't look away from her.

She is like an angel.
She is beautiful outside and inside, even if sometimes she is weird.
But for me, she is perfect.

I couldn't bear to be avoided, any more.

I had to know what she thought.
If she hated me, or if she just didn't like me.

So, I decided.

The bell rang.
The lessons were ended.

As usual, everyone went out the class and she was still in.
She didn't deign me by a glance.

While she went away, I anticipated her.
I closed the door.
We stayed alone in the class.

"J-Jurina... What happens?"
She asked, almost scared.

I took her hands.

"Jurina, let me go!"

“No, Rena. I’m sorry.
I can’t let you go.”

I pushed her against the wall.
Maybe I hurt her.

 “J-Jurin… ” She widened her eyes for what she was looking.

I was crying.
I felt powerless and vulnerable.
Nobody has never seen me cry.
And I wouldn't have wanted that she saw me in that way.
But the tears ran down my face, without stopping.

It was as if my heart was crying.

“Jurina, you are crying…
What’s happens?”

“Rena, please, tell me… Do you l-like Airin?”

“Eh?” She widened her eyes again.

“Please, tell me…”

“ …Yes, I like her… “

In that moment I felt faint.
I left the grip.

“I like her so much.
But, I like her only like a friend”

“W-What?” I tried to wipe my tears.

“Yes, I like her… but I don’t love her.”

“A-And who is the person that you love… ”

“She is a girl.
An handsome girl that she hurt me, so much that I can’t stand next to her.
She is a beautiful girl, but still immature.
A lot of people likes her.
Many other girls more beautiful than me.” She started to cry, too.
“Jurina, the girl that I love is… is… you.”

I widened my eyes that time.

Do you love me?

She just nobbed.

“S-Sorry… ”


“Sorry, for hurt you so much.
Those girls… Yes, they like me…
But I… Well, I love you!

Please, stay with me!
I want you by my side!
I’ll change, if you want, for you!
I'll take care of you…

I promise… ”

She, with a tears in her eyes, smiled to me and she patted my head.

“S-So, Rena, now… C-Can I-I ki… “
She interrupted me with a soft kiss on my lips.

After, we looked into each other eyes and we smiled.

“I’ll take you at home.” I said with a big smile.

She nobbed with a smile, too.

I took her hand and we went away. Together. 


So, how was it?  :dunno: I know it's nothing special :fainted:

Offline kurogumi

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Re: Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [OneShot] Can I... (wMatsui) [17/08]
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2012, 08:11:03 AM »
No its great..!!

Aah wamatsui always hot

I cant wait ske48 10th single!!! Aaaaaaah~

Oh and thank for the update


Offline kahem

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Re: Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [OneShot] Can I... (wMatsui) [17/08]
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2012, 10:14:25 PM »
Yes you can Jurina!!!! lol

Offline Lightning

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Re: Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [OneShot] Can I... (wMatsui) [17/08]
« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2012, 11:00:22 PM »
@kurogumi: oooh thank you  :farofflook:
yaaaaay~ I can't wait too  :wriggly:
@kahem: Yes she can LOL

Offline Dreamstalker

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Re: Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [OneShot] Can I... (wMatsui) [17/08]
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2012, 02:35:37 AM »
Just Stalking your fics. . .hehe. .nice stories!
Who knows how long I've been lost in the dark?

Offline sopiyah

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Re: Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [OneShot] Can I... (wMatsui) [17/08]
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2012, 05:05:31 PM »
wooowww i really love your fanfic "she smiled"....
rena is so sweet kissing jurina in cheek... :heart: :heart: :heart:
arigatooo...... :lol:

Offline mo-chan

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Re: Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [OneShot] Can I... (wMatsui) [17/08]
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2012, 05:28:32 PM »
It's short but lovely  :luvluv2:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
 Mo-chan Fanfics:
Don't be ashamed when you love me
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Offline Yu_oshi

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Re: Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [OneShot] Can I... (wMatsui) [17/08]
« Reply #29 on: August 22, 2012, 06:27:59 PM »
So short but so sweet and so cute <3 update more please

Offline Lightning

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Hi :wave:
It is a bit of time that I don't post :badluck: I was pretty tired.. Sorry!  :on cloudeye:
But now I come back! :thumbsup With a NEW chapter of my KumiNon FanFic "You Are A Stupid."
This is the third BUT I've already wrote the fourth chapter, but I must write it on my pc :depressed:
I'll try to write it fast :cool2:

Anyway, time to replies!

@Dreamstalker: Well, in this case Stalk Stalk stalk! XD
@sopiyah: Did you like "She smiled" ? Oh Thank you~  :shy1:
@Yu_oshi: Thank you!!! :shy2:

Well, I've finished to reply!
Enjoy the THIRD CHAPTER !!

You Are A Stupid.

“By the way, Kanon, I’m Jurina.
Matsui Jurina.”

“Well, Jurina.” Finally Kanon smiled too, to her new friend.

Third Chapter.

“Rings bell!  Rings!”


Finally the lessons were over.

"Where are you running, Kumi?!" Said Churi.

"To find her!" She yelled.

"T-To Find her...?" Churi was just speechless.

Yuria was near there and when she saw Kumi run away,she tried to stop her.

"Kumi! What's happened?!"

"Sorry Yuria, we can stay together later!" And so, she was already far away.

"Hei, Akane, What happens with Kumi?" She asked.

"Oh, mh, I don't really know.
Something with Kanon, I think."


Churi nobbed.

xxx                                                                                  xxx                                                                                          xxx

"Ne, Jurina, Why were you there?" Asked Kanon curiously.

"Me? Well, It's simple: I am escaped by the school." She answered.


"You seem shocked...
Don't worry it's okay! No one can do anything to me.

My dad is a rich man.
He is powerful.

I don't think that teachers want to be against his daughter." she said with a smile.

"Ah~ You are so lucky"

"Mh, maybe.
But he is always in any job trip.
So, I'm often alone at home; there are only the people who work in my house, like my butler, or the domestics." She looked a bit sad.

"And your mother?"

"Oh, well... She left us when I was younger.
Maybe for another man, or for find luck. Who know." Now, she was sad.

Kanon felt guilty.

"But don't mind. I'm fine anyway!" Jurina smiled.

Kanon just nobbed shyly.

After a while.

"Jurina, this is my house."

"Oh, fine... So, mh, bye Kanon..."

“Emh, J-Jurina, Would you like to come in?
My mother today will come back later...
So, if you want...”

“Of course... I'd like to stay together little Non!”

“L-Little Non?”

“Eheh, yes! Little Non.” Jurina smiled embarrassed

Kanon smiled  “So, come in!”

Jurina nobbed happily.

xxx                                                                                  xxx                                                                                          xxx

Kumi was trying to find her friend. But after a while, tired, she decided to sit down for a moment.

"Why Am I so worried?
Because she is my childhood friend, of course.
There is nothing more...

AH! I'm becoming crazy!

Why... M-Maybe, I-I lik... No!
I can't!

I'm with Yuria now.
And she likes me..."

"But do you like her?"

"Eh??!... Oh, Rena..."

"So... You haven't found her, isn't?"

"W-What... How..." Said Kumi shocked.

"I heard Churi and Yuria talk, so, I asked Churi what was going on, and she told me..."
She smiled.
"Are you okay, Kumi?"

"Mh... Now, well... I don't know...
I like her..."


"Maybe both of them..."

"Mh, I see. But who do you love?"

Kumi widened her eyes.

"Again, I don't know..." She said sadly.

"Well Kumi, don't worry.
You should think of it and then your heart will tell you everything.
But, I want to say something"
She stood up.
"If you, now, stay with Yuria, but, equally, you asked yourself the question...
Well, there will be a reason, no?"
She smiled kindly.
"Anyway, now I must go, and you should go, too.
Be carefull.
And for everything, I'm here for you"

"Thanks Rena" Kumi smiled to her and, she smiled back.
After, Rena left Kumi.

"Well, now, I must go home or my mom will get mad" She thought to herself and so she walked home.

On the way.

"Maybe Kanon is already at home...
Yes, she must stay here...
Now I go to her and so, we can talk."

"Thank you for inviting me, it was nice to be a bit with you...
The next time, you come to my house, right?" Said Jurina.

"Yes!" Said happily Kanon.

"Oh~ My cute little Non..." Jurina patted Kanon's head and smiled to her.

Kanon smiled back only and blushed.

They were already out the door when Kumi was on the other side of the street and she was seeing them.

Kanon saw her.
Their eyes met for a second.

Without thinking, Kanon kissed Jurina on the lips.

Kumi's breathing stopped.
She felt as if someone had stabbed her.

Tears began to fall from her eyes that she could not stop.
She started to run away.

Finally, Kanon moved away from the lips of Jurina.
Jurina widened her eyes but, after, she saw Kumi run away and she understood.

"S-Sorry Jurina..." She looked down.

"Is she, right?"


"She is the reason why you didn't go to school, right?"

Kanon started to cry.

"Hei, little Non, It's okay... Don't cry..." Jurina hugged the girl.

"Why are you not mad with me? I've just kissed you..."

"Because I couldn't.
Kanon is too cute." She giggled.


"Shhh..." She patted her head "And, by the way, I think she was jealous." She smirked and winked.

Kanon blushed.

"Well, now I must go.
There, my mail... If you want, contact me.
You will make me happy!"

Kanon nobbed "Thanks for all Jurina..." She wiped her tears.

"Oh, it was nothing... Bye bye little Non" She kissed her new friend's forehead.

That made Kanon blush again. "B-Bye Jurina."
And so, she went away.

In another side.
At Kumi's house.
Kumi's room.

"Why... Why am I crying?!
Stupid! Stupid Kanon!
Stupid me...

And if Rena is right?
If... If I like Yuria but I don't love her...

I will break her heart.

If I... I love Kanon?
But now it's useless...

Now I know how she felt at that time.
K-Kanon... I'm sorry..." She cried hard "I want talk to her, I want ask her if she still love me... I want ask her who was that girl and what is she for her..."
She flipped her phone.
"Maybe I should send her a message..."

She wrote and erased.
Wrote and erased.

The tears fell on the phone screen.

"I-I can't...
Now I want just sleep."
And so, she went to bed and, with the tears on her eyes she fell asleep.

The next morning.
Kumi didn't want to go to school, but she knew that her mother would get mad, so she went.

She wouldn't want to meet Kanon and her "new friend".
She took the long way to avoid meeting her.

At school Yuria wasn't waiting her, Kumi didn't notice it.

She arrived at class and Kanon was already there.
She didn't deign to look her.
Kumi seemed sad, but when Churi asked her if she was fine she answered with: "I'm okay"

Finally the lesson started.

"Good morning guys, today, finally, your new classmate will join us.
Please, Matsui, come in."


~To Be Continued...


How was it? :dunno:
Bad? :err: Horrible? :fainted: The worst? :OMG: Maybe a little cute? :depressed:
Please tell me! I must know it! :frustrated:

By the way Thanks for read!

Thank you~

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 :panic: Oh my gaaaaddd!

Kumi  :cry: Non  :cry:

Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline sakura_drop_

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Jurina is very sweet with Non...  :) But I think she'll set her eyes on Rena-sama..  :twisted:

Now, I think Kumi loves Non, but cares a lot about Yuria *states the obvious*

They just need to sort the things out, those three.

The toughest part is just coming..

I guess Yuria somehow found out about Kumi's feelings to Non, if she did not meet her at the school gate...

I'll be waiting for your next update  :bow:
« Last Edit: August 30, 2012, 01:59:07 AM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline kahem

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Hehe I'm glad Jurina was here to make Kuumin jealous ^^

Offline yukofan

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« Reply #34 on: August 30, 2012, 02:17:16 AM »
kumi realized that she love kanon. now, what will she do? break up with yuria? what if yuria know that kumi loves kanon?

update soon pliz :bow:
i love your story <3

visit my tumblr :

Offline Lightning

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Hi! Today I want to post a wMatsui Drabble request by an Anon on tumblr!
And also replies to all of you  :)2

So, let's go~
@Megumi: Megumi-san don't cry! :O2 Everythings will be good  :kneelbow:

@sakura_drop_: Interesting. :hehehe: You are perceptive  :thumbup Well, please, wait for my next update :grin:

@kahem: eheheh  :P

@yukofan:  :ding: eheh yukofan-san, You'll know soon! just wait a little! :)

@Everyone: Thank you all for read it  :kneelbow: :nya:

So now is the drabble time :bingo:
It's nothing special and it is, obvious, short, but I hope you like it!  :hee:
A/N: It's a Jurina's POV

White Rose.

A rose.
A white rose.
Beautiful and pure, with a sweet fragrance.
Have you ever seen a white rose?
I’ve never seen one of it.

One of my wishes was to find one.
I really wanted to see a white rose.

One night I saw a shooting star. Then, I closed my eyes and I expressed my desire.

Do you think is it a stupid wish? I think so too..
But it was my wish.

In any case nothing happened.
But, one day, something changed.

I found a white rose.
Now, she’s my white rose.
Her name is "Matsui Rena".



Offline Lightning

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Lightning's FanFics Collection~ You Are A Stupid. (KumiNon) [Chapter 4] [05/09]
« Reply #36 on: September 05, 2012, 09:19:18 PM »
Yo! :hee:
I'm here! With my FOURTH Chapter of "You Are A Stupid." !!!
So enjoy it!
and sorry if it will be boring or something else :fainted:


You Are A Stupid.
Chapter IV

When she entered, Kanon smiled happily and Kumi widened her eyes... They couldn't believe it.

"Please Matsui Jurina, introduce yourself.

"Yes; hi everyone, I'm Matsui Jurina. I'll stay with you for a long time, so, take care of me. And nice to meet you"

"Well, now, go to sit behind Kanon... There..."

"I know where..." She smiled at Kanon who smiled back.

That made Kumi angry and sad.

"I'm happy that you are here"

"I'm happy, too, Non..." Jurina said with a smile.

"Hei, Kumi, hei..." Said softly Churi as usual.


"Have you seen her? She is so cool."

"I don't mind."

Churi just stared.

"Hei Kanon, that girl..." She pointed Kumi. "Is she, right?"

Kanon nobbed "Yes... Kumi."

"Well she seems angry."

"Do you think?"


After some hours, lunch time rang.

"Yay! Finally!" Said Jurina.

"The other are already gone to eat. Let's go too."

Jurina nobbed happly and began to run fast.

"Hei Jurina slows!"

"Oh, come on Kanon! I'm hungry."

The race was interrupted when Jurina collided against someone.

"Ouch...! Oh, emh, I'm sorry!"

"That hurts!" A girl said.

When Jurina saw the face of the girl near to her, she widened her eyes.

"But next time, be more careful..." She said.

"Jurina!... Oh, Rena. Are you two okay?" Said Kanon worriedly.

They nobbed.

Jurina stood up and gave an hand to Rena.
"Please let me help you." She smiled.
 But Rena stood up by herself.

"Don't worry. I can do it."

"O-Okay" Said Jurina a bit sad.

"Well, Jurina she is Rena, she is in the our class and, Rena, she is Jurina, she is our new classmate."
Explained Kanon.

"Really?! She is in our class? I haven't seen you before..." Said Jurina.

"Of course, I was in the infirmary for some reasons."

"Oh, in the infirmary... Emh, how are you?"

"Fine...Anyway..." Jurina felt ignored. "Kanon, I'm going to eat with Kumi, Churi and maybe Yuria, do you want to join us?"

Kanon bit her lips.

"Emh, I'm sorry. I'm with Jurina. I want to show the school."

"Oh, okay... See ya."

"See ya, Rena"

"S-See ya!" Said Jurina nervously.

"Tell me Kanon"


While the two were eating.

"Rena, well Rena have any b-boy or girlfriend?"

"Why?" She smirked.

Jurina blushed "Well, only curiosity"

"Sure?" She laughed.
"Well, I don't know... You should ask her... If you believe in love at first sight."
She continued to laugh.

"Eh? What are you implying?" She laughed, too.

In another place of the school there were Kumi, Rena and Churi.

"You know Kumi, before, I saw Kanon and I asked her if she would like to join us."

"And so?!"

"Nothing, she stayed with the new comer."

"Oh her!" Said Churi that seemed in the clouds.

"Hei Churi, do you like her?" Rena smirked.

"Well, she looks cool..."

"Mh, do you think?
For me she is just a kid."

"Eh, why?"

"Who know." She laughed.

Kumi was silent until arrived Yuria.

"Y-Yuria." She looked like shocked.

"Hi! Kumi, you seem stunned.
Are you fine?"

"Y-Yes, you?"

Yuria just nobbed.

"Kumi we must talk, can we?"



"Mh, okay, come on then..."

When they were alone.
"What's going on, Kumi? What's going on with Kanon? What's going between us."

Kumi bit her lips.

"Can you answer me?!"

"I-I'm sorry Yuria" She started to cry.

"K-Kumi..." Yuria widened her eyes.

"I'm so sorry...
Yuria, I like you, I like you so much...
You are a sweet and a nice girl..."


"But I don't love you..."

"And who do you love?..."

"Another girl..."


"Yes, her.
I'm sorry Yuria. I don't know what can I say.
I can't tell you to remain friends, It will be stupid...
But please, please Yuria, don't leave me... I need you too…
Sorry, I'm so egoist..."

"Don't worry.
I'll stay with you."

With the tears on her eyes, Kumi look up.


"I'll stay with you... 'Cause, 'Cause, I still love you..."
She started to cry too.
"And, I want stay by your side."

Then, Kumi hugged the girl strong.
In that moment Jurina and Kanon saw the scene.

Come on Jurina, leave this place, the lessons will start soon and then, I don't want disturb these two."

Jurina nobbed and took Kanon hand.

xxx                  xxx                  xxx

In the class no one of them spoke or something.

When the class was over Kanon said "Jurina, I'll wait for you to the gate."

"Okay Non." So, Kanon walked away.

"E-Ehm, Rena..."


"S-Sorry for before. I hope you aren't mad with me."

"It was an accident.
I've already said that it is fine."

"W-Well... Mh, I hope we can be friends." She smiled shyly.

"Why not." Rena's warm smile made Jurina blushed a bit.

That moment was interrupted by Akane.

"Hey Rena, you are not going to introduce me to the new comer?"

"Well, Jurina, she is Akane, but we call her Churi..."

"Yes, but you can call me how you want."

"W-Well..." "Wow, she is a bit creepy." Thought Jurina.

"Girls, I'll leave you alone. I'm going. Bye!" Said Rena.

"Okay, bye Rena! See ya!"

"Eh? R-Rena... Mh, Bye" Jurina seemed, somehow, sad.
"Akane, sorry, but I must go too, mh, Kanon is waiting for me."

"Oh, really? Okay bye! See you!" She said happly with a big smile.

Jurina just smiled back.

To the gate.


"K-Kumi." Kanon widened her eyes.

"Kanon, can we talk?"

"No! I don't want!" She said in angry way.

"Oh, please!"

"I said no! Go to Yuria!"


"Kanon! I'm here! Can we go?"
Jurina interrupted Kumi and smiled at Kanon that smiled back.


And, together, they left Kumi alone.

"You saved me. Kumi wanted to talk with me."

"Well... I think you should listen what she want to say."


"I don't understand why are you angry with her..."

"B-Because she..."
Now that she thought about it, why she was angry with her?

"So, Kanon?"

"Because... I don't know...
Maybe because she chose Yuria instead of me..."

"But, only because she declared to her."

Kanon stopped for a moment.

"Hei Kanon, don't think about it. Just go home now, okay?"
Jurina didn't want to see Kanon sad, so she thought that it was better if they went at home.

So they resumed their journey.

"Anyway, Jurina, how did it go with Rena?" Kanon smirked.

"Eh!" Jurina widened her eyes.

"I saw that you were waiting that everyone was went away."

"Mh, you are perceptive." Jurina giggled.

"Well, I think that, I am indifferent to her." She said sadly.


Ah! And then, when we were talking, another gilr interrupted us.
If I'm right her name is Akane."

"Oh, Churi, well, she is nice girl. She is friend to everyone.
You could try with her..." She started to laugh.

"Eh! I don't like her in this way! Yes, maybe she is nice, but I don't know her.
And, mh, I think she is bit creepy."

By the way, you don't know even Rena."

"I know! But, but she is so... so beautiful, and kind, and sweet" Jurina's mind had gone.

"Oh God, idiot." Kanon sighed.

Arrived to Kanon's house the two greeted each other.
Jurina go to her house, but someone was following her.

In the corner between her house and the street, an hand covered her mouth and, a figure, pushed her against the wall.
Finally, the hand moved gently.

"What the he... You?!" Jurina was shocked.
She didn't aspect that.
"Are you crazy? Did you want to scare me? Well, you did it.
What do you want?!"

"If Kanon doesn’t want to listen me, well, you’ll do it!”

It was Kumi.


To be continued!

Thanks for read! :D
« Last Edit: September 07, 2012, 05:35:34 PM by Lightning »

Offline kahem

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Hehe Jurina go to Rena go~
Poor Yuria T_T

Offline Lightning

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@kahem: Jurina must be with Rena XD
Sorry I ship wMatsui hard!! :farofflook:
Yes, poor Yuria, but she must get over it :bigdeal:

Offline Megumi

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"I know! But, but she is so... so beautiful, and kind, and sweet" Jurina's mind had gone.

"Oh God, idiot." Kanon sighed.

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