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Author Topic: Drabble & OS | Still. | KumiYuri [08 Sept.]  (Read 69729 times)

Offline Lightning

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@Megumi: I had fun when I wrote it XD

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Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [Drabble] The feelings. (wMatsui)[25/10]
« Reply #41 on: October 25, 2012, 10:22:54 PM »
Yo guys! How are you? :wave:
Wow, much time has passed since the last time!  :kneelbow:
Sorry me! I'm too busy! :on study: :depressed: ... and my inspiration has done a long trip! >__<
Anyway! I'm here with a drabble XD I know it is not so much, but... please, be patient for the 5th chapter of "You Are A Stupid." !! :kneelbow:
I'm writing it on my pc!!  :bingo: (Yes I've already finished XD )
Aaaaaand.... I'm thinking a new story... I will post the short prologue, umh, it's like a teaser... but I'm not sure if I should write that story or not... :dunno: but I will talked about it after I will finish my KumiNon!

Well, now... Enjoy my drabble!  :hee:

A/N: Jurina's POV

The feelings.

"Sorry, I don't love you."
These were the last words that I could hear from her, before she left me alone.

I had confessed to her.
That day the rain fell on the ground, frantically.
We were behind the school.
She was under my umbrella.

She said "No" to me.

When she went away I was there, in silence.
I felt my cheeks wet: it wasn't the rain.

The tears fell from my eyes.
But strangely, my lips drew a smile.

Sarcastic one?
Sad one?
Angry one?
Melancholic one?

Who know, but, for sure, I was still waiting for her.

How was it? :dunno:
Sorry if it was boring! >__<
See ya the next time!  :byebye:

Offline JuRikki

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Re: Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [Drabble] The feelings. (wMatsui)[25/10]
« Reply #42 on: October 26, 2012, 12:46:34 AM »
Eeeeh?! It's nice but too short ><

Aaaah, Jurina!! She's got rejected!

It's nice Lightning-san! Update!! XD

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Re: Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [Drabble] The feelings. (wMatsui)[25/10]
« Reply #43 on: October 26, 2012, 07:42:18 AM »
@JuRikki: I know it's short, but a drabble it's a drabble XD
anyway thanks for read it!
« Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 03:32:11 PM by Lightning »

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Re: Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [Drabble] The feelings. (wMatsui)[25/10]
« Reply #44 on: October 26, 2012, 08:17:37 PM »
rena  broke your heart again , jurina-chan  :cry:
*hug* *hug* *hug* *hug*

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Re: Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [Drabble] The feelings. (wMatsui)[25/10]
« Reply #45 on: October 26, 2012, 11:12:22 PM »
I really feel sad with Jurina

Especially this sentence >> "Who know, but, for sure, I was still waiting for her."

My heart is hurt :cry:

Jurina-chan Gambatte!

Wherever you go, I always love and support you.

Offline Lightning

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Re: Lightning's FanFics Collection~ [Drabble] The feelings. (wMatsui)[25/10]
« Reply #46 on: October 27, 2012, 02:17:53 PM »
@lizzie: yes, Rena did it again! Poor little Jurina!! :cry:

@takamachi: I'm sorry for make u sad with my drabble  :tntrm: sorry for hurt your heart! I hope you will forgive me :P

Offline Lightning

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Finally, and I repeat, Finally, I'm here with... The Fifth Chapter of "You Are A Stupid."!...
The fifth and the LAST one.
I had some problems to write it: I hadn't illumination, nothing! :depressed:  :cool2:
But, hey, what matter now is that it's finished! :bingo:
But one WARNING: it will be BORING:fainted: :err:
Sorry me for this!  :kneelbow: :on cloudeye:

Anyway enjoy the fifth and LAST chapter of "You Are A Stupid."  :hee:

You Are A Stupid.

"If Kanon doesn’t want to listen me, well, you’ll do it!”

It was Kumi.

Chapter V

"W-What?" Jurina was shocked.

"Does she love you?" She said loud. "Does she love you? Tell me!..." She yelled. "Please, tell me." Again with a soft tone.

"Why are you asking me? I mustn't be the one to respond to you."

"Can't you, just, tell me?" Said angrily.

"Ask to her... Go to her and do how you have done with me." They switched their position.
"Put her back against to the wall, don't give her, way out." She held her against the wall without let go her. "Look at her in her eyes, and ask her this question." Said Jurina sweetly.
"Ask her, ask her if she loves me... or she loves you."

"She wouldn't want listen to me... She wouldn't do it..." Her eyes were sad and melancholy.

"Well, try, no?
Just, try. If you don't do it now, in the future, you will regret."

"Don't you want tell me, right?" Said with a sarcastic, sad, smile.

"I'm sorry, it would be too simple. In the life, it need dare. Come on!"
She left the grip.
"Go to her... Whatever it will be her answer, you have nothing to lose."

Kumi remained to reflect.
Jurina, turned, adjusting her hair to the side, and she took up the bag, that was fallen, and began to walk towards her home.

Then, Kumi returned on the Earth and she recovered from his thoughts.
She tryed to reach Jurina, but when she turned the corner, Jurina had already crossed the threshold of her home.

Now, Kumi was again alone with her thoughts.


"Just, try. If you don't do it now, in the future, you will regret."

"Come on!"

"Whatever it will be her answer, you have nothing to lose."

*End Flashback*

"Aah! What should I do? Why? Why to me?!" Kumi yelled to herself.

While she was thinking about it, she arrived to Kanon's house.

"Well, I'm here...
Come on Kumi, it's nothing!"
She tryed to encourage herself.

She walked to the door.

*Ding Dong*

One time.

*Ding Dong*

Two times.

*Ding Dong*

Three times.

No one there was there.
So Kumi chose to leave.

When she was about to go,  Kanon's mother arrived.

"Oh, Kumi. How are you? Have you accompanied Kanon?"

"Eh? Isn't she with you?"

"No, she isn't?
She didn't call me or anything...
It's strange, she always calls me when she goes out.
I haven't seen her since this morning."

"But, before, I've seen her enter at home..."

The situation began to become worrying when Kanon's mother called her daughter without response.

"Kumi, try!"

But Kumi knew that Kanon wouldn't answered not even to her.
So, she did the first thing that passed by her mind.
She went to Jurina. To her, Kanon would answered.

"Kumi where are you going?!" Asked Kanon's mother when saw Kumi go away.

"To find Kanon!"

When she was arrived to Jurina house, while she resumed her breath, she rang the bell.

A butler opened the door.
"Yes? You are?"

"A friend, please, I need Jurina."

"I've never seen you. I must have a confirmation by Miss Jurina. What's your name, Miss?"

"Please, I need her! Now!"

Jurina, hearing a girl yell, ran down the stairs and saw Kumi that was yelling against her butler.

"What's going on?"

"Oh, Miss Jurina."

"Jurina, please, call her!"
Kumi grabbed Jurina's shirt.

"Call who?!" She pushed Kumi away. "Calm down!"

"Kanon, she... she is gone... and I don't know where is she... please try to call her!"

"What the... Okay, I'll call immediately."

She took your phone, then composed Kanon's phone number and the two of them waited.

"Hello, Jurina?" A voice finally came out.

"Oh, Kanon well..."
While she was talking to her friend, Jurina tried to understand the gestures that Kumi was making.

"So Jurina? What happen?"

"Oh, sorry... well, are you okay?"

"Umh... Yes." She seemed to hesitate to speak.

"Where are you?" Asked to the girl.

"Finally she has asked" Kumi thought and made an annoyed expression.

"Oh, okay, fine... Yes, okay, bye Non." The conversation was over.

Kumi, that was waiting impatiently, wanted answers.
"And so?!"

"Well, she told me that she is at the bridge near the park. She's gone there shortly after that I have accompanied her at home."

"W-What, to the bridge? Alone?!... What you've talked about? What did she say to you, when you two were going home?"

"What does it matter to you?"

"Ahh! What the hell, Jurina! She could do..." She stopped to yell to Jurina. "She could do something to herself..." She said in a lower tone, this time.

"What?! Are you crazy?" Now was Jurina that was yelling to Kumi. "Oh, please, how can you think a thing like this?"


"Ah! Idiot! You have made me more worried!"
Kumi stayed in silence.

"Come on, Kumi! Let's go to her!"

They smiled to each other. And then, they started to run to Kanon.

"Why they haven't asked me to accompany them by car?" Asked the butler to himself. "Ah, young people today." He sighed.

Meanwhile, the two girl were running to their friend.
Both, they were fast, so they arrived soon to Kanon.

She was there, on the bridge, looking her reflex on the little river's water mirror.

Kumi and Jurina saw her. She seemed sad. Maybe she was just thoughtful.

When Kumi tried to run to Kanon, Jurina stopped her.
"Stay calm, don't make her scared. Maybe it's worst."

"Yes, you are right..." Kumi agreed. "Y-You should go, Jurina..."

Jurina smiled. "Don't be silly. The one that must go, are you.”


Jurina just smiled again and pushed the girl.
Hesitating, Kumi walked towards Kanon.

She was absorbed in her thoughts. So, Kumi approached her.

"K-Kanon..." She said softly.

Kanon turned back and saw Kumi near her.
With a quick jerk, Kumi hugged Kanon.
She clutched Kanon to itself, so strong, that almost hurt the other girl.

"K-Kumi, what are you doing?!" She tried to put her away. "Kumi, let me..."

For a moment she stopped to push her away.
She remained motionless, when she heard her cry.
Because, yes, she was crying like a kid.

"But, Kumi... What...."

"Stupid Kanon!" She said while she was sobbing. "What were you going to do?! Don't think about it anymore! Don't try it anymore! You have made me worry!"

At the beginning Kanon didn't understand, but, then she understood what Kumi meant.

"Oh, God, you are really stupid, you know, Kumi?" She said in annoyed tone.


Kumi, still had the tears in her eyes, when she broke the hug and she looked in the eyes.

"Did you really believe that I was about to throw me?" She yelled.

"S-So, you didn't want to... well, to throw you."

"Absolutely, not!"

"S-So, why were you here?..."

"I was just thinking. I needed space and calm."

"Oh... So you want to still live."

"Of course!"

"Oh God! I was so worried! I was afraid to losing you. I-I was afraid."

"Stupid." Said Kanon firmly.

"Sorry." Replied Kumi.

"For what are you apologizing?" 

"For everything." Kumi looked down.

Descended the silence.
They exchanged their glances, before Kumi spoke.

"W-Well, now, it's better if I go."

"O-Okay." She didn't want Kumi to go away, but she didn't dare to stop her.

But, while she was going away, Kumi turned back.
She wanted to make her a last question.

"K-Kanon, tell me... Do you love her?" She said all in one breath.

"Umh, her?" She asked confused.

"Well, the newcomer... Jurina."

Kanon blushed.

"I-I saw you two kissed and, I know these aren't my business, o-or maybe yes..."

Kanon smiled while Kumi babbled nervously.
So she decided to answer.


Kumi was speechless.

"No, I don't love her. I know that you saw us when we were kissing, but I didn't kiss her because I love her, I did it because..." She stopped herself. "Well, for something else."

"Oh..." Kumi was serious, but inside, she felt herself slight and happy.
"Oh God, I have a chance!" She thought. "So W-Why did you k-kiss her?"

Kanon blushed hard, and Kumi has noticed that her face became red.
Worriedly, she walked toward Kanon, and put her hand on Kanon's forehead.

"Kanon are you okay? Have you a fever?"

Kanon just laughed of those words.

"Kumi, you are really idiot."

"Eh? Why?"

"I haven't a fever. I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"About you."

The two blushed and while Kumi made an embarrassed expression, Kanon smiled shyly.

"Umh, so, you thought about me..."

"Yes, I've never stopped to think about you..."

"D-Do you still love me?"

"Ah! Kumi! W-What with that question suddenly?!" She yelled in embarrassment.

"S-Sorry Kanon, calm down." She tried to calm her.

Suddenly a "Yes" came to Kumi's ears.
She widened her eyes.

"Yes, I love you. I kissed Jurina for make you jealous because I knew that you was seeing.
And when I saw you run away I felt a strange sensation, like if you were really jealous, but... When I saw you hugged Yuria, my feelings was hurt so much and I felt like tha..."

Before she could finish the phrase, Kanon felt a warm sensation on the lips.
Kumi was kissing her, like the last time, but this time Kanon repaid and kissed her back.

After the kiss they looked each other and Kumi said "When you saw me hug Yuria, well I was just make a point in what has been a 'small' relationship."

"Oh... I see. So now you are free."

"No, I'm not." Said, seriously, Kumi.


"No, now I'm yours, and you are mine." She smiled kindly, that made Kanon blush.

"Ah! You are a stupid, Kumi!" Kanon made a cute expression that made Kumi grin.

"Well, I'm your stupid."

"Yes, you are. Finally." Kanon smiled at her new girlfriend.

They hugged. Well, Kanon hugged Kumi.

"Well, it's time to go at home now."


They took their hands each other and started to go home.

Meanwhile, Jurina, that assist at all, smiling said to herself "And this is done. Well, now it's my turn to find someone." She grinned thinking at the one person that was in her mind: Rena.

On the way, the new couple was happy; they held their hand, strong. No one, now, could separate those two.

"You know, your mother was worried so much..."

"Yes, I saw the call... wait…"

"Your MOM!" they yelled the word "mom" together.

Once home, the two had a telling-off by Kanon's mother, but, it was fine because they were together and now, they will never let their hands.

That night Kumi has slept at Kanon's house, and she and Kanon remained all the night awake. They talked about everything, and they, finally, seemed happy.
On another side, Jurina, was on her bed, making a plans for conquer Rena.
Rena was at home, doing nothing.
Churi was dreaming about Jurina.

What was waiting for the girls?
What the fate reserved for them?
Well, who know, surely a lot of things will happen, but this is another story.

The End.

I hope you liked it!  :hee:

Thanks YOU ALL for read this chapter!
And thanks for waited me,and for check my Fics!
Really, Really THANKS:kneelbow:

See you next time with a new fic!  :byebye:

Thank You~
« Last Edit: November 29, 2012, 07:10:42 PM by Lightning »

Offline JuRikki

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Uwaaaa finally, they're together \(^^)/

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@JuRikki: Yes! Finally :°D
I'm glad ;w;

Offline Lightning

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Hi guys! How are you? :)
Today I'll post a wMatsui OneShot and one of my videos based on it!
Hope you like it :)

Sleeping Rena.

“«…At that kiss, the princess quickly opened her eyes, and waking from her long, long sleep, seeing the Prince beside her, murmured:

"Oh, you have come at last! I was waiting for you in my dream. I've waited so long!"

Just then, the spell was broken. The Princess rose to her feet, holding out her hand to the Prince. And the whole castle woke up too. Everybody rose to their feet and they all stared round in amazement, wondering what had happened. When they finally realized, they rushed to the Princess, more beautiful and happier than ever.

A few days later, the castle that only a short time before had lain in silence, now rang with the sound of singing, music and happy laughter at the great party given in honor of the Prince and Princess, who were getting married. They lived happily ever after, as they always do in fairy tales, not quite so often, however, in real life.»


Wow! It was long! And such a romantic story. Really! Only you could like a story like this. Rena, you are a such romantic girl.
But I have to be honest, umh, I liked it.”

Jurina smiled shyly. 

“Umh, now? What can we do?

I have not another book with me, but tomorrow I'll take one from the library and I will start to read a new story to you.

But what can we choose.”

She started to think.

“Well, we have already read “Cinderella”, “Snow White” and now “Sleeping Beauty”.
What do you think about a saga like “Harry Potter” or “Twilight”?

Emh, maybe, another time: these sagas are too long and there are a lot of books.”

She started to laugh.

“Hey, Rena, do you remember when we were at school, time ago?
You were a newcomer, and you were always alone, without friends.”

On Jurina's lips, a sad smile appeared.

“You were bullied by different girls.

Every time I saw you, I stared at you, speechless.
Your beautiful eyes, so deep, so unreachable, but with a sad veil.

So I decided that I would want remove that veil.
One day, I sat in front of you and we started to talk.
You were so kind and sweet, as I had imagined.”

She smiled again: this time sweetly.

“We had a lot of fun from that day.
Do you remember, Rena, that day on the bike?
You insisted. You really wanted to ride it: and so you did it.

I sat behind, and I hugged you by the back.

It was so beautiful. I could feel your happiness, your smile, your beautiful smile.

I thought that no one could come between us.
But I was wrong.”

This time, she bit her lips.

“A boy. A stupid boy.

We liked him.
We liked the same person.

But only me, I confessed to him, and the worst thing was that I asked you, no, I begged you, to take him to me.
And you, sadly, did it.

Then he refused me. I cried hard, and you when you saw me, you cried with me.

You weren't angry with me or else, you were just sad for me, and so you took me on the school rooftop with our friends, and together we saw the amazing view.

We looked each other in the eyes and we smiled: my heart, in that moment, beat fast.”

No one can imagine how sweet Jurina's smile could be.
Also in that moment, Jurina's heart beat fast.

“…Rena, can you tell me one thing?
Can you tell me why, why you are here?”

The smile that was on Jurina's lips disappeared.

“Why did you put yourself against those yankees.
For what? For "save" a girl.
Ah! Rena you are so much a kind girl: for you, always, the other are more important than yourself.”

There was an hesitation in her voice, broke by the rage.

“You were silly, Rena!
I know, that day, you won, against everyone. But... but they took their revenge.”

Now, the tears.
She was crying.

“That damn day in this hospital. A little girl. You... you got stabbed by her, by a little, stupid yankee.

And look at you now.
You are here, on this bed, in your deep sleep.

Just like Sleeping Beauty...

She dried her wet face and she stood up.

There was no one that hospital room. Only Jurina and Rena.
Everything was so clean and precise. And so quite.

Jurina approached Rena's bed; while she came closest, her beats became faster.
If Rena had been awake, she could hear them.

She caressed Rena's beautiful pale face's skin.
And slowly, she gave a soft kiss on Rena's lips.
Then, she look her beautiful princess and smile.

“Rena, I will wait until you will wake up.
And finally, we will stay together forever.

My Sleeping Rena.

Let me know what do you think with a comment :bingo:
Bye Bye :byebye:

A/N: The first part of Sleeping Beauty's Story is from: Sleeping Beauty   

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Re: OneShot + Video | Sleeping Rena | wMatsui [29/11]
« Reply #51 on: November 29, 2012, 08:07:26 PM »
I love it!! Even though it was sad. I want more Wmatsui.
Love the vid too. Added to my favourites in Youtube ^_^

Offline Dreamstalker

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Re: OneShot + Video | Sleeping Rena | wMatsui [29/11]
« Reply #52 on: November 30, 2012, 11:57:56 AM »
Uh... how sad. . .but i like it. .and i watch the vid too...!
Who knows how long I've been lost in the dark?

Offline Lightning

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Re: OneShot + Video | Sleeping Rena | wMatsui [29/11]
« Reply #53 on: December 01, 2012, 06:13:07 PM »
@CheesyBits: CheesyBits, I've already thanked you, but again thanks :P
@Dreamstalker: Sorry for the sadness >_< but thanks u.u

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Re: OneShot + Video | Sleeping Rena | wMatsui [29/11]
« Reply #54 on: December 01, 2012, 07:17:11 PM »
what a sad story Jurina Rena so much that she will wait for her  :mon waterworks:
I wanna more Wmatsui but I wanna a happy ending please :mon cute:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline Lightning

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Re: OneShot + Video | Sleeping Rena | wMatsui [29/11]
« Reply #55 on: December 01, 2012, 07:48:58 PM »
what a sad story Jurina Rena so much that she will wait for her  :mon waterworks:
I wanna more Wmatsui but I wanna a happy ending please :mon cute:
I know it's sad >A<
I will write a fanfic with an happy ending next time :P

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upload you are a stupid

I'm really curious   :roll:

Offline Lightning

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upload you are a stupid

I'm really curious   :roll:

Emh I've already posted it :)
There --> [/url]

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uuh is true

thaanks for tell me   :D
 this fanfic is great!  :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: OneShot + Video | Sleeping Rena | wMatsui [29/11]
« Reply #59 on: January 03, 2013, 05:06:52 PM »
Your video, timing, and story are all REALLY good! :twothumbs

Please do more on this sister-like couple! :grin:

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