Hi, guys. Well, here is chapter one. Sorry of it's boring.....
Chapter OneI’m lying in the bed, trying to sleep. But every time I close my eyes her face pops up. I can’t stop thinking about her. She is quite clumsy yet so beautiful.
What is this feeling? Every time I think about her, I feel my body warming up. I get butterflies in my stomach. I want to see her. I want to kiss her. I want to touch her. Wait! Could it be….? I’m falling for her?!?!
I never thought that I could ever experience this feeling. Love. I have never dated anyone.
My name is Maeda Atsuko. I’m 21 years old and I have a daughter. Her name is Ayumu and she is 6 years old. Yeah she is my real daughter. I gave birth to her when I was 15 years old. I know what people think, that I’m a slut. They talk behind my back and because of that I really don’t have any friends except my best friend, Oshima Yuko. Yes that Oshima Yuko. She is the center of AKB48.
“Stop!!!!” a girl started screaming.
“Don’t move. I’m going to be gentle” said a man in his middle 40’s.7
“No, please…..” the girl started crying. She fought him, but she couldn’t beat him. He is a man.. and she is just 15 years old…
“PLAK” she slapped her face. More tears keep coming from her eyes. She is scared. She know what is going to happen. She wants to scream but no one is going to hear.
“It won’t hurt so much IF YOU STOP MOVING” said the man ripping the girls shirt. He attacked her neck kissing it roughly. She kept screaming, begging him to stop but that only made him more turned on.
He pushed her on the bed. He started squeezing her small breasts with his one hand and with the other hand he unzipped her shorts…… taking them of.
“Please, stop…..” said the girl crying and begging. The man on the other hand was exited and…. Ready.
The girl kept on struggling but the only thing that got her was only bruises.
Finally the girl stopped like life had left her. She stopped moving, struggling, screaming. Only tears were coming out.
~~~~~~~END OF FlashBack~~~~
I keep on remembering that scene. And I keep thinking why did that happened to me? What did I do? That day was a very important day for me. And yet that just had to happen…….
~~~~RING RING~~~~
I was startled as I heard my phone ringing which caused me to fall of the bed……
And here I’m on the ground…
“Moshi Moshi.” I said as I got up and slowly walked out of the room to check up on my angel.
“Acchan” said the girl on the other side.
“Ah, Yuko?”
“Uhm. What are you doing now?”
“I was……” I paused for a moment...
“Acchan, why do you keep remembering that?”
“I don’t know, Yuko. I just can’t erase it.” I said tears starting to build up.
“I know. Do you want me to come over?”
“No, it’s okay.”
‘So why did you called this late?”
“Ah, gomen. Did I wake Ayumu – chan?”
“Let me, see. I’m in front of her room.”
I slowly open the door and see the little angel, sleeping. I walk up to her and kiss her on the forehead as I pull the blanket over her.
“She is still sleeping.” I said quietly as I walked out of the room.
“Ah… A new girl was added in AKB48.”
“Eh? Only one?”
“Uhn. It's strange, but she is cute and I saw her dancing. That girl is GOOD.”
“Haha. I see someone is exited. So, why are you telling me this?”
“I want you to meet her.”
“I think you can make a cute couple. Haha”
“Mou… Yuko!!!”
“Gomen, gomen. I want to see you. Me and her decided to go out tomorrow. Are you busy?”
“Well, tomorrow, Ayumu has kinder garden."
“So, you will come!” I hear she is very excited.
“Okay, I guess I’ll come.”
“Yey…. Tomorrow 10:00 o’clock in front of SkyTree.”
“Okay, bye”
I can’t say I’m excited for tomorrow. I don’t want to see her, I want to see HER.
I hear the little angel looking for me in the hallway. I go to her and pull her up in my hands.
“Why are you not slepping, Ayumu?”
She yawned and rubbed her eyes slowly. She looked up at me with her beautiful eyes. I don’t regret giving birth to her.
“Who were you talking to, Mama?” she asked.
“Ah, gomen. Did I wake you up?”
“Uhn..” she said half sleeping.
“Let’s put you to sleep.”
I walked in the her room and laid her down.
“Mama, sleep with me.” She said making a puppy expression.
“Okay, but just for tonight, okay. I don’t want to spoil you.” I said as I lied down next to her.
I kissed her forehead and watched her face for some minutes. I can’t say that I was happy…. I didn’t want that to happen. And I surely was not picturing me being pregnant at 15. But I don’t regret it, because I have my angel beside me. “I love you”…..
~~~~~~~~The next day~~~~~~~
“Are you ready, Ayumu?”
“Uhn” she said happily.
“Let’s go.”
I walked while she was skipping happily. It reminded me of her again. Will she bump into me like yesterday.. I keep on daydreaming again and I didn’t notice that we were at the kinder garden.
“Mama..” she said worriedly pulling my hand.
“We are here.”
“Ah…. Gomen. Come here.”
I gave her a hug and kissed her on the fore head.
“I love you, be careful, okay.”
I keep watching her get inside. That reminded be about the best and the worst day of my life……
I feel so nervous. My heart is going to explode any minute. I keep walking in circles. My dream is to be an actress. And here I am auditioning for a GROUP AKB48.
What the hell am I doing here? I don’t want to be a singer. I WANT to be an ACTRESS!!! Mom, this is your fault. I know this can help me become an actress, but still…….. AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“I’m going to announce the girls who past the audition.”
AH!!!!!!! I feel so nervous right now. What if my name is not there? Atsuko, calm down, calm down! HOW CAN I CALM DOWN. MY WHOLE LIFE IS DEPENDING ON THIS CHANCE! AAAAAHHHHHHH!
“…………and Maeda Atsuko. This is all. Tomorrow at 10 o’clock, you have to be here! Have a nice day!”
WHAT!!!!! I DID IT. I can’t believe it. I’m crying. And that are tears from joy.
The girls started screaming and hugging each other. I on the other hand was numb. I still couldn’t believe it.
“Congratulation” said anonymous girl one. “Congratulation” said anonymous girl two. I smiled back and said the same.
~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~
I star heading up to meet Yuko and the other girl. In the distance I see Yuko and a small figure. I slowly reach them.
They are talking so they didn’t really see me standing behind them. I examine the girl. Small, thin body. Short hair, ribbon…………
Can it BE?!?!
“Ah, Acchan. You are here.” She said as she hugged me tight.
“Y – Yuko.. I.. I c – can’t b – breathe…”
“Ah… Gomen.” She said as she laughed. The girl chuckled cutely.
“This is Maeda Atsuko.”
“Acchan, this is…….”
I turn look at her and I’m surprised to see her. Is this faith or something. My heart starts beating fast and faster. She looks stunning with that white pink dress and pink ribbon. She looks like….. well a GIRL.
“…..Takahashi Minami.” I said cutting off, Yuko.
“We meet again.” She said smiling brightly. Showing her dimples.
“Yes, we meet again.” I said blushing.
We keep staring each other like there is no tomorrow… I love her eyes ..