Hey, guys! The lazy author is back again for another RenAirin one-shot!
Replies:@sakura_drop_: lol. Calm down, sakura! Control your hormones!

You can have him if you want
@White Hawk: Thank you so much for reading all of it!

I'm glad that you enjoyed it and you're welcome and I hope you will enjoy this one!
@Pandah: Yooo!

hahaha, no problem! Make sure you enjoy reading this one or else... naah, I'm just kidding.
A/N: It's a short one-shot. Enjoy!
Follow Your Heart (RenAirin)We were lying on our backs on the ground staring at the dark sky above us. Stars hung beautifully at the heavens. Rena-san was humming a tune beside me and it makes my mind and heart at ease. We didn’t talk but we enjoyed each other’s company peacefully. I closed my eyes, trying to relax myself from all the hard work for the couple of weeks and also from the lack of sleep.
Rena-san stopped humming and I opened my right eye, curious to why she had stopped. She looked as if she was in a deep thoughts looking at the stars as her expressions constantly changes. Her usual calm face turned into a frown and she bit her lower lip and I was thinking if something has came cross to her mind.
“I’ve been wondering about some things lately, Airin.”
“Are you thinking about work?” I opened both of my eyes and turned my head to look at her.
“No, about other things.” She said. It was almost a whisper but I could hear her clearly. It piqued my interest because I could see a little red hue covering her cheeks.
“I don’t know how to handle this situation, Airin. It’s just that my mind is telling me one thing and my heart is telling me a different one.” She heaved out a sigh and she closed her eyes with her hands.
“It would be the best if you just follow your heart than your mind. Sometimes our minds can change easily but it’s the heart that knows what is best for you.” I don’t know if it was the best encouragement but that’s the only thing that I could think of.
She turned to look at me, making an eye-contact that took me off guard. She looked deeply into my eyes and I felt like I was about to drown looking at her strong gaze. A serious look was written all over her face and it makes my heart racing for unknown reason.
“Do you like me, Airin?”
My world had stopped.
I blinked my eyes a couple times praying that all of this was just a dream. A dream that I’ve always dreamt about countless time. Millions of thoughts came running to my head on what to reply and one thing for sure is that I didn’t want to say something stupid to her about my true feelings that I’ve kept from her ever since I laid my eyes on her.
“W-what a-are you talking about, Rena-san? Of course I like you.”
“Is that so?” Her expression didn’t change and somehow my heart started to race even faster than before. I cursed myself over my bland answer. How am I supposed to answer to that type of question?
A question that was asked from the person you have unrequited feelings for?
After shrouding in uncomfortable silence, something that I would not ever forget happened…
Rena-san leaned closer and place a tender kiss on my lips and I was sure I was about to faint from the blood that came rushing down my body and the heat from my burning cheeks.
A sweet smile adorned her lips as she said, “I’m thinking with my heart.”
“You should be more honest about your feelings, Airin. Follow your heart, remember?” She winked playfully and the most embarrassing thing was, I was crying tears of joy. She chuckled and pulled me into a tight hug.
“I love you…”
Sorry for any mistakes...