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Topic: First Love [MaYuki] - OS COMPLETED (Read 3415 times)
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First Love [MaYuki] - OS COMPLETED
March 30, 2013, 03:03:03 AM »
First Love [MaYuki One-Shot]
A/N: Hello readers! This is my first time making One-Shot of MaYuki. Please do comment and review. Thank You
“You’re flirting again to the patients of yours” The black long haired girl said in an annoyed voice
“Oh.. I didn’t know.. Are you jealous? Nurse Kashiwagi?” The black haired boy teasingly said while his arms are resting in the counter of the Nurse Station
“My ass!” Nurse Kashiwagi said and rolled her two big round eyes
“Yuki Language!” Nurse Matsui Rena said to her best friend and the Doctor only chuckled at the situation
“Mayuyu.. You always teased Nurse Kashiwagi...” The Handsome Doctor said
“Dr. Miyazawa!” Yuki said cheerfully and smiled brightly
“Hello. Yuki-san. Sorry if Dr. Watanabe is always teasing you. He just do it to become your good friend” Dr. Sae said and smiled which Yuki melt inside
“Oh! Really?” Yuki said sarcastically to the blushing Doctor
“Hmp. I will choose to be friend to other nurse than you. Miss Reaction Queen!” Mayu angrily said and leave the embarrassed Yuki and Rena only chuckled
“You... Mouse!” Yuki shouted and the people around them are starring at Yuki
“Eh? Yuki-san, do you mind having coffee with me?” Sae asked to escape the looks of the people
“U-Uh.. Sure.. Dr. Sae” Yuki said in embarrassment
Mayu POV
Why she always pushing me? I teased her to have a conversation with her because she didn’t seriously talked to me although we know each other since college. Is she hate me that deep that she didn’t accept my friendship again?
Actually, I am not flirting with my patients. I am being nice to them. And what’s wrong with her? She is flirting with my co-doctor, Dr. Miyazawa and I always acting angry but deep inside, it hurts so much.
She is my First Love.
“Heart problem? Dr. Mayuyu” One of my closed friend, Dr. Matsui Jurina.
I just ignored his question and remained to my work
“Are you D.E.A.F?” He said in my ear loudly and I immediately smacked him
“Ouch! That hurts! Mayu” Jurina whined
“It’s your fault not mine” I said coldly
“Seriously, just kissed her and the problem will solved immediately!”
“Yeah right... You kissed Rena-chan in front of our meeting with higher official in this hospital and we also saw how she beat you to death” I said in a bored tone
“But it works! We are 3 years engaged to each other” Jurina said proudly
“Jurina, I’ve been friends with that two and all I can say that Rena and Yuki have a very dark side and if we ticked it, were doomed....”
“.....” The two went silent and cold chill are running in their spine
“Jurina” Rena said
“Rena-chan!” He hugged Rena tightly and he playfully pinched Rena’s ass
“J-Jurina” Rena blushed and smacked Jurina’s head
“Ouch!” Jurina whined
“Haha! It’s deserve you!” Mayu mocked at pouting Jurina
“Let’s go. It’s 5 PM already” Rena said
“Okay, I will just arranged my things” Jurina then leave and moved to his desk
“Mayu, do you want to dinner with us?” Rena asked his friend who are busy
“No, thanks Rena-chan. I am busy, you know” Mayu said
“Really?” Rena says and went to Mayu’s computer and expected from him, he just busied himself at playing games
“Yeah... Your very busy...” Rena teased Mayu who immediately blushed
“Hey Rena-chan, I’m finished. And don’t invite Mayu to our
r-o-m-a-n-t-i-c date” Jurina said
“Jurina, don’t be rude to Mayu”
“It’s okay Rena-chan...” Mayu said and smiled
“You know, Jurina. I have a crush on Mayu when we are in college days” Rena smirked
“Eh? Really? This little mouse is your crush?”
“I’m not little..”
“Really? I am taller than you” Jurina mocked
“One centimetre taller than me” Mayu countered
“Both of you stop... Jurina, let’s go and Mayu don’t over work yourself” Rena said
“Thanks Rena-chan...”
Before the two leave,
“One more thing Mayu..... Make a move before it’s too late” Rena said in a very serious voice and they leave dumbfounded Mayu
“Yuki-chan?” Sae asked the spacing out nurse
“Eh? Sorry Sae-kun” Yuki said and bowed to the handsome doctor
“Actually, Yuki-chan. I invite you to this cafe because I have an important to say to you”
“What is it Sae-kun” Yuki innocently asked while munching a blue short cake
“I, Miyazawa Sae is telling you----“
“Yukirin” Mayu said while Yuki’s eyes are widen
“Oh, Dr. Watanabe..” Sae smiled
“Back off Sae. She’s my girl” Mayu said in a deadly voice
“W-What?!” Before Sae continue his word she immediately drag Yukirin
“Hey Mayu! Stop that! You will hurt Yuki” Sae said and touch Mayu’s shoulder and Mayu immediately punched him and he passed out
“Sae-kun, Why did—“ Yuki asked
“Let’s go” Mayu said and grad Yuki to his car
“Why did you do that to Sae?! Mayu! Are you out of your mind?!” Yuki asked but Mayu is still silent
“What the fuck Mayu?! Answer me!” Yuki said and a black aura is emitting to the air and make Mayu snapped and stop the car to his condo unit
“I don’t want you to be Sae’s girlfriend because I love You!” Mayu shouted angrily and he didn’t realize what he said
“Y-you love me?” Yuki hesitantly asked
“Yes, I really love you, You are my first love” Mayu said truthfully and sincerely
“Oh... Mayu... I love you too...” Yuki said crying and hugging Mayu
“Sorry Yukirin for leaving you. I will not do it again. Promise” Mayu said and kissing Yuki’s soft hair
“Why did you leave?” Yukirin asked
“I will answer that if we’re going inside” Mayu said
“okay” the two headed
“We are here, so answer my question” Yuki said
“Impatient are we?” Mayu teased and Yuki who rolled her eyes
“Anyway, to answer your question. I leave you because my mother didn’t like you. And I don’t know why but I presumed that she wants a rich girl to my girlfriend”
“I planned to confessed you after graduation and want us to married immediately and when mom hear it from I and Rena’s conversation, she is furiously mad and black mailed me. If I am going to marry you, I will not going to States for Master Degree. Actually, I promised my Father that I will Master my course in the States that he didn’t do because of lack of money and he died and wishing to complete the dreams that he wants. So, I decided to leave you. I know I am selfish friend and lover but what can I do? I just go to the flow but I surely secured to have a contact with Rena to be take care of you and no one will courting you. Lately, I found that she is only my stepmom and my mom died after giving birth. After I got my Master Degree, we separate ways and I am back to Japan to search to you.
“I see. That’s why Rena is over protective to me that I thought that she’s having a romantic feelings towards me” Yuki said blushingly and Mayu only chuckled
“Anymore question? I want to get my reward” Mayu said with a pervert smile and kissed Yuki while he groped Yuki’s breast
“Mayu! Hentai!” Yuki shout and return the kissed passionately
“I love You, Mayu! I love you too Yuki!”
Last Edit: October 21, 2017, 08:26:56 PM by sophcaro
I am a fan of AkB48.
I really love their songs.
I really like their fan fiction.
Posts: 582
Re: First Love [MaYuki One-Shot]
Reply #1 on:
March 30, 2013, 03:16:13 AM »
this fic is very cute
and i love how mayu came back for yuki
stupid step mom
dont worry sae, mayu would never hurt yuki, although she did knock you out
oh and thanx for reading the mayuyu b-day fic
, i'll try to grant your request of making a wmatsui ft. mayuki fic, but im not very good
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.
Posts: 248
Retired writer
Re: First Love [MaYuki One-Shot]
Reply #2 on:
March 30, 2013, 05:53:30 AM »
*speechless* <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Posts: 69
Re: First Love [MaYuki One-Shot]
Reply #3 on:
March 30, 2013, 09:03:56 AM »
omg, so cute cute i love it!
ahaha, wmatsui moments so cutee ~ <3
stupid step mother don't get in mayu life.
AHAHA sae got knock out with only one punch xD
nice fic! please continue!
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