
Blood Curse
NOTE: Speaking of vampires, in this story, the vampires are ranked. The highest class, A, of course is Pureblood, followed by rank B, C, D, and the lowest of all, E.
Pureblood is the most powerful vampires in the vamp world. They ruled, like a king, or a ruler in the country. They are high, noble class vampires, and the blood that flows in their body is pure vampire blood. They could control their thirst, their animal instinct very well, as they are trained. They have charming, beautiful appearance that surpassed the beauty of human. Of course, they’re pale. But their eyes can be in different colour, other than red. They can fight, and they can be fierce if they had to. By the way, only Pureblood can blooded someone, despite their pure vampire blood could make a man changed into a vampire. But only if the man’s blood could mixed with it.
Rank B, is slightly lower than Pureblood. The only thing is they don’t rule. They obeyed the rules that set for them. They have most of the feature of pureblood, but their blood isn’t pure as them. Mostly of them are mixed, whether from human or another vampire… They are still classify as noble high class vampire, but not as noble as the pureblood. Their eye colour is deep red, reflecting the maturity of the Rank B vampires.
Rank C, is where humans were bitten and changed into a vampire. They have no logical thinking; the only thing they want is blood. They are always thirsty, craving for blood. But in this Rank, these vampires had the same feature as human. No inhuman powers, no super strength or whatever. These are just low immortals who are just craving for blood.
Rank D, vampires who can’t get enough of blood. They craved, they hunt, for blood. Blood is the most important thing in their life now. Their eyes are bright red, and their features are uglier than a human. They lose their mind. Almost every Rank C vamp fall into this Rank.
Rank E, vampires who are need to be extinguished. The only thing they want is to quench their thirst, and they will not satisfy. They can’t control their animal instinct, and they always find a way to get more blood; fighting, killing, biting… They are insane, they are unstoppable. And the only way to stop them is to kill them, by the vampire hunter association, of course. They are animals. Animals who lose their mind, and let their instinct led the way. Rank C and D will always fall to this Rank, if they can’t suppress the instinct and thirst carefully.
Mansion of the pureblood: Yuko, Takamina, Jurina.
The mansion is big, spacious, like those you seen in the early 1800. The mansion is beautiful, with fountains, green lushly garden, huge rooms, and classic dining rooms and so on. So, this mansion is unmanageable without servants. The servants are humans, while the masters are purebloods. Purebloods are like those high class people, so those servants didn’t notice anything. Well, except they kept serving their masters red liquid. But they could only keep quiet. They could not talk about their masters. It was against the rules. If they were caught, their blood may end up in their masters’ glass.
Vampire Hunter Association: Vampire hunters. Those who hunt Rank C to E and extinguished it into ashes. This is a secret work, where the government of that era didn’t notice that there are vampires roaming in the town. Each of them have their own territory, and they earn rewards by seeing who kill the most Rank E vampires.
So yeah… This is a brief explanation of my kind of vampire story.

Yes. Enjoy the moment of KojiYuu part 2.

I re-edit already

2nd Curse: Lust curse?Define Vampire.
-An immortal that was stunning, beautiful and charming other than humans. Feed on human blood.
Define Pureblood.
-An immortal that was stunning, beautiful and charming other than humans. Feed on human blood.
Yuko, Jurina and Takamina was sitting at the mansion’s library, taking the annual test that they father had prepared.
“Ouch! What th- TAKAMINA!!” Yuko roared as Takamina hurled a book towards her head, and then took her paper away. The captain glanced at the paper, eventually laughed, mocking Yuko.
“Your definition of Vampire and Pureblood are the same! Pfft. Hey Jurina, look at this!” Jurina titled her head, reading Yuko’s answer. Meanwhile, Yuko was busying chasing Takamina in the library, trying to get her revenge.
“Yuko-sama, vampires and Purebloods aren’t the same, y’know.” Jurina put the paper beside her, back to answer the questions peacefully.
“I know. I’m just too lazy to think.” Yuko could feel the heat inside her body rushed up, as she took the paper and sat beside Jurina. Takamina watched the squirrel was seated, and then she only come out and sit down.
The brown hair midget sat down, leaned down her head on the table, pouting. She tried to think but none of those information were useful enough for answering the paper. She turned and looked at Jurina, who was scribbling non-stop since the moment she got the paper. She looked back her paper, rolling the pencil side by side, hoping to know the answers.
“Gah… All these thinking make me thirsty…” Yuko said in a tone of annoyance. She glared at Jurina, but she still continuing answering, ignoring Yuko. The midget pleaded with puppy eyes, making Jurina flinched watching the cute squirrel pouting. The dense kid sighed, used her razor sharp fangs pierced her wrist, making an opening for Yuko. Yuko was delighted and she started licking Jurina’s wrist hungrily. Takamina saw, drooling beside her. Jurina noticed Takamina was staring at Yuko, shook her head.
“After Yuko, you may have some, nee-sama.”
So, in the end, during dinner time, she drank almost twenty glasses of blood, in order to replace the blood she lost in the library.
“Ah~ Jurina was so cute and her blood is so tempting…” Yuko’s thoughts were wondering around ten years ago, when they were just kids. Takamina was sipping her drink, while touching the part where Yuko just hit her hardly. She was just entering the bath, and was greeted by a flying bin. It knocked down her, not knowing what had just happen. She only saw Haruna was blushing, and the furious midget.
They were at Takamina’s room, chatting. It was almost dawn.
“Where’s Jurina?”
“Probably off with Rena.”
“They’re dating?”
“Beats me. I think so. Maybe.” Takamina rubbed her head, softly.
“… Did you feed Haruna?” A sudden question by Takamina, making Yuko became a little angry.
“I tried to. In the bath just now. And it was perfect until you rushed in. Bakamina.” Yuko smirked.
“Who are you calling Bakamina? Respect your sister!” Takamina raged. She didn’t like people calling her Bakamina. Its sounds stupid… wait, it is stupid.
“Whatever. I’m going back to my room and feed her right now, is there anything?” Yuko walked to door, pausing her steps.
“Nah, nothing. Just remember to tell Jurina about the newcomer. Don’t let her suspense anything…” Takamina trailed off, as she gulped down the liquid.
“Ok, I’ll be off then. You better come back home by afternoon, if you’re finding your Atsuko today.” Saying, Yuko closed the door behind her, and walked away.
“Gah… Why I am so thirsty?” Haruna grumbled and walked down the hallway. The place was decorated as grand as ever, like a palace. There were luxurious statues lining up the pathway with beautiful paintings hanging against the walls. She gasped and looked around curiously, felt so lucky that a poor commoner like her could enter a grand mansion. With her thirst, she kept walking down the hallway, not knowing where to go. She passed many rooms, pictures, kitchen…
She stopped when she saw the back kitchen’s door was leaving ajar. Maybe she could ask some of the servants to give her a drink…
Haruna saw a servant was gripping her wrist, with blood flowing out.
The suffered from her throat became uncontrollable when she saw the scene. Her throat was burning as she clenched her teeth, holding something back. She did not know what was it, but something was urging her to dash in the back kitchen, and…
“…No,” Haruna shook her head vigorously. “…I can’t… No way… I’m not a…”
Before she realized, Haruna was already grabbing the servant’s wrist, showing her fangs and blood red eyes were piercing through the girl’s orbs.
“What?!” Both Yuko and Takamina jolted out from the hysterical scream. Takamina dashed out from her room, and stared at the shocked Yuko with widen orbs.
Something clicked in Yuko’s mind, and she started running towards the scream. As she was near the back kitchen, she could hear a crying tone pleading for mercy. Her dead serious face was shown to some of the servants whom where observing the scene shockingly. One of the servants trembled, telling Yuko about the incident.
Yuko just smirked and went into the back kitchen. As she thought, the new born vampire was draining the servant’s blood hungrily. She smacked Haruna hardly, and threw the corpse to the servants and ordered them to dispose it. They nodded and went to do their job.
“Ano… Yuko-sama, d-do you want me to… call the… Vampire Hunter Association?” A servant girl asked with a frightening tone.
“No. They’re not needed. I will take care of this vampire.” Yuko said with a stern tone as she cradled the fainted Haruna. The girl made way for them, and wanted to back away, but was called by Yuko again.
“Tell the servants: Do not utter a word about this incident, if not, you all will be gone for the rest of your lives.”
The deadly glare of Yuko managed to make the girl scrammed away. She let out a sigh, cradling Haruna back to Yuko’s room. Takamina rushed to the scene, almost bumped into Yuko.
“What’s with that scream?”
“Oh nothing. Just a new born vampire was thirsty and attacked one of the servants in this mansion.”
“You sounded like its normal. It’s not normal, Yuko. The servants did not know our real identity. They will freak out if they found a crazy vampire let loose.” Takamina crossed her hands, sulking.
“Well, whose fault is it? Let me guess… I was trying to feed Haruna in the bath, while somebody came in and make a lot of noise until her…”
“OK,OK. FINE. IT WAS MY FAULT. Happy?” Takamina interrupted.
“Now you knew nee-sama.” Yuko put Haruna down on the soft mattress. She wiped the blood stained on her mouth.
“Owh…” Haruna blinked and rubbed her cheek. The pain still attached to her face, making her growled as she tried to sit up. She noticed that Takamina and Yuko were staring at her, with an unhappy face. What did she do? She can’t remember until she attacked a servant…
Pieces of memories collapsed together. She remembered. She was… draining her blood as she was sobbing. But she just kept on, sucking the blood. She could still feel the warm blood flowing down her burning throat…
“Yuko… a-am I a-a-a vampire?” Haruna broke down, crying. Both of them looked at each other, and Yuko quickly pat Haruna’s head softly. Takamina was trying to calm her down, by saying some lame jokes that only made Yuko shrugged.
“Shh… Haruna… Listen to me, ok?” Both hands were placed at Haruna’s shoulder. She stopped crying, tearful innocent orange orbs were staring directly at the deep red orbs.
“Do you still remember the night that I’ve met you?” Haruna nodded a little, but eventually shook her head. Yuko smiled, and continued. “You were dying, Haruna, in the cold dark night…”
“You almost died, but I saved you. Do you want to know how?” The tall girl remembered clearly after listening to Yuko’s explanation. The image in her head was getting clearer as she saw a figure was whispering to her: “I could help you, but in return you must be my side, always.”
“I blooded you. Meaning, I’ve inject my vampire blood into your body. So, you’re not living as a human, but as a vampire.” Her orange eyes widen as she heard vampire. She was shocked; she was not human? Then that explains everything when she was attacking the girl… She was craving for blood!
“But then, you’re in Rank C. We are purebloods. The highest and most noble vampires in the vamp world.” Takamina looked away, saying.
“Don’t worry, nyan-nyan. You have the chance to become a pureblood…” Yuko coughed.
Haruna tilted her head, cutely, making Yuko blushed. “How?”
“By feeding on my blood, or Takamina’s. You can’t feed on human’s blood yet. If you do, you will drop to Rank D, or worst, Rank E. And will be extinguished by the vampire hunters.”
“That’s scary…so I just have to feed on your blood? Yuko-sama?” Haruna asked again.
“Yup. And I have a lot of blood for you!” Yuko showed her dimple, snuggled in Haruna’s embrace again. Takamina shook her head, and left the two alone in their own world.
“It almost evening… I should go and find Acchan before she gets mad at me…”
I removed the scene, and replace it with this.

Hope you all enjoyed.

Sorry to make you all dissapointed.