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Author Topic: SWEET JEALOUSY (AtsuMina OS) - COMPLETED  (Read 4902 times)

Offline fausto

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« on: August 30, 2013, 04:55:25 PM »
I dreamed about that last night, and I thought it was cute enough to write it here :sweatdrop:


Sapporo Dome concert

The tall girl was looking at the Soukantoku's back, who was talking to the next group to go on stage.
"It's gonna be okay, breath and smile, don't forget the change in the steps, okay?"

It was so weird to be here again, backstage, in the middle of this agitation. Honestly it felt like coming back home after a long time, remembering the gestures, the atsmosphere and the people. But she was also feeling like a stranger, like she went away for too long, like this wasn't her place anymore. And it was hard...

"AACHAN!!" screamed someone before jumping on her.
"Aah, Yuko." she said still looking at the midget.
"She's cool right? Everyone is always looking for her, more than ever, I don't know how she can manage all this..."
"Yes... She seems to enjoy that..."
"Aachan? You know she's having an hard time since you left, right? All the girls are counting on her to tell them what to do. Go talk to her..."

The Ace nodded, a little red that Yuko have seen cleared in her, and go see her lovely midget, who was now looking at the perf, behind the curtain. She hugged her from behind, arms around her tiny waist.
"Minami..." she whispered at her ear.

The general thrilled, it was so good to feel this embrace again, and her name said by such a sweet voice. Relieved, she let herself go against Atsuko's body, it felt so good...
"It's going well, right? They were scared to death, like us before"
"Hm" nodded Atsuko. "Minami?" she asked, facing the general.
"Hm? What's wrong?"
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, why?" frowned Takamina.
"Do you miss me?"
"What? Of course, why?"
"Dunno... I... You didn't come talk to me since it started..." pouted the Ace in such a cute way.

The general looked at this angel face and took her to a quieter place.
"Atsuko..." she said with a weak voice. "This is my job, you know it, I have to be everywhere for everybody. I don't even have the time to drink a glass of water! You being here it's... so good and so painful. i feel like you never left, it's like a really nice dream. But you're here just for one day, i'm so afraid that I get used to it again and..."
There was tears in her eyes now.
"I miss you so much, Atsuko, sometimes I can't even breath... Everyday I'm still looking everywhere and hope to see you. It's so hard to do this without you by my side, but I have to. I'm sorry for today, stay with me until the end, okay?"
Atsuko nodded, crying.
"Sorry for being so selfish. I miss you so much... Can we eat together tonight?"
Minami nodded before hugging her tightly.
"I love you, Atsuko. Forever"
"I love you too"

She smiled at her lovely Soukantoku and suddenly turned to the young girls.
"Kouhai! A big glass of water for your boss!!"
Impressed by the great Maeda, the girls immediatly obeyed.
"Wow, thanks! That should be you the general^^" laughed Minami
"They need to take care of you" she said before kissing her on the lips.
The great general blushed like crazy for the first time in a long time.

That was the "Atsuko effect".

« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 09:09:15 PM by sophcaro »

Offline chichay12

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« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2013, 05:06:08 PM »
Wahhhh i miss seeing acchan beside minami during their performance *sigh
Watttttt happpppeeennnnn to my atsumina?
Why their is so new photo of them together?
Why o why XD
Fausto thank u for this...
Its nice to see u again here with new os  8)
Pls make some more!!
U know atsumina smexy time *wink wink XD

Can wait to read more :on gay:

"Sorry for being so selfish. I miss you so much... Can we eat together tonight?"
Hmm i wonder what gonna happen next :on cigar:
« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 05:24:26 PM by Chichay12 »

Offline fausto

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« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2013, 05:20:18 PM »
@Chichay: Yes I know, I miss them too so much... :banghead: :banghead: I wish they would be more together, on pics, on twitter. Today I was thinking if all this was a joke, if Atsuko would have pass a year away from AKB and then came back like "Tadaaaa, this was a joke!!" I know this is silly, but I wouldn't mind... :nervous :nervous Thank you for your comment, I'm always so happy to see you in my fic! :heart:

@Rukaeru: I'm gonna go for Ruka-san, is it okay? :nervous Yeah, it was supposed to be short, but I NEED to do another one, maybe not very long but with sexy moments in it, this is a priority for my sake!!! :panic: :panic: By the way, I am sooo waiting for an update (long one!) on "Messy man...", PLUS, because I was late, I had to read like ten pages, and I couldn't read the smut part between Takamina and Aachan... I think I'm gonna die for this... No more of your smut scene on the pervy section...... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: This is more than I can take... :cry: :bleed eyes: Thank you anyway for your lovely comment, Rukan san :inlove:

Offline blakwhite

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« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2013, 05:34:43 PM »
woah fausto - san  :w00t:
sasuga, great OS  :thumbsup

pls make another one if u can  :oops:

Offline cisda83

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« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2013, 05:54:52 PM »
If only that was what happened in the back stage of the concert....

Well we can always dream... I guess...  :lol:

Oh... Atsumina was so sweet together...

Yeah... Takamina is really great.... but she really need to think about herself too...

But now with no3b as the last 1st generation....

What kind of trouble and pressure would Takamina feel...?

Thank you for the OS

Can't wait to see more Atsumina OS

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline lambie96

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« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2013, 02:40:54 AM »
like seriously, it's not possible to have too much atsumina at any given moment of the day. THIS WAS SOME MUCH NEEDED FANFIC FOR ATSUMINA FANS!!

but like seriously, these two totally just like disappeared from the web ever since Acchan's graduation. There hasn't even been like more than 10 incidences where the two were together for something in their private time. It's so nice to see them together again. My heart is at rest. lol.

Offline Archer1992

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« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2013, 02:46:03 AM »
I love Atsumina they're just so good together!!

thanks for this really all the fans from this couple needed

thanks again!!

^_^ update another soon when you have time...

Offline Haruko

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« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2013, 03:55:41 AM »
cute atsumina thanx

Offline Dianalrs

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« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2015, 09:16:42 PM »
They are so sweet  :heart:
I love the Atsumina  :love:

JPHiP Radio (32/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Crystal Kay - Baby Cop (feat. Mummy-D)