Hey everyone . . . . Sorry for the very late update. I have been busy cramming on my school work and I still haven't finished my research paper and our exams are already approaching

so I'm very tired . . . .

But I was able to finish this chapter . . . . Yehey!

Only one more to go until I finish this story!
(Yuu’s POV) ‘Wah, first day of school, I hope I could make new friends’ Actually, I don’t have many friends back in grade school. Many people avoided me because they say I have a dark aura surrounding me. And I think that is because of my long bangs which covered my eyes and thick glasses. But I didn’t mind because what is important is my inside character not my outside appearance that’s what I always thought.
I walked around the corridors looking for my classroom.
‘Here it is, class 1- A’Most of my classmates were already inside; they were introducing their selves and were talking about their hobbies, likes, dislikes, etc. I was standing at the door admiring my new classroom when suddenly, something bumped my shoulder.
“I’m sorry . . . “ I apologized to the person. Then my eyes widen and I stood there agape.
It was the first time that I saw something like her that stood here on Earth. It was also the first time that I, Oshima Yuu, was speechless to behold such being. Tall, long and silky brown hair, mesmerizing eyes, large ears, rosy cheeks, luscious lips, ample chest . . . . *sigh I'm already drooling. What is she?
A model?
An idol?
A princess?
An angel?
A goddess?
Perfect, that's what she is.
"Okay class, please go back to your respective seats” the teacher called
I settled myself at the back row of the room. After that the teacher told us to do a self- introduction.
When it was her turn, I can’t help but feel astounded. Everything about her is flawless.
“Kojima Haruna desu~ “ she called out in a cute voice.
‘Kojima Haruna . . . . . . such a beautiful name fit for a beautiful girl’ I drooled.
Kojima Haruna was the only name that I heard; I cannot remember the other names. Only ‘Kojima Haruna’. When it was already my turn, I was still drooling.
“Kojima Haruna . . . . . “ I said in a dreamy state. Some of my classmates looked at me weirdly and some of them are whispering something.
“Ah. . .Eh- . . . . . I’m Oshima Yuu . . . . Yoroshiku . . . “ I snapped out from my imagination. I took my seat and continue to stare at her.
‘Well that was embarrassing’She steals a glance and then looks away.
"Ne~ ne~ . . . I think she likes you. . . “My seatmate whispered.
"Wah, you think so? . . . “I replied. Then I noticed her stealing a glance at me again but this time with a pout on her face.
'Kawaii' I thought
"It's so obvious that she likes you" she chuckled
"How could you say that?" I asked
"Well look at her . . . I think she's jealous 'cuz we are whispering to each other"
"Nah. . . It can't be . . . "
"She likes you . . . And I think you like her too" she teased. I blushed at her statement, 'How could this girl know that I'm head over heels for Kojima Haruna?' I thought. She smirked at me "Bulls-eye"
"Will you please shut up?! . . . Just because she was looking at me, doesn't mean she likes me" I snapped. I'm getting tired of her teasing
"Why do you keep on denying?" She raised her voice a little
"Why do you keep on insisting?!" I raised my voice a little too high
"Oshima, Maeda . . . Leave the classroom at once!" The teacher glared at us while pointing at the door. The class chuckled but 'she' didn't look amused.
I dragged my two feet outside and my seatmate did the same.
We sat on the corridors leaning against the wall.
"Sorry, back then . . . . I didn't want to drag you into this" she started
"Nah, it’s ok. . . It’s my fault I shouted back there" I replied. "By the way, I’m Yuu, Oshima Yuu" I reached my hand out to her.
"Hmmmm. . . Yuu . . . " she smiled. "Atsuko, Maeda Atsuko . . . But please call me Acchan" she shook my hand.
"You know Yuu . . . It's very obvious that you like Kojima Haruna . . . "
"How?. . . " I asked
". . . 'Cuz everytime you look at her, you drool like an old man. . . . "
Several weeks have passed since school started. I was a notorious student due to my intelligence but some students don’t like me because I’m always favored by the teachers thus the started to call me Teacher’s pet behind my back. But I don’t care because I have my intelligence, my outstanding character and most of all, my best friend Acchan, whom I tell all my secrets to.
‘I’ve still got 15 mins. Until next period, I’m gonna take a nap.’ School Rooftop“It’s so quiet here” I said aloud
“Yes it is” someone replied
“Who is there? . . . . “ I asked
“Me . . . .”
I found myself staring to that perfect person. She approached me and smiled.
“What brings you here?” she asked
“I was planning to take a nap . . . I’ve got nothing to do” I answered
“He~ Sou ka?. . . . I always thought that you always go to the library and study because you’re an honor student . . . I never thought that you were so carefree” she teased
“Ummm. . . . from time to time I visit the library . . . . “ I blushed
After that I’ve got nothing more to say.
‘Gah, what should I do? I still want to talk to her . . . . C’mon Yuu, it’s your chance to be close to her. . . .C’mon brain think of a topic. . . . think, think, think!’ “ I’m sorry” she suddenly said.
I broke my train of thought.
“Eh ?”
‘Why did she apologize?’“You know, the first day of class. . . . I bumped into you. I still haven’t apologized”
“Ah. . . . It’s ok. I really didn’t mind” I assured her
“I still haven’t introduced myself to you properly. . . . . . My name is Kojima Haruna. Yoroshiku ne~ “ she smiled at me cutely
“A-ah . . . . Oshima Yuu . . . I’m sorry I called out your name during the introduction. . . . “ I blushed
“Aww. . . . It’s ok. I find it cute”
‘Cute? Me cute?. . . . My gosh I’m so embarrassed’“Ne~ Oshima- kun . . . . “
“Yuu is just fine . . . .”
“Well, ok then Yuu. Could you help me?”
“What about?”
“You know tests are fast approaching so I thought that you could be my private tutor. . . . .”
“M-Me?. . . . . Yo-Your private t-tutor?”
(. . . )
“Is that a no?. . . . “ she pouted
“Ah . . . That’s not it. . . . I agree to be your private tutor”
“Yehey!” she hugged me suddenly. “Arigatou Yuuchan~ ” I became red in an instant. It was the first time that I was hugged by a girl. Let alone the girl that I’m in love with hugged me. She let go and went towards the door.
“Let’s meet up tomorrow. Here at the rooftop after class” she waved and disappeared.
I was too stunned to move.
‘Yuuchan. . . . She just called me Yuuchan!’(End of Yuu’s POV)
(Acchan’s POV)I was munching my 3rd yakisoba pan while I was sitting down in the field when a sudden hurricane passed by me.
“Acchan!” he shouted
I flinched and choked the food that I was about to swallow.
“Acchan. . . are you alright?” he asked worriedly. He gave me a bottle of water and I drank it slowly. After I swallowed down the food I smacked his head hard.
“Itai . . . . “ he rubbed his head
“I could’ve died ! ! “ I shouted
"Gomen, gomen. . . But I have to tell you about something important. . . " he looked at me seriously.
"W-what is it?" I stuttered. Seeing him being serious all of a sudden makes me nervous.
"Please don't tell this to anybody else. . . You and I are the only ones who must know about this. . I can't keep this anymore!" He said as he clasped my hands.
"What is this about?"
"Promise me Acchan. . . Promise me that you won't tell anyone about it"
"I promise. Now tell me!"
"To tell you the truth . . . I- I. . . I'm actually.
A pervert" he whispered his last words
Well, I am not surprised so I gave him a ‘you-don’t-say?’ Look.
“So, when did you just discover this amazing realization?” I mocked him
“When Kojima- san called me ‘Yuuchan’ I began to imagine perverted stuff with her” he fidgeted.
“What?! She called you ‘Yuuchan’ ? . . . . Wow, amazing Yuu. . . after several weeks you have progressed this far. I’m so proud of you” I patted his shoulder.
“And what’s more, I became her private tutor! “ he squealed.
I never thought a guy could squeal. Gosh, my best friend is just so cute.
I pinched his cheeks.
“Yuu, listen to me. Do you love her?” I asked him seriously. He suddenly calmed down.
“What’s with that question?” he asked
“Remember the first day? I asked you if you like her but you denied. Now I ask you again, do you love Kojima Haruna?”
“ . . . . I do . . . . “
“What was that? I can’t hear you”
“. . . I said, I do! . . . “ he blushed.
“Awww. . . . You’re soo cute! “
“. . . Acchan, stop with the teasing . . . “ he pouted
“Okay now, jokes aside. When are you planning to confess?”
(. . . )
“Don’t tell me, you’re just okay with a one- sided love. . . . . “
“ . . . Just give me time. . . . I mean we have just become friends. I don’t want to ruin it this early”
“Well, okay. As long as you tell her how you feel towards her. So when will you start tutoring her? “
“Starting tomorrow, after class . . . ”
“So that means we would spend less time together . . . . “ I pouted
He pinched my cheeks.
“Baka~ Even though we would spend less time together, you’re still my irreplaceable best friend . . . “ he assured me.
“Hai, hai . . . “ I said as I rub my swollen cheek.
(End of Acchan POV)
(Haruna’s POV)
School RooftopSeveral days have passed since Yuuchan started tutoring me. We had fun and I learned many things about him. The more time I spend with him, the more that I fell in love with him. He is cute and energetic just like a squirrel. He is also smart but his appearance is not-so-good but I don’t care about his looks, I just love his personality.
“Ne~ The tests will start next week. . . . and I’m confident that I would get a higher score . . . . “
“Why so? . . . “ he asked
“Because . . . “ I leaned closer to him
“I’ve got the smartest student in our grade as my private tutor . . . . “ I smiled at him and he blushed
“A-Ah . . . Arigatou ” he scratched the back of his head
“Ummm. . . . Kojima- san . . . . I’ve got something to tell you . . . . “ he said seriously
*doki doki
My heart suddenly beat fast.
‘Is he going to confess? . . . Wah doushiyo? I’m still not ready . . . . although I like him . . . but I’m still not ready yet!’“Umm. . . . . Wo-Would you . . ummm allow me t-to . . . . . “
“T-To ? . . . “
( . . . )
“Wouldyoupleaseallowmetobringmybestfriend,Acchantotutorwithyou?” he bowed
“Please don’t be mad! Actually, my best friend, Acchan pleaded me to tutor her also. That’s why I’m asking for your permission if she could join us starting tomorrow?” he repeated again slowly as he raised his head
I sighed in relief.
‘Yokatta . . . . I thought he’s going to confess. . . . Ugh why do I feel a slight disappointment?’ “Well, I don’t mind at all !” I assured him
‘Actually, I do mind. . . . Now I won’t be with you alone’“Wah, as I expected. . . . You’re so kind Kojima- san!”
“Well, the more, the merrier . . . “ I murmured
Next Day; After Class
“Maeda Atsuko desu~ but call me Acchan. Yoroshiku ne Kojima- san” she smiled
“Ah . . . Me too Yoroshiku ne~ Acchan . . . . I’m Kojima Haruna but call me Haruna” I smiled back
“Now that you’ve formally meet each other . . . let us start” Yuu said as he opened his Chemistry book. “Rate Law Equation. . . . Do you have a problem here?” he asked.
Before I could raise my hand.
“Me! . . . . I could not understand it Yuu . . . “ Acchan pouted.
“Okay just remember the equation R= - (change in [A]/ change in Time) so that means R= - ( [A]f – [A]i / [ T ]f - [ T ] i ) . . . . . Just substitute the variables to their given values then simplify . . . . . Understand? ”
“Hai~ “ she answered cutely
“How about you Kojima- san? . . . . “ He looked at me
“A-ah. . . yes, thank you for explaining”
“Okay, the next one . . . . . “
Our lesson continued and I haven’t been paying much attention because that Maeda Atsuko is getting too close to Yuuchan. I glared at her and she just smirked. That look in her eyes is saying ‘I’m-not-giving-my-best-friend-to-you-easily’ and I replied with a ‘just-watch-I’m-gonna-make-him-mine’ look. The tension between us increased and Yuuchan sensed it.
“O-Okay, it’s already late . . . L-Let’s just continue tomorrow” he said nervously
“Yeah . . . let’s” I replied bitterly
This routine continued every afternoon until the last day of our tutoring lesson.
“Yuuchan is late . . . . “ I said to myself
“The teacher told him to do something . . . . He told me “ she said
I eyed her suspiciously
“Ne~ are you really best friends? . . . . . because every little thing you do with Yuuchan is not like what a best friend does”
“Jealous aren’t we? . . . . “ she smirked as she approached me.
“Look Haruna- chan . . . . Yuuchan and I are just best frie- no . . . We’re like siblings . . . and because of that I’m not going to give him to anyone easily . . . Even if it’s his beloved. . . . “
“What are you sayi- ? “
“All I’m saying is, if he is going to confess to you . . . . please don’t reject him. . . . I know that you also like him so please love him sincerely” she pleaded
“Un. . . . I promise” I said
She hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear.
“Please take good care of him . . . “
I was surprised but after several seconds I hugged her back. The door suddenly opened revealing a very surprised Yuuchan.
“W-Wh- . . . . . “
“Ah Yuu . . . You’re so late . . . “ Acchan said as she let go from the hug
“W-why are you guys- “
“Hugging? . . . . “ Acchan finished his sentence. “Why. . . are you jealous that I hugged your beloved Kojima-san?” she teased.
He and I blushed.
“Wh-What are you talking about?! . . . . . A-Any way, let us start our lesson”
Day of the Test‘He~ this is just a piece of cake . . . . I must thank Yuuchan after this’“Okay, time is up! Please pass your papers” The teacher declared.
Most of the students were murmuring about how the test was hard. I just chuckled and turned to Yuuchan, mouthed the words Thank you gave him a wink. He blushed
‘Aww . . . . He is so adorable’ .“The results will be out tomorrow so those who didn’t study please be prepared for the remedial classes” the teacher smirked as he left the room.
The Next Day“Wah! As expected from my best friend. . . . . You got the 1st Place! “ I heard Acchan shouting in the hallway
“ Hehehe . . . . Arigatou~ “ he replied
I went to see the results and there I saw. . . . .
My name
In the Last Place!!
I shout for joy and the people stared at me with confused looks.
“Well, well Haruna- chan . . . . It seems like you were not so stupid after all” Acchan smirked as she approached me
“You too . . . . “ I replied
“What is you rank Kojima- san?” Yuuchan asked me
“6th place! “ I bragged as I showed him a peace sign.
“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.. . . . “ Acchan shook her head disapprovingly
“Why are you clicking your tongue?. . . . Did you place better than me?” I asked her
She raised her hand. One, two, three, four, five. . . . . Five . . . No way. . .She placed 5th?!
“Hehehe . . . “ she chuckled
“No fair! “ I pouted
“Maa~ Maa~ . . . . “ Yuu tried to calm us down
“So what? You are nothing compared to Yuuchan . . . . He got the 1st place“
Suddenly students around me murmured
‘ . . . Ah, he placed 1st because of the teachers . . . . ‘
‘I heard the teachers gave him the answer key . . . . ‘
‘Really?. . . . he is such a cheater . . . .’
‘Not only that. . . . He is rumored to be a pervert as well . . . . ‘
‘Eww . . . . I’m not going to congratulate him . . . .’
‘Me also . . . . ‘
‘Why would they say that?. . . . Yuu is not that kind of person’“Ah, Kojima-san you placed 6th! Congratulations . . . . “ I turned around and saw Itano Tomomi and her gang smiling at me.
“Ah. . . Arigatou” I replied
Itano Tomomi, one of the most popular students in school she is also smart that’s why she ranked 2nd but she is also one of the mean girls.
“Kojima-san . . . I can’t help but admire your pretty face and your intelligence . . . . . would you like to join my group?” she asked me.
“B-but . . . . I. . . . “
“Would you like to join my group?. . . . “ she asked again but now with threat
“Y-Yes . . . I would love to join your group” I forced a smile
“Yes that’s the reply that I want . . . . Now, let’s go to the cafeteria. . . . “ she ordered
“O-okay . . . . “ I hesitantly tagged along with them. I look back to see Acchan and Yuuchan’s worried faces.
School Cafeteria"Ne~ That Oshima guy is so full of himself just because placed 1st . . . . Tsk. Such a teacher's pet. . . " Tomochin murmured to her friends
"Actually, he is very nice. . . " I replied
"How could you say that ?! Didn't you notice the treatments he received from the teachers and other students?. . . . That is so unfair! All he does is suck up to them. . . . " she snapped
Most of her friends agreed
"That's because he works hard, so people recognized his efforts. . . . " I stated as a matter-of-fact
"Wait. . . . Why are you defending him?. . . . " she looked at me suspiciously
"Don't tell me . . . You fell for that pervert . . " Kasai Tomomi, the right hand of Itano Tmomi added.
"I never thought you were that kind of person Kojima-san . . . . Since when did you stoop so low that you fell in love with that weird and pathetic pervert?"
All of them are giving me a disgusted look. Like I was a horrible kind of disease.
"N-no I'm not!. . . . How could you guys say that?. . . . He grosses me out. . . There's no way that I would like a guy like him!. . . " I lied
"Oh really? . . . . " She looked like she didn’t believe me
"Yes! Really, really! . . . "
"Then how about we make a bet? . . . . " she proposed
"Eh- ?"
"Within 1 month, you must make Oshima Yuu suffer. . . . "
"And. . . If I can't do it ? . . "
". . . We are going to make YOU suffer . . . " she threatened.
I didn’t pay attention to the class lecture because Itano Tomomi’s threat filled my mind.
After ClassI gathered my things, ready to go home but Yuuchan blocked my way.
“Umm. . . . Kojima-san, would you come with me for a bit . . . . “ he said nervously
“E-eh? . . . . Sure . . . “ I followed him towards an empty classroom.
“What is it that you wanted to say Yuuchan? . . . . “ I asked him
(. . . )
“Yuuchan??. . . . “
(. . . )
“Yuuchan what’s wron- “
"I love you! . . . " he exclaimed. "I fell in love with you when I first laid my eyes on you!".
"E-eh? . . " I was startled
". . . I love you. . . Seriously, I do . . . So please go out with me! " he looked into my eyes.
(. . . )
(. . . )
"A-ah. . . It's ok if you won't give me an answer now . . I'm willing to wait" he said dejectedly
We stood there in silence with the air of awkwardness surrounds us.
“I’m sorry for taking your time . . . . “ he started to leave
Just then, I remembered Acchan’s words
“ ‘If he is going to confess to you . . . . please don’t reject him. . . . I know that you also like him so please love him sincerely’ “
But I didn’t forget Itano-san’s threat
" ’Within 1 month, you must make Oshima Yuu suffer . . .If you can’t do it we are going to make YOU suffer . . .’ "I didn’t know what to do. I am so confused but my feelings got the best of me. I held him back, I grabbed his hands.
“I’ll go out with you! . . . . . “
“W-What?. . . “ he was surprised
“I want to be your girlfriend! . . . .”
( . . .)
“Yuuchan?. . . . “
( . . . )
“Yuuchan? . . . . “
I shook his shoulders.
“Hey, Yuuchan . . . . Did you hear me?“
He just stood there, frozen in his spot.
“Earth to Yuuchan. . . . Yuuchan are you there? . . . “ I shook him again
“E-eh . . . What happened?” he looked like he just woke up
“ I said . . . I want to be your girlfriend . . . . “
“Really?! . . . . Really, really?! You’re not joking right? . . . “
“Yes, yes . . . . . I am not joking, starting today I am Oshima Yuu’s girlfriend” I smiled
“Yatta! . . . . . I promise you, you won’t regret going out with me Kojima-san! “
“Would you please stop with the formality?. . . . I mean, I’m your girlfriend now right? . . . You should call me by my first name”
“Are you sure?. . . . “
“Of course I am! “ I held his face. “Now repeat after me, H-A-R-U-N-A”
“Ha-Haruna-san . . . . “ he blushed
“Now that’s more like it . . . . Now let’s go home” I dragged him outside the school.
(End of Kojima’s POV)
(Yuu’s POV)It’s been three days since Haruna-san became my girlfriend and the first one to know is-
“So when are you going to have a date?” she suddenly asked
Of course, none other than Maeda Atsuko.
“Well I was thinking tomorrow, I’m going to take her to the amusement park”
“Yeah, yeah . . . . Do that; also don’t forget to give me souvenirs!”
“Hai, hai . . . . “
“Okay class . . . . Please settle down . . . “ the teacher suddenly arrived. “I’m going to return your projects that you passed last week” he added.
After the projects were distributed I noticed that I haven’t received mine.
“Umm. . . . Sensei, where’s mine?. . . . “ I asked
“Oshima? . . . You didn’t get yours? . . . . Hmm, maybe you didn’t pass one” he answered
“That’s not true, I was the first one to pass!”
‘ . . . Show- off . . .’ someone scoffed
‘Teacher’s pet. . . .’ another one added
“Sorry but I haven’t seen your work Oshima”
“ . . . No way . . . . . “ I just sat down motionless.
“Yuu, are you okay? . . . “ Acchan looked concerned
“Un, I’m fine” I forced a smile
The class resumed afterwards
Lunch Break “Acchan, You and Haruna- san should go first . . . . . I’m going to the rest room”
“Sure, just do it quickly”
I ran with all my might towards the rest room. I’ve been holding this since 1st period. When I arrived I saw the sign hanging from the wall ‘Under Maintenance’ so I went upstairs to the 2nd floor’s rest room. After entering the cubicle I let it all out and I feel refreshed. As I went downstairs going back to the classroom, I was suddenly drenched with water and I heard giggling after wards.
‘4th time this week huh . . . . ‘ I took a detour towards the men’s lockers. I brought another uniform with me because I knew that this would happen again. And I haven’t told anyone about this, not the teachers, not my girlfriend and not my best friend. Of course if I tell them they would worry too much so it would be better if I keep this as a secret. After some time I returned to the classroom where my best friend and girlfriend are waiting for me.
“Yuuchan. . . . What took you so long?” my girlfriend pouted
“That’s right I already ate 5 taiyakis . . . . “ Acchan said as she eat her 6th one
“Gomen~ the rest room on this floor is under maintenance so I had to go to the 2nd floor” I said
I took a seat beside my girlfriend. “Ittadaki-“
“Kojima-san would you please come with us?. . . . We need to talk . . . ” I saw Itano Tomomi crossing her arms
“ . . . . Umm . . . Excuse me for a bit”
Haruna-san left us as we continued eating.
“Are they that close? . . . . “ I asked Acchan
“You should know better . . . . She’s your girlfriend . . . “
After several minutes Haruna-san returned but something is different about her. She was pale and she trembled for a bit.
“Haruna-san, are you okay?. . . . “ I asked her worriedly
“. . . Yes, yes of course. Why wouldn’t I be? . . . “ she replied coldly
Something was definitely off.
“Haruna-san are you available tomorrow? . . . . “
“ . . . . . Let’s go on a date. . . . . “ I whispered
“Oh, sure” she replied
“I’ll pick you up at your house?. . . . “
“Sure” she answered as she sat down beside me.
‘She’s acting weird’ Acchan mouthed
‘I know . . . ‘ I mouthed back
During the DateSomething is different about Haruna-san. When we rode the roller coaster she didn’t scream. And when we went inside the horror house she didn’t even flinch. Our last ride for today was the Ferris Wheel I wanted to see the view of the city from above with her along with the sunset. I hope she thinks that this is romantic. She sat across me as she admired the view outside..
“Haruna-san, did you enjoy our date? . . . “ I asked her nervously thinking that she felt bored with me.
“Yes I did, and having a ride on a Ferris wheel while enjoying the sunset is romantic . . . Arigatou Yuuchan for making this date enjoyable” she smiled
“Are you really sure? You’re not like your usual self”
“That’s not true! . . . “
She suddenly stood up causing our cart to sway a little. She lost her balance and fell on me.
“Omph. Are you alright Haruna-san? . . . Are you hurt anywhere?” I hugged her body
“ . . . Y-Yeah . . . I’m alright” she suddenly lift her head and my lips are centimeters from hers. I blushed at our close proximity.
“Well, that’s good . . . “ she still haven’t moved away from me.
She is so beautiful up close. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. My heart suddenly pounded faster.
“You know, if you got problems you can’t solve you can always count on me. I’m here for you . . . I’m your boyfriend right?” I stated as I caressed her cheek.
She drew closer; she took off my glasses and swept my bangs aside. It was the first time that she saw me without my glasses; it was the first time that she saw my eyes.
“So beautiful . . . . “ She breathed. “I didn’t thought Yuuchan’s eyes were so beautiful”
I locked my eyes with hers.
“No, yours are more beautiful . . . . Because everything about you is perfect and I don’t think I deserve someone as perfe-“
I didn’t finish my sentence because I was silenced by her kiss. It was soft and blissful, like a first kiss should be.
“Please don’t say that you don’t deserve me, in fact I don’t deserve you . . . . You are such a kind person yet- “
I pressed my lips against her. At first she struggled but she replied my kiss. I keep on caressing her face while she ruffles my hair. Our kiss intensified but because it was my first time, I keep on hitting my teeth with hers, but we still continued. We switched into a comfortable position where I was sitting on the seat while she was sitting on my lap. I trailed my kisses along her neck and she hugged me tight, I cupped her face and began to kiss her lips again. I was intoxicated by her kisses. She pushed her upper body against mine so I hit my head on the glass.
“Oww . . . “ I rubbed the painful area
“Oh, I’m sorry . . . I kind of pushed you too hard” she apologized
I give her a peck on the lips after that the door suddenly opened.
“Please get off now” the operator kindly said
“S-Sorry for being in an embarrassing position” I apologized
“It’s okay, I really don’t mind I’ve been immune to those kind of scenes, in fact that was just mild. A few days ago, a couple did ‘it’ inside the cart so what you did really didn’t bother me” he stated
I picked up my glasses and worn them then I held Haruna-san’s hand as we got off the Ferris wheel and began to exit the amusement park.
’Wait, I still haven’t bought her a gift . . . . Acchan too . . . ‘We passed by some stores but none took my liking and suddenly I was dragged inside an arcade we stopped in front of a crane game.
“Haruna- san . . . What are we doing here? . . . “
She pointed at the cute cat stuff toy inside the machine.
“Ne~ Yuuchan . . . . Could you get it for me?” she gave me her puppy eyes along with her cute pout.
Of course as her boyfriend I wanted to look cool in front of her.
“Sure, it would be a piece of cake” I bragged.
It was my first time to play this kind of game so I am nervous that I might screw up in front of her. I calculated the distance of the crane to the stuff toy and determined its accuracy. I also calculated the weight of the stuff toy and the power of the crane.
‘I hope that this will work . . . ‘ I pleadedMy first attempt was a success!
I took the stuff toy and presented it to her. “Ta-da!”
“Yuuchan sugoi! “ she praised me and pecked my cheek as a token of her gratitude.
“ ’Nyan- nyan’ You know, you kinda look like that cat” I murmured
“Eh?” she looked surprised
“Ah- never mind what I said . . . . “
“I heard it~”
“W-Well?. . . . If you did heard me, what did I said?”
“You called me Nyan- nyan didn’t you?” she narrowed her at me
“I-I didn’t! “ I denied
“Too bad, I liked it . . . ”
“What did you like . . . . ‘Nyan- nyan’ ?” I asked her
“Aha! You called my ‘Nyan- nyan’ again” she exclaimed
“I was just asking if you liked the word ‘Nyan- nyan’ . . . . I didn’t call you ‘Nyan- nyan’ . . . I just said the word!” I explained. It’s embarrassing for me to say those kinds of words.
“. . . I thought that you gave that nickname to me. . . “ she pouted
“W-What? . . . “
“You know, I’m the only person who calls you ‘Yuuchan’ right?”
“Y-Yes” I agreed
“ So, I want you to give me a nickname that only you could call me . . . . “
( . . .)
“Yada~ Its too embarrassing!!”
“You love me right? . . . Just think of it as a form of endearment” she smiled at me and intertwined our fingers.
“Yes I do love you . . . but is it really ok for me to call you ‘Nyan- nyan’? “ I asked
“Yes it is . . . I’m Yuuchan’s Nyan- nyan” she proudly said
The next day, I can’t help but feel embarrassed of Acchan’s constant teasing because I called Haruna- san ‘Nyan-nyan’. Actually we didn’t mind but sometimes I could feel that Nyan- nyan changes her mood so easy. At first we would be lovey- dovey but suddenly she would act cold.
It was during lunch time that I went to her to ask if she had problems but I was stopped when Itano Tomomi’s group surrounded her. They asked her questions and she would reply but fear is evident on her voice. I decided to approach them.
“Nyan- nyan, is everything alright?” I asked my girlfriend
“ ‘Nyan- nyan’ ?” Itano raised an eyebrow
“I-It’s nothing . . . Oshima-san, please leave us alone” she replied coldly
Oshima-san? . . . why did she call me Oshima- san? With her sudden attitude change I am convinced that something is troubling her and Itano’s group is the cause. I didn’t back down.
“What do you want with my girlfriend?” I asked Itano harshly
“Girlfriend? . . . “ she looked amused
“Kojima Haruna is your girlfriend?!” she laughed. “Who are you kidding? . . . Why would she date a person like you?” she added
“Right Kojima- san? . . . . ”
I looked at Nyan-nyan. “That’s right . . . I’m not” she stated
The atmosphere began to tense
“W-What are you talking about Nyan- nyan? “ I asked her
“It was just pretend . . . . I never actually wanted to be your girlfriend . . . I just pretended” she deadpanned
(End of Yuu’s POV)
(Haruna’s POV) "It was all for the bet! . . . I did it for the bet. I never did love you, I don't even feel a slightest love for you!"
"S-so you just pretended?. . . . The touches, the hugs. . . . T-the kiss? . . I thought you loved me?" Tears now streamed on his eyes and he was looking at me like he was pleading that all that I said was wrong
"How foolish of you to believe that" I sneered
'No' "Who would want a pervert like you anyway?! You are so disgusting . . . "
'No. . . It's wrong'"So, you're telling me that your love is just a lie? . . . "
"I told you I've never loved you!"
'Yuuchan. . . '"Never had, never am and never will! . . . "
'. . . I'm sorry . . .'He ran out the room crying, I wanted to ram after him but I held myself back. I just stood there motionless and I suddenly heard a loud SLAP. I was dragged back to reality by the throbbing of my cheek. The person who slapped me looked very infuriated.
"Acch- "
"How dare you! . . . "
"Acchan. . . I didn't mea- "
"Of course you did! "
"That person you dumped just now was someone who loved you wholeheartedly . . . And you rejected him just because your friends told you so?! . . . "
"But they threatened me! . . . "
"That's because they are not really your friends . . . . You are just a pawn that they used to get what they want . . . . "
"Acchan . . . I- "
"It's such a shame that Yuu fell for a b*tch like you . . . " she glared at me and went outside the room
"What's happening here? " the teacher peeked inside the room “I heard all the shouting . . . . What is this about?” . A student approached him and told him what happened.
"Kojima Haruna. . . Go to the principal's office now! "
"Y-yes sir . . . "
"And you there! " he pointed out to my so called 'friends' "Don't you dare think that you can get away with this!"
The next day it was revealed that Itano's group was responsible for bullying Yuuchan and because of that they were expelled from school. I wasn't affected even though they were my ‘friends’ because I was also their victim. I resumed my usual school life. But ever since that day Yuuchan hasn't been coming to school.
"Everyone, I have news to tell you. . . . " the teacher started and the class became quiet
"Starting today, Oshima Yuu is no longer your classmate . . . . He told me yesterday that they were moving back to Hiroshima . . . . . "
‘ What? No it can’t be . . . Why would Yuuchan transfer? I still haven’t explain it all to him‘ I was speechless, I feel like I’ve lost all my energy. I can’t think straight . . . . . it hurts, it hurts so much.
It was already lunch time. I walked aimlessly to the rooftop. I need to let it out. . . . I need to let it out.
School rooftopI stood at the center and looked at the dark clouds above me.
I’m pathetic.I heard the thunder rumbling and cold wind swept my hair.
“ AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH. . . . . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ” I screamed
Rain poured down on me but I still stood there. I lost something very valuable and I’m never being able to find it again.
“Haruna . . . “
I looked at the source of the voice. She hasn’t talked to me ever since that incident happened. She approached me and hugged me tightly. I can’t keep it much longer so I cried. I cried on her shoulder, I let it all out. The two of us were drenched in the rain.
“ ‘Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are’ “ Acchan quoted. “To be frank, you’ve been hanging with those b*tches for so long, no wonder you’ve become. . . . one of them . . . . .”
“Why did I let him walk away?. . . . When all I have to do is say ‘I’m sorry’ ” tears have been falling from my eyes nonstop.
Acchan just rubbed my back, hoping it would calm me down.
“What you did was unforgivable you hurt my best friend’s feelings . . . . . but still, just give him time I know he will be able to forgive you”
“You think so?. . . . “
“I know so . . . because I know, Yuu loved you more than his life” she assured me
End of Flashback
(Haruna’s POV)
School Rooftop I don't get him. First he ordered me to strip in front of him, and when I did he left me alone?!'
I could only hear the cold wind blowing, my heart pounding and my sobs. I can't believe that he left me alone, so cold and lonely.
'Maybe this is what he felt' I thought to myself. I wiped my tears and picked up my clothes and wore them again. I exited the school and walked on the road alone. It was creepy so I decided to take a short cut
(End of Haruna’s POV)
(Yuu’s POV)'Damn it Yuu!'
'Why did you run away?!'
'Why did you leave her alone?!'These thoughts ran into my mind over and over again. I was walking towards home, passing by shops and a few people.
I heard the news from the television shop:
'. . A butchered body found in an alley. . . Police are now investigating about this case, and according to them a serial killer that has broken out of prison is the suspect of this crime. His targets are students so everyone, please be careful on your way home. Be sure that you are accompanied by someone and if you see a suspicious person please report it to the police by calling on this number xxx-xxxxx-xxx. . . . .
I suddenly stopped.
'Butchered body'
'Serial killer'
'Students'Oh no.
Haruna, please be safe!
I gather my strength and ran back to the school.
Tbc . . . .
And that was that.
I have nothing against Tomochin and Tomomi~ but I can't think of anyone who have a 'mean girl' like personality besides them so I deeply apologize to those who have them as their oshimen

And I might not update next month due to school activities. So I'm sorry if you are going to wait a little longer

Thank you for understanding and Please feel free to comment!