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Author Topic: Office Love Chapter 13 3/3/14  (Read 14056 times)

Offline kuro808

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Re: Office Love Chapter 8 11/23/2013
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2013, 08:23:07 PM »
@Cometerz: Rie shall be tortured again but now it was clearer from before

@ashura: you will always be a kid just in an adult body XD

@Yuki: Shall I make it easy? XD

Chapter 8

Rie drew to the conclusion that she might have been the cause of the breakup.  She closed the hood over her head tightening it over her face as she quietly crawled out of the window and landed in the bushes.  The material tugged against the branch revealing her identity as the smoke trail lingered in front of her.  She pulled it over head and pranced the other direction as he turned around.


She froze in place turning to find the trail had ended and shifted to the air above.  The cigarette flew into the air and finally landing on the ground with a firm step over the butt.

“I told myself I would stop smoking but I could never confirm to myself that it would be worth the time to...”  He said speaking up into the night sky.

“Yuito... why?”

“Do I need to explain?”  He struck back squinting his eyes towards her.  “I would ask why were you even near this area.”

Rie shook her head leaning toward the other direction as she felt the grip of resistance.  She glanced back to find him glaring at her.  It was not him from a while back.  This was not the Yuito she knew.  He was shy and would smile when she waved at him.  Rie wanted to react but she stood there gazing into his brown eyes.

“Answer my question.”  Rie spat.

“Paru... and I met couple years ago at a party.  She had just graduated high school and had been invited by her friends.  She was shy but she had a good time as I approached her.  We spent two hours just talking when her friends were too drunk to keep up with the party.  She gone with them but I had asked her for her number before she left.”

“Is it because of me?”  Rie asked as Yuito gritted his teeth.

“We went on two dates before we were officially a couple but the problem came when we were with each other.  I didn't feel aroused by her.”

“So you didn't feel ready for her?”

“I wanted to be with her so badly but I knew she was active.  How could I not be aroused by her?”  He shouted as Rie managed to escaped from his grip.

“You were so worried about lust, that you forgot about her.”  Rie stated as Yuito took a seat on the pavement.

“Paru never did love me how I was into her.  I knew that for a while after being with others I despised.”  He replied resting his chin on his fist.

“Then why bother yourself through a relationship like this.” Rie argued as Yuito roared and stood up in front of her.

“Because... I wanted it to work out for myself.”  He confessed.

Rie swallowed the thick air and turned away from him.  Her feet felt like stone as she wanted to return home.  However, she saw something that he never had shown in his life.  She extended her hands running them along his jawline as she propped a smile.

“Yuito... I don't want you to do that again.”  She warned him before turning away.

“Rie-chan... Please forgive me.”

“Yuihan, I forgive you.  Give some time to yourself to heal.”

Rie walked with haste as the streets were starting to be crowded by the gangs.  She weaved through the groups leading to the building.  She battled with the fact of Yuito's relationships in high school.  No one really understood his personality which led him to be an outcast among the population.  Rie spent some time understanding the issues he had and assisted in his blooming from behind the scenes to the man he was now.

As the thoughts were starting to create nostalgia, she felt her head hit the pillow and closed her eyes for the night.  The image lingered for a bit as she snoozed onto the next morning leaving her problems during sleep.

Masuda grew concerned over the lack of progress with the project that he had decided to step out for a few hours to avoid any lingering issues.  He headed to the only sanctuary that would give him peace for the time being and sat in his private room.

Songs would would come out non-stop as he sang in a controlled tone and gave him the release he needed for the day.  Masuda was pushing himself to get better as time seemed to go by slowly when there was little to celebrate.  Arriving home, his wife was struggling to get to the door for the usual greeting.  Masuda had been quite aware of his wife's health and just smiled as he reached out for the unborn baby.

“A few more weeks until you get to be a dad.”  She said gleefully as he posed a weak smile towards her.

His body landed on the couch face down into the pillows.  He knew his limit was being tested but he couldn't show her that he was in a rough spot but luckily she never took cues easily and brought out a tall, frosted glass and beer onto his table.  Masuda heard the bottle touch the table and sprung up to help her.

“Thanks.”  He said under his breath as he untwist the cap to the frothy beverage and poured it out himself.

The suds immediately filled his nose with the familiar scent as he tilt his head back and let the smooth liquid slide down into his core.  The effects came quickly with his smile growing by the second.  The usually tense personality came unwound, loosening his tie from his neck and turning on the television to his favorite team.

Nacchi observed the man's behavior and grinned at his playful child-like enthusiasm.  She grew to like him as a person as he was a rough around the edges.  She liked that from him.  Nacchi joked that was the lone trait that attracted to him but truthfully he was the piece that she had been missing.

That faithful day was similar like other days especially how things ended up being in the first place.  She had exited the classroom heading for her dorm when he came with a deer in the headlights look.  She couldn't resist the other side that made him attractive.  The caring side many hadn't seen from him.  He was different than many men but still kept his front about being masculine.

Three dates was the green light to getting the step closer but Nacchi had gone forward to send in her graduation papers to Masuda's advice.  She managed to find a stable job before the downturn while Masuda had gone through a few job before landing it a year ago.  Since then, Nacchi decided to take on a housewife role which Yuu was against it but hesitantly agreed to the idea when the job market started to get tight again.

However, she wanted one thing that made Masuda furious.  He never wanted a kid until they decided to marry but Nacchi had insisted on doing it before as she seemed suited to nurture a kid in the present.  Yuu had made the offer before but insisted it be temporary with the engagement.  Nacchi threw herself onto him and consummated the love.

“Nacchi, How are the wedding plans going with your friend?”  He asked resting his head on the couch cushion.

“We are... on track.”

Nacchi looked at the pamphlet and let it hit the table.  She had talked to her but it was booked til the summer season.  The wedding was planned to be in August at the earliest which would give them time to tend to the baby for the time being but with that time too it had given her a chance to refresh on things.

She waddled back to the study where she had a textbook open about the marketing atmosphere.  Nacchi had grown to love the marketing sector of companies.  However, being a woman brought many challenges which had given her a sense of will in any company.  She had looked over the list of references and the name that popped up made her wonder if she was still there.  She grabbed her phone and saw her name on the first listing.

“Moshi moshi”

“Ah Akimoto-sama.”

“Nacchi?  Ohisashiburi.”  The deep-voiced woman greeted.

“Same to you.  Are you still working for that moving company?”

“Yes I am.... I remember you are on maternity leave right?”

“Well I had quit before the maternity leave because they were going to put me in the back office.”

“I see.  Well I don't exactly have a position open but I can create one just for you.  When is your planned date?”

“In about two weeks.”

“Okay, so we can look into a June date for your return?”

“That's fine.”

Nacchi hung up the phone and sighed at her opportunity when she felt something sticky.  She looked down at the carpet seeing the fresh puddle of liquid on the floor.  She quickly stood up looked toward the living room.

“Yuu-kun, my water broke.”  She yelled as the man struggled to get up from his position and grabbed the bag Nacchi packed before heading over to the hospital by car.

Feeling his head pounding from the adrenaline, he closed his eyes for bit and pulled the car over when he saw a man with a cigarette on the side of the road.

“Sir, can you help me drive my wife to the hospital?”  He panicked as the guy dropped the butt and went into the driver seat.

The ride though the tail end of the evening traffic was smooth as the guy pulled them into the emergency room.  Yuu helped his laboring wife out of the car as the guy sat in the car as the nurses took her in.

“Thank you, sir.”

“No problem, Masuda-sama.”  He smiled.


Yokoyama let Masuda hop inside and drove the car into the parking area and tossed the keys to him.

“Thank you.”  He bowed as he lit another cigarette.

“I should thank you for helping me out too.”

Masuda stood staring at him as Yokoyama headed toward the smoking area to finish up his light as Masuda headed to the delivery room.
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Yuki88

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Re: Office Love Chapter 8 11/23/2013
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2013, 05:09:48 AM »
HAHAHAHAHA MASUDA PANICKING HAHAHAH! and... Why Yuito is there at the right moment xD

And then the beginning..... ugh Rie is too understanding, :<
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

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Re: Office Love Chapter 8 11/23/2013
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2013, 11:02:16 AM »
@kuro-san: *sigh* then I guess Rie's heart will need a heck lot of bandages..

But I really wonder what happened in chapter 7.. *puppy eye to kuro-san* #puppyeyefrom16yearoldgirl

But well, Yuito seemed depressed now and Rie sounded she still have feelings for him.

Nacchi's giving birth soon!!! Moments of Papa Yuu is here~

Onegai..? *puppy eye umechan vers.*

Offline Yuki88

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Re: Office Love Chapter 7 11/14/2013
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2013, 03:22:16 AM »
^ I thought I could help Kuro there:

Nee Kuro-san, how come I can't open it? ._. Is it in the perv section?

^ EXACTLY! *waves protest banner*


Voila. Clue" Look at the word carefully.
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

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Re: Office Love Chapter 8 11/23/2013
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2013, 09:13:32 AM »
And Kuro, you just mentioned that I'm and adult. MUAHAHA! IMMA ADULT!

Offline kuro808

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Re: Office Love Chapter 9 11/28/2013
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2013, 07:36:11 PM »
HAHAHAHAHA MASUDA PANICKING HAHAHAH! and... Why Yuito is there at the right moment xD

And then the beginning..... ugh Rie is too understanding, :<

Mysterious Yuito XD And yes I know Rie is too understanding but I'm mixing up some other concepts :nervous

@kuro-san: *sigh* then I guess Rie's heart will need a heck lot of bandages..

But I really wonder what happened in chapter 7.. *puppy eye to kuro-san* #puppyeyefrom16yearoldgirl

But well, Yuito seemed depressed now and Rie sounded she still have feelings for him.

Nacchi's giving birth soon!!! Moments of Papa Yuu is here~

Onegai..? *puppy eye umechan vers.*

Thanks Yuki for helping me on that one hopefully you read chapter 7

And Kuro, you just mentioned that I'm and adult. MUAHAHA! IMMA ADULT!

Not really.... just that your mature which doesn't mean your an adult XD

Chapter 9

Rin stood at the train stop with a smirk on his face.  He wasn’t impressed by Yuko’s words but the potential seemed to be there.  The train stopped opening its door to the half-filled car taking a seat with his back to the sun.  The warm sensation placed a spell under him closing his eyes.  A sudden jolt awoke him from his mini slumber into a woman’s lap.

“Sumimasen.”  He apologized before glancing up quickly seeing the victim of his head.


“Shiichan!  What are you doing here?”

“I’m heading home.  I guess you must be too.”

Rin suddenly remembered seeing her in self-improvement class couple years ago and suddenly clicking as friends although it would only go that far as she wasn’t committed to a relationship.  He smiled in seeing her again as she suddenly grabbed him by the collar pulling them close to each other.

“What have you been doing?”  She asked before letting out a yawn.

“Working at a company as an intern.”  He replied slouching in his seat.

“I see.”

“How about you?”

“Secretary at a law firm although I’m getting sick of that job.  I might quit joining a company my friend had just gotten into.”  She sighed as the train pulled up to the next station.

“Cool.  She must be doing well.”

Shiichan’s eyes shot through Rin like a laser as he quickly bit on his tongue to the delight of the woman.  She ran her fingers through her short, brown hair leaning back in her seat gazing at the buildings outside.  Rin closed his eyes again with the vivid image of her friend.  The curves of her body drew out the surprise that seemed to relax him before a hand grasped at his shoulder.

“Whoa!  I’ll see you later.”

Rin waved his hand as he went back to his nap for a moment before shooting out of his seat when his stop came up.  Exiting the station, the streets were filled with youngsters that wanted to get away from the adults.  He walked with his head down to the complex where he waved to the usual people he would during his day before dropping his stuff in to the room.

The smell of cologne stung his nose as he headed over to the fridge for food which had the lone container of fried noodles from a couple days ago.  The windows were glued shut making the room cold with the night wind pounding the glass pane.  The room itself was plain with white curtains.  Rin wasn’t a messy person but he had his faults looking at the patch work he had made throughout his room.

The sound of his ring tone caught him by surprise making him hunt for his phone in a furious matter.  Throwing his stuff away the bag shook cluing him to the phone and answered it.

“Sashihara-kun?”  The voice hooked his heart.

“Oshima-san, what’s the problem?”

“I need you.”  She cried.

He dropped his arm gripping onto the phone as the cries continued loudly through the speaker.  Rin bit onto his lower lip as his body started to burn again.  The passion within him wanted to follow his heart but he thought of the words before placing the phone near his ears.

“Why not come over to my place?”  He asked as the woman agreed and hung up.

Rin jumped onto his couch confused in his thoughts staring at the door waiting for the feint knock of the woman.  He grabbed onto the covering and dug his nails into the material.  Waiting for her seemed like forever as he tapped his feet.  The place had become unbearable to stay and rushed out the door to the hallway.  His heart banged against his chest when a tall woman came out of the elevator with long brownish hair and a peach peach dress that ended at her knees.

“Are you Rin?”  She asked grabbing him by the collar.

“Yes I am.”  He replied as she loosened her grip.

“There's something I shall tell you before she comes here.”  She briefly smiled before turning back to her serious mood.  “You can only solve her problem.  I'm fed up with her.”

Before he could answer, he felt her lips upon his.  Her hands went to his face as she battle through the obstruction and managed to catch the texture of his tongue.  She pulled back her embrace and releasing an open hand to his face.  Rin crumbled to the ground seeing her venture to the stairs.

“What have you done, Yuko?”

Masuda felt his hands shake with his fifth cup of coffee.  Being alone in the waiting room, the air grew cold as he waited for the news.  Doubt never entered his mind about his wife's condition but time seemed to be going slowly as he waited for the delivery.

“Masuda-san, you can sleep for now.”  A nurse walking by spoke as the liquid was going down millimeters at a time.

“Thank you.  How is my wife?”

“She is doing good.  The contractions are getting closer together so it will be soon.  Please take a nap.”

Masuda placed the cup onto the table and crossed his arms as the eyes fluttered against the will of the male and nodded to sleep.  He suddenly found a boy in his hands gleefully looking at him.  His wife gleaming under the lights as he stood there and teared up at him.  Yuu extended out his finger and watched his newborn son reach for it gripping it firmly.

He shook off his slumber with the sound his stomach growling and ventured through the hospital.  He wished for a scent of food as he walked down the corridor where there was a vending machine filled with instant noodles and paid for one.  He grabbed the chopsticks from the side and mixed it with the hot water.  The steam snaked to his nose as he grabbed the bit of the noodles.



“I didn't know you were here.”  She said.

He turned to a woman with heavy makeup on in a nurse's uniform.  The droops in her eyes were visible yet she had a smile as he glared at her for a moment.  Suddenly, he made out the appearance of the woman and placed the bowl down to hug her.


“Masuda-kun, why are you here?”

“My fiance is giving birth at any moment.”  He explained to the surprise of the nurse.

“Really?  This woman is one lucky man!”

“Thanks Ohori-senpai!”

“Yuu-kun, Is this the same girl you showed your thing too?”

He nodded giving off a smile as the nurse reached into her pocket and handed him to sticks, one colored blue and one colored pink.  He stood staring at the two as he handed back the pink one.  He wasn't sure of the baby's sex but his hunches had never been wrong in the past and he didn't want to go against it so he held the blue one tightly.

“Same as college, Guts Masuda.”

“Ohori-sempai, how have you been holding up?”

She forced a smile onto her face and pointed him toward the delivery area.  She glanced at the window seeing the smile slowly wither away.  Ohori Megumi had gone through enough pain to stay an old maid but she managed to find someone who had given his heart away and looking back she felt giving back more.  She explained the many obstacles and Masuda understood it patting her on the back when a radio call came in.

“She's about to give birth!”

“Masuda-kun, go be a father.”  Ohori encouraged as he ran to the room.

The nurses inside handed him gloves, a mask, coat, hairnet, and footies over the shoes.  He headed over to the delivery table.  The face of pain emulated over to Masuda as he flashed a thumbs up to her and saw her smile when the push forced out the new life form.  The doctor did a quick clean up and handed it over to Nacchi smiling at the baby.  Masuda glanced over and looked at his future wife and kid.

“Yuu, you can take him.”  She requested.


He grew hesitant with the baby in his hands, lifting it slowly toward his warm chest.  The smell of beer exited through his mask making the baby excited.  Yuu held out his finger and the baby watched it closely before extending out its arm gripping it with its petite fingers.  Yuu closed his eyes and handed back the baby back to his fiance.

“What's wrong?”  Nacchi asked as he fell to the floor.

“I can't help this feeling coming over me.”  He explained as the eyes had become red.  “It's our boy.”

“It is.  Also look outside.”

The image of specks from the sky  crossed their window.  The doctor and nurses stood in awe as it floated down to the ground below.  He turned toward her with a smile on his face and removed his mask.

“Let's name him Yuki.”  He suggested.

“Yuki? I like that.”
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Yuki88

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Re: Office Love Chapter 9 11/28/2013
« Reply #26 on: November 29, 2013, 07:28:46 PM »
d'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww the delivery scene aww aww awwwww <3
(my inner mind joke turned it into Yukirin becoming their son though XD;)

Then, the Yuuko problem. I wonder why Haruna (if that's her kissing Rin forcefully) did that. :/
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

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Offline kuro808

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Re: Office Love Chapter 10 12/3/2013
« Reply #27 on: December 04, 2013, 05:18:05 AM »
d'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww the delivery scene aww aww awwwww <3
(my inner mind joke turned it into Yukirin becoming their son though XD;)

Then, the Yuuko problem. I wonder why Haruna (if that's her kissing Rin forcefully) did that. :/

Answer will be brief but that's part of the Yuuko problem

Chapter 10

Yuito stepped out to the designated smoke area relaxing the lit cigarette between his fingers before placing it between his lips a shadow came from his right with short brown hair wearing a heavy brown coat.  Yuito noticed his face full of stubble as he nodded his head toward the man.

“Can I bum a cigarette?”  He asked seeing the pack in his breast pocket and Yuito offered him a stick and lit it for him.

“The nights have been chilly.”  He said blowing a stream of smoke into the thick air dissipating from the light.

“It has been lately but I always looked forward to a hot bowl of ramen.”  Yuito dropped the butt to the ground stepping on it before walking away from the building.

“Thanks for the cigarette.”  He waved.

Yuito spun around motioning his fingers towards the man as he led to the nearby shop.  The chattering of people was muttered by the thoughts in his mind.  He knew the simple order of char siu ramen would satisfy his hunger but that void seemed too huge as he ordered blindly to the front man.  The smell of beer was prevalent in the room with the slurping of soup filled the orchestra among the patrons.

“Are you here alone?”  The seductive voice caught his attention turning to his right to a feminine looking person with short brown wavy hair.

“Why do you want to know?”  Yuito asked to a chuckle and noticed the throat giving away her gender.

“I’m not trying to hook you up.”  She laughed lifting a finger to the bartender on the other side of the restaurant.  “Have a drink.”

Yuito looked down at the golden elixir for a moment before grabbing the handle and taking a large gulp.  He pounded the bar catching the attention of the patrons around him as the short-haired woman grabbed him by the shoulder to sit him down.  The hot bowl came to him as the woman pulled the alcohol away and Yuito instantly dug into the noodles and soup.  The pain seemed to slowly flow away as the woman beside him encouraged through his efforts.

“You are quite attractive.”  She whispered into his ear immediately stopping his progress.

“Sorrrry… I’m not looking for anyone.”

“I wasn’t trying to imply anything but you look like you broke up with someone.”

Yuito pierced into the woman as she extended her hand into his grasp.  He felt them clasped together drawing closer to her.  His hands released and went back to his half-filled bowl of broth and noodles as another person approached him from his left.

“Sae-chan must be on the hunt.”  She scoffed catching the woman by surprise.

“Sayaka!  Stop running into my territory.”  Her cheeks puffed up to the amusement of the other woman.

“Sorry, sir.  She is taken but only wants to ask for some money.”  Sayaka saw her cheeks puff up to a balloon ready to pop.

“I do have something you guys might be interested in.”  Yuito handed a card to both of them before lifting the bowl to his lips tilting it back with the warm, salty broth hitting his throat.

He saw them to his right chatting discreetly with each other casually finishing his bowl.  Yuito knew that it would be opportunistic for anybody to take on the challenge when they turned and was handed a card.

“We run a scouting agency.”  The brown-haired woman explained.

“This is will help us if we can talent to come into our studio.  Who is the contact person?”  The other woman asked.

He looked at them and gave a business card over to them.  He didn’t know why he didn’t say his name but the card brought the glimmer out of their eyes.  He wasn’t sure why the smiles were wide as they were as the short-haired woman grabbed him by the shoulder.

“Masuda Yuu?  Guts Masuda?”  She spat as Yuito returned a confused look.

“Guts Masuda?”

The duo explained about the guy named Guts Masuda.  He was a risk-taking player in basketball who would take any shot at any placed even if a defender was present.  They add that he took so many charges in a game that they needed to drag him out of the game to prevent the other team from fighting him.  Masuda was also a social person in general and loved to talk about whatever was on his mind.  They finally looked at each other for a brief moment after explaining the exploits of his boss.

“What’s wrong?”

“He changed after seeing that woman.”  Sae explained.

“That game he led them there and he didn’t show up.”  Sayaka added.

“We still call him Guts but no one else has ever talked about it.  He fell in love with her and wasn’t the same.”

“Well, you have my information.  I need to report back to him tomorrow about our progress.”  Yuito explained leaving his money onto the counter before leaving.

He felt a hand prop onto his shoulder and turned to a smiling woman.  “Sorry for that.”

“It’s fine.  Give me a call for a meeting.”

“Chotto matte!” Sayaka yelled.  “Before the meeting can we design a plan to deliver to Masuda-kun?”

“Tomorrow morning at 9:00?”  Yuihan asked with the two nodding their heads in unison.  See you then.”

Yuito returned into the night heavy with the breathing as the rain lightly dropped onto his head.

Rie turned to her alarm clock and slammed on the snooze button as she stared at the red numbers.  Her mind became in tuned to the report day at the office.  She had no answers to give them as the problem became the bickering between the two men.  She stepped into the shower letting the water hit her as she awoke from her temporary slumber.  A plot seemingly came into her mind and finished up quickly with the floor covered in puddles.

She dried up her hand writing down the thought when her phone rang.  She scooted out grabbing her phone from the bureau to see an unknown number appear on her phone.  Rie let it head to voice mail when she opened the mail a voice caught her attention, it was Rin.

Rie-chan, I need to talk about our meeting.  Yuihan called so can we meet up in ten?

She pressed the phone icon and heard the few rings before the man’s voice caught her attention.

“Rie-chan, I’m at the café outside the office.  Yuihan has found us two people willing to help us get talent and media purposes.”

“Honto!  Sugoi!”  She replied lifting her arms up.


Rie hung up the phone and ran over to her closet laying out her clothing for the day.  She looked at the black coat feeling the slight chill in the air and placed it across of her as she swiftly put everything on before leaving the apartment.  Running through the lobby, the streets were populating with the people outside weaving through the crowd.  The crowd was rushing through everything when she saw the café and walked inside seeing two women next to Rin.


“Rie-chan!”  Rin shot his hand up and saw the two bowed towards her.  “They are Akimoto Sayaka and Miyazawa Sae of Twin Towers Scouting Agency.”

“I’m Kitahara Rie.  Nice to meet you.”

“We are nice to meet you too.”  The long-haired woman greeted as she gave her a pamphlet about their company.

Rie intently looked through the information about the past events they have hosted.  Many were small at the school auditoriums but one at the concert hall caught her eyes.

“Did you guys sell out the concert hall?”  She asked keeping her eyes on the pamphlet.

“Three-fourths capacity for a solo concert.”  Sae explained.

“That’s good, who was it for?”

“Itano Tomomi’s Japan Tour through the Tokyo ward.”  Sayaka added catching the intrigue of the workers when Yuihan took a seat next to Rin as a round of water came out to set up the start of the meeting.

“Twin Towers have asked us to get a full plan from our boss.  Unfortunately, his wife had given birth and he may not make it today.”  Yuito started as the chestnut-haired woman walked up to the table and dragged a chair into the group.

“Sumimasen, I’m Shinoda.  I want to hear about the meeting.  If you guys, don’t mind to let me sit in here.”  He took a seat opening up the informational pamphlet about the company.

“The issue is that we need to recruit young people to perform on a small stage.  How many can we accompany there to make it successful?”

“We are looking at 20-30 participants at the current location but I feel we should propose a bigger place with a bigger prize.”  Sae expressed the dynamics through hand motions as Shinoda grabbed his pen and placed it on top of the paper.

“That will be a problem if we can’t get it approved in time.”  Shinoda noted.

“It won’t be a problem for the smaller venue.”  Sayaka spoke as her partner turned toward her.

Sae turned to her and started to explain the situation with both bickering at each other.  Shinoda crossed his arms looking at the three digging in the pamphlet details.  The two looked back holding a brave face as they wrote down a number forwarding it over to Shinoda.  Taking a peek, she handed it over to the three who nodded quickly as Shinoda extended a hand to the two women.

“We can take care our side of the deal.  I'll leave you guys to get us the sponsors and media.”  Shinoda smiled as the two exited quickly.

Rin felt his phone vibrate and opened it to twenty messages from Yuko.  Reading through each one, he had bitten on his lip and headed toward the door.

“Where are you going Sashihara?”  Shinoda yelled.

“I... have an emergency.”  He replied as he ran off to the building.

Rin passed through security to the first elevator he could find sliding into the open space riding up to the office.  He squeezed out of the area and headed to the bathroom.  The place was quiet for most part except for the air conditioning vent above him.  A hand grabbed him into the women bathroom directly into a stall.  The heavy smell of perfume filled his nose as he battled with her tongue.  Her body warm with excitement was held by his cold hands.  Sounds came quickly from her mouth halting the man's progress.

“Yuko... Explain to me something.”  He said as she knelt down unzipping his pants searching for the item.

“Rin, not now.”  She replied as his junk was halfway to maximum.

“Now!”  He demanded as Yuko stood up and held her hand onto his cheek.

“I told her it was over.  I found someone who likes me.”

“Yuko... Not for this reason.”

“I don't care.  If you were mine, I wouldn't be at work until the afternoon.”

Rin grabbed her shoulders and slammed her into the door.

“Get yourself together!”  He roared.  “I cannot be here because of your lust.  You have to tell me everything.”

Yuko felt a lump in her throat as she glared at him.  She knew Rin wasn't there just for pleasure.  He wanted to give her a chance to recover from her past but she wasn't allowing the heart to open up with lust-filled days of taking the pleasure regardless.  Rin pressed her body up to her and forced a hug.  Yuko wrapped her arms around his head and gave him an embrace through her tongue.

“One more time.”  She whispered as Rin grabbed her right leg and pushed it into her body.

“Excuse me!”  A voice yelled as the two continued until the knock at the stall opened the door.  The two people spilled out onto the floor where they looked up at her.


“Shiichan!”  He replied quickly standing up and buckled his pants up before leaving the room.

Rin cursed himself running into the office with beads of sweat running down the side of his face.  His co-workers were not present and just became worried to see them once again.  He sat in the chair until someone came in and was shocked at the two together.

“Rin!  Explain that!”

“What did he do?”  Rie asked as Shiichan dragged him out the door.

“We shall continue after work.”
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Re: Office Love Chapter 10 12/3/2013
« Reply #28 on: December 04, 2013, 07:02:33 AM »
The world seems so small for them that everyone is connected to each other haha.

And, shiet, Yuuko. D:
I wonder what Rin will do from now on and.... when will Yuito and Rie ever get together xD
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

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Re: Office Love Chapter 10 12/3/2013
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2014, 09:49:10 AM »
The world seems so small for them that everyone is connected to each other haha.

And, shiet, Yuuko. D:
I wonder what Rin will do from now on and.... when will Yuito and Rie ever get together xD

The questions of the whole story XD

Chapter 11

Shiichan was well aware that Rin was in relation with the woman.  She felt a fire within her chest that there was no way to forgive him in that situation but dragging him by the arm was enough to gather her senses together.  Once the dragging seemed a little easier, she stopped into the cubicle and threw him into the chair.

“What was that in there?”  She asked giving him a smug look

“She had asked for it and I went in.”

“Sigh…  I never expected that on my first day but avoid doing it in the bathroom again.”

“Right.”  He said walking back to the work area.

Rin felt his body giving out more sweat than usual as the other two furiously worked through their roles.  He looked up at the clock every few minutes before looking back at the stack of papers in front of him.  He couldn’t shake off the words but the urges called when he finally stood up and jogged toward the bathroom.  The stalls were quiet to get his thoughts together and exhaled his stress.

“Has Rin been jittery as of late?”  Rie asked to Yuito staring at his screen.

“I’m not sure…  But I would need a cigarette soon.”  He responded.

“They are bad.”  She said in a soft voice as his head popped up.

“I know.  But this can wait.”  He shook his head as he stood up to go to the printer.

There was brief silence before a jubilant celebration erupted outside their area.  They knew it was the baby announcement and closed the door.  Yuito slipped the flyer to Rie and shook her head at the design.  Yuito gritted his teeth as Rie printed out hers.  The picture was lighter in comparison and shrugged his shoulders in agreement.

“I’ll send this over to Shinoda for final approval and we can sit back for now.”  Rie smiled as her partner leaned back on his chair closing his eyes.

Shinoda pinched her forehead as she returned to the office.  Rie knocked twice before being allowed in and dropped off the flyer to her.  Shinoda glanced at it and smiled for a brief moment before placing it down on the table.  She grinned at it before ripping the flyer.

“What’s wrong with it?”

“This is too incredible from our company.”  She replied.  “Send it over to the Twin Towers for copying.”


The familiar ringtone awoke her senses as she picked it up and shut the shades.  She pressed the button to turn on the phone.  Shinoda could only know that she would eventually call especially her relationship issues.

“Haruna, do you want to drink?”


She grabbed her thick coat and marched out into the cool afternoon to the nearby bar.  Seeing her being the lone one on the bar, Shinoda placed down her money and got her whiskey on ice.  She took a sip of the liquor feeling the sight burn slide down her throat.

“Why do I always call you?”

“I’m your best friend.  My question is why you always find the worst in men.”  Shinoda asked as she took another sip of the drink.

“It was a woman…”

Shinoda forced the last sip down as she heard it was a female.  The evil concept of another female was intriguing to her as she could see the death of Haruna’s soul at the moment.  She reached out her hand and held up her chin forcing a smile from her.  Haruna downed her drink and moved into the space between the seats touching their lips before into a full-blown embrace.

“I don’t feel filled yet.”  Shinoda mumbled breaking away from the kiss.


“Yes…  Let me take a few more before we start the meal.”  Shinoda smiled as another drink of whiskey.

The afternoon turned to night as the women stumbled out into the early evening.  Their faces magenta after the drinks headed to the closest place they could find.  After paying for the hotel, Shinoda jumped onto the bed followed by her partner.  Haruna slowly removed her blouse and held onto her chest as she broke her concentration to a kiss.

“Haruna, aren’t you going to continue?”

“Mari-chan, I love you.”  She whispered.

“I know.”

She continued on the furious streak over Shinoda until she was in bare minimum. Haruna achieved the same accomplishment before heading underneath the sheets.  The sounds orchestrated the mood of a drunken natural concert to the peak of the emotions before dying into the darkness surrounding them.
Rin returned to the area seeing there was only half an hour left to the day as Rie came in with a gleaming expression after the acceptance of the flyer.  Yuito grabbed a metal container and popped a mint into his mouth staring at his screen when he pressed the button.

“I’ll be going.”

“Yuito, do you have a time for a drink?”  Rie asked as he hesitantly nodded.

“I’ll be here for a while.”  Rin said under his breath when Rie left with Yuito.

He wrapped up his work into the place had been a barren wasteland when Yuko came out of her office.  She ran the hands through his hair and pressed onto his lips.  Rin picked her up into the corner office immediately undressing her and going forward into the lustful embrace.  He could only see the beauty in front of him as the placed had grown with the essence of the two.  The moans were the only disruptions in the area ending quickly with Yuko on his arm.

“Do you want to drink?”

“Sure.  However, I want to get a private room.”

“Why?”  She questioned with a confused expression.

“I want to ask you if we should continue this process.”

Yuko looked up with a smirk on her face.  She wasn’t sure why but it seemed to work out and took him into the bar where the private rooms was the cheapest.  They went into the back area concealed in black.  Entering through a door, there was a booth with two couches and took their seats.  Rin ordered a pitcher of sake cocktail with two glasses in ice.

Yuko poured the first glass for the male before pouring one for her.  They touched glasses before taking a sip of the smooth liquid.  He lounged onto the seat staring at Yuko placing her glass down on the table.

“What is your true intention?”  Yuko asked scooting over.

“I want you to become somewhat closer to me…”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Like become my girlfriend so I won’t feel like your sex slave.”

Yuko kicked back her drink and gently moved forward toward him placing her hand on his lap.  Rin heard the sound and grabbed her hands.  She lunged forward surprising him with a gentle kiss on the lips before feeling up her chest again.

“I’m serious.”  He warned as Yuko drew a circle around his chest with her fingertip.

“I know… But the answer is no.”


Yuko had her reasons just looking back at Haruna, who knew of her fickleness and a few others who acknowledge her lifestyle was free and easy.  Then, it was the one night that they had met that came like a fastball.  She couldn’t resist trying the field.  However, she knew one day would come and bite her but the time wasn’t ready to realize it when she saw him.

“I want to feel free.”

“I see.”

“It isn’t that I don’t like you but would you ever consider having me to become stable after what I had been doing all this time?”

Rin nodded.  “It wouldn’t make you feel like a slut.”

Yuko’s smile had turned into disgust.  Rin had hit it on the dot and he saw the string being strung right in front of him.  She thought about doing everything to prove he was wrong but she saw what he was meaning.  There was something Rin wanted her to have.  Deep down it was Rin bringing out the internal fear of hers.  Yuko poured a drink and sipped it before falling into his arms weeping through her hands.

“If you want me, take me.  I didn’t know you were trying to be kind.”

“Yuko… gomen.”

“I never expected that from anyone.  You were trying to watch out for me and you were looking beyond the lust driven nights.”

“It was always like that.  I didn’t want one night stands.  I wanted a relationship.”

“Thank you.”  She said taking another sip of her glass leaning onto her new beau.
Yuito lid his cigarette puffing a cloud into the sky.  The thick air left its mark as the lady came out of the building with the image of the man in her mind.  The two walked to the isakaya on the backside of the building where it had emptied out after the fellows were forced home by their wives.  It smelt of grilled fish and beer as they took their seats near the bar.

“Beer.”  He grunted holding up two fingers to the waiter.

“Can we also have some small dishes?”  Rie added as Yuito killed his lit cigarette.

Yuito wasn’t really sure what to really think anymore since he finally broke it off with Paru.  Everything had become a blur in his head.  He wanted to break off the relationship but couldn’t stand the way he did it.  Rie saw him go into his world when the beer came and she poured him a cup.

“Yuito… what’s up?’

“It’s nothing.  Work has me riled up at the moment.”

“Oh…  You need to unwind.”  She suggested as he broke a smile.


The dishes of miso and teriyaki items came out of the kitchen to their table.  Yuito was quite amazed by her appetite as he drank most of the bottle.  He took bits and pieces from each dish as he slouched in his seat looking across to Rie.

“Can I tell you something?”  Yuito peered as she finished the 12th dish of the night.


“I always wanted to ask you about me in general.  Did you ever want me to ask you out?”

“All the time.”  She smiled as Yuito shook his head pouring another glass for him.

“I never did because I thought you were too good for me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Kitahara Rie was my model girlfriend but she could never be touched by someone like me.”

“I always thought you were beyond my league.”  She laughed.

“I never respected a person until I met you again.  My life was running into a spiral and I finally got out only feeling empty.  I finally reached a star tonight.”  He said downing the last of the beer.

“Yuito… why not consider this a chance to figure out what could have happened.”

He smiled widely.  The words were finally the bell that he needed to get to the next round and with a chance to finally take the opportunity at her.  Yuito shook his head in disbelief as the next words seemed to come out of the blue.

“Maybe, we can hang at my place?”  He suggested as she tilted her head.

“Sure.  I think I’ll take that offer.”  She answered paying her side of the bill.
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Offline Yuki88

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Re: Office Love Chapter 11 2/9/14
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2014, 05:55:05 PM »
Do you know how much I wanna say shout "FINALLY!!!!" when you updated this? lol.

Oh. Haruna? loves Mariko? I wonder.

Then Yuuko's affair with Rin is finally ending? hmm~

And lastly... Yay Yuito and Rie. YAY! I don't even know what I should put here lol.

Can't wait for the next update, really.
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

"Are we nothing more than the captain and her vice captain?"

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Re: Office Love Chapter 12 2/17/14
« Reply #31 on: February 17, 2014, 11:06:59 AM »
Do you know how much I wanna say shout "FINALLY!!!!" when you updated this? lol.

Oh. Haruna? loves Mariko? I wonder.

Then Yuuko's affair with Rin is finally ending? hmm~

And lastly... Yay Yuito and Rie. YAY! I don't even know what I should put here lol.

Can't wait for the next update, really.

Four different relationships with four different aspects XD

MariHaru will hold with some reservations.

Yuuko now is in temporary agreement with Rin to be BF/GF

The Yuito/Rie XD That is part 1 to the chapter... here  (Anyone not allowed wait for linkhere)

Chapter 12 Part 2

Nacchi was discharged a few days later with the baby and the elated father.  As they dropped off their stuff, the house was suddenly different to both of them.  Yuu felt the sudden urge to grab the boy and take him around the house.  He looked at the baby and watched it yawn for the first time before letting a screeching cry.  Yuu lifted him up to the table as Nacchi grabbed a diaper from the bag.

“Are you sure you can do it?”

“I can figure it out.”  He smiled as he ripped off the loaded diaper and threw it into the trash bag.

Yuu froze as he stared at his son slowly calming down from the cries and grabbed the wipes from the bag to clean his son before throwing powder on the backside.  Sliding the diaper underneath, he finished the job and noticed the looseness of the diaper.  He gently placed him down adjusting the straps around his miniscule waist and picked him up again to the cooing of his son.

“Yuki is so cool like his father.”  She commented as Yuu took him into the bedroom.

He laid him onto the bed and watched him turn to his side laughing at the man.  Yuki stuck out his arm with the finger pointing towards him.  Yuu stuck out his finger observing the baby’s reaction and wrapped his tiny hand around his finger.  The baby began pulling and the loud sound scared the baby to his mother’s arms.

“Yuki got scared.”  He began to explain when Nacchi lowered her shirt to feed the baby.

“Looks like he’s hungry.”  She smiled as Yuu walked over to the kitchen to see the empty refrigerator.

“Honey, I’m going to get some dinner.”  He yelled while he grabbed his coat.

Yuu let out a yawn against the light wind tugging on the ends of his coat walking towards the sanctuary of ready-made food.  He entered into a half empty shelf of food.  The cashier stood smiling at him while keeping her eyes on the door near the beverage area.  Yuu walked up with a smirk as she pointed over to the door and out came a man holding a box and slowly loading up the area.  Yuu nodded his head as he watched him unload like a child waiting for his favorite candy to be restocked.

Once the man finished he grabbed a variety of items and placed them onto the counter.  He saw the cashier ring it up when a man with his hood on dragged into the store.  Yuu could recognize the shoulder and knew it meant trouble but it had to be revealed.  He grabbed his bag and walked out slowly eyeing the guy for a few seconds before he saw the shiny object in his hand.  He grabbed his phone and called the police hiding himself a few windows down from the entrance.  He hung up quickly once he saw the transfer of money and waited until the hooded man came out.  Yuu pounced on him taking him to the pavement.  He managed to disarm him with an elbow to the nose.

“What the hell?”

“Stealing convenience stores are bad.”  He grunted when he saw the lights.

The thief uttered an exasperated sigh as Yuu let the policeman take over the scene without realizing about the food and smacked his face about that when a person came up to him in a nice suit to hand him a gift certificate.  He smiled at the gesture and handed it back to him.

“A thank you is sufficed.”  He said before walking back with semi-warm food in hand.

Nacchi tilted her head when he arrived home dusty but she just smiled as their bundle of joy was out for the night.  He popped it into the microwave and heated it up a bit.  Once they had everything warmed up, they placed it onto the table and ate quietly glancing at the sleeping baby.
Shinoda knew many things about Haruna and her ways but there was one thing that she had to accomplish.  It wasn’t easy to gain her trust but once she saw the gleam of hers, she felt stuck in the spider’s web.  Haruna had her but Shinoda acknowledged the trap being set and allowing herself take on the challenge.  However, Mariko had her chances to take on the opportunity it was being presented.

“Mari-chan, can we go out?”  She asked with her body being wrapped by a blanket.

“You sure?  Do you want to be around another womanizer?”  She saw Haruna sigh as she walked over to the bathroom.

Mariko gritted her teeth after saying it and placed her hand on the door, “We can but it will only lead to more trouble.”

“I know.  But I like the clubs.”


Shinoda was unusual in terms of the scene.  She would stand out as a sore thumb with her figure so she went with a t-shirt and jean skirt look to appear sensual compared to Haruna’s hip-hugging dress that cut at the mid-thigh.  Happily, she led them out into the hallway while Shinoda held her chin up as they headed out into the club.  She feared the worst but luckily it was not packed as expected.

“I think this is good for you.”  She spoke above the loud speaker.

“Maybe, I can charm them…”  Haruna suggested as she grabbed her martini and headed to the other side where two men were sitting.

Mariko watched her get the two men but it hurt her to witness the unfurling of Haruna.  She came in to get the younger woman out of the way and headed into the bathroom.  Mariko pressed her up against the wall feeling up her body while their lips met forcefully.  She pulled back feeling the tears roll down her face and pounding the stalls with her fist.

“You’re not her.  You are yourself.  Don’t do it to punish yourself.”

“Mariko…  Why do you want to be with me?  I never can be with someone.”

“No!”  She yelled.  “You are with me.  Believe in me!”

Haruna felt the weight pour upon her as she saw the eyes.  Mariko always had a poker face.  Haruna was never willing to solve it but this time it wasn’t her.  This was the truth coming from her.  Haruna couldn’t let go that feature of hers and brushed her hair back.

“Mariko…  If you stay with me, you will only suffer.”  She whispered.

“Suffering with you is better than having nothing else to live for.  I can’t stand it anymore.  I want you to not torture yourself and finally live up to who you really are.  Kojima Haruna.”

“That is really nice of you.  I want to go home.”

Mariko wiped away her tears and grabbed her hand out of the club.  The next place she did remember was the bed and the scent of her girlfriend next to her.  Mariko smiled as she looked at her clock and rolled out of bed to rush to work.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 11:14:51 AM by kuro_808 »
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Offline Yuki88

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Re: Office Love Chapter 12 2/17/14
« Reply #32 on: February 17, 2014, 11:56:02 AM »
WAIT, so Yuito had never done anything Paru?! Good for both him and Rie then. XD;

Hehehe Yuu catching thief. So heroic lol. Nacchi so understanding, too.

Then MariHaru.... awww Mariko so willing ;_;
Anai Chihiro is my one and only.

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Re: Office Love Chapter 13 3/3/14
« Reply #33 on: March 04, 2014, 09:24:22 AM »
WAIT, so Yuito had never done anything Paru?! Good for both him and Rie then. XD;

Hehehe Yuu catching thief. So heroic lol. Nacchi so understanding, too.

Then MariHaru.... awww Mariko so willing ;_;

That first thought was actually interesting in a way with influence going into this chapter so it might be an extension of this chapter hopefully...

The MariHaru was kinda a mixture of sugary cheesy goodness

Chapter 13

Yuu returned to the meeting of the twin towers and their plans seemed to be simple leaving the company with just sponsoring the contest as the twin towers controlled the talent portion with hiring the judges.  As he heard it, he felt comfortable with the setup looking at Shinoda.

The three entered the office as usual with the silence more powerful than ever before taking their seats at the meeting.  Rin set his chair away from Yuito observing the relationship in front of him.  There was little to say but he knew that no display was going to get him jealous.  The two women opened up the presentation file and explained the savings of using an outside source to get the job done.

“How do we know we are actually saving?”  Yuu asked.

“It saves you guys from a lawsuit for any fault.”  Akimoto answered.

“Sure it does but that would mean more money up front.”

“Well… that maybe an issue but we are not aiming for top talents.  Our aim is talent scouts.

Yuu looked around the room seeking for a reply from the other members before looking back up for a common agreement.  Shinoda raised her hand catching the two before getting to the next slide.

“What will be the price range?”

The two glanced at each other before handing out a folder to Yuu and Shinoda of the possible selections.  Many were quite famous by themselves as they have found acts in the past.  They had gems in the pool of scouts which made them excited.

“Two hundred fifty to three hundred thousand for a day.”

The two agreed that would be perfect for them and let the meeting go one without any interference leading to the signed contracts of the two on board.  When it was over, they left the room returning back to their desks without communication.

“Rin-kun!  Where are you going for lunch?”

“Ahh I have a coupon for the cafeteria.  Want to go?”  He replied seeing her smile.

“Sure… However we might need another place for dessert…”  Yuko pondered before leaving the area.

Rin smiled back at Yuko as she left and continued on with his work.  Yuito firmly stared at his screen looking through the data as he felt a touch on his foot.  He shot up to the smile of his girlfriend when he shook off the gesture and ran off to the printer.

“Yuko is having a liking towards you.”  Yuito commented wiping his lips with his fingers.

“We are together.”

“I see.  That must be fun just to be in lust.”  He spoke under his breath.

“I don’t look at it that way.”  He responded.  “I just satisfy her needs.”

Yuito shook his head before straining back at his computer when Rie returned with her documents.  She knew the atmosphere was heavy between the two and just watched it grow every day before works finishes.  She sat there sharing her attention between the two before opening up another file to research.
Yuu returned to his desk when Akimoto walked in with a gift basket.  She took a seat at the desk looking across of the table and slid a portfolio towards him.  He wasn’t sure the reason but she opened it up to his wife’s picture.  Yuu noticed the time table and the benefits would be retroactive from the period that was given to her at the time she gave birth.  He lowered the folder onto the table and showed a half smile.

“Have you contacted her?” He asked.

“Yes.  She had agreed to it and when she becomes available she will be part of my company.”  Akimoto explained with an awkward grin.

“Can I ask about the pay?”

“Unfortunately, that will be between us and her.”

Yuu locked his hand together as the thoughts of her work life came to his mind.  She was diligent in her jobs and a gain for her company would be leverage against his.  However, he couldn’t let her miss out on this chance and Akimoto seemed honorable to ask.  Yuu stood up and handed over the portfolio over to Akimoto with her smile slowly growing.

“I want her to be paid well.  That’s all I ask.”

“Thank you.”

Yuu sat down and could only imagine his wife’s face about the offer that they were giving her.  He had the concert and the wife on good terms.  He looked onto his screen and a mail had popped up giving him a notice of audit personnel visiting in about a week.  Yuu typed out the response that his area was preparing for the visit and sent it right away.  Immediately, a response came back to curse him for such a quick answer.  Yuu had confidence in his area and ignored the mail and sent out an email that there were auditors coming in about a week and a message to tidy it up.

Yuu sent out the email and heard his phone rang to be summoned to the office of the president.  He jogged over to the office to see a man with a grim expression on his face.  There were few things he didn’t want to see and the man with a stern expression was one and he closed the door behind him.

“Masuda, I know your area is set but the others are in a bind at the moment.  We cannot have different days to have the others catch up.”

“If they weren’t ready, it is their faults not mine.”  He responded.

“True… but are you willing to help them get ready?”

“I will do what is needed if they need me other than that they are screwed.”

“Okay, Hashimoto has requested help.”

Masuda knew that was the financials area and ran over to find an extra computer open to access the files for the year.  The files were in a mess as he smashed them together and found a flaw in the numbers.  He messaged the leader and saw him walk over to a missing transaction that was recently covered.  Hashimoto was a slender man with thinning black hair and a shaded moustache.  Masuda saw the man turned white when the amount had been revealed to him.

Masuda had seen everything but the missing amount had shocked him and he had brought up the transactions and one by one scan it through for matching documents.  Hashimoto only could watch and wait for the items to be shown.  Yuu swore that the item had to been a miscommunication among the clients and peeled his eyes on it when he looked up to the clock just passing 1 P.M.

“Masuda, you can go to lunch…”

“I’ll stay a little longer.”  He replied.

Hashimoto bowed and walked away from the computer.  Every transaction was covered until there was a notable exchange and his heart had dropped.  There was the problem and he couldn’t believe it when he was ready to report it.  He stood up from the chair when a crowd had appeared hearing about the news that had just been released.  Yuu saw his boss and tapped him on the shoulder giving him the news.  He saw a hand swung at him and he feel to the ground.

“Hashimoto is dead!”

“What!?!?  He was the one to embezzle…”  He stopped when the items connected them together.

There was a purpose to the problem and ran back to find Hashimoto had withdrew the money to pay a debt and suffered through the late payments when it was finally done when the shark had come and finished him soon after.  Yuu shook his head as he saved the ledger and walked back to his office.

Rie excused herself to go home after the events that had happened and saw a note on her door with “UNAGI” written on top.  She entered into the apartment with her key and opened it to find a letter indicating a meeting of the writers in secret.  She knew it was an opportunity to seek the other writers with their stories entertaining the audience.  She changed into t-shirt and jeans before throwing over a hoodie to hide her identity.

The breeze caught her by surprise a she walked toward the area where she dropped off her stories and went down the stairs with the invitation in hand.  She knocked twice and handed the invitation over to the person and was led into a hallway with an open cell in front of her.  Rie stepped inside and it slowly went down to the floor below where there was chatter and the cell connected to another set of hallways below.

“Welcome Unagi!  We have been waiting for you.”  The raspy voice greeted her.

“Welcome everyone.  May I know you names?”  She asked as one by one they said their pseudonyms as she was offered a plate of cookies and a cup of tea.

Many were envious of Unagi and her work with the voices seemingly hissing like snakes in a pit but no one knew the identity of the others.  Rie had grown curious but it was short lived with the booming voice of the host.  The sound silences the crowd as it directed towards her.

“Unagi, you have the highest grossing amount of readers and subscribers among the group.  I want to thank you for your hard work.”

“Thanks to the people.”  She responded before biting into the brittle cookie.

“I have a request.”  One person had shouted with a shriek in its voice.  “Unagi, I challenge you to make an intimate story.”

“Do you mean sex?”

“I issue a challenge to Unagi and if she achieves this, it will make the sales skyrocket.”  The voice proclaimed.

Rie swallowed the piece whole feeling her throat ripping as she swallowed it and downing the hot tea to break it down.  There were few things she had to consider that to write such things out needed practice and next was considering Yuito as a prime target to explain the interaction.  She was doomed to try it but there was a chance and she looked through the hole.

“I’ll take the challenge.  One week.”

“It has been confirmed that she has a week to finish it.”

Her cage was brought up and she had left quickly in the darkness into the lights of the outside world.  Rie had dialed the number and held the phone up to her ear.


“Rie-chan, how are you doing?”  He replied.

“I need some help…”

“What is it?”

“Would you mind an idea?”  She asked.


“Explain to me a deep dark secret.”

“I always wanted to try a threesome…”  He responded.

“With who?”

“A former girlfriend.  She’s here right now crying her eyes out.  I told her that I have a new girlfriend but she won’t go away.”

“I see.  I think she needs a little wakeup call about the relationship.  I don’t feel angry about it since she wants you but can I come over?”  Rie smiled as she asked the question.

“You sure it wouldn’t be awkward?”

“I don’t think so because she would do anything right?”

She heard a pause with murmuring in the back before Yuito went back onto the phone.  “That’s mean of you because she is trying to reach into my pants at the moment.”

“I’ll be there with some protection.  Hold her back until then.”

Rie ran into the convenience store to grab a pack of rubbers and alcohol before rushing over to the apartment with the rosy cheek girl all over his leg.  She saw her boyfriend in shock as the woman ran over with her head bowed toward the floor.  Rie walked over to fill up three glasses with ice and opened a can for each of them.  The three each consumed their share when the woman glared at Rie.

“Yuito was all for the first time.”

“Paru… don’t make it that I broke up with you because of sex.”  He replied.

“You had her in mind all along.  I knew when you started to become disinterested in me.”  She spoke as she lay on the bed.

“Rie, are you sure this is okay?”  He glanced at her seeing the hands approaching the other woman.

“Let’s get this experiment started.”  She smiled approaching her lips .
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 05:07:21 PM by kuro_808 »
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Office Love Chapter 13 3/3/14
« Reply #34 on: June 03, 2014, 01:24:56 PM »
Continue onegai!!!!

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Re: Office Love Chapter 13 3/3/14
« Reply #35 on: June 03, 2014, 11:38:00 PM »
Continue onegai!!!!

Yes I will but it has been a lust-driven story XD
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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