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Author Topic: My Special Butler (KojiYuu) ~Semi Hiatus~  (Read 10973 times)

Offline jurimayu14

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My Special Butler (KojiYuu) ~Semi Hiatus~
« on: October 07, 2013, 02:11:29 PM »
Moshi - moshi minna-san, this is really my first post in here ._. even i didn't know what must i comment when i read 48fam fanfic here eheheh xDD  :banghead:

And this is my first fanfic  :) *and sorry for my bad english* I hope you like it :3  :nervous

My Special Butler (English Version)

Chapter 1

-Yuuko POV-

People around me said wanna be like me, they were said be like me is really happiest thing, they were said "you're a perfect girl" but they just know i'm happy but it's not in fact, i always feel lonely, sad an alone except if my best friend Maeda Atsuko besides me. just Acchan who really sincere with me without see who my parent is and didn't look me just in my "perfection".

-Yuuko POV END-

"Yuuko" Acchan call Yuuko but she seems not realized it
"Yuuko!!" shouted Acchan and finally make yuuko awaken from her reverie
"A-Acchan, what's wrong?"
"Aih Yuuko~ it''s time to going home, did you hear the bell was ringing? don't you wanna go home? what are you thinking?" ask Acchan streak on Yuuko who just answered by her  squirrel face.
"Ahh I had to leave early, sorry Acchan, bye bye" say Yuuko to Acchan as she hugged Acchan then she went out of the classroom as fast as the wind *wuuzzhhh

-Yuuko POV-

Acchan sorry I left you, sorry I didn't answer your question at all, in fact I didn't realize Kai, Acchan’s boyfriend also greeted me at the front of the classroom, I had to leave early. My parents who doesn't have a time for me suddenly they contacted me and told me they gave me a birthday present in my 17th birthday. Actually my birthday has passed and it was too late. Even so, it still makes me happy even a little bit.


"Please Miss Yuuko-san" Mariko-sama greeted when she opened the car door to me, I will get into the car and sat in the rear passenger seat, followed by Mariko-sama who sitting in front seat after closing the car door.
"ahh ~~ Mariko-sama ~ I told you do not have to pick me up again~" I whinning to Mariko-sama who is the head of the board in the Ooshima family home.
"I'm sorry miss,this is command from Mr. and Mrs. Oshima, she asked me to pick up and ensure Miss Yuuko safe and there is no problem when you met your birthday present" Mariko-sama replied with details.
'hmm' meet '?' I thought to myself a little wonder, but ... i don't care, I just want to 'meet' as soon as possible with my birthday gifts. I hope that will be the happiest gift to me from my parents, who I've not felt nearly 10 years of their presence on my birthday.

-Yuuko POV END-


Finally a black luxury sedan carrying Yuuko up back to her family home. Mariko-sama who already down first opened the door to Yuuko who was very impatient to see her gifts. Yuuko was like a kid ran into the house with enthusiasm. But when she arrive at the house, Yuuko did not see anything that looks like a gift for her.
"Ahh where's my present?~~ Mariko-sama~~" whined Yuuko as she pouted her lips.
"Miss, wait a minute let me make sure he should have come" mariko-sama replied, but it did not seem to be heard by Yuuko who immediately ran to the backyard where her pet cage places.
"Moshi-moshi, Konbanwa Kojima-san" Mariko-sama greet someone on her cell phone.

-Yuuko POV-

Did my parents lie to me again? Why they love to make me disappointed. ahh better if I play with nyan nyan, my cat who given by my parents as a birthday present when I was kid and always accompanied me when i feel lonely. But when I arrived in the backyard I saw someone, a figure that I don't know playing with my cat while talking on his cell phone and said 'Shinoda' did this guy talking with Mariko-sama? ahh but more importantly who is he dare come in without permission into the Ooshima family home, annoyed I was reflexively shouted.
"Who are you?! Why are you dare enter without permission and playing with my cat" I yelled at people who I do not know him and success make him divert his attention and turned to me.
"Miss Yuuko what's wrong?" Mariko-sama asked, she looks a little tired after running just to make sure my condition and what happen in the backyard.
"who is this guy?" I asked annoyed at Mariko-sama while pointing the figure a man behind me who has approximately same age like me and his face like the cat that got me a little interested, ahh why did I even imagine it.
"Who is he?" I re-asked on Mariko.
"Kojima Riku-san welcome" mariko-sama greet him while doing a little bowed to a figure that was behind me
"Miss Yuuko, he is Kojima Riku-san, Kojima-san this is Miss Ooshima Yuuko-san. And this is your gift Miss" mariko-sama give her answer and introduce our own to each other. wa.. wait?! Did mariko-sama says it's my gift? Which one?
"My gift? Is this? Nyan nyan? Aih Mariko-sama, Nyan nyan were my gift 8 years ago, are you kidding with me?" I asked streak on to Mariko-sama
"Sorry Miss, I mean your gift is Kojima Riku-san not your cat"
"EH?!" I am shock hear Mariko-same answers and seemed that also make a guy who named Kojima Riku-san was surprised as well, is he does not know it too? I look on his face slightly changed. so ... My gift is this man who looked like a cat ....

 XD what do you think minna-san? sorry if this story not interisting..

« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 11:38:04 AM by jurimayu14 »
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu)
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2013, 02:15:48 PM »
ONE WORD "CONTINUE"  :inlove: :wub: :lol:
'kojima riku' as a gift? wow yuko's parents are awesome lol. :lol:

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Offline abcari

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu)
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2013, 06:41:24 PM »
I want a gif like that too!!! xD

Offline steven_0809

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu)
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2013, 08:01:56 AM »
One word shock
please keep writing XD

Offline jurimayu14

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu)
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2013, 03:08:17 PM »
Arigatou for all who read my fanfic  :love:

@tam_atsu:  :twothumbs of course i'll continue it. Ahahah yeah they're really awesome  XD

@abcari:  XD

@steven_0809:  ;) yeah thanks for your support  :)

thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline jurimayu14

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu)
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2013, 03:16:37 PM »
And this is the update  :twothumbs sorry for late update i must keep focus on my work  :banghead: and didn't have time to write my fic u,u

Again, I wanna say sorry for my bad english

My Special Butler (English Version)

Chapter 2

-Yuuko POV-

'Why so silent like this' I thought to myself. Now the three of us there in the Ooshima family room, Riku and I looked at each other without talking with each other, while Mariko-sama is busy with her cell phone.
"Ahem okay" Mariko-sama finally opened the conversation between us.
"It's time to I went, my job is finished, I'm leaving Miss Yuuko to you Kojima-san, please take care the young lady's who I loved and don't naughty Miss" said Mariko-sama on Riku while patted Riku shoulder and then winked at me.
'Wh-what the mean of that wink?'
"I-I'm not a kid anymore Mariko-sama!!~~" I yelled at Mariko-sama who already walking away leaving the two of us and she just replied with a wave.
Sometimes I do not understand what the words mean spoken by Mariko-sama that I considered as my own sister was, hufft.

-Yuuko POV END-

Silence ... Silence ... Silence ... After Mariko-sama left Yuuko and Riku both in the family room. Yuuko and Riku can only stared at each other without saying a word, not long ago Yuuko phone rang and break the silence make a the two of teenager was shocked. Yuuko immediately took her phone and seen that his father was the one who called, Yuuko lifting her call.
"Yuuko, Did you already with Riku? Dad hope you like gifts from us, ahh, please tell to Riku, we entrust you to her "says Yuuko father
"Sorry Yuuko, Dad had to go back to work, bye" "Tut ... tut ... tut ..." Without giving Yuuko opportunity to speak, Yuuko father directly decides telephone line.
"What the hell, I have not talked to him at all!!" Upset Yuuko
"Ano ... what the call came from Mr. Ooshima?" Ask Riku
"Yeah, and he entrusted me to you" said Yuuko to Riku then go left him to the backyard


"Nyan~ did you miss me?" Asked Yuuko on her lovely cat then Yuuko play with her cat.
"Nyan what should I do with my new gift? Humm May I tease him? Of course i may,he's my gift ahahaha~~" says Yuuko who unwittingly overheard by Riku.


Already been over a month, Yuuko and Riku 'together'. Riku always near Yuuko, he always accompany Yuuko if Acchan can not play with Yuuko, he always pick up Yuuko who initially rejected by Yuuko, they also become more intimate and intimately that makes them look like a pair of lovers especially Yuuko often tease and spoiled with Riku.
"Gomen ne Yuuko, today I can not go with you, Kai asked me to accompany him" says Acchan on the phone to Yuuko.
"Well I'll go with Riku~ hehehe luckily I have a gift that can be taken away with me~~"
"Gift? You mean your boyfriend's~~ kkk~~" teased Acchan on Yuuko
"Acchan!" upset Yuuko as she pouted her lips
"Ahaha!! bye bye Yuuko" Then Acchan decides her phone line
Riku who always been near Yuuko could just refrain from feeling interested look Yuuko who changing her face from a previously sullen, annoyed and approximately silent.
"Alright let's go" said Yuuko suddenly and pulled Riku's hand
“Wa-wait a minute Yuuko-san, I do not yet ask for help on the driver to take us and where are we going?" said Riku was shocked while try to hold Yuuko who pull his hand
"Hmmfh .." Yuuko draw a breath "We're going to date Rikunyan~~ and only two of us~~" Yuuko said as she showed her trademark squirrel face.
"EH?!" Without think again, Yuuko pull back Riku's hand and they eventually went use Yuuko private cars.

-Yuuko POV-

Today I'm going to date with Riku ehehe why I'm so happy? Did I liked Riku? His handsome face and his concern to me how can be I refused. But I do not know what he feels to me, we can never really free alone surely there's always someone else.

-Yuuko POV END-

Arriving at the mall a place is a destination for them, Yuuko immediately pulled back Riku's hand, Riku can only be resigned to what Yuuko did.
"Well I want you to buy a change of clothes, choose clothes as you please Rikunyan~" Yuuko said in front of one of the men's clothing stores
"B-but .." Riku have not had time to finish his word, Yuuko have first put her index finger on Riku's lips
"Shh I want you to use casual clothes when on a date with me" said Yuuko leaning her body on Riku and successful makes Riku's face redden.
Riku follow Yuuko orders and pick some clothes. Without Riku knowing Yuuko followed him to the changing clothes room.
"Yuuko-san?! W-what are... "again - again, Yuuko cut Riku's sentence and put something back on the Riku's lips, but this time not with her finger but with her lips. Spontaneous, this is makes Riku shock and make his face became red.
"You look very handsome with your butler clothes, but I want us to be lovers from today onwards" said Yuuko in Riku's ear with her seductive tone.
"Yuuko-san .. ahh" said Riku weak due to receive treatment from Yuuko who is kissing Riku's neck while unbuttoning Riku's shirt.
"So-sorry Miss Th-this is dressing rooms just for men and women barred" said a store employee to Riku and Yuuko.
"Ahh~~ Okay,I will got out, quickly change your clothes and become more handsome my lovely butler Rikunyan~~" said Yuuko to Riku while kiss Riku's lips, then left Riku, while wink her eyes and show her squirrel smile again.

Sorry if this fic not interisting *bow*
« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 07:26:38 AM by jurimayu14 »
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline abcari

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu) ~ Chapter 2 UPDATE~ 12/10/2013
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2013, 09:26:11 PM »
Yuko is a pervert xDDD a pervert ojousama LOL!

the love is blooming <3

Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu) ~ Chapter 2 UPDATE~ 12/10/2013
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2013, 10:33:10 PM »
lol. no one can resist to a pervert yuko-sama so surely riku is also falling inlove to her  :inlove: :wub: update soon!!  :bow: :bow: :thumbsup :)

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu) ~ Chapter 2 UPDATE~ 12/10/2013
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2013, 02:19:13 AM »
Yuko is a pervert xDDD a pervert ojousama LOL!

the love is blooming <3

jajajaj :3

Offline jurimayu14

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu) ~ Chapter 2 UPDATE~ 12/10/2013
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2013, 05:48:30 AM »
Moshi-moshi minna-san~~  :)
sorry i can't update this fic soon  :( :cry: :bow:
because i'm already working...  :banghead:

so for apologizing I make 3 os fic in here...
the fic are
I will always love you, Atsuko
~Minami x Atsuko x Onoe~
Me, My Oshi, and My Dream (AKBxJKT)
Surprise Gift from Little Puppy

read that if you want hehehe, once again sorry... if i can, i will update this fic in weekend~~  :bow:
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline edogawa4869

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu) ~ Chapter 2 UPDATE~ 12/10/2013
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2013, 06:27:02 PM »
kyaaaa.... another KojiYuu...  :inlove:

or maybe RikuYuu in this case...  :D

yeah yeah... Yuko is pervert as always...  :drool:

even she is ojou-sama...

waiting for the next chapter...  :cool1:

sorry for my bad english..  :kneelbow:

Offline steven_0809

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu) ~ Chapter 2 UPDATE~ 12/10/2013
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2013, 07:07:27 AM »
ahah the charm of pervert yuko :D
good luck riku

Offline jurimayu14

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu) ~ Chapter 2 UPDATE~ 12/10/2013
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2013, 11:36:23 AM »
kyaaaa.... another KojiYuu...  :inlove:

or maybe RikuYuu in this case...  :D

yeah yeah... Yuko is pervert as always...  :drool:

even she is ojou-sama...

waiting for the next chapter...  :cool1:

sorry for my bad english..  :kneelbow:

ahaha yeah you're right, it's not kojiyuu but rikuyuu  XD
thanks for read my fic.. but.. maybe i can't update this fic soon  :cry: :bow:
because i don't have any idea now... u,u  :(
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline X8RTIER

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu) ~Semi Hiatus~
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2013, 11:58:45 AM »
"KYAAAA!! its another mendol x AKB.. kinda , cant wait" :twothumbs

Offline jurimayu14

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu) ~Semi Hiatus~
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2013, 09:44:18 AM »
"KYAAAA!! its another mendol x AKB.. kinda , cant wait" :twothumbs

thanks for read my fic X8RTIER-san but you must wait for the next chapter coz i still don't mood for this fic  :banghead: sorry  :cry:
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline PinellaEdlyn

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Re: My Special Butler (KojiYuu) ~Semi Hiatus~
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2014, 04:32:23 PM »
Author when will you post the next chapter ???? I know you're on hiatus, but when will you post it ????

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