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Author Topic: [Jurimayu14's OS Compilation] Happy #16thBirdDayOneWingedBeby (JKT48:BebNju)  (Read 15628 times)

Offline jurimayu14

  • JuriMayu~ SayaMilky~ AtsuMina~ BebNju~ <3
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Before I'm continuing write My Special Butler (read here  XD ) I make this story

Sorry for bad english and if you don't like it

I will always love you, Atsuko
~Minami x Atsuko x Onoe~

-Takamina POV-

“I… Maeda Atsuko will graduate from AKB48” I burst into tears when Acchan reveal about what I've known before. When I opened my eyes it turns out we've been in Tokyo Dome and are preparing to perform 'Omoide no Hotondo' in concert 1830m, but there's something weird when I'm on stage, this is not a 1830m concert stage which I know and there is the figure of the man who I know now he is Acchan's boyfriend, Onoe. Acchan ran happily toward her lover with a very sweet smile wide left me alone.
"Acchan do not leave me again" I shouted and tried to chase her but I could not achieve her.
"ACCHAN!!" I woke up from my sleep with my body full of sweat, when I look around me, I realized it turned out it was all just a dream. My head ached and my chest was really congested if I recall that dream, see her sweet smile, sweet smile which I always longed for, a smile that is no longer for me. Acchan ...

-Takamina POV END-

"Takamina are you okay?" Miichan asked when opening the Takamina's door room and followed by Harunyan. Today, 3 member of first generation who remaining stay at Takamina's apartment
"Dreaming about Acchan again?" This time Harunyan who asked to Takamina after sitting on Takamina's bed
"Hmm .." Takamina didn't answer Miichan's and Harunyan's questions, she just woke up then saw a calendar on the wall of her room, then go leave Harunyan and Miichan. Miichan and Harunyan know exactly what Takamina is seen in the calendar, surely Acchan's wedding date.

~flashback~ (1 month before Acchan wedding day)

3 months after Tomochin graduation concert, Takamina, Acchan and the others never meet again. Their busy schedules preclude their longing to meet. But suddenly Acchan invite Takamina and others to meet, of course Takamina was most looking forward to this meeting.


Takamina and others have arrived at the restaurant, but Acchan have not seen
"Takamina~~ You look so kakkoii~~ what it's because will meet Acchan~" teased Yuko on Takamina then hugged her.
"Yu-Yuko let me go, and I look normal." Takamina replied with a slightly flushed face. Yuko and the others amused smile see it. Finally the long-awaited figures come also. After eating while jokes and nostalgic, came at the core event, with her trademark smile, Acchan issued an envelope that looks like an invitation in front of other former AKB48 and share one-by-one to them.
"Ac-Acchan this is your wedding invitation?" Ask Mariko on Acchan who answered with a very sweet smile that makes Takamina heart feel so hurt. Reflexively, they all glanced Takamina, just Acchan who are not aware of the changing face of Takamina.

~flashback end~

-Takamina POV-

“Takamina?Takamina~~” Call Miichan interrupted my thoughts.
"Mii-Miichan, ahh we've had to immediately exercise let's go Miichan, Haruna, Ac ..." Takamina straight away without completing her words.


Acchan wedding day arrived, we were the invited guests had arrived at her wedding place, I could see clearly this would be a pretty swanky weddings and festive. Arrive in time for the wedding ceremony began, Onoe with wearing his tuxedo looks handsome, has entered the church which will be witness his marriage with Acchan. Look it making my chest hurt again, no, I can not see this, I decided to go without bothering of the call from Miichan and others.


Now I'm here, sitting alone at the park, the park Acchan and I've ever made in place of our impingement if we were both tired with AKB activities.
"She must have been happy, I'm sorry I could not attend your wedding, this is much more painful than when you left me alone in AKB"
"TAKAMINA!" Shouted someone with very familiar voice calling my name.
"A-Atsuko?! What are you doing here? How about your wedding?" I asked her. I could see her face clearly visible tired after running using her wedding dress.
"BAKA! How can I have fun with my wedding while I see my best friend out of my marriage place, with grim and sad face as it is." She said, with a slightly annoyed tone
"Atsuko ..." without thinking again I pulled her arm and gently kissed her lips, I don't know what was on my mind, Acchan looked surprised with what I'm doing, but she did not fight at all and let it be.
"Come on, I'll take you back to your wedding" I said after we were kissing long enough, while holding her hands, Acchan just nodded and according to what I say.


Arriving at the church, Onoe, their parents and invited guests face visible anxious and alarming Acchan. They were surprised to see Acchan with me. I forced a smile and with tears running down my cheeks, I accompany Acchan until she is next to Onoe. Acchan and Onoe finally married, they look so harmonious and happy, my tears never stopped flowing. Acchan I will lock deep memories of the two of us together for 6 years in AKB and let the memories stored neatly in the Pandora's box that can not be opened again together with this feeling, I will always love you, Atsuko.


As AtsuMina shipper I really don't like ending like this  XD  :lol:
Sorry if this story not interisting..
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 09:58:06 AM by jurimayu14 »
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline olive29

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Re: [OS Compilation] I will always love you, Atsuko (Minami x Atsuko x Onoe)
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2013, 08:40:30 AM »
kuantarkan Acchan until she is next to Onoe.

You forgot to translate that part..  :grin:

But, I like Atsumina together... :cry:

Poor Takamina.. :cry:

Offline blakwhite

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Re: [OS Compilation] I will always love you, Atsuko (Minami x Atsuko x Onoe)
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2013, 08:49:07 AM »
poor takamina  :cry:
can you make the continuation please?  :cry:

and btw  ku antarkan = i accompany

just help you translate it .___.

Offline jurimayu14

  • JuriMayu~ SayaMilky~ AtsuMina~ BebNju~ <3
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Re: [OS Compilation] I will always love you, Atsuko (Minami x Atsuko x Onoe)
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2013, 10:05:12 AM »
kuantarkan Acchan until she is next to Onoe.

You forgot to translate that part..  :grin:

But, I like Atsumina together... :cry:

Poor Takamina.. :cry:

Ahahaha sorry i don't see it  XD but i'm already correct it now
Yeah i like atsumina together too  :cry:
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline jurimayu14

  • JuriMayu~ SayaMilky~ AtsuMina~ BebNju~ <3
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Re: [OS Compilation] I will always love you, Atsuko (Minami x Atsuko x Onoe)
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2013, 10:07:07 AM »
poor takamina  :cry:
can you make the continuation please?  :cry:

and btw  ku antarkan = i accompany

just help you translate it .___.

hmm i don't know, when i was writing this, i just think to make os hehe...
yap thanks :D
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline cisda83

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Re: [OS] I will always love you, Atsuko (Minami x Atsuko x Onoe)
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2013, 08:27:41 PM »
Intersting OS but sad ending for takamina

Ah... Atsuko wedding with the rumour boyfriend...

Such a bitter sad story..

Poor takamina... But well written story

Thank you for the OS

Can't wait up see more

  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline jurimayu14

  • JuriMayu~ SayaMilky~ AtsuMina~ BebNju~ <3
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Re: [OS] I will always love you, Atsuko (Minami x Atsuko x Onoe)
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2013, 12:22:21 PM »
Intersting OS but sad ending for takamina

Ah... Atsuko wedding with the rumour boyfriend...

Such a bitter sad story..

Poor takamina... But well written story

Thank you for the OS

Can't wait up see more

  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

 :) you're welcome, thanks for read my os fic too :D
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline jurimayu14

  • JuriMayu~ SayaMilky~ AtsuMina~ BebNju~ <3
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Re: [Jurimayu14's OS Compilation] Me, My Oshi, and My Dream (JKTxAKB:BebYuu)
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2013, 12:32:03 PM »
Yoo minna-san~~ I'm back with OS fic  XD and the cast is JKT48's Beby Chaesara Anadila *my oshi*  :heart: and her oshi Oshima Yuko XD

This is their pict (from Beby instagram)

and this is the story, enjoy it~~

Me, My Oshi, and My Dream (Beby Story)

Ooshima Yuuko, a name very familiar to  48family fans, someone who always looks so cheerful it was always be my idol. Her voice, her dance, her spirit, her struggle has always been my inspiration for more and more to fight again in JKT48. All the fans and members JKT48 also know I idolize Yuko-san. When Rena was declared entry AKB48 and will debut as a member of Team K, of course that crossed my mind was the figure of Yuko-san. Many people think I'm jealous with Rena, yes indeed Yuko-san is my oshi, but I think it's taste idolized when just watched her as the idol and see her from the audience seat. I also think 'Did idolize taste will same if I close and familiar with Yuko-san?' But that does not mean I did not expect to be on stage and duet with Yuko-san. The dream has no limits. And I believe that one day my dream will come true.


Until the day arrived, the day in which Yuko-san announced will graduate from AKB48. As her fans, it certainly made me shocked. An announcement which make my dreams little fade even slightly damaging my concentration when I going to perform theater.
"Am I still allowed to hope with my dream Yuko-san?"  I asked to myself which I will not know the answer.


3 months later, we all 48family members were informed by our each management, we will be held a Yuko-san farewell concert that will be filled by all including AKB48 sister group, included JKT48 and lasted for 3 days straight. The concert which will still last 2 months later it already has a setlist that has been notified to us. When was announced Zhao Jia Min SNH48 or commonly called Savoki * who also Yuko-oshi* would sing a duet song 'Temodemo no Namida' with Yuko-san there is little hope for me and which being reallity that I will also duet with Yuko-san in song 'Kinjirareta Futari'. May I happy with this as you will 'go' from AKB48 Yuko-san?


2 weeks before the concert, I previously flew to Japan to be able to work out longer with Yuko-san, of course I already own the previous exercise. Arriving in Japan, Yuko-san herself *with Rena and also with Savoki* who welcomed my arrival, while showing a cheerful smile and her trademark squirrel face Yuko-san waved her hand to me.
"Welcome Beby~~~" she said as she hugged me, make me lost for words and felt my heart stopped beating.
We immediately brought to the training ground after a short break at the hotel, when we got on the training ground, I could see obvious nobody in here, there's only Yuko-san, I, Savoki, and also Kojiharu-san. Our training begin.


2 weeks we practice together, made me more familiar with figure of Yuko-san, is not bad either be close to my idol, this feeling remains the same. The day of concert came, the first and second concert went smoothly until on the third day, my tears flowed, I tried to survive and concentrate only on appearance in my duet with Yuko-san. When we both went up the stage visible enthusiasm of the audience who are curious about our duet. I could not stand it any longer, I burst into tears while on stage, with an attitude of professionalism Yuko-san hug me and continued her singing, makes me calm and concentration back. I cried again when I down the stage, while Yuko-san is still on the stage to continue her concert.


The concert was over, when I opened my eyes, I realized was in a room that looks like a hospital room and there a figure of Yuko-san in next to me and we were just both of us.
"You fainted" she said, actually I did not understand what she was saying.
"You must be strong, I wont really go, it's just time for me to graduated from here, it's time to us *old generation* hand over this to you *next generation* hehehe" she said with a smile, while I tried to remember her words for ask to Rena / Ayana later.
"Come and watch my solo concert later, I want to see you, Savoki and also Nyan nyan in audience seat, the next Oshima Yuko" she said then kissed my side lips, then go left me after giving me her trademark squirrel smile.


1 year passed, I can still clearly remember what Yuko-san did to me after her farewell concert, and till today I still do not know what is actually spoken by Yuko-san, especially when heard Yuko-san said 'next Oshima Yuko' to me make me undo my intention to ask Rena / Ayana. Whatever it was said by Yuko-san the words 'next Oshima Yuko' already describing everything, I will keep trying and practicing hard to reach my dreams and continue what you didn't get when you're still a part of us, Yuko-san.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 11:25:56 AM by jurimayu14 »
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline jurimayu14

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Re: [Jurimayu14's OS Compilation] Surprise Gift from Little Puppy (JuriMayu)
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2013, 05:39:48 AM »
I'm back yeah~~  :cow:
I'm back with my oshi x my oshi couple  :grin: Matsui Jurina x Watanabe Mayu  XD

and This is the story~~

Surprise Gift from Little Puppy

-Jurina POV-
"Ok Cut" says director of Majisuka Gakuen 2 on me and Mayu-san when we have completed and successfully carry out our last scene today. Today is the birthday of Mayu-san, I have a surprise for her as well as an apology if I made her uncomfortable. Without saying goodbye to Mayu-san I immediately go leave her.
-Jurina POV END-

-Mayuyu POV-
After this long day, we finally finished filming today. I saw Jurina ran off somewhere without first saying goodbye to me. Yeah, none of my business actually, we aren't close friends, we became close because our role in this drama. Our previous relationship didn't like her relationship with Rena who very familiar. Jealous? No, no, why I thinking about her like this, forget it, forget it. I had to go home as soon as possible.
"Watanabe-san" I heard one of the crew called my name.
"Please do not go yet, wait a minute" said the other crew.
"What else? Today filming already finished all, right?" I replied lazily. I saw their faces looked confused.
"If there is no problem anymore, I'm going home. Konbanwa" after saying goodbye to the crew, I went home.
-Mayuyu POV END-

After asking the crew to set up a little party on the last filming place of Majisuka. With chirpy face and wide smile plastered, Jurina back after taking a cake for Mayuyu. But when she returns, Mayuyu already gone.
"I told you to hold her first, arghh" Jurina pissed at Majisuka crew, and they can only apologize for not being able to hold Mayuyu. After putting the cake on the table, Jurina hurried follow Mayuyu who has gone 15 minutes earlier.


-Mayuyu POV-
Already 15 minutes I walk going home, but somehow I feel there is something missing. Jurina? Is it because I went home without saying goodbye to her? Huh ... for what I thinking about her, she left without saying anything to me too. I decided to move on without thinking about it.
"Mayu-san!! Watanabe Mayu-san!" I heard Jurina  with tired voice calling my name.
"What's wrong, Jurina?" I said while turning my body. Did not answer my question, Jurina just ran towards me and hugged me. I'm trying to let go of her arms, but her body is bigger than me able to bear it.
"Mayu-san please do not go home" said Jurina who were still hugging me, her embrace so tightly making me hard to breathe, to the extent that I could feel her breath on my ear and pierced up into my heart, my heart pounding because of this. After almost a few minutes we hugged, Jurina finally releasing her arms and pulled my hand.
"Jurina, chotto matte! Jurina!" I said while shouting to her who is not totally care it, and only answered with her trademark smile is like the puppy.


During the trip I kept shouting calling her name, I don't realized that Jurina took me back to where we were filming. As I look around me, the set we've turned into a small birthday party and there is cake with my name in the table. I see a puppy picture in this cake, Jurina? Is this all from Jurina?
"Jurina?" I turned towards Jurina who grinning to me now.
"Otanjoubi omedettou Mayu-san~~ :3" she said. Then I ran towards her and hugged her.
"Arigatou Jurina, arigatou" I said still hugging her.
"Doita Mayu-san, daisuki" Jurina answer startled me, what I hear did misheard. Don't want to spoil our mood which improved, I do not care about it.


After a little party for my birthday which was prepared by Jurina ends. Jurina and I decided to go home together. While holding hands we were told a lot of things, made me forget the thing that sucks about her.
"Mayu-san, you know, for me, you, Maeda-san and Yuko-san are the highest star in the night sky that is not easy to achieve, but I would not give up to be able to side with you all" she said as she smiled at me, and I replied with nod. Honestly, I do not understand what she was saying.
"Ahh Mayu-san, can you close your eyes first" without asking to her, I comply her desire. I could feel her hands were draping something in my neck.
"Open your eyes Mayu-san" I opened my eyes, when I saw my neck there's already a necklace with pendant dog.
"Th-This is?"
"A birthday present from me :3 and a pendant dog so that you always remember me and also a sign that you are mine, so no one can bother you." Obviously that startled me.
"EH?!" Without caring about me who surprised, Jurina kissed my lips gently. My heart feels dislodged by her treatment of sudden. My face redden.
"Daisuki Mayu-san, I really love you Mayu-san" she said as she rested her head on my head.
"Daisuki mou Jurina" with the face still red, I answered gently declaration of love Jurina to me. I saw her face showing a sweetly smile. After that we kissed again and go home happily. Thanks for all my little puppy.


Sorry if this fic not interisting  :bow:
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 11:26:39 AM by jurimayu14 »
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline jurimayu14

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Re: [Jurimayu14's OS Compilation] Surprise Gift from Little Puppy (JuriMayu)
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2013, 02:42:34 AM »
Heloha minna-san~~ i'm back with new os, and this fic cast is JKT48 member~~
-Beby Chaesara Anadila : Tam J members, Yuko oshi, now she's Maachun oshi too
-Shania Junianatha : Team J members, often called Nju/Shanju, Kasai Tomomi oshi, interested with Milky now
-Neneng Rosdiana (Ochi) : 1st generation graduated member
enjoy it~~  :)

You and Her
~Ochi x Beby x Shanju~

~Beby POV~
“Always study hard and practice hard, I, Beby!” I said as usual when jikoshoukai in theater today.
It's been two years I was officially a member JKT48, and today we still show our first setlist, Ren'ai Kinshi Jourei by Tim J.


Saturday, at 2 pm, today Team J held theater 2 times. And now we have completed the first show special Ladies and Kids. I never thought when performing earlier, that Ochi, the closest person to me since the beginning on this JKT, my first friend at the time, I didn't guess she watch theater today.

~Beby POV END~

-HI-touch session-

~Shanju POV~

"Thanks ne~" we said as usual when the hi-touch with the fans.
Today JKT48 fans looks shocked see Ochi presence in audience's seat. Likewise we JKT48 members and especially... yes Beby.. My bestfriend... Friends and members closest to Ochi first, yes very close, before Beby and I know each other like this.

"Shania, my cousin is Shania fans, let's high-fiving with Shania nee-chan"
"Thank you :) watch again later ne :)" I said, smiling sweetly at both of them.
After that I really can’t concentrate, until I do not listen well the words of the fans who spoke to me. I just noticed that Ochi would Hi-Touch with Beby now.

"Beby... Beby you're cool keep the spirit :)" Ochi said, smiling at Beby.
"Ochi... Thanks chi :)" Beby replied with a smile. The session was not so long, but enough to make Beby's gaze hanged.
Session Hi-touch finish, without saying anything to us, Beby straight back into the makeup room. I really know why Beby so, yes.. due meet again with Ochi.

~Shanju POV END~

~Ochi POV~

My quick meeting with JKT48 members especially Beby make me remember my memories revolve back. When I first joined JKT48, the first idol group in Indonesia. When I do not know my surroundings and do not dare to greet members of JKT48, except Beby that first greeted me, until we became very close. Until then, a decision which made her sad and disappointed…

~Ochi POV END~


It's been several months JKT48 appear and perform at events on television make them more known. Beby and Ochi 2 members who are both derived from Bandung is certainly very close and almost all the fans know it, and calling them both 'Bechi'. But.. It did not last long, Ochi sudden decision to grad from JKT48, making fans and especially Beby surprised.

"Ochi, why would not say this before?" Ask Beby at Ochi after Ochi notifying her decision in the theater today.
"Sorry Beby, there are things I can’t tell to Beby." Replied Ochi while hugging Beby, Beby back tears that would come out at that time.


A few weeks after that, Ochi really official grad from JKT48, now Beby feel alone. Feeling that she could not speak through the mouth about Ochi, she spilled through twitter.
"May I cry because I feel lost? :'" Said Beby on twitter. Of course it is to Ochi.
Today JKT48 no performing theater, but they should still come to practice, when it Beby was alone in the makeup room. Shania who saw it so sad.

~Shanju POV~

Beby.. She continues to be so even though this has been quite a while since Ochi out, I also read her tweet, I know we're not close like you with Ochi but..
"Beby.." my call was ignored by her, did not want to continue to see her like that, crossed my mind to play the AKB48 video. From what I hear and I know it Beby is AKB48 fans just like me.

"The sound of this? AKB48? Emm Shania, is that AKB48 video?" Turned my idea right, Beby react with video which I play, she approached.
"Beby who's your oshi? Shania likes Tomomi Chiyuu" I said start the first conversation between us.
"Yuko-san :D" after that we talked a lot and became close to the present.

-Flashback END-

Is currently Beby alone again just as before, with the same way I made her aware from her daydream.

~Shanju POV END~

~Beby POV~

Ochi, now I have Shania, thanks for the wonderful memories we used to be, I will never forget it. Beby love Ochi, but Beby more love Shania :). Beby also love Yuko-san *eh ehehe xD.

You and Her-END-

one of Bechi pic:

and of course BebNju pic:

thanks for read it and sorry if it's not interesting...  :bow:
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 11:27:22 AM by jurimayu14 »
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline jurimayu14

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back with new OS :3 with my very first os about sayamilky~

enjoy it~ and sorry for bad english~

I Hate You! (SayaMilky)

-Watanabe Miyuki: Ordinary to be called Milky. An idol, actress, famous model in Japan, idol for teens boys, and inspiration for teens girls.
-Yamamoto Sayaka: Ordinary to be called Sayanee. The singer in a cafe at once a bar, which turned out to Milky frequented. Not like Milky, because for her, Milky does not deserve be an Idol.
The story begin…

-At 5 pm-

"Yoo Sayanee welcome~' said the owner of the bar, Goto who was like the big brother to Sayanee.
"Yoo bro~ hmm? What did you watch?" Ask Sayanee.
"Our Loyal customers~" he said, pointing television with his chin.


"Milky-chan, if no work in evenings what you usually do?" Asked a reporter.
"If there is no work, I usually went to bed in my apartment, or a short exercise to work next day ^^" Milky replied, smiling sweetly.
"What your favorite drink Milky?" Asked another reporter.

"Of course Miruku daisuki~ :3" Milky replied.
"I'm sorry.. Watanabe Miyuki-san should be immediately to the site of the shooting" said Milky manager, Milky separated from the crowd of reporters that surrounding her.


"Huh? Sleep? Milk? Hypocrite girl who Tequilla lovers was smart also maintain her image" Sayanee said.
"Hush.. Do not talk rough like that to the cute girl like Milky~"
"I do not care about her" said Sayanee then went to get ready.
"Are you sure? Do not you the most care about her, Sayanee~~" said Goto that was ignored by Sayanee.


-At 2 am-

"Ahh~~ Finally we finished~ Hey Sayanee, where is our idol, being not come?"
"Not my business, it's good if she..." replied Sayanee which suddenly interrupted by the noise at the front of the bar.
"I want to go! You do not know who I am!" Said a voice that is familiar to the ears Sayanee and Goto.
"I'm sorry miss, but we had to close" said an employee.
"I do not care! Let me in! "

"What is this? Ahh, welcome please." Says Goto.
"Hngg.. So the national idol who come and get angry in front of our bar" Sayanee said sarcastically on Milky.
"Stop it, Sayanee you better get ready, and entertain our idol."

"No, her singing has never appealed to me."
"I was not going to sing for the idol as you were, you'd better go home because we're closed"
"None of your business if I came here"
"Stop it c'mon, Sayanee did my order, and Miyuki-san I'll make special drinks for you, so sit quiet here okay~"


-1 Hour later-

"Sooner also she was drunk and fell asleep like that"
"Hmm" Sayanee just silent while looking towards Milky.
"Then drive her to home, Sayanee~"
"Okay~ Eh? What? Me? Why me? "
"Only you who I can rely on and trusted, I may not tell other employees"

"Hey, but..."
"Drive her, or I fire you" Goto said as he left the SayaMilky own.
"Boss, that's not fair! Besides, I do not know where she lives! Hey boss!" Said Sayanee annoyed at Goto.
"Huh sucks girl..."


Not knowing whether to carry around, Sayanee bring Milky to her apartment, and put her to sleep in her bed. While Sayanee herself sleeping on the couch.
The morning arrived, the clock is shown at 9 am, Milky feel dizzy and nauseous. Milky realized when she woke up, she was not in her apartment.

"Where am I?" Ask Milky to herself in a panic.
"That bar singer apartment? Clean also.." said Milky when viewing Sayanee photos on her desk.
"Hmm? What book is this, really worn out... eh Watanabe Miyuki's notes?" said Milky then opened the notes and read it at a glance.


'12 January 2001 - Today there is a new kid in my class, quiet girl who looks like a lot of thought. I'm curious.'
'2 February 2001 - I saw her cry alone, I entertain with my toys. She laughed, she's so cute, we become close. :D'
'8 October 2004 - Milky told me, she want to be an idol. I'm shocked, but I will always support her! Ganbatte Milky'
'9 March 2006 - Milky officially join one agency. We play together to celebrate it, and take a photos as well. :3'
'23 November 2008 - Milky increasingly busy with her work, I'm happy because she likes her work. But I'm concerned, she's thinner than before. :('

'17 April 2013 - I was surprised to see she come to the bar, where I work. Milky drunk. But when she saw me she had forgotten me. :('
'20 October 2013 - I'm watching Milky's drama, she remains beautiful even though 12 years have passed since I knew her. And for that too I still love her :')'
'3 December 2013 - I think Milky will not come again, I'm happy even though I always miss her. But, it turns out she came. And now she's sleeping in my room in drunk condition. :('


"Sayanee??" said Milky while looking Sayanee who are not visible.
"Yes.. Yes I'm here. Emm? Sayanee?" Said Sayanee who just finished bathing.
"I'm sorry... I remember it all now, forgive me" Milky said while holding up the book she had just read.
"Ahh.. That book.. I hate you, you know!" said Sayanee with a smile.

"Eh?" Milky surprised to hear it.
"I hate you! Because you make me love you and love you even more and have for years" Without replying Sayanee greeting, Milky hugging Sayanee.

I Hate You (SayaMilky) -END-

« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 11:27:59 AM by jurimayu14 »
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline CheesyBits

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Re: [Jurimayu14's OS Compilation] I Hate You! (SayaMilky)
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2014, 11:04:09 AM »
SayaMilky seemed kinda rushed but good work anyways!  :D

Keep up the good work! There's still rooms for improvement  :cow: :cow:

Offline gilangfajri

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Re: [Jurimayu14's OS Compilation] I Hate You! (SayaMilky)
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2014, 12:06:50 PM »
interesting, keep up the good work! :thumbup

"Once I told Yui a message, 'no matter what happens, I only want Yui to be by my side.' To think of it, it just become a vogue, isn't it?"

-Shimazaki Haruka-

Offline jurimayu14

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Re: [Jurimayu14's OS Compilation] I Hate You! (SayaMilky)
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2014, 05:26:30 AM »
SayaMilky seemed kinda rushed but good work anyways!  :D

Keep up the good work! There's still rooms for improvement  :cow: :cow:

yap thanks CheesyBits-san.. i really like your sayamilky os anyway :3
i still studying to be a good fanfic writer  XD ehehe


and now i'm back with new os :3
my very first os with AtsuYuu~~  XD

in this fic Yuu is a man  XD
and this fic basically from Acchan's song with same title "Tsumetai Honoo" in "Time Machine Nante Iranai" Type D~  XD
this is my fav song from her 3rd single ehehe XD

and big thanks for / studio48 for lyrics translation~
if you want to know :

enjoy it~

Tsumetai Honoo (AtsuYuu)
-Acchan Story-

It's been almost 2 years, I became a Yuu's lover and lived together in his house. Supposedly, we are very happy as the other pair. Joking, laughing, crying, smiling and sleeping together. Yes, it is what I feel before. Ever since his parents died 7 months ago, Yuu changed. He so rarely at home, never gave me the news, if he's went home, such as do not realize and do not care about the existence of myself. Even the last 2 months is never went home.

My bestfriends also said and told me to leave Yuu. But I can't, I promised to both of Yuu's parents. Of course, Yuu and I, we also promise to always be together and love each other. Love each other? Are there still a sense of it in Yuu's heart..


Tomorrow is the date of our anniversary, exact to 2 years. I'm cooking my favorite food and also..  Yuu. I knew it would be useless, but at least I want to celebrate it alone though.
"Hufft finished~" I said after completing all these dishes, put it on the table in TV room and certainly prepared to eat.
"Ding-dong" doorbell rang. It has been quite a night for a visit.

"Hai~ wait a minute" I said take off the apron that I wear as I headed to the front door.
Through a small hole in the door, I could see who was at the door, a figure that I miss the most.
"Y-Yuu..." I said as opened the door.

Yuu enter without saying a word to me. After 2 months of not met, don't you miss me, Yuu? For what you back if you remains cold to me? May I should still and keep hoping to you?


Yuu return home with 2 bottles of Borbon, and a small bag. I do not know to be happy or not, to see his come back. Does he remember our anniversary tomorrow?
"Yuu.. Do you want to eat? I have make your favorite food" I said with a smile.
Again, Yuu didn't answer at all, after putting bag and bottles borbon which he was carrying, he take a bath. I could only sigh.


Already 11 pm, I waiting for Yuu who still bathing, and fell asleep on the sofa in tv room.
"Emmhh.. Ahh Yuu.. You've finished?" I asked to Yuu who already sitting next to me.


SOFAA no tonari nekorobe ba
natsukashii nukumori no hijuu
dakedo imasara futari wa hajimaranai
No thank you~
When you throw yourself down next to me on the sofa
I get a nostalgic feeling of warmth and weight
But we're not getting back together at this point
No thank you~


As usual no answer from him. He just looked at me, Yuu what are you thinking?
"Um, sorry I had already eaten first, don't forget to eat, emm I sleep first" I said and walked away.


~sore wo ai to yoberu ka
wakaranai kedo
hitori de iru yori ochitsuku kamo...
masaka mukashi no kare to nete iru nante
tomodachi ni hanasu no mo mendoukusai
~Can that be called love?
I don't know, but
It might be nicer than being alone…
"It's not like I'm sleeping with my old boyfriend"
I explain to my friends this hard to describe


2 am, I woke up, my sleep was really uncomfortable, I kept thinking about Yuu. I opened my door to see his condition. I approached him who asleep still holding the bottle Borbon which empty. Slowly not wanting to wake him up, I tidy up the plates and bottles, and cover him with a blanket.

"Thank you for eating my cooking, do you like it? Happy anniversary Yuu" I whispered softly to him.
Curiosity hit me when I saw Yuu's small bag which open. When I looked inside, there are house keys, and a box with writing on it.

'Happy Anniversary Acchan'

Immediately, I open it, there were so gorgeous necklace.
"Yuu.." My tears suddenly flowed.


~sore wo ai to yoberu ka, kikitaku naru yo
kotaete shimau to ikigurushii ne
marude tsumetai honoo moete iru you de
omoide no sukimakaze ni chirachira yureru
~Can that be called love?
I want to ask you
It might be hard to bear if you answer
It's like a cold flame is burning
Swaying occassionally in the draft let in by my memories


thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline Kazan

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Re: [Jurimayu14's OS Compilation] Tsumetai Honoo (AtsuYuu)
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2014, 08:30:40 AM »
 :w00t: oh you make atsuyuu, I'm glad to know it  :thumbsup
Thank you for make atsuyuu  :tntrm: :luvuluvu:

Offline jurimayu14

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Back!! With new OS

JKT48 Story! my OTP in JKT :3 BebNju :3

This story is based on true story of the Beby 16th birthday, seasoned and added a bit of fantasy from authors XD what I write taken from post G+ and twitter both of them and what I watched in the theater when Beby Seitansai *even though I've forgotten the heck* #dzigh xD (Post Shanju about Beby) (Post Beby about Shanju) (Post Beby about her birthday)

Happy #16thBirdDayOneWingedBeby (BebNju)
~Beby story~

15th March, 3 days before my birthday, we were holding JKT48 5th CD Single Flying Get Launching Concert. I was alone in the backstage, utilizing existing vacant time to take a break. Suddenly you, with a little pout face toward me.

"Beby, what date your birthday?"
"18" I replied with a confused face. You didn't remember?
"Yaahh" you said with a face that still pouting.
"Why indeed?"
"Nope" Your answer so short, makes me think.

-Night at 17 March-

Today is the day before my 16th birthday, it feels like a quick to 18th. Lot of things I am thinking before performing tomorrow, yes because this year my birthday will celebrated first time in the theater right in the 18th. Theatre tomorrow makes me more tense exceed shonichi theater, or blocking change, even more tense than when it comes too late :p but... yes there is 'but'.. there is one thing that also I think.. who else if not you....

Though you've asked to me, still saying birthday to me velocity :( yes I know 4 minutes later to 18th, yes, I also realize that you are the first member who even recite.. But it is more special when 00.00 o'clock~ *cie cough* continue mention me at twitter "at 12am see G+ beb" ih what the heck :(

Well, wanna or not to read, its too sad if you already write on G+ special for me, but I am not read, sad later *eh* hehehe just kidding I am very happy read it. Especially, you write like that special for me *though* only once a year it's okay.

B-but as soon as I read the last words in your G+ post "Sorry I can't go theater tomorrow! Keep spirit for theater!!!!" I am remember if you.. you're the most I wish there tomorrow, to celebrate my birthday together, can't attend :(.

-18th March-

It turns out you and the tanjoubi gang really don't attend, I know I'm selfish if I hope you keep perform in theater or attend here, whereas you can't be attend because JKT48's necessity. Not that I am not happy celebrated with other members.. But, but how less it feels when you aren't with me... u,u yaaa you know me ._.


Theatre begins with the overture as usual, i don't have thought when enter into the stage, see the audience was full :') not only this, part of the reff in the song 'Tanjoubi no Yoru' changed into 'Happy Birthday Beby' ahh~~ I was touched~ fortunately don't cry first yaa~  Encore what you all shouting special on my birthday, spirit and neat!

Theatre finally finished, the last song we've sung. But as always if there's anyone's birthday, there is usually a cake and letter that goes to the stage *ehem* very confident will be celebrated so ahahaha.

Yes, fortunately so celebrated, so sad if not celebrated in reality -_- there's a cake and letter entering the stage. Originally your fans, it's that our captain, ka Kinal already want to open and read that letter -__- but not, maybe she realized I was watching her, and finally she command me to read alone. When I open the letter, what the? Just saying 'please say PLAY' and that's so big -_- well so I say 'PLAY' with confused...

It turns out...

Your annoying increasingly....

Ah so annoyed.. What are you trying to do, don't attend here and just give your voice :| huff but....

You voice notes so sweet <3 *even though shocking at the beginning because the sound really loud, and the sound not clean -__-*

"Did Beby know who's the voice is that?~" Asked ka Kinal
"Fr-From Shani-aa" hold back tears, I answer that simple question.
It seems I want to hug and cry in your arms~ because voice notes from you that made me touched :')

My voice is already vibrating, trying not to cry. 2 times the questions are phrased by ka Kinal, 2 times also I said 'There's always Shania/Because there is Shania' argh just think about you.. it's not just you who exist or support me in JKT48, but... yes indeed you are the most special.. and I can't hold it anymore, the tears were still flowing.

Thanks for you. It was all which I could said to you from what you've given so far for me until my birthday and next. One thing I can't speak directly and you should know this...

I love you always and forever…

Shania Junianatha

Ship BebNju too because VeNal is too mainstream in JKT48 *eh xD :3
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

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