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Author Topic: May I Love You? (JuriMayu & others) ~Chapter 9~ Update!! -15/4/2014-  (Read 38747 times)

Offline jurimayu14

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yohoo minna san, i'm back with new fic, and the couple is JuriMayu kkk  :D  :wub:
i really love this couple because they are my oshi  XD
so if you like JuriMayu too read this fic XD

May I Love You?
~JuriMayu x KaiAcchan x SaeYuki and others~


"Mayuyu!! Don't run, it's dangerous, Mayuyu!" Sae shouted at her daughter, Mayuyu, who was still 7 years old, Mayuyu very happy because both of her parents finally bought an ice cream to her.
"BAM" she was so happy, and she did not see the people in front of her until she hit someone.
"Huaaa" heard the sound of crying, the little girl who was hit by Mayuyu until she falling sat down in the street.
"Jurina, Daijoubu?" While hugging her daughter, Acchan tried to calm his daughter who was still 5 years old.
Mayuyu who saw Jurina cry, looks frightened especially after hearing her father's voice that sounded like angry with her.
"Hountou ni gomennasai, please forgive our daughter" said SaeYuki after arriving at Mayuyu's place, together to KaiAcchan family.
"Mayuyu! You must apologize!" Command Sae on Mayuyu.
"Go-Gomennasai aunt, uncle, emm" Mayuyu said with a tone of fear.
"Go-gomennasai Jurina" Mayuyu said on Jurina while giving ice-cream to Jurina and make Jurina stop crying.
-Flashback END-

After that incident, Takahashi family and Miyazawa family be good relatives, Jurina and Mayuyu became good friends and very familiar. Even Jurina and Mayuyu relationship is very intimate arguably, they also have frequent bathing together and sleeping together. Just like old sister and young sister, Jurina who since childhood is a whiny kid who always complain on Mayuyu. While Mayuyu always keep Jurina and calm her when Jurina crying.

Time passed, now Jurina has entered the high school and be Mayuyu's younger classes again, this time Jurina be a stronger girl and did not cry anymore, though still love to cuddle on Mayuyu, Jurina though physically far higher than Mayuyu. Even now Jurina be a school idol because she smart, good at sports and ikemen. And will continue to 'follow' Mayuyu.

May two people who has same gender always together like this ...

Sorry if you don't like it  :bow: and sorry for bad english -o-
and i know i have homework to continuing this, gomennasai u,u  :(
but i don't have any idea, and because i have an idea about JuriMayu i write this.. hehehe  XD

« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 09:35:09 AM by jurimayu14 »
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
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Offline edogawa4869

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Re: May I Love You? ~JuriMayu x KaiAcchan x SaeYuki and others~ PROLOGUE
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2013, 02:24:32 PM »
new fanfic....  XD

JuriMayu is cute pairing...

i bet it will be sweet scene....

hope u will continue it...

but don't forget to put some smexy scene for their parent...



btw, i still waiting for "my special butler" fanfic... don't worry...  :on roll:

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: May I Love You? ~JuriMayu x KaiAcchan x SaeYuki and others~ PROLOGUE
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2013, 04:07:45 PM »
uwuwuwuuu.. ikemen jurina > w < jurimayu!! go ! go !! goo!!! and saeyuki too~ ululululululu XD gomene, me too happy :bow:
me surely waiting for the chapter 1 ! I hope u will continue to post in here :))

thanks :bow:

Offline jurimayu14

  • JuriMayu~ SayaMilky~ AtsuMina~ BebNju~ <3
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Re: May I Love You? ~JuriMayu x KaiAcchan x SaeYuki and others~ PROLOGUE
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2013, 01:15:45 PM »
new fanfic....  XD

JuriMayu is cute pairing...

i bet it will be sweet scene....

hope u will continue it...

but don't forget to put some smexy scene for their parent...



btw, i still waiting for "my special butler" fanfic... don't worry...  :on roll:

yeah JuriMayu is cute  :wub: so i really like this couple hehehe :3
ohoho of course i will make some smexy scene for their parents kkk~ but.. if i can make it *you must pray for it :p

ahh and about my kojiyuu ff hmm I always try to make my kojiyuu mood back so i can continue it *pray*  :banghead:
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline jurimayu14

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Re: May I Love You? ~JuriMayu x KaiAcchan x SaeYuki and others~ PROLOGUE
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2013, 01:17:44 PM »
uwuwuwuuu.. ikemen jurina > w < jurimayu!! go ! go !! goo!!! and saeyuki too~ ululululululu XD gomene, me too happy :bow:
me surely waiting for the chapter 1 ! I hope u will continue to post in here :))

thanks :bow:

ahaha no problem~ i know ur feeling because i really like jurimayu, saeyuki and atsumina couple, they are my top3 otp xDD
yap and here we go~! the chapter 1~~
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline jurimayu14

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This is the chapter one~~ ohohohho  ;)

May I Love You?
~JuriMayu x KaiAcchan x SaeYuki and others~

Chapter 1

~Mayuyu POV~

When I remember again our meetings, since that incident our family became acquainted and close, our house also adjacent, Jurina just like my young sister, always take cover to me, always spoiled to me and always follow me wherever I go, like now, when her junior high school graduation she said she would come back again so be my junior, and... She's already been here, never looks tired and always cheerful, not like when she was kid, very whiny, was playing basketball with her basketball club friends in the same school field with me.

"Ahh~~ I'm so thirsty" without permission from me, she take and drank my drink.
"Doushite Mayu-chan? Don't tide upset face like that~ your beauty can later lost~~ hehe" she said while showing her puppy face. That is Jurina always happy to disturbing and tease me.
"Huh.. Come on, don't seducing me, Your seducing doesn't work on me" I replied.
"Hehehe, ahh by the way, what's Yuki mom cooking today? I'm hungry~ wanna eat~ feeding me~"
"Geez .." yeah, this is how every day we, especially if aunt Atsuko away with uncle Kai who often work outside the city, Jurina will instantly be like my parents adopted daughter, eating at my house, go to my house, and slept in my room, whereas the distance of our house especially our room was not up to 1 meter. But I was never a problem with her except with her spoiled attitude sometimes excessive it.

-After School-

Our school only takes 30 minutes if on foot, the two of us are always walking together when go to home or go to school.
"Mayu-chan tonight I sleep in your room ne~ I'm afraid to be alone~" she said with a face which made sad face.
"No. .. I had a lot of tasks, you must finishing your assignments too and besides our room less than 1 meter away, you have nothing to fear" I can see she pouted her lips as upset with my answer. I only little laugh see it.
"Ne .. Mata Ashita Jurina~~ remember and clean your house or aunt Atsuko would scold you~~" teased me to Jurina who only replied with a sullen face.


"Mayu-chan ~" I heard Jurina shouted called my name from her room.
"What Jurina?" I turn my body towards her who was standing on the porch of her room as she waved to me.
"I wanna borrow your dictionary~~ hehe"
"Geez .. Where's yours? Did you forgot where you put it?" I said while giving her my dictionary.
"Hehehe~ I'll bring this back~" she laughed and went back to her room. That kid, always like this.

~Mayuyu POV END~

-1 hour later, at 9 pm-

"Ahh, it's time for me to sleep~~ emm Jurina room lights still on, what her homework so much? Did she fall asleep?" Ask Mayuyu on herself.
"Jurina~~ if you've finishing your homework, go to sleep" I shouted softly to her.
"Yosh, roger" said Jurina
Mayuyu who already sleepy turn off the lights, close the windows, and her bedroom curtains and lay down on her soft bed.

-30 minutes later-

~Jurina POV~

"Ahh~ finally I finished~~" after tidy up of my school books, time for me to sleep. I opened my bedroom curtains and saw Mayu-chan's room was dark.
"Ahh, Mayu-chan was already slept '3' emm her window.... Hehehe" when I saw her window is not sealed, of course, a chance for me to get into her bedroom.
Slowly, I jumped to her porch and slowly open the window so she would not wake up. I can see her sweet face like an angel and her little body was already fast asleep. Without further ado I lay back next to her.

~Jurina POV END~

~Mayuyu POV~

I'm who did not yet fast asleep could hear sound windows open, but I ignored it because I thought it was just the wind, but when I felt someone hold my hand, make me turning my body spontaneously, and .. Jurina's face front of my face.
"Huh.. This kid.." I looked at her face, it's really adorable like a little kid who was tired after playing all day, I decided to continue my sleep after kissing her forehead gently.

Sorry for bad english...  :bow:
thanks for reading my fic  :) :love:

« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 11:25:16 AM by jurimayu14 »
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline flunicsnaz

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 :mon lovelaff: awww... so sweet...
good job jurimayu14. keep update it.  :mon thumb:
well.. i wondering others pairing. did they have a kid too??  :mon huh:
till the next update author san  :mon kissy:  :mon santa4:

:heart: :peace: ~

Offline edogawa4869

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sweeeettt....  :mon inluv:

yeeaahh... jurina bold as always..  :mon misch:

hope u will update soon...  :mon squee:

Offline jurimayu14

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:mon lovelaff: awww... so sweet...
good job jurimayu14. keep update it.  :mon thumb:
well.. i wondering others pairing. did they have a kid too??  :mon huh:
till the next update author san  :mon kissy:  :mon santa4:

:heart: :peace: ~
Thanks for read my fic flunicsnaz-san :3
you're lucky because i'm on the mood so i'll update this asap~~
Jurimayu have a kid... hmm i don't know... they are still teenagers... :grin:
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline jurimayu14

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sweeeettt....  :mon inluv:

yeeaahh... jurina bold as always..  :mon misch:

hope u will update soon...  :mon squee:

Thanks if you like it :3
Yapp like i say before to flunicsnaz-san i'll update this asap if i can kkk~  :grin:
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline flunicsnaz

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i mean kids for others pairing, maybe kojiyuu, marimii??? :mon misch:
:mon cigar: just wondering.. hehe   :lol:
:heart: :peace:  ~

Offline jurimayu14

  • JuriMayu~ SayaMilky~ AtsuMina~ BebNju~ <3
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i mean kids for others pairing, maybe kojiyuu, marimii??? :mon misch:
:mon cigar: just wondering.. hehe   :lol:
:heart: :peace:  ~
ahaha i got it now... but i don't know... let it be :roll: :nervous
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline jurimayu14

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Re: May I Love You? (JuriMayu & others) ~Chapter 2 Part 1~ Update!! -1/11/2013-
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2013, 09:19:26 AM »
Hey hey minna i'm back with chapter 2 but i divide it to 2 part sorry kkk~~

Here we go~

May I Love You?
~JuriMayu x KaiAcchan x SaeYuki and others~

Chapter 2 Part 1

~Jurina POV~

"Hoamm~~" I yawned, when i already aware from my sleep, when I look sideways I could see Mayu-chan's white body who just wrapped underwear, will wear her school uniform.
"Glug" I swallow my spit, saw it make me startled and my face blushing, whereas I've often seen her body. Fortunately she was not facing towards me.
"Oha ..." have not had time to utter greetings, Mayu-chan cut my words
"It was almost 7 am and quickly wake up, then go downstairs, my mom was making breakfast, then go home and take a bath" Mayu-chan said to me at length
"Ha-Hai!" Directly I will get out of Mayu-chan's bed and ran went downstairs for breakfast.

~Jurina POV END~


This morning, though Jurina woke up late, they did not late arrival in the school. As usual, Jurina always take Mayuyu get to class.
"Mayuyu and Jurina~~" Call Harugon and Rabutan who already in the class together.
"It's up in my class, thanks Jurina, be careful to your class, do not do something weird" said Mayuyu
"Roger boss" said Jurina as she saluted and a big smile.
"Bye Mayu-chan" While waving her hands, Jurina go to her classroom. Mayuyu got into her classroom.

"Ahh~ I'm so jealous Mayuyu~~" said Harugon
"Huh? About what?" Ask Mayuyu while putting down the bag and sat on her chair.
"Jurina~ The ikemen :3" this time Rabutan speaking.
"Jurina? Ikemen? Ahaha you kidding.." said Mayuyu confused.
"She's a new idol of our school~" "Ikemen like in mangas~" "Since our handsome senpais graduate, no one can be view" "But ultimately Jurina who kakkoii come~~" "Kyaa!" said Harugon and Rabutan interchangeably.
"Huh...." Mayuyu could only see both of her bestfriend with wonder.
'Jurina... Indeed ikemen anyway... Her face is too handsome for girl size... especially if she uses casual clothes.. B-but Jurina 100% girl!! She's wearing a skirt like you too!' Thought and upset Mayuyu in heart.
Their school bell rang, interrupting Harugon and Rabutan of 'fangirling time' on Jurina and interrupting Mayuyu from her reverie about her 'young sister'.


-Lunch Time-

"Mayu-chan~~" Shouted Jurina call Mayuyu from outside Mayuyu's classroom. Quickly, Harugon and Rabutan who approached Jurina.
"Jurina~" call both of them together.
"Hai~ Konnichiwa Haruka-san, Rabu-san" called Jurina while providing a smile that seemed to make both her fans 'melt'.
"She called me 'Love'" whispered Rabutan on Harugon who do not care with that.
"Um, what's Jurina?" Mayuyu who has finished tidy up her books finally came on Jurina.
"Eat~ :3 Ahh Rabu-san, Haruka-san want to eat with us?" Says Jurina
"Want~~!" answered Harugon and Rabutan along with spirit.
'Jurina.... Hah...' Mayuyu could only sigh softly.


This time is different than usual, Harugon and Rabutan eat together with Mayuyu and Jurina. Of course it is they use to ask a lot of things and be much closer to Jurina.
"Then, your relationship with Mayuyu is to what extent?" Ask and teased Harugon at Jurina .
"Mayu-chan and I? Ahh~ we've often slept together~ shared bath together~ all together~~ and our relationship is very intimate, isn't it Mayu-chan? :3 Ahahahaha xD" Jurina replied casually .
"Jurina! Finish your lunch and then when go back to class if you've finished" Mayuyu said sternly to Jurina with a flushed face caused Jurina words.
When finished her lunch, Jurina clear up her food and said goodbye to the three of her senpai.

" Kkk~ Mayuyu you're so lucky~" said Harugon
"As long as you're together, you have to take care of her carefully" said Rabutan
"Before she was taken and would prefer one of her fans than you" added Harugon
"Our relationship is not like that... Anyway none of my business if Jurina had a boyfriend/girlfriend later" replied Mayuyu.
'Jurina had a boyfriend/girlfriend... it's good she wont longer be dependent me.. Wont longer be bothered me... But...'
"RING" again and again school bell interrupting Mayuyu's reverie.

Sorry i really tired and so sleepy therefore i divide this be 2 part  :bow:

thanks for always read this fic~  :love:

« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 11:26:04 AM by jurimayu14 »
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline edogawa4869

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Re: May I Love You? (JuriMayu & others) ~Chapter 2 Part 1~ Update!! -1/11/2013-
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2013, 04:30:27 PM »
jurina saw mayu only with her underwear?????

gyaaaaa.....  :panic:

i believe Jurina's face will be like this ---> :mon bleed2:


thanks for the update...  :twothumbs

Offline flunicsnaz

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Re: May I Love You? (JuriMayu & others) ~Chapter 2 Part 1~ Update!! -1/11/2013-
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2013, 06:09:39 PM »
jurina saw mayu only with her underwear?????

gyaaaaa.....  :panic:

i believe Jurina's face will be like this ---> :mon bleed2:


thanks for the update...  :twothumbs

 :on lol: agree with u.

Yeah.. Jurina is so damn Ikemen  :luvluv1:

Thanks author san  :thumbsup

~ :heart: :peace:~

Offline jurimayu14

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Re: May I Love You? (JuriMayu & others) ~Chapter 2 Part 1~ Update!! -1/11/2013-
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2013, 08:52:55 AM »
jurina saw mayu only with her underwear?????

gyaaaaa.....  :panic:

i believe Jurina's face will be like this ---> :mon bleed2:


thanks for the update...  :twothumbs

 :lol: ngiahaha you're right! jurina's face will be like that *me too *eh  XD
yap you're welcome
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline jurimayu14

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Re: May I Love You? (JuriMayu & others) ~Chapter 2 Part 1~ Update!! -1/11/2013-
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2013, 08:58:21 AM »

Yeah.. Jurina is so damn Ikemen  :luvluv1:

Thanks author san  :thumbsup

~ :heart: :peace:~

she's so ikemen... really ikemen
look this



 :inlove: :bleed eyes:
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 11:26:53 AM by jurimayu14 »
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline jurimayu14

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Re: May I Love You? (JuriMayu & others) ~Chapter 2 Part 1~ Update!! -1/11/2013-
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2013, 09:04:25 AM »
ok btw this is update part!! yeah!!

May I Love You?
~JuriMayu and others~

Chapter 2 part 2

-After School-

Not as usual, Jurina who usually pick up Mayuyu in her class are not visible presence. Concerned with her 'young sister' Mayuyu walked to Jurina's classroom. Arrival at Jurina's classroom, Mayuyu with Rabutan and Harugon who followed her saw Jurina was sitting, surrounded by her fans.

"Mayu-chan~" Jurina who see Mayuyu in the front of her classroom, stood up and ran approached her.
"Ahh moshi Rabu-san, Haruka-san, Mayu-chan sorry today I can not go home together, there is a basketball club activities and..."
"We borrowed Jurina ne Mayu-senpai" "We also want to play with Jurina-kun" "Can we, Mayu-san" said Jurina fans alternately.
"Hmm, well it's up to you, don't do anything weird, don't forget to eat dinner and be careful when you go home,ok" said Mayuyu at Jurina.
"HAI~! Roger boss" Jurina said as she saluted.
And they parted, Mayuyu go home with Harugon and Rabutan to do homework at Rabutan's home, while Jurina went to her basketball club.


After finishing homework together Mayuyu go home, 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Mayuyu who has reached her front home looking towards the Jurina's house which is still dark.
"That kid .. Didn't home yet? Hmm" Mayuyu decided to give SMS on Jurina
'Jurina, be careful when you go home, do not forget to eat dinner, Mayu :)' after it's sent, Mayuyu into her house.


~Mayuyu POV~

It's 9 pm now, already 2 hours I study, but I could not concentrate, because Jurina did not reply my SMS, and also did not raise my phone, but it's time for me to sleep and rest, while I saw Jurina's house is still dark, no signs she had gone home. When I would try to call her back, I heard a sound like something fell in her gate, get on with it I check and see from my bedroom window. The figure of Jurina who fall. Immediately, I ran out of my room, down the stairs and out from my house. Until does not care about the call from Mama Yuki who surprised to see I run in a hurry.

"Jurina!! Where have you been?! Why not raise my calling?!" I asked to her with exasperation.
"Hehehe~~ Mayu-chan~~" she laughed. There is something strange with Jurina, I close myself to her, I smell there's smell of alcohol from her body. Panic I took her into her house. I laying her body who much bigger than me in the living room couch.
"Jurina ... Why would you go home with a condition like this? lucky your parents are out of town, you still underage you know!" Upset me to her who was still lying on the couch.
"Hehe~ Mayu-chan~~ hot~~ please open my shirt" request Jurina who in drunk condition with spoiled me,  for some reason this time her request made me shy whereas from kid we already saw each other our naked bodies.
Hmm .. With a little annoyed with her condition, I help Jurina with difficulty up the stairs of her home and walk to her bedroom, I lay her body on the bed.

"Wait a minute I'm going to the kitchen and back again." While walking to the kitchen I called my parents.
"Moshi-Moshi" I hear Papa Sae voice on the other line.
"Moshi, Papa, Mayu want ask permission to stay at Jurina's home this evening, She's sick I will take care of her" I said to Papa.
"You're stay at Jurina's home, like anywhere, eh? Jurina sick? What needs Papa take her to the doctor? "
"Ahh no, let me take care of her, please say to mama, Oyasumi" I hung up the phone before papa inquire further. I took a basin of water and a towel, immediately I brought it to Jurina's bedroom. Immediately I compress her head with a towel and water.

"Heat.. Mayu-chan... "
Hah .. Like it or not, I had to replace her clothes, can’t bear to see it also had to sleep with a school clothes which full of smell of alcohol. I took her pajama's in her closet. For some reason when I want to open up her clothes, crossed in my mind the words Harugon and Rabutan today about Jurina.

"Huh.. Care of herself alone she's can’t, what else could have a boyfriend" I said as opened her school clothes. When will put her pajamas, Jurina's hand holding my hand and dropped me into the bed and reverse our position.
"Mayu-chan open shirt also ne~" Jurina statement made me shocked, of course I immediately refused and tried to resist, but even in a drunken her power remains stronger than me, Jurina hold my both hand with one hand while the other hand open my clothes. My tears came out of my eyes.

"I... Want to see Mayu-chan's beautiful body, I'm sorry" she said as she wiped away my tears with her lips.
"Jurina..." I said as fears, I never see Jurina like this, I absolutely can not resist, please Jurina wake up, even my tears kept flowing.
"Sorry Mayu-chan, but .. I do not need anyone else... Mayu-chan is enough for me ... I just need Mayu-chan... Because I love Mayu-chan... daisuki.." She said slowly and suddenly she fell on me, and it seems this time she is really asleep. My heart froze to hear her statement.

'Jurina love me?' I thought, I kept remembering what I hear. I do not know what to do. Until the middle of the night come and drowsiness come attack me, can not stand it anymore I sleep with Jurina, and we fall asleep just by wearing underwear.

thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
and sorry for bad english  :bow:

« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 11:27:30 AM by jurimayu14 »
thanks for always read and waiting my fic :3
sorry for bad english *bow*
May I Love You? (JuriMayu and others)
F4?! (JuriMayu, SayaMilky and others)
My Special Butler (Mendol x AKB: Rikuyuu) -In Hiatus-
JuriMayu14's OS compilation

Offline edogawa4869

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Re: May I Love You? (JuriMayu & others) ~Chapter 2 Part 2~ Update!! -4/11/2013-
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2013, 05:00:40 PM »
wo wo wo wo...

what happen to you Juju??  :?

don't hurt mayu like that...

poor mayu..  :cry:

don't worry mayu-chan, even though she's drunk, juju is really loves u..

thanks for the update...  :twothumbs

Offline flunicsnaz

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Re: May I Love You? (JuriMayu & others) ~Chapter 2 Part 2~ Update!! -4/11/2013-
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2013, 06:56:39 PM »
 :gyaaah: i'm melting... Jurina pic is so cool  :luvluv1:
 :grr: gosh Jurina u are under ages.
 :dunno: Hey what happend if her parent was home and she drunk??
 :kekeke: will she get spank on her butt???  :hehehe: *imagine it *
 :on lol: what a cute scene huh..  :k-thrilled:
Hurm.. what will happen next morning..  :smoke:

will they be more close or more distant  :mon scratch:
 :on GJ: author
:heart:  :peace: ~

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