Special thanks to
Supermaji-san for the help...
Thank you for the silent readers, the thank you clickers, and the comments..
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Hereby, I present you...
Chapter 2Watanabe Mayu closed his manga, taking off his glasses then rubbed his sore eyes. He then got out from his bed and stretched his body. He suddenly stopped and tilted his head, trying to catch any noise from the house, but nothing. The house is eerily quiet. He glanced at the digital clock on his bedside table then frowned. 8:25 P.M.
She’s not home, yet? Well, it’s none of my business anyway. Mayu shrugged then walked out to the porch to get some fresh air.
Mayu has been standing in his porch for several minutes, gazing at the night sky when suddenly a black Porsche stopped in front of his house. Mayu watched silently when a boy who looks a few years older than him stepped out from the driver seat and walked towards the passenger seat. He opened the door then a girl stepped out from the car. It was Yuki. Yuki held the boy’s hand that still holding the car door, then whispered something to the boy, making him blushed furiously. The boy then moved closer, trying to give her a kiss, but Yuki put her finger on his lips, stopping him on his track. He looked disappointed, but Yuki just smirked. She whispered again, making the boy’s cheeks grew even redder while nodding his head frantically. Yuki then planted a kiss on his cheek before waving him goodbye and walked inside the house. Mayu watched as the boy stood there for several minutes, looking dreamily at Yuki’s direction before getting in his car and sped away. Mayu chuckled.
I knew that she was trouble the moment I laid my eyes on her.
Mayu went back inside his room as someone knocked on his door. He opened the door only to find Yuki stood in front of him, still wearing her school uniform.
“Hey…” greeted Yuki. Mayu raised his eyebrows. “Hey…”
“Can I come in?” asked Yuki.
Mayu narrowed his eyes at her request, despite his brain screaming no, he opened his door wider and moved aside so Yuki can stepped inside his room. When Yuki got inside, she immediately plopped herself down on Mayu’s queen sized bed while her eyes wandering around his room. His room was painted in beige and smelled like peppermint. In the corner of the room there were two shelves that filled with anime figurines and mangas. Beside the shelves there was a table with a laptop on top of it. Mayu’s room is very neat and clean and strangely calming.
Mayu closed the door then turned around to look at her. He folded his arm in front of his chest while leaning his back towards the door. “What do you want?” asked Mayu coldly.
Yuki pouted at him. “Aww… don’t be so cold. I just want to talk to you. Yesterday we didn’t have time to talk. I want to know you better. You’re my brother, but I know nothing about you. Don’t you feel the same?”
Mayu stared at her, feeling annoyed, but Yuki only looked at him while smiling sweetly. They were staring at each other for several minutes, until Mayu finally broke their staring contest by rolling his eyes and groaned, “Fine. What do you want to know?” Yuki beamed brightly when Mayu finally relented.
“Hurry up, before I change my mind,” grumbled Mayu.
“I want to know everything about you. Your favorite book, your favorite food, your favorite color, your hobby-“ Yuki paused to take a breath and then continued “-whether you have a girlfriend or not, and how many have you had in the past and I want to know if you’ve slept with any of them. Because we all know that quiet guys like you are usually animals in bed,” teased Yuki while grinning from ear to ear.
Mayu’s eyes widen and he stumbled back a bit when he heard Yuki’s question. He was blushing furiously and started stuttering, “Wh-what are you talking about? Is that the kind of question you would ask to someone you just met yesterday? No wonder.”
“What? It’s not like we’re strangers. Besides, knowing all of this will make us feel closer, don’t you think? Come on, don’t be shy,” pestered Yuki while smiling excitedly.
Mayu cleared his throat. “W-Well, I just met you yesterday. Despite the blood relation, to me you’re still a stranger and I don’t feel comfortable to share anything with you. Anyway, it’s already late and I’m tired. I don’t have time for this.”
Yuki pouted. “Aww…come on. I just want to know.”
Mayu frowned. “Look, we still have school tomorrow and I’m tired. I want to sleep now. So, you better go back to your room.”
Yuki sighed then got up from the bed. She walked towards the door with Mayu trailed behind her. Mayu then moved to open the door for her when Yuki suddenly turned to face him.
“I’ll let you off the hook for now. But next time, I won’t be so nice.” Yuki smiled slyly. “Anyway, I was going to ask you if you need a ride to school tomorrow, because Hiro will come to pick me up and drive me to school. You can tag along, if you want to.”
“Thanks for the offer, but no. I prefer to walk,” replied Mayu coldly.
Yuki shrugged. “Okay, then. See you tomorrow.” Yuki suddenly pinched Mayu’s cheek hardly, making him yelped in pain. “Itai!”
He immediately slapped her hand. “What the hell?! Don’t touch me,” growled Mayu while rubbing his cheek. Yuki just chuckled lightly, sticking out her tongue, and stepped outside the room.
As soon as Yuki was out, Mayu immediately shut his door and locked it. Leaning his back towards the door, he let out a heavy sigh.
I knew it. She’s a handful.
The Next Day News that Kashiwagi Yuki - the popular new student with features of a goddess - is the older sister of Watanabe Mayu - the school’s nerd who is always alone and often get bullied – spread like wildfire among the students. As soon as Mayu set his foot inside the school ground, several boys approached him instantly. One of the boys wrapped his arm around Mayu’s shoulder casually, making Mayu groaned mentally.
No. Not again.
“Watanabe, where’s your sister?” asked the boy while looking around Mayu, trying to get a look of his sister.
“I don’t know,” growled Mayu. He shrugged his shoulder uncomfortably, trying to get the boy’s hand off of his shoulder.
“Eh? I think both of you go to school together? You live in the same house, right?” asked the other boy confusedly.
Mayu didn’t say anything and keep walking, but suddenly there was a big commotion coming from the school gate. Mayu and the boys that surrounded him turned around just in time to see a black Porsche - the same car that dropped Yuki off last night – stopped in front of the school gate. Whispers can be heard everywhere, all of the students trying to catch a glimpse of the driver and the passenger of the expensive car. Suddenly the boy from last night - Mayu assumed as Hiro - stepped out from the car. Walking towards the passenger seat, he opened the car door then extended his hand to Yuki who grabbed it before stepped out from the car gracefully. A lot of girls squealed when they saw the boy. Looking closely, Hiro’s physical appearance was striking. He was tall and has a lean frame. With short brown messy hair and charming smile, he looked like a model that came out from a magazine. Yuki smiled sweetly at him then gave him a kiss on his cheek before walking inside the school.
Right after Hiro sped away with his car, a lot of girls immediately swarmed around Yuki and started asking questions to her regarding Hiro.
“Yuki-chan, is that your boyfriend? He’s so handsome,” exclaimed one of Yuki’s classmates.
“Woah, Kashiwagi-san you sure are lucky. I want a boyfriend like him, too,” sighed one of the girl dreamily.
Yuki just smiled then walked inside the school building with the girls trailed behind her, fussing about what just happened while the boys, who happened to witness the event that has just occurred, groaned in frustration, because they think they had lost their chances to become the school idol’s boyfriend. Meanwhile, Mayu just snorted and shook his head then walked towards his classroom without care about what just happened.
When it was time for lunch break, several girls from Mayu’s class suddenly came to him.
“Watanabe-kun,” called one of the girls named Oota Aika.
Mayu looked at her questioningly. “What?”
“Are you free after school? We want to ask you to hang out with us and also can you bring your sister with you?”
Mayu’s patience finally ran out. He sighed deeply and barked, “Look, if you want to hang out with my sister, why don’t you ask her yourself?! Stop trying to use me to get close to her. Just leave me alone!”
The whole class grew silent after Mayu’s outburst. All of the students’ eyes were fixed upon him.
After several seconds someone finally voiced out, “We are asking you nicely. You don’t have to be so harsh.” It was one of the girls that approached Mayu, Miyazaki Miho. Mayu just snorted then walked out from the class.
Mayu was sitting under a tree behind the school building while listening to his favorite song through his iPod. Most of the students prefer to spend their break time in their classroom, in the cafeteria, or on the rooftop, so Mayu who doesn’t like crowded place often spends his break time in that place. It was his favorite spot. Suddenly three students approached him. They were the same students who usually bullied him. One of the boys grabbed his iPod harshly then slammed it to the ground. The other boy grabbed his collar, pulling him on his feet then slammed his body to the tree harshly, making Mayu groaned in pain.
One of the boys grabbed his chin and chuckled, “Just because your sister is popular, don’t even think for a second that we’ll go easy on you.” They then started to punch him.
During the break, Kashiwagi Yuki was talking to her friends in the classroom, gossiping and joking around when suddenly one of the juniors barged in and approached her while panting heavily.
Yuki raised her eyebrows at her. “What?”
The girl stammered, “I-it’s Watanabe-san. H-He was being bullied.”
Yuki widen her eyes then got up from her seat quickly. “Where is he?”
“He is behind the school building.”
Yuki then ran towards the back of the school.
When she finally arrived, her eyes immediately landed on Mayu who was lying on the ground. His arms wrapped tightly around his head and his legs were drawn towards his abdomen. Three boys were kicking him while laughing at him. Yuki felt her blood boiled. She curled her hand into a fist then yelled angrily, “Hey! What the hell are you doing?!”
The boys stopped then turned towards the voice, only to find Yuki standing in front of them. They immediately ran away, leaving the battered and bruised Mayu with Yuki.
Yuki walked towards Mayu then squatted down beside him. She touched Mayu’s back slowly, but quickly retracted her hand when she saw Mayu flinched.
“Mayu-kun, are you okay? Let’s get you to the infirmary. Can you stand up?” asked Yuki while putting her hand on Mayu’s shoulder softly.
Mayu lifted his head and looked at Yuki. “It’s okay. I’m fine,” groaned Mayu while sitting up.
“No, you’re not fine. Come on. Let’s get you to the infirmary.”
“Urghh… I said I’m fine. I don’t need to go to the infirmary,” grumbled Mayu. He stood up slowly.
Yuki looked at Mayu’s face. His cheeks were bruised and his lips were bleeding. “No, you’re bleeding. We have to treat your wound. Come on.” Yuki grabbed Mayu’s arm and dragged him towards the infirmary.
Mayu was sitting on the infirmary bed while Yuki fussing around the infirmary, looking for gauze and medicine to treat Mayu’s wounds. When they arrived at the infirmary, the school’s nurse was off to somewhere, so Yuki had to treat Mayu’s wounds.
After she found the things that she needed, she grabbed a chair then sat in front of Mayu. She picked up some cotton, soaking it with alcohol then dabbed it to Mayu’s lips, cleaning his wounds. Their bodies were so close to each other and it made Mayu felt slightly uncomfortable. He’s not used to be so close to other people and the fact that he could smell Yuki’s scent, didn’t help him at all. Yuki smelled like vanilla.
They were silent for a while until finally Yuki spoke, “Why didn’t you fight back? Why did you let them hit you?”
Mayu shrugged. “What’s the point? They’ll leave me alone if they get bored anyway. If I fought back, they won’t stop and they’ll keep bothering me.”
Yuki frowned while applying some ointment on Mayu’s bruised cheek. “That’s it? You just let them hit you, because you’re afraid of them?”
Mayu narrowed his eyes at Yuki. “I’m not afraid of them. I’m just avoiding any unnecessary confrontation.”
Yuki backed away slightly to look at Mayu. “Really? I don’t think so. I think you’re a coward. You are a coward who ran away without even trying to fight back,” taunted Yuki.
Mayu felt his anger rising inside of him. He stepped down from the bed then yelled, “You don’t know anything about me! You’re only a stranger! Stop acting like you know me!”
Yuki stood up then shouted back, “For God’s sake Mayu all I wanted is to get to know you! Do you know how happy I was when I found out that I have a brother? I’ve been trying to get close to you, but you always brushed me off! You always act coldly towards me and treated me like a stranger! Does the fact that I’m your sister means nothing to you?!” Yuki then stormed out from the infirmary, leaving Mayu stunned.
After that incident, Yuki didn’t try to approach Mayu anymore. They went home separately. Mayu walked back home alone while Yuki was picked up by Hiro. When Yuki arrived at home, Mayu was having dinner. Without saying anything, she immediately went to her room. She didn’t even bother to look at him.
Mayu was lying on his bed, trying to get some sleep. It’s already past 11 P.M, but he didn’t feel sleepy at all. He kept replaying the incident that happened in the infirmary today. He was feeling restless and guilty.
Maybe, I’m too harsh on her.
Mayu got up from his bed then got out from his room. He walked towards Yuki’s room at the end of the hallway then knocked on her door. He stood there for several minutes, waiting for Yuki to open the door, but nothing.
She probably already fell asleep. Mayu turned around to return to his room when suddenly the door opened, revealing Yuki in white t-shirt and blue pajama bottom.
Yuki frowned when she saw Mayu. “What do you want?” asked Yuki coldly.
Mayu cleared his throat then suddenly bowed down. “I’m sorry.” He straightened up and looked down on his foot. “I’m sorry for what happened in the infirmary today and I’m sorry for pushing you away. It’s just that I’m not really good with people. I don’t know what to do.”
Yuki smiled and stepped forward to pat Mayu’s head softly. “It’s okay. I forgive you. But…”
Mayu lifted his head and looked at Yuki suspiciously. “But…”
Yuki smiled slyly. “From now on, you have to stop acting cold towards me and I also want you to start calling me ‘Onee-chan’.”
Mayu’s eyes widen and he stammered, “Wh-what? No, it’s embarrassing.”
Yuki chuckled, “Aww…come on. Try to say it. ‘Yuki-oneechan’.”
Mayu blushed and shook his head furiously. “Noooo…”
Yuki pouted cutely, “Come on, don’t be shy. If you don’t say it, I won’t forgive you,” threatened Yuki.
Mayu looked away then mumbled, “Yuki-oneechan.”
Hope you like it, guys...
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