Long time no update.. I just finished the 1st chapter so enjoy !

"mayu, I love you !"
It's been 4 months after Yuki reveals his feelings to me. It's not just surprise me, but the rest of the school. Yuki who is best known as the Chairman of a club the Yankees suddenly declares his feelings on someone like me, a Chairman of the Club of artistic and one of the school's queen. Absolutely not to be trusted.
Ahh, I forgot to introduce myself. My Name, Watanabe Mayu. Student AKB Gakuen in grade 2. Now I hold the position of Chairman at the Artistic Club. you can say that I'm great at drawing, I took part to the 2D images are usually seen in the comics. Yes, like manga. Maybe it's because I did an otaku.
"ne, Mayu-chan. .. are you really capable of with him?" one of my friend, Jurina instantly speak to me
"eh?? of course. Although at times he looked cold even cruel, in fact he is very good, "I reply Jurina
"Yuki who’s his gaze can kill people being nice to you ?? He even scare the teachers! " Jurina looked at me with wonder
"you’re gaze scare me, if you really want to know, he even bought me a teddy bear who is very funny to me during our first date" I replied Jurina while imagining the face of Yuki as he gave a teddy bear to me, his face turns into like a red tomato !
"and. How about you?? is Ren-sempai still busy with his duties? I guess being a Vice President of the Student Council are very busy. " this time it was me who asked Jurina. Ren is her boyfriend since Jurina and I are in grade 1. While Ren is in grade 2, same as Yuki.
"ahh, its sucks if he should be always busy with his work. But he's always send me 1 or 2 mails if there is free time, even tomorrow we will hold a date. Ren-kun is very romantic. " Say her to me while smiling in embarrassment.
The bell sign first hour begins already rang. Jurina sat into her seat. Yes, we indeed are in one class. No wonder we did close.
After hours to 2 and 3 also completed, the time off has arrived. This time it was Yuki because some were not. Maybe she was going along with the members of his club, as usual. It has been 1 month I didn't see him, he is. .. disappear.
"Mayu-chan, I can't join you today, Ren-kun took me home with him. I guess he is no activity in the Organization of the school. " Jurina approached me with an exited smile
"ahh, haiii.. It doesn't matter to me! "I reply to her words with a smile. To be honest I'm not wanting to be alone like it.
"Really?? I really can’t join you, you know that Ren-kun rarely got home very early time like this?? "said Jurina. Well, I understand
"I completely understand Jurina. Now, go to Ren-Sempai "I moved towards her and tried to encourage her. Jurina was grateful and went to Ren-Sempai. Ahh, I feel do not have anyone by my side ..
Because this time I have to go home alone, I would have to choose the shorter path. Seen from a distance some man running towards me. Well, this scares me ..
"Hey, new targets .." one of them said it was then pointed at me.
"Heii, come with me .." aihh, alcohol .. I think he was drunk
"Ano .. I have to go "
"Do not hesitate, I'm not going to do anything to you, just a little thing and .." ehh, he's holding my hand! why is he being to forcing?!
The man was approaching me, oh no. He's too close!!
"anyone, keep him away from me!!!"
"there will be no one listens to you, sweet girl. stop shouting, and then follow with us, hahaha "one of the man friend who holds my hand laughing out loud while holding a bottle of alcohol in his hand.
"no one could get close to him." eh, that voice.
"Yyuki ..."
"haha, you challenged us?? well, you’re done! "
"nothing can beat black ..."
Their fight continued. I've never seen this kind of situation with Yuki. he looks ... cool ...
I think the fight is over. 5vs1 and Yuki who win it. he did great. But, in some parts of his face and his body there are numerous bruises and wounds. Especially in his face. He was battered.
"are you okay?" Yuki clutching his hands come near me while injured
"I should have asked that very thing, baka!" I immediately ran to him and hugged him tight and cry in his arms. He may be aware of my cries and then immediately returned my hug
"baka baka, yuki."
"hey, I'm fine. Look, you don't have to worry about me. " Yuki was rubbing my head gently
"baka, bakaa!! how I'm not worrying about you?? I am your girlfriend and I completely do not know where are you during this month and all of a sudden you come back ... you're absolutely not think about me!! baka yuki!! "I tried to escape from his arms, but yuki refused. I think yuki didn't want to release the hug.
"I miss you. Really,really miss you .. "yuki hugged me tight. He's never been this honest to me. Usually he's just being cold although I know he is very concerned about me. In fact, he just says the word ' love ' when he revealed his feelings to me 4 months ago.
"come on, I'll clean your wound." I was wiping my tears and then grinned at him. He just nodded in agreement. because my house is not too far from here, I guess it doesn't matter for him. he is strong, as bad as any of his condition, he is still a yankee.
Upon arrival at home, immediately I told him to remain in my room while I take the first aid box, and he continued to obey my words. When I came back into the room, he's not using his clothes. Seen many wounds all over his body in, I guess he really battered even though he looks very strong as before. There’s also some of the cuts that have already seen healed, maybe he also participated in several other fights in this few days.
"sit, if you stand like that, how can I clean your wound?"
"nee ... I know you are very short and I understand it. "he said while laughing. he does love to make fun of me-__-
Yuki soon sit beside me, sitting facing me. Honestly, this is the first time I saw him with such predicament.
I quickly cleaned his wounds, gently of course. I know the wounds it must be painful, but I really don't see the look on the faces of pain Yuki. Maybe he is familiar with this pain.
"Yuki-kun .." I call him
"haii..??" his reply
"is your wound really hurts?" his gaze directly leads me
The atmosphere back into silence until I finished cleaning the wound. A few moments later, yuki went home.
The next day, always the same with yesterday. Jurina and Ren-sempai is definitely being shared. And I, even though I was with Yuki sometimes, but maybe I'm just a couple of times with him. He preferred alone.
' tok ...tok ...tok.. '
Several times heard a knock to the door. Immediately, I headed to the front door and open it.
"Yyuki ...??" I was suprised after seeing who is behind that door. It’s Yuki that was look neat.
"want to going somewhere together?? I was bored ... "yuki said while his head just face the ground. I think his face is flushed
"eh ..??"