gek geki: thank you!
#DAY 4# (second part)
#MAYUKI’S ROOM#Megumi is reviewing the cane sae gave to yuki, there are inscriptions kai has asked her to analyze.
-Can you understand this?- asks kai.
-Yes, is a combination of codes, it’s something easy to read but…-
-Easy to read? Well then tell me what it says-
-Where you got this from?-
-Seems Mr. Huxley asked sae-san to hand it to yuki and I happened to be near there and listened; oh, now I remember, today they had to drink that thing again-
-Don't worry, in the morning they went to breakfast and as always drank their doses complaining of the bad taste-
- The last review we did not provide the results as always, seem we need to improve the antidote –
- After coming back to yuki's house I will be working on that besides she has to know it as well-
-"God's project" "kiseki" "mind-body-soul"- megumi stopped reading, both looked at each other, confused.
(Four years ago, October)
A man in his thirty-eight years runs to a blind alley, sae and hiro are behind him, both with guns in hand.
-Please, don’t kill me!- shouts cornered against the walls.
-Yeah! Sure! First tell us who are you serving to!- sae grabs the collar of his shirt.
-Listen, if you try to do something unnecessary, I will kill you!- hiro pointing him in the temple.
-Spit it up already!-
- He! He paid me! I just needed to kidnap the little girl, it was no my intention to kill their mother!-
-Then you know what happened after that!-
-Yes! YEEES! Look at my arm! Look at it!- the man didn’t have his right hand, the same hand with he pushed jurina and yuki – after the incident some men wearing in black attacked me! And then… And then… this tall guy cut my hand! AAAARGH!-
(Four years ago, December)
-She… she what?- sae was smiling after hearing the good news.
<Her heart is beating again, right now her butler is helping me, please follow the coordinates I sent you… and tell hiro “thank you” for me> mayu’s voice.
(Three years ago, February)
-How is her condition?- hiro asks sat next to sae, both looking at mayu who is walking in circles.
-I can’t lie, she is in a coma… - finally the younger spoke.
-But she will wake up! right?- sae stood up.
-I hope so-
(Three years ago, April)
-Who were those guys?!- sae following kai.
-*coughing* and… what was that “project BLACK” they were talking about?- hiro running alongside with sae.
-I can’t hide this anymore- finally the blonde guy stopped running and began to walk in the middle of the crowd, they were in the center of the city - well then… First of all if I tell you the truth, would you be able to see everything you love the same way as ever? -
-What are you talking about?-
-Miyazawa-sama and Hayashi-sama, I will ask you once again, would you be able to see everything you love the same way as ever?- the guy turned to look in the eye at sae and hiro, he was kai.
-I promised yuki I’d do whatever I can to protect her family, I won’t change my mind!-
-I love mayu the most, I won’t hesitate if it can make her happy-
A car stopped next to the blonde guy and a woman indicated then to enter in the car, she was megumi.
Suddenly tomoki enters to the room.
-Oh! Guys, you were here-
-Ahhaha I was looking for you, I need to talk with you about something…. er…. you already met kou-kun I guess-
-Yeah, *sigh * am… the thing is... this is urgent so please listen to me – tomoki opened the laptop he brought and immediately kou’s voice was heard.
<Miyazawa, good to know you and my master are safe >
-Your master?!- sae and hiro were surprised.
-Eh… hehehe yeah… it’s supposed I don’t have to talk about this and the truth onee-san doesn’t know either -
-Yuki doesn't know? She should to! Last time they confronted each another!-
<About what happened that day I'm sorry but I must follow precise instructions, furthermore this is not the issue I want to talk with you >
-You know something?-
<Right now we are fighting against a first-gen Android in yuki-sama’s house, I’m fighting alongside watanabe’s and we know you stole something that is of incredibly importance, I need you to tell me where is hidden that device>
-Wa-wait wait wait up, what are you doing in yuki’s house?-
<We need the device, if it falls in wrong hands…>
In the background the voice of a young boy laughing "onii-chan will play" and the voice of another man "but what the hell is this?" <Please, tell Yuki Kashiwagi I need that information, is for the sake of the girls>
After this the transmission stopped – What what was that?! - hiro grabbed tomoki by the collar of his shirt.
#YUKI’S HOUSE#-But what the hell is this! - Question ryo laying on the ground, wiping blood from his mouth with the sleeve of his white shirt. While kou fought against minami a strong explosion sounded making more walls collapsed and tearing a leg of kou, leaving him unable to fight. Behind the walls collapsed haruki appeared holding a switch.
-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA look at you, you are all hurt hehe, you must be very weak – little haruki smirked.
-Minami let’s go, the game is over for today – atsuko called to her android but minami disobeyed, she helped kou to stand up.
Atsuko and ryo looked astonished - my sincere apologies maeda-san but right now I feel the need to follow my independent reasoning and if I leave them here... the thing that is before us will not hesitate to kill them, I can't allow senseless deaths – minami took fighting position.
-Onee-chan you shouldn’t fight your little brother - haruki dodged like a catching playing, then he hit her throwing her over thirty feet away, destroying a wall of what was the library – now I will have fun with him - he looked at ryo dismissively - but I'm afraid you won't last long ... what a pity HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-
<Ryo-chan, resist!>
From his apartment, haru stopped playing and went to the girl who was communicating with ryo - aki-san, it's my turn - nonchalantly told to the little girl who seemed desperate to create a strategy to survive the fearsome destroyer cyborg - I'll take care until your friend arrives - aki in desperation accepted aid from the enemy guy and gave her communicator.
<Ryo-san, right? listen carefully, this cyborg likes to have fun before killing their victims, make sure not to make him get bored of you>
- And how do I do that?!-
<Just do what I'll say, Shinoda-san is coming>
Ryo and aki were surprised, not supposed mark were traveling in that mission and how a servant of the Kashiwagi family did know that?
-Rena, jurina – the children to hear their names turned to see their mother - since I am with you every day of my life has returned to shine - mayu also listened attentively, had the feeling that something amazing could happen - thanks to you I became more strong will, thanks to you I again felt alive ... - stopped to think what to say next - eeeh... Jurina... I'm aware you know I'm not your real mother, I had planned to tell you as soon as you had the right age but apparently rena was ahead - both girls approached her and embraced.
- Mom, don't worry about that, it's true that rena-chan told me a little but it doesn't matter that we don't have the same blood, for me you are my mom and no one will change that-
-Mother… sorry… - the feeling of guilt, rena told jurina about their real parents when she was just five years, one day rena was watching photographs she had kept and accidentally jurina looked at and commented "rena-chan she looks a lot like you" about the close resemblance between rena and her mother.
-Thank you, rena, jurina, but right now you two are my precios treasure and I promised y would take care of you and give you a quiet and happy life, just as your parents wanted, so ... -
-Yukirin…- mayu wanted to talk but yuki got up, stepped forward and turned to be face to face with her family - you won’t... - yuki just smiled.
-There are people who want to hurt us, has always been, it may be my fault, I still don't know... – yuki looked away and closed her fists - now ... I need you to trust me - she looked at the two girls, was determined to speak..
Mayu got up quickly and tried to stop her - you can’t be serious - she stood in front of her and grabbed her shoulders - yuki! -
- If I want to protect them from whatever which wants to hurt them I need they to know - now yuki spoke softly, smiling as best she could, cupping mayu's cheeks, she knew there was no turning back after that - now I just need your support, please - hugged her tightly.
In front of them, rena and jurina were still staring silently - psssst ... rena-chan - jurina called softly - you know what is up with mom? –
Rena looked sadly at the scene, some images appear in her thoughts, images of her parents crying, yuri hugging mana in the same way that yuki to mayu at that time - no idea ... - she merely replied, trying to remember why everything was so similar.
-Now help me with this – asked before kiss mayu’s forehead.
Mayu understood what she meant - according ... - she drew from her pocket a small device and an adapter to connect to yuki with this, went to the left side of the head of the largest and moved some strands of hair covering that entry, rena and jurina looked what appeared to be mayu fixing yuki's hair.
-Girls ... please believe me that I love you - her hands trembled with fear - and that is why I need to do this - finally, a click was heard behind her ear, while rena and jurina opened the most big eyes they could, mayu just connected the adapter to a strange device behind yuki's ear.
-Done- mayu reported and then the small device in her hand became a space of particles that began to form something …
-Mother…!- rena stood not knowing what to say, that yuki rebelled what she was...actually meant something good or bad?
-W-what… is this? - juriina stood too, slowly, and similarly approached the projection - rena-chan look! Is ... is the design of a cyborg, right?!- she looked excited, for she it was the first time she saw something like that.
-But ... - rena didn’t understand, looked mayu and yuki alternately.
-This is me… -
(Three years ago, April, days later)
-This is my master – kai deployed a three-dimensional display.
Kai's room within yuki's house, were megumi, mayu, hiro and sae, the last two were stunned.
*****-----*****If somebody has heard “awakening” of “mae” is precious T-T

Then I don’t know, I hope before xmas the next chapter.
Gaaaah! What to doo what to dooo!! >.<
