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Author Topic: THE STORY OF YOU [MaYuki] ch. 36 (11/06/2016)  (Read 32216 times)

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Re: THE STORY OF YOU [MaYuki] ch. 32 (05/12/2013)
« Reply #120 on: December 09, 2013, 04:25:02 AM »


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Re: THE STORY OF YOU [MaYuki] ch. 33 (14/12/2013)
« Reply #121 on: December 14, 2013, 09:45:00 AM »
Heeeere!!!! :imdead:

gek geki: thank you!


#DAY  4# (second part)


Megumi is reviewing the cane sae gave to yuki, there are inscriptions kai has asked her to analyze.


-Can you understand this?- asks kai.

-Yes, is a combination of codes, it’s something easy to read but…-

-Easy to read? Well then tell me what it says-
-Where you got this from?-

-Seems Mr. Huxley asked sae-san to hand it to yuki and I happened to be near there and listened; oh, now I remember, today they had to drink that thing again-

-Don't worry, in the morning they went to breakfast and as always drank their doses complaining of the bad taste-

- The last review we did not provide the results as always, seem we need to improve the antidote –

- After coming back to yuki's house I will be working on that besides she has to know it as well-

-"God's project" "kiseki" "mind-body-soul"- megumi stopped reading, both looked at each other, confused.



(Four years ago, October)

A man in his thirty-eight years runs to a blind alley, sae and hiro are behind him, both with guns in hand.

-Please, don’t kill me!- shouts cornered against the walls.

-Yeah! Sure! First tell us who are you serving to!- sae grabs the collar of his shirt.

-Listen, if you try to do something unnecessary, I will kill you!- hiro pointing him in the temple.


-Spit it up already!-

- He! He paid me! I just needed to kidnap the little girl, it was no my intention to kill their mother!-

-Then you know what happened after that!-

-Yes! YEEES! Look at my arm! Look at it!- the man didn’t have his right hand, the same hand with he pushed jurina and yuki – after the incident some men wearing in black attacked me! And then… And then… this tall guy cut my hand!  AAAARGH!-


(Four years ago, December)

-She… she what?- sae was smiling after hearing the good news.

<Her heart is beating again, right now her butler is helping me, please follow the coordinates I sent you… and tell hiro “thank you” for me> mayu’s voice.


(Three years ago, February)

-How is her condition?-  hiro asks sat next to sae, both looking at mayu who is walking in circles. 

-I can’t lie, she is in a coma… - finally the younger spoke.

-But she will wake up! right?- sae stood up.

-I hope so-


(Three years ago, April)

-Who were those guys?!-  sae following  kai.

-*coughing* and… what was that “project BLACK” they were talking about?- hiro running alongside with sae.

-I can’t hide this anymore- finally the blonde guy stopped running and began to walk in the middle of the crowd, they were in the center of the city   - well then…  First of all if I tell you the truth, would you be able to see everything you love the same way as ever? -

-What are you talking about?-

-Miyazawa-sama and Hayashi-sama, I will ask you once again, would you be able to see everything you love the same way as ever?- the guy  turned to look in the eye at sae and hiro, he was kai.

-I promised yuki I’d do whatever I can to protect her family, I won’t change my mind!-

-I love mayu the most, I won’t hesitate if it can make her happy-

A car stopped next to the blonde guy and a woman indicated then to enter in the car, she was megumi.


Suddenly tomoki enters to the room.

-Oh! Guys, you were here-


-Ahhaha I was looking for you, I need to talk with you about something…. er…. you already met kou-kun I guess-


-Yeah, *sigh * am… the thing is... this is urgent so please listen to me – tomoki opened the laptop he brought and immediately kou’s voice was heard.

<Miyazawa, good to know you and my master are safe >

-Your master?!- sae and hiro were surprised. 

-Eh… hehehe yeah… it’s supposed I don’t have to talk about this and the truth onee-san doesn’t know either -

-Yuki doesn't know? She should to! Last time they confronted each another!-

<About what happened that day I'm sorry but I must follow precise instructions, furthermore this is not the issue I want to talk with you >

-You know something?-

<Right now we are fighting against a first-gen  Android in yuki-sama’s house, I’m fighting alongside watanabe’s and we know you stole something that is of incredibly importance, I need you to tell me where is hidden that device>

-Wa-wait wait wait up, what are you doing in yuki’s house?-

<We need the device, if it falls in wrong hands…>

In the background the voice of a young boy laughing "onii-chan will play" and the voice of another man "but what the hell is this?" <Please, tell Yuki Kashiwagi I need that information, is for the sake of the girls>

After this the transmission stopped – What what was that?! -  hiro grabbed tomoki by the collar of his shirt.


-But what the hell is this! - Question ryo laying on the ground, wiping blood from his mouth with the sleeve of his white shirt. While kou fought against minami a strong explosion sounded making more walls collapsed and tearing a leg of kou, leaving him unable to fight. Behind the walls collapsed haruki appeared holding a switch.

-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA look at you, you are all hurt hehe, you must be very weak – little haruki smirked.

-Minami let’s go, the game is over for today – atsuko called to her android but minami disobeyed, she helped kou to stand up.

Atsuko and ryo looked astonished - my sincere apologies maeda-san but right now I feel the need to follow my independent reasoning and if I leave them here... the thing that is before us will not hesitate to kill them, I can't allow senseless deaths – minami took fighting position.

-Onee-chan you shouldn’t fight your little brother - haruki dodged like a catching playing, then he hit her throwing her over thirty feet away, destroying a wall of what was the library – now I will have fun with him - he looked at ryo dismissively - but I'm afraid you won't last long ... what a pity HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-

<Ryo-chan, resist!>

From his apartment, haru stopped playing and went to the girl who was communicating with ryo - aki-san, it's my turn - nonchalantly told to the little girl who seemed desperate to create a strategy to survive the fearsome destroyer cyborg - I'll take care until your friend arrives - aki in desperation accepted aid from the enemy guy and gave her communicator.

<Ryo-san, right? listen carefully,  this cyborg likes to have fun before killing their victims, make sure not to make him get bored of you>

- And how do I do that?!-

<Just do what I'll say, Shinoda-san is coming>

Ryo and aki were surprised, not supposed mark were traveling in that mission and how a servant of the Kashiwagi family did know that?


-Rena, jurina – the children to hear their names turned to see their mother - since I am with you every day of my life has returned to shine - mayu also listened attentively, had the feeling that something amazing could happen - thanks to you I became more strong will, thanks to you I again felt alive ... - stopped to think what to say next - eeeh... Jurina... I'm aware you know I'm not your real mother, I had planned to tell you as soon as you had the right age but apparently rena was ahead - both girls approached her and embraced.

- Mom, don't worry about that, it's true that rena-chan told me a little but it doesn't matter that we don't have the same blood, for me you are my mom and no one will change that-

-Mother… sorry… - the feeling of guilt, rena told jurina  about their real parents when she was just five years, one day rena was watching photographs she had kept and accidentally jurina looked at and commented "rena-chan she looks a lot like you" about the close resemblance between rena and her mother.

-Thank you, rena, jurina, but right now you two are my precios treasure and I promised y would take care of you and give you a quiet and happy life, just as your parents wanted, so ... -

-Yukirin…- mayu wanted to talk but yuki got up, stepped forward and turned to be face to face with her family - you won’t... - yuki just smiled.

-There are people who want to hurt us, has always been, it may be my fault, I still don't know... – yuki looked away and closed her fists - now ... I need you to trust me - she looked at the two girls, was determined to speak..

Mayu got up quickly and tried to stop her - you can’t be serious - she stood in front of her and grabbed her shoulders - yuki! -

- If I want to protect them from whatever which wants to hurt them I need they to know - now yuki spoke softly, smiling as best she could, cupping mayu's cheeks, she knew there was no turning back after that - now I just need your support, please - hugged her tightly.

In front of them, rena and jurina were still staring silently - psssst ... rena-chan - jurina called softly - you know what is up with mom? –
Rena looked sadly at the scene, some images appear in her thoughts, images of her parents crying, yuri hugging mana in the same way that yuki to mayu at that time - no idea ... - she merely replied, trying to remember why everything was so similar.

-Now help me with this – asked before kiss mayu’s forehead.

Mayu understood what she meant - according ... - she drew from her pocket a small device and an adapter to connect to yuki with this, went to the left side of the head of the largest and moved some strands of hair covering that entry, rena and jurina looked what appeared to be mayu fixing yuki's hair.

-Girls ... please believe me that I love you - her hands trembled with fear - and that is why I need to do this - finally, a click was heard behind her ear, while rena and jurina opened the most big eyes they could, mayu just connected the adapter to a strange device behind yuki's ear.

-Done- mayu reported and then the small device in her hand became a space of particles that began to form something …

-Mother…!- rena stood not knowing what to say, that yuki rebelled what she was...actually meant something good or bad?

-W-what… is this? - juriina stood too, slowly, and similarly approached the projection - rena-chan look! Is ... is the design of a cyborg, right?!- she looked excited, for she it was the first time she saw something like that. 

-But ... - rena didn’t understand, looked mayu and yuki alternately.

-This is me… - 


 (Three years ago, April, days later)

-This is my master – kai deployed a three-dimensional display.

Kai's room within yuki's house, were megumi, mayu, hiro and sae, the last two were stunned.




If somebody has heard “awakening” of “mae” is precious T-T  :on speedy:
Then I don’t know, I hope before xmas the next chapter.

Gaaaah! What to doo what to dooo!! >.<  :pig gtfo:

« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 09:03:35 PM by rise »

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Re: THE STORY OF YOU [MaYuki] ch. 33 (14/12/2013)
« Reply #122 on: January 15, 2015, 04:35:15 PM »
aww mayuki are really cute

wmatsui I wonder if What will they do in future

 :ptam-mad: :ptam-mad: UPDATE..UPDATE :ptam-mad: :ptam-mad:
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 07:37:59 AM by crosteks »

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Re: THE STORY OF YOU [MaYuki] ch. 33 (14/12/2013)
« Reply #123 on: January 28, 2015, 06:29:11 PM »

Rise here.

I got this question: should I continue the story? I mean, more than 30 chapters and not yet to the middle of the story e.e or not? e.e

And after hm... two years already?! XD

however I hope to continue the story this year  :banghead: for real!

GREETINGS!!!  :sweatdrop:

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Re: THE STORY OF YOU [MaYuki] ch. 33 (14/12/2013)
« Reply #124 on: January 29, 2015, 12:45:21 AM »
Please continue the story XD
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

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Re: THE STORY OF YOU [MaYuki] ch. 33 (14/12/2013)
« Reply #125 on: November 05, 2015, 05:54:03 AM »
Suddenly chapter appears!


-Mind, body and soul?- kai.

-It’s the first time I hear something like this, I’m sure in intelligence they don’t know either about this- megumi.

-But what do you think does this mean? - kai.

-Here is something else – megumi informed turning the sphere of the cane, it opened and inside was a little device, this shied a light that scanned the place, immediately finished the analizys a red light turned three times and the device show a series of blurred images, little by little the image became clear, it was yuri matsui. He was greeting.


-Eeeeh, kai-kun, has been a long time  haha – it seemed he was in his house, the furniture  behind him were of the living room  – I don’t know if there is somebody else with you, but if teres is someone else then I hope is a reliable one –

Yuri was showing the shpere- maybe you are wondering why you didn’t know about this, at the begining we thought that this woudln’t be a bad idea but honestly… ah… we would be happy if there were no need of this, let’s go to the point-


 (Three years ago, April, days later)

-This is my master – kai deployed a three-dimensional display.

Kai's room within yuki's house, were megumi, mayu, hiro and sae, the last two were stunned.

In front of them was deployed a 3D design of the humanoid body called BLACK, in the data showing at a great speed  were signed in green color the parts of its body that remained organic, in blue color the parts that were modified in order to ensure its survival, finally in red were the parts of its body thar were modified or replaced to combat. 

All the left part of her brain and a mínimum of the right hemisphere were in blue color, in greer was the rest of the right hemishpere, the bones of the image were in blue color, the skin tissue was all almost blue colored, the lungs were a minimun part green, the heart was completely blue except for a little dot in red.
The digestive system was colored almost in Green, except for some parts that were modified due to some accidents in field practices, it’s auditory system was in blue, it’s arms were all red, the same it’s eyes, legs, back and vocal chords. 
The report attached to the design containde information about the material of construction, the functions onf the new cybor body.


-Years ago a pair of scientists managed to create life, they needed help from another scientist specialized in bio-technolgy, they became great Friends. As the time passed they became the point of interest of many organizations in the world that wanted to take over the project-   

Mayu and the girls were listening attentively, jurina seemed amazed listening waht was more like a scifi story bu trena seemed worried.

-As time passed by the Project dissapeared, nobody knew more about this and little  by little the research was forgotten. Certain day there was a problema with the body created an the group of scientists, fearing to lose that life created, decided to use non- living tolos-

-Pssst rena-chan, what is this of “non-living tools”?- jurina poking rena’s shoulder.

-I think she is referring to material like robot’s parts or so-

-After tath, in the middle of the celebration one of the organizations stole the creation and destroyed all the lab-

-And what happened with the scientists?- jurina raised her hand.

-They were forced to work for the organization- yuki.

-Wait, and what does that have  to do with us?- jurina, again.



-Mana and I suspect that the Project K is being continued inside the MRC, if that is the case… they might be desperately searching for this- yuri shows a device, the same sae and hiro stole fron the watanabe – you need to know what is all this about “K” or kiseki like mana an I used to call… - now yuri looked depressed – the k Project, mana and I were working on this in the MRC, this means that it was before yuki-chan was submitted to all those inhuman operations and  treatments.   

At the background were Heard voices, were rena, mana and yuki.

-The reasons because we can’t tell this to yuki-chan… it mght be painful for her, besides… it would be better if she never knew about this but, here we are, at this point you know almost all about what is happening-

Megumi and kai look surprised after hearing these words:

-BLACK is just the half of our research-


-Your parents were those scientists, those who want to hurt us are searching the information they left abou that Project-

-WOOOW!- jurina getting up in a jump.

-And what happened whit what they had?- rena.

-I heard it was totally distroyed. Your parents were the ones who gave back my life and now somebosy wants to recreate the project they hid and I need that you two help me to find that-

-We?- jurina looking again the design of yuki’s body – then our biological parents created this forn of you and now you need our help to stop the bad guys? Wohoooo IT’S LIKE A SCIFI STORY! -

-Nee nee, jurina-chan, you should look at yukirin’s algorithm, i’m sure you’d love this! – mayu deployed a keiboard in front of her and after write some commands a new Windows appeared showing el algorithm.

– Forgive me for this rena – yuki embraced rena - I know you have taken care of her since they died and I know it is the last thing you would wish for but I need you to remember this place

-Mother… what are you talk…- rena looking confused.

– What you see is all an hologram- yuki said in a low voice – please remember-



-If possible they still don’t know about this then please keep them out of this, to maintain their skills hidden you need to gradually increase the dose of the third component, this way their defenses will be inmunes and the neurons of that hemisphere will continue innactive-

-Before some worst occurs it’s better to let them know .yuri scratches his head – hahaha surely rena-chan will get mad, please take good care of her, sometimes she loses her control and behave much like yuki-chan, i’m sure you will understand what i’m talking about. On the other side you don’t need to wori for jurina-chan, she is a completely stable girl, I assure-

-All the matter began when mana and I noticed that detail after restore those memories of yuki-chan, we found extra data that took us by surprise and… heh, it doesn’t matter how many times we intended to erase that data, it regenerated and multiplied like a virus, we had no other choise…-

After a large pause – if i were to ask for your help with something that we cannot do… then is this-

In the screen began to appear words, kai and megumi began to search for some clue – this is encoded-

-So it seems, is a mixture of codes that are no longer used or are used very little-


–Here you will find everything you need to know about they. Kai-kun, please, protect our little daughters and… if possible, please don’t let them fall in wrong hands… Another thing, ahm… yuki-chan is very strong as a human being but nevertheless the virus affecting her systen is indestructible, the only way to stop it is switching off both sides and kai-kun – now yuri is smiling – you have grown a lot, you look like your fahter. I hope some day you will forgive us for kill him – after that declaration, yuri bowed and his image dissapeared.

-Got it,  K-R-J-M-3-0-0- megumi informed about de codes found in the video.

-Then rumors were truth, the k Project wasn’t destroyed? Megumi, I need to pay a visit to yusei-sama -



Thamk you so much for Reading this.

I aprreciate it Q.Q

Next chapter and Greetings!

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Re: THE STORY OF YOU [MaYuki] ch. 34 (04/11/2015)
« Reply #126 on: November 20, 2015, 02:58:33 AM »
I love this story, Pleasee... continue this.. and update soon  :D

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Re: THE STORY OF YOU [MaYuki] ch. 35 (29/11/2015)
« Reply #127 on: November 29, 2015, 10:48:21 AM »
Rena was looking around her, the flowers moving wi the flow of the air, the water passing quietly, then she noticed “what is doing an enormous garden… perfeclty mantained in the middle of a forest that nobody visit?” –it was… here? – now she looked the big rock where they were sat, she tried to remember  and did it, those rocks were the walls thaf fell off on rena an her parents years ago, where the fire fighters rescued her, she looked the river and remembered it too, there was the pool… 


-Father… why does the water from that river enters to the pool of the house and comes out for the other extreme?-

-Hm? Because it’s natural, a natural source of water is better if you let it run it’s course, plus you can see fishes enter to the pool too, isn’t it fun?-

-… fun… -

-Yeah! Fun! Right mana?- yuri exitedly raising his hands full of fishes.

-Stop playing with the fishes a fix that thing!- mana was writing on a 3D screen, next to her an elevator was opening.

-Hahaha mommy is angry! Come on rena-chan laugh a little!- yuri let out the fishes and lifted rena as high as he could – waaaa! Almost reaching the sky, nee lift up your hands and grab a cloud!-

-That is imposible, the density of a cloud does not allow you to grab it and if  I tried to get to the sky I meed my lungs to bear the pressure un there and the most incoherent fact is that this low height of two meters with seventeen centimeters and 4.3 milimeters I absolutely can’t reach the sky-  mana and yuri were listening, both faces surpriced and worried.

-Rena-chan perhaps… have you been reading some big books again?- yuri put rena over his shoulders.

-Yes, I read those you have in your rom of the second floor – not showing emotions.

-All of them? – mana asks frowning – there are at least 130 volumes-

-Yeah, but two days ago I started Reading those books mother gave me, they are strange-

-Strange? Why?- mana clinging to a side of the monitor.

-I don’t understand the irrationality they use, everything is incoherent and meaningless- rena turning to watch her mother.

-What Kind of books are those rena-chan?- yuri don’t know about those books.

-M…  mother said those are called children’s books… like fairytales and so -  rena lowering he reyes to see her father.

-Pffff hahahahahahaha and? Were they boring?- yuri started laughing, mana was giggling.

-Those are not boring though are meaningless-

-Then they are amusing, like to being here playng with mommy and me, we are having fun-

-Amusing… fun… this is amusing, right?- rena asks both her parents.

-Yeah! Family time is always fun-


-Now we need to go to the underground lab- both children loked each otrer after listening yuki’s words.

-I know where it is! Megumi-chan fell by a huge hole in the ground- jurina took the map megumi gave them – let’s go, it’s near here!- she grabbed rena’s hand and began to walk.

-Yukirin – mayu wanted to stop her but yuki smiled.

 -Is to assure a future for those kids, besides I still have a plab B so no need to wory – yuki grabbed mayu’s hand and began to walk.

-It’s not… since when you know all of this?-

-Hm… I wonder since when… i really don’t know-


With smooth movements ryo surrounds and cuts several metal bars using a Sharp thread he always hides in his bracelets – now!- indicates to minami and kou who are holding haruki below the bars that are falling, both get out in a jump White watching haruki being beaten and scraped by the bars but haruki gran one of the bars in the act and thows it to minami who is beaten away of there.

-Minami!- atsuko runs where minami is, she bends and hugs the short one – fool, what are you doing? You could be destroyed!- minami has a broken arm and a metal bar pierced in the side.

-S-still fight-sparks coming out of the broken parts– cry not, maeda-san –she stood up and walked back tho the battle.

-Nee nee onii-chan is strong –  haruki transformed his arm into a laser weapon.

-Watch out!- ryo pulled kou by the leather jacket, the laser almost reached them – what do you think you’re doing?!-

-I’m  laser proof, you idiot!- kou.

-Don’t callme idiot, idiot!- ryo.

-Hey… don’t call idiot my onii-chan – haruki in a fast move grabbed ryo by the nek and trhew him against a wall, roy was going to crash against a pile of bars the same tipe minami chashed- hahahahaha it’s awesom, nee nee onii-chan, don’t you like the sound people do when they scream of pain?-

-Ryo-kun- kou screamed being stopped by haruki who grabbed his arm when this one tried to jump to catch the young man.

-Wooops! -    mark apreared intercepting ryo before this crashed agains those bars, they fell some meters away, ryo on marks arms – almost lost you there, huh? – mark winked.

-Mark-san…- ryo let fall a drop - you didn’t have to come here, we could handle this…- he wiped his tears, mark let him on the floor. 

-Hehe sorry bur rie-chan was sooo worried and you know I don’t like a sad expression on the face of a beautiful lady – mark took off his jacket – now then, shorty, come here – winked at haruhi and rolled up his sleves, little haruri seemed confussed, that one called mark didn’t look frightened nor worried.

<Mark-san, the one standing in fron of you is haruki, don’t bother him too much>

-Heeeeh? But if he doesn’t get mat it’s not funny, besides ¿what are you doing helping the enemy nyar*<DON’T DARE CALLING ME LIKE THAT, DAM YOU!>* ok, ok, haru-chan-

-Do you know each other?- kou steps aside.

-Lest’s say my cousing likes cats – mark giggled.

-You… -giggling and pointing at mark – you are disgusting – haruki walks towards mark while indicating to kou not to interfere. 

-Thaa~nks! You are the second cyborg who tells me so- smirks.

-Who was the first?- Haruki stops giggling.

-If you beat me maybe I tell you- mark takes a combat pose.

-I don't think that can be actually possible- Haruki starts giggling again, transformin his arm again.

-Why not? Don’t you think you can beat me?- mark wiks.

-No, I say it because the dead don’t speak! – finally haruki began to attack mark.



Wow, today I really don't know what to say, almost december an don't wan that month this year, i'm starting to feel sad, nooooooo.  :banghead: :fainted:


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Re: THE STORY OF YOU [MaYuki] ch. 36 (11/06/2016)
« Reply #128 on: June 11, 2016, 10:47:47 AM »

-Hahahahaha, see? I told you! – haruki was laughing watching at mark writhing in pain – you can’t defeat me with that weak human body –

-Yeah… I… I know that- mark tried to stand up.

So far, haruki did not go easy on mark, ryo was being held by kou, by mark instruction – damn it! Let go! He’s gonna dye!- and despite the effort, ryo was really tired.

-Just shut up and believe in him…- even kou was hesitating but, even knowing he himself was an android, he himself knew better than ryo that the only one capable to face haruki was mark – I don’t have permission to destroy this cyborg… we were made by the same person…- 

-By… by the way, do… do you like pictures? – mark finally stood up, his hand was holding a picture, mark showed it to the little cyborg.

-A… a…. AAAAAAAAH!- haruki began to scream as if something were hurting inside his head – HOW DARE YOU! YOU… YOU! GH… AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!-

While haruki was suffering due his sudden failures to the system, the group fled from the place.

<Haruki please listen to me, you need to stay calm, haru… listen to my voice… brother… > inside his head a gente voice began to speak.

-DON’T CALL ME THAT!- the guy screamed.


Finally entered to the underground lab, yuki and mayu were catching the hole over them.

-So this is where ohori-san fell drom?- yuki

-Yes, but, please, don’t worry, we checked out and se was perfectly fine- rena

-Yeah, just some minor bruises – jurina

-And where do we go? – mayu apporached jurina who was watching the map.

-Over here, come on!- jurina grabbed rena’s hand and began to run. Both children were enjoying.

-Yukirin – mayu offered her hand to the taller one and both began to walk following the sounds of the laughs.

-This is the first time I am inside here- yuki.

-Nee, wete those people so incredible?- mayu.

-I think incredible is not enough-


-I don’t know, is just… um… some kind of feeling? May be? You know my father and I don’t get along… I love mi father or I loved him but, um… the time I spent with Mana and Yuri Matsui I learned how to love again. Something like that haha- yuki kissed mayu’s hand while walking.

-Wow… Not just super Smart, even super loving people. Lucky you- mayu thought about her own father, yusei gave her everything she wanted, he was like the doting father, but that ended after he learned who really was yuki, it was there when yusei watanabe changed to a very different person. After that the only one she was able to be hersel with was mark. Bute ven mark had his own secrets.

-It’s here- the voice of jurina reached them. The same place from where the lake’s water could be seen – this thing is activated via DNA -  jurina placed a hand on the Wall, the lights turned on.

-Now, mother, what are we looking?- rena looking around.

-I need you to help me to find some logbooks, I think maybe they left some information here-

-And… any idea about the info?- mayu.

-RJ00, it is the code of the research- yuki glanced at rena and jurina.

-RJ00 what a weird name, nee our parents were amusing people – jurina was giggling.

The four people began to search around, each book, each notebook, each sheet, under the desk, under the chairs, everywhere.

-What does mean RJ00 anyway?- rena.

-Minami, are you ok?- atsuko was walking slowly bearing minami’s ruined boddy.

-Can… walk… not… worry… - hidden by the coat atsuko put on it’s body, minami kept walking with it’s master and somehow a few hours latter, they were far away from the city.

-We need help, just look at you… does it hur anywhere?- asked the master to the android.

-Not… pain… mast- mast- ma… eda-

Only one name came to atsuko’s mind, the only one who could help her – I need to find kai…- 


-I will need a cover, I don’t know how many days will take but please take extreme care of the children-


-If Yuki asks for me, please tell her I went to visit a friend-

-And rena-sama and jurina-sama? –

-As the video said, you just need to add more of the third component –

Kai had prepared a bagpack, he took a helmet from his room – let’s keep in touch, anything happens here, tell me-



-Hey… did you hear that?- sae asked.

-Hear what?- hiro.

The sound of a motorcycle was heard. Sae and hiro went out of the house and there was megumi – who was that?- both asked.

-It was kai-san, he went to pay a visit to a friend-


At the end of the day inside the underground lab the girls didn’t find anything about the research RJ00 but they found something about certain MK0 research…

-¿Hm? – rena – what is this?- she was holding a folder with the title MK0, the strange thing was… - it’s empty- she stood up and went to her mother – mother I found this but it’s empty, oh! But here are some symbols, maybe some kind of clue?-

-MK0? I don’t remember anything about this code… - yuki.

-Did you say MK0?- now mayu approached – I think i have heard that code somewhere else…-

-At your work? In a game? Oh! Maybe... maybe in your house?- jurina asked from the bookshelf.


-So this is what you were hiding… - fudo was Reading a report.

Report title: “MRJ00”

Abstract: “The Matsui researchers discovered that it is possible to hybridize nanomaterial with organic material from the most simplest cells in the human body, to obtain a perfect hybridization it is neccesary to start the trearment once the product reaches the blastocyst phase.  Two products were obtained, the first one awoke at two years, five months, twentyone days… the second product awoke at eleven months, thirty days, zero hours… Both objects showed abnormalities.”

He changed the page.

“… strong willed…”

“… soft with nature… ”

“… fast self regeneration…”

“… complex analysis  …”

“… MR0… … difficult emotional connection …” 

“… MJ0… … high level of human consciousness…”

“… both present the same abnormalities as the previous one… ”

-If possible… this could sabe my daughter, don’t you think?- fudo asked.

-I don’t think so, but maybe we can create a clon of your daughter implementing these methods- said the man in white coat.


-Dr. Foster, we need you to check out something- a Young man called fo the man in White coat.


Everything stays in the family.  :(

Offline keijuna

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Re: THE STORY OF YOU [MaYuki] ch. 36 (11/06/2016)
« Reply #129 on: October 08, 2017, 12:24:43 PM »
Hehe this story is so cool!! I mean it's confusing at parts but in the end I understood it  :lol:
I read this whole thing in one sitting and I never got bored  XD
It's really really interesting. I really want to know what will happen when everything is out haha. With that said I really hope you would update it :nervous

Thanks for writing an amazing story!

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