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Author Topic: Second Chance/Akiba Fight Club  (Read 70621 times)

Offline miyumi

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Second Chance/Akiba Fight Club
« on: July 21, 2012, 01:18:46 PM »
Hiiii minna miyumi des! This is the start of a whole new story so it's time to start a new. My last forum was getting full so I decided to make a new on. This story is going to centered on Yukirin because everyone voted for her so withouth further ado, I hope you enjoy the prolouge. Oh and Title is only temporary until I think of a better one. Also, for those who are first time readers of my stories, here's a link to some of the other ones I've written:

This link leads to my story Mad House and Genking Deka

Link to new story so check it out and tell me what you think!


Second Chance Prolouge

Kashiwagi Yuki was your average high school student. She was the most popular girl in her school and the most beautiful. Her parents were rich and would do anything for. Yuki got perfect grades and never failed a test. She was very skilled at archery and playing the piano. Kashiwagi Yuki had a perfect life. But then one day everything changed.

"Hey where am I?"

On April 3rd at 6:02pm on her way back to school, Yukirin tried to save a little boy who was in the street and was hit by a car and killed instantly. Now her soul is waiting to be taken to the other side. The only problem was, Yukirin couldn't cross over. No one came for her and now she's just a spirit waiting in the inbetween.

"Where am I?'

Yukirin woke up and found herself lying on a park bench. People were passing by as if they saw nothing.

"Am I alive?"

Yukirin felt her heart beat which indicated to her that she was alive.

"I'm alive. Oh my gosh I'm alive! I gotta get back home!"

Yukirin ran home to tell her parents the wonderful news. But when she got home, she found her mother crying and her father trying to comfort her.

"Mom, dad what's wrong?"

There was no answer. They just kept crying until Yukirin's mom finally said,

"I can't belive she's gone."

Then her father said,

"At least she's in a better place now."

"Mom, dad what are you talking about? I'm right here!"

Yukirin walked over and tried to touch her mother only to go right through her.

"Uso! No way... I really am dead."

Yukirin couldn't help but start crying along with her parents. But then the mother finally got up so she could prepare for the funeral. Meanwhile the father slammed his fist against the wall cursing at God. Yukirin couldn't bare to see her parents like this so she left. As Yukirin walked around, she started to notice other things. She saw other spirits of other people who had died. Now she knew she was dead. But there was one thing that bothered Yukirin.

"Why haven't I crossed over?"

"Well I'm working on it."

"Who said that!"

Yukirin turned around and saw a girl standing right behind her.


Yukirin jumped back and when she did, she phased through the ground and started sinking. But then a hand grabbed her and pulled her back up.

"Be careful!" the girl said.

"Once you start falling you don't stop."

"Thanks. Who are you by the way?"

"My name is Shinoda Mariko and I am your shinigami."

"You don't look like a shinigami." Yukirin said.

Yukirin was referring to the fact that Mariko looked more like a super model than a Shinigami in her red dress and heels.

"Yeah I get that a lot. I hate wearing those awful black robes. I'd rather roll in style you know?"

"Yeah... so why haven't I crossed over to the other side yet?"

"Well that's what I'm trying to figure out. You should have crossed out but you never did. Did you have any regrets when you died?"

"No none that I can think of."

"Very strange indeed. Well as your shinigami it my job to carry spirits over so until I figure out what happened to you let me give you this."

Mariko pulled out a small black book. The title read "The Rules of the Living Dead"

"Let me explain to you the basic rules"

Rule 1: You are dead. You died and that's it. Don't cry like a baby

Rule 2: Since you are dead no one can see you so no matter how much you annoy them they won't respond

Rule 3: You're a ghost so walking is no longer needed. Just float around like the others

Rule 4: Ghosts don't need to eat. If you do it will go right through you. Literally

Rule 5: Ghosts can die to so watch out

Rule 6: Ghosts can posses the body of the living but cannot stay for long

Rule 7: If a ghost stays in a body too long bad things could happen

Rule 8: Ghosts don't need to pee. Isn't that great?!

"Those are the basic rules.  There are over a hundred but I thought those were the most important." Mariko said.

"So I really am dead?" Yukirin said.

"Yes. And don't start crying. Remember Rule number one don't cry like a baby."

"So you're going to figure out what went wrong?"

"Yes. So for now do what ever you want. You're a ghost so it's not like you're going to get in trouble."

"Ok... and you're going to get back to me as soon as possible right."

"Right. So hang in there. Oh and I suggest you don't try flying for a while."

"Ok thanks."

"Well then bye!"

Mariko vanished right in front of Yukirin.

"Now what do I do?"

Yukirin paused trying to think when she heard something behind her. She looked over and saw a girl being bullied by a group of other girls. Yukirin wanted to do something but she wasn't strong enough. That's when she realized she was dead and could do anything unlike when she was alive. Yukirin rushed over took over one of the bodies of the girls.

"Hey what's wrong with you."

Yukirin didn't say anything but punched the girl. The other girls freaked out and tried punching Yukirin but Yukirin jumped out of the body before they hit her. Then she took over another body and punched another girl. Eventually they were all knocked out. When that was done, Yukirin leaned over to check on the girl. But Yukirin ended up leaning in too far and fell into the girl's body.

"Oh great. Well I better get her home."

Yukirin stood up in the girl's body and had a hard time. She haden't walking with real legs in a long time and never realized how heavy they were. Searching through the girl's memory she was able to find her address. Yukirin walked home and up to the girls room. Yukirin was soo tired that as soon as she fell on the bed, she fell asleep.

"Hey... wake up. HEY!"

Yukirin woke up and saw a girl staring right at her.


Yukirin jumped up and ended up hitting her head on the ceiling.


"Hey be carfeful! That's my body you're messing with." the girl said.

"Your body?"

Yukirin looked over in a mirror and couldn't belive what she was seeing. Yukirin was no longer in her body but in the body the girl she saved yesterday.

"What's going on?" Yukirin said.

"I don't know. When I woke up I was staring at myself. Get out of my body!" the girl said.

Yukirin tried to get out but couldn't get out.

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? Just jump out."

"I'm trying but I can't."

"You're not trying hard enough."

The girl walked over and grabbed Yukirin. She tried pulling on her face but only made things uncomfortable.

"That won't work you know."

The two girls looked over and saw Mariko sitting on the window sill.


"Didn't you read the rules? Rule 6 ghosts can't stay in the body of the living for too long otherwise rule 7 bad things would happen." Mariko said.

"I was just so tired. I didn't know this was what you meant by bad."

"Well now you're stuck in this girl's body."


"No not forever. There is a way to get you out but I can't remember it at the time."

"Some shinigami you are." the girl said in a nasty tone.

"Hey watch it. Otherwise I'll leave you like that."

The girl quieted down and let Mariko continue.

"What happened is that your spirit made a bond with the body. Then it kicked out the old spirit. Now the previous owner of the body is a ghost." Mariko said.


"Yes and she's going to have to stay with you if she wants to keep on living."

"Oh great. First I lose my body and now I'm being forced to stay with my own body? God could this day get any worse!" the girl said.

"It could."

"Shut up."

"Anyways, I'm going to go look for a way to separate you from the body. In the mean time you two get along."

With that Mariko left leaving the two girls behind.

"Well things could be worse." Yukirin said.

"And how?" the girl said.

"You could be dead."

"I am dead!"

"Technically yes but not totally."

"Ahh this sucks!"

"So what's your or my name?" Yukirin asked.

"Mayu. Watanabe Mayu." the girl replied.

"Well then Mayu I hope we get along from now on."

"Don't count on it."

Well there's the prolouge for my new story. I hope everyone liked it and let me know if I should continue or not. I have a lot in stored for the two but it's up to you guys whether or not I should continue. Please tell me what you think. I'll be waiting!
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 06:30:49 AM by miyumi »

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Re: Body Swap Prolouge
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2012, 01:31:31 PM »
Really fun idea you've got here! I guess your writing style is going to be different here with a more continuous flow rather than the episodic nature of Mad House and Genking Deka. I love what I'm seeing so far so please continue!

Yukirin was referring to the fact that Mariko looked more like a super model than a Shinigami in her red dress and heels.

"Yeah I get that a lot. I hate wearing those awful black robes. I'd rather roll in style you know?"
All hail Mariko-sama :bow:

Mayuyu is taking this body swap thing pretty calmly. Others would have freaked out long ago and bawled their eyes out but then again, this is the cyborg that we are talking about :grin:

I wonder what will happen to Yukirin and Mayuyu if/when they fall in love with each other as one is alive while the other is not. Hope things will turn out well for them!

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Re: Body Swap Prolouge
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2012, 01:57:11 PM »
of course continue..

i LOL at mariko as the shinigami..

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Re: Second Chance Prolouge
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2012, 03:20:32 PM »
yeyyyyyyyy~!!! :ptam-glow:

a new story and with Yuki as the lead~!!!!!! Mayuki!!! :ptam-kill: :ptam-shy: :luvluv2:

Love love is in the air~!!!......Mayuki is in the air!? :on lol: :glasses: :on gay:

please update soon!!!! :on comhere: :on cny1:

 and.......hopefully Mayu wont fall in love with her own body...... :stoned: :hiakhiakhiak:
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

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Re: Second Chance Prolouge
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2012, 03:43:20 PM »
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh  :stoned:
Yukirin is deaaaaaaaaaaad  :OMG:
why  :fainted:
Yukiriiin  :gyaaah:
a human and a ghost can't be together forever  :badluck:
I can't wait for the next  :on speedy:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Second Chance Prolouge
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2012, 03:49:00 PM »
why YUKI!!!!
 :angry: :angry:
lol..mariko is so fashionable even she is shinigami!!! :twothumbs :twothumbs
plss update soon!!! :thumbsup :thumbsup

Offline yvet_951

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Re: Second Chance Prolouge
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2012, 09:26:20 PM »
exciting story that I hope that you update fast
I like carlos
thanks for update
continues the story

Offline miyumi

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 1
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2012, 10:06:56 PM »
Thanks to everyone's commment, I have decided to continue the series! I'm guessing most of the people reading this are Mayuki fans. Am I right? But don't worry there will also be Atsumina, Kojiyuu, and Wmatsui moments. I hope you enjoy the first chapter.

Chapter 1

"Hey is it ok if I call you Mayuyu?" Yukirin asked.

"Sure. That's fine. I'll call you Yukirin." Mayuyu said.

"That's fine. So how do you feel being a ghost and all?"

"Fine. Except for the fact that I'm floating!"

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry!"

"Sorry doesn't cut it."

"Look Mariko said she'd fix it."

"Yeah and by the time she does, has my body would've aged to like fifty years. I wouldn't want it then."

"Well let's just hope she fixes it soon. By the way which school do you go to?" Yukirin asked.

"Akiba Academy. Same as you." Mayuyu said.

"Really? I've never seen you before in class."

"That's because I don't talk much. I'm usually in the back reading a manga."

"Don't you have any friends?"

"A couple but one just harasses me and the others just kinda annoy me."

"Why don't you talk to any one?"

"Because I don't want to talk to them and they don't want to talk to me. They all want to talk to Yuki-sama."

"Is that my nick name?" Yukirin said.

"That WAS what all the fan girls called you." Mayuyu said.


"Hey you better get going. You're going to be late to school."

"Come with me."

"No way. I'd rather stary here."

"Well if you don't then I'll do a bunch of stupid things in your body in front of everyone."

"Don't even think about it!"

Yukirin arrived at school right before the bell rang. She took her seat as the teacher came in.

"Alright everyone settle down. Before we all get started I would like to take a moment of silence for Kashiwagi-san who died yesterday." the teacher said.

Everyone in the room was silent. Some of the girls were even crying.

"Now then to set off on a happier step we have a new teacher who will be starting here today. Here she is now."

Yukirin nearly jumped out of her seat when she saw the new teacher walk in. There in a black skirt and blazer with glasses was Mariko.

"What's she doing here?" Mayuyu said.

"Everyone this is Shinoda Mariko and she will be your new teacher."

Everyone just stared at Mariko. Yukirin could hear them whisper and some laugh.

"I hope I get along with everyone here." Mariko said as she smiled.

"Well then I'll be leaving. Have fun!"

As soon as the teacher walked out, everyone started talking again. Mariko just stood there eyeing Yukirin and Mayuyu because they both knew who she really was. At one point one of the girls threw a pencil at Mariko. But Mariko caught in and threw it right back at her. The pencil most hit her eye she haden't used her text book to protect her.

"Now then since I'm you're teacher I would like to get to know everyone first. Let's start with you with the pink bow. State your name, grade and some of your hobbies."

The girl Mariko called on was someone Yukirin knew pretty well.

"My name is Takahashi Minami and I am a second year. Some things I like to do is swimming and hanging out with friends."

"Man you're short."

Yukirin would've ran up and slapped Mariko if she wasn't in Mayuyu's body. Yukirin looked over and saw Mayuyu just laughing like crazy.

"Alright next. You behind the midget with the angel eyes." Mariko said.

"I am Maeda Atsuko and I am also a second year. I like eating ice cream and shopping. Oh and being with Takamina."

"Acchan stop it. You're embarrassing me."

"But it's true!"

"Ok I'll let you two lover be. Next you with the buck teeth."

"My name is Oshima Yuko and I'm a third year. I like going to beaches and reading swim suit magazines. Oh and stalking."

"Ok.. you're pretty weird. Next you with the spaced out look on your face."

"I am Kojima Haruna and I'm also a third year. I like playing video games and walking my dog. Oh and the one Yuko stalks is me."

"But I love Nyannyan!"

"I told you to leave me alone!"

"You seem normal. Next you with the pale skin." Mariko said.

"My name is Matsui Rena and I'm a third year. I like reading and eating Melonpan."

"You need meat on you. Man do you look skinny. Ok now you with the cat smile."

"Matsui Jurina. I'm a first year and I like playing games and going to amusement parks."   

"Are you and pale face related?"

"No." they both said.

"Ok next is-"

"Hai Miyazawa Sae! I'm a fourth year and I like all kinds of sports and being super excited!"

"You need to take a chill pill or something. Ok next is the gorilla next to genking over here."

"My name is Akimoto Sayaka and I am also a fourth year. I play basket ball and track but also like relaxing at the spa."

"Hmmm I might like you. And last but not least, you with the manga buried in you face."

"Uh I'm Ka- I mean Watanabe Mayu and I'm a..."

"Second year you idiot!" Mayuyu said.

"Second year and I like to read manga." Yukirin said.

"Interesting. Well then now that I've finally gotten to know everyone, it looks like the bell is about to ring. When class is over everyone can leave accept Watanabe-san."

The bell rang and everyone left. But then Yukirin and Mayuyu walked over to Mariko.

"What are you doing here?!" Yukirin said.

"I came here to watch you two and make sure you don't so anything stupid." Mariko said.

"Why would you think that?"

"Well you almost said your own name and didn't even know what grade Mayuyu was in. You would've really made things worse for Mayuyu."

"Yeah thanks alot." Mayuyu said.

"But why did you decided to be a teacher out of all things?"

"I wanted to give it a try. This body wasn't easy to make you know. I kind of had to take the body of someone else."  Mariko said.

"You killed someone?" Yukirin said. 

"They were dying anyways. I wasn't going to let it waste."

"You're sick you know." Mayuyu said.

"Yeah but hey I am a shinigami."

"Well we better get going. I'm starving."

"Ahh that's one thing I miss about not having a body. I can't eat!"

"Well there are some food ghosts can eat."

"Like what?"

"Apples and Jelly Beans."

Mayuyu's face brightened up when she heard the work jelly beans.

"Sweet! I hate apples but I love jelly beans!"

Mayuyu started to float higher in to the air and Yukirin and Mariko had to pull her back down.

"Don't float off too far. Things could get dangerous."

"Sorry. Anyways Yukirin let's go see if they have jelly beans in the cafeteria!" Mayuyu said started to drag Yukirin.

"I'm coming. I'll see you later Mariko!"

"You two be careful!"

Mayuyu was practically carrying Yukirin down the hall making it look like she was flying. Thankfully no one was in the hall to see her.

"Mayuyu stop!" Yukirin said.

"But I really want jelly beans!" Mayuyu said.

"Someone willl see us."

"They'll only see you. But not me."


Just then someone jumped on top of Yukirin.



Yukirin turned around and saw a Gachapin clinging onto her.

"That's Minegishi Minami. One of my annoying friends."  Mayuyu said.

"Hey Mayuyu let's go eat lunch together." Miichan said.

"Tell her no. I always eat lunch alone."

Yukirin thought about it for a moment and then said,

"Sure. I would love to eat lunch with you."


Miichan started jumping up and down in excitement.

"Why did you say yes?" Mayuyu said in an angry tone.

"I think it's time you opened up to new opportunities."

Miichan took Mayuyu up to the roof where they sat down and ate lunch together.

"So are you upset about Yuki's death?" Miichan said.

"Not really. I didn't know her very well." Yukirin said.

Mayuyu gave her a thumbs up indicating that would be an answer she would've said.

"I didn't know her well either. But it's still kind of sad. So what do you think of our new teacher?" Miichan asked.

"I think she's nice." Yukirin said.

"Really? She kind of scares me a little. Did you see how hard she threw that pencil? She almost hit me in the eye!"

"That was you who threw it?"

"Yeah I wanted to see how fast she reacted. I thought she was old but turns out I was wrong."

"Well now you know not to mess with her." 


The two girls finished their lunch and then headed back to the classroom. When the school day was over, Yukirn walked over to Mariko again.

"Not bad for a death god." Mayuyu said.

"Teaching is hard. I don't know how humans do it." Mariko said.

"Because it's their job." Yukirin said.

"So how was your first day back?"

"Pretty good. I already made a new friend."

"No you just created a greater annoyence for me to deal with when I get my body back."

"Well it's going to be a while so you'll have plenty of time."

Just then Acchan walked in.

"Acchan what are you doing here?" Yukirin said.

"Do you need something?" Mariko said.

"No. I just wanted to say hi to Yukirin." Acchan said.

"Acchan, Yukirin is dead."

"No she isn't. You are Kashiwai Yuki, the one floating next to you is Watanabe Mayu and our teacher is Shinoda Mariko the fashionista shinigami."

"Wait you can see Mayuyu?" Yukirin said.

"You can see me?" Mayuyu said.

"Of course."

"And how do you know I'm a shinigami?" Mariko asked.

"Because all angels know about you."

"Wait what?"

A pair of white wings unfolded behind Acchan's back and a halo appeared above her head.

"Acchan.... you're an angel?!"

Well there's chapter 1! Yukirin is tryind to adjust to Mayuyu's life and so far is doing well. But will Acchan the angel step in and do something? Find out in the next chapter. Please tell me what you think!

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 1
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2012, 10:15:38 PM »
wahhh!! thanks for the update! i was wating to read it before i go to bed!

Atsuko is an angel!!!??

im still hoping that mayu wont fall in love with her own body.....

update soon and goodnight!~
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 1
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2012, 10:36:50 PM »
 :jphip: :jphip: :jphip:  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

please update soon please
every time it gets exciting
wuaooo I love you're the best

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 1
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2012, 10:52:59 PM »
This is just so Interesting. and, I just inlove with Acchan's appearance. I mean She's an Angel. <3 You're really a GENIUS. ; A ;
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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 1
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2012, 11:13:08 PM »
Woo!!!! I like this story!!! OMG Acchan is an angel?!!!! Then what is Takamina? God? lol

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 1
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2012, 11:36:22 PM »
OOh interesting story but i don't like a ghost because it can't interact with a human (hug, kiss,...)

Mayukiiiiiiii !!!!!!!

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 1
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2012, 05:40:00 AM »
Acchan being an angel! I totally didn't see that one coming! Now things are getting even more interesting. And I LOL-ed at kahem's comment about Takamina being God :rofl:

"Look Mariko said she'd fix it."

"Yeah and by the time she does, has my body would've aged to like fifty years. I wouldn't want it then."
How sarcastic can Mayuyu get? If she doesn't want her body anymore then she can float around with Yukirin happily ever after :lol:

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 2
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2012, 06:52:16 AM »
Minna! Thank you for commenting on my fanfic. I was a little shaky coming out but it looks like people like it. Everyone was pleased with Acchan being an angle. I don't know why but for some reason Acchan just felt like one to me. Anyways here's chapter 2 and I hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 2

"Acchan you're an angel?" Yukirin said staring at Acchan's wings.

"Of course I am." Acchan said.

"Why are you here?" Mariko asked.

"I came down here to be a guardian angel."


"The one you called short. Takahashi Minami. I call her Takamina. I was assigned as her guardian angel and it's my job to watch over her."

"Do you think you could help us with Mayuyu and I?" Yukirin asked.

"Nope sorry. I'm only a guardian angel. I don't have the power. You'll have to talk to someone higher up." Acchan said.

"Can you get us contact with someone from above?"

"Sorry but I can't. I have no connection to the heavens."


"But there maybe someone who can help."

"Really who?"

"It is going to take time because I have to look for them. I'll let you know when I find them."


Takamina walked in and Acchan quickly folded her wings back up and put out her halo before Takamina saw her.

"Acchan come on. You said we were going to karaoke tonight."

"I'm coming. Hey do you want to come with us Mayuyu?" Acchan winked at Yukirin.

"Uh sure. Why not." Yukirin said.

"Great! Then let's all head out. We'll see you tomorrow Shinoda-sensei."

"Good bye Maeda-san."

The three girls left the classroom leaving Mariko behind.

"I thought it was going to be just you and me Acchan." Takamina said.

"I thought we should change things up and invite Mayuyu along. She told me she's been trying to open up more so I want to help."

"Liar." Mayuyu said.

"Oh. Well sorry Mayuyu. I'm just always used to being with Acchan."

"I can leave if you want." Yukirin said.

"Oh no it's fine really."

"Hey we're here. Let's get inside."

The three girls went into the karaoke boothe and got settled in. Then Takamina was the first to sing. She sang a song called "Itoshisa no Accel" and was very good. Then Acchan sang a song called "Flower" and was really good. The two took turns singing different songs while Yukirin quietly sat there drinking juice. She enjoyed seeing her friends having fun. She looked over at Mayuyu who was on the couch asleep.

"I guess even ghosts get tired as well." Yukirin said.

Yukirin reached out and gently stroked Mayuyu's cheek. That's when Yukirin realized she could actually touch Mayuyu. Even though Mayuyu was a ghost, Yukirin could still touch her. That was an interesting thing to know. Yukirin wondered if Mayuyu knew. As Yukirin was staring at Mayuyu, Acchan walked over and handed her a mike.

"How about you try singing."

"Oh no I really shouldn't."

"Come on. Give it a try!" Takamina said.

"Well alright."

Yukirin took the mike and walked up to the front. She picked a song and then started to singing. The song she sung was called "First Love". When she finished, Acchan and Takamina were speechles.

"You're really good Mayu." Takamina said.

"Yeah, Have you ever tought about participating in the school band?" Acchan said.

"Uh no. I don't think I'm suited for stuff like that." Yukirin said.

"You really should. I think you'd be great."

"I'll think about it."

"Well we better get going. It's getting late."

"Yeah my parents are going to kill me if I'm not back by eight. I'll see you guys tomorrow!"


On the way home, Yukirin stopped at a convienince store and got some jelly beans. Even though Mayuyu was asleep, she was still floating right next to her and followed her everywhere she went. Mayuyu was like a balloon and Yukirin was holding the string. When she got home, she was lucky to find Mayuyu's parents not home yet. Yukirin thought it was the perfect time to eat dinner.

"Hey Mayuyu wake up."


Yukirin couldn't help but scream a little on the inside. Mayuyu's face when she was first waking up was just adorable. It reminded her of a puppy first waking up from a nap.

"Mayuyu it's time for dinner. I got you something."

Yukirin showed Mayuyu the jelly beans and as soon as she did, Mayuyu's eyes opened wide.


Mayuyu grabbed them and ran over to the couch.

"You happy?" Yukirin said.

"Yeah!" Mayuyu said as she stuffed her face with jelly beans.

"Good. I'm going to make some noodles."

As Yukirin walked over to the kitchen, there was a knock at the door.


Yukirin opened the door and was suprised to see Mariko standing in front of her.

"Mariko? What are you doing here?" Yukirin asked.

"I came to greet you since we're neighbors and all."

"Neighbors?" Mayuyu said. 

"Yeah. Remember that old guy that lived next to you? He finally croaked so I bought his house. Now we're neighbors!"

"You're horrible!"

"Hey I had nothing to do with it this time. That was someone else."

"Mariko isn't being our teacher enough for you already?"

"No. There's a reason why I became your neighbor. You see having a body and all means I experience things like hunger. I don't know how to to cook so I was hoping you could cook for me since you know how to."

"Alright fine. Get in."


Mariko walked over and sat at the table next to Mayuyu who was playing with her jelly beans.

"I see you like your jelly beans." Mariko said.

"Yeah. Don't touch them they're mine." Mayuyu said.

"That's ok I don't need them. I have something better."

"Here you go."

Yukirin handed Mariko a bowel of ramen noodles.

"What is this?"

"Ramen. It's just noodles."

"Is it good?"

"Yeah. Try it."

Mariko stuck her hand in the bowel trying to grab the noodles but pulled back.

"Ahh it's hot!" 

"Yeah because you haven't let it cool down yet and you didn't use chop sticks." Mayuyu said.

"Chop what?"


Yukirin handed Mariko a pair of chop sticks.

"How do you use these? Am I supposed to start a fire with them?"

"No you use them like this."

Yukirin showed Mariko show to use the chop sticks and then gave them to her. When Mariko tried, she only made a mess.

"Here use this."

Yukirin took the chop sticks and gave Mariko a fork.

"How do you use this?"

"You stab it in the bowl and then twist it so the noodles wrap around it and then put it in your mouth. Then you chew and swallow."


This time Mariko managed to get the food into her mouth and was now eating.

"Hey this is really good!" Mariko said.

"You're pretty stupid for a shinigami you know that." Mayuyu said.

"Hey I haven't eaten food in thousands of years. You expect me to know how to eat?"

"Still. You're pretty stupid."

"Shut up before I take your jelly beans."


Mayuyu started to fly away but then something jerked her back. Out of nowhere a red string appeared connecting Mayuyu and Yukirin's hearts.

"What is this?" Mayuyu said.

"That's your spritual bond. Even though you're not in your body, you still have a bond with it. It keeps you from going too far from your body. If the string breaks then you're screwed." Mariko said.

"So it's basically like a child leash?" Yukirin said.


"Ahh this sucks!"

"Don't worry Mayuyu as long as you don't go too far you won't get hurt."

"Still this really sucks." Mayuyu pouted.

"Well if it wasn't there you'd be off somewhere else in the middle of nowhere."

"Good point."

"Well I'm going home. Thanks for the dinner."

Mariko got up and left the house.

"Come one Mayuyu let's go to bed. We got to get up early tomorrow for school tomorrow." Yukirin said.

"Alright but you're sleeping on the floor." Mayuyu said.

"Why me?"

"Because I want to sleep on the bed."


Yukirin changed into pajamas and then set up a futon on the ground.

"Good night Mayuyu."

"Good night Yukirin." 

That night Yukirin fell asleep feeling very satisfied with the progress she made that day.

The next day at school, Yukirin was about to head for her next class when Sae stood in front of her.

"Can I help you with something?" Yukirin asked.

Sae just didn't say anything but leaned in and started sniffing Yukirin all over.

"What are you doing?"

When Sae finished, she stepped back a little and smiled a little.

"What is it?"

"You're not Mayuyu." Sae said.

"Oh then who am I?"

"You're Yukirin and Mayuyu is floating right next to you."

"You can see Mayuyu?"

"No but I can smell her."


A pair of brown dog ears popped out of Sae's head along with a wagging tail.

"I can smell Mayuyu because I'm a Inugami!"

"A what?"

Well there's chapter 2! Acchan is doing her best to find a way to help Mayuyu and Yukirin and Mariko is still learning how to eat properly like a human. What will Sae do now knowing that Yukirin is in Mayuyu's body? Well find out in the next chapter! Please tell me what you think!

Offline yvet_951

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 2
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2012, 07:07:17 AM »
 :jphip: :jphip: :jphip:
 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
I've been waiting for your update every time all afternoon
this very exciting I enjoyed the chapter
You're the best
I hope that you update fast

Offline kiruchi

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 2
« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2012, 08:48:04 AM »
Whoa... fast update... really like that.
and there's so many twist (acchan as angel; sae as inugami; mariko as shinagami/neighbour/teachers.. wonder what's next??  :dunno:
oh well... hope to see the next update.
Ja ne~

Offline yuukimoko

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 2
« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2012, 10:10:14 AM »
hehe~ Mayu really cant leave Yuki~

I tind to believe that everyone in the class is something ....beside Takamina and probably someone else.

good story! .....please more Mayuki!!!!!! I just cant help it......I love Mayuki!!!!!!pleaseeeeeeeeee~

update soon!
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 2
« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2012, 10:41:20 AM »
this is interesting!!!  :ding:

Offline mo-chan

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Re: Second Chance update Chapter 2
« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2012, 03:01:20 PM »
a ghost
an angel
then inugami
it' interesting   :glasses:
Mayu don't fall in love with your own body.   :frustrated:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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