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Author Topic: The Hardships of love - chapter 7 (AtsuMina) 28/5/2014  (Read 23709 times)

Offline lezperv

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 6 UPDATED!!! 12/7/13
« Reply #60 on: July 17, 2013, 11:35:23 PM »
whats gonna happen next? whats gonna happen next?!!! OMG UPDATE SOON  :tantrum:
Forever AtsuMina/TakAcchan/TakAtsuko <3 . Follow me ^_^ .
My Fanfics: Shiroi x Kuroi Tenshi, Maji, Kowai!, Nisemono, Futari (Ong) Devil Wears Prada (Hiatus) I Want to Lock You Up (OS) Three Chances (Fanfic Winner 2014) Naze (Fanfic Winner 2015)

Offline takeshi77

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 6 UPDATED!!! 12/7/13
« Reply #61 on: February 12, 2014, 07:28:43 PM »
hope u can update this story
looking forward to its  :)

Offline noah minami

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 6 UPDATED!!! 12/7/13
« Reply #62 on: May 24, 2014, 04:44:48 AM »
Author san. Where are you? ? I love this story.  It's gonna be more interesting><

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 6 UPDATED!!! 12/7/13
« Reply #63 on: May 28, 2014, 01:41:28 PM »
Hardships of love

chapter 7

Atsuko's pov

So the midget walked me home. Not much to say about it really apart from the fact it was the most awkward thing I have ever experienced in my life. The air was tense and the only thing that was on my mind was how do I get rid of her but much to my disappointment no ideas came to mind. She ended up walking me the entire way home and watched me enter my house. The worst thing was is that I walked inside to an empty home and a note that was attached to the lamp in the living room with cello tape that said dinner is in the fridge. Suddenly I ached for the midgets company again no matter how horrible or awkward it may be. My parents always did this left without telling me and then they wouldn't be back until maybe the next day or a week later at the most. Most teenagers would love the fact they have the house all to themselves but to me I just feel lonely and abandoned but then I pretty much feel like that when they are here my sister is the apple of their eye after all. No matter how jealous I am of that she still doesn't know I try and keep my feelings secret to those around me even Tomochin and Tomomi don't know how much I envy my sister.

After all my sister has everything.

A girlfriend who she loves more than anything and vice versa she also has our parents love which she doesn't really seem to want it while I crave for it. Who thought that the older sibling would be in the younger siblings shadow shouldn't it be the other way round. When did life become such a mess.

Its now officially 7pm and my sister hasn't came home which means she will be staying over at her girlfriends so that means I am alone ... again. I got up from the couch were I had been sitting for a couple of hours since I arrived home and went to the kitchen to heat up my dinner. I opened the fridge and got a strong smell of stew. I took it out of the fridge and placed some in a bowl and heated it in the microwave. Once it went ding I took it out and placed it on the table grabbing a spoon from inside the top draw in the kitchen and sat down. Taking a scoop I blew on the stew to cool it down then eat it only to spit it back out again. Spicy. My parents don't know anything about me at all. Sighing I poured the rest of the stew down the sink and cleaned the bowl then began to make myself something to eat from the little amount of edible things we had in the fridge and cupboards.

By the time I made something well I think I made something I mean after all I am not the best cook so whatever is on my plate looks like black mush. But whatever its not my fault I cant be perfect like my sister. I eat whatever I made and well it tasted better then that stupid spicy stew. Washing my plate after I had finished I decided the best thing for me to do now was just to take a shower and sleep so that is exactly what I don't there is nothing better to do in this house anyway.

The next day

The next morning I awoke to a silent house. Not wanting to stay here in this deafly silence any longer than I have I changed for school and gathered my things. Leaving the house with my bag hanging over one shoulder I closed the door behind me and locked it. Checking my watch I could see that I have a good 1 hour or so to get to school meaning that I can take my time.

I took my time to get to school but when I got there for some odd reason a crowd was standing around the school gates. "Atsuko help!" Screamed Tomomi who was near the back of the crowd. I speedily walked forward not wanting to run after all Madea Atsukodoes not run not matter what the situation. "Whats wrong?" I asked Tomomi rising my eyebrow. "T-Tomochin got into a fight because someone said something about me and before I could calm her down a crowd gathered and I was pushed to the back." Explained Tomomi who was obviously leaving out an important part of information. But that didn't matter right now. "Everyone move out of my way and step aside!" I screamed causing people to turn back and face me the so called Ice princess.

Just like I ordered parted like the red sea allowing myself and Tomomi walk in between without having to get pushed and squashed into others. When I got to the front I seen Tomochin on top of a girl I believe to be named Kitahara Rie about to punch her in the face. Tomomi however didn't let this happen she took hold of Tomochin's arm which was in the air and pulled her off of Rie. "Calm down Tomomi!" Exclaimed Tomomi turning Tomochin around to face her. Not caring about what else was happening my eyes landed on Rie who was shivering on the floor in fear. "Everyone leave!" I ordered and repeated because it seemed people didn't want to process the message. Slowly the crowd started to disperse leaving me my two best friends and the still shivering in fear Rie. Noticing that Tomochin had calmed down I took it as a chance to ask why she had snapped. "So Tomochin why did you snap I though you promised not to get into fights anymore or was that just a phase?" I questioned with a slight teasing tone trying to lighten up the mood. I could see Tomochin's fist clench with anger which was quickly suppressed as Tomomi pretty much sensed it and took hold of Tomochins hand before anything could happen.

"That thing right there called Tomomi a poor disgusting lonely idiot and also added that Tomomi's parents voluntarily died in the car crash when she was five so that they can get away from her." Tomochin said clenching her jaw since Tomomi had hold of both of her hands. Anger flooded within me my blood boiled. I stomped over to Rie who was still laying on the floor. "You said what?!" I shouted dragging her up from the floor taking her by her wrinkled collar. "I-I-I am sorry!" She squealed fear adamant in her eyes and facial expressions. "Atsuko leave her it doesn't matter seriously." Begged Tomomi from behind me. Hearing the pleading tone in her voice I complained and let go of Rie's collar. "Get out of my sight I don't to ever see your face again." I said she nodded then ran to her class. "Tomomi thats not okay." I said turning around to look at her. She just gave me a weak smile and replied saying "Don't worry I have you and Tomochin so I am fine." those words calmed me down I am happy that myself and Tomochin can help Tomomi even if its just in a small way since she refuses to take money off the two of use being her usual stubborn self.

"Its still not okay Tomo."

"It is fine okay but thank you for standing up for me Tomochin I love you."

"I love you too Tomomi and I will always stand up for you."

The pair gave each other a chaste kiss then Tomomi spoke once more. "Thank you too Atsuko." I smiled at her then realised the time. "Guys its time for class." The pair nodded at me then intertwined their hands together and the three of us headed to class.

Arriving at class we just made it in time since it seemed the teacher was running late. Scanning around the class room I noticed that the midget hadn't arrived just yet. Finding that odd I looked around the class room once again to see if her two friends were here and they were which was odd since the three are usually tied by the hip at least thats what it seemed like. "Everyone get in your seats." Ordered the teacher as she entered. Not needing to be asked twice I sat down in my place that was by the window and waited for the teacher to start her lecture which happened to be one of the best ways for me to have a good sleep since her lifeless voice sent me straight to lullaby land.

Waking up hours later I could easily tell that I had slept through break lunch and all the lessons excluding this one that I have woken up in. Rubbing my eyes as I lifted my head from my desk I yawned and quickly trying to cover it with my hand. Letting my eyes get use to the light they had been depraved of I scanned the room for the second time of the day to see that the midget was in school looking rather exhausted. Remembering today that after the couple therapy I had to walk her home I frowned.

Class ended so that meant it was time for therapy I quickly made an excuse to Tomochin and Tomomi about why I couldn't walk home with them and left to go to therapy.

When I got there the midget was sat down in the chair she sat in yesterday her head in her hands. "Maeda-san please sit down and I forgot to mention this yesterday but you will be walking home with each other everyday taking it in turns." Said GD not wanting to argue I just stayed silent and sat down. "Okay so today I want the two of you to say one of your secrets don't worry this is confidential so whatever you say wont leave this room." GD said leaning back in his chair. "She apparently already knows one of my secrets." I said glaring at Takahashi who looked like she was staring into space. "Is that true Takahashi-san?" Asked GD looking slightly shocked. Takahahsi didn't answer though it was as if her mind was else where. "Takahashi-san Takahashi-san." Repeated GD eventually getting the giants attention. "Huh what?" Said the midget snapping out of her daze. "I asked if its true if you knew one of Maeda-san secrets Takahashi-san."

"Erm no I don't I just made it up so that she would walk with me yesterday." She said. I cant believe that the midget tricked me! "Oh and just call me Minami or Takamina." she added then went back into a daze. What the hell is wrong with this girl today. "Oh okay Takamina will you please tell us one of your secrets?" Requested GD smiling. Taking a couple of minutes Takahahsi answered saying "I am a neat freak." you are kidding me right that is one of your secrets wait does that even class a secret I mean I always knew it. "Okay now Maeda-san."

"I hate spicy food." I said honestly since I am proud of myself since I Handled my situation with them yesterday pretty well. "Good start guys now I am sorry but this session has to be cut short my boyfriend wants me home since its our anneversiery." He said excited. I stood up from my seat and wished him a happy anniversary an told him to just call me Atsuko. He replied with a smile then pointed towards Takahashi who was sat in her seat once again in a daze. "Yah midget come back from muchkin land so that I can go home." I demanded yanking her up from her seat and leaving the room my hand still firmly around her slim wrist. "You can let go you know I can walk by myself you damn queen." Said Takahashi pulling her wrist from my grip.

"Well it doesn't seem like that since you cant even answer one question without having to be asked twice."

"Whatever I am not arguing with you."

Surprised by what she had said I stopped walking and watched her walk ahead. She doesn't want to argue .....

Clicking back into my senses I quickly went after her even if she didn't want to argue with me she was going to whether she liked it or not.

Catching up to her after a long time of walking quickly and shouting after her making me look like a fool since we are not out in public and God knows how far away from her house. "Yah I know we don't get along but you could have at least waited for me." I said hitting her with force in the arm as we walked. "Sorry." I stopped again in my tracks. Did she just say sorry? Takahashi Minami just said sorry. For the first time to me. Something has got to be wrong. Catching up to her again I tried everything to get her to speak calling her names tripping her up pushing her and pulling on her clothes but nothing worked. Its like she is lost in her own little world. By the time we got to her house only the word sorry was the last to spoken by Minami.

Watching her as she went inside her house I sighed.

Minami is the only person who gave me attention even if it was bad. Not even my friends give me the attention she does.

And now I don't even get that.

TBC <<<<>>>>

A/N: I love Kitahara Rie but I needed a bad person for this chap sorry to those who are her fan she was the one who came to mind anyway thank you for the comments the views and the thanks sorry that it took so long. I have exams so I wont be updating but everyone wish me luck! Also I got into the sixth form collage I wanted! I went to a Little Mix concert on friday and injured my knee and after wards I went to Mcdonalds and had to repeat my order twice because I lost my voice because of screaming and i cried when they sang wings!! Anyway love you all thanks for reading no replies because I'm busy =) Also does Anyone remember who I put as Atsuko's sister?

Offline cisda83

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Okay... Atsuko wish for attention that the argument she has with Minami is better than none

So desperate for attention, I think...

Well what kind of troubles are they going to cause next?

Poor Atsuko for being in her sister shadow

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait

Thank you

  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline farquhar97

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Yay you updated I like this chapter so make sure you update after your exams and good luck wish me luck too:p

Offline deguchi

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Poor atsuko..lack of attention
wonder what happened with minami..
Nice chap!
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline ubulubulbilu

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It has been almost a year, aaandd..
Finally, u updated this.

 :welcome back author san.

Offline noah minami

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what happen to minami? :?
poor acchan .. they left her alone. :(
i wanna know more author san!! :doh:

(actually i run away from my assignment to read this. kinda frustrating since im searching for sources since morning till evening. the heck didnt find a clue. DAMN sir only give us paper of shit...
oppps i mean a piece of paper sheet about instruction ,didnt mind to explain to us. DAMN) :banghead:

BUT reading fiction reduce ma stress..
ganbatte author san... :fap

Offline Justqle

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kinda old story but i just managed to read, maybe i won't manage to read this if no newest update Lol
nice story  :twothumbs please continue
i hope that you can have time to update this story constantly  :D
thank you author-san ..

Offline Saint0angel

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 7 FINALLY UPDATED!!! 28/5/14
« Reply #70 on: December 23, 2015, 08:50:32 AM »
Okay... Atsuko wish for attention that the argument she has with Minami is better than none

So desperate for attention, I think...

Well what kind of troubles are they going to cause next?

Poor Atsuko for being in her sister shadow

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait

Thank you

  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Jkugang

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Re: The Hardships of love (Atsumina) Chapter 7 FINALLY UPDATED!!! 28/5/14
« Reply #71 on: February 03, 2016, 11:23:30 PM »
A silent reader here! I just read the fic and it is really interesting!  :twothumbs
Then again I saw the last update, author-san, where forth arth thou! Please don't leave the fic hanging! :cry:
Will be waithing for it please! :bow: :D :)
I really wanna know what happens next! :(

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