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Author Topic: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (41/41 END) [WMatsui] - REPLIES  (Read 391383 times)

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (24/03/15)
« Reply #260 on: March 24, 2015, 03:13:22 AM »
Thanks to everyone who left a comment on chapter 4. I deeply appreciate it. I'm glad this story still manages to attract new readers (thanks MisakiShishido and Taeki for your messages!) and I'm sorry for taking so long to update.

Okay, so I'm facing a dilemma with chapter 5, as it contains an explicit sexual scene. I wanted to try and cut out the explicit parts to still be able to post it here on the forum, but after doing so, I realized the whole thing didn't make much sense anymore. Plus, I didn't really know what I could/could not post here, so I finally decided to completely cut it out, and only post the first part of the chapter here. I'm afraid you'll have to go and read it on my tumblr or at Archive of our Own if you don't mind reading that kind of content and wish to read the rest. Sorry for the inconvenience!


When Jurina had asked her to choose what movie they were going to watch tonight, Rena had pondered over her question thoughtfully before turning towards her movie collection. Her index was now slowly sliding on the covers in search of an interesting one, until suddenly pausing as she read a title that brought sparkles into her eyes.

From the brilliant plot to the beautiful music, everything contributed to make Howl's Moving Castle a transcending experience. However, there was a small problem: it was an animated movie. Much as she loved them, it wasn't exactly Jurina's case. She stared at the cover now in her hand at length - knowing Jurina had not seen that little gem - truly debating whether it was a good idea.

"Did you find one?" Jurina's voice sounded from the couch, jolting her out of her thoughts at once.

No, she had to choose another one if she didn't want to have a napping Jurina. Just as she was about to put the DVD back on the shelf she felt a pair of arms encircling her waist from behind, and a chin on her shoulder.

"You want to watch that one?" Jurina asked, studying the cover in curiosity.

"No, it's an animated movie," Rena replied. Her nostalgic side really wanted to revisit one of her best cinematic experience, but a little voice inside her head told her she could not let her emotions cloud her better judgment. Jurina would never survive a two-hour animated movie.

The last time they watched one together it was in December, when Airi had invited Akane and Jurina to the cinema. The latter had claimed she was not going to fall asleep, but Rena had not missed the way the young Matsui's head had leaned over to her side a few times during the screening, obviously dozing off.

"It's fine, we can watch it," Jurina affirmed, catching swiftly the DVD from her hand as she was about to put it back.

Rena knew it was a very bad idea and she thought about her next move, watching the young girl who was making her way towards the television and switching the DVD player on. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely!" Jurina exclaimed as she tilted her head towards her, her thumb and first finger forming a perfect 'o' in assurance.

Rena searched her mind for a clever retort - already listing all the good reasons to not watch that movie with her - but no words left her lips when the title appeared on the screen, and Jurina pulled her towards the couch.


It was now one of her favorite moments: the two main protagonists were flying over the town - a frightened Sophie gripping the sorcerer's arm tightly - while watching life unfolding under her feet. This magical passage - enhanced by the beautiful soundtrack - never failed to bring tears to Rena's eyes. Curiosity prompted her to shift her attention to the young girl by her side - wondering if she would see the same emotion reflected in her eyes - only to meet two very closed eyelids instead.

Rena screamed inwardly. It was one of the best moments of the movie, and Jurina was missing all of it. She should have trusted her instinct and not relented to Jurina's very convincing sweet smile. Her left hand moved towards Jurina's arm in order to wake her up but as she noticed her peaceful expression, she stopped herself at the last second. It was beyond her understanding how could anyone fall asleep in front of such a masterpiece but a smile nonetheless moved to her lips, and she placed a soft kiss on Jurina's forehead. Somehow, she didn't have the heart to get mad at the beautiful, sleeping girl.


"I don't remember falling asleep," Jurina retorted when she exited the bathroom, shaking her head in disagreement. She definitely didn't take a nap; of this she was certain.

"How does the movie end, then?" Rena asked, an amused smile forming on her lips as she turned a page of the volume 4 of Ad Astra. She couldn't believe the young girl was still insisting her closed eyelids were only the fruit of her imagination.

Jurina paused at the doorstep of the bathroom, her eyes falling on the older girl reading a book in bed. "Er," Jurina started, trying hard to recall what she was referring to. She could visualize quite well the ending titles, but there was a blank before that. Her unusual failing memory - coupled with the fact she was feeling very much awake - could only mean one thing. Rena was right. As usual. "I'm sorry."

Jurina's apologetic tone dragged Rena out of Hannibal's fight against the Roman Minucius, and she raised her gaze, laying her book on her lap. "Don't worry about it," she smiled, her eyes then slightly widening in surprise at the view of Jurina's white tee-shirt.

Albeit the fact that she was absolutely sure Jurina had never wore it once, it still somewhat looked quite familiar. Rena closed her book and put it on the bedside table - her reading glasses following the same path - before her gaze fell upon Jurina again as the young girl was making her way towards her side of the bed.

Rena's brow furrowed as she blinked at the piece of clothing through the dim light of the bedside lamp - trying hard to recall where she had seen it before - until the picture of a beach and two palm trees finally did the trick. "Isn't that the tee-shirt we bought in Hawaii?"

Startled eyes immediately looked back at her, and Jurina's fingers paused on the bedcover as she was about to get in. "I can't believe you remember."

Now that Jurina was close enough Rena could distinguish the small red 'Aloha' sign at the bottom, and what happened that day came to the forefront of her mind. "I do," Rena replied, while a still very bewildered Jurina finally entered the bed. "You were desperate to have it the moment you laid eyes on it but you had no money left, so I bought it for you as a gift."

Jurina nodded, feeling Rena's fingers tracing absently the letters of the Hawaiian greeting. "You have a good memory, it was more than a year ago."

"I don't know either why I recall that moment in the shop," Rena admitted. It was indeed a very random event which, additionally, followed a very long day of shooting on the beach. "Memory works in the strangest ways."

"It's true," Jurina conceded. She didn't always understand why she sometimes remembered very trivial things when she failed to recall more important matters. However, contrary to Rena, she knew perfectly why that particular moment was still engraved in her memory. "I don't know what I would have done without your help."

"You would have harassed someone else?" Rena teased, suppressing a laugh when Jurina turned her head the other away in embarrassment.

"That's not true," Jurina protested, crossing her arms over her chest in disagreement.

"Oh, come on," Rena exclaimed, tugging lightly at Jurina's sleeve in amusement, "you know you always get what you want."

Her words seemed to stir something into Jurina as she uncrossed her arms and finally looked at her. Jurina's sudden silence caught Rena by surprise and for a second she wondered if she had said something wrong, before noticing the way Jurina was now moistening her lips.

"Yes," Jurina murmured as she inched closer and their noses brushed against each other playfully, "I do."

Despite Jurina's distracting warm breath against her cheek Rena couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the cockiness in the young girl's voice. She was so close to come back at her with a clever retort when her lips were sealed with a kiss, and their lips started moving against each other. Rena relished the gentle and familiar sensation, not missing the way her heart was now hammering inside her chest. It was not the first time Jurina was the one initiating a kiss but it still caught her by surprise, the young girl's caresses on her back as she encircled her waist sending shivers down her spine.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:12:10 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline DC2805

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (24/03/15)
« Reply #261 on: March 24, 2015, 02:16:31 PM »
Hi author-san, one common way other authors did is to post the portions with sexual contents in the "AKB48 Perv Fanfics" section in the forum.  But I realize that you do not have access to "The Perv" forum (indicated by "ecchi"). It is ok, we can go read on your timblr.

Thanks for the new update :)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 02:27:06 PM by DC2805 »
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (24/03/15)
« Reply #262 on: March 24, 2015, 05:02:20 PM »
Wow. They finally escalated their relationship  :lol:

I enjoyed the smut update!!! Awesomeness as always~  :thumbsup

Take your time, I'll definitely be waiting no matter how long it is  ;)

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (24/03/15)
« Reply #263 on: March 26, 2015, 04:40:38 AM »
Rena taking charge, I like!  :inlove:
It seems like she always gets what she wants as well.  XD
Take your time updating. You've got Warriors and real life to manage, so we understand that you have other priorities as well.
As always, thank you for the great chapter!

Offline taeki

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (24/03/15)
« Reply #264 on: March 26, 2015, 12:33:47 PM »
You update so quickly (in awe :D) I used to try to write fanfiction too but always got stuck :d

must say awesome chapter  :wub:

my favorite scene is still the one where Jurina kisses Rena when she think she is dreaming ...... but this just comes so darn close heh
theyre just too cute ^^

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (24/03/15)
« Reply #265 on: March 26, 2015, 11:10:34 PM »
wooow! Rena and Jurina go so fast now? aren´t?
No matter! I like it!

Offline Ando

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (24/03/15)
« Reply #266 on: March 28, 2015, 10:42:51 AM »

Thx a lot for this amazing story~ gonna wait for ur update~


~LoVe My LiFe~

living normally is a best thing I ever want and have..

Offline sastio13

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (24/03/15)
« Reply #267 on: March 29, 2015, 11:38:53 AM »
and so I read this part on your tumblr
Yo, i'm sastio! i like to read fanfics! :)
a silent reader :grin:

Oshi: Shinoda Mariko,
Kashiwagi Yuki, Matsui Rena, Yagami Kumi, Okada Nana, Shinobu Mogi, Thalia, etc.
overall, i like all members hehe

every pairing is fine, as long as i enjoy :)

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (24/03/15)
« Reply #268 on: May 07, 2015, 12:09:09 AM »
up! This fic!
If it stay on the back pages it is difficult to find the fic.

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (14/05/15)
« Reply #269 on: May 14, 2015, 02:17:51 AM »

Mayu Watanabe is starting to wonder if the odds aren't against her. So many times she complained about the childish outfits the wardrobe department was always giving her, to no avail. As important she believes to be in the group - she is not AKB's star for nothing - her words never have the slight effect on the people in charge of the costumes' design. Whereas her eighteen year old best friend - Jurina Matsui to not mention her - didn't need to open her mouth a single time to get the coolest outfits, she was left with the pinkest fluffiest dresses in the history of mankind.

That's why she wasn't optimistic at all when she pushed the dressing room's door, already expecting a dress waiting for her for her first Rivalry's performance on a television show. However, she couldn't help but pause in surprise in the middle of the room when she discovered two outfits - one white and one black - and no sign of a dress. To make sure she wasn't being delusional she approached her slightly trembling fingers to the incredible sight - taking one hanger then the other to make sure there wasn't a trick somewhere - until she realized her sight was truly not deceiving her. No, no sign of a dress. Was this a miracle? Had her prayers finally been answered?

No. The odds still were against her. That's a fact she discovered a few minutes later, after trying to put on the white pair of pants that she was apparently going to wear, considering her name written on the tag. Trying being the key word here, because they were so awfully tight, she couldn't manage to pull them all the way up. What did she do to deserve this? Just when she was finally going to wear an outfit that did not involve the color pink or something fluffy, she was completely unable of putting it on. And of course, it was too late to ask for another pair. The performance was in fifteen minutes. God. The odds really are against her.

Mayu steals a glance at the SKE's ace who entered the room a few minutes before, starting to envy her pair of black shorts. Despite the fact Jurina arrived after her, she was almost completely dressed. She had put on her pair of shorts and her matching black shirt in the blink of an eye, and was now taking a seat to put her flat long black boots on. Even worse, she was accompanying all this effortless act with a soft humming of Nakama no Uta, a smile plastered on her face. One thing is for sure: her best friend was really happy right now. Too bad she was feeling the complete opposite.

"These pants are so tight!" Mayu exclaims after another fruitless attempt, taking a seat and exhaling deeply in frustration. She figures she probably needs a divine intervention at this point if she wishes to sing her duet with Jurina.

A curious Jurina tilts her head towards her friend, and she watches her as she buries her head into her hands helplessly. "Need any help?"

Mayu glances back at her offer, following her movements as Jurina gets up slowly and approaches. "I'm not sure what you can do. These pants are just too small."

"Or maybe you need to lose some weight," Jurina suggests, an amused smile dancing on her lips at the groan Mayu's mouth immediately produces in reply. "Get up, I'll help you."

The AKB's star follows her instructions - wondering how on earth her friend thinks she'll be able to solve her annoying wardrobe problem - until she sees her slightly bending down and grabbing the hem of her pants that are stuck under her knees. Mayu arches a doubtful eyebrow at her obvious intention and crosses her arms over her chest - truly believing Jurina is never going to be able to gain a single inch - until the white cottony fabric suddenly hits her behind as Jurina pulls it up in one swift movement.

When Jurina straightens up Mayu stares back at her, mouth agape, not believing what just happened. She struggled for almost five minutes, how come Jurina managed to do it in barely five seconds?

"You just need to button it up and you're good to go," Jurina affirms, a small smirk at the corner of her mouth. "Now, what do I get in return?"

"What?" Mayu stammers, still under the shock of this unexplainable thing that just happened under her eyes, before noticing in confusion Jurina's mischievous expression. "My gratitude?"

"Not enough," Jurina shakes her head.

While buttoning up her pants Mayu narrows her eyes at her friend's sudden odd behavior, before understanding where she's getting at at the sight of a pair of lips quickly approaching hers. Thankfully, her good reflexes enable her to cleverly avoid it, and she tilts her head left at the last second.

"Come on," Jurina protests, closely following her footsteps as Mayu moves towards the mirror to check her outfit, "I'll make it quick. You won't feel a thing."

"Is that what you promise all your victims?" Mayu scoffs, tilting her head to the right to avoid Jurina's new attack.

Mayu hears her friend's frustrated sigh but ignores it, her fingers moving to her white shirt when she discovers she missed a button.

"You missed another one," Jurina points out a few seconds later.

"What? Where?" Mayu exclaims, lowering her gaze and desperately failing to see what Jurina is referring to. Suddenly, her peripheral vision catches Jurina's sneaky intention, and she moves away just in time to avoid another kiss.

"Nice try," Mayu rolls her eyes at her friend's stubborn attitude. You would believe years of pushing her away would make her understand it was totally useless to try, but it seemed it was doing quite the opposite. Jurina truly had a wide imagination when it came to stealing kisses. Good thing she was a very resistant girl.

Just when she believes Jurina will try another futile attempt the door suddenly opens, and both girls tilt their head in curiosity. Mayu mentally sighs in relief when she discovers the newcomer is Rena, knowing her presence will allow her the respite she deserves. Indeed, Jurina isn't paying attention to her - her eyes now glued on the older Matsui - and the AKB's star takes this opportunity to grab the white jacket from the hanger and finish getting dressed, knowing she won't need to watch her younger friend's every move anymore.

"Hi," Rena says, responding to the smile Jurina is sending her, before taking the costume waiting for her performance of the new single of the Team Surprise, and examining the matching blue jacket and skirt as well as the white shirt and black tie.

"Hi, Rena. You haven't seen Yuki?" Mayu inquires, casting a look at the clock on the wall. There are only ten minutes left until the beginning of the recording, and she's starting to wonder if the older girl is going to make it. Yuki did send her a text an hour ago to warn her she was going to be a bit late. Apparently, her previous interview got a bit delayed.

"I have not," Rena replies, tearing her eyes away from the costume in her hand, and not missing Mayu's worried expression. "Our song is after your duet. There's still some time."

While Rena gets busy getting changed, Jurina watches her own reflection in the mirror, debating how she is going to do her hair. She enjoys making some changes to her hairstyle from time to time and today, she wants to match her AKB's friend's one. "Mayu, are you going to attach your hair?"

Mayu tilts her head towards her at her words, briefly pondering over her question, before shaking her head softly. "No, I think I'm going to let it down."

"Alright," Jurina nods, checking herself again in the mirror as she starts to carefully brush her long silky black hair in preparation for the performance.

"Your hair is getting pretty long," Rena declares as she takes a seat next to her. "Are you going to cut it?"

"I don't know," Jurina trails off, stealing a glance at the older girl who's now wearing her blue skirt, and buttoning her white shirt. "I was thinking I could let it grow a bit more."

"Are you sure?" Rena exclaims, a bit surprised by her affirmation. She clearly recalls hearing the young girl complaining a few times about how long it was taking her to dry her hair now that it was so long.

"I know, I don't always sound happy about it," Jurina replies as if she could read her thoughts, sending her an amused smile through the mirror, "but the result is worth the effort."

"I agree," Rena murmurs absently, taking a look at her own reflection. Maybe it was because she now was used to it, but she didn't mind anymore the time she needed to spend to take care of her long hair. Not only she believed it suited her features well, it also fitted her costumes perfectly.

A few minutes pass by while everyone silently finishes to get dress, Jurina slipping into her last piece of cloth - a black leather jacket - before she curiously turns towards the older Matsui when she's finally ready.

"What about you? Any big change in mind?" Jurina asks, following Rena's fingers as she's carefully tying the knot of her black tie.

"Maybe," Rena trails off, her attention still very much on the task at hand. "I was thinking of dying my hair brown."

"Permanently?" Jurina's voice pitches up in astonishment. It wasn't the first time Rena tried something new but, somehow, she always came back to her usual style at some point.

"That would be the plan," Rena nods, a smile grazing her lips as she notices her interlocutor's surprise. "But not now right now. Maybe in a few months."

"Alright," Jurina murmurs, extending her hand and running her fingers through Rena's hair gently. "I liked that style you had during that movie you did."


"Yes, that one. You looked a bit..." Jurina trails off, retracting her hand and looking for the right word to describe how she felt when she watched her counterpart's role in it. She looked so different from the girl she knew, but in the meantime, she couldn't help but be impressed by her performance. Rena truly was a born actress. "Wild."

"Wild?" Rena chuckles, giving her her full attention now that she's done making final adjustments to her tie. She truly didn't expect such a word to come out of her mouth. Especially not to describe her.

"Yes, wild," Jurina repeats, emphasizing on the last word. "You know, I think everyone is mistaken when they think Rena Matsui is a sweet innocent girl."

Rena's mouth tugs into an amused smile as she witnesses Jurina's playful expression, accompanied by a soft caress on her knee. She didn't believe she would ever think such a thing, but she kind of missed the flirty Jurina these last few months. As very cute a shy Jurina was, a confident one was more than enticing.

"It's time, Jurina," Mayu suddenly clears her throat, catching both girl's attention. Jurina tilts her head towards the short girl who's now waiting by the door and turning the handle, and a soft giggle escapes her lips at her serious expression.

"Coming, rival," Jurina singsongs, winking at her playfully.

Rena arches an eyebrow at the exchange, suppressing a laugh when Mayu rolls her eyes at Jurina's cheeky behavior. Her attention gets drawn back to the girl in front of her when she feels two arms encircling her neck, and a kiss on her cheek. "See you later."

Rena responds to Jurina's display of affection with a warm smile, before watching as both friends head out of the room swiftly. A few minutes later - just as Rena was starting to wonder if her AKB friend was really going to make it on time - a slightly out of breath Yuki barges in the room, and Rena listens with amusement to her friend's recent issue with a seemingly very slow taxi driver.


Jurina opened slightly the black curtains of the hotel room, just enough to take a peek outside. Albeit the fact it was only 7:30 am there were already a few people walking down the streets, and Jurina absently followed a few ones - briefly wondering where they were heading to - until her eyes fell on the small park nearby. There were no children to be seen playing on the dark blue slide at such an early time, but her attention got drawn to the large cherry tree standing proudly in the middle of the place. It was that time of the year when people would take pictures in front of its ephemeral pink flowers, and enjoy a picnic under its large branches on the week-end.

The sight was truly magnificent, and Jurina wondered how long it had been since she had been able to really pause and enjoy it. So many times she had passed in front of a blossoming cherry tree over the years, to only briefly glance at it. When did she become so busy she couldn't even partake in such a simple activity? The thought momentarily brought sadness into her eyes but she quickly shook it off, refusing to dwell on it, before she closed the curtains again.

Her footsteps led her back to the bed and she sat on the edge carefully, contemplating the older Matsui who was still sleeping. Jurina was well aware of what she had been missing during all these years, but she didn't have any regret. She loved being on stage and bringing joy to people. It was her reason for getting up every morning. But most of all, she refused to imagine a life without the girl who shared the same surname. They had been through so much together these past seven years. No one knew her better than Rena. But who could have foreseen this unpredictable evolution in their relationship? She loved Rena with all her heart, and she hoped nothing would ever stop this fluttering feeling from filling her chest every time she laid eyes on her.

When, after a while, she finally looked away from her lover's peaceful expression, her eyes absently fell on Rena's red tee-shirt, and her mouth immediately tugged into an amused smile. She had not really paid attention to it the night before - her eyes almost immediately shutting from weariness as soon as her head touched the mattress - but now, she had to refrain herself from laughing at the view. Two humanized trains were - as incredible as it may seem - dancing together.

The sight was just too hilarious, and Jurina wondered where on earth Rena had managed to buy such a thing. Wait. Didn't she mention a while ago receiving a few gifts from the railway museum in Nagoya? What that tee-shirt part of it? But most of all, where did she keep it hidden all this time? How come she never noticed it before? All her questions stayed unanswered and her amused expression turned into a mischievous one, knowing she had to do something about it. She just simply couldn't let it go.

While keeping a cautious eye on Rena she grabbed carefully her phone that was laying on the bedside table, knowing she had to immortalize such a moment. Unfortunately, it was at this precise moment the sleeping girl chose to stir, and Jurina barely had time to lean forward to take one picture that a pair of eyes fluttered open and looked back at her.


The young SKE member hid the phone behind her back swiftly, even though it was already too late. Rena had not missed the faint click of the camera, and she was now slowly taking a seat in bed, confused. "Were you taking a picture of me?"

"Maybe?" Jurina trails off, trying to sound as evasive as possible. She was hoping the older girl would let it go and she slowly retreated from the bed, until Rena caught her wrist abruptly. It seemed her attempted escape had come to an end.

"Why would you do that? I look terrible in the morning," Rena protests, her voice still a bit hoarse from sleepiness, while her other hand fixed her bangs instinctively.

Jurina kept silent but her eyes inadvertently fell onto the two dancing trains. She was trying very hard not to laugh, but a soft giggle ended up escaping her mouth nonetheless. She just couldn't keep it to herself anymore. "I think your fans need to know how truly committed you are to your passions."

Rena arched an eyebrow at her declaration - puzzled - and very much failing to understand what she was referring to, until she glanced down at the piece of clothing Jurina was staring at and it hit her. "No Jurina, you are not posting this."

Jurina tried to back away but Rena was now holding tighter on her wrist, her eyes full of determination. "Why? Are you not proud to be a densha otaku?" Jurina teases.

"I am very proud, but my fans don't need to see me in my pajamas," Rena growls, trying to catch Jurina's phone. Unfortunately, after a few energetic but fruitless attempts, she had to face reality. Jurina was just too fast for her. "Alright, do as you wish."

Rena's hold on Jurina's wrist diminished and Jurina stared back at her in astonishment as she laid down on the bed again. She never truly intended to post that picture, but Rena's reaction was more than unexpected. Was she going to quit so easily?

"You really don't mind?" Jurina asks, curious eyes falling on her as she moves forward and leans over her. Right now, she would give anything to understand what was going through Rena's head, as her expression was completely unreadable.

"If you want to post this picture, then do it," Rena replies, closing her eyes in the apparent intention of going back to sleep.

Jurina's mouth opened to produce an answer but no words left her lips, completely taken aback by the older girl's behavior. Rena was always very cautious of what she posted on her own account, so there was no way she was going to let her leak such a picture. "You're not mad, are you?"

Small brown orbs looked back at her and an innocent smile adorned Rena's pale rose lips. "Of course not."

Jurina didn't fully comprehend the sudden change of heart when Rena suddenly leaned forward to capture her lips. A few minutes ago, she seemed more than eager to retrieve the white device and now, she was passionately kissing her like nothing happened. It didn't make any sense, but all her questions vanished into thin air when Rena gently pushed her against the mattress and started leaving a trail of kisses along her jawline.

Jurina couldn't help but lightly shudder when Rena finally reached her earlobe and softly sucked on it. It was her most sensitive spot, one that Rena had cleverly discovered a few nights ago. She couldn't help a moan from escaping her lips at the overwhelming pleasure. Rena's ministrations were putting her mind in such a daze that she failed to notice the fingers that were moving upwards onto the bed sheet, and sneakily approaching the phone still in her hand. When she finally felt it slipping from her grasp it was already too late, and she barely had time to open her eyes to witness Rena retreating and going through her phone.

"There, deleted," Rena announces, a proud expression on her face as she places casually the phone back into her hand.

Jurina blinked a few times in confusion - trying to understand what had just happened - until it hit her and her jaw dropped. "You tricked me."

"You really believed I would let it go?" Rena smirks, hovering over and briefly tracing patterns on Jurina's chest, before whispering into her ear huskily. "Good thing I know all your weaknesses by now."

When Rena looked back at her mischievously Jurina found herself completely speechless. A part of her wanted to come back at her for what she had done, but her brain - currently filled with both confusion and shock - was incapable of imagining any form of retaliation.

A ringtone suddenly disrupted the quiet atmosphere of the hotel room and Rena tilted her attention towards her phone, getting out of bed. The joyful melody of Dreams come True's song Ring! Ring! Ring! immediately came to an halt when Rena stopped her alarm clock. She placed the device back on the bedside table, before gazing at the young girl who was still laying on the bed, completely frozen. "Come on, Jurina. We have a handshake event to attend."

Jurina - lost in thoughts - watched as the older Matsui moved towards the bathroom, not missing her small amused smile just before she passed the door. Jurina was still completely incapable of uttering a single word when she finally sat up a few minutes later. Today, she had discovered Rena Matsui's unexpected manipulative side. It was utterly frightening.


After getting rid of her last piece of clothing Rena cautiously dipped a finger into the water, before turning the tap off and stepping inside the bath when she considered it was finally at the right temperature. A soft sigh left her lips at the pleasurable sensation against her skin and she laid down, relishing the silence of her hotel room as she shut her eyes and tried to relax.

As soon as the handshake event had ended she had joined her hotel alone, knowing Jurina would join her later when her interview would finally be over. Rena had not missed the way the young Ace was far more busy than before now that she was eighteen. Jurina seemed to enjoy it very much - never liking being kept apart from late activities in the past - but this change in her schedule was reducing even more the time they could spend together. This handshake event - as tiring as they always were - had at least enabled them to see each other, thanks to their booth cleverly placed next to each other. Even if the activity evidently prevented them from speaking too much between them, just being close by for a whole day was a luxury they couldn't refuse.

Just as she is beginning to doze off the sound of the front door opening catches her attention and she flutters her eyes open, hearing a few seconds later a familiar voice calling her.

"I'm in here," Rena says, surprised by her slightly hoarse voice. She doesn't miss her sudden sleepiness and she wonders how long she stayed in the bath. The water is still quite warm, but she's well aware of her bad habit of sometimes falling asleep during the activity.

Two brown eyes fall on her as Jurina pushes the bathroom door a few seconds later, leaning against the doorframe as she gazes at her playfully. "Don't fall asleep."

A soft giggle escapes Rena's lips, knowing her hoarse voice has betrayed her current state. To be honest, it also isn't the first time the young ace found her taking a small unintentional nap in the bath. Rena doesn't miss the way the young member slowly lets her gaze wander her nude form through the water, and she straightens up a bit in the bath, extending her hand. "Join me?"

This time, it's her turn to appreciate Jurina's slender body as she more than willingly obliges and undresses, before stepping inside the bath cautiously. Rena encircles her waist gently when Jurina lays down and settles her head against her shoulder. A few minutes pass by as they relish the presence of each other quietly, Rena occasionally letting her fingers travel the girl's body on top of her.

"This is nice," Jurina murmurs finally a while later, intertwining their fingers together. "It's been a while since we've taken a bath together."

Rena frowns immediately at her affirmation. It was common knowledge that a lot of members liked to share a bath together, but she certainly never partook in such activities. That's why she couldn't understand what in the world Jurina was referring to. "Have we ever taken one before?"

"You don't remember?"

"Not at all," Rena retorts.

"I was around twelve," Jurina starts, searching her memory as she's trying to recall more about it. Despite clearly remembering taking once a bath with Rena in the past, some details surrounding the moment are still a bit blurry. "I think it was after the recording of an AKB videoclip. I was in very high spirits that day."

"When are you not?" Rena teases, getting a growl in reply.

"Anyway," Jurina continues, trying to ignore the older Matsui's sudden small laugh, "I don't know how I did it, but that day, you finally accepted to take a bath with me."

"Really?" Rena arches an eyebrow. She clearly remembers the young girl's annoying persistence about it over the years - despite her always immediate refusal - but definitely not relenting to it. "You probably managed to wear me out."

"Maybe," Jurina trails off, a smile forming on her lips at the playfulness in the older Matsui's voice, "but it was different at the time. It was an innocent moment between two friends."

"It still looks very innocent to me. We're only taking a bath."

This time, Jurina frees herself from Rena's embrace and stares back at her, her expression changing into a sulking one. "You know, I'm still mad at you."

"You are?" Rena exclaims, not believing Jurina is still thinking about this morning. Yes, she may have been a bit cruel by using her weak spot against her, but she couldn't take the risk of having her leak such a compromising picture. It was simply inacceptable.

"Alright," Rena leans forward until their lips are merely inches apart. "What are you going to do about it?"

Jurina's expression softens at Rena's husky voice and she gazes down at those tantalizing pink lips - her heart now beating faster into her chest - before claiming what's rightfully hers.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:12:49 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline junchan48

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (14/05/15)
« Reply #270 on: May 14, 2015, 06:58:38 AM »
Poor Mayu~ But blame your super cute face XD
That's why staff always give you a cute dress rather than a cool outfit~
And Rena being aggressive>0<
I love this side of her, but can you make Juriboy be the dominate in the other 'smuty' chapter?
Honestly, I always read from your tumblr~

Can't wait for the next one~
Thanks for the update, author-san^^
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (14/05/15)
« Reply #271 on: May 14, 2015, 10:48:30 PM »
What joy you have given me today, when I entered jphip and see you've updated.

Very good the chapter, I love the interaction of Mayu and Jurina, they are really great together.
Of course Rena and Jurina, tender moment in the bath.

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (14/05/15)
« Reply #272 on: May 15, 2015, 04:50:54 AM »
An update!!  :inlove:

This story is a nice contrast to Warriors, since we get to see Rena teasing Jurina more here. Rena can be quite sexy scary even without being Gekikara.  XD

Thank you for the wonderful chapter!

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (14/05/15)
« Reply #273 on: May 19, 2015, 02:40:06 AM »
Such a seductress, Rena-san can be :3

JuriMayu moment was pretty darn humorous and then WMatsui moments just made me smile like an idiot at my phone while reading xD

Glad to have seen this updated after my exams ended~ such a treat! Thanks Author-san~  :thumbsup

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (14/05/15)
« Reply #274 on: May 21, 2015, 03:47:46 PM »
this is so damn sweettt..!!!
LOVE IT! >_<

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (14/05/15)
« Reply #275 on: June 04, 2015, 01:51:30 AM »
Poor Mayu~ But blame your super cute face XD
That's why staff always give you a cute dress rather than a cool outfit~

I know right, she's so unlucky in that department. Honestly, it makes me laugh each time I see her on stage with fluffy dresses :lol:

And Rena being aggressive>0<
I love this side of her, but can you make Juriboy be the dominate in the other 'smuty' chapter?

I wouldn't say she's aggressive, but she definitely knows what she wants, and how to cleverly obtain it  ;)

Juriboy? Who's that? I only know of Jurina, as in a girl :P That said, if you prefer Jurina's boyish side, I believe Warriors will suit your tastes more ;) And I don't know what you mean by 'other smuty chapter'. I only wrote one and that's enough... for now ^^'

Very good the chapter, I love the interaction of Mayu and Jurina, they are really great together.

I have so much fun writing JuriMayu. To be honest, at first, there was supposed to be more of them in Heartbeat, but the plot prevented me from doing so, so I'm quite happy that I'm able to write more about them in Partners. However, I've been missing a bit JuriChuri lately, so Churi might make an appearance very soon ^^

This story is a nice contrast to Warriors, since we get to see Rena teasing Jurina more here.

The dynamic between Jurina and Rena is indeed the complete opposite in both stories, and that's what I love about it: being able to completely switch mood from one story to another.

JuriMayu moment was pretty darn humorous and then WMatsui moments just made me smile like an idiot at my phone while reading xD

I'm glad you felt this way, because that's what I was aiming for!

this is so damn sweettt..!!!
LOVE IT! >_<
Thank you new reader!

On a side note, I'm currently working on the next chapter of Partners, so please be a bit more patient guys! Thanks for reading and commenting ^^
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 02:10:03 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (14/05/15)
« Reply #276 on: June 08, 2015, 01:17:08 AM »
I love JuriMayu and JuriChuri, them friendship of course.

Thanks for answer us.

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (14/05/15)
« Reply #277 on: June 11, 2015, 12:35:46 PM »
Due to Rena Matsui's recent announcement, and considering the very realistic side of Partners, this fanfic is on hold for the time being. Rena being my kami oshi until now, I need a bit of time to digest the news. Fear not, it doesn't mean I'm dropping anything yet (as I don't want to make any rash decision) and there's a chance I'll resume it once the pain will have subsided enough. Only time will tell. Thank you for your understanding! In the meantime, I'm continuing my other fanfic, Warriors.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 10:01:12 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline niineechan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (14/05/15)
« Reply #278 on: June 11, 2015, 07:19:31 PM »
daijoubu sophcaro-san.  :yep:
i'll patiently wait for it with my loyalty in a cool way...  :peace:

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners Chapter 6 [WMatsui] (14/05/15)
« Reply #279 on: June 13, 2015, 01:58:41 AM »
I'm saddened to hear this, but I'm also very grateful that you posted these for us to enjoy in the first place. Thank you for being such a wonderful writer, and I hope that everything works out for you.

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