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Author Topic: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 10 [28/1/16] WMatsui+Others [END]  (Read 30881 times)

Offline junchan48

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 4 [8/11/15] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2015, 08:34:44 AM »
This Tomomi is troublesome-,-
A fighter Rena. Interesting~
I'll wait for the next chapter^^
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline mirurunky

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 4 [8/11/15] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #21 on: November 09, 2015, 04:42:01 PM »

Rena saw everything as if through fog, all she could remember — that stranger’s eyes. Also, the fact that it was just a simple girl — probably even younger than her.

is that simple girl jurina?

thanks for the update

Offline calista_castro

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Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 5 [22/11/15] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2015, 03:03:19 PM »
@mirurunky, your insight is quite a spot on, but you will find out more in the chapter!
@vickystar, thank your for founding the story interesting and reading it!
@junchan48, indeed troublesome... some trouble is around the corner already  :(

I'm back with next chapter, as I'm still not disappearing with this fic (even if I can't upload it often), so I just hope I can keep on like that, even with rarer posts.

Chapter 5 - Expect the Unexpected

“The eyes are the mirror of the soul” — Yiddish proverb.

Rena regained her consequences after few hours. Maybe it would have happened sooner, its not like Jurina used a lot of her force, but older Matsui body was tired after these days and required more attention than ever.

Other things that the girl really needed at the moment was a shower, some food or just sleep in a comfy bed. Even on the ground would have been a better option than on this chair.

Rena realized that her abductors probably forgot about her again. Or it seemed that way as they haven’t appeared for at least couple of hours. Something told older girl that maybe something mayor is happening. After all, they’re dealing not simply with her parents but also her cousin. Nothing good could come out off it.

But as Rena had a lot of things to consider and enough of time to think about every little single decision in her life, she thought about her abductor as well. This girl who’s face she has seen not so long ago.

Has the girl told the others that they will have to kill Rena after getting the money because she saw her face, or did she keep that information for herself.
For some reason, Rena came to the conclusions that she’s the leader and probably withhold the information even thought it might change the game and their plans.

Something else kept creeping into Rena’s mind. It got bothersome to think about it but she couldn’t just stop. Unfortunately that’s not the option when you sit in a dark (in the middle of the night), when no one is around and you can barely hear any sounds.

Some people, who hates loneliness, might even go insane. That’s how intense it could get.

Those eyes… why they looked so familiar? They weren’t hostile. Quite the contrary. Those were the eyes of someone who doesn’t want to hurt… someone who feels pushed into a corner and sees no other way.

Also, the girl looked mature for her ago but certainly she’s younger than Rena. Older Matsui noticed that and started wondering what could force someone to do stuff like that. Did someone push her to this corner? What kind of life the girl would prefer to have if not… Matsui had to stop herself from further thoughts realizing that no one would try to understand their abductor.

That’s someone you should fear and hate. All the fear that Rena felt before somehow disappeared after she saw those eyes.Eyes that ought to protect instead of hurting.

Hearing the steps Rena recognized the person that was coming her way. With this little time she learn to separate the people without even knowing who they are. Maybe that’s how blind person (someone who had seen his whole life but got in some sort of accident) has to adapt and senses thing that are happening around them.

The girl took the strap from her eyes and put today’s newspaper in Rena’s lap smiling coldly and shortly. “Need a proof that you’re still alive”.

Rena raised an eyebrow curiously. The girl didn’t even try to hide her face anymore. She probably realized that there’s no point in that. “No more hiding?”

“You won’t get to see other faces so don’t worry. You might just get out off this alive. Stranger thing had happened”

“But if I do…I would remember your face very well…I could describe it perfectly and they would have a sketch of your face. It wouldn’t be easy to hide after something like it, right?”

“Well that’s my problem. Maybe I will fled the country…or maybe I’m really good at hiding. None of that is your business. Don’t move” the girl raised the camera ready to capture a picture.

But using the moment Rena had to ask one more time “should I look distressed? scared? angry? do you have an image for your photo?”

The girl sigh with annoyance. For some reason Rena instantly thought that the girl is actually used to hiding her emotions and shows also some sort of front created for other people eyes.

“You can smile as if you’re on your honeymoon for all I care. I just need a picture that you’re alive…that’s all”.

Rena opened her mouth to comment on it again but saw the flash (which was caused by Jurina’s phone) and opened it after noticing a smug smile on younger girl face.

“It looks like you’re angrily screaming or asking to let you out…perfect”. Jurina even walked out closer and showed Rena that photo.

All Rena could do was to roll her eyes but at the close proximity she had a chance to glance at the girl one more time.So instead of looking at the photo Rena took the change to give a better look at her abductor.

She wasn’t very subtle so Jurina noticed the stare. “Am I that pretty or I have something on my face?”

Jurina stepped back while older Matsui gathered her thoughts. And being completely honest Jurina hasn’t expected to hear this kind of answer. “I remember you”
“Excuse me?”

“I remember your eyes. You’re that girl”

“That girl?”

“You have saved my life…”

Looking at Jurina who stared back at her dumbfounded Rena felt the need to explain it “the car…fire…explosion…the driver… died instantly while I… you took me out… I barely saw anything but I couldn’t… forget those eyes”

They stared at each other for few more seconds. Rena just couldn’t read Jurina’s face as it didn’t gave out any signs or recognition, confusion or surprise.
After a long pause younger Matsui finally commented coldly “I think you’re confusing me with someone else”

Jurina looked back at the photo in her phone and turn around walking out of the room without commenting. Leaving Rena confused and questioning herself. That maybe… maybe she just confused those two people… this girl… can she be the one?

It was hard to believe that the same person would both save her and then… abduct her for money with slight torturing and without showing the slightest care for her well being.

Rena kept on waiting and hoping that maybe the same girl could come again. Usually they checked on her every few hours. Next time she heard the steps she knew that’s not the same person.

Also, this person used voice changing device as the others. Only Jurina didn’t hide anymore as like she mentioned there was no point in doing that.
“I brought you water to drink…as we might leave you in peace here for some time, without disturbances”

“Why?” Rena couldn’t stop herself from questioning. She hasn’t spoken with other a lot. Not like there was a lot to talk about expect ‘let me go or you might regret this whole operation of yours’. Not even once Rena said these things trying to scare them off or intimidate them. All of those times she was deadly serious. No one just take care seriously — until now.

“Some trouble… none of your business”. Rena thought that maybe she heard some hurt in that answer but not like she could have keep on asking about the issue. No one cared about her that much.

After giving Matsui her water Mayu turn around and left the room locking in behind herself and going straight to Jurina “what are going to do now?”

“I don’t know… I have called Akane… she’s on her way. After all, she mentioned that she’s going to return the favor and that’s as good time as ever”.

Mayu nod without questioning “I will check on them”, walking to the other room and leaving Jurina alone with her thoughts.

No one thought or even remembered about Matsui Rena for the rest of the day.

The reason for everyone forgetting about older Matsui was a serious one. While Rena remembered her life alone with her thoughts, Atsuko health worsened. It happened before few times… but never to this extend.

Seeing Takamina going crazy about the situation while laying down pale Acchan kept repeating in a quiet and weak voice that she’s feeling alrightand soon she will be on her foot going around was unbearable for both Mayu and Jurina.

That’s why Jurina instantly called someone from her past that is conveniently a nurse. Takayanagi Akane. She help out the girl before more than once and decided its time for Churi to return the favor.

All of those times were money related, as Akane needed it for her studies and Jurina didn’t mind seeing at least one person reaching its full potential.

“I’m here…” Akane announced walking inside after she finally found the place that she has been looking for quite some time. Jurina send her a message with confusing notes, comments and not very direct locations in case at some point someone else would find out about the message and use it to track the place.

Akane look around instantly and didn’t seem happy about it “you’re hiding in here? Don’t tell me you’re plotting something big again? Or you’re already doing something? I really… don’t like it”

“You didn’t seem to complain when you needed my help in the past”, Jurina commented coldly while walking Akane to Atsuko and Takamina’s room.

“Everyone should leave…I need to check on her properly…talk and find out about the symptoms… you know doctor — patient confidentiality”.

“You’re no doctor”, Jurina once again commented a bit sarcastically as Akane only qualified as a nurse but still walked out with going out of her mind Takamina and just as well worried Mayu.

They waited impatiently and quietly. No one knew what to say and that’s what not a good place for some random conversations. Even Mayu decided that she’s going to spend the rest of the night here instead of going back home.

After about an hour Akane finally left Acchan sleeping and went to the girls “I brought some medicine… you know I can take too much or they will notice and I will be in more trouble than you can imagine. It should be enough for at least a week. It simply depends on pain… but I need to be honest… I know you want me to be honest… its not getting better…and without the operation…”

Akane fell silent noticing how everyone looked at the ground realizing what she has in mind without girl even voicing out her thoughts. She decided its better to skip that sentence.

“I know I have said that I owe you only one favor so you…could call me only once… but if the time comes… give me a call again. I can’t do much…but still… I will come running”

Takamina stood up instantly going to Akane and hugging her while whispering (loud enough for everyone to hear) “thank you”.

The rest of the evening and night was spend in silence as Takamina’s crying face was the saddest thing you get to see and Jurina and Mayu couldn’t actually done anything about the situation.

Luckily in the morning Atsuko felt a little bit better which at least give her girlfriend some hope. Even if false hope it was better than nothing.

Atsuko handled the pain better by now as the medicine probably started working again and Jurina with Mayu left those two to spend some time alone.

“We need to get on with this as soon as possible…” Jurina commented remembering about Rena and looking at her direction. “We send the confirmation that she’s alive and all that… what’s wrong?” Matsui asked a bit annoyed after she noticed that Mayu isn’t listening to her at all.

Instead she was looking down at Takamina’s phone. “That’s weird…” the sound was off but both girls saw that the number that was shown there belong to Mayu.

“You still haven’t found your phone, right?”

“Well…yeah…I have been searching everywhere for few days… Yukirin even tried to call few times when we were back at home…but nowhere… maybe Yukirin found it and…”

“Yukirin doesn’t have Takamina’s number”, Jurina commented saying the most evident fact but some worry could have been seen in her face as she forgot to hide it“I don’t like this… maybe you shouldn’t answer…Mayu…Mayu!…”

But her reckless friend couldn’t be stopped. Instead she answer the call while putting on speaker “hello?”

Both Jurina and Mayu heard unfamiliar voice. But from the tone of it the person knew about them enough and felt contempt about it “Watanabe Mayu, I assume? I tried to call you few times before… unfortunately that’s the first time I managed to reach you through the night. Oh… I guess, we should start with introductions. You have probably already heard about me… Itano Tomomi”

“Okay…?” Mayu answered a bit confused while sharing a look with Jurina that seems just at loss at it was her friend.

“Good… we know each other already… so I can go straight to be point…or you would like to say hello to your dear girlfriend first?”


“Oh sorry… Yuki right? Please give your best for Mayu here”

They heard some chocking sounds, whisper in the background and finally few short words that Yukirin got the change to say “Mayu don’t” after that it could have been assumed that she was hit in the face.

“WHAT THE HELL? LET HER GO!” Mayu looked as white as a paper and as panicked as Takamina just few hours ago.

“Oh…I will… you have 12 hours to kill me beloved cousin. When you do and I get a proof of that I will let Kashiwagi Yuki. If you don’t… you will have to deal with the consequences and can bury your girlfriend instead”.

Mayu didn’t get a change to say anything else as the call ended and the number was untraceable.

For more than 5 minutes Jurina and Mayu just kept on looking down at the phone without even saying a world. Not that it there was anything that could have been said… as they finally realized that all Rena’s words before were not said in vain and they truly had no idea in what kind of situation they got themselves into.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 07:21:51 PM by calista_castro »

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline sasshirie

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 5 [22/11/15] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2015, 10:52:12 AM »
i hope you plan to continue this?? pretty please  :bow: :bow: the story is SO good  :thumbsup

Offline Raizel

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 5 [22/11/15] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2015, 05:25:26 PM »
Wah.. I just found out that Itano really evil, :banghead:
This really is the climax, Atsuko is sick, Yuki kidnapped and Rena's fate?
And it will continue in 2016.. Castro-san you killing me inside.. :cry: huhuhu..

Offline Yurena

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 5 [22/11/15] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2015, 10:31:32 PM »
 :cry: no yuki plz don't kill mayki 😭😭😭 my heart can't handle one of them dead everytime T__T this fanfic is good well your fanfic always good and perfect ily  :deco: :inlove:
MAYUKI are real !!!


Offline key17

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 5 [22/11/15] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2016, 04:39:14 PM »
i read it after you post some chapter hehe
i like this kind of story and i'll waiting for next :D :D
just don't let yukirin die...
and don't let mayu hurt rena...
and don't let atsuko die...   
that interaction between wmatsui... i like it XD XD XD

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline calista_castro

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Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 6 [2/1/16] WMatsui+Others I'M BACK
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2016, 05:13:01 PM »
Thanks for everyone who commented! @key17, @Raizel, @Yurena and @sasshirie, from earlier! And obviously for everyone who likes the story, well you count as silent readers after all. I can't make any promises, who survives, who not... well that's not that kind of a story. I guess you're already reading it if you want something different. Either way, I can say that there are going to be... 10 chapters of this story. So you have already read the first half and now... its time for continuation. Thanks for reading!!!  :on asmo:

Chapter 6 - Reckless Sidekick (The History of Mayu Watanabe)

Every human walks around with a certain kind of sadness. They may not wear it on their sleeves, but it’s there if you look deep. — Taraji P. Henson

Mayu sat down feeling a little bit helpless and unsure “Jurina… I don’t know what to do…” voicing out her thoughts out loud this time as she really wanted to hear some words of encouragement from her friend. She didn't expect much from younger Matsui, but at least Jurina was always by her side whenever she needed her.

Jurina looked doubtful too “maybe they’re bluffing…”

“If they’re bluffing… wouldn't they ask us to let Matsui Rena go… instead of… you know…” Mayu didn't even manage to finish the thought that scared her the most at the moment.

Jurina nod sightly. Younger Matsui has been thinking about it too. It would made sense if Rena’s cousin asked for them to let her cousin out and then she will let Yukirin live. Or she could have asked them to give Rena back so then they can deal with the girl. Asking to end her life was… something unexpected and scary.

Jurina knew that neither Atsuko, Takamina nor Mayu could do something like that. They had never taken other person’s life.

The truth is… even Jurina didn't look at something like that lightly. She could kill someone that abused, hit or killed other person but killing a person just because someone else requires it and for the money… she’s not a hitman (or hitwoman in this case). She can’t turn ALL of her emotions down… and she still remembers what its like to have a family. How would Rena’s parents react if their daughter died in such manner?

Still considering the outcome Jurina spend few minutes remembering Yukirin. She hadn’t come in contact with this girl a lot… most of the things that she knew about Kashiwagi Yuki she heard from Mayu as sometimes her comrade couldn't shut up about her love life.

Jurina knew that those two were struggling as they needed money and Yukirin spent it quite recklessly. Though, at the same time she worked a lot to earn it too sometimes leaving Mayu completely behind and not even seeing her girlfriend for a week or so… their relationship wasn't perfect. Not comparable with Atsumina couple that Jurina secretly admired… but still she knew that Mayu’s feelings were true and she truly cared about Yukirin.

“Tell me what you want me to do”. Jurina voiced out as calmly as she could letting Mayu know that whatever her decision is… she’s going to complete it.

“To do about what?” Takamina and Atsuko showed up from the other room also curios of things that happened while Acchan tried to regain her strength.

Takamina squinted her eyes suspiciously, looking at one girl and then at the other. Instantly sensing that things got worse “I have a feeling that’s a decision that all of us have to make… so how about we sit down and talk this through like reasonable human beings?” She also helped Atsuko to sit down while facing two younger girl who had a reputation of being reckless in deciding on such matters.

Surprisingly both Jurina and Mayu sit down to tell what they found out recently, about a threat for Yukirin’s life and their worries, waiting to hear what Atsumina couple thinks about it.

The story of Mayu wasn't very exceptional. At least not the start of it. She had a loving family and grew up with them but separated at some point after deciding to move to Tokyo. Getting almost everything that she wanted through the years and with the help of her family Mayu found it difficult to adapt in new country without knowing anyone there.

That was probably the reason why unknowingly she got mixed up with famous for its mischievous ways company. Everyone threated her badly and without any respect but Watanabe didn't have where to go as she didn't have enough money to survive on her own.

Everyone used it to their advantage and luckily Mayu kept the situation of her family a secret or they might have abducted her in the same manner as the girls did with older Matsui and asked for money. The truth though… her family wasn't rich and because of always changing economy they've lost most of their income.

Mayu wrote letters lying that everything is alright and she don’t need anything though they were ready to send all their savings if she asked for it. Mayu felt guilty instead that she can’t help then in any way so agreed to work on certain illegal jobs like stealing and running away as fast as she fast. Few times she was a driver too.

Everyone knew that Watanabe is reckless with her choices so initially they distrusted her. First of all, she usually dropped the stuff she had stolen while running away avoiding police as they could have found her family on the other side of the world, secondly she drove away faster than her companions jumped inside and one time even left one behind… she even had to deal with consequences after it.

It was a true luck that she met with Jurina as her comrades at the time where ready to kill her for that usual recklessness. Matsui got a plan to steal from them and ended up leaving with Watanabe by her side.

Since then Jurina learn how to use Mayu’s recklessness as an advantage and at the same time knew how to fix this girl mistakes that didn't cause them losing all the money or being caught by the police.

Mayu send most of her money to parents writing notes that she’s doing really good and that’s why she giving only a small part of her salary. After meeting Yukirin, falling in love… and even starting to live with quite wasteful girl Mayu had to work double to have money for both her parents and Yukirin.

Watanabe met Kashiwagi during the time when Jurina was away from everyone. At the same time when the girls learn about Atsuko’s sickness. Of course, Mayu kept on working with these two but it wasn't enough without Jurina, so Yukirin had to find more then two jobs as well. Yukirin knew that Mayu’s profession is questionable as she sometimes get back home injured but Yukirin didn't dare to ask what younger girl was doing.

At the same time Mayu just didn't dare to tell all the hardships that she needs to encounter and even hid those letters from her parents.

Both Mayu and Yukirin were from different words. Mayu come to live in Tokyo as she hoped for better life after her family’s misfortune, while Yukirin’s family got everything but they force their daughter to chose… whether she’s getting a husband or she can leave their home as they don’t need such a disgrace of a daughter who dates other women.

The two lived together sharing whatever love and money they had and at the same time Mayu looked out for different jobs apart from stealing that was the most popular one for their group. Atsuko and Takamina sometimes jokingly called her Nezumi (as in mouse…) because Mayu could get anywhere if she thought really hard and long about it.

She surprised the girls with figuring out how to steal something from a car and even locking it afterwards as if nothing happened. Also, she took the tasks for which Takamina could have been perfect with her small size, but Mayu knew that Takamina is always worrying about Atsuko so she might not complete it too scared of the outcome. So when needed Mayu could not only be as clever as a mouse but also as small too.

Most things were easier as Jurina got back and Mayu had more time on her own as Matsui always take care of the planning. Instead Mayu kept telling everyone who still cared to listen about Yukirin’s and hers relationship. At the same time, she decided not to waste her time and unknowingly to others, expect Atsuko that help her out, she learn some programming.

No one else knew about this because Atsuko didn't want to talk about it always considering the fact that she might die…and if that would happen… they need someone who knows all these things. Few times Mayu considered mentioning it but whenever she planned to open her mouth about it she got too sad knowing that this might become reality and not wanting to leave Takamina depressed.

After all, they always feared how Takamina might react in the end considering how worried she got whenever there was some complications.

Remembering Watanabe’s constant recklessness… this was the first time when Jurina hadn't had a change to fix it all and haven’t even thought about it beforehand. Matsui herself was too preoccupied with Rena’s abduction and forgot to ask the important stuff. Like… the reason why Mayu can’t find her phone for so long or even acknowledging this as an issue.

Somehow… because of their reckless sidekick the girls got to this point where they had no idea what do to next. Even Atsuko and Takamina were speechless after the retelling of a phone call.

Takamina doubtfully said only one thing “that might be just a test… to see if we would consider doing it… I don’t think they will actually hurt Yukirin… they don’t even know the girl… what would be the point of that…and if they really want Rena dead… why can’t they do it themselves? or you know… why haven’t they done it already?”

Jurina didn't want to speak up, already seeing in what kind of state Mayu was… but she knew that keeping these thoughts to herself wouldn't help anyone “Rena’s cousin has an opportunity… everyone will blame us… they can even make it look like we’re responsible for that car explosion too… they got a change and obviously they’re not planning to miss out on it.

Meanwhile, in the other side of the city, it was finally time to meet with the one who was responsible for everything that happened recently. The one who take care of Matsui Sakiko’s death… was responsible for Rena’s car explosion… for Yukirin’s abduction…

The same mentioned one… Itano Tomomi walked down the long corridor with Kasai Tomomi by her side.

“So we will really…?”

“Sure. I don’t care about this one. I wouldn't mind if those abductors complete the job… Rena should be dead by now. If they won’t… well then we have to because I have already revealed my identity.”

“They’re criminals…its not like they’re going to tell about it to the police, Chiyuu”.

Itano squinted her eyes while glaring at the girl next to her “can’t you stopped with that Chiyuu? No one knows what it means and its annoying. They’re criminals that we will have to deal with too… but I rather have them killing my cousin first… I’m sentimental after all. I would count this as revenge for my beloved relative”.

Tomomi shrugged her shoulders still wondering, probably having a little bit more compassion that Tomochin. “But its like an execution… filming it and all… a bit too…”

“A bit what?”

“I don’t know… too much? That’s the job of course and I will do it if you really want me to but… if you get what you want… you can just let that Kashiwagi Yuki go…”

Itano Tomomi stopped in her tracks facing Tomomi with way colder smile. One of those smiles that make you forget everything and you just stand there clueless what to do next, too scared to even move. “Since when I’m letting anyone go? All of them will die… I don’t really care where we should start first”.

Tomomi nod her head without contradicting the announcement as she knew that when Tomochin decides something, there are no changes in the process. Also, knowing that it doesn't really matter what those girls will chose: end Rena’s life or not… the outcome will still be the same. Yukirin’s fate was decided the moment they abducted the girl.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 12:37:25 AM by calista_castro »

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Yurena

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 6 [2/1/15] WMatsui+Others I'M BACK
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2016, 03:11:44 AM »
 :OMG: :OMG: :OMG: :OMG: :OMG: :OMG: :badluck: :badluck: :badluck: :frustrated: :frustrated: :angry1: :fainted:
MAYUKI are real !!!


Offline Raizel

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 6 [2/1/15] WMatsui+Others I'M BACK
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2016, 02:38:09 PM »
Oh No... Tragedy... Tragedy.. :banghead: :banghead:
Yeah damn right, Itano will become my first list of the year about being an Evil human incarnation.. *hmph
Anyways.. Welcome Back Castro-san and Happy New Year.. Wohoo..:w00t: :w00t:

Offline sasshirie

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 6 [2/1/15] WMatsui+Others I'M BACK
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2016, 08:12:11 PM »
Oh No... Tragedy... Tragedy.. :banghead: :banghead:
Yeah damn right, Itano will become my first list of the year about being an Evil human incarnation.. *hmph
Anyways.. Welcome Back Castro-san and Happy New Year.. Wohoo..:w00t: :w00t:

oh gosh yes... Itano  :OMG:

Offline key17

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 6 [2/1/16] WMatsui+Others I'M BACK
« Reply #31 on: January 04, 2016, 06:33:07 AM »
oh wow!! tomochin really suit the character

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline calista_castro

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Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 7 [7/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #32 on: January 07, 2016, 11:30:10 AM »
@key17, well she's the villain in this... that suppose to happen...
@sasshirie, @Yurena, sorry that's not the end yet...
@Raizel, thanks and happy new year to you too! Oh... well... I don't know what to say... things are not getting better here...

Chapter 7 - If We Could Turn Back Time

“Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But not knowing which decision to take can sometimes be the most painful…” — Jose N.Harris.

<End Rena’s life or not… the outcome will still be the same. Yukirin’s fate was decided the moment they abducted the girl.>

Mayu looked down at the phone in her hands which rang for the third time already, she just didn’t dare to pick it up even knowing who’s calling and what kind of topic they’re going to discuss.

Understanding the risk of what might happen if you simply ignore the call Jurina took it from her comrade’s hands and pick it up herself “Yes?”

“Watanabe Mayu?” Itano Tomomi questioned without much of a care, knowing that there are more abductors and also realizing that all of them are girls. The thing was, it made no difference which one chose to answer her call as long as she still can discuss the matter that was the most important for her.

“No. But I doubt you care as long as you can express your wishes and commands”, Jurina answered coldly and insightfully.

Tomomi even laughed shortly showing that she’s impressed “true. I hope you already made the decision? You have an hour left… make a wise choice”.

Jurina squinted her eyes looking down at broken down Mayu and from each side next to her sitting Atsuko and Minami. She considered her words for few seconds finally deciding “I’ll be back”, leaving surprised Mayu and stepping outside where other three couldn’t hear her. For the very first time younger Matsui expressed her true thoughts “Please… tell me what a wise choice in this case? What would make both sides happy?”

“Oh…that’s easy… just like I told to your friend…I even have Kashiwagi Yukirin in front of me… would you like to have short chat? Or should I send some pictures proving that she’s still alive, like you did in my cousin’s case?”

“I don’t need your proof…” once again Jurina answered shortly and coldly. “You haven’t answered my question…”

“What would make me happy? Well if you did what I requested. Kill my cousin, take back your friend, live happily ever after. Obviously, I would have to send someone to check if my cousin is really dead…but I believe we can figure all that out as long as you complete the mission. Also, I prefer seeing it filmed”.


“Yes, you have heard me right. I want to see it… so I get full confirmation from the very start… you see… I find it hard trusting other people”.

Jurina couldn't stop her reaction and literally snickered “interesting. I do distrust people the same way… do you want to hear what I think…?”

“As long as we having this pleasant and educational conversation…why not? Though… you do realize you’re wasting the time when you could be killing my annoying cousin? It’s enough that someone saved her the first time… I had a perfect plan back then… its quite good one this time too though”.

Jurina let Rena’s cousin speak until there was only silence and younger Matsui took it as a clue to express her thoughts and believes. “You want your cousin dead but you don’t care about us. What would be the point of leaving Yukirin alive? I think you would literally thank us for doing the favor and then… kill her afterwards. It’s not like we can go to the police, right? Also, you have enough money to cover everything up. Must feel great knowing that money can solve 99% of your problems”.

Itano Tomomi laughed louder this time “You have an interesting perspective there. You sound pretty convinced… you sure that’s really my intentions?”

“I’m sure and for that reason I will tell you one thing. If you hurt our friend… I will do everything that’s in my power to keep Matsui Rena alive. I don’t even care what it costs me. She will stay alive just so you will never get what you want. Think twice before making your rational decisions”.

Jurina said the threat in the coldest and most serious manner she managed while Tomomi laugh shortly and started saying something sarcastic but was cut of as Matsui ended the conversation taking the phone away from her ear and turning around surprised that Mayu was also there listening to the conversation.

“They… they don’t care if we give them what they want…”, Mayu whispered hardly voicing out her words, with teary eyes, slowly realizing how horrible the situation truly was, without a way where they could cheat destiny.

Jurina sigh unsure how to comment on that. Being so sure and even confident just a minute ago during the conversation with Tomomi, she lost all her strength while facing a friend that at the moment hurt the most. “I don’t know anymore but…”

“But…all we can do is wait and…” Mayu commented while looking down at the ground. Jurina simply stared at Watanabe. It’s not like words could make this better.

Meanwhile Itano Tomomi for the very first time in these few days got irritated. “Who does that kiddo think she is? Threatening me?”

Chiyuu (as the girl liked to call herself) appeared hearing Tomochin comment and questioning “what’s the matter?”

“It seems like some people still don’t know that they shouldn't make false threats as they won’t be victorious. What would make sense for them… is killing Rena to get some favors from me…and running away, hiding… not suggesting war.”

The fours girl sat around the table as before forgetting about Rena’s existence in the other room altogether. You can’t really say that they forgot about older Matsui as she was involved in everything but they didn't even go into that direction. Leaving Rena alone with her thoughts and confusion of what might be happening.

After an hour or so they time ran out the phone rang once again. There was no point of just staring at it like first time and for that reason Takamina answered while pressing on speaker so everyone could hear it.

All three girls realized that its a torture for Mayu as she sat hugging herself and avoiding other gazes but at the same time it was unavoidable.

“Good evening. I hope you have discussed and considered my suggestion. I’m guessing I’m talking with all of you at the moment as this matter involves everyone. So… I will ask the only question that I’m curious about… oh but wait… I’m being rude… let me show myself first”.

Atsuko and Minami instantly look at each other, Minami whispering “block it” and Acchan trying to do the best thing she could in a short amount of time. She couldn’t block the view that Tomomi send to them but at least Tomomi couldn’t see their faces only black screen.

“Clever… so you have programmer with you? Not that it matters to me…” Itano Tomomi smiled quite childishly, looking innocently with her younger age as you think about it, though at the same time those eyes show no mercy “oh… you might have considered filming it from your phone… I know you’re clever girls so definitely at least one of you thought about it… unfortunately… I also have a programmer on my side and she took care of it…” Tomomi even shrugged her shoulders in apologetic manner.

The girl walked slowly while filming herself and for the first time turn the camera away showing Kashiwagi Yuki. The girl was tied up to the chair with her mouth covered but eyes wide open. Petrified Yukirin looked straight ahead of herself into the camera and tried mumbling something but couldn’t make out the words.

“Oh…you would like to have a little chat with your girlfriend? Sorry… I think we’re past that. Oh… but you haven’t let told me… is my cousin still breathing?”

“Yes. You should remember what I have told you too”, Jurina repeated her previous words knowing that no one else will speak up as her comrades were petrified of what might happened at any second. The fact that they can see Yukirin on camera made the situation even worse.

Younger Matsui realized that it was exactly what Rena’s cousin expected from them. Live execution where she would get to see them ending her cousin’s life.

Who knows… maybe her programmer would have even work on it so she could keep the video and show it to the world. That programmer seemed more experienced than Acchan.

Itano Tomomi smirked coldly. Honestly, it was hard to read her face expressions and understand if she’s irritated or she’s enjoying the outcome after all. “You sure?”

“I told you…we’re not changing our decision”.

Cold and short snickering could be heard in the background as Tomomi once again turn the camera to Kashiwagi Yuki sitting right in front of her. “I’m not changing mine either”.


Everything happened in few seconds time but felt like forever. Without waiting for longer and still filming Itano Tomomi pressed the gun and bullet crossed Yukirin’s head. The girl fall down from the strength of the gun and few seconds later looked lifeless. The truth was… she not only felt lifeless. She was lifeless. Withing a minute everything ended and Kashiwagi Yuki was dead.

“You made your choice”, Tomomi added and ended conversation leaving four comrades with their own thoughts and pure shock.

They knew that anything can happen but at the same time… would you have expected such outcome? Mayu stood up abruptly while taking a gun and whispering “I’m killing her…” (her words were harder to understand because of tears streaming down her face).

Mayu stepped closer to the room where they held Rena while Jurina sat staring ahead with unreadable expression. If not Minami, she would have kept on sitting this way no matter what. “”

Matsui look up at Atsumina couple and after few more seconds stood up walking after Mayu and stopping her right in front of the room, taking the gun in a matter of seconds as it wasn't hard to fight Watanabe “It wouldn't change anything”.

Mayu tried getting through Jurina again but didn't have enought strength in herself just falling down to the ground and letting tears fall down her face. Showing all the hurt and shock of the situation. Realizing that she can’t just turn back time.

Jurina sat down on the ground next to Mayu and hugged the girl letting her cry her heart out. What else could she have done in a situation like that? Actually… soon after all of them cried, not even knowing Yukirin that well, they cared about Mayu’s happiness way too much.

Few hours later Mayu went home but no one wanted to leave her alone so Atsuko and Minami accompanied their comrade.

Jurina walked around the garage thinking for some time… and when she had gathered some thoughts stepping inside older Matsui room.

Rena rose up her head slightly. Matsui was unaware of anything that happened lately, being in this room she couldn't hear what they talked behind closed doors. “You again?” asking quite simply, recognizing this girl’s steps like many times before.

Jurina didn't answer but walked fast stopping in front of her. Taking ligament from her eyes and then kneeling down and starting to untie the ropes.

A/N: I think I'm both S and M... knowing that I'm torturing my reader...but don't worry... this hurts me just as much.  :on cloudeye: this is sad... for writing and for reading but unfortunately this is how the story goes... this is not the end so still some stuff to come... let me explain... *runs away and hides*


Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Yurena

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 7 [7/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2016, 04:48:16 PM »
 :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
MAYUKI are real !!!


Offline junchan48

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 7 [7/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #34 on: January 07, 2016, 06:28:46 PM »
Yukirin w-what??!
She died? She really died???!

Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline key17

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 7 [7/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #35 on: January 09, 2016, 04:04:47 AM »
WHAT??? :temper: :temper:
we must take revenge to itano tomomi for killing yukirin!!

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline calista_castro

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Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 7.5 [9/1/16] MaYuki Special
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2016, 05:20:43 PM »
Yeah... sorry about that @junchan48 and @Yurena... also... one more emotional chapter...
@key17, some things are coming!

Chapter 7.5 - Saying Goodbye Is The Hardest Thing

“Whatever happens from here on out, I want you to know that I don’t regret anything. Being with you, loving you, experiencing this with you…it’s all been worth it, and we’ll get through this together”. I smiled. “We’re a team. It’s us against the world.” — S.C.Stephens

Just as they planned Atsuko and Takamina accompanied Mayu back to her apartment. It wasn’t the best decision that the girl could have made at the moment, knowing that there are lots of memories of Kashiwagi Yuki in that place but Mayu really wanted to go back home and Atsumina couple didn’t have strength in their heart to say ‘NO’ to such wish.

Actually Mayu would have gone there alone, she didn’t even ask for the company but they didn’t listen to her wishes too worried that something crazy might happen if they left Watanabe alone.

When they get back home for some time Mayu cried again with the company of those two, and finally promised that she’s feeling slightly better and can be on her own for some time. Then even decided to spend the rest of the night in different rooms unaware of what happened at the garage at the same time.

They had no idea that Jurina didn’t want anything else to do with any of it… that she simply gave up ready to let Rena out if the girl wanted to run and that she didn’t see point of fighting anymore. Feeling all the guilt by the fact that she couldn’t do anything, couldn’t help Mayu when she needed it the most, couldn’t save Yukirin’s life.

The story though wasn’t concentrated on Jurina and her demons at the moment. For the time being all the attention was dedicated to Watanabe Mayu as she hurt the most.

After Atsuko and Minami feel asleep in next room, Mayu opened laptop that belonged to Yukirin. Long time ago she promised that she will never try to crack the code as Yuki requested but at the same time they agreed that she can check what’s inside if something serious happens. Mayu guessed that this should count like a serious matter.

Cracking the code wasn’t a hard task for Mayu as she was getting better and better in programming without others even knowing about it. After doing so Watanabe wasn’t sure what’s left to do. She accomplished one thing but it didn’t make her feel any better, especially when she started looking through all their photos through the years or even videos they both made at the very start of the relationship.

In some of them Mayu was the star while in others all the attention was dedicated to Yukirin and her beauty. Obviously Mayu chose to re-watch the latter ones.

After some time, and some crying that couldn't be stopped Mayu came across something she hadn’t seen before.

There was a video with ‘For Mayu’ written on it and this certainly scared younger girl. Unsure what she might find inside Mayu still risked it hoping that maybe that’s just some birthday congratulation.

Instead Yukirin appeared in the screen with short and sad smile “If you’re looking at this… you've probably already cracked the code to my computer and something happened…”.

Mayu stopped the screen for a second trying to gather her thoughts and feelings. That was a goodbye message from Kashiwagi Yuki in case of emergency… like predicting that something might happen sooner or later.

Even Mayu hadn't filmed such thing though she risked her life almost every day… While Yukirin considered everything… most importantly she considered Mayu and her feelings.

Despite this being a rocky relationship with some mistakes and regrets she still put Mayu first and realization of that hit Watanabe harder than any of those sweet videos she got to watch earlier.

Still in doubt… she decided to press play. This was a chance to see Yukirin lively again… even if that’s the last time…

Kashiwagi Yuki continued on speaking looking straight into the camera as if looking into Mayu’s eyes “I have no idea what might have happened and maybe you simply decided to be a creep and check the information I have on my computer… that would certainly make the situation awkward… well I hope you wouldn’t break your promises. I know you wouldn’t… and if you’re watching it… maybe I’m not here anymore”.

Mayu brushed away the tears trying to keep up and see Yukirin even through her teary eyes.

“I’m not very sentimental… I’m many things I guess… like all human beings… the point is… I’m really happy that you chose me as your love Mayu… I’m happy that you noticed me… gave me the attention… even followed me in a way… well our start was a funny one, right? After all, never before I considered leaving my family behind so I could spend the rest of my life with a girl… I guess our families are different, right? That’s why I also need to confess something…

I know that you keep sending money back to your family with those short letters and lies that you have enough to survive and that’s just extras… You never told me that so I didn’t comment on it… but now I want to say that I admire it… maybe you don’t realize it Mayu but that just show how kind you actually are… maybe I should have told you this more often… I guess if you’re watching it… I can’t change anything anymore… just tell you what I really think…

I should apologize as well… tired from all those jobs I didn’t give you the attention you deserve… you always asked for it, showing me how you want to spend more time with me, want to travel… even a lazy day at bed when we finally got a chance to do that was like a treat to you… everyone would have asked more from relationship and even such situation but not you… you were just happy to receive what you got…and that’s one more thing that made me fall for you more… I think even when we fought, when I was angry, when we couldn't spend time because of schedule all I kept on doing was falling for you more and more… for my one and only love… that’s who you are to me…

The one and only… so if you ever feel guilty about something know this… know that I don’t regret anything. Know that I don’t regret our fighting because we always got back together and let’s face it… everything was heightened and felt even better than before… know that no matter how this ended… I’m happy that I chose you as my lover…

That I got to wake up and see your sleeping face next to me… even though I had to walk out without waking you up and telling how I love you every morning… that’s what I loved… those calm and short moments that gave me strength to carry on… you were my everything… you are my everything. I love you. Sayonara”

After watching message the only thing that was left to do was once again… cry… cry how much it hurts… cry because of heartbreak… cry because it had to end this way… cry because for the very first time Yukirin was so honest and true about her feeling and at the same time… it was also the last time Mayu get to hear her voice and see her face… cry because cruelty of the world…

Next morning Takamina woke up first in need to use Mayu’s bathroom. She walked out of the room leaving still sleeping Atsuko and lazily using the facilities. After closing the doors behind herself she decided to check on Mayu knowing how hard this should be on their comrade. Takamina couldn’t even imagine how she would feel if something like that happened to Acchan.

Knocking on the doors Takamina walked inside slowly, surprised that Mayu wasn’t in the room anymore. Takamina was about to turn around and leave searching in different places but she noticed an envelope left on a laptop. Wondering Minami walked closer, taking it with wonder.

At first, Minami wondered what this envelope might mean or what does it belong to but considering the reality, no one else was at the apartment or even knew about it, obviously the letter should have been dedicated to them.

Takamina looked inside reading a short message that Watanabe left before walking out of their life“When you get the money. Send my part to my family”.

A/N:  :on cloudeye: :on cloudeye: :on cloudeye:


Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 7.5 [9/1/16] MaYuki Special
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2016, 05:50:57 PM »
Sad again. Mayu is going to die?????
WMatsui in my heart <3
Kamaoshi : M.Rena

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 7.5 [9/1/16] MaYuki Special
« Reply #38 on: January 10, 2016, 10:01:39 AM »
MAYUUUUUUUU!!!! :tantrum: :tantrum:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline sasshirie

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 7.5 [9/1/16] MaYuki Special
« Reply #39 on: January 10, 2016, 05:27:57 PM »

 :bow: :bow: :bow:

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