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Author Topic: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 10 [28/1/16] WMatsui+Others [END]  (Read 30336 times)

Offline Yurena

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 7.5 [9/1/16] MaYuki Special
« Reply #40 on: January 10, 2016, 06:38:35 PM »
.......mayu will die???? I hope she kill tomomi 😭 this the sadest chapter i have ever read 😭😭😭😭  :bleed eyes:
MAYUKI are real !!!


Offline calista_castro

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Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 8 [13/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #41 on: January 13, 2016, 01:58:16 PM »
@Yurena, @vickystar, I don't want to give away spoilers... so I don't want to say...just yet... but yeah... I think it was the saddest thing I have written so far...
@sasshirie, I like how you separated everything with the awards  :thumbsup
@key17, thanks for reading... even when its sad  :cry:

This chapter mainly dedicated for WMatsui, they history, current situation... after it... two more chapters to go!  :peace: Maybe I'll finish it by the end of this month.  :) (p.s: I know someone who keeps mentioning word count... not sure if that is really important but this one has more 3000 words). Enjoy!

Chapter 8 - I Remember You

“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.” — Steve Jobs.

The situation continued from the same moment it was interrupted previous time. Rena’s realization where all her doubts went away recognizing Jurina completely and acknowledging it out loud and younger Matsui staring back at Rena a bit confused, still wondering what that suppose to mean and how this stranger knows her name. Its not like she could have heard it from the others and there was no possibility of hearing it outside the room because of isolation.

Jurina looked Rena up and down like the very first time they captured older girl and asked slowly still in doubt “do I even want to know how you know my name?”

Rena nod her head almost instantly. Despite everything what happened earlier and even Jurina’s act around her all of a sudden those feelings of aggressiveness disappeared. Maybe the fact that at the moment Jurina looked like someone who lost hope altogether had some influence… but only maybe… Rena was pretty sure that the real reason is the fact that she felt like she knew Jurina… knew not the facade that she presented to others but her true colors.

“Enlighten me then” Matsui Jurina sigh letting Rena speak up though not showing the same amount of interest that the girl with same last name expected at such situation.

Rena didn’t take this as a bad sign, knowing that she can easily get this girl’s attention when she tells her about the memories they shared. All that will be left for Jurina to do… is remember the rest herself.

“You took me out of a burning car and called for an ambulance…”, Rena started speaking up not turning her eyes away from Jurina, staring at her face attentively so she could get at least a clue that her abductor remembers it too “you hadn't left my side back then for some time… or at least that was what that kind nurse told me… you kept on checking on me for some time too… without even knowing who I am”.

Here… that short moment where Jurina’s eyes twinkled in a different light. At the same time Rena though to herself: <I can’t explain it and I noticed that she tried to cover it at that same second so if I haven’t looked at her I wouldn't have noticed it at all. My story sounded familiar though younger girl tried faking that its the first time she’s hearing any of it.>


“So… you saved a stranger that you had no idea about and you kept on visiting me before finding out that everything is going to be alright… we had that one conversation… maybe you remember at least that? You were so…” Rena seemed to look for a perfect word to describe Jurina but couldn't think of anything and end up saying “innocent and even shy back then…”

*cough* “Excuse me?” for a second it looked like Jurina was close to standing up and killing Rena in an instant.

Older Matsui smiled sheepishly because of it “That means you remember, right?”

They stared at each other for some time without breaking eye contact. It didn’t seem that Rena is going to back out even knowing that this girl can be dangerous (she did get hit by Jurina before… though she also hit Jurina while trying to escape…it can count as a drawn).

“Fine…” Jurina sigh with a shook of her head. Apparently even the girl herself couldn’t believe the fact that she’s admitting to it as it kind of ruined her current image “I Remember You”.

Some time ago… actually… many years ago Jurina weren't ruined by life as she was now. Yes, the girl already lost the people closest to herself but somehow one incident gave her some hope. Ironically, that incident involved other two people, sisters who got into a car crash.

Younger version of Jurina walked home noticing the incident unsure what to do next. She could have walked away as some people did in such situations deciding that it has nothing to do with them. She could have stand by the road and simply call an ambulance (which she did later on knowing the dangers and realizing that the girl she saved needs medical attention).

Despite all the possible options Jurina chose an irrational one. Going closer to the burning car and looking inside. Actually, at first she noticed Matsui Sakiko who still had some strength in herself. Jurina wanted to pull her out first but situation got more complicated when fire spread out and even smoke appeared.

She noticed Sakiko whispering something and read from her lips that older girl begged to save her sister’s life. Matsui Sakiko died almost instantly afterwards and Jurina didn’t waste any more seconds running around the car as fast as she could and with the strength she didn’t know that someone can possess she opened the doors and pulled Rena outside.

At first the girl she saved was conscious and even looked at her in surprise and shock. She lost her consciousness soon after and Jurina had to carry her far away from the car almost escaping the explosion that followed soon after.

For the first time thinking everything through Jurina pulled out the phone and called for an ambulance staying by unconscious girl’s side all the time.

She even kept her company while driving to the hospital. No one knew Rena’s name at that moment and for some reason young Matsui felt responsible for her well being.

While doctors took care of Matsui Rena, police found out Matsui Sakiko in the car and found the information about both girls, Jurina waited outside the doors a bit anxious not having a clear destination were to go next but at the same time not minding the fact that she’s wasting time there.

Doctors didn’t let Jurina inside but after a day or so… probably because she only waited there at later time when other visitors already left, one pleasant nurse decided to let this young and worried girl inside. Where is the harm if she can keep a company for the sleeping girl? Considering the fact that she was the one who saved her.

One day… while Jurina weren’t there and Rena finally woke up, that same pleasant nurse told Rena about her visitor. Rena heard a story of how Jurina stayed by her side for some time a bit anxious and nervous, not sure if she wants older girl to wake up when she’s there or not and at the same time asking even more questions than her parents do.

<Is everything really going to be alright? There is no harm? If I took her out of that car later or earlier would the situation be any different as it is right now? Will she really recover?>

Young and curios girl just couldn't stop the questions that left her mouth without even considering them. Also, she never thought that this pleasant and friendly nurse might retell all of that to Rena.

That same day Rena tried her hardest to stay awake when her savior showed up again already knowing everything that happened in those couple of days… even knowing about her sister. At the same time Rena knew that she just have to thank this girl for saving her life… as hurtful this situation was… Rena was a fighter.
She wanted to live. Unknown stranger gave her this opportunity.

Jurina showed up as usual planning to sit by Rena’s side for some time and ask few questions a nurse as she also usually came around that time but this time Rena opened her eyes surprising her. Jurina was even startled moving a little bit away and not able to answer anything to Rena’s shy “Hello”.

“You’re the one who saved me, right? I think my parents are looking for you… to show the gratitude or something…”

Jurina shook her head slightly annoyed by the comment “I don’t need gratitude. That’s just what people do…”

“You mean… usually people run to burning car to check if there is someone inside and then takes them out and drags them to safety though the car might explode at any second?” Rena reasoned trying to empathize that it was actually very risky activity.

Younger Matsui shrugged her shoulders slightly “Maybe… its not like you can make a questionnaire and ask people if they were ever involved in such situations…”, Jurina even rolled her eyes proving the absurdity of that.

Still staring at younger girl Rena smiled honestly and curiously “either way… thank you… if not you…”

“Don’t mention it…”

“You saved my life and…”

“Don’t mention it… it really… nothing big… like… I just happened to be there… that’s just accidental…”

Rena nod shortly noticing that the girl feels a bit uncomfortable while talking about it but her blushing face also gave something away for the older girl who liked analyzing people.

“Well… I guess then… thank you for checking to see if I’m okay afterwards… maybe people would try to help out in such situation but I doubt they would still keep on coming to find out if the person they saved feels alright…”

Younger Matsui decided that its a perfect time to avoid Rena’s eyes shrugging it off like the first one “how do you know? You can’t make a questionnaire…”

“Okay okay… I get it… you’re keen on those questionnaires aren't you?” Rena joked this time trying to lighten the mood and also noticing that Jurina keeps on coming back to the same topic and same arguments. “Can I ask you one last question? I hope this one won’t make you feel uncomfortable…”

Doubting at first younger girl finally gave up and nod her head “only one question…”

“Yeah just one… and if you don’t really want to answer it… I will understand it but… what’s your name?”

Expecting something extraordinary Jurina stared back at Rena for at least 10 seconds without opening her mouth and without forming any words. Finally, she spoke unable to hold herself back anymore “just my name?”

“Yeah… if that’s not too much of a…”



“Well yes… that’s my name”. Jurina once again shrugged her shoulders for some reason feeling a little bit uncomfortable. It even looked like she wasn't used to repeating her name out loud. Considering how her life turn out to be that was probably true… Jurina didn't need to repeat it to people while meeting them because none of those meetings had any importance and didn't last for longer than it had to.

That was also the reason why Rena’s question surprised her so much. Someone showing their genuine interest… someone thanking her… somehow Jurina felt so uncomfortable that she even stood up ready to leave.

“Wait my name is…”



“I don’t need to know your name. What good can it do for me? It won’t change my life…”

“I just thought…” it was time for Rena to be confused. Usually in such situation…well its kind of a normal etiquette to tell each other your names, last names, maybe even exchange phone numbers so they can keep in touch afterwards. Older Matsui expected all of that, realizing that there is no way she’s ever forgetting the girl that has saved her life.

“You know my name… that’s enough… and you don’t need to thank me… just… keep on living and… I gotta go…”

“Will you come…tomorrow?” Rena asked carefully, as if trying not to frighten some small animal she encountered in the street.

Jurina whispered something similar to “I don’t know”, not wanting to lie but not making a decision if she came back again or not. After that she just ran out of the room still thinking of everything that happened during that day and that one simple conversation which made her feel both happy and uncomfortable.

Jurina didn’t come next day…

She didn’t came back the day after tomorrow too.

“Can I ask one question again?”


Rena sigh shortly… she could read Jurina’s expression but for some reason younger girl kept on fighting and ignoring the fact that Rena’s the same person she saved in the past. “Your face gives it away… so can you please stop pretending and instead… just… can I ask you one question?”

“Fine” short and cold answer while avoiding eye contact. Jurina probably predicted that she might hear the same uncomfortable question like before. Rena can burn younger Matsui bubble by simply asking what’s her name… so who knows what kind of question she might voice out this time.

“Would you do the same? If you saw a car… wouldn't know if there’s someone inside… would you go to check and take that person out? You mentioned back then… that anyone would act the same way… so by looking at my eyes… could you tell me what you do this time?”

Slowly Jurina turn her gaze at Rena, for few seconds she stared at the girl and finally answered quite emotionless “even if I knew that someone is inside there… you know what I would do? I would stand by the road and look at the explosion enjoying the view… you might not be aware of it… but that’s actually a beautiful scene to see. Just like fireworks”.

Rena gulp for a second, taking in a deep breath as the words of younger girl hit her. At the same time, there was a reason why Matsui asked Jurina to look at her while answering this question. Despite her cold demeanor Jurina’s eyes gave it away. “No… you would do the same”.

Firstly Jurina raised her eyebrows in mocking manner and then laugh out loud “how can you know what I would and wouldn't do?”

As an answer Rena knelt in front of the girl and touched her face. It was a simple action just taking a stray of her hair and putting in behind girl’s ear at the same time not breaking eye contact.

Jurina blushed at the same moment when Rena’s fingers get in contact with her skin. Especially because of delicateness of her moves. She moved away a little bit with evident anger and confusion “what are you doing?”

Rena didn’t take her hand away still looking at younger girl with care so for that reason Matsui grabbed her hand and taking it away and squeezing harder “can you stop? That’s weird”.

“You’re beautiful like that…”

“Excuse me?” Jurina repeated this question for a second time through the evening while staring at Rena with disbelief.

“When you get uncomfortable and shy…”

“Okay that’s enough already…” Jurina stood up as fast as lightning looking around the messy room and asking colder “so why are you still here?”

“Isn't this the only place where I am safe?”

Jurina squinted her eyes doubtful. The fact that Rena knew so much of everything that happened… without even knowing actual facts…

“Juri…na… did something happened? Why all of a sudden you decided that…?”

“Your cousin killed my friend… well not an actual friend… my friend’s girlfriend… while filming it and showing it to us… I mean she wanted to see the scene how we end your life but didn’t get it so instead…”

“Oh…I’m so sorry Jurina… I knew she’s capable of anything I have told you and some of your friends that before… but I’m really sorry that it turn out like that and…”

“Why are you sorry? We’re the ones who chose to abduct you without finding all the facts… if we knew everything… you would be dead now with that car’s explosion and we would still work on small jobs instead…”

“Well your situation would certainly be better… knowing my cousin… I don’t think she would have changed anything even if you chose to kill me and…”

“I know… she just wanted a show. Obviously, she hoped that we will be desperate to do it. We were but… its not like my friends are killers and…”

“You are…?”

“Yes.” Jurina all of a sudden answering coldly. “I was…couple of times…”

“I somehow doubt you killed for no reason, Jurina… I think you really had to… and I doubt it was good people…”

“Stop talking like you know me…” younger Matsui sigh glaring at Rena but not contradicting her words. “I don’t know what else to do though… all of this is pointless right now…”

Rena kept looking at Jurina without hiding that she truly cares. She could have hated Jurina, considering on what conditions she had to stay in this place but somehow she couldn't blame Jurina. She didn’t even know this girl or her friends full story but still… felt some sort of closeness that went beyond words. “Maybe… you could tell me about it? If you say that its pointless right at this point… tell me your story”.

It took some time for younger Matsui to react. It made no sense… but before she could stop herself she already started telling the story. The rest of the night was spent by telling Rena all of their stories. Atsuko and Minami situation. The reason why they decided to abduct Rena and needed this money so obligingly.

Matsui Jurina spoke more than ever before revealing all the secrets and somehow feeling relief, realizing that maybe that’s the only chance she will ever have to tell her life story along with deepest fears. The only chance she gets to show her weakness without expecting nothing in return.

One evening can take a lot of sorrow away if you speak your mind but life doesn’t end at one moment… even when you turn one page, you can’t avoid it and need to open next one.

New day started with the news from Takamina. Atsumina couple came back to the garage as soon as they found the short letter of Mayu to show it to Jurina as well.

It took them some time to understand what’s happening as Rena stood freely next to Jurina and smiled awkwardly unsure what to say.

Takamina and Atsuko would have probably started panicking and brought Jurina with themselves to question ‘what the hell is happening’ if not the current situation that worried them more.

After reading Mayu’s message Jurina realized what Watanabe might do in this situation. After Atsuko told everyone the truth that Mayu actually trained and were quite good with programming Jurina also found the address where her comrade will go.

She aimed for the highest… Itano Tomomi…

Knowing Mayu best Jurina realized that she won’t go there empty handed. They had bombs hidden away for an emergency, they had guns as well. Mayu certainly took everything with herself.

Without consideration Matsui already put on her jacket, wondering if she might be too late already “I’m going after her…”

Takamina and Atsuko wanted to go too but Jurina’s decision was the final one. There’s no way she’s taking either one of them.

Surprisingly when all of a sudden Rena announced that she’s going with younger Matsui and not taking ‘No’ for an answer Jurina nod her head shortly.

She can control her comrades but there’s no way how she could do the same with Rena. After all, this is finally the culmination of their story.


Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline key17

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 8 [13/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #42 on: January 13, 2016, 11:41:00 PM »
i'm already with mayu now! i'll make that itano pay!
sosososososo that's a sweet scene of wmatsui~
don't make me cry again
and thanks for updating
and update soon pleasee

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline junchan48

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 8 [13/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #43 on: January 14, 2016, 04:22:41 PM »
This chapter heal my heart a bit after Mayuki's tragedy><
Now the situation is getting worse, I'm worried with Mayu. And WMatsui too, they also gonna come to Itano anyway. Then AtsuMina, be strong Atsuko!
Please no die thing anymore. Except for those Tomomi, od course-,-

Keep going, author-san!
Thanks for this chapter~~~
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline sasshirie

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 8 [13/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #44 on: January 15, 2016, 10:39:25 PM »
this chap made me happy for wmatsui
thanks thanks
waitin for more!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

Offline calista_castro

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Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 9 [23/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2016, 10:39:50 PM »
@junchan48, its a bittersweet thing in a way... I think you will understand what I mean, after you will read this chapter.
@sasshirie, yes, the previous chapter had a lot of WMatsui in it, glad you enjoyed it.
@key17, I'm updating as fast as I can and even though it took a little bit longer this time, I'm back again with new chapter! Thanks for reading!

Once again thanks for everyone who's reading, liking or commenting on this story!

Chapter 9 - We Found Love in a Hopeless Place (Atsumina History)

“The course of true love never did run smooth.” — William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Not everyone believes in such thing as destiny. Its not like someone sits down and write what’s going to happen to one or other person at some point in time finally bringing it to a conclusion when they meet and fall in love, or when they fall out of it, or even die.

It doesn’t even matter how you meet the love of your life, the course of true love is never easy. Everyone hopes that it goes smoothly, that you just see someone across the room, someone who gets your attention, someone who makes you break out of your shell, that you just walk up to that person and all of a sudden… you’re living happily ever after with a small children running around you, job that can support you and evening where you can enjoy the time with people you love.

If that’s how it worked everyone in this world would be happy. There wouldn’t be single people, there wouldn’t be broken hearted people, there wouldn’t be sickness or death.

The truth is… no matter how love story starts, the point is… how it continues… the point is if two people love deep enough to overcome everything that its thrown in their way. Most people ran away when something tragic happens but its not a story about that…

Instead its a story about love that never dies. About someone who loves so strongly, that they can’t imagine their life without another person. Its the story of Atsuko and Minami, two ordinary girl who started it easy but soon enough have to overcome more than people have to in all their lifetime.

Even the start wasn’t easy though the reason for that was mostly the fact that they lost families at young age, met in an orphanage, stayed by each other side all those years. They even left the place together, not even minding the fact that no one adopted neither of them.

Their love didn’t blossom in a blink of an eye… no, they fall in love slowly, at first staying by each others side as best friends, later on starting to realize that there must be something more… there must be a reason why they miss each other when one of them has to go somewhere… there has to be a reason why the look they give to each other changes gradually.

From childish and innocent one, to somewhat lustful one, when you’re attracted to someone beyond your own control…when you’re unable to hide it at some point and need to voice it out.

The path to true love is never easy, but the path it takes before realization is even longer… even though since meeting the girls both Mayu and Jurina instantly assumed that those two were together, it was not always this way.

There were doubts, insecurities and simply fear or getting rejected and losing someone who’s more important to you than your own life. Unfortunately, universe works in a silly way…when you find out that you might actually lose that person because of death… there is no holding back anymore.

Takamina had no more time for fears, knowing that cancer is not something to joke about, and admitting her feelings even with fear. She even spend some time trying to prove it as Atsuko thought that it might only be pity… but when someone repeatedly expresses their feelings eventually you had no other choice but to believe it.

Especially, when you felt the same way and wanted to believe those words from the very first time you heard them out loud.

Happy and sad. That’s how life is. That’s how everything works… you might be happy one second as you were brave enough and got together, and then sad remembering that who knows how much time you had left.

From the very start, with small jobs because there were no other ways how to get money quickly, Takamina promised that she will do everything in her power to safe Atsuko’s life and have her girlfriend by her side for the rest of their life. Even if this meant abducting other person.

Takamina had one reason for everything, one explanation, one reality — Maeda Atsuko. Meanwhile, her girlfriend was scared to leave Takamina alone, and why would she wanted to leave her lover alone as they dreamed to live in a big house with big fence, maybe even adopt a little girl that would run around them making the couple happier.

Those dreams had to be pushed aside with Atsuko’s health getting worse and worse but they were still there… giving both of them strength and hope.

After all… they knew Jurina… and since Matsui got back… she promised that it doesn’t matter what it takes… she’s saving Atsuko life.

The thing about Jurina’s promises… she always keeps them.

“What’s going to happen now?” Rena questioned when all the drive quite Jurina finally stopped her car.

“I’m going inside to see if Mayu is here… I doubt it… but I need to make sure before rushing there… her message… I don’t think that anything good can come after it…”

Jurina opened her doors at the same time when Rena opened hers “what are you doing?”

“Going with you? You said… she might not even be there”. Rena said quite simply without giving a second thought for arguing and letting younger girl realize it at her own terms.

Jurina seemed doubtful for few seconds “fine…” and started walking close to the door with curios Rena behind her.

“You promised something to my cousin, right?”

“How do you…?”

“I have a feeling you should have…” Rena questioned not really knowing but hoping that she can find out the truth. Younger Matsui told her a lot the other night, especially about Atsuko illness. Even Rena worried though she didn’t even know the girl.

Rena also knew that she needs to have an operation as soon as possible, things like that are really important in terms of time and who knows… they might even be too late… especially with driving around the city and trying to catch up with their other friend that decided to go on a solo mission.

“I promised that… if she lays a hand on Yukirin… I won’t let anything happen to you as a revenge…or call it as you like. Obviously, she did more than just touching Kashiwagi… so I don’t plan on giving them what they want. I made a promise…”

“Do you often make promises?”

“I don’t make promises at all”.

“So its…first time?” Rena still kept on asking even though they were already inside and Jurina found out that Mayu took everything that they had hidden there: all the guns and other ammunitions.

“Second. I will keep with both of my promises so can we move on from this pointless conversation… you still sure you want to accompany me? I’m going to your cousin”.

“I’m going but…?”

“Mayu is either going there…or she’s there. So there are few options… I save her… both of us die together… I’m late and she’s dead…so I kill your cousin and whoever else is there…” Jurina went back to her car stopping for a moment now.

She looked straight at Rena that catch up with her feeling just as helpless about this situation as Jurina “I don’t see any other outcome from this…so… can I ask you to promise me on thing too?”

Atsuko stood up a little bit too fast feeling her head spin but hide in skillfully (something the girl learn to do with time, not wanting to worry Takamina) “I hope…”

“Yeah…me too…” her girlfriend appeared with two cups of tea, bringing one to Atsuko, the other one still holding in her own hand “I feel a bit uneasy… it seems like there is nothing that we could do”.

“Even if we try doing anything… it wouldn’t change a thing… we can keep on hoping… but maybe some things are just… you know… destiny”.

“Again with destiny talk?” Takamina smiled shortly sitting with Atsuko on the sofa “I don’t mind it. Maybe it exits… but you’re so concentrated on it… not everything is destined from the start… I think people can change some things depending on their decisions”.

Atsuko shrugged her shoulders, holding her position “well…its destiny that we ended up in the same orphanage, no one adopted us, we even left that place together, and…”

“Okay…okay… I see your point… but still…there are no written laws and if we try enough…”

“Sometimes trying enough is not enough… I feel selfish sometimes, you know? You needed to stay by my side…maybe from the start I should have lied about my feelings and you could have ended up happy someplace else, not knowing what’s up with me…”

“What?NO! You would be selfish if you chose something like that! And I wouldn’t have left your side! Not a chance! I would just stay running around and hoping that maybe one day you will fall in love with me… instead I would feel the pain of unrequited love”.

Atsuko rolled her eyes but still smirked “maybe…”

“Fine… its destiny that we got together. Now let’s talking about something more…”, Takamina wanted to use the word ‘pleasant’, but the truth was… nothing about this situation was actually pleasant. They waited to find out if they friend had done something crazy while another reckless one drove to look for her.

On top of that… Jurina even took the person they abducted with herself… nothing seemed going their way so remembering that Takamina shook her head and put her head on Atsuko’s shoulder “let’s just stay quietly and peacefully… that’s nice too”.

Atsuko looked down and couldn’t stop herself (as usual), so kissed Takamina’s forehead before agreeing “oh…and you always make best tea for such moments”, she added sipping a little bit of it while staring in front of herself for the time being. Uncertain about future.

Most of the drive was quiet, until Jurina finally spoke up “everyone around me dies…”


“You heard my story last night, Rena. Everyone I ever cared about in my life… leaves me… they die”.

“What are you trying to say…?”

“Don’t do anything stupid”.


“Don’t die.”

Matsui Jurina’s car reached Itano Tomomi place exactly at the same moment of an explosion. The big one, just like Jurina described it a night before, if it had nothing to do if your life, you could even admire the beauty of that fire.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t those situations and Jurina jumped out of her car at the same second when she stopped it, they even heard police sirens somewhere in the back.

Rena looked at the direction of it and after a second or so back at Jurina “go…you still have time”, watching younger girl running as fast as she can.

Jurina noticed Mayu who managed to get out of the house earlier but it didn’t have much influence because the minutes or maybe seconds, she had left on this earth were already counted.

Matsui still ran in time to catch her friend in her arms. Mayu smiled a little bit surprised “I did it”.


“Its okay now…” Mayu whispered quietly, letting Jurina understand that there is at least one thing they won’t need to worry about. Mayu wouldn’t have told it if she didn’t mean it… so obviously somehow Watanabe took care of the situation and Rena’s cousin, even if things like that weren’t in her nature.

“Good…now we just need to wait for help…”, Jurina whispered not being able to hold Mayu for long so falling down to the ground with the girl. “They should be here soon and you shouldn’t waste your breath and…”

“No no…”, Mayu once again laughed shortly. It looked like she was in agonizing pain but for some reason still kept smiling, without a doubt, it was a honest smile “I’m reckless aren’t I? But I have helped and you know… I shouldn’t make Yukirin wait…”


Jurina felt Mayu’s blood running down her fingers, she felt one of her comrade losing strength all together. Heck comrade… they were friends and the only people Matsui still cared about it.

Mayu put one hand in the air as if trying to reach it and whispering shortly, still with that small smile in her lips and eyes this time “Yuki…”

That’s how she died in Jurina’s arms. For the very first time in six years Matsui started crying, tears uncontrollably fell down her cheeks on forever sleeping Mayu.

Tears because of the loss, of the helplessness and a scream just concluding the absurdness and sadness of this situation.



Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline culjurio

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 9 [23/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #46 on: January 24, 2016, 04:08:45 AM »
waaaa mayu died ???? noooo  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
i'm sorry for my poor english~
Matsui Jurina-Kojima Haruna-Yuko Oshima

Offline junchan48

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 9 [23/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #47 on: January 24, 2016, 04:54:09 AM »
AtsuMina's love story is deep. Not the cheesy one, but I can feel their love is very strong. Strong enough to through many difficult thing.
Let's hope for Atsuko's life now.
Mayu T^T Now you can life happily without worrying anything with your Yukirin in heaven T^T
And Jurina. I can feel your sadness here TOT
Rena, please help them T^T

Gonna wait the next one. Thanks for this bittersweet chapter, author-san^o^
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline key17

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 9 [23/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #48 on: January 24, 2016, 11:29:40 AM »
I'm sorry mayuu!!!

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline sasshirie

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 9 [23/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #49 on: January 24, 2016, 12:02:48 PM »

Most of the drive was quiet, until Jurina finally spoke up “everyone around me dies…”


“You heard my story last night, Rena. Everyone I ever cared about in my life… leaves me… they die”.

“What are you trying to say…?”

“Don’t do anything stupid”.


“Don’t die.”

I see how much Jurina care for Rena!  :farofflook:

Offline calista_castro

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Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 10 [28/1/16] WMatsui+Others [END]
« Reply #50 on: January 28, 2016, 09:31:26 PM »
@key17, I'm sorry too  :cry:
@sasshirie, I guess she really does... it shows  :thumbsup
@culjurio, yeah... Mayu's and Yukirin's storyline ended this way...  :cry:
@junchan48, you're more than welcome. Thanks for reading and for leaving the comment, you summed up the situations pretty well (as well as dropping a comment for every couple) thanks once again!

As this is the LAST CHAPTER of this story, I gotta leave a message for everyone who stayed with me during this story: both loud (I don't know why I chose to call you this way... but you left comments and I'm really happy about it) and also silent readers (either those who pressed liked button or just kept reading a story without showing themselves), I'm still happy to announce that despite busy schedule lately, I've managed to finish it! My third completed fanfic! YEY! Hopefully, this will continues as I plan to continue writing when I have some free time. Thanks once again! For everyone!

 :sweat: :hee: :byebye:

Chapter 10 - Ending and New Beginning

“Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin. And there are many things that don’t really end, anyway, they just begin again in a new way. Ends are not bad and many ends aren't really an ending; some things are never-ending.”
 — C. JoyBell C.

Afterwards everything happened in a blink of an eye. The police came arresting Jurina and founding Rena, the girl who had been abducted for quite some time.

Takamina and Atsuko even get to witness that whole scene through their computer screen as there was a live translation, seeing Mayu as well.

Even after dying, when Jurina closed Mayu’s eyes, the smile was still visible in Mayu’s face, as if she went to a better place instead of dying a painful death after a certain masquerade.

Soon after, they find out the bodies of Itano Tomomi employees, Kasai Tomomi and Rena’s cousin herself. Pretty much everyone died during the explosion.

Rena had to tell everything what happened knowing that she’s the only witness they can find so the girl did just that but it was unknown to public what she told.

Next thing they found out was the fact that Matsui Jurina will have to spend 5 years in prison for the crimes she committed but even journalists had trouble finding out what those crimes were.


The scene continued in Jurina’s car, while driving to Itano Tomomi’s home. The drive took some time which once again gave the girls opportunity to talk everything through.

“You sure all about it… maybe there could be some other way?” Rena asked at the same time realizing that its probably the only possible way for everyone to get what they want.

“I’m still not sure what’s going to happen when we get there…”, Jurina started and seemed determined “but yes… I’m sure about it. All I want in return… well you know what I want… take care of Atsuko’s situation. That’s the only reason all of this happened in the first place. Promise me that”.

Rena nod shortly unable to look away from younger girl “I will. I know that even my parents won’t mind if after hearing full story… even now they are kind of thankful because unknowingly you saved my life again”.

Jurina smiled shortly, it was involuntary smile “yeah… look where it gets me every time.”

“Can I ask you something…well this will sound weird but…”

“I don’t think that anything could sound weird to me anymore… not after the life I had… and not with my future plans which…well who knows how they turn out…”

“Can I visit you?”

“Eh?” even with full concentration on the road Jurina still sneaked a peak at Rena from the corner of her eye.

“Tell you about those two… I doubt it would be safe for Takamina to come… I could just tell you how the operation turn out to be, how Atsuko is feeling and you know… just describe the current situation as you will probably be bored at that place”.

Honestly… Jurina laughed with disbelief. Younger girl probably assumed that Rena is just joking around as it seemed somehow unrealistic for her “oh yeah… and just like in the movies we can put our hands on the glass while staring at each other and speaking our minds through the prison phone”.

“I’m serious.”

“Why would you want to come to such place? That’s truly unnecessary…” younger Matsui once again shook her head, unable to imagine a scene like that.

“I want to. So I will come”.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep…especially if no one is asking you to make such promises. Its more than enough for you to help out with my comr…friends… I don’t need anything else from Matsui Rena. Believe me… because of you…I already suffered enough”. Jurina commented coldly this time.

On any other occasion these words would have hurt Rena, but recently she noticed that not everything that Jurina voices out is something she truly means. Its just a barricade she’s trying to build between herself and other people. “I didn’t ask for your permission… so you can sit there annoyed and quiet, while I hold my hand on the glass and try to speak with you through the phone alone”.

Jurina rolled her eyes, kind of guessing that once again there is no way she could control this girl. Not like she managed to do it any other time.



Slowly Matsui Jurina walked out of the prison building, while carrying her backpack with some stuff she had to leave at the place before getting locked it, and now she brought it outside of this place.

Jurina didn’t rush just admiring nature, looking at one side then at the other, breathing in and out, stepping outside of gate and surprisingly even waving for the guard. Maybe she did this in a mocking manner, realizing that because of good behavior she got to leave two years earlier.

Jurina stopped her playful waving and turn around ready to walk away but stopped in her tracks squinting her eyes a bit surprised, unintentionally but curiosity raising her eyebrow in a questioning manner.

Rena didn’t rush to greet Jurina but walked her way slowly, not getting too far away from her own car, and shortly quite awkwardly waved when there was still some distance between them “I thought that…maybe someone should come and drive you from here…”, Rena looked around shortly. There was highway not so far away but only few cars passed this place by.

Jurina shrugged her shoulders “I don’t mind a long walk. I haven’t seen nature for some time. I would have walked… or you just expect me to thank you about Atsuko and Minami? I heard you even get Minami a job? She kept writing me letters…”


“Yeah… your visiting after all was unnecessary as my friend found a different way how to communicate with me”.

Rena got quiet for few seconds, a little bit confused, but all of a sudden smirked slightly “well… you could have told me that at any time”.

“You’re so stubborn… I doubt it would have changed anything… I tried ignoring you first few months and it get me nowhere…”

“I’m a fighter”, Rena commented remembering the past, while Jurina finally stopped in front of her.

Older Matsui kept visiting Jurina in prison as she promised. Obviously, she couldn’t come there too often, even though she wanted to see younger girl almost everyday. Somehow she controlled herself to visit once a week and Jurina still complained that she’s coming too often.

First few months, Jurina ignored Rena’s attempts and didn’t even show up. She stayed in her prison cell still hurting over Mayu’s death and not wanting to see anyone from outside.

Later on, before Minami started writing her letters… she couldn’t help but feel curious and showed up ready to hear what Rena has to tell her.

For few next months Rena just retold the daily life of Atsumina couple. Luckily the operation happened just on time… there was always some uncertainty and unknown… they feared that cancer might come back as in most cases it does, but still Atsuko get best medication and was getting better.

Rena decided to get a little bit more involved though no one asked her to, and get Minami part time job that didn’t require too much time, gave her enough of free time to spend by her lovers side, and at the same time was enough for food and the facilities. Nothing fancy but enough to survive without the need to go for the extremes.

When Atsuko got better Takamina started writing Jurina letters and telling about everything. The letters were long, sometimes pointless, but Jurina enjoyed reading all of them, even if she didn’t plan on confessing on it. Takamina even thanked Jurina as they soon figure out why Matsui sacrificed her freedom.

Feeling guilt that she couldn’t help Mayu and Yukirin, at least Jurina saved the future of her other friends. She learn one thing through the years… at least from no on, she didn’t call them just comrades anymore… they were way pass that. Jurina admitted that these people are like her family, that’s why she was ready to do anything for their well being.

Obviously, Minami kept on sending letters, while Rena kept on visiting and retelling those same stories, sometimes including some small details of her life too.
Jurina listened to all of it, as if hearing all of it for the very first time and even pretended to be annoyed… unknowingly to others and maybe even herself younger Matsui actually waited those frequent visits.

Rena didn’t miss a week. She kept her promise though no one asked her to. Actually, she kept both of her promises — one, to help Atsumina couple with everything she got, and try her hardest to save Atsuko’s life, second one — come and tell Jurina all about it whenever she could.

First time, after three years, two Matsui girls were finally standing in front of each other, not just looking through that prison glass.

Rena decided to risk it this time, smiling shortly and asking carefully “can I get a hug?”


“You know what hugs are… right?”

“Of course I know but…”

Without a warning Rena leaned in hugging younger girl tightly, realizing that she might not get this chance if they just kept talking about it.

Jurina seemed taken back a little bit, not hugging Rena back, but not pushing her aside either.

Rena smiled to herself “I wonder…how long it will take…”


“For you to let me completely in…you saved my life twice… you protected me… you trusted me… you somehow tolerated all my visits… you’re not punching me yet for hugging you… I wonder how long it takes for you to trust me completely and initiate touch yourself…”

Jurina sigh half hugging Rena while putting one of her hands on older girl’s back.

Rena leaned back still smiling, it was the smile that reaches eyes as well “well it doesn’t matter…”.


“I don’t mind waiting… oh… but I guess it would be crazy asking you to take my hand while we walk back to my car for those five seconds, right?”

Younger Matsui frowned slightly “are you making fun of me?”

“No… that was an actual question”, Rena answered in a blink of an eye but not expecting much.

“Of course that’s crazy” Jurina snorted rushing to the car faster now and even sitting first.

Rena sigh to herself with a shrug of her shoulders “oh well…”, also coming to the car.

Only now Jurina realized something “wait… where are your bodyguards? You had like four with yourself last time…and now you’re going around the city alone…that’s dangerous”.

Rena smirked hearing some worry in younger girl’s voice “well… thanks to you I’m not in danger anymore… so I like going this way, sometimes”.

“Yeah…but some prisoner might have escaped and… that’s irresponsible”, Jurina snorted annoyed.

“I thought driving with Minami here…but now I’m glad I hadn’t…”


“Well you’re trying to hide your feelings deep inside so you wouldn’t have accidentally shown that you worry about me”.

“I don’t worry…” *cough* “At all… like… not even a little bit…”

“Oh…”, Rena decided to try something different sounding a bit hurt and sad. Surprisingly it worked because even though Jurina turn around to look through the glass totally ignoring her, somehow Jurina’s hand ended up in Rena’s, even interweaving fingers together.

Rena looked up to check on the girl noticing that Jurina blushed slightly after the answer and bit her lip without commenting, not wanting to lose the contact if she once again make the girl feel uncomfortable.

They had a long way to go after this… difficult past, unpredictable future… but after the end there is always new beginning… and with more hope than ever before Rena only thought about that. Their new beginning.


Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Blackdawn

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 9 [23/1/16] WMatsui+Others
« Reply #51 on: January 28, 2016, 09:36:27 PM »

the ending is...woooow
i love the ending...thanks for the story author san
do keep write moreeeeeee~~
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 02:18:27 PM by Blackdawn »

Offline yocelin17

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 10 [28/1/16] WMatsui+Others [END]
« Reply #52 on: January 29, 2016, 05:26:11 PM »
I just finished to read this story.

I love the plot and theme. Jurina is cool but also cute in the same time and Rena that waited for her, i really love Wmatsui
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

Kami-oshi: Kashiwagi Yuki

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 10 [28/1/16] WMatsui+Others [END]
« Reply #53 on: January 29, 2016, 05:49:17 PM »
Awwww the ending was cute  :mon blood:
I found it cute how Rena kept on visiting Jurina and never missed a week.  Tsundere Jurina is cute as well  :mon inluv:

Awesome end to a great story, enjoyed every part  :mon fyeah:

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 10 [28/1/16] WMatsui+Others [END]
« Reply #54 on: January 29, 2016, 06:40:07 PM »
It's a cute ending! Too much sugar haha
Thanks for this fanfic!!! I really like it!

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline junchan48

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 10 [28/1/16] WMatsui+Others [END]
« Reply #55 on: January 29, 2016, 06:43:05 PM »
Finally~ I can breath now~
Well. You mentioning Mayu's smile when she die and it just too sad for me T^T
I knew Yukirin waiting her in heaven T^T
Glad to know Atsuko got the operation and getting better, Takamina got a part-time job. Now AtsuMina will be fine~
Jurina~~~ You're...just...too adorable>///< Let Rena complete your life, kay?
And Renaaaaaaaa, thanks for keep your promises^o^
Jurina is a bit stubborn, so yeah~ be patient with her XD

Thanks for finishing this fic, author-san~
I'll wait for the epilogue XD Kidding XD
Thanks again. I love this fic! Gonna wait for the epilogue (again) and ofcourse, your other works~
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

Offline sasshirie

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 10 [28/1/16] WMatsui+Others [END]
« Reply #56 on: January 29, 2016, 07:44:59 PM »
here i didnt visit this site for fwe days and here i found you finished this story!

thanks to you!

i like that it ended positively

i believe mayuki are happy in paradaise too!


thanks for this story!  :farofflook:

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 10 [28/1/16] WMatsui+Others [END]
« Reply #57 on: January 31, 2016, 08:42:57 PM »
A happy ending  :cry: and cute one even if i'm sad for mayuki but i like the ending thank u you are amazing as always
MAYUKI are real !!!


Offline LuckyMatsui

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What a bittersweet ending.  :farofflook:
I really cried when Mayuki couple died.  :fainted:
WMatsui and Atsumina couple is  :on asmo: :luvluv2:
Thanks author-san for this beautiful fanfic. Looking forward to read more beautiful works from you. :kneelbow:
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

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Re: Money Can't Buy You Happiness - Chapter 10 [28/1/16] WMatsui+Others [END]
« Reply #59 on: February 06, 2017, 05:53:05 PM »
It's sad that someone had to die.. But I'm glad it's not my fav pairing.. Not much chemistry there, wish there would be more but it's alright.. Great job by the way, and thank you for the story. Oh ps: There are some minor mistakes in grammar..
Favorite Top Pairings: WMatsui & AtsuMina
Oshi: Matsui Jurina, Takahashi Minami
Pairings: JuriMayu, MariHaru, KojiYuu, JuriAnnin, MaYuki, YuiParu.

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