Chapter 7
Mayu stood there only for few minutes because it didn't take long to approach girls bumping into them ‘accidentally’ “Oh!Hey!” smiling shyly and pretending that she’s not very comfortable being there.
Yuki finally realized in what kind of position she was with Jurina and step aside shortly glancing at her friend and then at younger girl. Though she was kind of angry she forgot all about it after seeing Mayu being her charming self even prettier that she was at school. Yuki grinned as seeing Mayu smile was rare occasion.
“I hope I’m not interrupting” Mayu asked looking at both girls and getting two different answers.
Jurina shouted “Yes” meanwhile Yuki said calm “No” and now glanced at her friend not really happy that she couldn't be friendly even for a short time. It wasn't really that hard when you think about it.
“You’re all by yourself?” Yuki asked Mayu now giving girl her full attention. Jurina really didn't like the look on Yuki’s face while she asked it.
Mayu nodded shortly “yeah…my friends couldn't come and I want to see know play some games, win some prizes…but I guess it will be sad alone here so I’m not sure if I should stay… maybe coming here was actually bad idea” she even pouted but somehow only Jurina see through her act saying annoyed “oh, you can’t be serious!”.
Meanwhile Yuki smiled friendly “You can join us then”.
“No she can’t! We’re on a…”
Suddenly Mayu interrupted Jurina’s words by asking (though once again the girl in question was only acting as she knew better from all the information that Sasshi gave her) “on a date?”
Yuki laughed shortly at this “of course not! Let’s go! Let’s win some prizes!” she said smiling wider and walking with Mayu meanwhile Jurina walked right behind them really annoyed and unhappy how this turn out.
Three girls spend their whole evening in the carnival, playing around , talking and laughing or at least that’s what Mayu and Yuki did while Jurina hated all of it and glared at them while making comments whenever she get a chance.
Yuki ignored it and Mayu didn't show that she cared about it at all.
Unconsciously she started falling for Yuki and didn’t even notice Jurina. Only remembering about the girl when she complained that it’s probably time for her and Yuki to go, or that they should go somewhere else because it’s boring.
Suddenly it started raining and they didn't really have an escape. Jurina’s car was far away to go there and they couldn't find a place to hide.
Mayu shouted because of the air immediately suggesting “my home is near by! We can go there! I will give you clothes…and you can wait until it stops raining or you the taxi?” she said this time acknowledging Jurina as well because she was the one protesting but had no say in this.
They ran to Watanabe’s home as fast as they can and her mother met them at the door “Oh, hey girls! You’re all wet”. She said looking and smiling friendly.
Yuki soon recognized the woman that was her mom’s friend “Oh, hello, Yukirin! I haven’t seen you in a while”.
“Yeah…” Yuki said smiling politely and winking when Mayu looked at her surprised and curious at the same time “You know each other?”
But as usually Jurina was unhappy about this whole situation. The whole evening was horrible and nothing went according to her plan. She hoped to have ‘kind of date’ with Yuki until Mayu appeared and destroyed everything and she couldn't hate the girl more than she already did.
“While you’re bonding can I please change my clothes? I’m all soaked”
“Oh right, girls! Your clothes! Your friend can go upstairs, I still want to chat a little bit with Yukirin”.
Mayu looked at Jurina saying simply “my room is first on the left. We will soon join you, you can go” and had no intention of leaving without Yuki though she could have take it as a chance to spend more time with Jurina and who knows maybe even see Matsui half naked.
Jurina looked angrily at both of them but Yuki didn't notice it now facing Mayu’s mom and chatting about random things so she had no other choice just to turn around and go upstairs.
It’s getting better and better. Jurina though with a shook of her head and finally finding Watanabe’s room.
“So…how you two know each other?” Mayu asked curiously looking from Yuki to her mother with impatient look on her face which was adorable in a way.
“I know Yukirin’s mom. We studied in the same college…of course it was long time ago, but we still meet and chat sometimes so I have seen Yukirin few times. Really great girl I can say” she added smiling. Yuki nodded shortly and also smiled thanking older woman.
“Oh…but you’re soaked too you should really change your clothes. But I have to say…I’m really happy you’re friends with Mayu. But go girls…don’t listen to this old brat!”. Both of them laughed shortly and then Yuki ran after Mayu upstairs.
“Maybe we shouldn't interrupt Jurina? She looked pissed…I have more clothes in other room”.
”Sure, I don’t care” Yukirin answered walking after Mayu though at the same time looking around at her family pictures.
“Here…you can change into that”, Mayu said giving Yuki clothes and smiling shortly while she walked farther into the room in the meantime also choosing what to dress.
Yuki took her clothes and turned around meanwhile Mayu asked curiously “So…like I said…Jurina seemed really pissed…”
“She will get over it”, Yuki answered smiling shortly and looking at Mayu through her shoulder than turning around again and already taking her shirt off.
Meanwhile while changing Jurina noticed something that caught her eyes and she couldn't contain herself so reached taking small book into her hands curiously turning some pages and raising eyebrows with amusements. While reading to herself: “Carry on with the plan whenever it gets me. Don’t forget my goal and if I can get anything from Jurina then at least keep them apart.”
Suddenly Jurina was really annoyed with this new information. Yes, she was reading someone personal thoughts but it doesn't feel like violating Mayu‘s privacy because Jurina was too angry of the fact those two have kissed. Obviously Matsui also read about Mayu’s plan to keep her and Yukirin separated.
Oh you have to be kidding me. And Yuki is falling for that? I will make a stop for it. Jurina decided suddenly taking Mayu’s diary with her and hearing voices in room not far from this one she walked out going that way deciding to end this scheme of Mayu.
Meanwhile Mayu unconsciously peeked around her shoulder looking at Yuki while she changed and fought with herself but for some reason she doesn't have enough force to look away.
Mayu already put on a new shirt and now stood as if paralyzed looking at older girl while Yuki also put on new clothes and asked unexpectedly with a smirk “You like what you see?” causing Mayu to blush and ramble “Oh…I…am… sorry” Mayu answered instantly with a cheap smile.
Yuki turned around already with clothes and took her wet ones putting in a bag “I wasn't complaining” she added smirking and looking Mayu up and down, probably doing this unconsciously or maybe feeling more relaxed and more comfortable in this situation when she made this girl blush just a second ago. Also, for the first time she saw Mayu blushing because of her. Not Jurina.
“Don’t laugh at me, it’s not funny”.
But Yuki enjoyed the view in front of her and smirked again “oh come on, I’m just playing… and it’s cute”.
“What’s cute?”
”You blushing. It’s really cute” Yuki winked again and looked at Mayu’s lips while she bit them. One thing that she also did unconsciously.
They were standing not so far from one another and now Mayu hit Yuki hand playfully “stop!”,”ouch!” Yuki laughed slightly at the same time raising one eyebrow “But I didn't say anything wrong…did I? By the way your mom is really nice and sweet…”
Mayu stepped even closer asking a little bit surprised but with a smile “Do you really want to talk about my mother now?”
Yuki looked at younger girl lips smirking “Probably not” but before she could do anything Jurina opened doors coming inside “…actually there’s something I want to talk about…”
Without a second thought Jurina took Mayu’s diary and show it to both girls “about this little thing”.
Yuki was the only one confused because soon Mayu realized what was happening and already stepped away from Yuki pale and scared of what is going to happen next.
Yukirin looked from one girl to the other at the same time asking with concern “Mayu, is everything okay?”
Younger girl shortly shook her head meanwhile Jurina opened her diary and started reading “I think you need to hear this, Yukirin, because obviously you in some love bubble. So here goes…some rules what to do, right?”
Jurina asked innocently shortly looking at Watanabe “you don’t need to answer. Just listen up, Yuki.”
Matsui started reading out loud while Mayu could literally feel her knees getting weak. “Make sure that Yukirin is really into me and use it to my favor. Pretend that I’m over Jurina and that this time I’m crushing on Yukirin. Always interrupt Jurina and Yukirin whenever I see them together even if I have to be third wheel. Like Rino mentioned Yukirin just can’t say no to sad little girls so she would obviously let me stay with them though Jurina will be annoyed because of it. If I can interrupt them instead of looking at Jurina all the time stare at Yukirin and don’t look away when she looks right back at me. Try and spend more time with Yukirin. If I need to get into relationship with her for the sake of it, do it. Get Jurina’s attention so she will notice my crushing on Yukirin…” Jurina would have carried on but Yuki stopped her angry “that’s enough. What is it?” she asked not breaking eye contact with her friend.
Jurina closed this diary at looked at Mayu commenting shortly “it’s a dairy. Oh…and if you’re asking about what I have read…it’s Mayu’s plan to get ME while using YOU. Who could have know that this little innocent girl could have such corrupted mind.”
“You read her diary?”, Yuki asked with disbelief.
“Don’t tell me you’re going to defend her again Yuki. Not after this. Yes…I know…it’s wrong…personal things and stuff…but if I haven’t found this we wouldn’t know what sneaky game this… girl… was playing all along…I hope she didn’t get into your pans or something? And everything is clear now…All her sudden interest in you… pathetic really but what can I say… some people are like that. At least now we know her real face and we can deal with it…I mean…we can just leave…I called the taxi it should be here soon”.
Yuki’s body tensed and she looked at Mayu instead of answering Jurina right away “wow…” it was not much but it said more than any words could.
Mayu was still really pale and wanted to disappear though still tried rambling and explaining something “Yuki…I mean…it’s… it’s not really how it looked right now…I know how it looks like…but you have to know… things changed…and I started feeling…having feelings…”
“So it’s true?”
“Yes… but…”
Yuki didn’t really need to hear anything else. Yukirin felt fire in her stomach expand but somehow she looked kind of emotionless probably keeping everything inside.
Jurina still tried saying something against Mayu while younger girl already gave up seeing disappointment in Yuki’s eyes though she soon looked away.
“So can we go now? I don’t think you want to spend any more minute in this house…”.
This time Yuki faced Matsui “that’s true… but you know what Jurina… actually you have to get something into your mind too. Just because I got hurt doesn't mean I’m running to you so you can console me and then I agree to be with you. My feelings haven’t changed…”
Jurina squinted her eyes angry “so you like her? Are you serious?”
“It doesn't matter what I feel anymore. Because it’s messed up. I’m not gonna be anyone’s toy. Neither of you two” she added noticing how Jurina started to smirk but soon that smile faded from her face when she realized that Yuki is as mad at her as at Mayu“I haven’t even done anything…”
“It give you information or not it’s still diary and it’s personal. Also, you know what kind of game you’re playing so don’t act all innocent all of the sudden. I’m tired of this…of both of you..I never though I would ever said this…but you know what…” she asked walking closer to open doors that were behind Jurina meanwhile glancing at Mayu as well “You two deserve each other. Jurina she would actually be good for you. I have no doubt about it now…and for you Mayu…obviously you won. Congratulations and I hope you will be really happy” and without hesitation Yukirin walked out off the room already losing her cool.
Jurina still tried running after her “Yuki…!”
”Leave me alone. I don’t wanna see either of you. Ever again.” There was no point for Jurina to try and stop Yuki anymore and she just run down the street almost bumping into Mayu’s mother. “Yukirin is something wrong?”
“Oh, it’s perfect.” Yuki commented sarcastically without even looking at older woman that she actually liked. Yuki simply wanted to disappear from this place as soon as possible. For the first time she got her heart broken.
The evening end with all three girls facing the consequences. Though Yukirin was the most innocent in this whole situation, she hurt the most. Mayu who started a game but actually fall for Yuki, fell like her world was falling apart, while Jurina lost the only hope she still had to get with the girl she loved.
It was unfortunate that real life works this way… that you have to lay in a bed that you made yourself. The only thing that was left to do was learn from mistakes and never repeat them again. Though the future was unknown to everyone and its always brightest after the dark… some pages of our stories just have to be turn.
New day, new challenges, new opportunities and new consequences.
A/N: that is the ending, yes you have read it right. At first I considered expending it but because of a rocky start…I decided to stay with original ending only changing and adding some stuff. In a way I like it as it represents the title of this story as well. But… for those you want to imagine a different ending, go and do that. In a way that’s like an open ending.
What I mean is… after this… JuriMayu shippers can thing that those two actually got together, as Jurina acknowledged Mayu’s existence and decided to give this girl a change, just like Yuki angrily commented.
Meanwhile JuriYuki shippers can chose an ending where two friends got on the right track and the end Jurina won Yuki’s heart. (Well let’s face it… its kind of surprising how Yuki managed to fight Jurina’s charm).
And lastly, MaYuki shippers can believe that Mayu ran after Yuki in the rain, confessed her feelings, maybe Yuki didn’t trust her right away, but she still decided to give this girl a chance and they had their happily ever after…
Or you can stay with my ending… it all depends on your perception and wishes on this one