@ruka & @key17 : I also want too

@deNight : I know right? I post too much lately. Lols
But I do that so I can write OS again. Actually I have lost much of my 'soul' to write fanfic. But I need to finish what I have start (long OS awaiting) so I try to write the short one, in order to regain much of my feeling back to it. Hopefully I didn't lost my touch yet. Lols
More than a puppy
Yuuma (aka Watabe Mayu) : where are you going?
Jun : the usual place.
Yuuma : again? Sigh.. I never see such determination. Or should I say stubborn. Give up already!
Jun : and yet my best friend told me to quit. (Fake cry)
Yuuma : whatever. I don't think she will come again today.
Jun : and I am sure she will.
Yuuma : the so called beauty you say? What will you say? She must be think you are weird.
Jun : definitely no!
Yuuma : I am out of here. For sake of God, I think you should give up. It almost 6 months.
Matsui Jun, a middle schooler. He is a happy go lucky guy. Good at study and also sport. Good attitude. And now he is falling in love with older girl. He doesn't know her, she looks like a college student
Flash back
It was raining that day when Jun stand outside of the book store. He was shivering a bit due to the cold that day. He never imagine that day would be raining.
He was thinking that his mother must be furious because he didn't listen to her about umbrella things.
Then he get a gentle tug on his sleeves. When he turn around, he saw a beautiful lady standing beside him, she have a gentle brunette eyes, pale skin, raven silk hair and a wonderful smile.
Jun tried to smile at her, but his shivering make it worst. The lady chuckled a bit before give him a cup of warm tea, and hand him a melon pan.
" Eat and drink this you will feel warmer."
Her voice is gentle, as gentle as her eyes.
"Rena, we gotta go. We will miss the event if we don't hurry."
Rena : i have to go now, bye bye.
Before Jun say a thanks, the lady have go. But Jun notice something in the ground.
Jun : Rena..
That day, Jun know what is it mean to fall in love in the first time.
End of flashback
Since that day, Jun always go around the book store. The owner of book store come to know him. Sometime he will stay inside the store. Sometimes he will help the owner mending his store.
Just like another day, Jun still waiting in the same place. Hoping to meet her again.
Masana : hi Jun, still waiting for that girl to come again?
Jun : yeah, I don't know why but I have feeling that I can meet her again soon.
Masana : you always say the same thing jun. (Giggle)
Jun just sigh, true that he have say the same thing again and again. He is very sure about that, or should say he try to hypnotize himself that they will meet someday.
But what if Yuuma said is true, what if she is not from this town, what if he just too optimistic, and too blind to see the reality. What if everything he
Just as he go inside the store and help Masana to clean the store, there are somebody that come to the store. Jun didn't realize it, because he really in his deep thought.
"Ano... Excuse me, could you find me this book ?"
Jun eyes widened in surprise as he hear that angelic voice again, he directly see the source of the voice before falling down from a quiet high chair.
Rena : oh my gosh?! Are you alright?
Jun was awestruck. He see Rena from up till down, forgetting the hand that Rena give to him. Feeling being see like that make Rena slightly nervous.
Rena : umn... Are you alright?
Rena looks nervous but she also worried with Jun. Jun directly snap from his deep thought.
Jun : ah, yes... I am alright. Thank you.
There is silent between them as they didn't talk to each other. It become very awkward.
Jun : ano, the book you search is at the second shelf. I will bring it to you.
Rena : thank you.
Silent again, Jun usually never like to keep quiet. He will always find his way to have a conversation with somebody. But with Rena, he really nervous and didn't know what to say.
Until Rena pay her book and ready to leave, finally Jun muttered his courage to speak to her.
Jun : ano.. Matsui san, I don't know If you still remember me. But I want to thank you for what you did on that rainy day.
Rena blink a few times unsure about what he is talking, and it make Jun feel sad inside. Seeing the sad Jun, her memory soo recall back.
Rena : ah!? You are that puppy chan.
Jun feel confuse, indeed many people say he is really like a happy go lucky puppy. But to be said as puppy for the first time by your crush is really something.
Rena look down to hide her redden cheek.
Rena : I am sorry, I don't know your name. And I don't really remember the boy. I just know he looks like a lost puppy back then.
Jun : well, many people say I do look like puppy. My name is Matsui Jun. Nice to meet you.
Rena : my name is Matsui Rena. Nice to meet you too.
Five years later
Finally, I get to meet her, I am so happy to see her, and now that we are dating each other really make my day become perfect than anything. It took a lot of effort to win her heart. Especially from her best friend, Airi. But that aside my life is perfect to have Rena beside me and of course I do need to prove her that I am more than a puppy.