'Such a peaceful afternoon'
Was what our energetic puppy here thought. While waiting for next class to starts, Jurina taking this time exploring her new school. Along the way, there many excited noises disturbing the silent whenever Jurina passed them. Being a player she was, Jurina throw some winks and kiss for her fan girls as fanservice. Dear lord, hope the infirmary has enough beds for the victims.
Or what Jurina's thought, her relaxing afternoon completely destroyed when Yui and Sayanee appeared before her sprinting toward her. There a piece of paper in Yui's hand.
"MATSUI!!!!! ", roared the cat loving girl, aka student council president.
"Yabai", murmered Jurina, then sprinting off avoiding from being catch by the two girls.
Successful in running away, finally Jurina can stops catching her breath. Feeling exhausted Jurina sat leaning on the tree hoping to catch some rest when a disturbing noise from branches annoyed her. She looked up finding a cute blue bird panties above her. That was when she realized there a girl on the tree.
Rather than weirded out by it, she find it amusing.
"What are you doing monkey girl? ", voiced her out.
"Aahhhhhhh!!! ". The girl startled with Jurina's voice, she lose her holds and stumble falling from quite a height.
Jurina's quick reflexes told her to catch the girl, and she did before the girl kissed a ground beneath her.
"Th-thank you,and sorry for troubling you", the girl expressed her gratitude and apologies. Her cheeks a bit red.
"No worries. I can't let such a cute girl fall, aren't I?". Jurina winked to the girl that still in her arms. 'Oh, she become redder. Interesting '. Jurina let the shy girl down on the ground carefully. "So, may you answer my question? What are you doing up there? It's not such an everyday sight seeing a girl climbing a tree while talking to no one".
"I am talking to my friend.. My bird friend". The girl emphasize the last word when Jurina throw some questioning glance. She bit her lips. 'She must freak out by now. Talking to some weird girl '.
".....Interesting. Bird girl, huh".
"W-wait, aren't you.. freaking out by what I just said. I meant, I talked to someone who aren't human".
"So what? Everyone have their own things. Don't let people judge you for who you are. That's the thing I hate the most in this society. People always discriminate others, but not themselves. So disgusting". Jurina made a truly disgusted face thinking about it. "By the way, I am Matsui Jurina. And you are..?". Extended her hand.
Feeling astonished by Jurina's words, she accepts the girl's hand. Shaking it. "Takayanagi Akane. Second year student from 2-A".
At some neighborhood, there were three figures walking down the road. Their heads keeps turning back and forth looking at the name plate each houses owns. Far in front, there a line figure standing staring at the most biggest house, no a mansion in the neighbourhood.
"Oi, Gachapin, what are you gaping at? ", Mariko, one of those three figures admonished the stone girl.
"We were from same middle school", she mumbles something. "I know she from a rich family, but I never thought....that..thatshe this RICH!!!!! ". Her arms flailing at the mansion before her.
Mariko turned looked at it. Her eyes diverted to the name plate, almost having a heart attack after. Yuki and Rena behind her also having the same reaction as her. 'Now I understand what Kojipa worried about. If was her, I totally feel the same'.
"But how can that pervert looking old man having a luxury life as a princess? ", uttered Mariko in disbelief.
"That's rude!".
"Oh Rena-chan, Yuki-chan, you came!. Come inside, the others already here", invites Yuko.
The five of them entered the mansion with Yuko leading them to one of the rooms. Opening the door, the room occupied by a big LCD television, many kind of consoles game, sofas, a big coffee table and other things that made them in awe. Takamina, Acchan, Haruna,already inside making themselves comfortable.
They gathered circling the round coffee table. With Yuko - Haruna - Mariko - Miichan - Acchan -Takamina - Rena and lastly Yuki between Rena and Yuko.
"So what's the occasion? It's rare for you to gathers us like this", Takamina decided to voiced her curiousity.
"Not too mention, you forbid us from telling this gathering to Sayaka and Sae", this time was Mariko. The others stay silent waiting for answer.
"Didn't all of you notice there something odd about them?".
"Odd? Sae and Sayaka? ".
Yuko nodded.
The girls flashback their memories.
"Ne Yuki-chan, let's go home together". Sae shows up beside Yuki's desk.
Not looking, Yuki who still busy with her stuff nodded, later realized something. "How about Akimoto-san? ".
Sae flinched. "N-not today. She's busy with something. Just the two of us".
"Sayaka-san, what are you doing here? ", Rena asked to her classmate who standing in the doorway earning quite an attention from the students inside the dojo. To calm them, Rena volunteered herself to asked the basketball captain.
"Nothing. Just watching".
Rena raised her brow. "Sae-san not with you? ".
Sayaka shakes her head. Feeling dejected.
Takamina, Acchan, Mariko, Miichan, Haruna, Sae and Sayaka were eating lunch together. Unlike usual, the Twin Towers didn't spoke to each other at all. Thinking it was the lingering effect of their loss, their shuddered the odd.
"Nope". Answered them unison.
Yuko bang her head onto the table. "Some friends you are".
"Okay. Let's just say they were fighting for real. What we're gonna do about it? ". Miichan looked at Yuko.
"They never fought before. So it's hard to say if they will apologize or not", Mariko said.
"Not too mention, Sae-san a hardheaded one", commented Rena.
"From Sayaka's personality, she must debate with herself right now if she wanna apologize or not", Takamina said. Haruna nodded. Her right hand playing with Yuko's hair.
"This is hard", mumble Acchan,clings to Takamina's arm.
Yuko grin mischievously, giving them a bad vibe about this. "That's where we come in".
Saturday Evening
Yuki and Sae on a date in amusement park. They were holding hands and Sae literally dragged Yuki everywhere that sparked her interest. Poor Yuki, unlike Sae, she was not great in sport which she find it was hard to kept up with the energetic goofball beside her. Sae was so excited today, because for the first time, Yuki invited her somewhere, alone, with no others around. It was like a blessing ,for all these time, Sae the one who always invited Yuki outing. Not the other way around.
Unbeknownst to Sae,there many pair eyes that watching both of them from a far. Some of the owners even put on a weird disguise to his themselves. The truth was, it was part of SaeYaka Reconcile Plan made by Yuko during the gathering in her place. Yuki in charge of inviting Sae to this amusement park so the plan can work out.
"Okay. Step 1 successed. Now where is Sayaka? We can't start this plan without the other main actress". Takamina looked at Mariko and Milky.
"Yuko texted said they already here. So we only need a right time to act", Mariko replied. Using a walkie talkie, Takamina sent this information to other groups. There a bit of talking between her and Acchan, it will only progressed further if Mariko didn't snatch it away.
"Heiii! ".
"This the reason why we can't put couple in the same team. Knowing Acchan who is childish, she may pleading you to have a date here abandoning the mission. Knowing you who can't RESIST her, you probably let her have her way toward you. And there's no way I let you two off the hook and leave this mission to us and make us all suffer alone", stated Mariko.
"Heiii. We're not that bad!".
"Hah!Tell that to my hand. I don't want to hear such words from a person who skipped class several time since she got into relationship only to be found inside her secret spot with her lover making out like there's no tomorrow". Mariko rolled her eyes. Takamina looked down ashamed. It was truly the most embarrassing thing in her life when Yuko burst inside the garden taking a pictures of them before ran spread it around the school. Thanks for that, the lovers punished by their homeroom teacher. "Seriously, the more you are together, the more you become alike with the KojiYuu couple".
The sky turned dark. Sae and Yuki were tired from all the rides they ride on earlier. That was when Yuki got a text from Yuko. For a highlight of this date, Yuki pulled Sae to Ferris Wheel. Sae looked so delighted with Yuki's behavior. While waiting for turn, Sae tugged Yuki's hand that inside her, to catch Yuki's attention.
"Yes, Sae-chan? ".
Sae pecked Yuki's cheek. Yuki blushed slightly from the gesture of ikemen girl beside her.
"What was that for? ". Touching her cheek.
"For today..and everything ".
"Sae-chan ".
Yuki bit her lower lips. There bitterness inside. Knowing how happy Sae was, she can't helped but felt terrible. Sae thought she did this to deepening their bond, but it was only a facade, it was all Yuko's idea. If not for plan, Yuki never thought she will ever invited Sae out somewhere. It was always the other way around.
Not long after, it was their turn. But rather than both of them entering together, Sae got pushed by Miichan and Takamina inside while Yuko got out from gondola. Without Yuki, the Ferris Wheel continues rotating again.
"Sae? ". Familiar with the voice, Sae looked above from the ground seen Sayaka there sitting looking at her puzzled. "What are you doing? ". Sayaka helped the genking girl to stand up.
"That was my line".
"I was with Yuko until you came in".
"Well, I was with Yuki-chan ". Answered her short. The air around them became awkward. They were sitting avoiding each other. It was better to stay silent until the Ferris Wheel stopped. But the thing was, 10 minutes already passed by, but there were no sign it gonna stop anytime soon. 'What the hell?!'.
Beneath them there quite a ruckus going on inside the controller room. Yuko was sitting inside handling everything while Takamina, Miichan, Acchan, Haruna, Mariko, Sayanee, Yui, Tomochin and Milky keeping the workers away.
"Oi! Let us pass! You damn girls! ".
"That's not a toy. Quit playing with it! ".
"Aww come on, relax. I'll pay for this later. In the meantime, let us do what we want to do", shouted Yuko.
"Sashi,are they done yet?! ", Takamina turned looking at the girl sitting with her equipment on a table.
"Not yet. They still don't speak to each other during the whole ride", reported Sasshi. Paruru there beside her managed the listening device. Actually, they secretly put mini microphone on both Sayaka and Sae without their notice. The Ferris Wheel will never stopped until they finish their little problem.
"Now I am scared of Newspaper Club", Rena who standing beside her spoke out. "How you manage to purchase all these things? ".
"We have our way". Rena knew the girl not going to revealed further so she stop asking.
Paruru who silent this whistle time finally spoke something. "I have been wondering, this was supposed to be SaeYaka plan. So why those two are there as well? ". Her eyes focused on one of the gondola.
"I wonder". Sasshi and Rena also looked up to where Paruru's attention was.
Inside another gondola
Mayu was literally cursing everyone else. Never thought it will ever came, where Yuko betrayed her. The trust she has on the older girl disappeared the moment where the midget pushed her inside one of the empty gondola and the worst part was, Yuki later thrown inside the same manner as her as the Ferris Wheel began to move.
Same as SaeYaka, Mayuki also not spoke any words since. They sat silently opposite each other. Mayu didn't know what to say, while Yuki actually nervous being put together with the younger girl in this small space. Biting her lower lip, Yuki finally opened up conversation after getting enough courage.
"H-Huh? ".
"Did something wrong to you? ", Yuki asked the question she has been meaning to ask this whole time but didn't get a chance to. Mayu stupefied, no, not because of the question, she knew the question gonna come, but what caught her off guard was,... Yuki was crying.
To be Continued
Okay everyone, that's all. My hands are hurting from typing. Gonna post the next chapter soon. It's holiday, so I took this time to update as many chapter as I can. Only if I don't get writer block.