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Author Topic: Doublesided  (Read 2275 times)

Offline postttmater

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« on: October 04, 2016, 08:10:16 AM »
Osu! So this story will have some pairing, not all the time though, but please enjoy!

Chapter 1:

"You know you could lend a hand here" Jurina said towards Mayu, who was busy slacking off on the couch

"I would, but that would be a waste of time" Jurina sighed and continued to unpack some boxes

"So?" Mayu asked

"So what?"

"Soooo why did we move here?" Jurina stopped whatever she was doing and turned around to face Mayu

"Because I grew tired of our old house"

"You're lying"

"I'm not lying, now go get the other boxes from the truck" Jurina demanded, Mayu rolled her eyes and got her self up from the couch and headed outside to the garage
"Jeez why does she always order me around" Mayu uttered, she grabbed out 2 small boxes, that were stacked upon each other, and began to head back

"Most likely because she's your older sister?" A random voice said, this made Mayu stop in her tracks

"Who was that?" Mayu asked while frantically looking around

"It was me" a girl then came out from the side of a bush, Mayu turned her head to where the girl was

"Uhm...How did you know she was my older sister?" Mayu asked in a state of shock

"Because I know a lot of things" the girl smiled, "like for example, your name is Mayu"

"Well i don't know how you got my name, but everyone knows that?"

"Then, do they know that the two of you aren't related?" The girl said, Mayu's eyes widen, she was about to say something but Jurina was calling her out

"Oi Mayu!" Jurina called out, Mayu turned around and saw her sister in the garage

"What are you doing just standing there?"

"Huh?" Mayu looked back to where the girl was standing but she was gone, Jurina stared at her like if she has gone crazy

"What are you doing?" Mayu looked back at Jurina

"Nothing, just something caught my attention" Mayu laughed

"Well whatever just hurry up and get inside" Jurina headed back, and so did Mayu

Once she got inside, she decided to help out her sister in order for her to forget about the meeting with the strange girl.

"What are you doing?" Jurina asked

"I'm helping out?"

"Since when did the great Matsui Mayu did work?" Jurina asked, Mayu winced at the name Matsui being called

"Since I wanted too" Mayu smiled while giving Jurina small box

"Now can you please put this in the kitchen?" Jurina was stunned at what Mayu was doing

"Is it me or did my little sister get replaced with a cyborg or something?" Jurina giggled

After a while of unpacking, Jurina and Mayu finally sat down on the couch

"Ow...I think my arms and legs are broken" Mayu said, Jurina giggled

"My whole body is numb and sore" Mayu sneered at Jurina's comment

"What?" Jurina tried to slap Mayu's leg but she couldn't lift up her arm

"Nothing, just laughing at what you said" Jurina glared at her, Mayu gave a cheesy smile

"Well whatever...say wanna to go to a public bath?" Mayu asked

"I would but then we have work in the morning"

"That's true...wait a minute, did you just say we?"

"Yeah, I got us a jobs at the hotel nearby here" Jurina said

"What hotel?" Mayu questioned

"The one" Jurina got a magazine from the coffee table and started to flip through the pages until she found the right page

"Here" Jurina gave the magazine to Mayu, who was in shock after seeing what hotel she was going to be working at

"You mean you got us a job at Aki Hotel?!" Jurina nodded in response

"But that hotel is like impossible to get a job at! How did you pull it off?!"

"I have my ways" Jurina smiled, Mayu looked at Jurina then back at the picture of the hotel on the magazine

"What job did I get?" Mayu asked while still gazing at the picture

"Hm? Oh, a janitor" Jurina said, upon hearing this Mayu froze

"I g-get to be a janitor?"

"Yeah i mean-" Jurina got cut off by Mayu

"OUT OF ALL THE JOBS IN THAT HOTEL I GET TO BE A JANITOR!" Mayu yelled while picking up Jurina by the collar of her shirt

"Well, all the other jobs were taken" Jurina said, Mayu released her sister

"Then what about you?" Mayu asked

"Im working at reception" once Jurina said this Mayu was about to choke her sister but she refrained from doing so

"Whatever, better than nothing i guess" Mayu pouted, Jurina just nodded

"It'll get better" Jurina said before getting up and heading off to bed, "alright well im going to bed early, you should too" Jurina yawned and she left.

Mayu was still sitting on the couch wondering about many things that had happened over the course of today

"Today was pretty wacky, but I wonder who that girl is and I wonder why she told me that I wasn't related to Jurina-nee" Mayu thought

"Well today is just the beginning of my crazy life here, let's wait to see what's in store for tomorrow" Mayu then got up from the couch and headed for bed as well.

The next day...

"Mayu" A familiar called out

"Hmm..." Mayu moaned out

"Wake up Mayu" the voiced called out once more

"Hm...what is it?" Mayu asked, she couldn't see all that well since she was still half asleep

"It's time to get up" the voice said

"But its still to early" Mayu then turned to face the wall

"oh come on, you don't want onee-chan to be mad don't you?" Mayu sat up right in her bed and looked around her room. She saw no one which made her wonder if she is sick or something

"Oi Mayu?" Jurina knocked on the door

"Yeah?" Mayu said loudly

"I will be going first since there is a meeting around 6:30, so i left you breakfast on the counter and the directions to the hotel" Jurina said before leaving

"Alright" Mayu then got up from her bed and went to her mirror where she saw that the she was already dressed up for work

"Hm? How did this happen?" Mayu thought, she was confused but decided to go with the flow.

Upon leaving the mirror though, there stood Mayu's own refelection, it did nothing of course but all it did was smile before disappearance from the mirror.

Yoo! So i'm not sure whether this story is good or not, feel free to add in some comments about it!

Offline LuckyMatsui

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Re: Doublesided
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2016, 03:38:56 PM »
Cool! New fan fic!!! I'm curious who's the main pairing in your fic. Mayuki? Wmatsui? Jurimayu? Well, can't wait for the next update to find out :)
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

Offline Raizel

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Re: Doublesided
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2016, 10:37:47 PM »
Grrhhh... I hope its JuriMayu.. :drool:
Like forbidden love :P
Thanks for the new fic~

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