Hi guys

These are just some drabbles that I wrote imagining what would happen if akb48 members are playing pokemon go

(it will include some couples that I really ship and just imagine that all of them are still in Akb)
1.Pokemon go
(Mayu, Yuko, Takamina, Yui and Sayanee are having a ‘guys’ night out)
Mayu: Hey, are you guys playing the new game?
Takamina: You mean pokemon go?
Yui: Well, I just started playing it 2 days ago, what about you?
Yuko: Shiriri chan, there is a charmander on your leg, don’t move!
The other 3 immediately took out their phones and started to catch the pokemon while holding down Mayu in case the pokemon escape when Mayu moves
Mayu (struggling to get up): Are you guys done now! I wanna catch it too!!
2.Pokemon go II
(Yukirin, Haruna, Haruka, Atsuko and Milky are also having their ‘girls’ night)
Haruna: Mou~ Yuuchan has not been texting me so often like she used to ever since pokemon go came out
Atsuko: Ehh, nyannyan I thought you would play it too.
Haruna: Of course I am playing too, I downloaded it so yuuchan can spend more time with me~
Haruka, Atsuko, Yukirin, Milky: Nyan Nyan, that's a good idea!
(That night, the 4 of them also downloaded the game for the same reason)
(Kojiyuu are changing together)
Yuko(thinking) : Nyan Nyan’s body look so good~ I wanna take a picture~
Yuko take out her phone and starts to take pictures
Haruna (notices): Are you taking pictures?
Yuko (panics): Ermm…. No! No! I was just…. Just… Ah just playing pokemon go!
Haruna: Ohh, good luck then (smiles)
Yuko (thinking): Good thing she didn't realize, better take more before she realizes then (pervert smile)
4.Does not work anymore
(Milky and Sayaka are texting)
Milky: Nee sayanee~~ come over~~
Sayaka: Sorry milky, I am out with Yuihan catching pokemon, maybe another day?
Milky: But my parents aren't home ><
Sayaka: Sorry baby, but I promised Yuihan.
Milky: *sends a photo of a snorlax in pokemon go* But I just caught this in my room..
Sayaka: I am coming over right now~
(Yuiparu are on their way back from their date)
Yui: Wow, there are so many rare pokemon here! Ohh a pikachu!
Haruka: Nee Yui…
Yui: Wait a minute Paruru, the pikachu just escaped.
Haruka: Yui...
Yui: Wait, the pikachu escaped again. Why is it so hard to catch it?!
Haruka: Yui!!
Yui: What? *looks up and knocks into a lamp post*
Haruka: I wanted to tell you that there is a lamp post…..
6. Comparing
(Atsumina are comparing their pokemons)
Takamina: Hey Atsuko, what pokemons do you have now?
Atsuko: Oh I only have a few good pokemons.
Takamina(thinking): Heh, then I bet I have more rare pokemons than her ← Takamina is a very competitive person
Takamina: Well, what do you have?
Atsuko: I only have 1 dragonite, 2 pikachu, 3 snorlax, 4 charizard…
Takamina: Ehhhh that's called a few?!
Atsuko: Of course, I've seen Mariko chan’s collection, she has almost 75% of the pokemons and she has only downloaded the game 4 days ago….
Takamina (sunken): How come you guys have so many pokemons that I don't have even though I downloaded it 2 weeks before you guys…..
Yuki: Mayuyu, let's go now! Or we will be late to the dinner with my parents!
Mayu (comes out of her room): Okay, I am done, let's go!
Yuki (disbelief): Are you seriously wearing that to meet my parents??
Mayu (wearing a costume that is the same as Ash in pokemon)
Mayu: Why not? This way, your parents can see how great I am as a pokemon trainer!
Yuki (hits Mayu with a paper fan): Go change into normal clothes now!
(During the AKB concert rehearsal)
Mayu (wearing her ash outfit again): Let's go Pikachu! *carries a pikachu soft toy*
Yuko (wearing Team Rocket’s outfit): Muahaha! Prepare for trouble!
Yui (also wearing Team Rocket’s outfit): And make it double!
Yuko: To protect the world from devastation!
Yui: To unite all people within our nation!
Yuko: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
Yui: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Yuko: Yuko
Yui: Yui
Yuko: Team AKB blast off at the speed of light!
Yui: Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Bis: Meow~ Meow~
Yuki, Haruna and Haruka: What do you 3 idiots think you are doing in front of all the juniors?!
Sayaka: I challenge you to a battle!
Takamina: Sure Sayanee, I am sure I will win you.
Yuki (overheard their conversation) (hides behind the wall): What's going on? Are they about to fight?
Sayaka: I am sure I will become the leader!
Takamina: Dream on! I will become the best leader!
Yuki (still hiding): Are they really gonna fight about who is the better leader? i mean they are from different groups, how can they compare?
Sayaka: I am gonna use my 1538 CP Vaporeon!
Takamina: Then I shall use my 1570 CP Snorlax!
Sayaka & Takamina: Pokemom battle start!
Yuki (falls)
(The 5 couples are together in a bus heading for their handshake event)
Atsuko: Yes! I caught a squirtle!
Haruna: I caught a flareon!
Haruka: A meowth!
Yuki: I caught a venusaur!
Milky: I caught a squirtle too!
Takamina, Sayaka, Yui, Yuko & Mayu: Where on earth did they catch all those? How come we do not have them? (Cries)
Thanks for reading!! Hope you guys can leave a comment to tell me whether it was good or not

And hopefully I will update soon

Bye for now