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Author Topic: Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles) (updated 3/10/16)  (Read 6146 times)

Offline Kideve3

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Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles) (updated 3/10/16)
« on: September 18, 2016, 07:18:02 PM »
Hi guys  :cow:
These are just some drabbles that I wrote imagining what would happen if akb48 members are playing pokemon go  XD (it will include some couples that I really ship and just imagine that all of them are still in Akb)

1.Pokemon go
(Mayu, Yuko, Takamina, Yui and Sayanee are having a ‘guys’ night out)
Mayu: Hey, are you guys playing the new game?
Takamina: You mean pokemon go?
Yui: Well, I just started playing it 2 days ago, what about you?
Yuko: Shiriri chan, there is a charmander on your leg, don’t move!
The other 3 immediately took out their phones and started to catch the pokemon while holding down Mayu in case the pokemon escape when Mayu moves
Mayu (struggling to get up): Are you guys done now! I wanna catch it too!!

2.Pokemon go II
(Yukirin, Haruna, Haruka, Atsuko and Milky are also having their ‘girls’ night)
Haruna: Mou~ Yuuchan has not been texting me so often like she used to ever since pokemon go came out
Atsuko: Ehh, nyannyan I thought you would play it too.
Haruna: Of course I am playing too, I downloaded it  so yuuchan can spend more time with me~
Haruka, Atsuko, Yukirin, Milky: Nyan Nyan, that's a good idea!
(That night, the 4 of them also downloaded the game for the same reason)

(Kojiyuu are changing together)
Yuko(thinking) : Nyan Nyan’s body look so good~ I wanna take a picture~
Yuko take out her phone and starts to take pictures
Haruna (notices): Are you taking pictures?
Yuko (panics): Ermm…. No! No! I was  just…. Just… Ah just playing pokemon go!
Haruna: Ohh, good luck then (smiles)
Yuko (thinking): Good thing she didn't realize, better take more before she realizes then (pervert smile)

4.Does not work anymore
(Milky and Sayaka are texting)
Milky: Nee sayanee~~ come over~~
Sayaka: Sorry milky, I am out with Yuihan catching pokemon, maybe another day?
Milky: But my parents aren't home ><
Sayaka: Sorry baby, but I promised Yuihan.
Milky: *sends a photo of a snorlax in pokemon go* But I just caught this in my room..
Sayaka: I am coming over right now~

(Yuiparu are on their way back from their date)
Yui: Wow, there are so many rare pokemon here! Ohh a pikachu!
Haruka: Nee Yui…
Yui: Wait a minute Paruru, the pikachu just escaped.
Haruka: Yui...
Yui: Wait, the pikachu escaped again. Why is it so hard to catch it?!
Haruka: Yui!!
Yui: What? *looks up and knocks into a lamp post*
Haruka: I wanted to tell you that there is a lamp post…..

6. Comparing
(Atsumina are comparing their pokemons)
Takamina: Hey Atsuko, what pokemons do you have now?
Atsuko: Oh I only have a few good pokemons.
Takamina(thinking): Heh, then I bet I have more rare pokemons than her ← Takamina is a very competitive person
Takamina: Well, what do you have?
Atsuko: I only have 1 dragonite, 2 pikachu, 3 snorlax, 4 charizard…
Takamina: Ehhhh that's called a few?!
Atsuko: Of course, I've seen Mariko chan’s collection, she has almost 75% of the pokemons and she has only downloaded the game 4 days ago….
Takamina (sunken): How come you guys have so many pokemons that I don't have even though I downloaded it 2 weeks before you guys…..

Yuki: Mayuyu, let's go now! Or we will be late to the dinner with my parents!
Mayu (comes out of her room): Okay, I am done, let's go!
Yuki (disbelief): Are you seriously wearing that to meet my parents??
Mayu (wearing a costume that is the same as Ash in pokemon)
Mayu: Why not? This way, your parents can see how great I am as a pokemon trainer!
Yuki (hits Mayu with a paper fan): Go change into normal clothes now!

(During the AKB concert rehearsal)
Mayu (wearing her ash outfit again): Let's go Pikachu! *carries a pikachu soft toy*
Yuko (wearing Team Rocket’s outfit): Muahaha! Prepare for trouble!
Yui (also wearing Team Rocket’s outfit): And make it double!
Yuko: To protect the world from devastation!
Yui: To unite all people within our nation!
Yuko: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
Yui: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Yuko: Yuko
Yui: Yui
Yuko: Team AKB blast off at the speed of light!
Yui: Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Bis: Meow~ Meow~
Yuki, Haruna and Haruka: What do you 3 idiots think you are doing in front of all the juniors?!

Sayaka: I challenge you to a battle!
Takamina: Sure Sayanee, I am sure I will win you.
Yuki (overheard their conversation) (hides behind the wall): What's going on? Are they about to fight?
Sayaka: I am sure I will become the leader!
Takamina: Dream on! I will become the best leader!
Yuki (still hiding): Are they really gonna fight about who is the better leader? i mean they are from different groups, how can they compare?
Sayaka: I am gonna use my 1538 CP Vaporeon!
Takamina: Then I shall use my 1570 CP Snorlax!
Sayaka & Takamina: Pokemom battle start!
Yuki (falls)

(The 5 couples are together in a bus heading for their handshake event)
Atsuko: Yes! I caught a squirtle!
Haruna: I caught a flareon!
Haruka: A meowth!
Yuki: I caught a venusaur!
Milky: I caught a squirtle too!
Takamina, Sayaka, Yui, Yuko & Mayu: Where on earth did they catch all those? How come we do not have them? (Cries)

Thanks for reading!! Hope you guys can leave a comment to tell me whether it was good or not  :)
And hopefully I will update soon  :nervous Bye for now  :twothumbs
« Last Edit: October 03, 2016, 01:03:37 PM by Kideve3 »

Offline yuuri14

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Re: Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles)
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2016, 01:23:30 AM »
Nice i want more   :lol: :otomerika: :yossi:

[Shimazaki Haruka/Paruru]
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Offline LuckyMatsui

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Re: Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles)
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2016, 01:32:27 AM »
More! More! More! Hehehe. Thanks Author-san. Please add Wmatsui :)
Matsui Rena + Matsui Jurina =

Offline Kideve3

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Re: Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles) (Update 3/10/16)
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2016, 12:57:18 PM »
Enjoy  :welcome

(Everybody is on their break from the dance practice)
Jurina: Hi Everyone! I am here!!
Yuko: OMG!!!
Jurina (thinks): I am so prepared for a hug <3
Yuko: A snorlax is outside the theatre!!
(Everybody rushes out of the practice room to catch the snorlax leaving the lonely Jurina alone in the practice room with her arms wide open)
Jurina (crouch in the corner)(cries): Nobody loves me…..

12.Welcome II
(At Jurina’s welcome dinner)
Takamina: Sorry about earlier, everyone is just crazy about that game.
Jurina: What game is that?
Atsuko: Eh Jurina chan, you don't play Pokemon Go?!
Mayu: It is the most popular game right now!
(Everyone starts to talk about catching Pokemons)
Jurina (crouch at the corners and cries): I thought this was a welcome party for me…..

13.Punny life
(Everybody is inside the waiting room)
Jurina: Good Eevee-ning everyone!
(Everybody remains quiet)
Jurina: I am not gonna Raichu a love song!
(Everyone still remains quiet)
Jurina: I am on my way to seel a deal!
(Everyone still quiet)
Jurina: Come on guys, this reaction is onix-cceptable!
Kanon Kimoto: That was really lame…
Jurina (shocked at the reaction)

(Jurina scrolling through instagram)
(Sees a post of Mayuki with a Ponyta)
(Sees a post of Atsumina with a Psyduck)
(Sees a post of Yuiparu with a Vulpix)
(Sees a post of Sayamilky with a jigglypuff)
(Sees a post of Kojiyuu with Squirtle)
Jurina (jealous): Rena chan let's go out and take pictures with pokemons too
Rena: I don't mind but please leave all those equipments home!
Jurina (carrying a huge camera and lights)

15.Her Choice
Kizaki Yuria: I have already said! Annin is mine!
Iriyama Anna: Hmm...
Kawaei Rina: No, she said she likes me better!
Anna: Hmm…
Yuria: Let's have her choose then!
Rina: Fine, I know she will choose me!
(Both looks at Anna with great anticipation)
Anna: Yes, I have made my choice!
Yuria and Rina (Excited)
Anna: I choose Raichu to battle!
Yuria and Rina (falls): She was not even listening to us……

(Yuria and Rina are playing Pokemom Go together)
Rina: Baka!! Why did you download the English version?!
Yuria: Well, I thought it was the Japanese version (shrugs)
Yuria: Then if you are so smart, why don't you help me set up the game?
Rina (proud): Of course, English is my best subject!
(Instruction: Please choose a nickname)
Rina (thinks): Nick? Name?
Rina: Ahh it's says that Nick is your name in the game ← speaking rubbish
Yuria: Ehhh why??? I am clearly a girl!
Anna: You 2 bakas, it means to choose a nickname!! (facepalm)

Yui: Nee Paruru, do you want to go out for a date?
Haruka (shakes head)
Yui: What about a dinner?
Haruka (shakes head)
Yui: Then a movie?
Haruka (shakes head)
Yui (gives up): Fine, what about we go out to catch pokemons?
Haruka (dimpled smile): Let's go!!!

Mayu (wear in her ash outfit once again)
(Starts to carry all her pokemon stuff toys)
Mayu: Butterfree, I choose you! (Throws a pokeball) (Throws a Butterfree soft toy)
(Runs around while putting on Team Rocket’s outfit)
Mayu: Prepare for trouble…
Mayu (crouch down at a corner) (cries): I feel so lonely… Why are they all overseas????

(Yuko and Haruna are out on a date)
Haruna: No phones okay? You promised Yuuchan.
Yuko (dimpled smile) : Of course, I never break my promise.
Haruna: Wow, so many people are out catching Pokemons here.
Random passerby 1: Luckily I came here on time, I caught a Dragonite!
Random passerby 2: Same here!
Haruna: I am so glad you kept your promise and left your phone home~
Yuko (smiles) (whisper in a earpiece that is hidden in her jacket): Jurina chan, Dragonite somewhere, catch it please…
Jurina(using Yuko’s phone): Roger that!

20.Pick up lines
Milky: Mou~~ Sayaka chan is ignoring me again… (ignores sayaka)
Sayaka (notices that she had make Milky mad)(puts her phone down)
Sayaka: Sorry Milky, look, I have closed my game, stop ignoring me??
Milky (pout more)
Sayaka: You are as beautiful as a Vulpix, as cute as a pikachu and as kind as a Chansey~ Forgive me please~~
Milky(blushes) : Wh--what kind of lines are those?? So cheesy!! ><

Thanks for reading :jphip:
Please leave some comments ^^
And I can't believe My Oshimen Paruru announced her graduation  :cry: :cry: :cry:
But I am sure she is going to be the best actress in the whole world!! <-- forgive me I am in a very emotional state  :(
Question: Who are your oshimens??
Mine are Paruru, Annin and Minarun

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles) (updated 3/10/16)
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2016, 01:06:54 PM »
My oshimen right now are Jurina and Okada Nana-chan.

I like Paruru, too. Need a hug? *opens arms*

Also, poor lonely Jurina in this drabble. I think she needs a hug, too. x3

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Kideve3

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Re: Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles) (updated 3/10/16)
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2016, 01:12:27 PM »
My oshimen right now are Jurina and Okada Nana-chan.

I like Paruru, too. Need a hug? *opens arms*

Also, poor lonely Jurina in this drabble. I think she needs a hug, too. x3

Awwww *hugs* thanks for reading too

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles) (updated 3/10/16)
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2016, 01:39:17 PM »
Paruru announced her graduation?! God, I can only very rarely get news about akb because my school's schedule. Most of my akb news resource are from fic's writers. :on cloudeye:

Jurina has been being my kami oshi ever since my friend introduce me to the 48 group world (1 year ago). But from that time too I have many Oshimens and most of them already graduated including Acchan and Takamina.

These girls seems really addicted to Pokemon Go. Poor Jurina for getting ignored and Yuihan for getting rejected to ask Paru out on a date :on drink:

Offline yuuri14

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Re: Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles) (updated 3/10/16)
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2016, 05:12:17 PM »
Yuiparu moment is like  :pimp: haha thats a cool bonding aside for a date or a dinner.

Well my banner states it all ^___^

Although going to miss Paruru-chan on akb but on the good side I can see her on dramas..
« Last Edit: October 05, 2016, 01:56:00 PM by yuuri14 »

[Shimazaki Haruka/Paruru]
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> I love reading books and Fan Fics as my past time.

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Re: Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles) (updated 3/10/16)
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2016, 12:58:21 AM »
Ohh really? When?? I know she will announce it, but now?
My oshimen is Matsui Rena, oh she's graduated, nevermind :on cloudeye:
I like your drabble, add more wmatsui maybe?

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline Korisu29

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Re: Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles) (updated 3/10/16)
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2016, 08:03:13 PM »
it's funny ...
puhhliieesss update sooon ...

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles) (updated 3/10/16)
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2016, 08:54:23 PM »
Ruka know who mine are. Churi, Nao, Egochan, Rion, Jurina & Miyamae Ami (I know your pain, Amni graduated to be an actress too). Am mainly an SKE oshi~ But... I like Yukirin, Milky (Who graduated too) & Murashige as well

Hope to read more

Offline Kideve3

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Re: Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles) (updated 3/10/16)
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2016, 06:20:15 PM »
Hi guys, I am the author of this story ^^
Can u guys please vote for what u would like to see for the next drabbles?? Thanks!!  :jphip:

Offline MaYukiIsLife

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Re: Akb48 playing pokemon go?! (Drabbles) (updated 3/10/16)
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2016, 06:31:00 PM »
Maybe SKE playing another game maybe? (Street Fighter?)

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