Sorry for the super duper supy dupy long update ><
@fuu_kun: I haven't forgotten about it
@michiyo48: Sorry for the long update
@correnereyes: I'm not lazy. I'm fabulous

LOLJK Sorry for the long update

Chapter 4 Shinoda Mario is in his room. He took out his cellphone from his pocket to call someone.
nyanyanyanyanyan Hello? Akimoto Sayuu desu.
nyanyanyanyan] Akimoto Sayuu picked up the call with the NyanCat song plays on his background.
"Turn off that Nyancat song, Sayuu! It's gonna get stuck in my head again!" Mario ordered Sayuu.
[*click* Ok done.. So? Why'd you call? Did the plan work?]
"Yes. The plan worked. Luckily Mayuyu is so called willing to help by accident."
[Ok.. Then?]
"Sae went to our house yesterday. Both Yukirin and Sae doesn't seem to remember each other yet considering how they introduced themselves to each other. But.. Sigh.."
[Don't worry, Mario.. Thing will worked out just fine the future..... I hope..]
"Hope so too. Ja ne, Sayuu~." Mario said then hanged up. He sat on his bed then laid down with his left arm resting on his forehead.
-flashback- (In Miyazawa Mansion's Garden)Mario and Kai are staring at the children, chibi Yukirin and chibi Sae, playing.
"Nee.. Mario. Sae has been crying a lot last night.." Kai informed Mario.
"Hmm..? What happened??" Mario asked.
"She has been crying because of Yukirin." Kai said.
"Because of Yukirin?! What did my angel do?" Mario asked shocked.
"Sae missed Yukirin a lot that she cried because of it.." Kai said.
"Woow. Yukirin has been in a bad mood last night too because she wanted to see Sae.." Mario replied.
"Maybe they're meant for each other." Kai said.
"Hahaha~ They're both girls though." Mario joked.
"Even so.." Kai said..
"Nee.. Let's make a deal, Mario."
"Huwaahh! Hold on, Midget. You're seriousness is creeping me out. Anyways, what's the deal?" Mario said.
"I want Sae and Yukirin to be together, as friends or anything. Anything as long as near each other. Even when I'm gone.." Kai said.
"Deal..." Mario agreed.
-End of flashback-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Otou-san!! I'm going out!" Mayuyu shouted from her room to Mario's room.
"What!? I can't hear you!!" a shout came from Mario's room.
"I'M GOING OUT!!!!!!!!!!"
"MAYUYU SAID SHE'S GOING OUT!! OH MY GOD! THE TWO OF YOU ARE SOO NOISY!" Yukirin shouted so loud that Mayuyu and Mario can hear it.
"OHHHHH~~ OK!!" Mario shouted back.
Someone opened the door of Mayuyu's room. It was Yukirin.
"Seriously, when you're going out at least go to otousan's room and ask for permission instead of shouting it. Geez... I was sleeping you know?" Yukirin complained then sat on Mayuyu's bed.
"Gomenne~ Yukirin-neechan~" Mayuyu apologized.
"It's ok.. Where are you going anyway?" Yukirin asked.
"Just going to walk around.. Anywhere- where my feet will take me." Mayuyu replied.
"Want me to go with you? I mean- I want to take some fresh air.." Yukirin asked.
"Sure.. Why not?" Mayuyu agreed.
"Wait. I'm going to change." Yukirin went to her room to change.
Mayuyu and Yukirin were about to go down the stairs and go out but was interrupted by Mario who was well-dressed in his business suit.
"Where are the two of you going?" Mario asked them.
"Just going out for a walk.." Mayuyu told Mario.
"Can I come?" Mario asked.
"Sure." Mayuyu agreed.
The three of them went down the stairs, to the living room and to the main door. Mario opened the door when..
"WOAHH!! MIICHAN! YOU SCARED ME!" Mario screamed when he saw Miichan, taking out something from her bag, outside the house .
"HA! Unintentionally revenged you! You MARITROLL!" Miichan teased Mario and sticked her tongue out.
"Hmmm? Where are all of you going? Going for a family walk? Mouu! Don't leave me behind!!" Miichan pouted.
"You can come with us, okasan~" Mayuyu said.
The Shinoda family has been walking around everywhere. Miichan, Yukirin and Mario were following Mayuyu all the way.
"Nee.. Is it just me or are you going to the mansion, Mayuyu?" Miichan, who is clinging to Mario, asked.
"Yea.. Are you going to the mansion, Mayuyu?" Mario asked Mayuyu too.
"Maybe.. Maybe not too." Mayuyu told them. Yukirin suddenly felt excited going back to the mansion.
"Neee! Let's go to the mansion!" Yukirin told them.
"Suree~" they replied back.
"Let's stay overnight there too!" Yukirin said.
"Suree~~" Mario and Mayuyu said.
"I should have stayed there instead! Mouu~~ I spent the whole night there you know~" Miichan teased.
"Gomenne okasan~" Yukirin apologised.
"Daijoubu~" Miichan replied.
The Shinoda family walked to their mansion just to find a couple with someone who is wearing a creamy white scarf even though its summer is staring at their mansion's gate.
"Oshima Yuu!!!" Mario called. The Yuu and Haruna turned around to see the Shinoda family while the one who is wearing a creamy white scarf kept on staring at the mansion's gate.
"AHH~~ Mario~~~!!!!!!!!!!" Yuu ran to Mario while Haruna went to Miichan, Mayuyu and Yukirin to have a chitchat with them.
"Huwaa~ Its good to see you here! Who's that?" Mario asked while looking at the one who is staring at the gate.
"Sae.." Yuu whispered sadly.
"Wahh? Sae recovered her memories already?" Mario asked while whispering.
"Not yet.. But she always come here to stare at your mansion's gate." Yuu whispered.
"Wait.. How did she know the two of you?" Mario asked.
"Sayuu introduced us again to Sae a few months after the accident, you know.. Sigh.. I miss that Midget and Acchan.." Yuu whispered.
"I see.. Well, let's go inside shall we?" Mario told everyone. Sae stopped looking at the gate then looked at them.
"You too, Sae!" Mario and Yuu said the same time.
"SAE-CHAN~~~~~~~" Mayuyu went to Sae and clung to her. Behind them, Yukirin looked at Sae and felt very happy until Mayuyu clung to Sae.
"Ahh~ Mayuyu! It's good to see you here~" Sae told Mayuyu.
"I live here you know~?" Mayuyu said.
"Ehh?" said the confused Sae.
"We have two houses~" Mayuyu told Sae.
"O-Ohh.." Sae said disappointedly.
Everyone is inside the mansion's living room. Mayuyu and Sae were sitting with each other in one of the sofas while the others were sitting on another sofa which is not that far from them and were chitchatting. Yukirin kept staring at Sae. Sometimes, their eyes will meet but both of them will turn back after a seconds of eye contact. Fortunately, Mayuyu didn't notice.
"Nee.. Yukirin, Is it just me or you kept staring at Sae? Do you fancy her?" Haruna asked. The other adults stopped talking.
"W-Wah? She's a she, Harumama.. And.. She seems to have the same scarf- my favourite scarf that I lost when I was young.." Yukirin replied. The adults frowned and looked to the ground. Mario and Yuu bit their lips.
"Well, maybe its your scarf.." Haruna told Yukirin. The other adults looked at her in a shocked manner as they didn't expect that.
"Yea.. Maybe its your scarf. You should ask Sa- I mean her.." Miichan said.
"That can't be.." Yukirin said.
"Nee~ Miyazawa~ Where'd you get that scarf? It looks good." Mario asked Sae.
"I don't remember. But I know that someone precious gave it to me.." Sae replied. Mayuyu frowned because of Sae's reply. While Yukirin felt happy. "
Why do I feel happy?" Yukirin thought.
The adults smiled at Sae's reply.
"Nee.. Sae~ last question.. Why were you staring at our gate?" Mario asked.
"My feet always bring me here.. I don't know why, sir.. I feel like there's something or someone in here but i don't know what it is or who it is.. But maybe I got the wrong house too." Sae replied back.
"Ohh~ Don't call me sir.. Just call me Mario-ojisan~" Mario told Sae.
"Ha-Hai.. Si- Mario-ojisan.." Sae said then turned back to Mayuyu to talk to her.
"Maybe Sa- Miyazawa-san is your long lost childhood lover, Yukirin.." Miichan told Yukirin.
"But she's a she, okasan.. I'm straight.. But.. She's ikemen-looking too and asfdfjkdgfsafdkeula" Yukirin mumbled at the end.
"Nee.. Want to stay overnight here?" Miichan asked Haruna and Yuu.
"Sure.. What about Sae?" Haruna asked.
"Of course she can." Mario said and it made Yukirin blush.
"I'm going to invite the other families too." Mario said then took off his phone and started texting the other families. Yuu looked at Mario's phone while Mario is texting.
[(To: Noobs)Come and stay overnight tonight at my mansion tonight. Quick. Bring your kids too. I want to discuss something. IMPORTANT]
"Good idea Mario! But take off the 'Noobs'. You're noober." Yuu teased then slapped the back of Mario's head playfully. The two started to run and chase each other inside the mansion.
"Geez.. Boys will be boys.." Miichan said.
"Sae~ We're going to stay overnight here~ You too, okay?" Haruna told Sae.
"Hai~!" Sae said. Mayuyu started to hug tightly on Sae.
"Nee.. Harumama, how'd you know Miyazawa-san?" Yukirin asked.
"You'll know soon, Yukirin~" Miichan and Haruna said the same time. They both looked at each other and high-fived for saying the same thing at the same time.
"AHHH!! A REPLY!!" Mario shouted excitedly then raised the phone high to make a triumph pose.
"Let me see! Let me see!!" Yuu said while jumping as he was trying to snatch the phone from Mario but Mario is too tall.
"Every family agreed to stay overnight here~~" Mario told everyone.
"YAYYYYY~~!!" Yuu said excitedly then texted his butler to bring his clothes to the mansion.
The other families came to the mansion with their kids and butlers. They were all now in the living room. Luckily, The Shinoda's Mansion's living is too big for them that there were still a lot of space. Yukirin is still staring at Sae and all of the families noticed but they let it go.
"Yo Sae and Mayuyu!" Sayaka waved to them then sit beside them.
"Sayaka? Why are you here?" Sae asked.
"We were invited. Every family that is close to the Shinoda family was invited you know?" Sayaka said.
"Ehh..?" Sae said. Sae is confused to what is happening right now that she stood up. "I'm going to the garden."
Sae walked off. Haruna pushed Yukirin slightly. "Follow her." Haruna told Yukirin then Yukirin went to follow Sae silently.
End of Chapter 4-----------------------------------------
Profiles:Kojima Yuki: A raven-haired girl with pale like snow skin. She does not have a boyfriend/girlfriend. She has a younger sister called Mayuyu but she took her mother's last name. Sae's childhood friend but does not remember her due to amnesia.
Minegishi Mayuyu: An emotionless girl who only smiles when she is with her sister and other ikemen. Her elder sister is Yukirin but she took her mother's last name. Likes Sae.
Akimoto Sayaka: A muscly girl. She is often called "Gorilla". She does not like going to onsens and open baths. She often stares at her body. She lives with Sae and likes to tease Sae. Akimoto Sayuu's daughter.
Miyazawa Sae: A boyish girl. She does not have a boyfriend/girlfriend. She recently adopted a puppy (as said in the story). She lives with Sayaka. Both parents are dead. Yukirin's childhood friend but does not remember her due to amnesia.
Minegishi Minami: Hates Animals.
Oshima Haruna: Yukirin's biological mother. Divored with Mario and married Yuu.
Oshima Yuu: The naughtiest of all the families. Takes care of Sae.
Shinoda Mario: Father of Yukirin and Mayuyu. Divored with Haruna and married Miichan.
Akimoto Sayuu: Father of Sayaka. Takes care of Sae.
Matsui Jurina: Mayuyu's friend. Boyish person and has a lot of pride.
Matsui Rena: Jurina's girlfriend.
What will happen in the garden?
What are the adults of all families are planning?
Stay tuned to Chapter 5!