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Author Topic: The promise (WMatsui) Chapter 16 - Can I still meet you? 18/06/2015  (Read 65562 times)

Offline Zhen

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 14- Those Songs
« Reply #80 on: May 12, 2014, 06:39:37 PM »
River1721 : HAHA. welcome.  :D I love to read ur reply.   :wub: CHURI IS GOING TO   :onionwhip: RENA.  :lol: Here a New update~
lahika: Very~  :kekeke: I'm S~   :ding: HAHA. THANKS  :lol:
embee5442: CHURI doing SOMETHING TOO RENA. NAYAYA.  :w00t: AHHA. I wonder what it is.  :shake it:
kazutoryu:  Wooo... She'll gets whatever she WANTS.  :ding:
Kirozoro: THANKS FOR COMMENTING~  XD  :shy2:
Yuri Machenkov: Cuz I'm not NICE.  :wahaha:
RenshuChan: SHE LOCK HER UP and  :kekeke: Read it to know it. :hiakhiakhiak: HAHA~ Thanks for Liking my fanfic.  :D I LOVES YOUR FIC too.  :deco: Sorry i'm a silent reader.  :bow:
gek geki: :on gay: RUN!  XD
cemanticfoo: I see you are new here. THANKS FOR COMMENTING MY FANFIC!!!!!  :luvluv1: :luvluv2: Thanks for the idea.  :)

Sorry for the Late Update. I been not feeling very well last 2 weeks so I didn't write much and as my Sem has just started so assignment has palled up. :kneelbow: 

THANKS for reading and I'll be very appreciate if you comment too :farofflook:

HERES An Updated. Is is a bit more to Emotion side of chapter hope it won't bored you out.  :err:

Chapter 14- Those Songs

Churi Pov

After I lock the door behind me, I walk toward the coffee table and put the tea down. I don’t know why but after seeing her face, I want to bust out all my feeling on her. Why? WHY Jurina pick her instead of me? Why? Why does Jurina love her more than me?

“Churi-san?” She called my name and made me turn my head toward her.

“Why did you come here? Why did you come here after hurting Jurina.” I can’t control myself anymore.

“Becau-” I cut off her words.

“Why? Aren’t you satisfy after hurting her so much? Now you want her back again. Aren’t you too selfish? Doing whatever you want?” My voice got louder each time I said.

“It’s not true…” I could hear guilty in her voice. Is not my fault when she was the one hurting Jurina much more than that. I don’t want to see Jurina get hurt again.

“Oh yea? What about the time when you rejected her when she told you she loved you? What about the time when you never listened to her explanation and rejected her again? Do you even know how much Jurina has gone through for you?” My voice got louder than before.

“You don’t understand me!” Rena suddenly raised her voice. I was stunned by her sudden outbreak but I still keep firm.

“Right! I just don’t understand. Jurina even went back to Japan to see you, you were such a disappointment. Once again, hurting her like that. It been 2 months! Even since she was back from Japan she never stopped thinking about you after you hurt her so much. Aren’t she an idiot?” I let out a laugh. Is just painful to see Jurina like this, loving someone so much which is not yours. My love will never return me.

“It’s NOT TRUE! Jurina is not an idiot!” She shouted back at me with tears rolling down along her cheek. “The idiot one is me! It’s all my fault! If only… If only I could listen to her. If only I try to understand her. I’m the total Jerk here!” She fell on ground and cried hard with her hands now all over her face.

“HA. It will be funny if she is not a fool. A fool that is madly In love with you. Do you remember the time where she went all the way back to Japan to find you and became a student there? Just to spend time with you! Even though she has graduated from high school and college, just for your sake she will do anything.”

All I got for reply was her sobbing, she just cried even harder.

“Is true that her company was doing well at that time and all her shareholders wasn’t complaining at it. But how can someone be as blunt as you? She even have to miss school sometimes due to the chaos between the shareholders. She had to fly overnight back here just to make sure everything goes well. She did everything just for you.”

“I love jurina too. My heart broke into a million pieces when she lied to me.” she said it in a low voice.

Rena Pov.

It’s painful, It’s hurts. She kept saying it in my face. But I deserved it. How can I be so insensitive about it. I noticed. Yes I knew about it. I knew that Jurina sometimes missed school. Even there was one week she didn’t attend school. But I wasn’t sensitive about it. I never dare to ask why. I’m the worst. I’m sorry, I don’t deserve to love you. I kept crying as if there is no tomorrow.

“I love her.” Churi said with a low voice but I still heard it.

I flinched a bit. She loved her. She loved her more than I do. Maybe She was the right person for you Jurina. Not me. From the start maybe it wasn’t me at all.

“But she love you. She loves you like there is no tomorrow. She Only Belongs to you. Her heart long for you. And now she went back to Japan again.”

“wh-at?” I’m confused now. Kami-sama are you playing a joke on me? Why are you doing this to us?

“Ne. Rena-san, can you tell me that you love her more than I did? Can you promise me that you will never hurt her again?” I looked into her eyes I could feel that she’s hurt. It’s hurt to love someone that doesn’t love you back. I didn’t know my selfishness can hurt everyone around us. Mayu, yuki, churi-san and lastly Jurina.

Can I kept this promise? But I loved her. I loved her more than ever. I want to be the one that protected her from hurt.

My eyes was all puffy red after I cry. I wiped my tears away, took a deep breath and stood up. “Yes. I will love her more than everyone else. I will never hurt her again.” She just let out a bitter smile.

“I hope you can keep your promise Rena-san.” She walked to the study table and took out a CD from the drawer.

“Here. Watch this. This is when Jurina still a high school student.” She handed me the CD. “I still have work to do. If you need any help just call me. Here my name card.” She turned her back on me as I could see tears flowing along her cheek from side.

“Thank you Churi-san. Thank you for loving Jurina.” I bowed to her and left the room and called Airin-san to pick me up.

“I’m sorry too.” She said in a low voice before I left the room.


Jurina Pov

Dou* dou* dou* dou* the number you have called is not available, Please try again later….


Did she changed her phone number?

She must be hated me so much that she changed her number. What should I do now? Mariko sempai, Is not that I don’t want to clean things up. But now I have no idea how to get her. Should I go to her house?

“Jurina?” I turned around and see who was calling me.

“Auntie” It was Rena’s mother. Why is she doing here?

“Jurina. It is you. It’s been awhile. How are you?”

“I’m fine Auntie. How are you?” I smiled at her.

“I’m fine. You haven’t been coming to our house for so long. Auntie misses you.” Her smile reminded me of Rena.

“Haha.Ya, I have been quite busy.” I give a bitter sad, It not that I don’t want to, it was because the relationship between Rena and I have changed.

“I heard it from Rena too. Don’t work so hard on yourself okay.” She smiled

Heard it from Rena? I wonder what Rena said to her mother about it. I’m sure she doesn’t want her mother worried about her.

“Auntie, did Rena change her number? It seem that I can’t get hold of her.” I asked.

“Change number? No. she didn’t. Oh. She went oversea with Mayu-san and Yuki-chan yesterday. Didn’t she tell you about it?”

Mayu and Yuki? They didn’t tell me about it. what’s going on?

“Ah. I must have forgotten about it. ahaha. Silly me. Auntie I have some work have to do. When I have free time I’ll go to visit you.” I smiled.

“Haha. Okay. See you later then. Be careful.” She is so kind just like Rena.

I took out my phone, swipe my phone screen and start to texting Mayu.

Title: Where is Rena?

To: W.mayuxxxx

Hey. What happen? Why is Rena at oversea?
Where is She? where are you guys???
I’m back to Japan.
Let’s meet up.


Not after awhile my phone vibrated, I quickly swipe my phone screen and check.

Title: RE: Where is Rena?

To: Knightjurinaxxx

Since when are you back?
Why didn’t you tell me about it.
Let’s Meet up, at my house.


After I read the message I just rush to Mayu’s house.


Rena Pov

After I went back to Mayu’s house, I went to the living room and put the Cd into the player. I can’t wait to see what is the Cd about. I sat on the sofa and press “play” from the remote controller. The screen started showing words.

“Because of her, I learn to grow up.”

After a while, I could see the screen started to show crowds were gathered down the stage . Close and tight. But in orders, no pushing between them. As if is like a concert of a rock star. Darkness has devoured the room. The name of Jurina could be heard as the audiences were waiting for their star to come out.

Patience has started to shaken, voices of overlapping chatter was rising. It swallowed the whispering footsteps.

A spotlight appeared slowly and fixed in the middle of the stage. Inside it, there was a person. Someone they was awaiting for the whole night - Jurina. One and another spotlight shot down, wrapping bands of musical instrument and player in it. Crowds started to go wild.

That’s the Jurina they have been waiting for. She wore a torn jeans, a white shirt and with a  black leather jacket. Cool and pretty at the same time. She never change, still looked the same. Jurina that everyone loved.

“Hey! How are you? Having a good night I assume? I hope you guys are!” She smiled. I miss her. “Today we going to perform 3 songs. Hope you guys enjoy it. OH. And this year will be my last year performing.” She let out a bitter smile. The crowds gone wild and loud as they heard that will be the last concert for Jurina. Some of people cried too after hearing such news. “Come on. Don’t cry. Maybe I’ll come back to sing for my Juniors.” She said it jokingly and smile.


If only you would give me a second glance
If only you could hear the shattering of my heart
Silently, I watch over you
Silently, I wait for a miracle
Silently letting myself be, just like the air

Everybody is having a good time here tonight
In the corner, I'm laughing along with the crowd
I am like the leftover onions at the bottom of the plate,
just the seasoning
Secretly, I sneak a glance at you
Secretly, I hide myself away

If you are willing to,
peel open my heart,
layer by layer by layer
You will discover, you will be surprised
You are my deepest and most suppressed secret

If you are willing to,
peel open my heart,
layer by layer by layer,
Your nose will run, your tears will flow
If you could only hear, and see my wholeheartedness

Hearing you speak of you and her, the atmosphere shifts
Me and my hopelessness, we seem very amused
I am just like an onion, forever playing the supporting character
How I wish I had a second with you, to make our own story

This is a Chinese Song but I translate the lyric into english.

After she finish she fix the mic. “This song is actually about myself, I’m actually like an Onion. A person that close the deepest self within me.” She smiled. “The next 2 song are call Full Moon Sways, and Notes’ N ‘Words. They are for a girl I love back in Japan.” The songs started to play and Jurina started to sing. The crowds started to reach out the hands as they felt Jurina’s broken heart along with the songs.

Full Moon Sways

Full moon sways
Gently in the night of one fine day
On my way
Looking for a moment with my dear

Full moon waves
Slowly on the surface of the lake
You are there
Smiling in my arms for all those years

What a fool
I don't know about tomorrow
What it's like to be
I was sure
Could you let myself to go
Even though I feel
The end

Oh love affair
Floating like a bird resting her wings
You are there
Smiling in my arms for all those years

What a fool
I don't know about tomorrow
What it's like to be
I was sure
Could you let myself to go
Even though I feel
The end

What a fool
I don't know about tomorrow
What it's like to be
I was sure
Could you let myself to go
Even though I feel
The end

Full moon sways
Gently in the night of one fine day
You are there
Smiling in my arms for all those years

Notes’ N ‘Words

I wanna dance like no one's watching me
I wanna love like it's the only thing I know
I wanna laugh from the bottom of my heart
I wanna sing like every single note and word it's all for you

Is this enough?

I wanna tell you and this is the only way I know
And hope one day you'll learn the words and say
That you finally see, what I see

Another song for you about your love
'cause you love the me that's full of faults
I wish you could see it from this view
'cause everything around you is a little bit brighter from your love

I wanna dance the night away with you
I wanna love because you taught me to
I wanna laugh all your tears away
I wanna sing 'cause every single note and word it's just for you

Hope it's enough?

I wanna tell you and this is the only way I know
And hope one day you'll learn the words and say
That you finally see, how I feel

Another song for you about your love
'cause you love the me that's full of faults
I wish you could see it from this view
'cause everything around you is a little bit brighter from your love

Not a day goes by that I don't think
About you and the love you've given me
I wish you could see it from this view
'cause everything around you is a little bit brighter from your love

Life is just so much better from your love.

“Thank you for tonight. This 3 songs means a lot to me. It actually describe my life and someone important. ” Jurina smiled and left the stage. I could hear the crowd kept shouting for encall. But in the end….. she left it empty. “If only these songs could reach you.” Words appeared on the screen. Unconsciously, tears fall along my cheek. I cried.


Jurina Pov

“Where Is she?” I felt furious for not knowing where is Rena.

“C-calm down Jurina.” Yuki said as she trying to calm me.

“Mayu. Care to give me an explanation?”

“Jurina. She is at New york.” Mayu said as I was surprised. Why is she doing there?

“Why is she doing there Alone?”

“Calm down!” Mayu raised her voice as she can’t take it any more.

“All because of you dummy. You are the cause of it!” Yuki glared at me.

Yabai, I could feel black aura from her. “Okay, Okay I’ll calm down. But please explain to me.”

After they explained the whole thing to me. I don’t know how to react. Deep down in me I was happy, but a part of me thinking and hoping that she doesn’t felt pity on me.

What should I do now? Go back to New york or stay till she come back?

(To be continue)
Thanks for reading again.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 06:48:57 PM by Zhen »

Offline River1721

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 14- Those Songs
« Reply #81 on: May 12, 2014, 10:52:35 PM »
Finally~ They know where they both are! :onioncheer:
Wah~ Those songs you chose were perfect for this chapter! :mon angel:
Wow! Churi was finally able to express her feeling's , at least she forgives Rena and knows that she can trust her for the last time!! :mon thumb: :mon fyeah:
Yay~ MaYuki couple finally told Jurina about why Rena is in New York!! :on lol: :mon roll:
Hm~ maybe Churi has her special someone already, but she just didn't realize to who it is :mon sweat: :mon geek:
It was nice of Churi to give Rena, Jurina's high school CD :mon thumb: :mon fu:
Mou!! all I want is for Wmatsui to meet each other!!!!  :angry1: :mon wtfmm:
Author - san don't you dare do the same thing like before ! :mon mad: :mon worklate: :mon evil: <----- Gomen not me  XD :P
Update soon ne~ :gmon bang:

« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 01:58:32 AM by River1721 »

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 14- Those Songs
« Reply #82 on: May 13, 2014, 04:16:42 AM »
What Jurina is going to do next to meet Rena again?!!

Please update soon

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 14- Those Songs
« Reply #83 on: May 13, 2014, 07:58:55 AM »
Churi, I know how you feel ... But you're really kind, meet Airi and have a relationship!

(˘̩̩̩..˘̩̩̩ƪ) just meet you WMatsui! Don't go overseas anymore, you better wait for her in Japan Jurina!

Update more ... !!!

Offline embee5442

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 14- Those Songs
« Reply #84 on: May 14, 2014, 03:47:47 AM »
I can't handle sappy songs :cry:

Mayu for Yuki (obviously)
Churi for Airi...
Jurina for Rena~

PERFECT!  :luvluv1:
A silent user. A silent reader. A silent writer. A silent killer. Meh, whatever.

My List of Stories:

:roll: Short Shots of Lame Plots :poof:
:new!: Wait for Me (hiatus) :skull:
:note: Beats of Love (collab fic with Zhen the Annoying Monkey) :guitar:

Offline Haruko

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 14- Those Songs
« Reply #85 on: May 14, 2014, 06:26:05 AM »
Dont aske me Jurina?!?!.. Ask the author of this O_O

Offline cemanticfoo

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 14- Those Songs
« Reply #86 on: May 16, 2014, 01:47:11 PM »
nice chapter. however i personally feel that maybe you can prolong this by getting churi with rena and jurina with airin. let both pairs try out. before putting these two back to each other. well its up to you as this is your story. just giving my 2 cents worth. hope you don't mine.

Offline gek geki

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 14- Those Songs
« Reply #87 on: May 17, 2014, 03:40:55 PM »
Oh gosh!!!

They could call each other!!!
Why the hell rena phone couldnt be called?? Thats weird!!

Even they couldnt call jurina can call churi or someone to tell rena if she should stay in NY or back to JPN

Offline Terragen

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 14- Those Songs
« Reply #88 on: May 25, 2014, 03:45:13 PM »
oh i want to know what happen next

Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

Offline Terragen

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 14- Those Songs
« Reply #89 on: June 29, 2014, 04:40:36 AM »
Please update this

Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

Offline gek geki

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 14- Those Songs
« Reply #90 on: June 30, 2014, 02:48:35 AM »

Offline Zhen

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 15 - LOVE is a cruel thing.
« Reply #91 on: August 02, 2014, 10:52:37 AM »
Kirozoro: I wonder~  :roll:
RenshuChan: HAHA. thanks for reading~ Hope you enjoy the chapter~
embee5442: NYAHA. it seem that You already know what will happen.....
Haruko: Don't ask me..... ASK my mind~  :D :sweatdrop:
cemanticfoo:HAHA. I don't mind~ But it seem that My brain doesn't want to writeeee more~
gek geki: If that happen..... THERE WILL BE NO DRAMA~ NAYHAHAHA  :P XD AND SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! My brain isn't working welll after I finish my sem~
Terragen: Now you know What happen~ ;D HAHAHAH. THANKS FOR COMMENT AND WAITING FOR UPDATE!  :deco: :cathappy: :bow: and sorry for the late update~


Chapter 15 - LOVE is a cruel thing.

Silent was the word to describe the room. Everyone’s attention was focusing to the front stage, with the spotlight shining down on a girl that is sitting on a chair that was placed at the centre of the stage. The sound of guitar strumming could be heard across the room. Melody, rhythm and beats starts to form.

♪ I arrive in your city walking the roads you’ve crossed.
Thinking of how you passed the days without me.
How lonely you were.
Holding up the photograph you gave me, thinking what a familiar street.
It just that without you here.
We can’t go back to the day ,when we are in love.
Will you suddenly appear at the shop on the corner of the street that we always goes?
I will bring with me, my smiles, waving and saying hello with you sitting and talking.
How I wish I could see you.
Seeing how you’ve changed recently.
We won’t talk about the past, just want to say hello.
Say to you one phrase, just one phrase.
Long time no see. ♪

The strumming sound of the guitar slowly fades away. Claps could be heard after the song ends. “Thank you for listening to this song.” The vocalist bows 90 degree to the audience and walks down the stage.

“Senpai! It been a while since I last heard you singing. As always, AWESOME! Ahhhh~ just like old times...” A girl with long hair that looks younger than the vocalist said.

“Ryohan, thanks. Just like old times at the States. It’s good to see you again.”  the vocalist smiled.

“By the way, Jurina-senpai... What are you doing here at this cafe?”

“Hm? I’m waiting for a person.” Jurina answered with a shrug.

“A person? Masaka, the song that you sing is about him?”

“It’s not a him, it’s a her.”

“Eeeh~ I hope you get to meet her soon. Thanks for helping my uncle to perform.” she smiled.

“Oh. This shop is open by your uncle? The chocolate here is awesome. I used to come here often.” Jurina smiled.

“Yap, uncle’s hot chocolate is the best!” The girl proudly say.

“Thanks to you, the performance went smoothly. Oh. Jurina-senpai I’ll talk to you later, I need to help out." The girl waves her hand and walk away. Jurina sat at a table near the window. A table that are so familiar to her, where she used to sit when she was younger with her crush. After a few seconds, the corner of the vocalist's eyes became watery

“Rena…….” She whispered silently.


2 days later at New york

Rena’s POV

Why are you doing this to me... Why didn’t you tell me? Why are you making me falling harder for you once again... What should I do? I don’t know. Should I wait for you here or fly back to Japan? Am I the person that worth your love? I did promise Churi that I will love you and not hurt you again. But can I? I’m still in doubt at it. Can I love you as much as you do? As deep as you do to me? Maybe……. I don’t know.

Questions filled my head but no matter how hard I try, no answers could be found.

I’m lying here on the bed, thinking about you. About us. I still remember the times we had fun together. How I fall for you. How I cry for you. I reach out my hand and took the phone Airin-san gave me earlier since I left my phone back in Japan, thinking that I won’t be using it anyway. I reach for the phone that are located next to my bed side and makes a call.

“Hello?” A voice could be heard on the other side.

“Hello, Airin-san.”

“Oh, it’s Rena-sama. What can I do for you?”

“Em. Nothing actually… I just want to find someone to talk. Since you are the only person I knew that I can talk to.”

“Did something happen?” He softens his voice.

“....” Did something happen…? I just want to talk, honestly... “Airin-san, can I ask you something?”

“Sure... Anything for you, Rena-san.” He replied with a soft voice.

“Have you… have you ever love someone?”

“....” I just realised that I was asking such a bold question, the other side of the phone went silent for a while without replying.

“I’m s-” My voice was cut by his.

“I have.” He said.

“I’m so sorry for asking such a bold question.”

“It’s okay. I don’t mind sharing, I’m just a bit surprise that you asked.” I could hear him giggles through the phone.

“I didn’t know you can giggle like that. I thought you were a serious guy.” I said.

“Talking to you reminds me of someone I knew. I don’t know why… Maybe that's why I felt comfortable around you I guess.”

“Someone, huh? Someone you love?”

“Em… You could say that I guess.” I could feel the shyness in his voice.

“You mind telling me?”

He chuckled and said. “Did you just call me to tell you a bedtime story of my love life?”

“Maybe.” I smiled.

“Em. Not much of a story, actually. I love her, but she hates me.”

“Eh? Why? Who would reject a person like you?” I was shocked that someone actually hates him.

“Someone.” He chuckled. “ Let’s not talk about me. I thought you have a problem...” Airin-san said as he tries to change the topic but I ignore it.

“Eh. Eh. Eh? Who?” Now I’m curious.

“Just... someone.”

“...” He doesn’t want to tell me. “ Fine... It’s okay.”

“So? Do you have some problems you want to share? Love problem, I guess... Since you asked me that question.”

“Is it that obvious?” Ah…. Looks like I’ve been caught red-handed.

“Kinda. It’s about Jurina, isn’t it?”

“Huh? You know Jurina? Wait, how did you know it’s her?”

I could hear him chuckled again. “Ya, I know her.”

“Then ho-”

“Mayu-sama and Jurina-sama always talk about you.”

“Talk about me? About what?”


“Agh. You’re planning not to tell me anything, right?”

“Haha. Let’s skip this one… So, what do you want to know?”

“About… love.”

"Well, Rena-sama... I don't really know much about that. But I know if you love her, you should not give up on her. Throw away all your doubts and love her with all your might. That's what I know to love someone."

"What happen if they lie to you…?"

"If you guys really are true love, no matter how much you guys hurt each other. In the end, you guys will forgive each other. Because you guys love each other deeply enough to accept each other's wrong doing."



"I'm not sure myself. I’m not sure if I love her enough to be with her..."

"No one does. But everyone tries to be with the one they love, because of trust and believe. Trusting the one you love only loves you and believing that true love will bring you happiness.”

“Really? Do I love her?”

“It’s very easy to tell if you love her or not. Have you ever, for once, had forgotten about Jurina for the past few years she disappeared?”



“Because… she is always in my mind. I don't know why... But I do know that I miss her.”

“Well, then… I think you’ve actually found the answer.”

“...” I smiled after realizing the answer that I've been searching for was actually in front of me all this while.

“Talking to you reminds me of something I need to do before it’s too late.”

“Oh? And that will be...?”

“A secret.” He giggles through the phone.

“Mou. Fiiineee.”

“Anyway, it’s getting late now, Rena-sama. I think you should head to bed right away.”

“Okay. You too. Good night, Airin-san. Thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome. Good night to you too, Rena-sama.”

Slowly, after putting down the phone I drift off to sleep.

The next day, I woke up thinking I should really go back to Japan, because I had a dream about Jurina… Something bad is going to happen to her. I just have feeling about it.

I called Airin-san and told him that I wish to fly back to Japan. He told me the only ticket available is at night, so he booked it for me. After I hang up my phone I started to pack my stuff with my mind filled with worry of this nagging feeling at the back of my head, telling me to quickly meet Jurina before it’s too late. I close my eyes and do a silent prayer... I hope it is just my imagination.


2 days before

Jurina’s POV.

Agh! Why did you fly over to New York..... Now I don't know what should I do. Wait for you to come back or fly over there to find you? After Mayu and Yuki told me about you yesterday, I’ve been worrying non-stop about you. I can't get through your phone, I have no idea how to connect to you at all.

Now I’m here at the chocolate shop, waiting for you to come home... Rena, I miss you badly. When are you going to come back? A lot of things have been on my mind lately. Ah... It’s already so late. I should go back now.

“Ryohan, I should go now. It’s getting late.” I walk towards the counter and see her standing there counting the cash.

“Ah~ Jurina-senpai. Wait a minute, can we go home together?”

Em. That’s the first time Ryohan had ever asked me to go home with her. Oh well. Why not?

“Okay. Why not?” I smile to her.

“Okay. Could you please wait a moment? I need to change.” She quickly runs towards the back of the door.

After a few minutes, she came back from the room with a set of changed clothes.

“Let’s go.” She shouted.

Both of us walk out of the door after saying goodbye to her uncle. The journey back home was full of laughter. She is telling me how’s her life and things that had been happening. Quite cute of her.  Suddenly, we spotted a gang of guys standing around the street blocking the road. Ryohan quickly hides behind me, seeking protection from those gangs.

“Hey! There are some cute girls here...” One of them said.

“Wanna hang out with us?” Other one followed and said.

“Wait! Isn’t that Ryohan-chan?”

It seems that they know Ryohan. Suddenly I could feel Ryohan trembling behind my back. She is afraid of them. 
“Ryohan… who are they?”

“T-t-they… One of t-them is a friend of my ex-boyfriend, J-jurina-senpai.”

“Is that so...”

I toughen my stance, pulling Ryohan closer to my back as I glare at the bunch of guys in front of me.

“Eh~ It is Ryohan-chan. We should help Ryu teach her some manners and never ever mess with us again.”

“Hey, morons!” I said loudly with a smirk. “I think the one that should be taught some manners are you guys. Don’t you know you should treat girls like us gently?”


“How dare that girl… Damn!”

“What the hell… who are you?!”

“Me?” I shrugs my shoulders before pointing at my chest with a thumb. “The girl about to kick your sorry ass!”


“Jurina-senpai! Hang on, Jurina-senpai!”

W-where am I…? Ryohan? Is that y-you…?

“Tell me about the girl!”

What…? What girl… why is e-everything white here?

“Matsui Jurina, stabbed with a knife after a fight on the street. She lost a lot of blood on the way here.”

Huh? T-that’s me… Why are they t-talking about me…

“Get her in the ER! Prepare her for transfusion!”


Ugh… This is weird… why can’t I move my body…I feel numb…
“Jurina-senpai! Get a hold of yourself, Jurina-senpai!

Ryohan… help me… where are they taking me, Ryohan...

“Miss, you must stay here. You can’t get inside.”


“It’s a hospital’s protocol. I hope you understand, miss.”

No… No, please don’t… I can’t be alone…

“Give her the sedative.”

I must get up… I need to meet her… for Rena…she’s waiting for me...

“Eh? Doc, the patient is trying to get up!”

“Hold her! Don’t let her move!”

Stop… Don’t… Don’t separate me and Rena… again...

“She’s losing a lot of blood! She’s not gonna make it this way…”

“No, she can! Just… Hold her still!”


Beep beep.

I want to meet her…

Beep beep.

Let me meet her…

Beep beep.

Just once more…

Beep beep.


Mayu’s Pov

Somewhere else…


“H-hello, M-mayu-san…”

“Who is on the line?”

“It’s m-me… R-ryohan.”

“R-ryohan...? What’s going on? Hey... Why are you crying?”

“Ju-jurina s-senpai…It’s Jurina-senpai, M-mayu-san!”

“Jurina? Why? What happen to Jurina?”

“She’s in the hospital!”


“I don’t t-think she’s gonna m-make it, Mayu-san!”

Rena-chan, it's seem that I can't keep my promise with you after all.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 11:30:17 AM by Zhen »

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 15 - LOVE is a cruel thing.
« Reply #92 on: August 02, 2014, 11:25:05 AM »
EEEEHHH... Why??? (۳ ˚Д˚)۳
Don't die Jurina, don't die...!!! Rena-chan, please.... (╥﹏╥)

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 15 - LOVE is a cruel thing.
« Reply #93 on: August 02, 2014, 01:13:13 PM »


Offline River1721

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 15 - LOVE is a cruel thing.
« Reply #94 on: August 02, 2014, 02:13:47 PM »
J-Jurina can't be dead right?!?! :mon waterworks: :fainted:
Love is way too cruel! :frustrated: :farofflook:
Rena why couldn't you have went back to Japan sooner :frustrated: :on speedy:
They couldn't even meet each other :on cloudeye:
Thanks for the chapter  :hee:

Offline ayudewi6

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 15 - LOVE is a cruel thing.
« Reply #95 on: August 02, 2014, 02:29:54 PM »
Whoaaaa!! Please at least make them united, don't separate them again.. :cry:
Jurina!! Please hold on!! Rena-chan will soon back to japan, she'll soon meet you :cry: :cry: :cry:

Offline 48matama

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 15 - LOVE is a cruel thing.
« Reply #96 on: August 02, 2014, 03:45:54 PM »



JURINA DON'T DIE :pleeease: :gyaaah:


Offline lahika

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 15 - LOVE is a cruel thing.
« Reply #97 on: August 02, 2014, 05:22:32 PM »
Please don't. . . Just please. . .
Hold On Jurinaaaaaaa. . . . . . Rena coming to you. . .
Very intense chapter. . I'm touched. Thank you. .

Don't take a very long hiatus update. . Please. . . .

 :bow: :bow:

Hopeful. .   :twothumbs

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 15 - LOVE is a cruel thing.
« Reply #98 on: August 03, 2014, 04:57:32 AM »

Hope Jurina made it.

Update soon.ASAP

Offline gek geki

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Re: The promise (wmatsui) Chapter 15 - LOVE is a cruel thing.
« Reply #99 on: August 07, 2014, 11:45:23 AM »





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