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Author Topic: Love Letter (Rivalry Love) Madness [SayaMilky]ANNOUNCEMENT!  (Read 43746 times)

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Offline Lover of Yabushita Shu

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^Hey, LYS. Double posting isn't allowed.

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Re: Love Letter/Rivalry Love Madness [Sayanee x Milky] [ANNOUNCEMENT] [07|11|13]
« Reply #123 on: September 02, 2013, 08:06:58 PM »
 :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:

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Re: Love Letter/Rivalry Love Madness [Sayanee x Milky] [ANNOUNCEMENT] [07|11|13]
« Reply #125 on: December 29, 2013, 08:46:57 AM »
Mwahahaha (a fail evil laugh) this fanfiction is making me crazy!! Wahh please update soon, I  love all of your fanfiction !!  :D

Offline GinkoX

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Love Letter (Rivalry Love) Madness [SayaMilky][Chapter 03 Update 2014JAN12]
« Reply #126 on: January 12, 2014, 06:28:30 AM » (oopsies, you didn't know that I updated a day after new year.)

Wait, Amakuchi and I are planning to watch Rhodora 690.

03A. 片思いの対角線[Kataomoi no Taikakusen]

Maachun and Sakuya rid the other car, when they heard the whistle. Sakuya was driving very fast, at this rate, his gasoline might run out fast. Maachun saw the determination in Sakuya's eyes. 'Is she that inlove with Miyuki? Just when last year... She hates Miyuki that much... Saya-chan...' Maachun was feeling jealousy in her heart, it must be the greatest sin that she was able to do--- to be inlove with her friend, and also, at the same gender. She already knows that she can't say these things to Sakuya because she knows that Sakuya doesn't love her. She also confessed to Sakuya over a year or moth ago, but she was ignored."When will I feel the love that I've always wanted to feel?" she whispered to herself, Maachun noticed that Sakuya looked at her, smiling and said. "If anything happens, I'll be the one who'll save you. Just like what you said to me years ago."

"W-Wait... What're you talking about!?" Maachun was shocked on what Sakuya said, she doesn't know that something is about to happen. "......" Sakuya said nothing, Maachun looked at the front view, she saw that they're crashing in a very large and gigantic tree, she was at lost for words, in the shortest term, she froze as the car crashed in the big tree. She closed her eyes but when she tried to open it again, she saw Sakuya covering her.

"Didn't I said that I'll be the one who'll save you?" Sakuya looked at Maachun while smiling.

"B-But w-why are you doing this!?" Maachun shouted back.

"Because we're friends."

A large explosion was heard, the student council was getting worried about Sakuya and Maachun. "President Miyuki!" Fuuko was getting agitated, it's been an hour since the two disappeared. The student council decided to the place where the explosion, happened. They saw Sakuya bleeding and being carried by the rescue people, while Maachun, just stands in one place, she isn't hurt, just a little wound in the forehead. "Sakuya... I'm sorry..." she kept whispering, two students from Nakagawa Gakuen is also with her, asking questions. Those two are Minami Takahashi and Atsuko Maeda.

Shu immediately remembered the guys face and went near him. "What did you do to Sakuya?" Shu angrily looked at Minami.

"I did nothing. Don't go accusing people, you know nothing, CHIBI." Minami answered Shu with a fierce look. "Eh!? I'm taller than you, you know?" Shu answered back. Hitomi and Atsuko stopped them.

They hurried to the hospital and after few hours, they saw Sakuya fine on the hospital bed. "Sakuya..." Maachun was looking at Sakuya very sad. The owner of the hospital and two doctors entered the room, the first doctor is from our infirmary, Kojima-sensei, the other one is someone we don't know, but he resembles Kojima-sensei, and the owner, Koyanagi Arisa. "I'm Kojima Riku. It's nice to meet you." He introduced and went near the bed.

"I'm afraid that the crash has a big effect on Sakuya's brain, from what the doctor's said, he'll be suffering from amnesia. That's all." He then left the room, while Miyuki, was feeling guilt. She knows that this happened because of her.

When they looked at Maachun, it was the first time that they saw the student council's comedy queen cry. "Sakuya's always been there for me. When my eye operation happened, our childhood... When I got into a relationship again with Riichan..." Seriously, Maachun doesn't know the one she truly loves, but now, she has realized that she's inlove with Sakuya, not Riichan or Nana, just Sakuya alone. She suddenly grabbed her phone and called Riichan, "Riichan, we're breaking up."

They heard the other line, Riichan just answered yes. Though she gave Maachun her eyes, stopped studying for her sake, it was still nothing but pure idiocy. "I'm sorry." Maachun apologized.

"No... It's alright." Riichan answered in the other side, then dropped the call. A deafening silence enveloped the room, until someone surprisingly entered the room. "Oh. What's with those faces? and what happened to Sakuya-kun?" It was Aina, they didn't know that they'll see her here in Tokyo. "A-A-Aina!?" All of them are shocked to see Aina. After telling her the whole story, she nodded and crossed her arms. "A big problem, isn't it?" she said.

"What is a gorilla even doing here anyway?" Nana suddenly spoke, her voice was loud. "Ahhh... Then why is a Baachan still here? You should stay in a home for the aged people." Ainyan retorted. "Oi. Oi. Stop." Yuuko stopped the two, and Aina left the room.

Sakuya later, woke up, scratching his head. "W-Where am I? and who're you?" he said to Maachun, she then answered. "I'm Ogasawara Mayu, your girlfriend."

[to be continued?]

Sorry for the damn small update.

Offline GinkoX

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Re: Love Letter (Rivalry Love) Madness [SayaMilky][ANNOUNCEMENT]
« Reply #127 on: April 11, 2014, 01:09:10 AM »
No, this isn't a hiatus announcement, also not a graduation announcement. Lol. Nobody really cares about this story, but for all the other people that enjoyed this story 'So far' and thought of this as a masterpiece, I was convinced by someone very special to me to update this story, not a user here, and not also a wota. She is simply a girl who enjoyed this story more than the other readers enjoyed it, more than YOU enjoyed it. Since I can't get through the path I made, 'The Maachun parts in the S2 chapter 03' I decided to change the whole season 2 plot, it became more focused on a love letter, not on any other pornography that I featured on Season 1.

This time, I want to give myself a chance to change the fate of this story once again, It's just that she really got into this story and this is my chance to repay her kindness for the past days that she helped me with my problems and everything. AMJT.

To shorten, this announcement is telling you that I'M GOING TO START THE S2 OVER AND OVER AGAIN. :$

The s2  will be posted on my tumblr. CLICK ME!

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