I first wanted to apologize to some readers who read "The Everyday Life" ff.
I have made a sudden decision to end it just like that.
Some of you sent me messages and anticipate the continuation but yeah...

I'm very sorry

On the other hand, I had a lot of draft in my folders. So I decide to finish this short fic.
Rena was always the timid girl since she was little. She went to an all-girls school and she had a slight culture shock once she entered the college world. Well back I high school, the girls always tell that the co-ed high school could be crazy at times like for example throwing crazy parties and such. But once Rena stepped in college, she’ve seen worse.
During her fourth semester in college, she got to know a popular girl in her 2nd semester studying music. The girl was widely known because of her handsome and beautiful looks at the same time. Moreover, the girl was dating the current top model in the industry.
Rena didn’t even know how she ended up being friends with the popular girl, Jurina. But she did remembered the first time Jurina smile and said “Hi” to her while Rena was sitting at the stands, waiting for her friend Yuki, who was the secretary for the Music Club.
“Hey, I’ve never seen you around before?” Jurina scrunch her eyebrows as if to recall the amount of people waiting in the stands.
“I’m waiting for my friend…” Rena timidly answered. Jurina make an ‘O’ shape and continued to converse with Rena.
From that day on, Rena would always come to the auditorium to wait for Yuki and at the same time, when Jurina had free time in between, she would come and chat with Rena.
At first, Rena was slightly reluctant to talk with the girl since she has this outstanding cool aura around her. Plus, she’s extremely popular. Why would she talk with a simple girl like Rena. But then, Jurina started to be more open and clingy towards her and Rena just seems to cant push the comfortable feeling being around Jurina.
As many months go by, Rena started to realize that she’s slowly falling head over heels with Jurina. Just a slight contact of her skin with Jurina could make her flush red. One day, Rena had accompany Jurina while she finishes up her assignment. Jurina’s phone rang and it turns out her model girlfriend, Annin, was calling.
They talked for a while, being all mushy, which makes Rena suddenly feel like bolting out of the room. Which Rena was about to do, but then Jurina grab her hand, making Rena stop in her movement.
“Jaa….see you tonight ne. Love you” Jurina trailed off before ending the call.
Rena slid her hand away from Jurina’s grip and said, “I-I was just going to buy refreshments for you..”
“No need to. I’m done with this. We could go back home now..” Jurina revealed her happy Cheshire smile, making Rena’s insides melt.
As they were leaving their college compound, heavy droplets started to pour down from above. Luckily, Rena always brought along her mini umbrella. Then she and Jurina hunch together as they walk in the rain, underneath the umbrella.
They soon ran to Jurina’s sporty red car. Although it only took them several seconds to reach into Jurina’s car, they were still already half soaked.
“Crap…and I just bought this shirt yesterday..” Jurina mumbled in disgruntle.
“Do you want to change at my place?” offered Rena on seeing the latter’s sad face. Jurina’s face brighten up at the offer, “Sure!”
Rena rent a small apartment with two rooms and a small kitchen with Yuki. But recently, Yuki have been staying overnight with her girlfriend, Mayu. So, Rena’s been living alone lately.
“Wow…..” Jurina mouthed as soon as she stepped in to Rena’s apartment.
“It’s small isn’t it?”
“I expect it to be much smaller from the outside appearance, but this turns out pretty good..” admired Jurina as she stood staring at the whole room. Rena later brought out her clothes and asked Jurina to choose which one she’ll be wearing.
“I think this and this will be fine…” Jurina grab the fresh, dry white t’s with a black stripe and pants before running off to the bathroom.
Jurina later came out looking extremely cute, in Rena’s eyes. Jurina asked Rena whether she looked okay in it, on which Rena just replied with a smile and a thumbs up.
“Thanks a lot for the clothes Rena!! I’ll give it to you back once I’ve wash it.” Jurina hugged Rena tightly which makes the girl blush crimson.
“Say Rena, would you mind if I drop off here sometimes?”
“Sure!” Rena replied a little too fast which makes Jurina laughed. “You really like my company, don’t you?” teased Jurina as she poked Rena’s already tomato cheeks. “Jaa… I’ll go now. See you tomorrow okay.”
Jurina didn’t came the next day. Rena presume Jurina simply overslept or she had other things to tend. Rena also wondered about the date Jurina was supposed to attend with Annin. Maybe it went so well till Jurina couldn’t come today. Rena’s sudden firm grip on her plastic rule snapped it into half. Hey, blame, the sudden bubble of jealousy in her. She’s jealous alright, but she cant do a thing to comfort her own hidden jealousy.
The other day while Rena was heading to class, she spot Jurina entering the college compound. A slight sulky face wore on Jurina’s face. Her eyes were also somewhat…
“Rena!” Jurina call out as she spot her from afar. Rena smiled and waved before Jurina jog towards her. “Hey..umm…sorry I didn’t replied to your text. I overslept,” Jurina flash her usual cheeky smile.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You look like you haven’t slept for ages!”
“Nah don’t worry. By the way, see you later okay?” Jurina pinched Rena cheeks before she hurried to her own class.
Rena had lunch with Jurina and the others later. Mayu invited Rena, Jurina and some of her clique to her slumber party at the weekend. Rena was quite hesitating on going to these type of parties since she heard things could go wrong when people are in a party. But then, they are no boys. Maybe….maybe it’s okay…
“C’mon Rena…it’ll be fun!” assist Yuki
“There won’t be any boys Rena-chan. So nothing bad will happen… I hope” Yui nodded on while giggling with her girlfriend Paruru.
“It’s not gonna be fun if there’s no you…” pouted Jurina.
Damn, Rena thought, that pout is one of my weakest point. “Umm….o-okay…but….are you guys planning to get drunk?” They all tumbled down laughing at Rena’s question and she doesn’t even know what’s funny.
The day came by sooner than she expected and it was Rena’s first time going to someone else’s house, for the purpose of ‘slumber party’. And her parents were a little strict back then. Even in certain class trip back in high school, her parents weren’t really agreeing on the thought of it. Moreover, this type of late night party, definitely a NO.
Mayu greeted her and Yuki at the front door and ushered them to come in. Well, the music was loud for sure but everything looks kinda safe until Rena spotted a packed of tin beer on the mini table.
Jurina came few minutes later, bringing in 3 boxes of pizza for them to devour. She greet Rena with a hug, when she spot her sitting at the couch. Making the latter felt a tingling sensation all over her. They all started off by karaoke-ing to their heart contents. Rena who just prefer to clap her hands to the beat of the music while her friends sing, was suddenly force to sing a song too.
She chose a sad song which she had been listening recently, Kareha No Station. Once she managed to sung the last lyrics, everyone sat in silence.
“Why did you choose a sad song?” Paruru asked in her usual salty tone
“Your voice…..is….melancholicaly…EPIC !!” cheered Yuki
They all nodded in agreement and continue the hype by singing another couple of few songs before playing Truth or Dare. Jurina then started to uncapped the beer and took a gulp. Everyone seems to be doing the same thing, except Rena, whose beer remains untouched.
“C’mon Rena…just take a sip..”
After a few seconds of thinking back and forth, here goes goodbye to her innocent world of no-drinking. She uncapped and slowly take a sip. Bitter. That’s the first thing that came to her mind about the taste. But later on, after taking another sip a couple of times, some kind of warmth starts to seep in. Weird.
They started playing the game. Everyone started off by using Truth. Some funny, and shocking amount of truth were revealed. Rena’s face heated up when Mayu asked if there’s someone who’s currently in Rena’s heart interest.
Rena bit her lip. Hesitating to answer, “Umm….”
“You know you need to answer this truthfully…or else you’ve been curse to have diarrhea the whole month” reminded Yuki
Rena, left with no other choice, just nodded at the question she was given, making all of them saying ‘Oooh’ and guessing who the person was. Rena sneak a quick glance at Jurina and saw that she was staring at Rena with a quizzical look.
They proceeded with an amount of crazy dares which involve the making a prank call. Paruru chose dare and she needs to call her mom and tell her that she’s pregnant. But the funny thing is, Paruru’s mom didn’t even believe a word.
“You’re gay. How come you ended up with some guy and getting preggies?”
“Moooooommmmm !!!” wailed Paruru over the phone and they all laughed.
All of them were half-drunk in Rena’s eyes. Soon, they were laughing on small things which were not really funny and making sense. Somehow, Rena doesn’t seem to be shaken by the liquor.
“Alright…hic...Alright... The ultimate..hic.. final dare..” hiccupped Mayu, “Jurina…I dare you…to kiss the prettiest girl…within us.”
Rena was a little tense as she listen to the crazy dare. But what is more crazy is when she felt a pair of lips leaning in to her and closing the gap. Bitter but sweet. That was the thing that struck her over the pair of lips. Was it 5 seconds? Rena didn’t manage to count as she just sat froze, even after Jurina moved away.
Everyone whistle around them and they mumbled about keeping a secret from Annin about this thing. Rena look up at Jurina and saw her staring back at her with a slight confuse look.
They later slept on the mattress already sprawled on the floor. All of them slept soundlessly once their head touched the pillow. But not Rena. She lick her lips, still rekindling on what happened earlier and wondering whether it was real or just imaginary. If it was real, then…it was her first kiss. Her sacred, valuable first kiss. Taken by the person she likes but who isn’t hers. But then, the kiss must’ve didn’t mean a thing to Jurina, since it was just a dare…and Jurina might be under the influence of the alcohol, so probably she won’t remember what actually happened the next day. But…but why does Rena feel that Jurina might have….
Rena tossed to her left and saw Jurina underneath the streak of light entering the window, still unasleep, turning to face her. “Hmm?”
“I’m…I’m sorry about earlier…”
“It’s a dare… I get it.” Rena replied sounding a little punctured somewhere in her heart.
“But I….”
“I mean it...the kiss. I really wanted to kiss you.” Jurina answered truthfully.
Rena tried to search Jurina’s eyes. What’s the meaning behind this? Is this a dream?
“Rena…I know you don’t feel the same way—“
“How are you sure I don’t feel the same way?” whispered Rena as she stare into Jurina’s eyes. “So…you do, like me?” Jurina snuggled her body closer to Rena. Rena could feel Jurina’s breathing by now.
“But what…”Jurina was staring deeply in Rena’s eyes.
“But I don’t want to get in between you and Annin…”
At the sound of Annin’s name, Jurina looked away and heaved a sigh. She stared at the ceiling, a sad look wear upon her face. “You know….the other day when me and her was supposed to go out on a date, right?”
“Yeah…what happened?”
“When I went to her place to pick her up, I saw her room was half open. And I….and I saw her….making out with some guy!” Jurina try to swallow back her tears but ended up bursting to tears as Rena immediately pulled her in a hug. Rena hoped she doesn’t look like someone who is taking an advantage over the heartbroken girl. Jurina continued to sob quietly on Rena’s chest while Rena softly stroke the latter’s head, till both of them fell asleep.
From that day onwards, both of them started to get more closer than usual. They are not an item but there’s definitely something going on between them and just can’t be explain as ‘just friends’. Although the current status between Jurina and Annin seems to bug in her mind a few times. She just brush it away and enjoy the current present.
“Nee Rena, let’s go to that chic café later. I’ve been dying to eat Red Velvet since last week,” Jurina pleaded as they walk through the hallway.
“Oii you both….” Yukirin wave ahead of them, accompanied with Mayu.
“Somethng is fishy between the two of you…” Mayu put up a detective look.
“Did something between you guys happen right after ‘the sacred kiss’ last week?” Yukirin teased the both of them. “Wow…Jurina, you cant be two-timing Annin aren’t you?” Mayu joke around, completely unaware the slight air of tension between Jurina and Rena.
Jurina managed a small laugh. “Umm… we’re heading to the café. Catch you both later.” Rena felt a small pat on her shoulder, as a sign from Jurina to get a move on. They walked in silence after that.
The silence ended when Jurina sat facing her favourite Red Velvet cake. She was so excited Rena just couldn’t help but to laugh at Jurina’s adorable actions.
“Why…Why are you laughing at me?” asked a slightly confused Jurina while she licked her small fork.
“It’s just that you look….cute” Rena’s eyes diverted the ground as she blush.
Jurina too, blushed, but managed to crack a small joke “Of course. Jurina is always the cutest ne” Rena look up and rolls her eyes, pretending to be slightly disgusted by the Jurina’s self praise. Rena then noticed there was some cream at the corner of Jurina’s upper lip.
“You got some cream over there…”
Jurina put down her fork and kept wiping her mouth in all the wrong places. “Is it gone now?”
“No, it’s on your right.”
“Ah here?”
Rena took a tissue and held Jurina’s chin in one hand while her other hand wipe the smeared cream. “Done..” Rena finally dap the tissue for one last time before their eyes suddenly met. Both seems to be stiffened on the sudden closeness between them. Rena’s heart starts to beat wildly. Their intense stare only came back to reality when one of the waiter accidentally let the plates fall to the ground behind them.
“T-Thanks Rena…”
“No problem…”
They went out of the café in a slight awkward silence. But then Rena pluck up the courage and asked “Are you doing anything later?”
“Wanna come over to my place? Remember that CD you wanna lend from me?”
“Ah right!! Sure!!” Jurina answered excitingly.
But as they were about to walk back to Jurina’s car, someone honked and park at the sideways. The driver door open and reveal the gorgeous looking girl, whom Rena always see in the magazine, Annin.
“Jurina…” Annin came to both of them.
“What do you want?” Jurina asked in a cold tone.
Annin grab both of Jurina’s hand and started pleading “Jurina don’t be like this. I’m sorry about what happen that day. I was….I was drunk. I didn’t knew it’ll ended up like that. Baby please I’m sorry.”
Jurina released Annin’s grip. “I’m done with your bullshit talk. You think I don’t know about all the other guys you’ve been sleeping with? I’ve been a making a blind eye about this… No. We’re done Annin. It’s over between us.”
Jurina grabbed Rena’s hand and they both walk away. Jurina completely ignoring Annin’s pleading and call. They reached Jurina’s car and entered. They sat in silence for a moment while Jurina tighten her grip on the steering wheel.
Rena saw Jurina was trying hard not to cry. Rena can’t offer words of calmness at the moment because she knows Jurina needs to properly think and all about what just happen. Rena really wants to console Jurina with a hug, but she doesn’t want to look like she’s taking advantage.
“Rena…can I stay at your house today?”
Rena stared at the girl outside her small balcony, draped in a blanket, while she took a small sip from time to time. Jurina had been outside for almost an hour, and the weather is getting chilly these days. Rena wanted to call her inside but she’s afraid she’ll interrupt Jurina’s thoughts or anything.
Rena, trying to avoid an awkward situation, switched on the TV and had been switching to a lot of channels, not really digging the shows that were shown on the screen. Her eyes kept looking back and forth at the girl outside.
After a few minutes, Rena heard the sliding door open and closed, she knew Jurina came in, even if her eyes were plastered on the screen, watching some idols variety show. Rena felt a slump beside her and a small sigh came from the person beside her.
“Eh? I didn’t know you like to watch this kind of thing?”
Rena flinched a little, upon realizing Jurina was talking to her, “Not really. But sometimes they are sorta fun to be watch. The games are funny and they’re kinda cute…”
Rena suddenly felt warm breath near her left ear, “Ah….which one is cuter? Me or them?” The question surprised her, that she suddenly turned to her left, making her face just slightly inches from Jurina. Upon realizing how close they were, she furiously blushed and diverted her eyes to the ground.
urina giggled before gently cupping Rena’s cheeks. “You know…you are seriously cute when you blush I just can’t.…I just can’t even express how cute it is.”
“Are you okay now?”
Jurina softly caressed Rena’s cheeks with her thumbs, “I’ve been thinking a lot earlier. About the thing this evening, about you….about us. And now that I’ve got to know you more, I think I haven’t felt this kind of happiness for quite a time. Back when I was with that bitch, she always taken me for granted and never considered my feelings at all come to think of it. But you…”
“What about me?”
“You noticed me. You spend a lot of time with me. You even give me space whilst I was confused. You’re just….ugh…I don’t know how to express this…but I’m 100% sure that…that I really wanna be with you.”
Rena reached her palm to Jurina’s cheeks and caress them in turn, “You don’t know how much I want to be with you too. I love you Jurina…”
Both of their eyes glistened with tears and both of them collided their foreheads and let their lips sealed in a sweet kiss. After a few seconds, Jurina broke from their kiss and whisper, “I love you too Rena.”