By the way, I'M SORRY for the "Kai's shirtless scene". I know you all can't help when you imagine it. I just want to make him looks sexy. But YES INDEED, HE'S DAMN SEXY!!
Now here's the 2nd chapter. Enjoy!

The first day of college, Kai meet Riku. He’s walking with a girl clinging to his arm.
“Oi, Kai!!” greet Riku. They clap their hands. “Oh, let me introduce her. She’s Yuko, my girlfriend.”
“Oshima Yuko, nice to meet you” Yuko said introduce herself.
“Oh, hi Yuko-san. I’m Kai. Takahashi Kai.” Kai greet her.
"Yuko, Kai is my bestfriend since we were in primary school. Even in Hokkaido, he is my roomate" Riku explained.
"Oh.. You two must be very close" Yuko told them.
“So, can we get in now?” Riku ask Kai to get in the class.
Kai nods. Then Yuko takes down her hand off Riku’s arm. “Bye, Rikunyan!!” she waves her hand.
“Eh? She don’t want to join?” Kai asks.
“She’s in different major, Kai! She’s in interior design” Riku answer. “Now let’s go.”
The lesson that day seems not really hard. Almost every lecturer who come to the class only introducing theirselves or just started the class by introducing each other. While lunch time, Kai eating in the canteen with Riku.
Riku looks like really worried as Yuko haven’t come to the canteen yet. Then his phone ringing. It’s Yuko text him.
To: Rikunyaan
From: Yuko
Rikunyaan, I ‘ll come late for lunch. Please wait.
For several minutes, they wait her without eat anything and Kai’s stomach started to make voice. Kai thought that he can’t stand his hunger, so he decided to order the food first. Just when he stand up from his seat, Riku talks “Ah, there she is! Hey Yuko, here!” Riku shout calling her girlfriend.
Kai sees Yuko saying goodbye to her friend and then ran towards them. The girl that was with Yuko seems familiar to Kai. She's the girl next house, the Maeda girl. She wears yellow jacket and a black shoulder bag.
“Oh my God, is that Maeda girl who lives next to my house? She study in this college? With Yuko?” Kai started to think. He is very grateful by this moment. He hope that the girl next house is really the student of this college too.
This is a very long and busy day for the freshman student because there are campus orientation programs. The programs ended in the evening. When Kai come out of the room, he find that it’s already dark outside. Kai drives his motorcycle back home. He drives for 15 minutes, then when he pass through the road, he sees a girl with yellow jacket walking on the sidewalk. Kai really sure that girl is Acchan. It can be seen by her sholder length black hair, and the bag she bring is the same like what he saw at college today. Kai drive slower and closer to her.
While keep walking on that quiet still road, Acchan hear a motorcycle voice come closer to her. She walk a little faster, she‘s afraid of bad boy or criminal wants to bother her.
Realizing that Acchan walk faster, Kai drive again and stop right in front of her. Acchan stops as Kai opens his helmet.
“You are… Maeda-san, right?” Kai ask then give her his sweetest smile.
Acchan nods. “I’m Kai. Takahashi Kai.” He give his hand and Acchan shake his hand.
“Maeda Atsuko- des” Acchan said.
“You live in the next house, right? Get on, let’s go home together.” Kai offer Acchan to take a ride with him.
“Umm.. no, thank you. I can walk” Atsuko said, then she smiles as she don’t want to make Kai disappointed.
Kai look around the street. ”I can’t let a girl walk alone through this quiet road at night. Come on, just take a drive with me.”
Acchan look around. Kai is right. The road seems very quiet and horrible in this late of night. But, it’s not like she want to refuse Kai’s offer.
Kai stares at her angelic face. He wait for Acchan’s answer and now his heart is beating faster.
“Honestly… I’m not really brave enough to ride a motorcycle” Acchan said shyly in a lower tone.
Kai chuckled. “Souka…”
“Sorry…” Acchan said as she look down.
“So, let’s walk together!” Kai said smiles to her.
“Yeah. However, I can’t let you walk alone”
“But your mot..” before she can finish her sentence, then
“I can take it with me, let’s go” Kai interrupt her then he walk beside Acchan while he take his motorcycle by dragging it. At first they just keep quiet each other. It makes Kai feels weird.
“I saw you at college today with Yuko” Kai start the conversation. “Which major are you in?”
“Oh, I’m in interior design major. How about you and… how do you know Yuko?”
“I’m in architecture major and… Yuko is my bestfriend’s girlfriend. I just met her today.” Kai smile. “You know, it’s really good to have a neighbour who study at the same college as mine. And I’m sorry…”
“Eh? Sorry for what?”
“I should acquainted with you earlier. What kind of neighbour am I, just introduce myself after several days… Sorry.”
Acchan chuckled. "Ah, that's okay. It's good enough that you notice me as your neighbour."
"How can't I notice the girl in front of my window?" once again, Kai smiles to her. Acchan blushed. Then they walk without talk anything. Both of them feel uncomfortable with that kind of silence.
"By the way, Mayu never told me that she has a brother" finally Acchan break the silence.
"Really?" Kai surprised. "Hmm.. Maybe I'm not wanted to be her brother" Kai acting show his sad face.
Acchan laughing as she watching his cute face pouting like that. "So where have you been?"
"I'm studying in a boarding school in Hokkaido. I spent three years high school there."
"Souka.. That's why the room in front of mine was empty."
Kai nods.
"It must be hard to be seperated from your family" Acchan added.
"Yeah, but I'm glad that I have a lot of friends there. Especially Riku, you know? Yuko's boyfriend, he is my bestfriend since we were in primary school and in Hokkaido he became my roommate too!"
Then Kai continue "I'm very happy that I'm accepted to study here. At least, I can live together with my family again. How about you?"
"Eh? Me?" Acchan said. "Emm... It was bad because I sent application to a university in New York but I'm not accepted. That's why I'm studying here."
"That's good" Kai whispering.
"Eh? Did you say something?" ask Acchan.
"Oh, no. No, I didn't say anything" Kai lied. He just realized that he said that thing, he used to think that it was only his thought.
"But I heard you said 'it's good that I'm not accepted in New York' right?" Acchan pouting.
"Shit! She noticed it! Ah damn stupid you Kai!" he thought.
"Err I- I mean.. It's good b-because, if you were accepted in New York, that means I will never meet you," Kai blushed, can't believe that he just told her that embarrassing thing.
Acchan's cheek getting red. Then she glare at Kai. Acchan notice that Kai is sweating a lot. She stop walking.
“Eh? Why do you stop? Something wrong?” Kai asks her.
“Kai-kun… I think you should drive your motorcycle home” Acchan ask him.
“Why?” Kai confused.
“You’re sweating” as Acchan said. Kai wipe his fingers on his forehead. He just realized that he’s sweating a lot.
Acchan take a tissue from her bag then she gently wipe his sweat. Kai’s heart beats so fast as Acchan’s hand wipe his forehead… and his neck. Kai stocked still standing there while staring Acchan wiping his sweat.
Notice that Kai stares at her intensely, Acchan hurriedly pull her hand and act nervously. Now they just stand there speechless.
“Thank you” Kai said in a lover tone, nearly whispering.
“Kai-kun, it’s really okay if you drive your motorcycle home” Acchan said.
Kai shook his head. “It’s only 2 blocks more, let’s go.” Then Kai smile to her.
*Acchan’s POV*
What is happening here? Why do I feel nervous beside him? Kai-kun, you’re really nice person. And your smile… that’s sweet.
We walk again heading to our houses. We talk about a lot of things. About the reason why my family moved to Tokyo, about Mayu, our hobbies, anything... He tried to make some jokes too. I think he just want to make me happy even sometime he's failed in his jokes. But that's the point makes me happy, he always try to cheer me.
"Here we are..." Kai said when we arrived in front of our houses.
"Thank you for accompany me home, Kai-Kun" I smile and biwed to him.
"It's okay, Maeda-san. It's nice to have a walk with you" he said.
"Emm.. Just call me Atsuko. Or my friends usually call me Acchan, you can use it too" I said.
He's surprised. "Eh? Is that okay?"
"Yeah, you're my neighbour by the way. Even your sister calls me Acchan too" I replied.
"Oh okay then" he smile. Aww he has a very sweet smile with that dimple in his cheek.
"Good night Kai-kun" I said.
"Kai! Just call me Kai" he replied.
I nod and smile. "Good night Kai."
"Good night Atsuko" he said. "See you upstairs."
"Eh?" I'm a little bit confused. Then I realized that our rooms are facing each other. I chuckled.
"Just kidding. Good night" then he drag his motorcycle towards his house.
From this first conversation, I think I like him.
*End of Acchan’s POV*