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Offline fuu_kun

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2012, 04:03:39 PM »
when i read mayu become kai sister i though that mayuki will be appear again, but..  whats? O _ O
saemayu? its so damn goood XDb *reaction quenn* i miss this pair since dorama sakura kara no tegami~ so rare to find this pair :/ they're cute X3
pleasee continue
thankyuu :bow:

Offline 21stMay

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2012, 04:07:45 PM »
Like it so much :inlove:

The story is just different than any other story hehehe XD

Please update soon :twothumbs

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2012, 04:41:51 PM »

By the way, I'M SORRY for the "Kai's shirtless scene". I know you all can't help when you imagine it. I just want to make him looks sexy. But YES INDEED, HE'S DAMN SEXY!!

Now here's the 2nd chapter. Enjoy! :D

 The first day of college, Kai meet Riku. He’s walking with a girl clinging to his arm.

“Oi, Kai!!” greet Riku. They clap their hands. “Oh, let me introduce her. She’s Yuko, my girlfriend.”

“Oshima Yuko, nice to meet you” Yuko said introduce herself.

“Oh, hi Yuko-san. I’m Kai. Takahashi Kai.” Kai greet her.

"Yuko, Kai is my bestfriend since we were in primary school. Even in Hokkaido, he is my roomate" Riku explained.

"Oh.. You two must be very close" Yuko told them.

“So, can we get in now?” Riku ask Kai to get in the class.

Kai nods. Then Yuko takes down her hand off Riku’s arm. “Bye, Rikunyan!!” she waves her hand.

“Eh? She don’t want to join?” Kai asks.

“She’s in different major, Kai! She’s in interior design” Riku answer. “Now let’s go.”

The lesson that day seems not really hard. Almost every lecturer who come to the class only introducing theirselves or just started the class by introducing each other. While lunch time, Kai eating in the canteen with Riku.

Riku looks like really worried as Yuko haven’t come to the canteen yet. Then his phone ringing. It’s Yuko text him.

To: Rikunyaan
From: Yuko
Rikunyaan, I ‘ll come late for lunch. Please wait.

For several minutes, they wait her without eat anything and Kai’s stomach started to make voice. Kai thought that he can’t stand his hunger, so he decided to order the food first. Just when he stand up from his seat, Riku talks “Ah, there she is! Hey Yuko, here!” Riku shout calling her girlfriend.

Kai sees Yuko saying goodbye to her friend and then ran towards them. The girl that was with Yuko seems familiar to Kai. She's the girl next house, the Maeda girl. She wears yellow jacket and a black shoulder bag.

“Oh my God, is that Maeda girl who lives next to my house? She study in this college? With Yuko?” Kai started to think. He is very grateful by this moment. He hope that the girl next house is really the student of this college too.


This is a very long and busy day for the freshman student because there are campus orientation programs. The programs ended in the evening. When Kai come out of the room, he find that it’s already dark outside. Kai drives his motorcycle back home. He drives for 15 minutes, then when he pass through the road, he sees a girl with yellow jacket walking on the sidewalk. Kai really sure that girl is Acchan. It can be seen by her sholder length black hair, and the bag she bring is the same like what he saw at college today. Kai drive slower and closer to her.

While keep walking on that quiet still road, Acchan hear a motorcycle voice come closer to her. She walk a little faster, she‘s afraid of bad boy or criminal wants to bother her.

Realizing that Acchan walk faster, Kai drive again and stop right in front of her. Acchan stops as Kai opens his helmet.

“You are… Maeda-san, right?” Kai ask then give her his sweetest smile.

Acchan nods. “I’m Kai. Takahashi Kai.” He give his hand and Acchan shake his hand.

“Maeda Atsuko- des” Acchan said.

“You live in the next house, right? Get on, let’s go home together.” Kai offer Acchan to take a ride with him.

“Umm.. no, thank you. I can walk” Atsuko said, then she smiles as she don’t want to make Kai disappointed.

Kai look around the street. ”I can’t let a girl walk alone through this quiet road at night. Come on, just take a drive with me.”

Acchan look around. Kai is right. The road seems very quiet and horrible in this late of night. But, it’s not like she want to refuse Kai’s offer.

Kai stares at her angelic face. He wait for Acchan’s answer and now his heart is beating faster.

“Honestly… I’m not really brave enough to ride a motorcycle” Acchan said shyly in a lower tone.

Kai chuckled. “Souka…”

“Sorry…” Acchan said as she look down.

“So, let’s walk together!” Kai said smiles to her.


“Yeah. However, I can’t let you walk alone”

“But your mot..” before she can finish her sentence, then

“I can take it with me, let’s go”  Kai interrupt her then he walk beside Acchan while he take his motorcycle by dragging it. At first they just keep quiet each other. It makes Kai feels weird.

“I saw you at college today with Yuko” Kai start the conversation. “Which major are you in?”

“Oh, I’m in interior design major. How about you and… how do you know Yuko?”

“I’m in architecture major and… Yuko is my bestfriend’s girlfriend.  I just met her today.” Kai smile. “You know, it’s really good to have a neighbour who study at the same college as mine. And I’m sorry…”

“Eh? Sorry for what?”

“I should acquainted with you earlier. What kind of neighbour am I, just introduce myself after several days… Sorry.”

Acchan chuckled. "Ah, that's okay. It's good enough that you notice me as your neighbour."

"How can't I notice the girl in front of my window?" once again, Kai smiles to her. Acchan blushed. Then they walk without talk anything. Both of them feel uncomfortable with that kind of silence.

"By the way, Mayu never told me that she has a brother" finally Acchan break the silence.

"Really?" Kai surprised. "Hmm.. Maybe I'm not wanted to be her brother" Kai acting show his sad face.

Acchan laughing as she watching his cute face pouting like that. "So where have you been?"

"I'm studying in a boarding school in Hokkaido. I spent three years high school there."

"Souka.. That's why the room in front of mine was empty."

Kai nods.

"It must be hard to be seperated from your family" Acchan added.

"Yeah, but I'm glad that I have a lot of friends there. Especially Riku, you know? Yuko's boyfriend, he is my bestfriend since we were in primary school and in Hokkaido he became my roommate too!"

Then Kai continue "I'm very happy that I'm accepted to study here. At least, I can live together with my family again. How about you?"

"Eh? Me?" Acchan said. "Emm... It was bad because I sent application to a university in New York but I'm not accepted. That's why I'm studying here."

"That's good" Kai whispering.

"Eh? Did you say something?" ask Acchan.

"Oh, no. No, I didn't say anything" Kai lied. He just realized that he said that thing, he used to think that it was only his thought.

"But I heard you said 'it's good that I'm not accepted in New York' right?" Acchan pouting.

"Shit! She noticed it! Ah damn stupid you Kai!" he thought.

"Err I- I mean.. It's good b-because, if you were accepted in New York, that means I will never meet you," Kai blushed, can't believe that he just told her that embarrassing thing.

Acchan's cheek getting red. Then she glare at Kai. Acchan notice that Kai is sweating a lot. She stop walking.

“Eh? Why do you stop? Something wrong?” Kai asks her.

“Kai-kun… I think you should drive your motorcycle home” Acchan ask him.

“Why?” Kai confused.

“You’re sweating” as Acchan said. Kai wipe his fingers on his forehead. He just realized that he’s sweating a lot.

Acchan take a tissue from her bag then she gently wipe his sweat. Kai’s heart beats so fast as Acchan’s hand wipe his forehead… and his neck. Kai stocked still standing there while staring Acchan wiping his sweat.
Notice that Kai stares at her intensely, Acchan hurriedly pull her hand and act nervously. Now they just stand there speechless.

“Thank you” Kai said in a lover tone, nearly whispering.

“Kai-kun, it’s really okay if you drive your motorcycle home” Acchan said.

Kai shook his head. “It’s only 2 blocks more, let’s go.” Then Kai smile to her.

*Acchan’s POV*

What is happening here? Why do I feel nervous beside him? Kai-kun, you’re really nice person. And your smile… that’s sweet.

We walk again heading to our houses. We talk about a lot of things. About the reason why my family moved to Tokyo, about Mayu, our hobbies, anything... He tried to make some jokes too. I think he just want to make me happy even sometime he's failed in his jokes. But that's the point makes me happy, he always try to cheer me.

"Here we are..." Kai said when we arrived in front of our houses.

"Thank you for accompany me home, Kai-Kun" I smile and biwed to him.

"It's okay, Maeda-san. It's nice to have a walk with you" he said.

"Emm.. Just call me Atsuko. Or my friends usually call me Acchan, you can use it too" I said.

He's surprised. "Eh? Is that okay?"

"Yeah, you're my neighbour by the way. Even your sister calls me Acchan too" I replied.

"Oh okay then" he smile. Aww he has a very sweet smile with that dimple in his cheek.

"Good night Kai-kun" I said.

"Kai! Just call me Kai" he replied.

I nod and smile. "Good night Kai."

"Good night Atsuko" he said. "See you upstairs."

"Eh?" I'm a little bit confused. Then I realized that our rooms are facing each other. I chuckled.

"Just kidding. Good night" then he drag his motorcycle towards his house.

From this first conversation, I think I like him.

*End of Acchan’s POV*

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2012, 04:53:50 PM »
kai acchan momments its sooo sweet x) drag his big motorbike surely will make him sweat xd acchan afraid of ride motorbike huh? why?

thankyou for the update ~ :bow:
looking forward for the next~

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2012, 05:10:07 PM »
So sweet :heart: :heart: :heart:
I can't wait for your update!!
to be my friends Twitter Tumblr

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #25 on: December 03, 2012, 06:17:53 PM »
Yeah!! updated so fast love it!!!...

jeeje poor kai.. that moto seems so heavy.. but yeah kai and maeda can go in that motorcycle to university.. sound good!!

eh no more shirtless scene.. awww :B

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2012, 07:00:24 PM »
omg!! please continue I like!!!  :thumbsup

Offline chichay12

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2012, 11:53:27 PM »
ok thats it!
Im officially in love at ur fic!!
Im on a bus when im reading this,i just can help to smile!
And the other passenger is looking at me!
They thing im crazy!XD

Thank you for update!
And have a nice day.

Offline steven_0809

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #28 on: December 04, 2012, 07:31:16 AM »
men this story is good!!!!!!!!! :thumbup

Offline dark48

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #29 on: December 04, 2012, 07:53:25 AM »
Now that was really sweet  :wub:

Kai and Atsuko are really cute together :heart:

I really love this  :inlove: :inlove:
Please Continue

Offline chemicalstar

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #30 on: December 05, 2012, 02:16:58 AM »
ok thats it!
Im officially in love at ur fic!!
Im on a bus when im reading this,i just can help to smile!
And the other passenger is looking at me!
They thing im crazy!XD

Thank you for update!
And have a nice day.

Lol. Be careful Chichay12-san people might be thinking that you're really crazy.  :lol:

Thanks all... Can't wait to update it soon :D

Offline chemicalstar

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2012, 02:40:56 AM »

This is what happened in Acchan's graduation concert. They're kissing in public!!  :luvluv1:

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2012, 02:50:41 AM »
atsumina are the best but... i want my saeyuki..... :) onegai... :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

Offline KojiYuu44

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2012, 03:12:19 AM »
i have fallen in love with this fic its too cute :)
please update soon!

Offline chemicalstar

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings) UPDATE!!
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2012, 04:37:01 AM »
YOSSHH!!! Finally.. here’s the third chapter for you guys! Enjoy :D


*Kai’s POV*

I come into my house and find mayu parents in the living room.

“Kai, we’re sorry for having dinner without you. You’re coming late… Where have you been?” Mom ask him.

“No worries, Mom. I’ll have my dinner by myself. It’s okay. I’m sorry for coming late, it’s been a busy day at college.”

“Go clean yourself before dinner, look at you, how could you sweating like that?”

“Err.. it’s aaa... Nothing. I’m just feel the weather is hot,” I said, then I go upstairs and take a shower. After that, I walk towards my window and sneak a little through the curtain. I see the light of Atsuko’s room is already turned on. Then, I go downstairs to have my dinner.

“Where’s Mayu?” I ask Mom during the dinner.

“In her room of course! She’s been with her laptop since hours ago, I guess her IQ will be raising a lot when she’s done” Mom answered jokingly.

After I finished my dinner, I go upstairs to Mayu’s room and find out she’s behind her laptop. I knock the door even it’s already opened.

“Oh, Kai! Come in” she greet me then close his laptop quickly.

“What are you doing?” I walk towards her and sit on the edge of her bed.

She smiles nervously then whisper to me, “I’m chatting with Sae.Hehe”

“Ah, you know, Mom thought that you’re studying, Sist!” I slap her head a little makes her pout.

“Don’t you ever feel in a relationship, Kai? If you have a girlfriend, you must be miss her and want to be with her everytime, right?”

What Mayu said really makes me think that, yeah.. she’s right. And that’s why I come to her room. I want to ask Atsuko’s number. Yeah, my sister is right, maybe this is what Sae feels now. He want to spend his time with Mayu forever. And I’m feeling it now, Atsuko and I just stay apart for not more than 2 hours, but it feels like I MISS HER ALREADY. Even though, we just know each other and she’s not my girlfriend yet. But I miss her.

“Sist, can you tell me about Atsuko-san?”

“Atsuko-san? Do you mean Acchan? Maeda’s family in the next house?” ask Mayu confused.

“Yes. That Maeda girl!”

“Ahhh!” Mayu’s eyes widened. Then she chuckled. “She’s available, Kai. She’s single.”

“Hey I didn’t ask you about her relationship status!”

“But your eyes did!” Mayu said, now she’s laughing at me.

I quickly turn my face off her. I’m blushing. Then I’m a little laughing too. I guess my sister is knowing me so well.

“We walk home together today. She’s nice, and beautiful.”

“Hahaha… So, my brother now is officially falling in love, huh?” Mayu tease me. Ah that’s annoying. But I think it’s fine, besides, she’s really nice sister. She trust me to keep secret about her backstreet relationship with Sae, so I think I can trust her too.

“Yeah, I guess. Can you help me?”

“Helping what? You have to make her love you by yourself, not me!” she answer.

“I know, I know. But, at least, can you give me her number?”

“Why don’t you ask her by yourself? ”

“Oh, come on, Sist! Please support meee.. or..”

“Or what?”

“Or I’ll tell mom about Sae!”

“Hmm.. so now you’re threatening me, Kai! ”

“It’s not like that. But… ah, come on, just give me her number!” I’m a bit annoyed now. She’s laughing and shout, “Acchaaaaann, Kai wants your number!!!”

I quickly cover her mouth with my hand. Oh damn, that little rat! Urrgghh… I hope her shout can’t be heard to Atsuko’s house or I will be dead in embarrassed.  Finally, Mayu give me Atsuko’s number. I’m very happy, then I ran to my room. But… it’s bad when I find Atsuko’s lamp isturned off. Uhh, I guess she’s sleeping.

That night, I can’t sleep well. I keep thinking about the girl who maybe now is sleeping not far away from me. That girl really drives me crazy.

*End of Kai’s POV*

The next morning, Kai wake up early, just to make sure that he wake up earlier than Acchan. Why? What for? Remember, he’s got her number now. Kai types “Good Morning” so many in many ways like: “Wake up, it’s a beautiful day, just like you”, or “It’s cloudy outside. Wake up, the world needs you to shine the day”, he types it, then feel not confident, so he deletes it, types it again, and finally ended with only a short message like this:

“Good morning

A few minutes later, Kai feels so excied when he get a reply message from Acchan.

“Good morning, Kai! How do you get my number?”

“Last night I dreamed about you giving your number to me” with a smile emoticon Kai send it to Acchan.

“Ah, you’re such a sweet talker. Let me guess, it’s Mayu, right?”

“Hehe. Yes she is. But about the dream, I really dreamed you last night ”

Acchan a little blushed when reading Kai’s message. The she replay: “Really? What’s the dream about?”

“The dream was about ‘we went to campus together’. Would you like to make it real? Please ” Kai try to tease her.

Acchan chuckeld, then she reply it again “Hmm… you got the trick! Okay then, pick me at 8 am.”

That morning, Kai quickly get prepare for college today. He goes without his motorcycle to Acchan’s house. When Kai knocking on the main door, Acchan’s Dad open it.

“Ah, Takahashi! Please come in…” Acchan’s Dad greet him very kindly.

“Can I help you?”

“Errr… no, sir. I’m here to pick Atsuko up. We’re going to campus together” Kai said.

“Oh, souka.. But where’s your coolbike? You know, your motor sport?” he asked.

“Oh, I leave my motorycle at home. ”

“Eh? Why?”

“I think Atsuko more like to go by train or bus” Kai guess.

“Hmm… actually, Acchan told us about you two last night. I’m sorry that you had to walk dragging your bike home last night” Acchan’s Dad talk as they sit in the living room.

“Ah, it’s okay Mr.Maeda. It was actually my decision to do it. It’s not her fault, really” Kai answered.

“She got a trauma” Acchan’s Dad suddenly said.

Kai a bit shocked. “What? Trauma?”

Acchan’s Dad nods. “Acchan has a brother. He is a bikeracer,  he also often accompany Acchan to school by his motorbike and Acchan like it too. They used to ride the motorbike whenever the go hangout together. But, tragicly, he’s got an accident during the race” Acchan’s Dad tell Kai their past.

“Accident? What happened to him?”
“He’s dead at the accident. It makes Acchan really sad and it was really hard for her to accpet this reality. That’s why we moved to Tokyo. We want to start a new day” Acchan’s Dad continues it.

“Oh, so that’s why Atsuko don’t want to ride motorbike again” Kai turn down his head.

“I’m a motorbike lover too, Kai. That’s why I like your cool bike. So many times I told Acchan that the cause of his brother’s death is purely accident. I told her not to get trauma to drive motorbike. But, you see… she’s still afraid until now. That’s why finally I sold my motorbike before we moved to Tokyo.” Acchan’s Dad moves closer to Kai. His hand hold Kai’s and he look at Kai seriously. “Kai, would you liketo help me make my daughter erase her trauma? I want my daughter back like before. Please…”

Kai nods confidently,. “I’ll try, Mr.Maeda. You can count on me.”

“Good morning” suddenly Acchan apprears, she walk downstairs. “Kai, you’re here. It’s not 8 am yet.”

“You ready?” ask Kai.

“Uhn!” Acchan nods.

They say goodbye to Acchan’s parents and go to campus. They walk to the nearest bus stop then take a ride by bus. Acchan sits right beside the window and Kai sits beside her. Along the ride, she keep looking outside the window. It makes Kai staring at her forever looking her cute face.

“Kai…” Acchan call him, she turn her head facing Kai. “Why are you doing this?”

“Eh? Doing what?” Kai surprised as their faces now is close enough.

“Doing it. You leave your motorbike just to go to campus with me. I feel not easy with it. You made a matyr of me, I’m sorry” Acchan looks deep into Kai’s eyes.

Kai smiles. “It’s okay, I think I can do anything to be with you.”

“Sweet talker!” Acchan pout.

“I think it’s not fair for you because I did nothing to you” Acchan look at the back of the seat in front of her.

“Hmm… you can do something. May I ask you to do it?”

“Doing what?”

“Please, take a ride with me this evening to have some coffee, by my bike”  Kai shows his puppy eyes.

Thinking that maybe it would make Kai happy, Acchan finally giving up. “Ok-okay… But jus for tonight and…”

“And?” Kai’s very excited.

“Choose the nearest café to our house” ask Acchan.

“Deal!” Kai said, his heart feels like to explode. “Yosh!!! Having a date tonight! YEEEAAYY!!” Kai thought.

End of Chapter 3.

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2012, 08:27:44 AM »

Kai is reallly such a sweet talker

Tnx for the update
Please Continue

Offline chichay12

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2012, 09:04:17 AM »
new update!!
 :farofflook: :farofflook:
Lol. Be careful Chichay12-san people might be thinking that you're really crazy.  :lol:

next time..will i try not to smile to wide while im reading this..XD
i hope i can??.. :banghead:

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2012, 01:36:47 PM »
woow you update soo fast! good job and thankyou :bow:
nice love development between kai n acchan x)
acchan brother is a racer huh? sugoiiii

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #38 on: December 05, 2012, 04:07:18 PM »
I'm already dying for too much Atsumina's cuteness  :luvluv1:

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #39 on: December 05, 2012, 04:18:01 PM »
Fainting from all the atsumina's hahahaah :inlove:

What a great update chemicalstar-san :twothumbs

Please update the next chapter as soon as possible :bow: Sangkyu XD

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