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Author Topic: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings) COMPLETED  (Read 135043 times)

Offline Haruko

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #40 on: December 06, 2012, 04:07:21 AM »
awww takaboy you are a sweet talker marry me.. poor acchan -_-

Offline KojiYuu44

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #41 on: December 06, 2012, 04:18:26 AM »
kai is such a sweet boy :)
this fic is so cute
Thx for the update!!

Offline chemicalstar

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #42 on: December 06, 2012, 04:19:48 PM »
Yeahh Kai is actually toi cute for a college guy.

I'm glad that you all like my fanfic. Gonna update it ASAP for you all.


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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #43 on: December 06, 2012, 05:54:27 PM »
taka so sweet!!
 :heart: :heart: :heart:

Offline giakb48ff

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #44 on: December 07, 2012, 02:23:03 AM »
OMGIRL!! So cute!!! >.< atsumina!!! THANKS !!  :heart: :panic: :thumbup :cathappy: :deco:
I love Takamina!! and Mariko-sama!!! but MORE ATSUMINA!!!

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #45 on: December 07, 2012, 05:15:52 AM »
yeay please update soon~ :bow:

Offline fael_c00l

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #46 on: December 07, 2012, 09:43:21 AM »
yo yo yo update soon,, update soon!!  :bow: :bow:
TomoTomo is my OTP

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #47 on: December 07, 2012, 06:58:54 PM »
So sweet  :inlove:

Kawaii   XD

update soon  :cow:

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings) CHAPTER 4
« Reply #48 on: December 09, 2012, 04:28:38 AM »
Here's the next chapter for you all who stay reading my fic. thank you


Kai gets his motorbike in front of Acchan's house. He pushes the horn 2 times and then Acchan comes out.

"Wow, you are such an 'on time' person" Acchan said walking towards Kai who's on his motorbike.

"Shall we go now?" Kai asked with smile then he offer a helmet for Acchan.

Acchan stop for a while. She feels unconfident to ride motorbike again for almost 1 year since her brother's death. Kai give his hand to help her get on the motorbike. "Come on, don't be afraid, you can bear it." Acchan take his hand but still doesn't move on to the motorbike.

"Trust me, you'll be fine" Kai smile and hold Acchan's hand. She finally get on the motorbike.

*Kai's POV*

I turn my motorbike on and start to drive. Suddenly, I feel that Atsuko's hands around my waist. I can feel that maybe she's nervous and afraid of riding motorbike again. BUT for me, it feels like there's electricity when she touch her hands on my waist. It makes me nervous because this is the first time there's a girl stay very close to me. Even her chest now is glued to my back. It driving me crazy. It just like Atsuko hugs me from behind.

Oh my God. Kai focus, Kai! FOCUS!

Fortunately, thr cafe is not far away from our house. It only takes 10 minutes driving. We talk about a lot of things. Actually, I want to make us know each other closer. From everything she told me about her life, I think I like her, NO-- I LOVE HER. Oh yeah, she told me about her hobbies and her favorites.

There, in the cafe there's a live music stage. There are 4 guys play acoustic music on stage. I can see that Atsuko looks like love their playing. So I ask her, "Do you love music?"

She turn her face to me," Yes of course! Everybody love music." She smiles.

"I can sing," I suddenly said that thing confidently.

She looks like surprised. "Really?"

I nods. "I joined a band when I was in high school. I play guitar and as a vocalist too."

Now she looks like adores me. I like it when she smirk happily like that. "Umm... Can you wait here for a while?"

She nods without knowing where I am going to. I sat up and walked towards the stage. I approach the band vocalist and whispering something to him.

He smiles and he sat up from his seat. He gives a code to his frienda so we can gather for a while. After a minute of gathering, we seperated. I take the vocalist place.

"Good evening everyone" I start to talk on stage. I feel very nervous. This is not like what I used to when I'm on stage.

"I'm Takahashi Kai. Tonight I want to sing a song that specially sang for the pretty girl who sits at the corner, there." I glare to Atsuko who seems very surprised as the people around look at her. She smiles and that's KILLING ME.

"This song is special for you, Atsuko.." I continued as all the people in the cafe, including the waitress and the cafe owner starts to give me applause.

I take the guitar and starts to play it.

### Edwin McCain - I'll Be ###
*open this link to hear the song:

All the people around give me applause. "Thank you.." I said then I puy the guitar and saying thanks to the band. After  I walk towards our table. When I walk, I can hear people talk abou me. Such as:

"Ahh I want to be his girlfriend!"

"Such a romantic guy.."

"The girl is very lucky, I want to be like her"

I'm glad to hear that. It feels like I'm successfully performing the song. I hope Atsuko like it too.

"How was that?" I sit in front of her and drink my coffee again.

"That was beautiful. You have a great voice, Kai" She smirks on me.

"No. Not the song," I said. "I mean... Umm, how do you feel when I sing it for you." I look deep in to her eyes, seriously. My heart starts beating rapidly. Actually it's not easy for me to look into her eyes, but I can't resist it.

She smiles. "I'm drowning" she said in a lower tone. We both blushed and we're facing each other, so we can see our cheeks are getting red.

There's a silence for a while. But she break it and say "Thank you."

My heart's beating so fast again. I still can't believe what I have done. And thanks God, she like it.

*End of Kai's POV'


*Atsuko's POV'

I see something different on his eyes. It feels warm and full of love. The way he holds my hand, the way he looks into my eyes, the way he sings for me, that's just makes my heart melts. He successfully make me fight my fear of riding motorcycle. That's because I feel safe with him. Oh, God. I think I'm in with love this cute guy.

We go home after that romantic night. He stops his bike in front of my house. I take the helmet off and give it to him.

"So, tomorrow we'll go to campus together again?" he shows his puppy eyes again. That makes me giggle. So cute.

"Okay," I smile. He looks like very happy.

"By bus or.. my bike again?"

I think for a while. "Hmm.. Let's try to ride it again." I said as I poke his bike. He smirks.

"That's good. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks for tonight, Kai" I said.

"Good night Atsuko.." he wave his hand then leave.

Tomorrow morning he pick me up to go to campus together.

"Shall I pick you up to go home?" he ask when we arrive at campus, in front of my major building.

"Hmm... I think you don't have to, Kai. I promised to Yuko to buy concert ticket together after class."

"Eh concert? What concert?"

"Kai, I just told you last night that I love 2PM," I said. "Yuko  and I have a a plan to buy it togeher.

"Oh yeah. I got it..." he nods. "Okay then, have a great day Atsuko."

We both seperated. I walk to the class and find out that Yuko is already inside.. with Riku.. kissing.

I pull myself out of the class when I find they're doing 'some love things' but it seems like they're noticing my appearance.

"Atsuko?" Yuko call me. "We're sorry, just come here!"

I walk into the class again and now I find Yuko sits on her chair and Riku sits on the other chair.

"Ohayo" said Riku wave his hand to me.

"Ohayo" I reply. "Sorry to interrupt you two."

"Ah, no it's okay Acchan. It's good that you come. If not, maybe Yuko will ask me for more."

I chuckled. Oh, this pervert couple! But why do I feel myself jealous of those two? I feel like... Oh they're such in love. I want to be in love...

"Riku why are you still here? Kai said that you have a class this morning" I said.

"Uh? Really? Did I forget it?" Riku looks like stupid. "OMG YES I FORGET IT!! Ahh it's because of you, Yuko."

"Eehh?? Why do you blame it on me while you enjoyed it?" Yuko pout.

"Ahaha I'm just kidding," Riku starts to pack his bag and kiss Yuko's forehead. "I'm leaving, see you tonight," he wink to Yuko and she's look like very excited.

Ahh.. This couple, makes me jealous again.

"Bye!!" he wave his hand and go out of the class.

"ACCHAN!!!" Yuko suddenly shout on me.

I'm shocked. "What? Yuko you shocked me!"

"Heeeyy... What happened with you and that Takahashi boy?!" she tease me.

"Eh? Nothing" I reply innocently, hide my blush.

"You just mention his name this morning. When did you meet him eh? You got a date with him?"

"Yuko! He's my neighbour.Of course I met him" I said.

Then suddenly some girls come to the class. "Ah, Acchan!! Who's the cute guy drive you to the campus this morning? Is he your brother?" ask her.

"Yeah. If he's really your brother, then... You can intoduce him to us?" they said.

I feel like I'm burning inside when I hear that some girls adores Kai. Yuko notice it, she know who's the cute guy that they mean.

"Ahh.. That cute guy is Acchan's boyfriend!" suddenly Yuko tell them.

"Boyfriend?" they shocked. "Ah, that's bad. Acchan is very lucky," one of them said. "But you two looks cute together" she continue.

I glare at Yuko who smirks at me.

"Hmm... So that Takahashi boy just drove you to campus, huh?" she tease me again.

I drown my face onto my bag. "But there's nothing with us."

"Nothing? If nothing why does your face is looks like tomato, Acchan?! Hahaha" she laugh, very satisfied of teasing me.

I pout but the she talk again. "I heard a lot about him from Riku. Seems like he's a very nice guy. You have to win him, Acchan!"

"But I don't know if he likes me or not. Maybe I'm not his type..."

"Talking about his type... Riku told me that he never with a girl."

"Eh? Really?" I can't believe that, since Kai is a pro sweet talker and he's good in makes my heart melt.

"But he ever fell in love with a girl when they we're in junior high school."

I don't know why, but Yuko's last sentence is a little make my heart torn. I feel like... I'm jealous.

"Riku said, Kai fell in love with a girl in their school. She's kind of beautiful, rich, and famous girl at school. Kai confessed his feeling to the girl. But you may don't believe. Kai and Riku was a dumb and unfamous when they were in high school. Even you can say that they were freaks and geeks!"

I giggle when I imagine what Kai looks like when he was in junior high school. It must be very different with his appearance now... hot and handsome.

"The girl dumped Kai. Even Kai and the girl looks like beauty and the beast, but I think that's too rude!"

Poor Kai, I don't know that he has a bad experience with girl.

"The girl went abroad after graduation. After that, Kai never seen with a girl anymore. And... Finally, it's you!"

"Ah, so that girl is Kai's first love, huh?" I ask Yuko.

"Hmm... Maybe. But that's not important. Riku said that Kai's already forget about her long time ago."

*End of Atsuko's POV*

Offline qweakb

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #49 on: December 09, 2012, 10:22:21 AM »
nice and sweet chapter...  :)

please continue writing the story and update as fast as possible  XD
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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #50 on: December 09, 2012, 10:52:16 AM »
Wohooo, Acchan jealous with Kai so called first love. Deep inside her (Acchan) heart, she love Kai already ! Make them together soon !

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #51 on: December 09, 2012, 11:21:37 AM »
may i suggest ... make that girl who dumped kai to come back and challenge Acchan in winning his heart!  :panic:

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #52 on: December 09, 2012, 12:08:15 PM »
Dont tell me that rich girl is.....RAY!?!  :on blackhole:   :mon wtf:

That rich girl might come back!!!!  :frustrated: :pleeease: :mon scare:
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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #53 on: December 09, 2012, 01:15:26 PM »
may i suggest ... make that girl who dumped kai to come back and challenge Acchan in winning his heart!  :panic:

Yes, Sydney-san, I want to make them together soon! But, DC2805-san is right. It's time for acchan to fight for her love!!

 correnereyes-san... I already had the storyline, but stull confused who will be the girl. I thought about Ray to be her. But don't worry... it's a KaixAcchan fic, NOT KaixRay fic!!

I had an exam for next 3 days, so maybe I'll be back after that... o course with the new update. I hope you all can comment anything about this fic so I can extend the story and make it great.

Thank you for reading my fic. I'm glad that you all like it. Keep reading...

Offline chichay12

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #54 on: December 09, 2012, 01:23:35 PM »

I had an exam for next 3 days, so maybe I'll be back after that... o course with the new update. I hope you all can comment anything about this fic so I can extend the story and make it great.

Thank you for reading my fic. I'm glad that you all like it. Keep reading...

goodluck with ur exam..and comeback soon!!! :thumbsup

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #55 on: December 09, 2012, 02:05:36 PM »
 :drool: :drool: :drool: super imagination .... yuko and riku kissing in an empty room... :on bleed: :on bleed: :on bleed:

pls. update more...

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #56 on: December 09, 2012, 03:24:32 PM »
Kai so sweet~ :heart:
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Offline Haruko

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #57 on: December 10, 2012, 02:39:15 AM »
OMG!! Iknow that this girl is ray, right? aww takaboy love it!

Offline KojiYuu44

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #58 on: December 10, 2012, 04:16:49 AM »
Oh no I sense that the rich girl is Ray... I feel a disaster coming...
Hope Kai won't be stupid and hope he will stay by Acchan's side
Thank you for the update :)

Offline giakb48ff

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #59 on: December 10, 2012, 07:29:12 AM »
Thanks for this !! Atsumina!! :thumbup :cathappy: :deco:
I love Takamina!! and Mariko-sama!!! but MORE ATSUMINA!!!

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