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Author Topic: Out of Sight, Out of Mind [WMatsui] (2022-11-22)  (Read 21925 times)

Offline aneramyre

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Out of Sight, Out of Mind [WMatsui] (2022-11-22)
« on: October 27, 2020, 02:35:49 AM »
Hi! I'm aneramyre and I'm a 48G fan. I write mostly for my own entertainment (especially since there's practically no audience to write for anymore :cry:) but if anyone stumbles upon my fics and gets a kick out of them, that would make me happy. I write mostly WMatsui.
If you have any thoughts, feel free to share them, but please be gentle >_<


Standalone OS (500 words or more) - 9 entries:

1. Unwanted Suitor - WMatsui (this post, scroll down)
Company parties would be so much better if you get to spend it with your significant other and not an annoying co-worker who keeps trying to ask you out.

2. How to Care for your Pet Jurina - WMatsui
PET48s are the chibi versions of your favorite idols and you can keep them as pets! Now that you got yourself a Pet Jurina, how do you take care of her?

3. I Gotcha in Gacha - WMatsui
If Rena keeps minimizing the amount of time she spends with Jurina, Jurina will start wondering if her girlfriend still loves her. Rena, however, thinks she has a good reason for wanting to play this much.

4. Meant for Me - WMatsui
Knowing your soulmate's name and age when you meet isn't as convenient as it sounds. Soulmate AU set in SKE48 1st Gen auditions in 2008.

5. Midnight at Room 051 - JuriMayuYuko Friendship, mentions of WMatsui, MaYuki, and Kojiyuu
Yuko gets a nightmare on a special day. Mayu and Jurina come back just in time to try and calm her down with their offerings, but not before they finish bickering about their nighttime activities.

6. Negotiation - MaYuki
Yuki is called by management to talk about a violation of the most important idol rule. Watanabe Mayu invited herself to come along.

7. As She Commands - WMatsui
Jurina knows that her queen will never love her. But what else could she do but hope?

8. Ham Among Other Meats - JuriYuki Friendship, MaYuki Cameo
After not seeing each other for a long time, Yuki and Jurina meet again in a dental office waiting room.

9. Out of Sight, Out of Mind - WMatsui
Jurina finds it so easy to get carried away when it comes to Rena.

Standalone Minific (less than 500 words) - 3 entries:

1. To Follow - WMatsui Drabble*
Making people follow her comes naturally to Jurina, but it has its limits.

2. Fresh From The Tree - WMatsui
Rena receives a romantic gesture in the middle of a song, one mosh pit away from the sender.

3. Incompatible - WMatsui
Jurina faces one of the most fearful things she can ever encounter.

*I will be using the strict definition of drabble where the work has exactly 100 words.

Unwanted Suitor

Rena groaned inwardly. Company parties at bars have never been her thing. There's too much socializing expected of her when she'd rather just sit on a bar stool and drink a cocktail or two. She would be perfectly fine if it wasn't for…

"So, Matsui-san, is there already a special man in your life?"

…this male co-worker who won't leave her alone.

"No. Just my dad and my older brother."

"Oh, but maybe there is a person that you are eyeing to be your boyfriend?"

Rena took a deep breath to summon her patience. She wasn't dumb. This guy has been eyeing her since he got hired 2 months ago and has recently decided to make moves on her. And so her trials began.

"Not really."

"Then… will you consider me for the position?"

Ugh. He isn't her type, not at all. He is arrogant. He isn't very smart. He talks too much about things that no one asked him about. He is only nice to girls that he found cute. He creepily moves too close when he talks to her. He doesn't notice that he makes her uncomfortable - and if he did, he does nothing about it. His face isn't horrible but not her type either. He is homophobic, for god's sake. Besides that, Rena was happily taken and fully committed to a relationship with someone very special. If only she could tell him all the reasons why her answer is a resounding 'no'. Not that she thinks he understands what that word means.

"Sorry, she likes 'em young."

Rena choked on her drink and sent a mock glare to the person who answered for her.

"Hey! I'm Matsui Jurina from HR." A grinning Jurina suddenly appeared beside her, stretching her hand to the man for a handshake.

"Sato Daichi from accounting." Sato, for his part, looked surprised at first but recovered his confident smile.

"Your sister?" Sato asked, turning back to Rena after shaking Jurina's hand.

"Nah, we have the same last name by coincidence," Jurina quickly answered for her again.

"I see," he paused. Then, as if realizing that he could squeeze some information out of Jurina, he asked, "Would you happen to know what Matsui-san likes in a man? Aside from being young, as you said?"

"Heh, no." the younger Matsui shrugged. "I don't think she's looking for a man right now."

The bartender served Jurina her drink and she downed it in one go. "I'm gonna go dancing. You're staying here, Rena-chan?"

When Rena sent her a look, Jurina nodded. Rena had no choice - she can't go anywhere with Sato following her around like a horrible stench. Her patience wouldn't be able to handle it and she didn't plan on going to prison.

"Alright. See you later." With a smirk, she placed a kiss on Rena's cheek before walking away with her hips swaying.

Sato, meanwhile, enjoyed the girl-on-girl display of affection and was starting to form some unsavory ideas. He can see it now: Rena goes on a date with him, he dazzles her with his charm and brilliance, they get together, move in, get married, and he'll have a wonderful housewife to welcome him when he comes home from work every day. Maybe the other Matsui-san can even drop by sometimes and the three of them can…

He shook his head. The sooner he can get Rena to say yes, the sooner he can get to the more exciting part of his expected order of events.

"Hrrm!" He called her attention again by clearing his throat. "As I was saying, would you consider going out with me, Matsui-san?"

"Ara, Sato-kun. Pestering a co-worker?" They both turned to a voice that came from the other side of Rena's seat.

"Ah, Shinoda-buchou! I'm just providing Matsui-san with good company." Sato replied confidently. As his direct superior, he's probably optimistic that Mariko is going to bat for him in his wooing.

"Is that true, Rena?" Rena's tired smile was enough of an answer to Mariko. She patted her junior's shoulder and bought her another drink.

Sato couldn't help but notice how his boss called and interacted with his co-worker with such familiarity.

"You seem pretty close with Matsui-san, Buchou."

"Quite so. We've been working together for a long time and we have many mutual friends. Aside from that, we have a relationship similar to friendly in-laws."

How friends can have in-law-like relationships, Sato had no idea but he was quick to jump on the friendship train.

"Ah, then when Matsui-san goes out with me, maybe we'll be friendly in-laws too!"

"Ha. I wouldn't go that far." Mariko muttered under her breath so that only Rena could hear it, drawing a smile that she tried to hide by pulling her glass to her lips.


"Oh, nothing. You think you're up for the challenge of getting Rena's heart, huh?"

"Yes, Buchou! Any ideas on what Matsui-san's type is?"

"You know, she has pretty high standards- so high that I've only seen one person pique her interest. Someone who's sweet, hard-working, and unreasonably attractive." Mariko listed off while sending her female junior a discreet wink. Rena felt her cheeks warm up with a blush. She once got drunk in this very bar for yet another company party and ended up spilling her romantic woes to Mariko, using those exact same words to describe the object of her affections.

"And young." Mariko added. Rena had to stop herself from facepalming.

"So I've heard. Matsui-san does seem particularly fond of our younger coworkers."

Just the girls, Rena answered mentally. But that's beside the point. Jurina and Mariko were joking around that Rena wanted someone younger because they knew that she was dating someone younger. Sato was being told a joke that everybody but him knew the punchline to. It was kind of unfair but she can't find it in herself to take pity on the oblivious guy.

"Well… I'm a year older than Matsui-san but I can guarantee that I fit the bill on all her other criteria. And I still get called a child despite my age so I'm still technically young!"

"Yeah, I bet." Mariko muttered again. Does he think that being practically called a 'man-child' is a compliment?!

"I'm sorry?"

"I said I think I'll be going to the pool tables." She nodded in Sato's direction but he somehow felt that her eyes weren't quite on him. With a wave and a pat on Rena's back, she left them.

Alone with Rena again, Sato moved to stand closer to her seat. "Matsui-san, your friends don't seem to think that you're interested in dating men right now."

Oho, is he actually not as dense as she thought?

"But have you considered that maybe you just haven’t met the right man yet? Maybe your dream man is already right in front of you. Don't you want me to sweep you off your feet?"

Eww, more like sweep him away with her feet. Nevermind, he really is dense. Everything he said disgusted her.

"Go out with me, yeah?" he asked again.

"No way."

Again, it wasn't Rena who spoke after he asked her.

"Nakanishi-san," Sato smiled at their next visitor uneasily. He got along with Nakanishi well enough when he visits Rena's desk. But surely, as a man, Nakanishi knew better than to interrupt when a fellow man was having a one-to-one conversation with a woman. If he didn't know any better, he'd think Rena's friends were trying to butt in on them on purpose.

"You can't go out with Rena-san. Sato-san," Nakanishi dropped on one knee.

"Please go out with me instead."

And just like that, Sato's brain crashed.


"Go out with me, Sato-san."

"Ehh?! What?! Wait. No. What- No. Get up. I -I don't swing that way, dude!" Sato panicked when he noticed that several people were starting to look in their direction.

"Maybe you just haven't met the right man yet, Sato-san. I've liked you since you came into the office. Please give me a chance." Nakanishi took Sato's hand and stared with pleading eyes.

"U-Ummm… I need to go." Sato hurriedly pulled his hand away and ran to the exit.

"Wait! Sato-san!" Nishishi got up as well and followed.

Rena, finally alone, was left staring at where her co-workers stood. Sato thought Nishishi was a man? After two months of working in the same office? That goes to show that his attention is only towards his more 'conventionally womanly' co-workers.

Whatever the case, she owed Nishishi big time.

"Man, I thought he'd never leave. I was running out of tricks." Jurina returned to stand beside Rena and ordered a drink.

"Mm. Looks like we owe Nishishi. And I'm assuming Mariko-san too?"

"Mari-chan volunteered to go while I was still convincing Nishishi," Jurina grinned. "It's easy once you bribe Nishishi with drinks and appeal to the 'goodness of her heart'," she added while placing a hand on her chest.

"I can't complain. You think Nishishi's stunt will keep Sato-san away?"

"Unless she gets reassigned to a desk far from yours, yeah."

Rena hummed and nodded. She wrapped her arms around Jurina's waist in a hug. "Thanks for chasing him away."

"I'm just the planner. Nishishi did the heavy lifting," she answered and ran her fingers through the other's hair.

"Still, you noticed I was uncomfortable and came to check on me first."

"Of course! I could sense my sweetheart's discomfort from a mile away."

Rena chuckled and promised to pay for half of the drinks that they owe their friend.

"So. Now that you're free," Jurina offered a hand to her "Dance with me?"

Rena smiled, letting Jurina pull her into a kiss before following her young, sweet, hard-working, and unreasonably attractive girlfriend to the dance floor.

A/N: Gasp. My 48G fic debut?! lol. Is there an easier way to transfer formatting from Word (or OneNote) to here? Looking for italicized words and putting the tags on every instance manually was painstaking. I also don't understand what message icons mean lol.
I'm aware that there's not a lot of WMatsui in it. I notice that I suck at writing romance even if I have a lot of ideas for them :( I'll try to improve.  Anyway, feel free to share your thoughts!
« Last Edit: November 22, 2022, 01:41:49 AM by aneramyre »

Offline StrongStyle9Q

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Re: aneramyre's OS collection | Unwanted Suitor [WMatsui] (Oct. 27, 2020)
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2020, 11:11:46 PM »
Super fun to read! I'm excited for the other pairings you may have in store.

As for the fic itself something tells me this is drawn from experience. Haha.

Offline Haruko

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Re: aneramyre's OS collection | Unwanted Suitor [WMatsui] (Oct. 27, 2020)
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2020, 01:42:13 AM »
It was so amazing! I love it my wmatsui heart it's complete thank you!! keep going. It feel like this a dairy in a women life in a office.

Just an observation in this part "Jurina and Mariko were joking around that Rena wanted someone younger because they knew that she was dating someone younger. " I believe that Rena is dating another girl...

Hope you can give us more stories.. with this pair or another

Offline Nozokime

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Re: aneramyre's OS collection | Unwanted Suitor [WMatsui] (Oct. 27, 2020)
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2020, 09:35:47 AM »
This story did catch me from the beginning, I loved how jurina always avoiding rena going through bad times, it shows that she is always taking care of her.
Thanks for the wmatsui, it's a great story.

Regarding the audience, do not worry since there will always be a number of readers here that we will be waiting for more stories, I hope you keep writing and that we can see more pairings, please continue like this.


Offline aneramyre

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@StrongStyle9Q: Yes! But I was the one organizing interventions when a friend is talking to someone they don't like lol. Arrogance is so painful to listen to :(

@Haruko: Ah yes, I initially planned that Jurina will only be revealed as Rena's girlfriend at the end but I ended up revealing it early in the story and by tagging it as WMatsui in the OS List lol

@Nozokime: Jurina irl really gives me the vibe that she's always keeping an eye on Rena even now that they don't talk anymore considering her behavior whenever she is brought up. That was probably one of the things that this fic stemmed from (aside from wanting to have Jurina say that Rena "likes 'em young" for fun).

I'm afraid when it comes to ships, my in-development oneshots are mostly WMatsui fics (7 of them at the very least) and 2 multiple-ship fics (which I'm having serious trouble with) >_< I'm currently throwing around ideas for KojiYuu, MaYuki, and SayaMilky fics but I'm not making any promises. Thank you for commenting! I'm glad you liked it.

Your email address is now confirmed.

To register a new Pet Idol to your account, scan the QR code provided in their Pet Idol Kit.



How to Care for your Pet Jurina

Congratulations! You are now the owner of your very own Pet Matsui Jurina.
This database provides records of all known information about Pet Jurinas. Check back as often as possible to make sure you are updated on the newest information.

Pet Idols and PET48
Pet Idols are chibi versions of your favorite idols! PET48 is a subset of Pet Idols; they are chibi versions of members of the famous 48Group. Pet Idols are mysterious creatures whose origins are still unknown. Scientific research is being performed to learn more about the Pet Idols by observing them in both natural and controlled environments. Rest assured that research methods are humane and unintrusive- they violate neither animal nor human rights.

The Pet Jurina Kit
Your Pet Jurina comes with a Pet Jurina Kit when you adopt her. The kit contains:
   • Your Pet Idol's QR Code - 1pc.
   • Nighlight - 1pc.
   • Brown Mama pillow - 1pc.
   • Kenny Omega Manekuma - 1pc.
   • Clothes according to your Pet Jurina's breed - 1 set
   • Random set of clothes - 1 set
   • First Aid Kit with extra bandages - 2 sets
   • List of furniture that your Pet Jurina will need - 1 pc.
   • Suggested set-up for your Pet Jurina's living area - 1 pc.
Furniture, clothes, and day-to-day supplies can be bought in Pet Idol shops or the Pet Idol section of supermarkets and groceries.

Pet Jurina Breeds
Pet Jurinas come in different breeds. The apparent age, preferred hairstyle, emotional stability, and skills of your Pet Jurina depend on her breed. The set of clothes that your Pet Jurina Kit contains also depends on your Pet Jurina's breed. Like all other Pet Idols, Pet Jurina breeds are named after time periods or instances of that particular version of Jurina. AC2017, Center5, and Hollywood2 Jurinas are among the internationally popular breeds.
Pet Jurinas are relatively tall Pet Idols. Depending on the breed, they stand at a maximum of 4.657in or 11.83cm.
A recent study suggests that the physical and mental abilities of Jurinas deteriorate from older breeds to newer breeds so you might want to choose a breed according to the amount of training time that you can dedicate.

"Do you think I should get a MID2015 Jurina?"
"I don't think so. That breed of Jurina is popular for really affectionate owners with lots of time to dedicate to them."
"Okay, maybe not that one."

Training and Discipline
When your Pet Jurina first arrives into her new home, introduce yourself properly and she will do so as well. She will most likely step out of the box on her own and ask to get to know you more. Give your Pet Jurina a tour of the house and lay down your rules. You might need to write them down so she can memorize them and study them on her own.
Pet Jurinas are loyal, loving creatures who would not wish anyone harm. If your Pet Jurina makes mistakes, be kind in correcting her and accept her apologies calmly. She didn't mean to inconvenience or hurt anyone.
Pet Jurinas come potty-trained and well-informed about hygiene, so you don't need to worry about such training. They also have basic skills like reading and writing but might need to be trained regarding societal norms.

"Rena-chan, I'm done bathing!"
"Oka- wait, why are you out here naked?"

Skills and Interests
The specialty of Pet Jurinas is their physical ability. They can be immediately good at sports or other physical activities even though they've never tried them before. They are some of the strongest of PET48, along with Pet Oshima Yuko, Pet Yamamoto Sayaka, and Pet Oya Shizuka. It should be noted that none of the aforementioned match the strength of Pet Akimoto Sayaka, which is far and away the strongest Pet Idol.
Pet Jurinas are good at dodgeball but when it comes to competitive sports, pro-wrestling is their favorite. While the Pet Jurina Kit comes with a Kenny Omega manekuma, your Pet Jurina might eventually want more manekuma and other wrestling merchandise.
Despite being mainly known for their physical abilities, Pet Jurinas - especially older breeds - are also quite intelligent. Regardless of the breed, a Pet Jurina can learn songs and choreography of any song very quickly. A recent study indicates that their minds function like big databases made for performances. Pet Jurinas love to sing but need formal training to truly reach the potential of their lovely alto voices.
You may find your Jurina becoming interested in cooking and this is natural; Jurinas have a natural skill in the culinary arts. When a Pet Jurina takes the initiative to cook for you, you can be sure that she likes you.

"Jurina, what are you doing?" Pet Jurina's owner asked.
"Ah, I got caught." Pet Jurina shyly scratched the back of her head.
"I want to make you a cake for the 1st anniversary of you adopting me."
"Aww, thank you, Jurina." Pet Jurina blushed when she got a kiss on the top of her head.

Pet Jurinas love food. They are omnivorous and will eat anything served to them. Their favorite foods are meat, tapioca drinks, oni-manju, and meat sauce spaghetti.
Be careful with giving Jurinas spicy food, though. They have low tolerance for spiciness and could end up crying.

Pet Jurina drooled at the steaming food on her owner's plate. She looked at her owner whose back was turned, getting the second helpings that Pet Jurina requested. Pet Jurina was curious why her owner never lets her eat the same curry as her. So she decided to try it while said owner wasn't looking.
"Rena-chaaaan! Wah!"
Matsui Rena suddenly turned back to her Pet Jurina at the sudden cry.
"Jurina? What's wrong?"
"Rena-chan, my mouth hurts! Uuuuu…"
"Oh no, did you try my curry? This is lava-level spiciness!"

Note that Pet Jurinas require specific sleeping conditions. They can't sleep in complete darkness. You must use the provided night light (or any other night light) to illuminate your Jurina's sleeping area. Pet Jurinas also can't sleep alone. If it is impossible to sleep near your Jurina, make sure to give her her Brown Mama pillow as a substitute companion. Many Jurinas are prone to having nightmares and suffering from sleep paralysis. Be patient and gentle with your Jurina when this happens.

"Rena-chan?" Pet Jurina nudged her owner's arm to wake her up.
"Mmngh… yes, Jurina?"
"I had a bad dream again. Can I sleep with you?"
Matsui Rena sleepily got up and placed Jurina's Pet bed- which was sitting at the foot of her own bed- and placed it beside her pillow. Jurina immediately got into her Pet Bed and pulled the covers up.
"Thank you, Rena-chan. Night."
"Good night, Jurina."
Pet Jurina had another nightmare later and Matsui Rena woke up to find her Pet snuggled against her neck.

Pet Idols barely show any physical change as they grow older. Their appearance as a newborn is the same as their appearance as an adult, only slightly bigger. Pet Idols also enjoy a very long lifespan and suffer no deterioration in health as they grow older.
Since current research shows that Pet Idols are biologically close to humans, the professional to turn to for health concerns is a doctor, not a veterinarian.
Jurinas, in particular, are prone to overworking and injuring themselves. The term 'Injurina' is used to refer to an injured Pet Jurina or the injured body part of a Jurina.
Injurinas are so common that many medical professionals are already used to handling them. Unfortunately, medical professionals have little effect in influencing Injurinas to avoid incidents that can lead to Injurinas in the first place. It is up to you, the owner, to convince and train them to take care of themselves.

"How are you, Jurina?"
"Better than ever!"
"The doctor said you should rest. You can't come to work with me and you're not allowed to help around the house."
"Please, Jurina?"
"…Okay…" Pet Jurina agreed despite shedding a tear.
"Thank you." Her owner kissed her on the top of her head. "Make sure not to hurt yourself anymore, okay?"

Relationships with Animal Pets
Pet Jurinas require plenty of attention and companionship. This is why Pet Jurinas are not recommended for first-time pet owners: Aspiring Pet Jurina owners should already be used to providing time and affection to a pet. Having a prior pet also means that your Pet Jurina is going to have a friend to hang around with if you are not present. Jurinas get along well with dogs- especially toy poodles- and cats so they would fit in with the most common animal pets.

"Nova-kuuuun? Can I get a ride?" Pet Jurina called to her owner's cat.
When she turned the corner, she found Nova-kun snuggling with his beloved Runa-chan in the living room.
"Whoops. Nevermind." Pet Jurina slowly and quietly backed up so as not to disturb them. Then she stopped when she got an idea.
"Or not?" She approached the sleeping pair and snuggled in with them. The cats adjusted in their sleep to accommodate their little friend. 

Relationships with other Pet Idols
Jurinas tend to become closer to older generations of PET48 compared to newer ones. Older-generation PET48s would treat a Jurina like their little sister and spoil her with love and attention. Jurinas' favorite PET48s include Pet Shinoda Marikos, Pet Kojima Harunas, and Pet Oya Masanas among so many others.
Most Jurinas exude a confident and dominant aura. This is why newer generations of PET48s rely on Jurinas for leadership and guidance. Unfortunately, this also means that they don't become close because they see the Pet Jurina as someone above them instead of someone they can be close to, among other reasons. Sometimes, if you assign your Pet Jurina as a leader of a group of your Pet Idols, she might come off as too strict or angry, possibly scaring newer generation Pet Idols.
Some Pet Jurinas can make friends with PET46s like Pet Hori Mionas and Pet Shiraishi Mais.
Despite varying closeness with different PET48s, Pet Jurinas are not selective when it comes to prey. Dubbed as the 'Kissing Monster' of PET48, they will try to kiss any Pet Idol that comes near. Some PET48s are receptive to this and others less so. Make sure that you teach the concept of consent to your Jurina.

"Mari-chan! Chu!" "Haha, alright."
"Yuko-san! Chu!" "Chuuuuu!"
"Masana! Chu!" "I don't wannaaa!"
"Oi, Jurina! I can't allow you to continue your harassment."
"Eh? Harassment? Nooooo Nishishi, I don't want a scolding!"

The primary choice for Jurinas when it comes to mates are Pet Matsui Renas. However, Renas are easily agitated by Jurinas unless both Pet Idols have gotten used to each other. Certain Pet Rena breeds are quicker to adjust to Jurinas than others.
When near a Rena, an untrained Jurina might attempt to kiss the Rena or make her her mate, with varying success. Please watch over your Jurina closely especially around a Rena.

"Big me, does your Pet Rena not like me? She keeps pushing me and running away from me." Pet Jurina asked while her owner comforted Pet Rena who, just now, ran away from her.
"Look, little me. Little Rena-chan is shy and she isn't the type to like the brute force approach."
"What does that mean?"
"It means she prefers silence and conversations about things you both like and getting to know each other before kissing."
"Oh. How do I do that?"
"Go slowly. Maybe she'll panic less if you don't come running to kiss her everytime. She doesn’t like that."
Pet Jurina thought about that carefully. "Hmm. Okay. Do you think she'll like it if I give her flowers and cook for her next time? Then we can talk about Kingdom Hearts over dinner."
"I think she'll like that."
"Un. I'll go play Rena-chan's Kingdom Hearts right now!"
Matsui Jurina smiled at her mini version. She decided not to tell her that her Pet Rena already likes her. If they do end up becoming a mated pair, she wants to make sure that Rena's Pet Jurina works for it. Besides, she was sure her Pet Rena would appreciate Pet Jurina's cute efforts to court her.
"Jurina, what are you teaching my Pet Jurina?"
"Just some tried-and-true tactics, my Renahyon." Matsui Jurina winked and kissed her.

Pet Jurinas are fairly durable creatures but certain environments are not good for them. Unlike Pet Renas who are known to be tech-savvy, Pet Jurinas could get confused and frustrated by an environment that is too high-tech. If getting into this environment is unavoidable, make sure to always be present to assist her. If that is also not possible, make sure she is accompanied by a person or another Pet Idol with at least average tech knowledge.
Hot environments - especially those under the sun - are also not good for Pet Jurinas. They could get dehydrated and may, in worse cases, faint. Make sure to bring an umbrella and a bottle of cold water if you have to bring your Pet Jurina somewhere hot.

Pet Rena entered Matsui Rena's bedroom and found Pet Jurina crying on the computer table.
"Jurina? Are you okay?"
"Rena-chan… I can't make it work. I'm getting angry!"
Pet Rena looked at Pet Jurina's work. She has attached the webcam to the monitor but the monitor was showing an image that was zoomed in too much and was off to the side.
"Hey, it's okay. We can fix this. I'll help you."
"You will?"
"Thank you, Rena-chan!" Pet Jurina suddenly hugged her tightly, making her blush.
After a little fixing, they were able to chat with their owners with the webcam on. Pet Rena smiled seeing how happy Pet Jurina was.

Adopting a Pet Jurina is no small decision. It is welcoming a new member into your family for you to love, protect, and enjoy life with from now on. Your Pet Jurina is a sweet and loyal friend who will stick with you for life. With love and care, you and your Pet Jurina will be able to live in harmony.

Frequently Asked Questions:
   • Can Pet Idols reproduce?
   Pet Idols' reproductive behaviors are still under research. Pet Idols perform the physical process of mating but, as of writing, there is no evidence of Pet Idols reproducing sexually or asexually. Some Pet Idol owners claim that their Pet Idol has had an offspring but the claims have yet to be confirmed. Some researchers assume that Pet Idols cannot reproduce. Others pose that perhaps Pet Idols have a late reproduction age. These and many other hypotheses are still under research.
   • Do Pet Idols eventually grow to be human-sized?
   No. The tallest Pet Idols grow up to a maximum of 5in or 12.7cm no matter how old they get.
   • I'm moving in with my girlfriend and we've decided to have joint custody of our Pet Idols. Can we register each other's Pets into our own Pet Idol accounts?
   Yes. Your Pet Idol's QR code is displayed in your account. Have your partner scan it and they will be prompted to add your Pet Idol through Joint Custody or Transfer of Ownership. This would allow them to keep track of your Pet Idol's information. If you would like to formalize the joint ownership, visit a Pet Idol branch to process the documents.
   • I just finished reading the guide with my Pet Idol. What do I do next?
   You can talk with your Pet Idol and try to get to know them better. You can also explore the Pet Idol Website while talking with your Pet to create a casual atmosphere.
   • What else can I do on this website besides reading the guide for my Pet Idol?
   The Pet Idol Website has many utilities for Pet Idol owners such as Location Tracking, Pet Idol News, Meal Scheduling, and many more. Make full use of these utilities to make your Pet Idol-raising easier!
Have questions? Contact us!
Email: 48g@petidol .com
Toll-free phone number: 0120-PET-48G

A/N: The idea of this fic is heavily based on the concept of the Pet Rock by Gary Dahl and the fic 'Tips to Raise an Idolet' by ShinyCDriver.
The italicized narrative/dialogue parts aren’t meant to be part of the guide but just 'related' events. I don't think I was able to convey that properly. Yike.

Edit: I've just learned that Rena has now given Hime-chan a real/permanent name: Runa. So I updated the name in this work.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2021, 08:14:50 AM by aneramyre »

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Nice one, don't worry we can wait whatever you give us :) I'm waiting for the kojiyuu one

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Re: aneramyre's OS collection | I Gotcha in Gacha [WMatsui] (11/24/20)
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2020, 11:12:14 AM »
I Gotcha in Gacha

It was a cold morning in February. This was one of those rare days when neither of them had to leave the house for two consecutive days. Usually, they'd make full use of this, focusing their attention on each other, but today is different. While both intended to spend the day snuggling, their attentions were held by something else: Gacha games.
"Ne, Rena-chan. Aren't you a little too engrossed in your phone lately?" Jurina sat on the couch and placed her girlfriend's legs on her lap.
Rena looked up from her phone to look at Jurina, who was also on her phone.
"So are you."
"Of course! I want to go to Hawaii as an ambassador by winning the event in Daifugo."
"Well, there's an event on IDOLiSH7 with Tamaki-kun in it. I can't not go all out for him!"
"Tch. Lucky Tamaki-kun. My girlfriend would rather play for him than for me." Jurina fake-grumbled.
"…Sorry. I really want Tamaki-kun's card."
Jurina sighed in resignation. "Yeah, yeah. It's okay. My mom and cousins are helping me out anyway."
She opened the Daifugo app on her phone.
"SKE48 no Daifugo wa Owaranai!"
Rena visibly jumped at the sudden sound of Jurina's recorded voice blaring from the phone speakers.
"Oops. Sorry. My earphones are in the bedroom." Jurina apologized and lowered the volume.
"Mm-mm." Rena shook her head. "It's okay. I like your voice."
Her reply got the result she wanted: a dusting of pink on the other's cheeks. She hid a snicker behind her phone at her success.
"Mou, that's not fair. You know I'm weak against complements from you."
She only got an amused giggle as her reply.
Several taps on her phone later, Jurina made a surprised gasp. "Ah! The rankings have changed."
"Mhmm. The oshis are ranked according to points they've made." Jurina turned her phone to Rena who leaned forward to see the screen better.
"See, nekomama has been first place since the beginning but they fell to 2nd place under phantomcheeze99 since last night." She pointed to the names helpfully.
Rena's eyebrows furrowed. Jurina wasn't sure if it was because she needed to squint or because she saw something unpleasant on the screen - like a crass username, maybe. She waited for the older girl to point something out but the latter simply leaned back afterwards.
"Hmm. Poor guy."
Jurina agreed and turned back to her phone.
"My fans are so dedicated. I hope there was some way I could thank them. They invested so much time and money. And I can't even mention them by name to show gratitude." She sighed sadly.
Rena changed her position to face the opposite way so her back rested against Jurina. "Hey, your fans know your limits as an idol. I'm sure what they want is for you to be happy."
Jurina nodded slowly and she smiled. "You're right. I'm gonna do my best."

They spent all day cuddling on the couch, playing on their phones.  They were occasionally visited by Rena's cats and Lips-kun every few hours. Jurina, the proud chef, whipped up a quick but delicious lunch for them.
That night, Rena put off bathing until after dinner, claiming to want to grind for the event. Jurina pouted at her, disappointed that they won't be bathing together - even less time to be with each other! - but relented. She herself couldn't push bathing to after dinner because of Daifugo's Bonus Time.
Come dinner, they put their phones down and talked. Jurina told Rena about some new recipes she was thinking of, and Rena told Jurina about a new bubble tea place that they can try. They exchanged stories and talked about other little things, surprised when they found that 2 hours have passed since they sat at the dining table. Jurina was visibly saddened by having their time together cut short, but got a comforting kiss before the older girl left her to take a bath.
Of course, that wasn't enough for Jurina. It was their day off but it didn't feel like they spent the day together at all. She wanted them to be closer. Much closer.
As soon as Rena got out of the bathroom, she was pushed into a wall and pulled into a hungry kiss. She could feel Jurina's hand cushion her head against the impact. Moans came out unbidden from her mouth and she felt her knees go weak. Only Jurina's arms were holding her up.
"I miss you." Jurina whispered when she pulled back, their lips still brushing.
Rena was speechless. Instead of trying to form words to reply, she clutched Jurina's head for another rough kiss, only breaking apart again for air.
"I want you. Is that okay?" Rena wondered how Jurina can even bear to ask that when they both knew where this was going.
"Are you seriously even asking that?" She breathed out.
"Just wanna make sure I'm not ruining any plans… like playing for Tamaki-kun."
Rena knew that Jurina wasn't asking out of jealousy (well, mostly). She would respect it if Rena chose to stop here and play her gacha game. Jurina knew that the current event was very important to her otaku girlfriend.
But with this mood, there was nothing else Rena could think of doing right now. She missed Jurina too after all.
"Let's go to the bedroom." She finally said.
She felt Jurina's arms slip under her in a princess carry and her lips were captured again.

When Rena woke up, it was still dark. The digital clock on her nightstand said it was 02:24 in the morning - not even an hour since they decided to stop for the night.
She still had several hours before Jurina woke up. She had to make use of this time and get going.
Jurina had bought a walking cane for each of them - one placed on each side of their bed - for them to use on particularly vigorous nights. It was initially a joke but they do find occasional use for them when they have to limp out in a hurry. Rena reached for the cane on her side of the bed and used it to stand.
It took her longer than expected to find her clothes and her underwear in the dark. On some nights - or days - Jurina somehow felt the need to throw all articles of clothing into the opposite end of the room instead of dropping them off the side of the bed. This was one of those nights.
After pulling her t-shirt on, Rena went back to crouch at the side of the bed. In the short span of time that she was gone, Jurina has rolled over to her side of the bed and was grabbing onto Rena's pillow. She didn't want to leave Jurina to sleep alone but…
She ran her hand through Jurina's hair.
"I love you." She whispered and planted a kiss on the sleeping girl's lips. "That's why I have to go."
Then she gathered her things and exited the room quietly.

Rena was able to sneak into the guest bedroom without waking Jurina and got into place.
The door was locked. Her earphones were plugged in. She was in a comfy position. Pillows, blankets, her credit card, snacks, drinks, everything was there. Even her sleeping cats were cuddling up to her. She stroked their little heads, relishing in the fluffiness of their fur.
If Jurina woke up at the usual time, Rena had about 7 hours.
She opened the app that she kept hidden in her phone; the same app that she grinds for only when Jurina wasn't around to discover her secret. She was welcomed by her girlfriend's sweet voice.
"SKE48 no Daifugo wa Owaranai!"
nekomama has work to do.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2021, 11:59:53 AM by aneramyre »

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Re: aneramyre's OS collection | I Gotcha in Gacha [WMatsui] (11/24/20)
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2020, 12:30:03 PM »
Rena secretly being Jurina's #1 oshi is adorable.

Also the fact that they have walking canes for the nights they rock each other a little too hard is hilarious.

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Re: aneramyre's OS collection | I Gotcha in Gacha [WMatsui] (11/24/20)
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2020, 03:22:23 AM »
OMG!!! is so flufly I love this wmatsui interaction. thank you for this fic! Hope you can write more!

Offline aneramyre

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aneramyre's OS | Meant for Me [WMatsui] (Mar. 9, 2021)
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2021, 02:56:31 PM »
WMatsui fics will continue to come out of me until writing about them stops being a source of happiness and mental stability.

Meant for Me

When it comes to looking for soulmates, Matsui Rena was one of the lucky ones. After all, it's enviable to have the first words that you'll hear from your soulmate - the words tattooed on your body since birth - be their name and age. This gave her not only the identity and possible gender of her destined one, but also a general estimate of when she could meet her.
Or so she thought.
'11 years old, Matsui Jurina.'
She knew it by heart. As soon as she knew the purpose of the words on her arm, she had prepared herself for whenever her soulmate could make an appearance. At the age of 7, Rena assumed that she has a few more years before she would meet her future partner, but she kept a keen eye and ear at every introduction, just in case.
Sixth grade rolled around and Rena was as nervous as ever. She looked at every girl in her class, wondering which of them is her 11-year old soulmate. But the last person has introduced herself and she still wasn't Matsui Jurina.
"Maybe she's in another class?" she thought hopefully.
She eventually discovered that she wasn’t. As class representative and frequent volunteer to help teachers with their little errands, she was able to get a good look at the student records, and was disappointed to learn that there was no Matsui Jurina anywhere in her school.
Every birthday, she panicked a little more. She was getting ahead in age and she has yet to meet her soulmate… who would be 11 years old.
Rena was twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen.
At this point, she was sure she missed hearing her soulmate's introduction somehow. Despite her paying full attention to every person she meets, maybe, maybe, she missed a few. And one of them was the most important introduction she'll ever hear.
Outside of her soulmate-related worry spurts, she spends her time on her hobbies, just like any other 16-year-old girl. She was a full-fledged otaku, surpassing even her brother, who introduced her to anime. She has also become a fan of idols, like AKB48. Being her introverted self, she was more of a stay-at-home wota than anything. She has come to love the personalities of the members of AKB48 in their TV shows. The fail character of Takamina, the humor and energy of Yuko, the idol cyborg that was Mayuyu, and so many others.
Rena has been to a few handshake events, and she met a few other fangirls (none of which were Matsui Jurina) who admitted to wanting to join the group, and she admitted that she herself might want to try becoming an idol. But she brushed those thoughts aside. She lived in Nagoya, AKB worked in Tokyo. Besides, she had other things to worry about other than her farfetched dream, and she still has her soulmate to look for.

She was surprised when she heard the news.
Akimoto Yasushi was holding auditions for a sister group of AKB48.
In Nagoya, of all places.
Three days after her seventeenth birthday.
Rena didn't know what exactly a 'sister group' is, but 'audition' and 'Nagoya' together sounded promising. Was this a birthday gift? A compensation for missing her meeting with her soulmate? Whatever it was, Rena has decided - after much deliberation with herself and her family - to take it. She said that she wouldn't dare dream of being an idol and that it was an impossible dream, but this opportunity… this is exactly what could make it real.
If she missed meeting Matsui Jurina, she wasn't going to miss this rare opportunity.

There were so many girls auditioning - 2670 of them, in fact. Rena even recognized some of them from her handful of AKB handshake events in Tokyo. As much as she would like to do more than wave and smile at them, she was nervous. She has prepared herself for this and was ready to do her best, but it's not like preparation was all one needed for things like this. She needed luck too.
Too busy trying to calm themselves down, Rena and several of the other girls jumped in surprise when a loud voice echoed in the room. It was an announcement that auditionee number 75 was going to be performing last because her song was missing.
That's someone who didn't have luck today.
If that girl weren't competition, Rena would have felt bad for her. But she was, so she felt a little relief instead.

Rena watched number 75, a girl maybe about 15 years old, make her way to the front. She was wearing a short-sleeved shirt with pink stripes, was cute, and had a friendly, dimpled smile. She had to admit that this girl would be a good addition to AKB's roster of personalities.
While Watanabe Mayu could be considered a little-sister type of idol because she was young and cute, she was also robotic and cold. This girl - number 75 -  seemed to be the cheerful, sporty imouto type.
Her movements and suntanned look make her seem cool, active, and outdoorsy. Fun and youthful.
Rena shook her head and chastised herself. She was already pigeonholing this girl as if she knew everything about her when this is the first time she's laid eyes on her. Who knows, she could actually be a completely different type of girl.
There was something weird about her, though. When it was Rena's turn to sing, she introduced herself then number 75 suddenly stood up, looking shocked. She didn't make a sound so no one noticed. No one but the girl facing everyone else: Rena herself. Rena admitted that she got distracted by it, wondering what the girl's sudden surprise was about. Luckily, she got a hold of herself and was able to sing nicely. As nicely as she could, anyway. (Hopefully singing an AKB song gave her a few extra points.)
Going back to the present, she watched number 75, the last auditionee, take a deep breath and bring the microphone to her lips.
"11 years old, Matsui Jurina."
Time seemed to stop. Matsui Jurina, she said? She misheard that, right? This obsession with finding her soulmate must be getting to her.
Until number 75 introduced herself again because the judges asked her to repeat it.
Rena looked at her arm. This Matsui Jurina? This 11-year-old? Now that she turned 17? And here of all places?
Why now?!

"Number 66, Matsui-san."
Rena held her hands together in front of her face, as if praying. She passed? Out of 2670 girls, she got in? She felt her body go warm, the excitement and adrenaline coming back to her from when she was in front of the judges. She felt tears in her eyes when she realized how big of a hurdle she jumped.
But wait, what was she doing? She should be paying attention!
If her soulmate doesn't pass, she doesn't know how she'll find her agai-
"Number 75, Matsui-san."
"Hai," Rena heard the familiar voice answer from the same row.
"That is the end the final round, so those whose names were called…"
They… they passed! Dear god of Melonpan, they both passed! Rena and her soulmate were going to be idols. She now had easy access to her soulmate, whom she had been waiting for for literal years!
The auditionees were dismissed. After gathering her things, Rena thought of approaching her newfound soulmate, still not completely sure that this was really happening. After all, how could a single day be so perfect?
She hesitated and thought for a bit. She even checked herself in the mirror to fix whatever part of her appearance could be saved. Then she walked to where Matsui Jurina was standing.
Wait, is this okay? She was going to talk to her soulmate for the first time and she REALLY didn't want to mess this up. They are 6 years apart. What's the worst case scenario? That Matsui Jurina would think she was some lame, ugly hag and decide that she would rather die alone?
Rena didn't even notice she was already standing behind Matsui Jurina and was making weird faces as her thoughts went wild with worst case scenarios. Oblivious to her crisis, Matsui Jurina finished getting her bag ready and her face immediately lit up as soon as she noticed her.
"Rena-chan!" She exclaimed, and that threw Rena off.
'Rena-chan'?! Is it acceptable to immediately be this familiar? Has anyone ever met their soulmate and started calling them 'honey' immediately? It wasn't that Rena had anything against it. She just didn’t know how to approach this situation.
"Sorry, was that too forward? You can call me Jurina too! Can I see your tattoo? Here's mine!"
She was really excited, this Matsu- Jurina. It was just 'Jurina' now. No longer 'Matsui Jurina'.
Rena then saw the words on this cheerful girl's arm: '17 years old, Matsui Rena.' That would explain her reaction when she introduced herself earlier. She showed her own tattoo and Jurina gasped in amazement.
But before Jurina can say anything about it, the few remaining girls were reminded to exit so the staff could start packing up.
"Oops, we should probably get out of their way, ne?" Jurina grinned and led her by the hand out of the building.
The hand that grabbed hers was warm and calloused. Sports? A musical instrument? Great, her soulmate's possible hobbies were already more dignified than hers.
Once they were out, Jurina didn't let go, instead taking her other hand with her own.
This is where Rena noticed that Jurina was quite tall - almost as tall as her - and mature-looking for her age. She had a rough, boyish voice that went well with her manner of speaking. And she talked a lot.
Which she should probably be listening to instead of just admiring how cool-looking her soulmate is.
"-lready have a list of things I want to do with my soulmate but it's not complete yet. I didn’t expect to meet you this early and-"
As if realizing that she was overwhelming the other girl, Jurina stopped abruptly and took a deep breath to calm herself down and observe her newfound partner.
"Wow… You're really pretty. So much prettier than I ever dreamed!"
Pretty? Rena blinked and double-checked to see if Jurina was talking to someone else, because she can't possibly be talking to her. But there was no one else around.
"…Me?" She asked dumbly.
"Yes, you! Who else would I be dreaming of?" Jurina said matter-of-factly then giggling at her confusion.
Rena ducked her head. "I'm sorry, it's just… I don't get called that a lot." Not to mention she just realized that she must look like a grandma in what she was wearing. Not flattering at all.
"Really? Maybe everyone's too shy to tell you that. Because I'm telling the truth."
She was going to demurely deny the confident declaration, but Jurina's phone notified her of a text. She tried to ignore the teeniest bit of disappointment when Jurina let go of her hand to check her phone.
"Oh, Mom's just around the corner. I have to leave soon. Can I ask for your number?"
With a nod, Rena took Jurina's phone - a cute pink flip phone with a little charm hanging on it - and entered her number. Jurina gave hers as well.
"Thanks! I'll text you. One last thing, can you close your eyes?"
Just in case, Rena put her hands on her body bag - people get stuff stolen from them when their guard is down - and closed her eyes.
Instead of a violent wrenching of her bag from her, what she felt was a light press of something soft and sweet against her lips. Almost as if... probably not, right?
Swatting any thoughts aside, she found herself unconsciously pressing back.
When she opened her eyes, she found out that she was right, and that those soft things were, in fact, Jurina's lips.
Sporting a cheeky grin, Jurina pulled back.
"That was a 'nice to meet you, soulmate' kiss," she finished by bowing at the waist. "Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!"
"Y-Yoroshiku… Uhh…" Face red, fingers on her lips, Rena struggled to form a reply.
But Jurina had to go.
"Hehe. It was nice meeting you. See you at practice, Rena-chan!" She waved and ran off.
Rena waved back and as soon as Jurina turned the corner, she stood with her back against the wall, trying to collect her thoughts on everything that has happened today. Barely five minutes later, she received a text.
From: Jurina
Rena-chwaaaan. It's me \(★ω★)/
When are you free? (✧ω✧)
Let's go to Disneyland for our first date! (ノ◕ω<)ノ*:・゚✧

The first date already? Then again, it was Disneyland, and Rena was never going to say no to Disneyland. Also, the way Jurina texted was so cute! She spent a few minutes agonizing over what to reply, then revised it several times before finally hitting 'Send'.
Not long after, her own mother arrived to fetch her, and she immediately relayed the day's events.
"Your soulmate? You finally found this 'Matsui Jurina'? Ahh, that's a shame. I wish I could have seen her!"
"No worries, mother. You will have plenty of chances to meet her from now on."
Meeting Jurina was her fate right from the start. And they met in this audition for this idol group… SKE48. She dared to hope that meeting both this dreamed-of career path and this special person in the same place is proof that this is where she was meant to be.
During their walk to the train, Rena couldn't help but smile to herself, gently thumbing the tattoo on her arm, spelling the words that led her to her destiny.


Many years later
J: Come on, Rena-chan. Admit it! Your signature (・ω・) was inspired by my face! And I used a lot of kaomoji too.
R: Nope.
J: („• ˾•„)
R: Ahh- cute
R: Fufu the inspiration is a secret.

A/N:  Funny how Jurina is more often characterized as () in Japanese fics since Rena already has a claim on (ω) despite the mouth shape fitting Jurina more. Still cute though.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2021, 12:48:16 AM by aneramyre »

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Re: aneramyre's OS | Meant for Me [WMatsui] (Mar. 9, 2021)
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2021, 11:01:41 AM »
This is quite possibly one of the very few times having a lover's name tattooed on your skin is a net positive.

Imagine being 11 years old having your first kiss, and its Matsui Rena. There's gotta be some kinda trophy for an achievement like that.

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Re: aneramyre's OS | Meant for Me [WMatsui] (Mar. 9, 2021)
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2021, 02:05:28 AM »
thank you for that, it was an interesting story about wmatsui. love it!

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Before we get started, HERE IS A BOUT OF OVERSHARING. (It's not necessary for the story so you may skip if you want to :P)

1. I don't reply to reviews but I'm really thankful for each one that I receive. I'm comfortable with just shouting out my opinions into the void or showing appreciation for others' works, but once I have to reply to a message addressed specifically to me, I just… can't seem to write anything, you know? But just know that even a few words make me unbelievably happy and I read them over and over again.

2. Just because Jurina graduated, doesn't mean anyone's gonna be rid of my self-indulgent WMatsui content just yet >:D hehehehehe

3. A real-life friend and an online friend both excitedly recommended my own fics to me. I feel like my purpose of 'uploading my works (that were just meant for my own consumption and enjoyment) for those who are desperate enough for WMatsui content to resort to them' has been fulfilled.

4. I really don't want to sound conceited by assuming that people are actually waiting for me to post anything buuuuut just in case you want other ships out of me… I'm working on it, 'kay? I just get hit by stories that fit WMatsui more often. One of the purposes of this shot is trying to get myself acquainted with Yuko and Mayu's personalities and how I will handle them as characters. A dipping of the toe, per se. (But don't be surprised if my next one is WMatsui again  :lol:)

Midnight at Room 051
Yuko woke up with a start. The fear alone threw her into a sitting position. She was back to reality.
In her dream, or rather her nightmare, it was bright and chaotic. But waking up brought her to her dorm room. It was dark, probably the middle of the night. The hallway's lights were on, as she can see from the bottom of the door. It was the only source of light, and her roommate's nightlight was nowhere to be seen. The silence was peaceful, capable of lulling anyone to sleep. Anyone but Yuko.
Gradually coming down from her adrenaline rush, she checked herself - still human, thank god - then the glow-in-the-dark clock - it says 12:23 in the morning - then her sleeping roommates… who weren't actually there.
The door to the room creaked open, and in came one of her roommates. The girl seemed to notice her disturbed state immediately, and Yuko could feel hands on her face, thumbs checking the side of her eyes for tears.
"Yuko-san? What's wrong? Did something happen?"
Jurina carefully wiped Yuko's tears and held her in an embrace. Jurina rocked back and forth and stroked her senpai's hair, much like comforting a child. They stayed that way for a while with Yuko occassionally hiccupping from crying.
Eventually, Yuko pulled back from Jurina to reply. "J-just a bad dream… Where were you at this time of night?"
"Just next door," Jurina replied with a waggle of her eyebrows, then she laughed. "But Rena-chan and I heard you scream so we decided to stop for the night so I can check on you."
"Oh… I'm sorry about that…" Yuko shrunk. She wasn't able to spend time with her girlfriend tonight, and she felt bad that she made Jurina cut off her time with her own girlfriend for her.
"Hey, it's no problem, Yuko-san. You know both Rena-chan and I care about you," Jurina shrugged off with an easy smile. "We'll come running anytime."
"Except only you came running and Rena-chan didn't?" Yuko pointed out.
"Well Rena-chan 'came' several times but in a different sense," Jurina winked and pointed her finger guns at her.
"You're laaaaame," Yuko laughed and playfully hit Jurina on the shoulder. Jurina felt relief at the sight of her senpai lightening up.
"But wait, were you shagging your girlfriend in front of her roommates?!" Yuko asked.
"No, it was only us in the room!" Jurina defended.
"Oh yeah? Where were her roommates then?"
"Well, you know Milky-san practically never sleeps in their room while Yukirin-san-"
As if on cue, the door to their room opened again, and their third roommate entered.
"-is with Mayu-san," Jurina finished.
Mayu folded her arms and shot her an accusing look. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the room-hogging horndog."
Jurina blinked at the remark.
"…Why are you standing there angrily and calling me things that I obviously am? Wait, no. What do you mean by room-hogging? Didn't you tell me that you and Yukirin-san will be sexing it up in the infirmary tonight because you had a key? Rena-chan and I just took advantage of the situation and used their room."
"No. I showed you the key to brag that I was smart and sneaky enough to gain access to it and make a duplicate. And we'll be using it to fool around in between classes, not in the middle of the night!"
"Well sure, but…" Jurina looked Mayu up and down, "looks like you did it in the middle of the night anyway."
"Because you locked Yukirin out of their dorm room so you can have sex with Rena-san! We were just studying in the library after dinner-"
"Pfft, studying," Yuko scoffed jokingly.
"-then by 10PM I was taking her back to their room just to hear you screaming 'Ahhn… don't stop! M-More!' from behind the locked door."
"Actually, that was Re- hrm! - I mean… " Jurina cut off her mindless reply with a clearing of her throat. Her roommates didn't need to know who exactly Mayu heard, right?
"Well, what did you do?" she asked instead.
"We went to the infirmary, of course. And we… 'made use' of the beds until Yuki really had to sleep. Do you know how many lamps and curtains we almost knocked down? Even the nurse's desk is tainted now."
"To be fair, I think others have tainted it before you, considering how often the nurse isn't there. But anyway, you knocking things down isn't my problem, is it? Maybe you shouldn't be tying Yukirin-san up and screwing her against every surface you find?"
"But you're the one who forced me to bring my tying habits to the infirmary, right?" Mayu challenged.
Jurina rolled her eyes and quickly ran by the facts in her head.
She came to a conclusion that she didn't like: This was a losing battle. All facts considered, the false assumption was made on her side. She was in the wrong and she had to accept it if this discussion was going end with a satisfied Mayu anytime soon. And she was getting sleepy. She sighed. She hated being wrong.
"Fine. Okay... I misunderstood. I'm sorry, okay? I'll double check with you next time."
"You also have to apologize to Yukirin tomorrow for locking her out of the room."
Jurina nodded earnestly. "Of course."
"And for her having to inhale the smell of your sexual activities now that she's back in their room."
Jurina cringed. "Yeah, I'll apologize for that too."
Mayu regarded her with her strict gaze as if judging her sincerity. Then she finally nodded and eased her posture. "Alright." She threw a bundle of soft rope from her pocket to the bunk above Jurina's and approached her roommates on Yuko's bed to sit with them.
"What's up with Yuko by the way?"
Yuko, who had been getting a hold of herself while Jurina and Mayu had their 'discussion', unconsciously leaned on Jurina again at the reminder of her horrific experience.
"Yuko-san had a bad dream." Jurina said as she stroked Yuko's soft, wavy hair.
"It was horrible, Oshiriri!" Yuko jumped into Mayu's arms and rubbed her face against her breasts.
Mayu gave Yuko comforting pats on her head. "Let me guess. Balloons?"
"Not just balloons. Sausages! Mayu, I turned into a sausage!"
Jurina, who hasn't been briefed on Yuko's nightmare either, leaned closer out of curiosity.
"Balloons and… sausage?" she asked, puzzled.
"Why don't you just tell us your whole dream, Yuko? So you can get it off your chest and we get an idea what you're talking about."
"Eh…" Yuko hesitated. Just because she's was no longer sobbing away doesn't mean the dream didn’t scare her anymore.
"Come on, we're here for you. We'll protect you from the scary dream," Jurina encouraged.
After a moment of consideration, Yuko eventually nodded. "Okay… okay. This is what happened."

Yuko, Mayu, and Jurina were hanging out in their dorm room. It was nighttime and they seemed to be done with classes. Yuko received a notification that Jurina sent a photo to their group chat.
"What's this thing you sent, Jurina?" Yuko asked, not even bothering to look at her roommate on the bottom bunk across the room.
"It says exactly what it is, doesn't it?" came Jurina's reply.
It was a text image. Black background and white text, saying "Pass this to 10 people or you'll turn into a sausage. This is no joke, my brother just laughed at this and he woke up as a kielbasa!"
Yuko shook her head and laughed. It was just a silly post designed to get easy shares from gullible Internet grandmas (ahem Jurina), outrageously superstitious people, or share-everything-I-see kids who only take these posts as jokes.
"I'm turning the lights off. Good night, my disciples."
She put her phone under her pillow and went to sleep.
The next morning.
"Yuko-saaaaaan!" came Jurina's panicked scream. Yuko, who was standing beside her, looked at her with confusion. Why was Jurina crying at the side of her bed and calling her name?
Mayu climbed down from the top bunk and rushed to Yuko's solo bed where Jurina was kneeling. Even Mayu looked spooked.
"I can't believe she really became one…" Yuko heard her mutter.
Yuko moved closer to the bed, past the two panicking girls, and stared at the occupant. Instead of seeing herself, Yuko saw an inch-long sausage - cooked - on her bed, tucked under her blanket.
"Hold on, is that… ME?! I'M REALLY A SAUSAGE?!"
"Move, Jurina! I'm going to wake Yuko-san." Yuko turned back to the two and found Mayu holding a huge, HUGE balloon, taking up a fourth of their room.
"Wait. No. Mayu, no!" Yuko called desperately.
Mayu brought out an equally massive pin, poised to pop the balloon right beside the sausage on the bed.

"Wahhh!" Yuko sobbed as she finished her story. "Mayu, you suck! Why did you pop the damn balloon?!"
"Here, Yuko-san. Blow." Jurina said gently while holding a paper towel to Yuko's nose.
"I didn’t pop it, Yuko. The Mayu in your dream did. Didn't you figure out that it was a dream when you started seeing yourself as food in a bed? And in third person, no less?"
"Who gives a shit about that in dreams? I wouldn't have thought of that!"
"No offense but I would have thought of that."
"Alright, alright." Jurina interrupted, both hands in the air. "No more fighting over not realizing you're dreaming, okay? We have a whole day of playing around with everyone tomorrow, we don't wanna be the ones lacking sleep."
"Says the one who was fucking past midnight," Mayu smirked.
"So were you!" Jurina shot back. "Anyway. Yuko-san, do you think you can go back to sleep?"
"… I don't know… I'm still kinda scared…" Yuko wiped her teary eyes with her forearm. Jurina thought she looked like a child when she did that, and she wanted nothing more right now than to make her feel better.
"Okay." Jurina went to her bunk and came back carrying something in her arms.
"I was going to give this later today but I'm hoping this can comfort you. Happy birthday, Yuko-san!"
"Eh?" Yuko eyed the familiar shape of Jurina's gift. "What's this?"
"My birthday gift to you. It's your favorite pair of boobs! Molded from NyanNyan's boobs themselves."
"And made from heat-retaining, food-grade, flesh-like materials. Courtesy of the biology students and faculty," Mayu added.
"Eh…" Yuko inspected the material and shape of the boobs. "This is awesome!"
"Yuko-san, this is my gift," Mayu took her own gift from her top bunk and offered it to Yuko.
"Boobs from Jurina and a butt from Oshiriri!"
"That's molded from Kojima-san too. She really went all-out to help with these. Hopefully they can help you get back to sleep?"
"Aww thanks, you two. These will really help."
Yuko hugged her gifts to herself and gave them a huge sniff. "Ah! Smells like NyanNyan too."
"Hehe you guys are the best, now gimme a hug!" She invited, and the two immediately piled on top of her which led to them falling to the bed in a messy group hug.
"Though… if it wasn't my birthday, you wouldn't have gifts to give me. What would you have done?" she asked from above their shoulders.
"Ignored you and gone back to slee- ow!" Mayu yelped, rubbing her arm that Jurina just slapped.
"We would have slept beside you to keep you company!" Jurina answered.
"Haha thanks." Yuko scratched the back of her head. "But you know what? I could still use some cuddle buddies even if I already have your gifts."

Kojima Haruna left her room in the third floor and made her way to her girlfriend's dorm room at 7 in the morning. Their friend group wasn't supposed to leave until 8:30 for Yuko's birthday celebration at the mall but she was bored out of her mind and figured that she could spend it in good company instead. When she arrived at the door, she found the girlfriends of the other occupants of the room - still in their cute pajamas and funny sleeping hats - also waiting outside.
Haruna noted the clear hickeys on both of them. Yuki had rope marks on her wrist but she didn't seem to be bothered by them, instead stroking them, tracing the pattern with her fingers absentmindedly. Meanwhile, Rena was leaning against a walking cane, a cane matching the one that Jurina uses often, except still pristine compared to Jurina's which was heavily decorated with cute stickers. Looks like everyone had fun last night. Too bad Haruna herself was too sleepy after her department's hell week to spend the night with her own girlfriend.
"Yukirin, Rena-chan," She called. "Knocking for a booty call so early in the morning?"
The two bowed and greeted her with embarassed smiles but denied her question.
"We wanted to wake them up before we got ready just to make sure they won't be late," Yuki explained.
"But they're not answering. We've been knocking for 20 minutes already," Rena said as she checked her phone's clock.
"Hmm…" Haruna paused to think. "You wanna try breaking the knob? Rena-chan's cane is solid steel, isn't it?"
"Eh?! Won't the dorm management make us replace it?"
"Don't worry, I'll have my family's staff take care of everything. They'll have a new, prettier doorknob and door by afternoon."
"I suppose…"
"Morning, everyone!"

 Rena was leaning on Yuki and has just handed over her cane to Haruna when they heard a cheery greeting directed at them. Sayaka and Miyuki approached them arm in arm, already dressed for their group outing.
"Whatcha up to outside Yuko-san's door?"
"Breaking the door to wake them up," Haruna waved Rena's cane.
"Uhh, if you want, I can just pick the lock?" Sayaka offered.
"You know how to?"
Sayaka shrugged. "Sure."
"Hehe Sayaka-chan is perfect after all." Miyuki grinned proudly, hugging Sayaka's arm then letting go to let her get to work.
"Hey, what are you doing?" An authoritative voice demanded from behind them.
The group turned to find Takahashi Minami, their friend and RA, looking at them with clipboard in hand. She is accompanied by her girlfriend and roommate, Maeda Atsuko.
"You know I can't just let you people pick other dormers' doors even if we're friends, right?" She looked at Sayaka who already had a hairpin in the doorknob.
Haruna sent a quick hand signal and a panicked look at Atsuko, who casually placed her arm on Minami's shoulders, casually leading her away.
"Oh, by the way, Minami. We just passed by a student complaining about smoke in a first floor dorm room, we should probably go check right now!"
"What? I didn't hear anything-"
"Umm… It's probably because it was from my side of the hallway… or something. Anyway, let's go!" Atsuko said and pulled Minami by the arm.
"We're leaving at 8:30. Make sure to finish your rounds quickly or we'll leave you behind!" Haruna reminded as she waved at their receding backs.
Atsuko and Minami's voices faded out as they turned the corner, and Sayaka's efforts were rewarded by a satisfying click. The door creaked open and everyone peeked inside, giggling and cooing at the sight.
The three occupants of the room were all lying on Yuko's bed. Their arms and legs were wrapped around each other, except for Yuko, who was cradling her roommates' birthday offerings in her embrace.


Omake 1:
*Haruna is autographing Yuko's birthday gifts*
Haruna: Remind me why you need me to sign these?
Yuko: I'm gonna flex them when you become a famous fashion designer!
Omake 2:
Jurina: Good morning, my honeeeeeey! *hug*
Rena: …You left something last night. It's in my left pajama pocket. Please be discreet? ///
Mayu: Uhh Rena-san? I think Jurina's using a hug as a distraction to steal underwear from your pocke- oh it's hers, nevermind.
Omake 3:
Mayu: BEGIN. *hits whip against the ground*
Jurina: *In the kowtow position* I'M SORRY FOR LOCKING YOU OUT OF YOUR ROOM.
Mayu: AND?
Yuki: J-Jurina it's alright, really. I didn't mind at all. Mayuyu, stop it already!

A/N: Yes, I am aware that this is out-of-season
« Last Edit: July 30, 2021, 10:44:25 AM by aneramyre »

Offline StrongStyle9Q

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I love how every student in this school is a smoking hot sex-fiend.

I'd like to enroll please.

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aneramyre's shots | To Follow [WMatsui Drabble] (2021-08-02)
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2021, 01:24:11 PM »
I've written a drabble! You know what that means? A NEW SECTION IN THE FIRST POST WHOSE TEXT I CAN COLOR. Ah, so exciting! Also, I ran out of words because my KojiYuu fic is turning out to be my longest yet at 3k+ words. I'm not used to that.

Still, my struggle to limit this to exactly 100 words has been a confirmation that I talk too much. Lmao.

To Follow

From a young age, Jurina displayed great leadership qualities.

She was ballsy. Straightforward. She challenged the norm. Spoke her mind. Broke the limits. She cared for every member who has ever stood behind her onstage.

No one in SKE48 can hate her even at her worst.

The antis have it right; Jurina is the queen of SKE. But her subjects were loyal to her because of her heart, not because of fear.

And like any loyal subject, Rena would follow Jurina anywhere.

"Will you follow me on Twitter, though? In honor of our wedding?"



Just not on SNS.

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Re: aneramyre's shots | To Follow [WMatsui Drabble] (2021-08-02)
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2021, 10:12:32 AM »
Maybe Rena uses her Twitter strictly for business... and Idolish7 news.


(Totally unrelated, but I was trying to find a 'shrugging' smiley, but for all the wacky ones they have... THEY DON'T HAVE ANY SHRUGGING ONES!)

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aneramyre's shots | Negotiation [MaYuki] (2021-09-15)
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2021, 06:20:58 AM »
@StrongStyle9Q tbf I've stopped trying to understand reasons behind Rena's actions and just took them for what they are: real-life details I can include in stories ಥ◡ಥ) Also, I've been trying to use Unicode emojis because sometimes the BBCode smileys aren't enough. Too bad I can't actually preview or edit posts with them. I didn't even think of using kaomoji outside of text messages/omakes in fics! Big brain idea, I might have to steal it :D

So. Hello, I'm here to drop off more selfish content. This time, it's MaYuki. Aside from the fact that I've been getting ideas for them lately, the WMatsui fics that I've been writing have been so NSFW that I do not have the balls to post them >_< Those will get posted when I decide to retire from writing 48G fanfics :P

Lastly, Rena said she might announce something soon. What else would it be but marriage and/or babies, right? (TToTT)Because of that, I'll be in my room writing WMatsui all day. It's just the way I cope.


"What if it's a fellow idol?"


"What if it's a fellow female idol?"


"What if it's a fellow female idol from the same group?"


"What if it's a fellow female idol from the same group and she's graduated?"


"What if it's a fellow female idol from the same group, has graduated, and has left the entertainment industry?"

"Watanabe-san, look…" the AKB48 executive tasked with dealing with Watanabe Mayu massaged his forehead.

"…The love ban prohibits love for all members, no matter the target of affection. Since she's a current member of AKB, Kashiwagi-san is still bound by that golden rule. As a former member, you should understand that."

The aforementioned Kashiwagi-san stiffened in her seat. This was embarassing for her too. It's not like Yuki wanted her (formerly-)secret girlfriend to end up badgering this man when they bumped into some staff member while ordering takeout. She thought they were well-disguised too; her gray mustache was pretty convincing, in her opinion. But then the staff member must have told management, resulting in the meeting they were having now.

"It seems we've been going for longer than expected; we're three hours late for lunch. Shall we take a break?" the lead executive phrased it as a question, but it was obviously a dismissal.

The men and women in suits were halfway out of their seats, but were stopped by a violent thump of Mayu's hands on the desk.

"No one's eating until I say so. SIT!"

Spurred by the 'no-buts' tone of her voice, the executives sat back down.

"W-Watanabe-san, there is no need for hostilities. Please leave before we resort to calling security. This matter is done a-and we'll be updating you regarding necessary steps to take care of Kashiwagi-san's… i-issue. You are in no position to negotiate."

The big-wig executive sitting in the middle tried to put on a brave face, but Yuki can hear the tremble in his voice as Mayu's gaze intensified with each word he spoke. It was as if he grew smaller and Mayu grew bigger by the time he finished talking.

"We'll see about that."


"I can't take it anymore! Watanabe-sa—"

"I told you not to move!"

"About your problem! T-There actually is a loophole in this," the executive cried with his head in his hands.

Mayu gave him an interested look, which encouraged him to continue.

This must be what people say when they claim to see the light at the end of the tunnel… thought the middle-aged man.

"Well… a member can't be punished for the love ban if no one knows she's violating the love ban…"

Mayu regarded him with a suspicious stare that made his bladder feel numb. "What are you saying?"

"We're willing to overlook this… situation… if you release us— I mean… If you two would be more careful and discreet about your relationship to prevent any more meetings like this."

"…Go on."



"Yes, my Yukirin?"

"Don't you feel like they'll get back at us for this?"

"They offered the deal themselves and they signed my contract. Besides, I gave them all bribes, didn't I? They got a good deal!"

"Your bribes were caricatures of them. Which you drew while they were tied up."

"And your point is? My art commissions are expensive! Or they would be, once I start taking them. I even autographed them for good measure. That's already worth a fortune!"


"Oh stop worrying, Yuki. If they make one move out of line, they'll be dealing with THE Watanabe Mayu again."

A/N: I'm not sure why but I've associated two things with Mayu whenever I write about her: 1) she is the boss and whatever she says goes and 2) bondage. That second one just started appearing for reasons unknown and won't leave so I guess it's here to stay.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2021, 08:05:11 AM by aneramyre »

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Re: aneramyre's shots | Negotiation [MaYuki] (2021-09-15)
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2021, 12:17:14 PM »
'Oh look an aneramyre fic. I suppose I'm in the mood for WMatsui.'

*sees it's MaYuki*

Chotto matte!

the WMatsui fics that I've been writing have been so NSFW that I do not have the balls to post them

Dang, you're hoarding a payload of WMatsui smut? Respect.


Yuki must live in constant fear that she has a force of nature for a girlfriend... but then again... she totally might be into it.

I mean, Mayu did tie up business executives pretty quick, meaning she probably works those ropes often...

Oh boy... Yuki's totally into it.

I'm not sure why but I've associated two things with Mayu whenever I write about her
...okay I'm listening.

1) she is the boss and whatever she says goes
Same tbh. After all, she has two little minions that call her 'boss' in my fic.

2) bondage.

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Re: aneramyre's shots | Negotiation [MaYuki] (2021-09-15)
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2021, 04:09:26 PM »
Your fic describes One of my only true wishes, there was a moment where I gave up on MaYuki but I actually believe now Mayu does like Yukirin (or likes girls). If they dated in real life, I could die happily. Found it hilarious when Mayu was calling the shots.  XD
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

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Re: aneramyre's shots | Negotiation [MaYuki] (2021-09-15)
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2021, 06:23:48 AM »
Excellent fiction! I haven't read any fiction in a long time in this forum, but I had a lot of fun reading it! Although it was mainly focused on the dialogues and interactions between Mayu and Yuki, I think it's amazing that you were able to execute them in a way that you didn't need many details to deliver it. That's a huge deal in writing. I remember one of my betas told me that "so long as you have a strong voice, the fiction will be carried the way you want it to be carried."  You excelled in this.

Thanks for the read! Hope you're able to write more. I might stop by a bit more here and there with this thread when time permits. :deco:

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