My list for summer dramas so far, in order of importance.
Must watch:
LIFE (ep3) - school bullying, dark themes, i felt pain/scared when watching the end of ep3!
Tantei Gakuen Q (ep3) - watched the anime series. I'm a sucker for kid detective stuff.
Yamada Taro Monogatari (ep3) - lotsa funny and touching moments

Nobuta wo Produce (ep3) - hehe. No, I haven't watched it before. Maybe I'll do a nobuta-marathon and finish it coming weekend.

Good stuff. All Comedies :
Yama Onna Kabe Onna (ep3) - I'd choose Misaki any day.

Papa to Musume no Nanokakan (ep2) - You've turned my favourite drama girl into an old guy...
Hotaru no Hikari (ep1) - Guy and girl sharing one house = mess
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (ep3) - Too many cute guys in one drama, cannot compute~

and singing bit in ep3 is the funniest drama moment for me this year!)
To fill time:
Ushi ni Negai wo: Love & Farm (ep2) - Erika Toda milking cows. That's love right there.

Jotei (ep2) - She will rule the world...
Katagoshi no Koibito (ep2) - The relationship chart in this drama must be very complicated.
First Kiss (ep1) - The story feels like it was made in the 90's... e.g. the bro's

Haven't watched yet:
Juken no Kamisama
Jigoku no Sata mo Yome Shidai
Sakurasho no Onnatachi