Watched the first round of all the "big" shows this season except for Change, which I expect will be epic.
The good:
Last Friends, I fully expected this to bomb but it's actually got a lot of potential as long as the focus remains on the story and not the goofy streak in Eita's hair.
Puzzle, I'm a hopeless Satomi fanboy and a fan of mystery dramas, so it's basically impossible for me to hate this. It's a fun watch if you like her at all.
The bad:
Kimi Hannin Ja Nai, if you can't solve the "mystery" within (literally) the first ten minutes of this show then you've probably never seen a sleuthing drama before. It could overcome its predictability with some interesting characters, except there aren't any. Kaname Jun looks really uncomfortable in his role. Just a bad pilot all-around.
The boring:
Muri na Renai, targeting an older audience which in itself isn't bad, but the snail's pace makes it tough to sit through. The acting is okay and all, I just can't remember anything happening. Has a lot in common with Kekkon Dekinai Otoko, but it lacks the one ingredient that made that drama watchable: Hiroshi Abe.
Zettai Kareshi, I admit I couldn't make it to the end of the first ep, maybe it's a great a show for fans of the original but it's definitely not my thing.