2015 Summer early impressions.
must-watch:Death Note ep01-02 - OMG! Its
F'ing Death Note!!! 
Yeah. Story is the same. L is kinda just a cheeky dood... And Light isn't as cool... And Sano Hinako, hot as she may be, is definitely not friggin awesome Toda "MisaMisa☆" Erika.
BUT ITS DEATH NOTE! Give it a try! You know you want to.
Koinaka ep nothing - Yeah. It ain't even on yet! hahaha~
A summer highschool teen romance story with Honda Tsubasa AND Fukushi Sota. They'll like have to try
really hard to make me not love this!
Risk no Kamisama ep01-02 - A special department of an umbrella corporation, which reacts to "company emergencies 'n threats".
"Hanzawa Naoki/Roosevelt Game" feels all over it. Buncha scheming old men in suits. Battle to get the troublemaker who doesn't feel sorry at all for their selfish actions,
to cry like a baby and admit defeat.
Hey. Here's Toda Erika!
Tantei no Tantei ep01-02 - Sasaki Rena (Kitagawa Keiko) finds her younger sister murdered by a stalker, who then kills himself straight afterwards, even after their family and police tried hiding her from him.
She later finds out the stalker hired a private detective to find her sister's location. She then joins a detective agency, and after a few years becomes an
"anti-detective" detective, hoping to find the detective who led the stalker to her sister's death.
Action, suspense, plus a backstory with twists. And seeing Keiko's character handle all those threats (like a brawl with a guy planning a trap to drop her, or a car crash meant to murder her) then continuing work like they were just mosquito bites.
good:Hatsumori Bemars ep01 - Schoolgirls forming a new baseball team to save their local park from being razed.
Yeah. I'm watching it only cos of Nogizaka46 too.
Age Harrassment ep01-02 - Takei Emi. Newcomer to a big company. Young, pretty and motivated to show that she will work hard. Joins general affairs department which handles menial tasks like pouring tea all day, cleaning toilets, etc... becomes used more and more just for her looks by the men of the company, while causing her female colleagues to become jealous and threatened. It all leads to a lot of misunderstandings and tension in the workplace.
"Awful Joke" guy is pretty funny, I think everyone wants to punch his face.

A bad point is the other main character. Inamori Izumi who acts as Emi's Manager. She was typecast the
exact same type of character in Tatakau! Shoten Girl. I think she can do so much more, its a total waste.
Still, the types of different workplace harassment get played on all the characters, making it pretty interesting.
ok:Yokokuhan THE PAIN ep01 - mini-drama, from the movie, from the manga. A guy who puts on a newspaper mask. Goes online and informs the public of crimes that were not correctly punished by law, then letting the viewers judge. And if voted guilty, expose the criminal to everyone. A group which believes in this way of justice joins together to do the same.
Nice theme. But its a little too slow and boring for me.
Damn, Toda Erika is in a little of this too becoz of the movie... I was so going to skip it...
skip:Hotel Concierge ep01-02 - Nishiuchi Mariya as a Concierge on her first day. Learning the ropes, has a lot of heart, and fails a lot. Next to Miura Shohei who collectively handles everything like a pro, while letting her fail. Yeah. Seen a hundred of these shows. Not much of a hook.
And I think Shohei does cool/joking characters great, but not so much for cool-headed ones.
Dokonjyo Gaeru ep01 - Talking anime frog on a shirt. Acchan is in it. This is me watching it -->